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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14535479 No.14535479 [Reply] [Original]

Post your worst grocery stories, please.

>> No.14535486

I thought Wal Mart had a policy against physically stopping customers who dont wear masks

>> No.14535489

>goto the grocery store
>they make me wear mask
>I’m mad now

>> No.14535494

my man went rogue

>> No.14535504

today i went to costco
there were a lot of people there
i dont like it when there are a lot of people places so i was pretty unhappy because of it

>> No.14535509

Too many people inside is always a horror.

>> No.14535516

never shop during the weekend (except maybe sunday NIGHT)

>> No.14535523

What's funny is he's not even wearing his mask over his nose. Sanctimonious shit won't even wear his mask correctly.

>> No.14535535
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Is everyone in the US of A fat?

>> No.14535543

Boomers should be euthanized.

>> No.14535549

pajeet stop talking

>> No.14535564
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I once confess me love to a cashier in Target

She rejected me by saying she is working now

>> No.14535573

Wagies have no power I walk in without mask if he touches me I sue him for sexual assault.

>> No.14535574

you deserved it

>> No.14535580

thats her telling u to come back after her shift
u did do that, right anon?

>> No.14535582

Just saw a package of raw ground beef smashed into the spice area the other day. Fucking animals.

>> No.14535586

Nah I trashed her car and found a new store.

>> No.14535600

wow so brave

>> No.14535605

About nine years ago at the last job I ever had or will have, I was working as a grocery store stocker. Some guy spilled a bunch of shit and I had to scan it to write it off so I was in a hurry, it stunk, it was pickled sausage.

Anyway on my way back to enter the into into the computer by the disposal area, some fucking boomer conspiracy larper stopped me and said I was rude by zooming past some customers
>hey bud you didnt stop to help them
>do you know who puts the flour on the shelves here?
>me, my company does that.
>who did you vote for?
>Come on tell me who you voted for
>a half hour later
>my boss shows up and tells the guy to get lost

Then as for shopping, there is a store I do my grocery shopping at with a single half black cashier. Unfortunately, she is the most curt and uninteractive NPC on earth.
>No sir youre fine sir
>wait right there sir Ill do it at my own pace thank you sir
>youre fine sir I dont need any help sir
>"so how are you doing today?" -silence-
>Hey take it easy have a good day
>bye sir thank you sir

Intentionally snobby and rude, really sucks. Meanwhile an all dark black dude works the deli and is always happy as fuck and gives me extra chicken for free.

>> No.14535608
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Similar thing happened to me and when I went to the store the next week she was no longer there I guess she moved to another store.

>> No.14535611

930am and 130pm Mon thru Thurs are the sweet spots, unless you have a 24 hour - then just do comfy late night runs. I love just slowly perusing when no people are around in stores. Fry's, small bookstores, art stores, and certain open air marketplaces are also top tier cozy.

>> No.14535612

If you go in early in the morning right when it opens it's usually pretty empty, and kind of cozy in a weird way.

>> No.14535618

No, making up my mind to confess was already too much for me, I was so embarrassed I never go back to that Target during 1 year

>> No.14535632

That shit's depressing man. It's just a waste and the animal died for nothing technically just because some person was too ignorant to put it back.

>> No.14535638

Exactly what I think when I see it. Ungrateful pieces of shit who respect nothing.

>> No.14535640

yep, RIP 800 g cow bro

>> No.14535641

They counter-sue and you lose.

>> No.14535650


I have it much worse. I live on a resort island. I work every third Saturday on the mainland. It takes me and hour to get home (one road on and off the island) when it normally takes 15-20 minutes. During the summer grocery store is a no-go zone on Saturdays after work. The tourists check in to their villas and beach houses after 4 pm and then the first thing they do is go to the grocery store. It's a fucking nightmare. Many of them bring they whole family. They don't know where the fuck anything is located because they're not familiar with the store. All the city people stick out like sore thumbs with their weird colored hair, disgusting tattoos, and degenerate piercings.

Right now, as I type this, there is a rowdy, drunken group of miscreants at the pool that I wonder if 5.56 mm holes in their flotation devices would cause them to sink.

>> No.14535667

I don't want to know how often this happens. And it doesn't have to be meat even. Other products which need cooling are also wasted unnecessarily.

>> No.14535745

>Produce department
>Lafawnduh is sizing up 2 cantaloupes
>Decides which one she wants
>Outright drops the other on the ground
Bitch wasn't even facing the display.

>> No.14535752

>first job working in a big brand supermarket
>one of the most dreadful and soul crushing work situations you can ever find yourself
>be restocking some shit that had mad discounts so people was literally taking it off my hands before I even got it into the shelf
>workmate of mine was supposed to drop a new pallet of the stuff because they were even picking it up from the pile
>the guy was kinda chubby so we affectionately called him fatso, fatty lardass and so on
>your usual warehouse drone banter
>he's taking too damn long
>unconciously mutter "oh fuck, where the fuck is this fatass doing now" out of frustration
>right at the moment a karen tier hamplanet was going wild on the few unbrocken packets left on the shelf
>instant strange room, most ackward silent I ever felt but didn't want to address the lady because I was surely she would get me fired on the spot
>right this moment the guy appears carrying a brand new pallet straight from the warehouse
>he laughs and banters back about how I'm a useless cunt that can't even get shit on the shelf without his help
>the situation miracously defuses since she realized I was not even looking at her when I said it and if she raised any shit she would have self admitted her own lardass condition
I loved that fucking guy, saved my dumb ass so many times

>> No.14535760

I identify with this post
which is why I shop at opening hours or shortly after

>> No.14535767

lol old man fall down ha ha

>> No.14535782

You know, without those tourists, you'd probably be banging two coconuts together instead of posting on the internet.

>> No.14535791

Is everyone from your country as stupid as you?

>> No.14535792

Once saw a used diaper in a shopping cart in the parking lot. That’s the worst I’ve personally seen but heard about old people shitting themselves several times.

>> No.14535804

Except he was wearing it properly until the altercation started. Don't be a dildo, yah dildo.

>> No.14535807

That employee should have kicked him in the ribs while he was downed by his own ineptitude.

Man I fucking hate old people. Just die already bitch, all you are at this point is a drain on resources and an entitled baby. God damn I hope COVID finishes clearing out these nursing homes.

>> No.14535816

Customer had a condition that he couldn't wear a mask. This employee is fucked and Walmart is going to give him up a ton of money.

>> No.14535833

Try getting to know the person for a few months. Then date for a few more before dropping "I love you"

>> No.14535855

being a stubborn old cunt who believes fake news is not a condition
well, maybe it's a mental one, but still...

