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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 960x1280, ketel_one_vodka__28762.1526002752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14108305 No.14108305 [Reply] [Original]

Which would drown out this vodka best? Sprite, or Coke?

>> No.14108310

Take shots. Then you don't have to sip a shitty high school grade cocktail

>> No.14108314

This. Also, jannies need to allow al/ck/ threads again.

>> No.14108317

If I take it in shots, it's obvious to family that it's alcohol and not just soda

>> No.14108334

Juices for vodka. Alternatively, just mix it with club soda, a dash of agnostura bitters, and squeeze a lime or two. Don't mix Pepsi and Vodka. Unless you literally don't care and just want to get drunk, in which case just take a bunch of shots and chase it with grapefruit juice.

>> No.14108337

voddger is for bums

>> No.14108343

would apple juice work LMAO

>> No.14108344

Orange juice.

>> No.14108345

Orange juice or tonic

>> No.14108348

Sprite, the sourness masks the alcohol flavor
You have to be 18 to post here btw

>> No.14108353

Sure why not.

>> No.14108361

i am over 18, just live with my uncle and he isn't cool with me drinking around him

>> No.14108385

you are a stupid faggot and your uncle should kick your ass

>> No.14108408

*molest your ass*

>> No.14108413

Gatorade. It also keeps you hydrated so you won't get too bad of a hangover

>> No.14108417

Why would you buy Ketel One if you're just going to ruin it with sugar water?

>> No.14108885

Since no one posted many recommendations.

Many people consider most vodka very samey. At least thats the opinion I hear the most personally.

I like anything in a glass bottle personally.

A widely available and well liked, at least at the store I shop at is Titos. I enjoy it but its a little pricey for watered down alchohol.

Stolichnaya is an OG and a solid choice.

Tvarscki 100 is an old favorite mostly for price.

and goodness.. our dear friend popov isn't the worst if you can get it in glass.

my memories of Burnett's and Skyy are awful.

>> No.14108951

Why do so many people recommend Popov? Even for bottom shelf it's one of the worst.

>> No.14108955

the worse the better, thats how you choose a vodka

>> No.14108959

Ginger beer and lime

>> No.14108966

People buy cheap vodka because it's cheap, not because it tastes like shit.

>> No.14108970

Fruit juice. Soda doesn't seem to mix well with vodka aside from tonic, IMO.

>> No.14108985

Tonic water if it's just plain with ice, but regardless you may find citrus juices or wedges very very handy with the flavors

>> No.14108993

soak a tampon with it and put it in your ass

>> No.14108999
File: 36 KB, 720x492, 1569355795972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flavored soda water is great. Also Fruit juice or a carton of lemonade works great too.

>> No.14109001

you must be 18 or older to post on this site

>> No.14109009
File: 45 KB, 840x925, 1578447693463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't understand why people drink this kind of shit. I have more respect for Chuck drinking a 42 pack of Budweiser than someone who drinks terrible liquor to get shitfaced.

>> No.14109017

some people are high performers and need something efficient. chugging beers is for bums.

>> No.14109020

Ketel One is better than Bud in every possible way.

>> No.14109038

Most of the time when drinking throughout my college days my friends and I never picked a "favorite" kind of brand to buy. We just sort of threw caution to the wind and took whatever we saw in the store first. One time we picked Burnetts and that shit was the most disgusting liquid I think I've ever put into my body. Advising someone to not buy it might be the only piece of intelligent information I have ever seen on this board.

>> No.14109128

I want to get drunk faster than I could with beer

>> No.14109139

tonic is my go to

>> No.14109171


>> No.14109187


>> No.14109191

Smelly neet alcoholic bum here, can confirm. Vodka straight from the bottle or from a nalgene bottle in public

>> No.14109351

You drink alcohol to get drunk.
Drinking beer is soi shit

>> No.14109356

There are mixes specifically for vodka. Also try Ocean Spray cranapple.

>> No.14109374
File: 76 KB, 500x350, 76904-100pct-cranberry-juice-NFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only right answer. kills the bite of the alcohol and its only like 70 cal

>> No.14109402

Orange juice or fanta.

>> No.14109413

Yeah cranberry/vodka is the best drink. People will call you a fag, but it tastes great and makes you piss a lot which is fun.

>> No.14109455

>I respect faggots who obliterate their insides with beer to get a buzz
That's really gay

>> No.14109535

>ketel one
you already fucked up
for vodkas that have a strong and clean bite, mix whatever you want since you're a basic freshman bitch

for vodkas that are tasteless and oily- mix with any citrus juice and even at a 1:4 ratio the taste is imperceptible

>Stolichnaya is an OG and a solid choice.
nice troll

>> No.14109580

Sunkist is really good with vodka. I used to drink them a lot.
Sunkist and Capt morgan tastes just like an orange flintstones pushup pop. Not sure they make those anymore, or if anyone here would even remember them, but they were really good sherbert tubes.
Also, I second cranberry juice. But if your mixing I'd go with something cheaper, Smirnoff is actually really good..

