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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 1280x720, badlandsChugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14148165 No.14148165 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14148209

He seems like such a jolly negro too
Chugging that fast is a neat talent, but fuck dude that's a lot of soda.

>> No.14148354

Big deal, 75% of this board is killing themselves.

>> No.14148361

Yes. Yes we are.

>> No.14148364

Is he one of the good ones?

>> No.14148377
File: 183 KB, 584x870, healthy-seed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. Yes we are.
Based and eugenics-pilled.

>> No.14148414
File: 44 KB, 160x213, eeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>230 grams of added sugar.
>850 calories.

Most sources recommend only 40 grams of added sugar be consumed at most in one day.
I feel like garbage after drinking one full soda, this guy's veins must feel like syrup after one of these.

>> No.14148605
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1461199625657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, dude seems like a cool guy but he pretty much is going to die if he doesn't make changes. Recently I've actually started losing significant weight from years of being a fat fuck but I'm not going to pretend that other fatties are going to actually make it to be honest. Shit, as positive as I am at the moment I wouldn't be surprised if I fuck up and go back to my old ways but all you can really do is move forward and hope for the best.

>> No.14148620

i thought Patrice O'Neal was already dead

>> No.14148707

Basically what we're doing with ja/ck/

>> No.14148727
File: 98 KB, 600x500, DEEBLY GONCERNED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-At least he's staying hydrated as summer heats up.

>> No.14148741

none of us are gonna make it, eventually.

>> No.14148774

If the man is happy chugging giant amounts off antifreeze colored sugar drink, then I am happy for him

>> No.14148786
File: 769 KB, 585x430, 1465924923483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I don't have a plan for suicide any time soon so there's nothing to do but to keep on marching.

>> No.14149573



>> No.14149593

At least he'll die happy.
What more can you ask.

>> No.14149616

All we had to do was follow the damn train, now look what Big Smoke's done to himself.

>> No.14149624

This. Let him die doing what he loves to do.

>> No.14149848

There is literally no way he doesn't have type 2 diabetes. Think of all the extra damage that the chugs are doing to his body due to that alone.

>> No.14149857

Do americans really not have cheese?

>> No.14150298

Beginner: become fat because you like tasty things too much

Advanced: be thin because you avoid tasty things too much

Elder God: Eat tasty things in a way that bypasses most of the taste so you can become fat without being distracted by taste.

>> No.14150302


I thought Patrice already died

>> No.14150324
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14150346

Good on you anon, keep at it.

>> No.14150401

How is the old boy doing? Can he move his arms yet?

>> No.14151188

Same, anon. I started eating better at the start of February and went from 300 pounds to 225 since. How are you doing so far?

>> No.14151196
File: 56 KB, 575x563, EXR5PFsX0AMkzv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some Badlands chugs. He's gonna die sometime. Same with Joey's world tour. This is fucking America, you wanna get fat and die you're free to do so. Pic related

>> No.14151211

Is that Big Smoke?

>> No.14151217

That is 230g of sugar.

>According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are: Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons).

>> No.14151221

>At least he'll die happy.
A lot of overweight and unhealthy people say they feel happier once they get healthier. That amount of sugar will make anyone feel sick too. Don't know how happy someone really is just because you see them excited when they're satisfying an addiction on camera.

>> No.14151247

Doesn't this guy knows that people have died from water poisoning?


>Your kidneys can eliminate about 5.3-7.4 gallons (20-28 liters) of water a day, but they can't get rid of more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) per hour. Therefore, in order to avoid hyponatremia symptoms, you should not drink more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) of water per hour, on average.

And this guy drunk 169 ounces in 3 minutes.

I'm sure that a lot of things that he drink, he trow them out after the video.

>> No.14151287

At first I thought he was this guy but that he was black now for some strange reason.

>> No.14151288

Fatter than ever and with one functioning arm

>> No.14151291

Bob Hawke had a reasonably long life, and he chugged beer.

>> No.14151310

I'm at a loss as to why anyone would watch this shit, and why anyone would do this in the first place
seriously what the fuck ?

>> No.14151321

Yea and he gave up drinking once he was prime minister, cunt.

>> No.14151370

Welcome to the internet grandpa

>> No.14151424

I saw one of his videos but I didn't really want to see more. I guess people just get fascinated by these e-celebs and the social aspect of watching their videos, and YouTube pushes "content creators" like this who can churn out original content.

It's pretty obvious the guy is just a sugar addict though, and he's making money off of being a sugar addict, so he has less of a reason to stop since he's getting rewarded for it.

>> No.14151432

>It's pretty obvious the guy is just a sugar addict
How do you know that?

>> No.14151449

He is obese and regularly consuming around a half pound of sugar in less than a minute.

>> No.14151451
File: 1.34 MB, 1439x1439, 2016_10_20_16.21.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from 330 to 313 at the moment. hoping to keep the train going as much as possible. I'll admit that the quarantine is what's helping for the most part.