>> No.14535886

This can be bad because a whole bunch of stuff will be out of stock. There won't be anybody in the store but you will probably only find half of what you need.

I miss working Sunday nights PT in a grocery on top of a FT job, easy money.

>> No.14535913

fucking retard boomers like this should be gassed

>> No.14535914
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I love you

>> No.14535984

How many years has this pic been circulating for? I remember it from like 5 or 6 years ago and people were saying it was from /o/.

>> No.14535990

the way you talk about random people slightly inconveniencing you and how you will apparently never work again because of it paints a very funny picture of you. it's exactly how my NEET brother is.

>> No.14536018

Imagine having romantic feelings for any wagie who makes less than $72,000 annually

>> No.14536059

well paid women are all massive cunts. no woman earning over $20000 a year will ever be your sweetheart. she will marry you and finesse you out of all your shit after two years. if you let her go halves on the mortgage you can guarantee she's taking the lot. get some bitch who can barely pay for groceries.

>> No.14536072

>walking down aisle
>pass old woman
>she says "guess you can't follow the arrows"
>she was going the wrong way

>> No.14536100

Looks like she caught a face full of a nasty taco bell brap

>> No.14536109

20 years ago you'd be correct. The off season was a big slow down. But now, there are enough eternal boomer permanent residents to suckle off their withering, wrinkled, tits for another 20 years. Or about the time I can retire.

>> No.14536113

i thought the arrows thing was a meme
do you guys actually have arrows that tell you which way to walk down the aisle?? why wouldn't you just use the side of the aisle that you would drive on a road?

>> No.14536169

where I live the arrows are only near the checkout area and even then they serve no real purpose because a employee directs you to the lane that you will check out of

>> No.14536171

Why do people unconsciously just try to grab eachother? Two quick punches would have ended that encounter instantaneously.

Is this an american thing?

>> No.14536179

If they're in Wal-Mart, yes

>> No.14536183

What condition, dusty micropenis? Hopefully he dies from his "condition" before the suit can be filed.

>> No.14536222

>friend loves nachos
>friend will eat event the cheapest, nastiest gas station nacho cheese
>we go shopping together for a party
>Cheez whiz is on sale for super cheap
>point it to him saying he could use it to make his own nacho cheese
>friend refuse to try it
>he never even had Cheez whiz or store brand equivalent before
>he stops by the dollar store on the way back to buy microwavable single portion nacho cheese cups

>> No.14536225

he very clearly was at the beginning of the video, you equally sanctimonious asswipe

>> No.14536247

Where I live they are only in some small establishments, like the used book stores I like to goto. Pretty much every place where I live has spots/lines 6 feet apart in the check out lines to help with the social distancing though.

>> No.14536294

Boomers gonna boom

>> No.14536296

There is literally another guy with no mask right there

>> No.14536335

I once saw a dude, leaning over, wiping his ass, and chugging off a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. He must have wiped his ass at least 20-30 times. And this was all with me sitting in the car parked next to him, at a Dunkin Donuts.People are fucking pigs.

>> No.14536350

oh whoops, that was me anon
sorry about that

>> No.14536359

Yesterday I saw the dumbest guy at my grocery store
So for context:
>stores in my area all have the same system in place for the past 3 months
>wait in line to wash your hands in the lobby + outside
>to the side there's a line of "dirty" cart
>there are very clear marks every 6 feet
>the lobby is long enough to have 7 people waiting
>near the inside door a clerk disinfect a cart and gives it to you as you enter
The story:
>go to the grocery store
>some dumb boomer and his retard son gets in before me and the lobby's full so I gotta wait outside
>he tries to enter by the exit door
>they don't open automatically since it's the exit
>he tries to force them open
>the manager, a permanently grumpy old lady, happens to pass by and yells at him to GTFO
>he accepts and go wait in line
>he looks around a bit and decide to take a "dirty" cart from the line
>even though no one else is doing that and you can see the clerk giving carts
>he tries to walk right past the sink
>clerk stops him and tell him to wash his hands first
>there's 4 taps so 4 people can wash their hands at the same time
>he and his son take turns at a single tap
>he waves his hand in front of the soap dispenser even though it's clearly a pump action
>rips like 6 sheets of paper trying to dry his hands
>the son somehow manages to wet all his shirt
>I get in first while they wash their hands
>you gotta turn left as you enter because they blocked the right side with pallets to force people to follow the arrows
>hear a loud noise
>the boomer rammed his cart in the pile trying to move them out of the way
>manager lady was keeping an eye on him the whole time
>she comes and starts asking him wtf is wrong with him
>the son tries to climb in the cart while his dad argues and falls, starts to cry
>I move on
>when I finish paying and get out, I see the police putting him in handcuffs

>> No.14536365

If you watch the video the black female employee in the back was not wearing a mask at all.

>> No.14536366

I see a lot of old people going the wrong way and looking at other people like they're in the wrong. I dunno why they're so retarded about it.

>> No.14536431

Next time, don't just throw your dirty ass-wipes out of your car window.

>> No.14536488
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>> No.14536570

I keep getting confused for an employee at my local Stop n' Shop. It's extra annoying because I'm always blasting my headphones and boomers will come over to me acting all haughty doing the "take off your headphones" motion.

>> No.14536608

Unwittingly ended up at the grocery store the exact day when the WHO declared a pandemic.
Shit was wild

>> No.14536617

something that annoys me is that when I’m at work people always give me attitude but when I’m out of uniform and I help someone they’re nice as pie

>> No.14536625

Fuck American's are stupid. We all know they're stupid but they still suprise us.

>> No.14536626

there's a certain salt of the earth quality they get working a soul sucking wagecuck job, I think it's honestly good character development as long as they move on by their 30s.

>> No.14536627

cheez whiz for nachos sounds awful

>> No.14536637

Here in California it's worse because they're usually fresh off the boat asians if you're in a semi decent area. No indoor voice, personal space, manners, nothing.

>> No.14536645
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For me, it's when no one asks you for help for most of your shift. Then, when someone finally does come up to you, three more people decide to start asking for shit, interrupting me as I'm talking to the original customer

>> No.14536648

Why don't these places just hire a legit bouncer? It's not like they don't have the money, and it seems like it's a lawsuit waiting to happen when they're just like, "hey, Jose in produce is a pretty big guy. Let's make him stand at the door and physically try to stop everyone without a mask because that's totally in his job description and what he's being paid for".

>> No.14536661

Because corporate is to Jewish to spend that kind of money. If security catches someone and it's court tier theft, the security guard has to take time off work to go to court (unpaid)

>> No.14536674

I know but he didn't and I've seen him do much worse. Like grating american cheese in alfredo sauce, adding some hot sauce and ketchup then microwaving that.