>> No.14109607

what kind of ratio do you use for the unsweetened cranberry juice? I would think you'd have to water it down with ice or something since it's such a strong flavor

>> No.14109653

Sprite, or Sprite Cranberry if your area carries it.
Two shots + one can. Maybe some ice if you're a bitch who doesn't keep his vodka and Sprite ice cold.

>> No.14109658
File: 263 KB, 500x500, Dodatki-Warzywa_ogorkikiszone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange juice, or do it the slav way and chase it with a pickle. It's what my dad did during communism when all the vodka tasted like cleaning supplies.

>> No.14109668

If your vodka doesn't taste like floor cleaner, its too weak.
It should make you nervous that you might be poisoning yourself.

>> No.14109671

All vodka tastes like rubbing alcohol

>> No.14109684

I am an alcoholic. Vodka is my drink of choice. I mix it with just about literally anything . If I don't have anything to mix it with I just mix it with water and lemon juice.

Gotta wswitch the mixer up because if I drink the same shit over and over it wrecks havoc on my insides and makes me feel terrible.

>> No.14109690
File: 66 KB, 800x530, 130112_tatar_z_wolowiny_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything will do really, vodka goes well with every drink
yeah that's the traditional way to drink vodka here in Poland
any kind of pickled food will do, I like mushrooms and pickled herring
it also fits well with some dishes, like steak tartare

>> No.14109693

Depends what moods I'm in, I got some moonshine from there that's probably 60-70% alcohol so if I wanna get fucked I can.

Have you tried potato vodka? Luksusowa is pretty smooth, Zubrowka also has a really great aftertaste (and makes a interestingly flavored white Russian if you're into that sort of thing).

inb4 yes I'm biased.

>> No.14109696

i'd say (depending on preference) a 1:1-1:2 ratio. i usually top it off with some sparkling water and a lime wedge, or if you are lazy you can just use lime flavored sparking water. if that's too tart for you, you can add some orange juice instead of the sparkling water

>> No.14109699

Yeah I don't mind pickled herring, but I got really drunk one time and it really didn't end well for me so it brings back unpleasant memories.

>> No.14109706

neat, I usually just mix with the sweetened cranberry cocktail but I'll give it a shot next time I go shopping.

>> No.14109834

Sprite has a better taste, coke masks the booze better. The sky is the limit when it comes to booze mixed with soda.

>> No.14109842

Nah. They were shit threads. I wouldn't even be here today without them, and my life would be better if I had never been lured here.

>> No.14109893
File: 67 KB, 300x300, 1343168422705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcoholics pls help.
Last friday evening I started drinking with a mate. We went through a 0.7L od Vodka and half a case of beer. When we woke up we decided it would be a great idea to continue drinking. I haven't had a drink now since early sunday night but the hangover was bad. I'm still feeling it.

I simply don't feel like. At night I sweat bullets and I am tired as a motherfucker. At least I get to work from home so that helps.

>> No.14109938

I keep getting jaw pains after drinking. <200 mL a day here, so it's not a lot at this point, but it really smarts

>> No.14109977

>implying that coke can stand anywhere close to sprite as a vodka mixer

I've tried a lot of combinations and fountain sodas seem gross looking back. My standout picks for simple and drinkable vodka combos are:

>Tonic water with lime AND lemon juice

>Cranberry-raspberry juice.

Sounds weird I know, but ever since I accidentally bought it once while trying to get regular cranberry, I've always preferred it.

>> No.14110115

One of the best things to mask the wodka taste for me has been to just mix it with beer, just enough that you can hardly taste the vodka in there.

There isn't much you can do besides wait it out that I am aware of. I was continously drinking a couple of days last week, I stopped because I was increasingly feeling mentally unwell. Dry heaving, feeling like crawljng out of your skin, visual and audio distubrances, every little noise like there is a bomb going off next to you etc. Usually I keep like one day of being sober between each drinking session that keeps the physical dependency away but some times I just have bouts of being plastered the moment I am awake for days. Fun things is every time you do it the after effects get worse.

>> No.14110189

Soda water and a lime wedge

>> No.14110226

I drink beer because it's refreshing and I like the taste.
But if I'm trying to get drunk I'm going to get bloated and need to piss a lot.

But to sip a bottle of whisky, vodka, rum or whatever else gets me there in a good fashion.

>> No.14110255

vodka will get you drunk faster and more efficiently with several times less calories
what's so fun about having to drink 5 shitty watery beers that make you feel bloated because of all the carbonation just to get a bit of a buzz?

>> No.14110271
File: 32 KB, 480x574, 3q5vrse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use things that arent so acidic, when i was still an alcoholic i like do brew strong peppermint tea let i cool and use it as a mix. also drink more water to avoid kidney stones and watch out for the pancreas and not only the liver. Pancreatits almost hurts as bad as kidney stones.

>> No.14110278
File: 740 KB, 842x624, Annotation 2020-05-19 120013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, whats the perfect amount of vodka that you get the maxium buzz while not getting a hangover or destroy your body long term?

>> No.14110355

that varies greatly depending on your body weight and alcohol tolerance, but I guess drinking like 200 ml on an empty tomach, then drinking some isotonic drink for hydration would be optimal

>> No.14110380

Thing is, we don't have any respect for you or your opinion.