>> No.14151459

Maybe he was obese before he started recording these videos. Also, maybe he throws up after the video is done.

>> No.14151482

Good job. What helped me lose weight and keep it off was avoiding low satiety/high calorie foods, so nothing really sugary unless it's whole fruit, limiting chips and stuff like that too. And I'll only eat once or twice a day. It's actually pretty hard to gain much weight if you don't snack and only have one or two meals. Also stick with beverages that have zero calories, or whole milk which has calories but has fat and protein so you end up feeling full from it unlike soda/juice.

Hope you can keep it up. Feels a lot better once you get to a normal weight, and eventually you don't feel hungry all the time as long as you're eating decent food.

>> No.14151492

He was pretty fat when he first started many years ago but he has doubled in size since then

>> No.14152013

What are the odds he cracked open another one just after this video.

>> No.14152945

He is alpha male american with superior genetics to deal with the stress on the body, eurocucks get out.

>> No.14152957

>Is kept alive beyond his lifespan through medical care and wasting resources

>> No.14152976

Yep, just look at how many butthurt comments there are in the fast food thread that's currently up.

>> No.14152986

he might be the best one of them all

his heart is made of gold in all the places that aren't made of cholesterol

>> No.14152992

No, eugenics would involve killing him to remove his burden on society, not just standing by and watching him be a burden until he dies.

>> No.14153014

I was 245, got down to 198, and since the quarantine started I'm back up to 239

I feel like such a worthless failure, I worked so hard and just threw it all away in a couple of weeks

>> No.14153030

You dropped 75 pounds in 4 months? Did you mean February of 2019/18?

>> No.14153266
File: 68 KB, 768x767, D4dbsFpXsAEH9wI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I just started eating only 1500 calories on Monday through Friday with 2 liters of water a day while eating whatever on Saturday and Sunday. For the most part it seems like it's working and I have been losing weight but obviously at some point I know I have to be a little more specific in what I eat but as of now that's what I've been doing to get myself into the rhythm of losing weight instead of over complicating things and burning out like people (myself included) usually tend to do when losing weight by over thinking things. But regardless, the way I'm seeing is that I'm clearly not eating the same way I used to so therefore I'm something right nonetheless. I went from shoving whatever food I find in my mouth to actually flipping them over to check the calories and planning out what I'm going to eat for the day. Still miss the gym though.

Don't drag yourself too much anon, while you may of fucked up and I'm sure the regret you feel is real you have to look at the bigger picture here. You're still below you're peek weight and you lost weight nonetheless which is an accomplishment many only dream to get. Just learn your mistakes and tweek how you go about things and push forward. While you shouldn't use it as an excuse, quarantine has been hard for everyone but you should be able to rise above it and prevail.

>> No.14153320

>don't touch that mouse
Who the fuck connects a mouse to their phone?

>> No.14153646

I don't think the quarantine is an excuse, it just sorta derailed my consistency and I fell off the wagon hard
I ate an entire chocolate babka yesterday

>> No.14153784

Videos like this make me feel sick desu

>> No.14153993

He said he throws up after he does these on Twitter somewhere if you care to look for it.

>> No.14153996

No of course I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that quarantine is an obvious obstacle at the moment and everyone is being affected in different ways. But as stated previously just take the loss to the chin and push forward. Good luck anon

>> No.14154788

I can believe it, I dropped 25 in a month on keto.

>> No.14156128


honestly, it's not a lot of liquid for a huge guy

many people drink that for breakfast, literally

>> No.14156927

Lmfao is he mental?

>> No.14156940

His claim to fame a decade ago or some shit was slamming 3 40 oz malt liquor bottles in like 20 seconds back when there was a "malt liquor drinking community" on youtube. His videos are a lot tamer nowadays and I don't think he slams alcohol anymore. He should still slowdown if he wants to live a few more years, IMO.

>> No.14158343


>> No.14158585

Lost 41 pounds on keto+intermittent fasting since February, had a lot of visceral fat and prediabetes symptoms, visceral fat disappeared in a month, symptoms decreased to none. The only downside is having to eat tons of salt because kindneys expel a lot of sodium after insulin falls

>> No.14158599

>>14158585 cont.
Check out personal fat treshold, basically everyone has their own max amount of subcutaneous fat, after crossing this it gets stored on your organs, that's when all problems begin, it is visible as central obesity, and can be frequently undetected by BMI

>> No.14158615

No he's an athlete and that's part of his regime of staying fit for serious competition.

>> No.14158646

Big Smoke is a real dude?

>> No.14158778

I definitely have a lot of visceral fat, I have some flab of course but for the most part I'm just really solid and bloated looking

>> No.14158792

the chugs give him reflux disease

>> No.14158816

there's insanity and despair in his eyes