>> No.14536690

Do Americans really respond to obvious bait?

Lmao retarded boomer

>> No.14536696
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>Those digits
Why do I get the feeling this was perpetrated by "Latrina" at the top right of the picture??
This isn't a single grocery story of course, but I ALWAYS see two things at the stores around my area,(Aldi's excepted)
1) about 60% of the population leaves their carts in the parking lot right next to their cars or "where ever," regardless of the cart corral being one space over...
and 2) Lazy fucks just leaving items wherever they capriciously and like a toddler-like decide they want cookies instead of ice-cream, or potato chips instead of french fries. or, as someone mentioned this before, a 3 lb. package of ground beef in the bread aisle.
i've seen this from ALL manner of people across the racial, and socio-ecomonic board...although I will say; Avoid shopping on the 30th/31nd or the 14th of the month...as when the EBT card runs out, I've seen upwards to 20 carts FULL of perishable food just abandoned, and I've had a store worker tell me on good authority,(they had to do it,) that those carts get reshelved/stocked sometimes up to 6 hours later...ALL of it.(now you know why that ice-cream was so weird even though sealed, that one time)

>> No.14536749

>when I finish paying and get out, I see the police putting him in handcuffs
True or not it made me kek
Thread’s over! Wrap it up!

>> No.14536784

I have never followed the arrows in stores.

>> No.14536858

literally was made to do this by his manager on pain of being fired

>> No.14536870

the trick to weekends is to go in the early afternoon but not too close to dinner. there's the morning rush and then the people getting out of church but by 2 o'clock everyone is home or already stocked up for their cookout so you get the run of the store

>> No.14536916

Y'all need to stop harassing retail workers.

>> No.14536940

>boo hoo I have to do my job
cry more wagie

>> No.14537158

i actually am in California
i know what u mean :(

>> No.14537171

He was banned for groping the cashiers. He had a warning and did it again. I think giving him a warning was too generous.

>> No.14537196


>> No.14537209
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When I was about 5 I was at Big D with my mother and I reached into one of those by-the-pound candy bins and stole a piece of gum. It would have cost about $0.01 or less. Some old broad turned me in and they traumatized me, made me sit in the security guard's office and pretended to call the police

>> No.14537221


>> No.14537225


>> No.14537240

4 or 5 years ago a young lady cashier at Whole Foods called me Ma’am when I was buying a case of PBR and cheap white wine to continue a coke/alcohol bender because I had long hair at the time.

>> No.14537254

I've never worked in a grocery store but one of my friends did

>Asian lady comes in with two bags of cans to turn in for bottle deposit
>The cans are so disgustingly filthy that they can't be turned in
>Friend tells her she's going to have to clean the cans before she can turn them in
>Friend explains she'll have to clean them first because they can't be recycled properly in their current state
>We can't take cans if they're dirty
>Lady starts BAWLING at the can redemption counter
>Manager comes over after a few minutes to see what the hell is going on
>Lady still bawling
>Manager sees the bags of cans she tried to turn in and is revolted
>Manager explains again that they can't take cans in that state and tries to calm the lady down
>Lady still BAWLING so hard she can't even speak
>Manager doesn't even know what to do and calls someone else for assistance
>People are staring and nobody wants to go to the can redemption counter due to the disturbance
>The other manager that got called over and the original manager keep trying to talk to the woman and calm her down but she's not listening at all and is still bawling like she just found out her family had been murdered
>After a few more minutes she left the store still bawling and didn't even take her precious cans with her

>> No.14537264

but the MOST wasteful part of the story is the number of drivers and pedestrians she killed during the round trip, and for nothing

>> No.14537280

Based. Theft is evil.

>> No.14537283

>At an Asian Grocery store
>Asian man trying to buy a lottery ticket from the Asian cashier
>Neither spoke the same Asian language so both were trying to communicate in some of the worst English I'd ever heard
>Endless back and forth where neither could understand the other
>They both seemed to understand that the man wanted a Powerball ticket, but there was some other holdup about the ticket that I couldn't understand
>Finally they somehow reached an agreement and the guy got the Powerball ticket he wanted and seemed pleased

It was the funniest thing I've ever seen happen at a store and to this day I still wonder what all the confusion was about

>> No.14537290

What in the fuck is a can redemption?

>> No.14537294
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>go to grocery store without mask a dozen times during corona with my gf
>nobody ever complains
>go one single time with my friends gf
>I forget mask, she actually has one
>instantly she’s getting bitched out by some old lady
>”aren’t we supposed to social distance? Some people are ridiculous”
>all we did was walk past her in an aisle once
>she’s furiously glaring at my friends gf but doesn’t even look at me
>probably bc im a 6 foot tall man and she’s a 5 foot tall girl
>tfw she’s the one with a mask and I’m the nigger not wearing one

>> No.14537303

Damn where do you live? One of the grocery stores I go to doesnt require a mask and the other one does but I just wear it on my chin. And I walk past people less than 6 ft away all the time. Nobody has said a word to me, just a couple scared looks.

>> No.14537308

This was a few months ago when the panic was at its peak, but it surprised me too. I honestly think it was just because my friends gf is pretty.

>> No.14537311

In some states in the US you pay an extra 5 or 10 cents when you buy certain canned or bottled drinks, and then you get the 5 or 10 cents back when you turn your empty can in.

>> No.14537312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14537319

>out of food
>go to do weekly shopping
>see old acquaintance in market
>abandon cart and 360 speed walk out of shop
>heat up egg pan and scrape grease with spoon for dinner

>> No.14537353

That's the best Halloween gum. Haven't had in years. Sucks that dumb broad ratted you out.

>> No.14537512
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masklets are so faggy jesus christ

>> No.14537540

they have to make a reasonable accomodation, online shopping, curbside pick up, that kind of thing.
they don't have to let him in the store w/o a mask.

>> No.14537558

>Go to grocery store
>Nigger at the store flaps his lips about commie muzzles
>punch him in the face
>lights out instantly
>do my shopping
>come home and grill a hearty meal for my wife and my son

>> No.14537562

If you ain't just there for vacation, you always know what they mean.

>> No.14537569

I don't get americans sometimes. People refuse to wear mask because of muh freedom, but doesn't that freedom also include the rights of businesses to set up rules for their establishment? Are some people just too selfcentered and feel entitled? Fucking retards

>> No.14537570

Who got knockad out?

>> No.14537605

The local grocery store was out of yeast for around 2 months straight recently. Might still be for all I know, eventually just bought a pound off amazon.

>> No.14537612

You're a masklet for not lacking a mask you meme spouting redditor

>> No.14537613

Why couldn't he gave a normal conversation about it? Never an excuse to start pushing and shoving a wagie doing their job.

