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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13767541 No.13767541 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13767542


>> No.13767548

imagine being such a drone that you get enticed by corporate mascottes and silly advertising into giving a platform for this kind of shit food

>> No.13767553

thanks for ruining smashburger, possibly the only good fast food burger, flips
the patties can't be this small, you almost can't taste them

>> No.13767555

For you, it's the McChicken?

>> No.13767559

for me, it's making my own food

>> No.13767563

Ah yes. The best food I eat is usually my own.

>> No.13767573

it's cheaper, tastier and no underpaid and undermotivated greasy failure at life touches my food, apart from myself

>> No.13767575


>> No.13767582
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>> No.13767585

>no underpaid and undermotivated greasy failure at life touches my food
uh, you do

>> No.13767586
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that's what he gets for trying to fuck with the colonel's territory, this nigga owner has friends in high places.

>> No.13767587
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imagine if pag pag was the real culprit

>> No.13767600
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>> No.13767606

A reduction in market capitalization isn't a loss, a headline saying they lost 2 billion is written by a retarded blue haired problem glass wearing moron.

>> No.13767618
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>> No.13767638

Are comic books intended to make people gay or what?

>> No.13767656
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>> No.13767662


>> No.13767699

do a flip

>> No.13767802
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the noodle places they own in china look like they have some tasty food

>> No.13767804

>apart from myself
what is reading comprehension?

>> No.13767814
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>proactive stance on CV19 concerns

>> No.13767819

SmashBurger wasn't a bad buy. They just needed to help it expand into more markets, which for whatever reason they failed to do.

>> No.13767943
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>> No.13768037
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>The market is “under appreciating” the firm’s efforts to create wealth and a valuable brand, he added.
as always, wh*toids are beholden to their innate racism and aversion to anything "exotic"--anything that does not look like McDonalds must be cancerous.

>> No.13768041
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Jollibee is poverty food even by gook standards

>> No.13768048

Their aloha burger is pretty good. Really wish McDonalds had a Hawaiian burger or some sorts.

>> No.13768051

>Aliens write the names for popular food items

>> No.13768060

>beef tenders
what the fuck is that

>> No.13768063


>> No.13768066

>fried chicken
I'm sorry but KFC and Olive Garden are not my idea of anything "exotic"

>> No.13768198

so the takeaway from this isn't poor performance of jolibees flagship shops but the acquisition of failing american franchises smashburger and coffee bean & tea leaf co.

>> No.13768251

I never tried Jolibee but I trust your taste from the pic provided
Kobolds are for ___

>> No.13768268

>Kobolds are for ___

>> No.13768279

I agree that wh*te is cancer, but in this case it's because jollibee is shit like all fast food

>> No.13768326

T & L are dead in the water, SB reigns with Peets and the donut and fast food chains capturing the poorfag market.
I noticed a Smash Burger taking over a dead Gamestop store front in central valley cali, clever of the owners picking up on the similar logos

>> No.13768331

But really Smash Burger is picking out zones where they don't have to compete with In n' Out or even McDonalds.

>> No.13768334

Some of us have better things to do than slave over a fucking stove all day like a housewife.

>> No.13768364
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>tfw I work at Coffee Bean

>> No.13768453


>> No.13768455
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Too fucking bad, beetards.

>> No.13768511

Smashburger is garbage, it can't even compete with Burger King. By far the worst hamburger I've had for over $5

>> No.13768530

Clearly, you tried it after they bought them. They used to be the bomb dot com

>> No.13768544

I played through all of this, it's such a dumb VN, but is very fleshed out and plays to its theme.

>> No.13768711
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The Bee isn't immune to the shitymexicanbeer virus!

>> No.13768722

All the Smashburgers in my metro area closed down last year. GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE since they are over priced garbage.

>> No.13768729

>Jollibee acquired 40% of the company in 2015, 100% in 2018

it opened in my town around '14 or '15, so this makes sense.

>> No.13768765

I don't think he's talking about the food, but the fact the chain is from the Philipines

>> No.13768767

Can't read slant eye.
Can anyone translate?

>> No.13768822

very based post

>> No.13768839

good riddance, that shit is scrounged-from-a -dumpster tier.

>> No.13768847

didn't read the article, but I'm guessing they couldn't pay the rent in coastal cities by selling $2 plates of spaghetti.

>> No.13768852

Meaning: I'm a wageslave and have to resort to cheap fast food since good restaurants are not affordable
It's ok to be honest

>> No.13768858

most powerful race on earth btfo

>> No.13768869

It baffles me that Flips have somehow been brainwashed into thinking that Jollibee isn't shit, it's not even good by 3rd-world standards, it's basically the worst fried chicken in the Philippines

>> No.13769486

Jollibee basically focuses on the children or family-friendly meals. Since kids are dumb little fucks Jollibee would be the bestest thing in their life with the mascot and the crunchy fried chicken.

