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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14434032 No.14434032 [Reply] [Original]

>read about how extremely unhealthy salt is
>read about how many grams of salt you can have in a day until it ruins your kidneys and blood pressure
>try to cut salt in my diet
>read more and realize how everything is full of salt

>> No.14434036

Cook your own food, season it yourself.

>> No.14434049

>A teaspoon of Frank’s RedHot Original Cayenne sauce contains 190 mg of sodium, which is 8 percent of your daily requirement.
>a teaspoon
>8% of daily requirement

>> No.14434062

Drink more water

>> No.14434072

has nothing to do with it
your kidney will still get fucked over from filtering out all the salt.

>> No.14434075

you were told to season your food, not use some pre-bottled, processed shit.

>> No.14434078

>you were told to
fuck off cunt, I want hot sauce on my food.
unless it's easy to make my own without salt, I don't see a way out.

>> No.14434083

Go back to your alex jones channel with flying saucers and lizard people

>> No.14434087
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>> No.14434088
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>> No.14434092

That other anon replied for me but yeah, it is easier to make your own hot sauce without as much salt. Just blend peppers together with vinegar, water, and your own spices like garlic and whatnot. Maybe add some salt if you're not too freaked out about it. The point is you can make your own fucking food even if it mildly inconveniences you.

>> No.14434091

what do those have to do with medical facts?

>> No.14434096

One time I got so high I ate 4 sleeves of saltines and then panicked that I had taken in so much sodium I was gonna die.
After working on the math, which I was too high to figure out I suddenly started laughing at how fucking retarded I was for thinking I'd die from eating saltines.

Anyway be careful. Salt is everywhere and the best seasoning.

>> No.14434097
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>> No.14434098

What precise facts are those? Lizard people facts?

>> No.14434105

Waste of some saltines, you should eat those with some New England chowdah.

>> No.14434119
File: 12 KB, 292x321, star_trek_salt_monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the salt monster?

>> No.14434127

It's just lookin for love (in all the wrong places)

>> No.14434134

Nah, saltines are like my go to snack. Perfect flavor on their own, perfect texture, just enough salt, etc.
I do enjoy them with saltines or cheddar when I'm feeling fat though

>> No.14434137

Hey fucking tard, nobody uses a teaspoon of hot sauce in a single sitting besides niggers born with inferior taste buds. A couple dashes is all you need.

>> No.14434153

>single digit IQ idiot thinks taste bud reaction to heat is genetic instead of built up tolerance
good job retard.
>uses less than a teaspoon of frank's
literal child.

>> No.14434156

>a can of boyardee spaghetti is 54% of daily sodium recommendation
>ive been eating 2 cans for lunch at work for months now

>> No.14434167

>for months now
the issue with kidneys getting fucked is it takes a long time before you notice.

>> No.14434168

I eat once to twice a day with a handful of nuts/seeds or dark chocolate a snack so i never worry about my my intake of whatever.

>> No.14434173

wouldn't that diet leave you starved for vitamins?

>> No.14434180
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I rarely use it because all my daily intake of salt comes from reading ecelebs threads here on /ck/.

>> No.14434188

>talking shit without posting source

Salt is fine. Keep being a soiboy saying otherwise.

>> No.14434204

nah bro, just take a gummy vitamin with it, ez pz

>> No.14434426

No man im not eating just a plate of something a day. Ill have a 3 course varied meal for lunch or dinner. Like a soup/salad, carb dish and a main with side. Also when i say i eat once or twice i dont mean i adhere to it like a religion. Ill snack on fruits. I also enjoy drinking red wine or sake. I also take multi and fish oils but the multis i only started because of corona.

>> No.14434447

People always talk about how restaurant food tastes better because they use more salt (and butter) than home cooks, but it's really not that much compared to shit like instant ramen and frozen/canned/prepackaged shit, which is where most people who are getting negative health effects from salt are getting it from.

>> No.14434455

OP doesn't cook his own food

>> No.14434464
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>Nah, saltines are like my go to snack.
>I do enjoy them with saltines

>> No.14434481

Sardines. ha ha ha.

>> No.14434484

You might as well tourture a cat while you're at it.

>> No.14434666

You just posted this for us to say we all want to fuck her which of course we do

>> No.14434675

Salt will also make you gay

>> No.14434699

Anyone that drinks water will go fag for sure.

>> No.14434799

do your coworkers ever slip up and call you "manchild" to your face? because you know they're doing it behind your back

>> No.14434879

its your kidneys only job to filter your blood. If they get fucked by filtering some extra salt then you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.14434886

>>read about how extremely unhealthy salt is
Stop reading outdated shit.

>> No.14435011

The toast sandwich of cracker snacks.

>> No.14435600

It's very easy to make on your own, and it will have proper flavor instead of relying on being filled with salt. There is no reason to fear salt when you make your own food. Premade food is packed with salt as the main or second ingredient to make up for abysmal quality food.

>> No.14435665

If you don't eat too much ultra-processed food you shouldn't have problems.

>> No.14435699

>still believing "studies" about the culinary industry after the constant flip-flop between whether sugar or fat is worse for you

Any study you read was most likely financed by big players in the food industry trying to push specific selections of their products.

>> No.14435728

It's been 95°F here for the last five days. Try that with low salt intake.

>> No.14435746

dude weed

>> No.14435792

No they won't. Being dehydrated can hurt your kidneys.

>> No.14435850

>"Then change your diet you fucking retard"
and this is why you will die of diet related complications at the age of 50

>> No.14435859

Surely it'd be more convenient to just make your own spaghetti and take it in a box, rather than having to buy 10 cans every week?