>> No.14537631

i-i think your confused

>> No.14537634

Private businesses should be able to physically remove people from their place of business of need be prove me wrong

>> No.14537636
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americans believe going to wal-mart is a constitutional right, it's part of their indoctrination

>> No.14537639

Feels good to live in a place where literally everyone wears a mask when grocery shopping. I’ve seen some retards not cover their noses with their masks and they were all pajeets.

>> No.14537643

>Getting assault charges and losing your job
Good plan

>> No.14537653
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>need octopus and shrimp paste and other random shit my normal white trash supermarket doesn't sell
>go to the local asian supermarket because why the fuck not
>literally every car parked there is shiny brand new with massive fucking dents and scratches
>go inside
>it stinks
>get glared at and side eyed by everyone i pass
>find less than half the shit i wanted and get in line to buy. most of the stock there was expired
>fat guy infront of me smells like putrid honey soy chicken
>cashier won't even speak to me
>pay for my shit and get the fuck out
>witness a yellow woman open her door to get into her car and leave a visible crater in the side of the car next to her
>she doesn't notice
>she has the blankest expression i've ever seen on a human beings face
>no neurons are firing in her brain, she is just completing her programmed routine like some kind of oblivion npc
>be glad i decided to take the bus here and not drive
>never go back

>> No.14537733

You talk with the clerk, you don't try to force your way into a private business. If you act like that man you need to be met with force and also have charges pressed against you since reason can't go into his head

>> No.14537743

for small towns wal-mart is like fucking disney land, when the only things you've ever known is the gas station video rental/convenience store and the local abandoned mine I mean what else are they going to sing about? meth?

>> No.14537959

when I was a kid, I tried talking to a 99 ranch worker in mandarin, but he was like vietnamese or some shit. I had no clue how to simplify "where is edamame" into simpler/broken terms

>> No.14537974
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>At the biggest Asian grocery store in the area looking for some type of sauce
>Can't find it
>Can't find an employee to ask
>Ask an Asian lady who looks like she's 2nd generation and might be able to speak good English
>"I don't know what this is, but this is the fish sauce section"
>tfw I wasted 15 minutes in the fish sauce section looking for some other sauce

She probably went home and laughed about it with her family

>> No.14537985

Nobody asked, roast beef.

>> No.14538010

Meanwhile Sweden is down to zero deaths per day and we never wore masks or changed our lives in any way. But noooo you have to be a good sheep or else the killer virus will get you!
Then again my worst grocery store story is that one time I saw a somali gang and an afghani gang attack each other in the bread section, so I guess I shouldn't be too cocky.

>> No.14538019

It's because these are places to purchase food. If it was a hardware store, jewelry store, or other similar private establishment I'd wager they would simply stubbornly accept it and not enter.
It's because when the only places you can purchase produce require you to wear a mask, they are effectively removing your right to refuse to wear a mask because they're forcing you to wear a mask in order to obtain food.
I'm not necessarily claiming they're right, but that's most likely the thought process.

>> No.14538024

what the fuck possesed you to type out this drivel

>> No.14538036

>trusting rapefest ground zero for real information
Swedish officials admitted recently that they have no idea how many people are even in their country. Go shill somewhere else you fucking trash.

>> No.14538146

I don't have any good ones really. I just can't fucking stand it when people don't pay attention to what's going on around them and that seems to happen a lot in grocery stores. Blocking things with their carts, stopping dead in the middle of an aisle, checking their receipt while blocking the exit, or my favorite: walking straight down the middle of the lane in the parking lot.

>> No.14538157

I think the fact that there are more retarded people at grocery stores and more often is just that everyone has to go to one sometime.

>> No.14538182

Okay, yeah that make sense in at least some way

>> No.14538255

my manager at staples once said of grocery stores: we only deal with idiots who need printer cartridges, but every idiot in the world needs to eat

>> No.14538261

yeah his condition is called being an entitled boomer

>> No.14538282

there's quite a lot of young people at my local store and they piss me off a lot. only thing that comes out of their mouth is asking whether you're paying by card or cash. they ignore you when you say hello, don't say thanks, can't even be as bothered to just look at you

idk why but it really bothers me. like how can you be so soul-suckingly rude

>> No.14538286

You sound jealous maybe you should grow a set of entitlement

>> No.14538288

If only there were some way to place an order for food and pick up the packaged order outside the store or possibly even arrange for delivery

>> No.14538289

why are you blaming kids who get paid nothing for not having manners

>> No.14538313

i'm not expecting amazing service (plus random bottom-rung workers who are too chirpy are always annoying and weird), just very basic manners. i don't expect them to be happy working their shit job but at least say please and thank you. how hard can that be? i literally get paid nothing to be there and i always try to be polite. i think karens who abuse staff are disgusting, my mom was the same

>> No.14538318

Me on the ground

>> No.14538441

ok incel

>> No.14538549

you deserved it, you criminal scum

>> No.14538570

this is a horror story

>> No.14538611
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anon i was five

>> No.14538629

I bet you don't steal now though

>> No.14538661

I believe this to be a true story.

>> No.14538666

Uh, slightly? D you ever walk up to a wage slave and talk about politics and brag? Extremely rude.

>> No.14538667
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i work in property management

>> No.14538672

Did they touch ur on the pp?

>> No.14538834

>why wouldn't you just use the side of the aisle that you would drive on a road?
There's only one arrow per aisle, it's not telling people to stay on the right side, it's saying you can only go forward in this aisle, then you have to exit the aisle and go the other direction in the next aisle

>> No.14538893

also the worst ive seen is every single customer while working in a kroger deli for about 5 months. niggers that kept trying to buy cooked chicken and ribs with EBT were the worst because they wouldnt warn you they have their Banana Bux, not actual money. so they would ask you to make a bunch of food that isnt in the glass display, they fucking stand there and gawk for 20 minutes while the food is cooking instead of just coming back later, then when I ring them up, they tried using a card that gets denied.
>can I see that card
>oh this is an EBT card, you cant buy hot food with this
ay maan whatchu mean??

youd think they would know what they cant buy with

after this happened a couple times I would just ask if they have EBT when anyone black asks for hot food and they look like they dont have a job. you can usually get this info by asking if they want to pay with cash or card.
also if I worked a shitty job at a grocery store today, theres no way in hell im body blocking anyone not wearing a fucking mask for 8 bucks an hour or whatever they make now. These people are retarded. if they store doesnt have a security detail and they dont want me to call the cops, im just going to stay away from them. all the people in that webm are drooling retards.

>> No.14538901

You sound like the biggest, petulant, manchild on this site.

