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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13993429 No.13993429 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 500 calories for their $1 sandwich
For what fucking purpose?

>> No.13993436

Because 'Merrica.

>> No.13993531

Because it tastes good. That's all that matters.

>> No.13993548

>For what fucking purpose?
That's a great fucking buy for a poor person, that's why. Same for the McDouble.

>> No.13993550

Do you want to get less calories for the same amount of money or something?
It's two biscuits and a sausage patty, the fuck you expect?

>> No.13993552

It's a biscuit and fatty meat sandwich. Also the biscuits are supposed to be brushed with butter after they come out.

>> No.13993563

>two biscuits

dumbass its one cut in half.

>> No.13993617

It’s shit like that that honestly makes it impossible to reliably lose weight for most people. Fast food and eating out should be, at max, 2 meals a week. Everything else should be cooked at home, and with practice you can make tastier, less calorie dense food at home than what you would order out.

A chicken biscuit with some of that honey roasted bbq sauce and those tater tots is tasty, but doesn’t fill me up like steel cut oats with brownsugar, banana, and a small dollop of peanut butter

>> No.13993624
File: 53 KB, 500x567, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get mine with big mac sauce and pickles

>> No.13993646

Pretty good cost to calorie ratio.

>> No.13993661

im 6'4" so i need more calories. based of mcdonalds desu. are you a calorieintakelet?

>> No.13993721

Not him but my morning shuffle during college was 1 or 2 of these with a medium hazelnut iced coffee
I'd schedule early morning classes specifically to roll up to McDonalds just as the biscuits came out of the oven

>> No.13993723

What's the calories on that oats mashup? Also got any more? I just moved out and got down to only eating out once a week

>> No.13993729

it's crazy how fast food sausage is 200 more calories than the bacon versions
must be a solid chunk of fat

>> No.13993730

Watch "Fat Head," your premise is built on the low fat myth.

>> No.13993736

Only tastelets think homecooked will approach mass market without giving up all the nutritional advantages of not being thirty percent salted butter by weight.

>> No.13993743

dude just force yourself to count calories using fast food so you can make bank on a documentary. that will totally work for me too!!

(some fast food is pretty based diet food but not sausage biscuits that's for sure)

>> No.13993744

>1500 calories for a large double quarter pounder with cheese combo
Who the fuck eats this garbage? That's literally a day+ of calories in a single meal

>> No.13993748
File: 9 KB, 300x171, h-mcdonalds-Double-Quarter-Pounder-with-Cheese-Extra-Value-Meals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest.
Would you?

>> No.13993779

460 x 3 = 1380
Dude that's not even a third of a normal person's TDEE. 460 kcal for breakfast is perfectly acceptable.
I think you need to go post this on mumsnet

>> No.13993790

bro that's a snack item

you don't just eat one for breakfast that's the point

it's not filling enough to be a breakfast

>> No.13993791

This is their ONE DOLLAR sandwich. Combo with a real item and drink and you're pushing 800+

>> No.13993795

>1500 calories
>literally a day+ of calories

>> No.13993797

Tastes good, and if you aren't munching down on snacks all day like a fatass a 500 cal breakfast is fine.

>> No.13993798

1450 is literally what I'm eating right now to not gain weight. 5'4 no muscle sedentary. However, for a 6'0 male that is active, you'd be accurate. It IS objectively a lot of calories for breakfast, in my opinion, but I don't think it is negative. What kind of retard would be ANGRY at getting more calories for less money?

>> No.13993799


I think you mean scone.

>> No.13993803

....and at 460 kcal that's perfectly fine.
Jesus, you guys are fucking dumb

>> No.13993813

listen dumbass, it's called calorie density
if you eat tiny dense sandwiches like that you'll get fat

>> No.13993814

>460 calorie snack
How fat are you?

>> No.13993815

>website doesn't show price
>I just tell my mom to get me what looks tasty
>had no idea of the great value of this sammich
sasuga fast food industry...

>> No.13993823

I never said it was a snack, how fucking stupid are you?
A 460 kcal breakfast is fine. A 460 kcal item as part of larger breakfast is also fine.

>> No.13993839

They could literally end starvation in africa with those prices. Save millions of children each year.

>> No.13993865

>Save millions of children each year.

And then bring half of them to Europe so that economic growth can be sustained. This is more important than ever due to the Trump Flu.