>> No.14435888

sodium being bad is pop science just like dietary cholesterol raising your cholesterol levels

if you have enough potassium there is nothing wrong with eating salty stuff

funny all these fat fucks (irl) try and criticize my diet when I am 170 lbs and like 12% bodyfat

>> No.14435896
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are you a fucking slug? just drink more water faggot wtf

>> No.14435901

As a kid I would chew up a saltine and spit it out on another saltine as a topping and eat it. I stick to oysters and saltines nowadays.

>> No.14435928

Ive been eating shit tons of sunflower seeds and I'm just fine

>> No.14436126

>if you have enough potassium
most people don't have enough potassium
how would you even increase your potassium intake with your diet?

>> No.14436186
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>> No.14436252

High salt intake is only a potential problem when you're fat and/or old, or have certain specific health conditions (most of which are because you're fat).
If you're fat, you're better off simply cutting your diet in general (eat less / fewer calories) than cutting salt intake.
If you're old, you attempt some objective experiments and only bother if high salt intake makes you feel like shit multiple times. And you tell your doctor that unless he can definitively show you a problem in your body caused by salt intake that you're not changing your diet based on "risk factors" from studies that have shitty controls / multiple uncontrolled variables, especially in respect to something as finicky as the residual effects of the digestive system.

>> No.14436253

go dilate tranny

>> No.14436269

Why not buy the big cans at that point?

>> No.14436277

The list of high potassium foods is pretty varied.

>> No.14436278

>Kidneys use potassium in such a way that it helps counterbalance the potential negative affects of sodium.
Wonder if this has any unconscious correlation with old people's love for prunes, peaches, juiced vegetables / fruits, etc..

>> No.14436292

ok, list the ones that are actually high in potassium

>> No.14436296

>old people's love for prunes, peaches
they eat this for the fibers, so they don't get constipated

>> No.14436303

>read how unhealthy salt is
>read how much salt people eat on average
>realise that people are not dropping like flies from hypertension or hypernatremia
>stop worrying so much about fucking salt

>> No.14436306

>your kidney will still get fucked over from filtering out all the salt.
they get fucked over by high blood pressure.

>> No.14436309

>>realise that people are not dropping like flies
kidney damage is not instantly noticable.
you notice it by the time you have to look for a transplant.

>> No.14436317

Excessive fiber intake creates constipation, not reduces it. The only time increasing fiber intake helps against constipation is when your diet is practically devoid of fiber in the first place.
You're confusing the effects of the laxative properties of prunes (sorbital, etc.) with the effects of fiber.

>> No.14436334

either way they eat it against constipation

>> No.14436339

Okay God.

>> No.14436346

Not then but potatoes and bananas are high in potassium.

>> No.14436355

I used to work in the kidney ward. We were not flooded with salt-related cases.

>> No.14436372

>I used to work in the kidney ward.
sure thing retard
my dad works at nintendo

>> No.14436433

I don't know why that's so hard to believe for you. Lots of people are registered nurses. I know for sure we have a handful of them on this board.
Unless you are eating ridiculous amounts, salt is really only bad for you if you have preexisting conditions. If you do eat too much salt, drinking more water will help.

>> No.14436467

You need a certain amount of sodium for your brain to function correctly. Try going completely without salt and in less than week you'll end up in a head fog.

>> No.14436473

you're so full of shit.

>> No.14436477

did the op claim he wants no salt at all? that's literally impossible anyway. but most people's diets have too much sodium

>> No.14436484

Just wait until you start looking into everything that contains soybean oil

>> No.14436499

or maybe even ... full of salt!

>> No.14436535

Stop it nurse anon, you're scaring him!

>> No.14436679

eat potassium chloride instead

>> No.14436711

where do you get that in?

>> No.14437084

salt is very bad in high amounts

>> No.14437202

>>>14434032 (OP)
your blood flows in a 9% salinity solution. salt is needed in brain and nerve function, your body has been and will continue to remain in homeostasis and the kidneys will continue to filter your blood and body fluids like they always have. they wont outright fail due to more salt in your diet.
don't go crazy with the salt but don't drastically cut it out of your diet either. it's necessary to live and its a greater risk to your health to drastically change your diet than it is to slowly adapt to a new diet.

>> No.14437223

>Salt is fine
The only smart person in the entire fucking thread

>> No.14437229

Objectively false. Plenty of salt is coarse.

>> No.14437253

You know 1 can is supposed to be enough for an adult eh?

>> No.14437258

>your blood flows in a 9% salinity solution. salt is needed in
just because something is needed in tiny amounts doesn't mean you should prevent excess intake.
you need oxygen but breathing in high concentration of oxygen will kill you.

>> No.14437267

high school science lab/farming supply store

>> No.14437283

>eat potassium chloride instead
Potassium chloride:
"In a few states of the United States, it is used to cause cardiac arrest, as the third drug in the "three drug cocktail" for executions by lethal injection."

>> No.14437306

Wtf are you talking about? We are eating way to much salt today and it has a negative effect on public health. Read a book.

>> No.14438947


>> No.14439137

Who is "we"?

>> No.14439154


>> No.14439252


mate there are spicy spices out there

>> No.14439304

you need salt to live. just drink some water with salty food and your body will filter out the salt

>> No.14439327

read >>14437258

>> No.14439359

Salt should be removed from food and only given by prescription. This way we can ensure everyone gets the right amount of salt

>> No.14439780

This is bullshit right up there with meat and fat being bad for you

>> No.14439903