>> No.14538917

i want a wife not a whore

>> No.14538934

All my grocery store experiences have been fine.

>> No.14538936


>> No.14538941

Suck my asshole. I will do a good service, but I won't service you you fucking boomer. Go fellate yourself if you need to get sucked off in public so badly you fucking faggot.

>> No.14538946

I dunno, I think the irish soda bread guy still takes the cake there.

>> No.14538947

Tell them to fuck off and watch them try to find someone who gives a shit.

>> No.14538952

fuck those people. I hate people that bully little kids like this thinking they are "scaring them straight". when its like you said, traumatizing. I was expelled from school for bringing snap n pops in 2nd grade. they said its the same as bringing explosives and had a cop escort me out of school while everyone stared at me and I still remember crying about it and really thinking I did something bad.
and yes, I think it has the opposite effect, youll be more likely to commit actual crimes later because you already feel ostracized from everyone so youll engage in more asocial behavior without the fear of being ostracized.
you have probably stolen much more than candy since then.

>> No.14538962

Your country stopped recording the race of the rapists because the statistics were too racists. You’re retarded if you trust anything they say at this point.

>> No.14538967

That's communism God damnit

>> No.14538968

>poor man's music went from Carter Family to this
That's just depressing

>> No.14538975

Well? Did you ever steal again?

>> No.14538988

>D-do you wanna go out

>> No.14538995

not everything is controlled by one person or agency, retard. Sweden obviously got it right. Also, its still mostly a white country, whites have common sense about hygiene and covering a cough, etc. the US is still out of control because at least half the country is spic, nigger, or some mix of that. every major US city is a smoldering shihole and its the planet of the apes everyday in there. I dont know how the people that STILL say "flyovers" can cope anymore when its the only decent/white parts of the US left.

>> No.14539000

>Communism means everything I don't like

>> No.14539017

She's like a 6/10, looks like a tranny desu.

>> No.14539026

A kid threw a basketball across the entire store and shattered a door in the frozen food section

>> No.14539031

Based. Love when kids do dumb shit

>> No.14539034

And that kid's name? Kobe Bryant.

>> No.14539050


haha yea bro nobody should wear masks also I lick the poles on the subway because I'm not a SIMP FAGGOT like these pieces of shit.

>> No.14539052

In the produce and veggies section I saw a mound of leaves on the floor, a red faced manager yelling and several Chinese ladies yelling back. Decided to get some other stuff on my list and come back once it was resolved. Then I heard over the speakers an exasperated guy declaring that customers cannot shuck the corn in the store and must pay for any damaged produce. For some reason any time I go to large supermarkets or wholesalers like BJs or Costco it’s always full of Chinese people wreaking utter havoc in creative ways and treating the place like an open air street market.

>> No.14539059

I can guarantee that she didn't think about it after you left her line of sight.

>> No.14539064

Your country is notoriously run by self-hating liberal (women) craving immigrant dick. Im not saying the US is any better btw.

>> No.14539072

Don't be a twat. He was wearing it over his nose in the beginning.

>> No.14539079

>whites are civilized
>whites always follow the rules and laws
>whites don't get violent and never chimp out

>> No.14539174


>> No.14539206

Recycling, pendejo.

>> No.14539225

People who drive past the costco entrance should be exterminated

>> No.14539314

he fucked up by grabbing him

>> No.14539363

>sweet summer child
I hate how southern culture has been coopted by reddit libtards

>> No.14539372 [DELETED] 


white people have a sense of morality, foresight, and justice, and know that wearing masks is wrong, and that it's evil to make people do it.

so white people fight for justice instinctively against stuff like this even if they don't know exactly why it's evil or know how to express it.

>> No.14539378

Even worse, you also get redditors who sperg about that shit, as if "ain't" ain't a perfectly acceptable colloquialism with a long history of literary use.

>> No.14539569

Isn't sweet summer child from Game of Thrones though?

>> No.14539585

it's new because of coronavirus

>> No.14539590

to be fair your parents should have educated you already on taking things that aren't yours

>> No.14539613

A boomer leaked a trail of liquid shit throughout our meat and dairy department one time.

>> No.14539622

Go inject goya beans

>> No.14539631

How else am I supposed to get a gf?

>> No.14539632
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Thd imuno-compromised virgin fears the no mask Chad

>> No.14539633

Do americans really?

>> No.14539645
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>Trump 2020
Oh boy I can't wait for 4 more years of antigun Jew York bullshit.

>> No.14539671

>1) about 60% of the population leaves their carts in the parking lot right next to their cars or "where ever," regardless of the cart corral being one space over
they're called lazybones, anon

>> No.14539694

I wore a blue shirt and khaki pants to a Walmart once

>> No.14539695

If there's one thing I can say I enjoy about trump, he's great at getting retards to come out in public where we can all point and laugh at them together.

>> No.14539727

I'm a cashier and get far too bothered by boomers coming through with baskets full of reduction items that are expiring soon. Same old faces every day at 18:30 buying 23 packs of raspberries because they're going cheap, leaning over the shoulder of my coworkers and taking it from their hands so that they get first dibs. How can I politely tell these parasites to fuck off?

>> No.14539735

This happened recently, like two weeks ago. I was at my local King Sooper's, pushing my cart down one of the two main aisles that are perpendicular to all the actual aisles with food. Someone pushes their cart out, and I need to go down that aisles so I wait patiently for like ten seconds. Keep in mind, I couldn't see the person, just the front of their cart sticking out. I wait long enough and decide to keep going and loop back around, but as I do the person in the other aisle starts following me. She's this woman seemingly in her 50s, on the phone. She starts almost yelling into her phone about how this "man just tried to hit her with his cart" and starts insulting me, saying that I look like I don't have a car, never had a girlfriend, all this awful shit. She obviously spoke loudly enough so I'd hear her.

I almost confronted her, especially because I was TRYING to be considerate. It wasn't like I was being a dick in the slightest, I was actively trying to let ger go first. Fuckin bitch man, she was so absurdly mean that it was just funny to me. If she had been less of a bitch she would've accomplished her goal of making me feel bad, but she was so insane about it I just laughed.