>> No.13993868

>It IS objectively a lot of calories for breakfast
It's still less than one third of your own intake which you yourself are admitting is relatively low, it's pretty much exactly what someone eating as much as you do could be expected to have for breakfast, not "a lot"

>> No.13993874

>not saving the majority of your calories for lunch and having multiple healthy snacks throughout the day
Guess how I know you are overweight

>> No.13993877

I was thinking use them as free labor (slaves) in cobalt mines.

>> No.13993878

I'm 6' 150 lbs and active, I just eat three relatively balanced meals a day and never really feel like having snacks. Nice try though.

>> No.13993883

how do you find the prices of fast food items
which food app shows the prices before taxes/fees

>> No.13993936

>1.5k Cals is a day plus
Unless you’re a woman that’s below what I normal male should eat.

>> No.13993942

>saving the majority of your calories for lunch and having multiple healthy snacks throughout the day
Guess how I know you can't figure out why you're fat as fuck

>> No.13993951

Gotta eat big to get big
Bet you never even had 3 scoops

>> No.13994019

Affordable sustenance

>> No.13994043

it's why americans are so fat, they eating nothing but calorie dense processed foods with no fiber. i used to be somewhat overweight during adolescence because i ate tasty foods that werent filling but now i find it hard to gain weight because i just eat whole based foods and lots of protein.

>> No.13994048

WYM? I'm literally just saying what keeps me fit, after growing up obese and relying on the 3-meal system. I guess everybody is different. I'm still right though, as I am the best

>> No.13994049

How is that a sausage?

>> No.13994050

you could survive off two of those and a soda a day

>> No.13994052

does that mean for $4 i could get my daily calorie intake for the entire day?

>> No.13994055

You could but you would be feeling constantly hungry because it's so tiny and you fart it out in 30 minutes.

>> No.13994072

fat is the most filling thing you can eat, that shit must be 40%

>> No.13994087

calorie:dollar ratio is probably the most important factor in fast food

>> No.13994094

>1500 calories
that's just over half a day for an adult male. And if you only eat 2 meals a day like a responsible person and don't snack/dessert that's really not that bad. Just don't drink soda with it and you'll be dine.

>> No.13994144

>fat is the most filling thing you can eat
proven false for decades but whatever

>> No.13994153

Corporatism is more efficient at feeding the poor than socialism. Big think.

>> No.13994157

To feed the poor. Why are you bitching about efficient calorific intake.

>> No.13994160

>It’s shit like that that honestly makes it impossible to reliably lose weight for most people.
Yes, it's almost like they have a gun to their head.

>> No.13994165

>proven false for decades
yeah, just dont link anything, i guess we will never know who or how proved it wrong

>> No.13994382

waste of time
if you're a ketard you believe any pseudoscience headline

>> No.13994433

dude, fat molecules are bigger than others and more complext to process by your body
thats why people projectile vomit after drinking a glass of cream, thats why you feel really sick if you eat a lot of buttery food in one sitting, just try to swallow a spoon of oil

>> No.13994649

except its not

>> No.13994655

learn to cook

>> No.13994666

Traditional biscuits are what, 1/3 butter by weight? Butter is 8-9kcal/g so no surprise there.

>> No.13994675

500 calories for one dollar?! THATS A GOOD DEAL! just split it in half and eat one half in the morning and the other in the after noon, need vitamins? take some multivitamins supplements

>> No.13994700

Fat Head isn't a flawless documentary. For one thing, his suggestion that America isn't facing an obesity epidemic is silly.
Supersize Me is trash and deserved to get dunked on, but Naughton gilded the lily.

>> No.13995428

You make me feel fat I'm 183 lbs 6.1

>> No.13995490

>be me
>under weight because hate eating too much
>see this
>eat because small with a lot of calories
>worth the diarrhea

>> No.13995532

>vitamin supplements

>> No.13995569

>Living on a diet of McDonald's and vitamin pills.
I can't think of a more grim existence.

>> No.13995871
File: 104 KB, 728x724, 1585739534607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living on a diet of McDonald's and vitamin pills.
sounds incredibly /comfy/ to me

>> No.13995908

Imagine your organs eating 4 McMuffins per day.

>> No.13995924

One of these and a coffee after a huge workout is kino. It’s the only thing I really ever want to eat from McDonald’s.

>> No.13995926

if you're a day laborer that's literally not a problem

>> No.13995932

Only Mexicans and Romanians are day laborers now.

>> No.13996898

I assume you were an adult male.... 5'4" lolol

>> No.13996927

manlet or femanon? On a day where I'm moderately active I burn at least 3000 calories. 800 for a buck and change is a fine deal.

