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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14595805 No.14595805 [Reply] [Original]

is it wrong to eat food in the grocery store and not pay for it if you're still buying other stuff?

>> No.14595809


>> No.14595816

Keep the trash of the product that you ate, so the cashier can scan the barcodes and dispose of your trash for you afterwards.
Never really gave a shit about it as long as customers weren't dickheads about being truthful, some *love* to try to get a free snack or drink sometimes but hey if they want to make a fuss about literal theft then that's for them to discuss with a manager.

>> No.14595822

wat if it's like an orange or a plum or something

>> No.14595861
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If it has to be weighted, then don't fucking eat it. I can't believe you really have to be told this.
I had a mom do this once, she let her toddler munch on a peach or something. *I* had to be the one to take a slobbered on peach, *weigh it on my scanner/scale*, and hand it the fuck back. You are a total cunt if you do this shit.

>> No.14595875

so i should just eat the whole thing in the store is what you're saying?

>> No.14595895

RETARD. What is so hard to understand about my last post?
If you have to WEIGH the item in order to pay for it, THEN DON'T FUCKING EAT IT.

Plums are on sale for $2.99 PER POUND, don't fucking eat a plum around the store.

BUT, if the plums are on sale 3 for $2.99, then yes, it'd be okay, because in this context you'd be paying for the plums as a single item vs. bulk.

>> No.14595900

aren't most plums and stuff like the same weight? why can't i just tell you i ate a plum or like a handful of cherries and you can just ring it up as a few ounces?

>> No.14595918

Because I have to physically take the product, place it on my scanner, and WEIGH the product. Would you prefer to pay for the exact ounces of fruit you want to buy and eat, or would you prefer I plop down a random weight and force you to pay whatever tare it brings up? Because if you go for the latter, you'll end up being that dickhead customer getting upset at me and demanding that you not "pay so much for a measly one or two plums."

So. Once again. Don't eat product that has to be weighed, unless you want to be a huge dick.

>> No.14595934
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this just makes me want to eat it and then not tell you though.

>> No.14595938

Why don't you ask the manager

>> No.14595939

Why is this even a question?
>niggers/white trash crackers
If you don't pay for it, and it's someone elses, IT'S THEFT.

>> No.14595941

Also because I forgot to add, no, you're also wrong about how product is priced.
Doesn't matter whether I live here in Indiana, or if I lived back in my home state of Cali, you're not going to have weighted product be *all* the same or of similar price. Cherries will never be sold at similar prices to plums or peaches, and even then, most retail stores whether it's a grocery store or the mall are super anal to cashiers about how they scan and tare items.
Even if say, cherries were on sale and are the same price as plums, some places (Like Kroger or Walmart, big examples) don't give a shit whatsoever. They use the cashiering systems to count their stock and it's how they keep their shit organized. If I tare plums and cherries the same, it'll only be sold as either or, not as two individual sale items. As a cashier, that gets ME in trouble.
>"I just want to be selfish and get the people who help me in the store in trouble and possibly fired."
Cool, eat it then, and when you have employees calling you out and you have managers telling you that you're not allowed to shop at that store anymore, it'll be the store's fault right? Fuck you.

>> No.14595945

but if i overpay for other stuff then i'm kinda already paying for it. and it's not like an individual owns it and is using it.

>> No.14595948

you can't just type in the cherries code and then type in some ounces? that seems easier for everyone.

>> No.14595950

Which is literally why I have been telling you not to be a piece of shit and just not eat weighted food items.
You can open a bag of chips and it wouldn't fucking matter as long as you keep the trash (or half full bag) with you. I've drank a full soda, or water before while still shopping, and as long as that trash got scanned NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.
But please, continue to be a moron because you feel like the world needs to revolve around you a particular way.