>> No.14539759

sort of similar thing happened to me recently
>roommate and i drive to a small local grocery store, we're both wearing masks and have sanitizer in our pockets
>literally both walk in the store together
>do our shopping, get to the line for checkout
>standing on the same dot since we literally live with each other and are both making our purchase together
>4 foot nothing 70+ year old woman waddles right up to us, ignoring the dot spacing
>"are you in line to check out?"
>uh yeah, and he is too (pointing to a random old guy who is on the dot behind us
>"wait why are you two on the same dot there is a virus we are supposed to be 6 feet apart (meanwhile she's standing right up in our faces to ask this)
>maam we live together and literally rode here in the same car together
>okay i really dont care
>turn back around and ignore her
>she starts going up to random people, the same non-6 foot distance she did with us, and saying
>"those two are whats making this virus worse and they're going to get people killed"
>no one gives a shit, but she walks up to almost everyone in the front area of the store
>pay for our shit and leave
boomers blow so fucking badly

>> No.14539762
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>go to grocery store with my mom
>I just want to buy ingredients for lasagna
>she keeps filling cart up with food
>mfw I realize i'm buying her groceries
She doesn't have much money but I know I can't keep supporting her I even had to pay her rent and car insurance for some months. The last time she asked for money for food I couldn't help her idk how she gets by.

>> No.14539773

Can you go to jail for beating up an old lady? I don't really like my neighbor.

>> No.14539779

>working in kroger deli
>mexican mom with 5 kids from 3 dads comes asking for lunchmeat
>kid grabs his mom and says he doesnt feel good
>mom ignores
>kid vomits all over the fucking floor, half digested hotdogs and koolaid all over the place
>me and my manager only ones working so i had to clean it

I am so glad i got out, i now work in accounting for the same company

>> No.14539791

>most of the stock there was expired
fuck asian markets, everything these fuckers sell is out of date and you need to autistically check everything to see if it's even edible

>> No.14539797


>> No.14539805

there's an asian market in the plaza right next to where i live and getting within 500 feet of it means you've entered the fish zone aka rotting fish smell all day every day every year. the store also leaves the same stock out until its sold meaning they'll leave rotted and expired food out until it goes. it looks almost identical to how it has for years now because some things just never sell and the aisles look the same with all the years old food on the shelves.

>> No.14539806

help your mother you fucking ingrate

>> No.14539813

>Gonna prep some funky potstickers at me Ma's.
>Walk into small town IGA - a younger cousin of some arsehole I grew up with is picking his arse right at the door, so I ask him "Hey man, weird question, but do you guys have any wonton wrappers?"
>"Little squares of thin dough, packed in two stacks, about an inch thick by about 3 wide."
>"We don't. Sorry man."
>Adjust plans as I buy my produce, and lo-and-behold, like 20 packs of wonton skins.
>Reconjigger my nonsense, buy the stuff, and see homie the clown still - on break? - at the front door.
>Hey man, you had tons of wonton skins. They're going to expire next week - snag and freeze some of them dirt cheap shits and deep fry them or put them in soup when you're stoned.
>"But... they'll be frozen."
>"Jesus tittysprinkled Christ, Nick lets you near food? I know this place is meat, taters and three of your cousins in mom's van central, but if you're old enough to toke, you're old enough to do something constructive about it."

Sure enough, go hang with his cousin. Zippy the Pinhead walks through the door with a small forest in a bag. He got so high he took a cooking lesson with me while I made dinner, just blown away that things can be done to food to make other food.

>> No.14539816
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Just happened.

>on my morning sip run to the gas station i work at (nightshift)
>customer i fucking hate for dragging his "service" pitbull into the store is filling his ATV tires with air
>hops on and takes off with his kid on the back as im getting my shit situated in my car
>decides to pop a wheelie going down the road, tips too far back
>him and his kid get dumped on the road in sleeveless shirts and shorts

>> No.14539824

i like this one because it makes me sad and angry in the way that i like to be sad and angry

>> No.14539825


>> No.14539826

Most people who work (and shop) at Walmart are not exactly the brightest bunch.

>> No.14539831

you guys are crazy for willingly interacting with coloreds

>> No.14539839

Consideration is for human beings. Just start calling her the most heinous things you can baselessly apply to her while making eye contact and following her around the store. Some derranged biddy isn't going to be able to deal with that.

>> No.14539856

She's obviously going through a tough divorce and dealing with a transgendered child, on top of having to wear a mask while she waits for her hair appointments. It's a lot to deal with when you've always had other people dealing your dealings for you.

>> No.14539868

How is it? I work in a Kroger owned store in the PNW and am interested in getting into the accounting field.

>> No.14539885

this is so weird you're so weird

>> No.14539891

Letting people use you as an emotional tampon won't ever make your life better.

>> No.14539903

I drain their blood into the tub and live forever... and then make blood pudding - waste not, want not.

>> No.14539906
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>> No.14539912

fuck i forgot to finish it lol

>> No.14539929

Dont unless you are ready to kiss ass

You will need to move to Kansas, Tennessee, or Ohio, even if you do you will start out at an entry level data job with soccer moms who have no education, you will have 0 opportunity of advancement unless you are friends with management, and they will constantly add work, reduce staff, and take on projects they cant handle with current manpower

The accounting is a dead end unless you are lucky enough to land a staff accounting job or leadership

>> No.14539930

Saw OP in a grocery store once. The end.

>> No.14539941
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Mask wearing cucks

>> No.14539947

That's what I figured, based on the company culture. Thanks for the honest answer.

>> No.14539991


>> No.14540047

fucking lminimun wagecuck fascists

>> No.14540091

we don't have rights for guns here in Mexico and that hasn't worked out. kek

>> No.14540119

I was once fisted in the bread isle of a Costco in 2014

>> No.14540136

Np, it really sucks too, they make all of these promises about infinite advancement but the accounting side is a complete Croc, if you can use your degree to go to the administration side, that's where the real opportunities lie, I was offered two Promotions and picked one on the accounting side and I've been stuck there ever since while the person on the administration side has gone up two times already

>> No.14540150

Why don't you just charge all customers when they order and then make the food. That's how it's done in my country

>> No.14540168
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>> No.14540206

very cringe

>> No.14540214

in high school, i worked at a mcdonald's at the front of a wal-mart. my friends worked there too so it was fun enough.
we didn't have a bathroom, which was awesome and terrible, because you didn't have to clean the bathroom, but if you had to go, you had to use wal-mart's bathroom.
one time i went in to pee. it never smells amazing, it's a wal-mart bathroom.
but this time, i made the final turn around the privacy curve, and the scent of human shit just HIT me
and i see this old lady standing at the sink with her caretaker or someone, in just a bra, no shirt, pants and panties down to her ankles, fucking COVERED in dark brown diarrhea, like it was up on her bra band somehow and down her legs.
she was crying and the caretaker was trying to rub off the diarrhea with those scratchy brown paper towels, and i remember very clearly the caretaker very gently and kindly saying, "it's ok, these things happen sometimes."
i don't know if either of them ever saw me there. i wonder how much the caretaker got paid.
i went to the back layaway bathroom, and my manager asked what took me so long. ha

>> No.14540219

Good, was the dog there too?