>> No.14110393

It's like you've never been hungover before at all. Do I need to explain it to you? Get out of here, underage. My gf drinks a vodka a day

>> No.14110398

Water it down with more vodka faggot.

>> No.14110467

>Maximum buzz
Different for everyone.
For me it's about 120ml/150ml. Much faster with soda water/soft drink.

>destroy your body long term
Don't drink.

>> No.14110551
File: 135 KB, 630x1080, Alcohol Uk Weekly Recommended Intake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy your body long term
>Don't drink.

As long as you don't drink more than pic related you'll be fine

>> No.14110576

It’s a neutral grain spirit lol there is zero character to it by definition. Only thing that dictates the flavor is the actual water used. God these people are so dumb

>> No.14110624

>It’s a neutral grain spirit lol
this is such a dumb meme, vodka is not just water and ethanol, there are always leftover impurities which can be either pleasant or unpleasant - if you blind taste test a few different vodkas you will see the difference
the premium stuff is often a ripoff, but the difference between even Tesco Value vodka and let's say Sobieski is quite large

>> No.14110655

25ml of a spirit isn't even half the amount of alcohol as the wines and beers. 500ml beer with 5% equals 60ml of a 40% spirit.

>> No.14110667

that's why there are more shot glasses

>> No.14110693

Oops. Thought they meant the specific amount per day, which would be easier to understand imo.

>> No.14110732


Probably Sprite.

>> No.14110857

Buzz amount depends on how you’re drinking it, for me is three White Russians, or a 120-150ml glass (with ice)

As to how not to get hungover with vodka... drink some pickle juice in the morning or accompany the Vodka with two glasses of water and some salty crackers

>> No.14110910

vodka with soda and bitters actually tastes good.

>> No.14110953

The best way to drink hard booze without tasting it is to do the following:

1. Inhale deeply

2. Take your shot

3. Take a sip of your chaser (anything works, but you can even use water for this)

4. Exhale after swallowing

Always works, did this during high school. Still works as an adult when drinking shitty booze.

>> No.14110983

fuck yeah, apple juice or lemon soda is my go to for vodka.

>> No.14111294

What's bad about Ketel One? What should I be making White Russians with?

>> No.14111297

Believe it or not ive grown fond of the taste of vodka

>> No.14111305
File: 29 KB, 550x309, Russian Anime Girl Looking Out Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you russian?

>> No.14111318

I just blended up some citrus fruit and add sugar.
But I don't have anything else to add rn.

>> No.14111321


>> No.14111327

good quality chilled vodka doesn't actually taste bad, it's just that many people associate that taste with that one time they got completely wasted and vomited everywhere so they start to find it disgusting

>> No.14111330

Very important to take out the seeds if you do this, they ruin the taste.

>> No.14111340

chilled vodka shots are quite satisfying, the thick oily mouthfeel and the feeling of inhaling raw power that doesn't burn but warms you from the inside is nice
goes great with some snacks too

>> No.14111344
File: 41 KB, 683x1024, Squirt_Grapefruit-5112seEZX1L._SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of those two for vodka, use Squirt the grapefruit soda.

>> No.14111983

let me guess, you were never invited at parties when you were young

>> No.14111995

never tried vodka redbull?
also with lemon syrup, you don't even taste the alcohol, it's kinda dangerous.

>> No.14111999

Try yourself an in and out martini with something like Goose or Belvedere. Since I'm assuming bars aren't open around you, pour a tiny bit of dry vermouth into a chilled martini glass, swirl it around for a bit, then dump it. Stir some vodka over ice and strain it into your glass. Garnish with an olive or run a lemon twist around the interior rim of the glass if you want.

>> No.14112005

so without the redbull.
lemon syrup + water + vodka, you dont taste the vodka.

>> No.14112018

Sounds like you've got some sort of deficiency or did some damage. That's not a lot of vodka and beer to be causing that.

Take B-series vitamin, eat a banana, and switch to low sodium and low fat foods for a few days to let your pancreas rest? You do drink water right?

>> No.14112028

Vodka goes with Sprite and Coke goes with Rum. Those are my rules.

>> No.14112172

gf is coming over soon, she wants a good tequila, what's a good recommendation, price isn't necessary but if possible I'd like to stay around $30-40

>> No.14112401

Sprite actually isn’t terrible with vodka, but coke sounds terrible. There are better mixers but if those are your only choices you gotta go with sprite or drink it straight.

>> No.14112534
File: 58 KB, 279x500, 29B799E8-7582-4BBB-9BA8-31A7303CE0BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 1800 Silver for the price. Usually around $30 for a 750 ml

>> No.14113769

Just pour over ice, tastes like water

>> No.14113840

Al/ck/ threads were banned because nobody talked about alcohol in them, they only talked about being alcoholics.

>> No.14113848

Tres Agave, and if they don't have that, Milagro Silver. These are both much better than 1800, and will only run you like $20-25 per bottle.

>> No.14113881

>My gf drinks a vodka a day

you're dating human garbage

>> No.14113927

>coke with vodka
Geeze Louise

>> No.14114597

Decent rules. Vodka also goes well with most juices.