Teens and adults go to Mang Inasal which is another shithole.

>> No.13769501
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>> No.13769504

>chicken and egg combo
what the fuck is this? explain yourselves flipfags

>> No.13769526

Flips (and to a lesser extent the rest of South East Asia) serve eggs and rice as side dishes to basically every meal, similar to how most of Europe serves bread with every meal

>> No.13769555

gee, who would have thought that a company that unironically thought viral marketing in 4chan was a good idea was going to flop
I'm completely baffled

>> No.13769561
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people dont like flip food what a surprise its so good

>> No.13769565

yer i love me some long term storage milk and bastardized noodles

>> No.13769571

unironically looks disgusting shillon

>> No.13769584
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>> No.13769589
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>> No.13769595


How could anyone think a philipine fast food chain that serves mostly typical anerican fast food would make it inte US?
The food doesn't look good at all, not even on their menu pictures

>> No.13769613


>> No.13769962

Ever think its hilarious how as SOON as the person who isnt winning isnt a white/straight/male they usually bring up how the game is rigged against them? Its never the shitty food, its never the boring movie, its never the fact that you dont measure up... its cause "society" is never going to let you win against someone who is white, or straight, or male, or american, or whatever... The fact that this victim complex BS is used is all the more reason they deserve to fail.
I wonder if any white firms that have expanded in the east ever pull that shit. I wonder if pizza hut or mcdonalds ever used "anti-white sentiment" as an excuse for losing money... Probably not. It seems like its unique and exclusive to everyone who isnt a white straight male.

>> No.13769963

They did for awhile in the 80s... It was pulled cause it was seen as too catholic(Since you cant eat beef on friday or something... I dunno).

>> No.13769964

how is cooking yourself a meal in the evening slaving? you rather watch tv or something?

>> No.13769967
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reminds me of pic related

>> No.13769977
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>it's real

>> No.13769980

how can so much hate be contained in such a small cat?

>> No.13769996

>Mang Inasal

>> No.13769997
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gee I wonder why people wouldn't want to eat here, it makes no sense...

>> No.13770027

imagine ordering spaghetti and ketchup and thinking its filipino food

>> No.13770036
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>peaceful oat goblins

>> No.13770046
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Who looks at this menu and thinks
>hmmm i think ill have the two hotdogs with plain white rice and half a softboiled egg for dinner

>> No.13770085

Good fucking riddance. Their burgers were drowning in sauce and the branch I went to was severely understaffed.

>> No.13770093

Only flips actually like jollibee

>> No.13770119

Fucking mang inasal. flips eating like pigs and ordering like 5 cups of rice for their dry sad looking chicken. That's also owned by jollibee so I'm not surprised why it's shit.

>> No.13770145

if it was as cheap as it is in the philippines then you could get like 20 cheese burgers for 20 bucks

>> No.13770158
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>go to Jollibees
>have my soul ripped out

>> No.13770163
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>literally says Breakfast Joys
like how can you not fucking read

>> No.13770183


Filipinos have an incredibly difficult time understanding that nobody else really likes their food.
Like, Filipino food is simultaneously one of the last popular cuisines in the world, but has the highest rating among their own people. They lack any kind of self awareness. Which in some ways is quite commendable since being a self deprecating oatshit is kind of annoying, but still.

They literally DID get too cocky.

>> No.13770222

>Post ending in 56
>Brown qt in the back
Dang dude... So there's this qt brown girl at the restaurant I work out that really likes me...

>> No.13770247
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Ok ill give you that, I only skimmed it, but that doesn't make it any better.

>> No.13770259

i dont even know any examples of 'real' flip food apart from chicken adobo or what is it called and lumpias

>> No.13770264

Could have worked if it had a proper rice dish, instead of cupped as a side to every single dish.
I don't get how it would have gotten foothold, exactly because of that.
Because there is a entire ocean between the burger & chicken offers, and the other dishes.

>> No.13770276

>its somehow the whiteys fault that jollibee food looks disgusting and probably also is

>> No.13770314
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Wendy's also created a Tabletop RPG you can play



>> No.13770331

>hotdogs for breakfast
you can't win

>> No.13770369
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of course

>> No.13770378

For such garbage tier junk food, it's wayyyy overpriced.

At least jack-in-the box knows it's place as shit food and doesn't try to be what it's not.