>> No.14540234
File: 1014 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into store
>get the shit I need
>stand in cashier line
>pay for my shit

Truly, Jesus wept that day.

>> No.14540283

The stupid belligerent shit retarded normies do is a defence mechanism because they are literally too stupid to not hurt themselves when doing things they aren't used to so they have to get angry and try to not do the thing people are telling them to do

>> No.14540302

It's like "caution hot" written on a cup of coffee because Americans are to stupid to correctly use things.

>> No.14540309
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>> No.14540314

Keep movin those goal posts

>> No.14540323

it's not supposed to prevent you from catching it, it's supposed to prevent an asymtptomatic carrier to spread it your fucking retard

>> No.14540334

Who gives a shit? Youre still whining about it

>> No.14540398

Technology is hard. Also I wouldn't trust them to pick the correct ripeness or size for certain things, like say peaches/apples for making a pie.
But yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know that was an option.

>> No.14540403


Not everyone, but the typical Wal-Mart customer definitely is.

>> No.14540404

>us infection fatality ratio: 0.0065%
>oh no, scary virus
mask nazis are fags, kys

>> No.14540422

Yet they're totally fine with being required to wear clothes. Peculiar.

>> No.14540430

That's how it works in a lot of places stateside too. I imagine it's simply due to the logistics of where the registers are relative to the place. Places where you designate ingredients/etc. in sectioned steps typically do the bill at the end since people can ask for extra stuff up to right before it.

>> No.14540436

>Customer had a condition that he couldn't wear a mask.

>believing this

>> No.14540440

You're not. Some people don't deserve love.

>> No.14540441


I'm a divorce lawyer and this is terrible advice lol. Fucking 4chan, man.

>> No.14540472

Eh, if you're on a beach people would get mad if they tried to force no shirt no service.
Masks can also be viewed as an inconvenience, whereas shirts and shoes would not at normal establishments. I personally can't stand attempting to talk while wearing a mask, it just doesn't work.

>> No.14540484


See how good a mood you're in after a couple months at that type of low-paying, soul-sucking job.

>> No.14540490

yt fragility, folx

>> No.14540506

>ouch, my sickle cells

>> No.14540542

Wrong, it's supposed to demoralize you and break your spirit.

>> No.14540666

Instacart shoppers are always retarded and don't read simple instructions. I never get exactly what I want.

>> No.14540683

Thats because you represent the women and make a fuck ton of money divorce raping men

>> No.14540699


>> No.14540713
File: 132 KB, 680x899, 1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are getting thrown out every day.
Ask Dr Dre (not a real doctor) how his prenup is doing today.
Relying on a prenup is going to cost him nearly half a billion with a b , American Dollars

>> No.14540720

>I personally can't stand attempting to talk while wearing a mask, it just doesn't work.

>> No.14540724

>doesn't have a lawyer go over it
>overturned in court
>shocked pikachu face
not anybody's fault but yourself about your brainlet status anon

>> No.14540748

My manager said that when he was a youth, he and his fellow wagies used to piss off the fire escape because of no bathroom and >it was a different time

>> No.14540795

No, it's a common southern saying.

>> No.14540798

are you serious?

>> No.14540812

and selfish

>> No.14540813

not him but i did the same thing before
>inb4 autism
just anxiety anon

>> No.14540833
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>doesn't have a lawyer go over it
Dr Dre is a famous rapping person.
He had that prenup drafted by the best firm in Los Angeles.
He is getting fuckered to the hilt anon.
Prenups dont work anymore.
If that lawyer comes back he will tell you himself

>> No.14540862

how big are your grocery stores that you can't avoid it. Better yet why not just go to another one?

>> No.14540875

I saw an ex-girlfriend ahead of me at line in the liquor store once. I almost had a heart attack and nearly dropped the two handles of vodka I was carrying. Anxiety is shit, but I'm really not doing so good on the alcoholism front, either.

>> No.14540953
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lol the world literally built a wall around mutts. No country on earth will allow them in.

>> No.14541041

>those carts get reshelved/stocked sometimes up to 6 hours later
you should all get fired

>> No.14541062

isnt thios guy famous for being wrong about everything?

>> No.14541086

>go to asian store
>every cashieer is black overweight middle age woman
>ayyoooo boy whas that foh?
i-its chilli oil
its just hot sauce
>ou hear that? whitey is buyn some hot sauce you sure you can handle it whie boi?
hehe- sure
*she and the other casheer cackle
i shoot a deah stare to the managerr on my way out

>> No.14541099

yeah nice larp you retarded faggot except asians want absolutely nothing to do with blacks

>> No.14541102

I was in a Tesco once when an old man walked in wearing pajamas and promptly shat himself while looking at the milk.

>> No.14541103

i guess they must pay tthem below minimum wage or something

>> No.14541114

Why would they work for below minimum wage when gibs are free?

>> No.14541127

i dont know
they only work as casheers, i have never seen them near produce and i fucking hate going there bcause i either go early and have o deal with them or i have to deal with 40 minute plus lines of people buying a shit ton of rice and so sauce but this one is the store with the heavy discounts on seafood and i dont want o learn the layout of another store, i buy 30 different things there, it would be a nightmare

>> No.14541129

This is like the "you have to eat all the eggs" of shopping stories.

>> No.14541148

are you old enough to be on 4chan?

>> No.14541158
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Working minimum wage grounds people to reality, ideally, you would want to meet a girl about to finish her degree and leave the minimum wage level.

>> No.14541193

>dating a girl just wrapping up her years on the schlong circuit that is a modern university campus
great idea dude

>> No.14541208

>grocery store crowded, I'm in a rush
>squeeze behind this guy to get to my cart (I leave my cart somewhere out of the way then go grab my items so I'm not moving my cart everywhere like a moron)
>he turns around all fast, I guess I startled him?
>guy is a cholo manlet
>starts giving me a lecture about how I shouldn't get that close to people, as if we aren't in a crowded ass market rn
>like not even about social distancing, dude is just paranoid and mentally unstable, probably has people looking for him
>I'm Bert-staring into his fucking soul, thinking about throwing the first punch
>just apologize and defuse situation because I don't have time for this and don't want to cause a scene at my local supermarket

I fucking hate Mexicans

>> No.14541219

don't get close to people you faggot he probably saw you look like a huge queer and wanted to make sure you knew he's not interested

>> No.14541228

the fuck you say ese

>> No.14541260

hahahaha fuck that can't be real

>> No.14541261

judaism: the post

>> No.14541361
File: 84 KB, 768x1024, onion-boy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cholo would have straight fucked you up.
You think you can take a guy who grew up in juvie? Has likely been to prison?

