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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13789419 No.13789419 [Reply] [Original]

noooooo I just got Panera+

>> No.13789452

What is Panera+? Some sort of new fangled Panera spinoff?

>> No.13789467

Unlimited coffee for $9/month

>> No.13789493

So what happens to all the restaurant/bar wagies?

>> No.13789501

They're not paid for the time off, if that's what you're wondering

>> No.13789507
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same thing happening all over the us already.

they are up shit creek as they stay home without pay and lose their cars and apartments

hell my power company sent out letters about how they wont be shutting down power for no payment because of the pandemic,

i live in fucking montana but there is now confirmed cases here as well.

luckily i work from home already so im not getting fucked

>> No.13789510

also side note i forgot to add.

those people are gonna be fucked after the pandemic is over and they owe 5 months of back pay on their electric bill lol

>> No.13789518
File: 98 KB, 600x500, deebly goncerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems way more damaging to society than some old people dying, but what the h*ck do I know.

>> No.13789521

>land of the free

>> No.13789535
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> The state is working with restaurant owners and food delivery services to see if kitchens can safely remain open for delivery and pick-up options. Drive-thru windows and curbside pick-up will remain open.

>“I know it will be hard on small businesses,” he said. “I tried to appeal to everyone’s good judgment to avoid bars and not to congregate, but unfortunately many did not take that seriously ... The time for persuasion and public appeals is over. This is not a joke. No one is immune to this.”

boy do I love my billionaire democratic governor

>> No.13789543

>>“I know it will be hard on small businesses,” he said. “I tried to appeal to everyone’s good judgment to avoid bars and not to congregate, but unfortunately many did not take that seriously ... The time for persuasion and public appeals is over. This is not a joke. No one is immune to this.”
God what a fucking faggot. Hope one of these wagies ends up stringing him over a lamppost.

>> No.13789545

I hope you get pneumonia

>> No.13789546

You too. :)

>> No.13789555

probably saw all the posts on social media from people being fucking idiots and going out to bars and shit the last few nights. you can't trust the general public to listen to warnings like this, even in a crisis

>> No.13789560

Hey... this might be a good time to stop being an alcoholic.

Thanks Coronavirus-Chan! I'm going to start tonight by only having 6 shots instead of 8.

>> No.13789659

No shit.

>> No.13790180

Drinker and smoker here, think it’s a good time to reduce/stop. Would suck to die from heart attack from fully stopping both.

>> No.13790285

You still have to go out to get food

All it takes is someone sneezing on the box of cheerios or produce and you're fucked

>> No.13790292 [DELETED] 
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Does anybody actually personally know ANYONE who has gotten the coronavirus? Yeah didn't think so.

>> No.13790295

It is a good idea to taper off. If you are hospitalized and you are unable to communicate you are an alcoholic, you could suffer severe complications from withdrawal.

>> No.13790300
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>> No.13790301

Another anon here.
I go out wearing a mask/ goggles/ gloves.
I dunk all packages in a 1part bleach to 10 parts water.
I leave them for a few days.

>> No.13790312

Ohio anon here, the boomers are clapping like retards at DeWine for shutting the restaurants and bars.

Of course the few restaurants the stay open for delivery will only need a skeleton kitchen crew, everyone else is fucked.
Bills still gotta be paid, but now all those people are unemployed. Shits fucked.

>> No.13790313

Same just happened in Massachusetts

>> No.13790359

California too

>> No.13790363

What about inside the package.

Imagine if someone at the factory had it. All the food is infected.

Unless you had a stockpile of nonperishable food from the beginning of the year that can still last you until at least May, you're done.

>> No.13790370

this overreaction is fucking nuts

>> No.13790378

I completely agree, Safty is important and all yes but this is silly, thankfully it won't last TOO long

>> No.13790491

It’s a liberal hoax. The virus is fucking nothing but they’re forcing businesses and the stock market to crash in an effort to hurt Trump’s chances of re-election.

>> No.13790495

But what about the European countries?

>> No.13790508

86D Connect Four XD
Don't reply to obvious trolls please, this is the cooking board

>> No.13790512

well I don't get it. I mean if people weren't going to those places because of the personal appeal, those people would still be out of money being sent home/not getting tips. He's being dumb, the ban has the same effect

>> No.13790514

Ah right, ignore all off topic posts

>> No.13790517

They’re in on it and hate Trump, too.

>> No.13790522

A complete lock down and quarantine was needed for many countries including America weeks ago.

>> No.13790529

the saying about pandemics is that measures taken beforehand seem alarmist and in hindsight seemed woefully inadequate

>> No.13790554

>Switzerland fucks the world over through shitty banking practices that caused them to lose everybody's money, and now businesses can't afford employees for a while until the banks transition away from the swisstards while Muhammad's swear an terrorism everywhere.
>world blames coronavirus (a virus that isn't as widespread as many others).

>> No.13790564

>mike dewine

stay uninformed, magatard

>> No.13790586

this ain't the bubonic plague bro. are we burning bodies in the street or some shit? do you even know anybody who died? anybody who even caught the damn thing?

>> No.13790620

It's heading that way perhaps. Italy is making the decision whether or not to let people over 80 just die. How's that retirement in Palermo, gramps?

>> No.13790625

Iran is digging mass graves, not even joking

>> No.13790628

>boomers yet again ruining their children’s lives because they are afraid of flu 2.0
Another awesome day in the good ol US of A

>> No.13790648

this stupid god damn flu wouldn't have been more than footnote in the entirety of human civilization until the last decade and society is teetering because of it lol

soft ass coddled niggers that never had a bad thing in their life happen so this is what you get

>> No.13790654

too braindead to think beyond stage one of their rationale like most people. safety first, safety at all cost, yaaay!

>> No.13790659

My place will not have any dining in but we can still do deliveries. I think our servers are going to be driving instead of waiting.

>> No.13790663

>still thinking it's "just the flu bro"

>> No.13790672

Yeah, I think if restaurants can do it, they probably will try to switch to delivery over just closing down. The novelty of this situation is going wear off fast, the stupid panic buyers will get tired of eating the mountains of canned beans they bought because they don't how to cook anything and are going to want some actual good food regardless of risk.

>> No.13790679

That's because their healthcare system wasn't actually designed to provide healthcare when needed. Europe's healthcare was designed to tax the dipshits and occasionally give treatment to those who have paid a secondary premium. It was never meant to be able to handle healthcare when needed.

>> No.13790682

>still thinks that that it's not actually

CNN even pretended that it was an epidemic before the who claimed that it was.

>> No.13790684

I remember them saying they aren't doing that
Because if everyone fucking loses power there is no US anymore

>> No.13790696

>literally let in chinese that escape the quarantine a month back
>this shit happen

>> No.13790700

they're not going to allow power companies to have autism and shut off power for faggot wagecucks that can't pay bills. the public backlash would be a nightmare. the second the public's life really gets hurt by this and not just some minor inconvenience to babble about as a conversation piece is the second the hysteria will die off and people will look at this more rationally

>> No.13790704

>"alright FUCKERS if you won't listen to me then i'll FORCE you to"
i don't know sounds pretty cool to me.