>> No.13996967


I don't know what it is about fast food, I used to be addicted. My staples were mcgriddres. Also loved taco bell ate it almost every day.

After college I got into /fit/ and pretty much went over a year eating strict clean, cooking my food, eating mostly food I made myself. Then got stranded at an airport once where the only thing to eat was mcdonalds and it tasted like cardboard. And not like "it tastes like shit" kind a way, literally it was bland and cardboard like. Not sure why I loved it so much before.

There is something they do to those things...

>> No.13996988

biscuits are one of those things where you just have to accept that they're horrible for you, good biscuits have a fuck ton of butter by their very definition. just don't eat 'em too often and you're fine.

>> No.13996998
File: 51 KB, 240x232, 1570900220084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could realistically eat for $5/day on these things. Poorfags liberated.

>> No.13997007

wawa makes a similar sandwich and would occasionally sell two sausage cheese and biscuit sandwiches and two coffees for $4 when i was in college, lived on that shit when i was dead fucking broke

>> No.13997116

Or you could make a bigass pot of stew and eat even cheaper and infinitely healthier.

>> No.13997347

Yall acting like you HAVE to get the combo or you're going to start by lunch time. And who drinks soda for breakfast? Coffee is nearly zero calories, or just a bit of lower calorie juice.A breakfast sandwich like that is totally filling enough to last till lunch or even dinner unless you're some laborer who probably needs the calories anyway.

>> No.13997349

>Day+ of calories
What are you, some kind of woman/faggot?

>> No.13997356

And it could also be not nearly as tasty. Fast food places have scientists who minmax taste. They can't be beaten unless you go unhealthier than them. They have access to more and trade secret ingredients.

>> No.13997358

Oh you mean that shitty documentary filled with more pseudoscience and other woo woo bullshit than the original movie he was critiquing? I'm good thanks

>> No.13997595

If you can't make a tasty stew from cheap ingredients then you are a failure as a human and should rope yourself.

>> No.13997741

This is literally a manlet. Most grown men will be skeletons if they eat under 2k calories a day

>> No.13998453

Scones are for butter, jam, clotted cream, marmalade etc

Not sausages you cretins

>> No.13998605

that's a biscuit

>> No.13998625
File: 122 KB, 1107x449, 436136413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how this fucking thing has less calories than that.

>> No.13998640

the spicy chicken biscuit from chick fil a is the best fast food breakfast sandwich

>> No.13998667

>spicy food for breakfast

>> No.13998674

>biscuits for breakfast
southerners trying to make everyone fat
these things don't even taste good
just heavy greasy dough

>> No.13998704

Looks like its from EU, lots of brands serve the same item with different ingredients in EU and US. Soft drinks ecspecially

>> No.13998706

Mayo hands typed this post

>> No.13998717

Soy hands typed this post

>> No.13998724

The same hungry retard typed these gay-ass posts.

>> No.13998726

Im gay btw

>> No.13998735
File: 154 KB, 1164x480, 54135431634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, then explain why this thing has only 20kcal more than the other thing despite having basically double the fillings?

>> No.13998737

this anon knows

>> No.13998755

Fat has more calories than protein. There's no biscuit. If you remove fat, and replace it with protein, there's fewer calories.

>> No.13998759

I pick up McDonalds breakfast for an older relative once or twice a week and I swear, about 75% of the time the person ordering in front of me orders a fucking coke or mountain dew or some other shit. Could be 55 year old laborers or a 17 year old chick or a fat 30 year old mama with 6 kids. I live in a rural area and it is FUCKED up how frequently I hear people order soda for breakfast. That and it blows my mind how busy the McDs and Hardees across the street are. Fucking white trash morons who never learned how to cook. Jesus I tire of the local trash when I head into town.

That being said, McDonalds is kino breakfast for when on the road. Early morning, grab their 2 for $4 breakfast sandwich deal, whatever they're offering and just cruise around enjoying the crisp morning air and some good music while heading out for a hike or just to sight see.

>> No.13998777

I ate like 4 McDonald's breakfast sandwiches yesterday

>> No.13998798

Has a different biscuit, retard

>> No.13998804

hey that was quite rude

>> No.13998941
File: 69 KB, 550x550, img-20170524-101701-324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's McDonald's what do you expect if you want something more ridiculous look at local dinner food example a boot mill a breakfast sandwich served with hash browns, a fried egg, 1 to 3 meats, american cheese, served on a toasted bulkie roll

>> No.13998942


>> No.13998951

I'm going soon. What should I get?