>> No.13770384

>Big Yum

More like Big Cum, amirite LMAO

>> No.13770405

What a fucking ridiculous commercial... Tim hortons does the same shit in Canada too, and its so embarrassing. These companies act like they're a part of the culture of the community, and it might appeal to the dumbest, fattest, laziest fucks who watch that, but i'd like to think the other 90% of the population resents it for trying to make it appear like it has a more significant impact on their lives.
No one is getting married cause they ordered the same thing at tims or jollybee... Both of you fucking companies are flooded with cheap filipino labour(seriously, all the tims in my area are staffed by filipinos or sri lankans) and are devoid of culture, or social value. Its just flash forzen chunks of fat and salt re-heated and jammed down the throats of fat idiots who are too lazy to make their own food, and lack enough taste to go to somewhere better(And just about anything is better. Mcdonalds is even better!)

>> No.13770415
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>> No.13770576

You telling me Americans don't want fast food spaghetti?

>> No.13770594

Freaking based

>> No.13770616

lol got em

>> No.13770621

their food fucking sucks, no clue how they got so far, but obviously american pallet won't accept that level of garbage

>> No.13770638

>those slo mo cuts of them eating and laughing
my man went on a GTA:SA date

>> No.13770651

it's just roasted pig anyway, but they seem to be pretty proud of it and it sounds tasty

>> No.13770657
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>> No.13770661

>Jollishit thread
>100 posts and no erotic copypasta
They really are dead.

>> No.13770664

>imagine producing such atrotious slop that not even americans would eat it
what the hell are flips thinking?

>> No.13770674

well apparently that's a ripoff from spain. And lumpia seems to be a ripoff from the chinese. Don't they have any original foods?

>> No.13770897
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Filipino cuisine

>> No.13771082

Fa/tg/uy here, the Wendy's tabletop RPG is not well designed. It's funny for about a minute, but it lacks any real depth that even the most basic tabletop RPGs have. Plus the adventures included are absolutely terrible and railroad the players super hard. At least it's free, because you'll play it maybe once before getting bored with it.

>> No.13771083

this place sucks

>> No.13771190

>469 pesos for 8 pieces of Chicken
>converts to fucking 10 dollars

KFC I think is like 25 dollars, no fucking wonder its' popular, it's dirty cheap there.

>> No.13771220

It's basically the fast food version of an RPG. Like somebody looked at 4e and asked "how can I make this even more retardproof?".

>> No.13771776

more of a parody of RPGs in the hopes of some livestreamers pick it up to meme it

>> No.13771795

flip here, jollibee is overpriced as fuck. I only ate it a couple times out of nostalgia but lol those fucking prices
also doesn't even have shanghai rolls or the hotdog etc etc. People dont actually buy jollibee for the chicken in philippines

>> No.13771870
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They seem proud of all their bullshit cooking. My theory is that they are so poor, they are lucky to have anything, so they basically worship the goddamn food.
Here in the US, we might spend 2% of our income on food, and its top notch foods. Its almost negligible compared to other costs. Filipinos spend probably 50% of their income on food, and a lot of it is crap we would throw away. I'm guessing they are just thankful to be eating anything at all, so they take great pride in it.

>> No.13772115

takes 15 minutes to prep a pizza and then 15 mins of sitting on your ass while it cooks

nothing takes very long to cook


>> No.13772145
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>the patties can't be this small, you almost can't taste them
Not sure why you'd go to Jollibee for burgers. They have amazing chicken and I feel like it's more of a chicken place.

>> No.13772154

>eating pizza on a regular basis
some of us are trying to be healthy. Something like Jollibee is supposed to be a treat. Not something you'd eat every day.

>> No.13772160

Pretty sure balut is their thing.

>> No.13772166

translation: i eat frozen dinners nightly

>> No.13772172

i never made mention of regularities nor irregularities. i was just naming something that many people would consider time consuming/ a pain in the ass to cook.

now; do kill yourself. thusly. i have speaken.

>> No.13772208


>What if KFC installed rice cookers at every location?

Checkmate Flips

>> No.13772213

I like how a lot of these look. Would eat.

>> No.13772217


That is literally poverty tier, you cannot deny it.

>> No.13772262

I blame Mad Men for turning every marketting exec into a wannabe Don Draper trying to tug at the heartstrings of consumers with their commercials, you can only do that so many times before it becomes a cliche, especially when it's bottom of the barrel companies like this trying to act like a cultural cornerstone.

>> No.13772276
File: 505 KB, 702x546, aloha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Amazing Aloha? That's that Haiwaian Burger right? I hear that's a tasty burger, I ain't ever had one myself, how are they?"

>> No.13772537

>Approximately Toffee Nubs
>"Approximately Foods! We're close enough"

>> No.13772561

Old Spice's Pathfinder content was much more viable while also being more shitposty.

https://drive.. google .com/file/d/1mqawllBh142wrtTUuKtR5zpKHo0as6Ik/view

>> No.13772590

flip-american here (legally, ok). Unironically seething rn since they've delayed construction at the Jollibee in San Antonio

it's not fair bros

>> No.13772896

It'd still be infinitely better to get like 15 McDoubles for $20

>> No.13772902

>Filipinos have an incredibly difficult time understanding that nobody else really likes their food.