>> No.14541417


Men are much more likely to get fucked in divorce court by a jobless stay-at-home wife than one who has a career and support herself. Should be obvious to anyone who's not a complete retard.

>> No.14541429

does it not occur to them that they make minimum wage and block doors for a living

>> No.14541430

Wow anon, you could not be more incorrect . Please be careful with women because you are ripe for the picking

>> No.14541435


How many divorce cases have you tried?

>> No.14541438

based and rampagepilled

>> No.14541446

americans really are soulless npcs jfc

>> No.14541457

God, I just picture myself sucker punching that anti masking retard. No one would do shit.

>> No.14541460

Wait, did you post a pic of her?

>> No.14541489

'cept you're a buttfucking faggot.

>> No.14541494

Then get curbside service, being a Karen is not a condition.

>> No.14541511

Dude I just hooked up with a girl who looks just like that.

>> No.14541512
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>> No.14541537

Nice boomer facebook meme.

>> No.14541566

You got that backwards. Anti-maskers would go about their business without bothering anyone, while maskfags make a big deal about someone not wearing a mask. Maskfags are Karens.

>> No.14541613
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My buddy is getting divorced right now. He put his wife through graduate school instead of going himself. He kept a blue collar job that paid well until they had kids. Then because she made a bit more and "loved" her career, he stayed home and became Mr Mom in real life.
Kept a spotless house, always adding on additions and keeping the house top notch all while raising the kids. Turns out the whole time she was secretly angry that he spent time with the kids and did not add much money to the relationship.
She is trying to fuck him out of everything when it was his house free and clear when they met.
She also wants him to keep taking care of the kids but get a job and pay alimony !
To be fair her own lawyer tells her she is not being realistic

>> No.14541624

Karens aren't just "people who annoy you", they're entitled white bitches. Anti-masking is peak entitlement. Their "freedumbs" are worth more than everyone else's health, fuck everyone else, it's all about them.

>> No.14541633

this post, particularly these two lines
>and i see this old lady standing at the sink with her caretaker or someone, in just a bra, no shirt, pants and panties down to her ankles, fucking COVERED in dark brown diarrhea, like it was up on her bra band somehow and down her legs.
>she was crying and the caretaker was trying to rub off the diarrhea with those scratchy brown paper towels, and i remember very clearly the caretaker very gently and kindly saying, "it's ok, these things happen sometimes."
just made me have an out of body experience or dissociate or something. i can perfectly visualise this, but with me doing it for my grandmother. have you ever tried to clean someone who is at best non-cooperative and at worst trying to soil themselves further as you clean them? someone who is holding in their poop and then deciding to let go as you try to clean them? trying to say it's ok while dissociating from the whole thing, just looking at a point at infinity unblinkingly and trying to hold back vomit?

>> No.14541634

thanks for sharing your appreciation

>> No.14541663

i can't give any support, but you have my sympathy.
is she dealing with dementia or alzheimer's? is it only you taking care of her? i mean, fuck, do you have someone to vent to without judgement?

>> No.14541684

this. anyone who says they don't want their partner to make more than they do is a plebian

>> No.14541766

>Karens aren't just "people who annoy you"
I never implied they were?
>they're entitled white bitches
Yeah, just like maskfags who complain about or confront people not wearing a mask. They feel entitled to impose their stupid chicken little syndrome on others.
>Anti-masking is peak entitlement. Their "freedumbs" are worth more than everyone else's health, fuck everyone else, it's all about them.
You're deluded. Covid is barely more deadly than the flu, it's not fucking ebola. Take your mask off and get some oxygen, you need it.

>> No.14541860


>t. Herman Cane posting from beyond the grave

>> No.14541887
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>nobody wearing a mask has died from covid

>> No.14541889

Worst thing I’ve read in a while.

>> No.14541982

Poor thing. I can imagine how embarrassed she must have been. Good for the caretaker for being so kind to her.

>> No.14542063
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>mutts itt

>> No.14542069

It's supposed to condition you into trusting the government without exercising any critical thinking.

>> No.14542081
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>It's supposed to condition you into trusting the government without exercising any critical thinking.

>> No.14542111

That's why you detach from your family members when you start to really nottice the decline
That way you wake up one day and nottice that mom has been dead for two years and you haven't seen her in four and it's fine and you go on your day

>> No.14542188
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sorry faggot that's assault and you'd get 6 - 12 months in jail for it ,, but go ahead keep larping as a tough guy , your obese ass would probably get winded from throwing 1 faggy ass arm punch

>> No.14542200

you do realize that if we didnt have such a groid problem, wagies and neets would be the same, right?
i worked at a kroger in east TN and we would toss that shit. if it was something that was sitting perishable sitting in an aisle long enough to be room temp, we would scan it as loss and toss it. then we would make the money back with manager special stickers on meat department and dairy items. 3 cents off and people would buy that shit up.

>> No.14542202

Stop, you've violated the law

>> No.14542233
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Good for them!

>> No.14542241
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>> No.14542338

The anxiety starts to go away when you start drinking less. I quit liquor and only drink beer now, and almost all of my mental health issues went away or became manageable.

>> No.14542362

and that's why, kids, feminism is a fucking meme
be a man and support your family

>> No.14542429


>> No.14542498

Wow, what a bitch.

And what a retard for doing all that for a woman.

>> No.14542535

Move your mom in with you, doofus.

>> No.14542558

Yeah he is a bitch. She was testing him to see if he would step up and be the man in the house, instead he turns into the fucking woman in the relationship. He failed the test that's why she resents reproducing with his beta genes.

>> No.14542564
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>> No.14542570

It's the same thing with feminism. When life is comfortable women will constantly create drama and invent "tests" to justify their choice in a partner. Feminism ideology is basically a big test of masculinity.

>> No.14542582

He willingly became the subservient bitch, over time, after presumably presenting himself as being ready to be the man of the household. Got what he deserves.

>> No.14542612
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>the woman is blameless

>> No.14542621

nice children's memes

>> No.14542686

that's why you blindly follow every autistic factoid rant from your dumb ass president?
such shining beacon of freedom of thought

>> No.14543004

No, I simply analyze the facts and come to my own conclusions. Though I know that is a bit too complex a thought for you're leftist peanut brain

>> No.14543076

they pay you money for your aluminum

>> No.14543128

Over 70% are overweight (bmi 25-30) or obese (bmi 30+)

>> No.14543137


>> No.14543270

so instead of just taking your cart with you, you walk your happy ass back and forth as you peruse the aisles? Big brain moment

>> No.14543389

Do you mumble while you talk, or do you move your jaw? Are you wearing a fucking rag over your mouth instead of a properly fitted mask?
Worthless waste of space.