>> No.14595956
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You're such a stupid nigger.
The cashier types in the cherries code, and you know what our computer does? IT WAITS FOR US TO TAKE THE BAG OF CHERRIES AND PLACE IT ON OUR SCANNER SO. IT. CAN. BE. WEIGHTED.

>> No.14595959

wat if i go weigh it myself and take a picture and then eat it?

>> No.14595964

the picture is to show you later fyi

>> No.14595967

Why don't you just go do this yourself at the store and ask the cashiers/managers yourself and find out? I'm done with your obviously NEET, retarded ass.

>> No.14595976

You want to eat fruit that has to be weighed and paid for? Then make it the first thing you grab and do before you actually get all of your groceries if it's this big of a deal.
You can't just type in the weight of what a product is and then boom it's the weight of the item. Even if I wanted to do that, you'd probably need a manager's override.

>> No.14595986

okay so i just have to ask for the manager at checkout and tell them how many cherries i ate?

>> No.14595991

This. It all boils down to social contract. Credit is something that has been co-opted by banks...It never used to be like that. Credit cards were rare until the late '60s. Credit USED to mean you were trustworthy enough to be considered "good for it." Nowadays, It seems like most people are scruple-less assholes who won't bat an eye if they get away with something. Just sit in a parking lot for 15 minutes outside a grocery store and see how many fucks just leave their carts even if there's a corral RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. You almost never saw that in the '80s, and people would chastise you for being a self centered asshole if you did.

>> No.14595992

I've been explaining to you this entire thread that if you do just that, you will be kicked out of the store for theft. It is considered theft. Stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.14595995

but i'd be telling them so i could pay for it???

>> No.14596002

How many times do I need to explain this to you?




>> No.14596007

ME ME ME ME ME...What a fucking self-justifying child. You want other people to go to extra trouble just because you have no self control.

>> No.14596032

How different is this from the person who accidentally drops a full carton of eggs on the floor and just walks away without telling anyone? You're supposed to pat for those too, right?
*(I've seen this at least 3 different times)

>> No.14596034

Are you new to the internet or something?

>> No.14596038

this is why cashiers shouldn't exist and we should only have self-checkout.

>> No.14596053

We still catch you motherfuckers for trying to steal or do this shit at the self-checkouts too.
Why do you think those machines suck ass and constantly stop you so an actual service person can come over and scan their little "A-OK" card?

>> No.14596055
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HA! You must be retarded. Do you know how many times an attendant has to come over and assist in a self checkout? or just trolling.last (you)4U

>> No.14596059
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i'm just going to eat in the bathroom and flush the evidence. you'll never catch me

>> No.14596065

t. neurotic Klepto with no honor.

>> No.14596067

Great! Now you've involved a plumber too when the toilet backs up.

>> No.14596153

oof, still working retail?
big yikes

>> No.14596170

I'm actually sucking off the gubment tit for as long as I can. I haven't worked a wagie job since Thanksgiving.

>> No.14596174

then why "we"?

>> No.14596175
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Is pic related???

>> No.14596189


>> No.14596200

If you weigh yourself before and after it's fine

>> No.14596212

What is the recent past?

>> No.14596217

I can't tell which one of you niggers is the bait and which is the cope

>> No.14596238
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>> No.14596310

I used to be a cashier and I woulda just said it's free. I let people have so much free stuff honestly

>> No.14597179

What if you keep the peach pit after eating and then weigh the pit for pricing?

>> No.14597207

>not getting a boner when you get to tell random old people and Karens "no"
Get fired already kek

>> No.14597912

i dont know if its wrong but it is stealing

>> No.14597973

You must be a cashier, huh? That's cute.
Try being a producefag and finding slimy, saliva-covered cherry pits all fucking over the place, all day, every day during the summer.
Slimy peach pits too.

>> No.14597991

damn i hate those niggas who break off portabella stems and broccoli stalks to pay as little as possible and tear apart bunched veg to get their ideal bouquet of greens

>> No.14598107

It's not theft if you eat it in the store.