Very true, however I'm pretty sure they thought American Jollibee would still be relatively successful if they opened them in areas with lots of flip-Americans like San Mateo

>> No.13772904

Why are you describing your penis in this thread?

>> No.13772918

Staple foods like rice are pretty affordable in the Philippines, even the poorest people don't starve on the street like in Africa. Also a rule most of Manila isn't much more slummy than your average Mexican city, it's just that they stuff like 10 people into a three-bedroom house/apartment (just like Mexico). In general there's a reason they call the Philippines the Mexico of Asia, it's a very accurate comparison. The Philippines is pretty third-world but it's nowhere near as bad as India or Africa

>> No.13772923

>amazing chicken

Shit tier bait, even flips don't think the chicken there is anything more than mediocre

>> No.13773334

Same, just moved to San Antonio from Houston and I already miss the jollibee

>> No.13774019

literally who

>> No.13774169
File: 209 KB, 946x2048, 4DB01F0F-5DEE-41BC-B3E7-929CFF71A538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are supposed to be 9-10/10 flips
lmao wtf

>> No.13774193

who the fuck cares lmao
imagine playing games in your brain boomer

>> No.13774586

The Baconator looks OP as fuck

>> No.13774595
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>> No.13775872

who dat

>> No.13775879


Whaaaaaaaat? You mean people don't want to eat at a place with ketchup spaghetti and mushroom gravy hamburger patties when they feel like fried chicken? How odd!

>> No.13775881


mediocore chicken is amazing compared to KFC and most Popeyes (the ones run by minorities)

>> No.13775902


this is physically painful to see how pathetic the guy is, and to think that someone thought this was a good idea (i.e. 90% of all flip girls that watch filipino channel telesarios or however they're called)

>> No.13775908
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>> No.13775939
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k imma search for her panty shots now

>> No.13775961
File: 341 KB, 1366x2048, 864B7669-AF2F-43CA-82A0-579B67C362B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share when u find it (u wont)

>> No.13775972
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let me know how it goes brother

>> No.13776019
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Fast food as a whole is dying, and anyone trying to expand it is shortsighted. I'm 30 and I can't think of a single fast food product I wouldn't rather make at home now. I even rather go to the hot food section in my Shoprite.

You have to go with an image like Chipotle where I see everything being prepared 3 feet away from me.

The rice pucks are a little disconcerting.

I'd seriously consider suicide if this is what I had to look forward to for lunch.

>> No.13776226

where's their food service gloves if this is so?

>> No.13776685

Sbarro says otherwise. Then again, >>13769561 and >>13769997 make Sbarro look like something you would eat at a Michelin 5-star restaurant in Sicily

>> No.13777664
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but not as tasty, friendo
the cheesiest, meatiest spag in the world

>> No.13778043

Who hurt you?

>> No.13778092

I still don't get what their parade dish is, e.g. the moneymaker. Everything looks aggressively mediocre.

>> No.13778127

It's that fried chicken thigh and leg quarter with white rice, apparently they can't get enough of it.

>> No.13778143

Two piece spicy Chickenjoy with extra rice and upgrade to pineapple juice.

>> No.13778294

Flips have never really been their own country to be fair. They're pretty much been passed around by different occupying/colonial powers for centuries, so can only poorly imitate other cultures.
It's not like they're the only ones like this, if you look at most sub saharan african countries.

>> No.13778303

if that's their best then it's fucking depressing

>> No.13778414

6 months after opening, the location in my city is still packed with flips who probably drive halfway across town to eat there. I still have to eat in my car because there's no picnic tables on the grounds and I don't eat fried chicken at a bench with strangers.

>> No.13778521
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The only semblance of Pinoy Pride

>> No.13778653

right? they haven't even truly expanded in the US IMO

>> No.13779901

Nooo jolibros nooo
Repeat after me

>> No.13780027

fuck do you think the Philippines is, buddy? No shit

>> No.13780052

All KFC's here where i live serve their chicken with rice

>> No.13780067

I like how you can get bugers and chicken wing and even rice. I dont like the noodles. Also I forgot they were in America

>> No.13780076

The only appeal i see here is that the Yum costs 59 cents apiece, if the pricing is the same
I could throw down on a dozen of those with a drink for 7 bucks, which sounds vaguely appealing

>> No.13780834

it more of a Pinoy Church/Gathering place than a fast food restaurant

>> No.13780856
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>> No.13780907

Imagine if Jollibees are actually places where the Filipinos plotted to overthrow their masters like the coffeehouses of France and England.