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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 842x1191, great-british-bread-debate_5370cb779ecb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14393693 No.14393693 [Reply] [Original]

It's a fucking breadcake

>> No.14393701

Do britbongs really?

>> No.14393707
File: 281 KB, 642x394, uk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14393710

If it's British, it's an inbred cake.

>> No.14393774

That’s a fucking batch
That’s a fucking alley
‘Nuff said

>> No.14393788

Go back to blacktwitter.

>> No.14393806

No. Almost all of those things are specific types of bread, 'bara' is literally just the Welsh word for bread.

This is like saying Cheddar and Gorgonzola are two words that mean the same thing.

>> No.14393807

It's a goddamn alley why are britbongs so retarded

>> No.14393889

Some of these are not interchangeable though? A Scottish morning roll is a completely different kind of bread to a southern roll for example.

>> No.14393931

this is unironically a snicket

>> No.14393940

All of these look like sandwiches to me. What am I missing here?

>> No.14393996

Whoever made this is trying to imply that they all mean the same thing.

>> No.14394192

It's a barm, ya nob.

>> No.14394440

What are they talking about?
That's a Wensleydale bypass.

>> No.14394572

You bongs talk like fucking toddlers.

>> No.14394587

You're all wrong, it's called a Diddlepins Wock-chubbler.

>> No.14394589

mate thats a ginnel

>> No.14394598
File: 43 KB, 750x457, britcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a race of savages

>> No.14394599


Thats an entry.

>> No.14394601

Does she mean the frubbish enderway? What are those other guys talking about?

>> No.14394606


And they're called barmcakes.

>> No.14394615
File: 326 KB, 850x1276, 1586018743408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does our culture upset you yank?

>> No.14394619

That dude its a attention seeking bitch, better off ignoring him.

>> No.14394625


>> No.14394627

Rape and robbery shortcut an rnr

>> No.14394632


Word. Actual 30 plus year old who still lives with his mum.

>> No.14394653


>> No.14394662

>talk to some girl on a train in Italy
>she lets slip that from looking at me she thought I was British before my accent betrayed my American upbringing
>two weeks later
>realize she was calling me ugly


>> No.14394671


Alas, the English part of Britain is pretty fucking ugly.

>> No.14394799

It's a butty you bloody great poof

>> No.14394808

I suppose you'd call them Freedom Fries Freedom Sandwiches?

>> No.14394813

It's called a chip butty. You're all fucking savages.

>> No.14396231

I call it "bread"

>> No.14396256

Even though America is soulless, at least we have the decency to spend inordinate amounts of money on making ourselves look good. British people just look absolutely terrible for the most part. Still, I do like shepherd's pie

>> No.14396258
File: 79 KB, 600x378, 1591756132118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophical Linguistic Realists are so FUCKING STUPID

>> No.14396314

British "food"

>> No.14396428

lol it's clearly a harbingerry

>> No.14396535

A toddish scrungle

>> No.14396550

What about a Homler, Cicksmack, Talnippler, Hontrage, Filpat.

I can keep making up retarded breads until time dies.

>> No.14396554

hot dogs
ho hos
corn dogs
laffy taffy

Amerilards have gay sounding foods, too

>> No.14396568
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, Blackberry Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14397397

It's a yorkshire skip

>> No.14397492

a Walkdown

>> No.14397525

It's a scuddle dip

>> No.14397544
File: 55 KB, 590x350, bubbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too right

>> No.14397603
File: 3 KB, 321x185, 1477875624799.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the nation trying to dictate """"proper english""""

>> No.14397609
File: 2.81 MB, 640x351, British cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14397614

That's a cob
That's a jitty

>> No.14397624

Ok lads not food related but what do you call it when you give someone a lift on your bike?

>> No.14397631

A narina.

>> No.14397737

That's a skriddle

>> No.14397796

Various regions have their own words for certain things. Who'd have thought?

>> No.14397799

Why the fuck would anyone paint this?

>> No.14397819

I think it looks great. The composition is wonderful and it really captures the spirit of the norf

>> No.14397936

Good lad

>> No.14397960

isn't that an above-ground sewer?

>> No.14398564

I'm trying to figure out if they're talking about only the bread/bun of the sandwich or if these are names for a specific type of sandwich or if these are what the different areas just call any sandwich. The graphic is really unclear.

>> No.14398588

based northernposter

>> No.14398591

clearly a birmingham bypass

>> No.14398616

It’s evidently a bottleneck

>> No.14399363

This seems extremely homoerotic

>> No.14399370
File: 18 KB, 320x320, french-bread-roll1-320x320[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the various names for pic related, filling doesn't matter

>> No.14399377
File: 199 KB, 1086x1227, wonga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple as

>> No.14399380

>Various regions have their own words for certain things. Who'd have thought?
The crazy thing about the UK is that you can go from one city to the next and get people who don't even sound like they're speaking the same language. In the US, we sometimes have some key slang that's different between states, but I wouldn't expect to travel 50 miles within the same state and suddenly not understand what anyone is saying.

>> No.14399384

>american takes pride on being superficial
like poetry
read the republic, fool

>> No.14399436

At least four of those are name brands. Nobody calls all taffy laffy taffy.

>> No.14399447

A bike ride? A bike lift? Is there an actual word for this concept in your lexicon? Where is picking up another person with your bike common enough to have a word specifically for that?

>> No.14399478

>basic ingredient but we need 23490834 different names for it to create an illusion of culinary diversity
its white cuisine

>> No.14399974


>> No.14400009

>what do you call it when you give someone a lift on your bike?
Was called a "backie" when I was in primary school. Never had need of such a word since then.

>> No.14400064

If you don't say "gizzus a croggie" then I'm afraid the diagnosis is poof.

>> No.14400112
File: 511 KB, 725x683, wrongandstupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its a fucking bun you weird fucks.

>> No.14401362

That is clearly a Canterbury Cut

>> No.14401396

>What the fuck is a "taco" supposed to be?
I know PJW is a smoothbrain, but jeez

>> No.14401469


>> No.14401473
