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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1280x720, japanese spongecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14823043 No.14823043 [Reply] [Original]

>meme foods

>> No.14823095 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 245x239, 1587782440273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't slander PoC culture and cuisine you drumpflet voting flyover retard.

>> No.14823100

Nobody in the hood ever baked a cake like that.

>> No.14823102 [DELETED] 

Flinging shit and making monkey noises isn't culture anon

>> No.14823109
File: 29 KB, 615x456, 1395345474752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell you newfags swallow the lowest quality bait. gtfo

>> No.14823118
File: 31 KB, 440x400, steamed-pork-buns-8f10f37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another example

>> No.14823123

i hate cake but i thikn this stuff is p good

>> No.14823134

same although my mom makes scratch german chocolate cake that is awesome and I also like small amounts of carrot cake. angel food cake is great

>> No.14823148

Alright dude back off

>> No.14823152

fuck you

>> No.14823155

Castella is a meme food? Since when?

>> No.14823190
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>> No.14823211
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>> No.14823227
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>> No.14823265

>tastelet: the thread

>> No.14823267
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those can be very refreshing to eat

>> No.14823274
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authentic mexican food

>> No.14823289
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tastes like nothing

>> No.14823326

>How does it get out?

>> No.14823329
File: 992 KB, 3024x4032, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any burger or sandwich that falls apart after the first bite.

>> No.14823345

sadly true. even tried some with miracle berry the other day, still nothing. I did let some of the remainder stew in some rum for a while before drinking the rum and then eating the fruit bits, wasn't horrible and I like chewing the tiny seeds

>> No.14823356

waffles and fried chicken. You don't even eat them one bite of each at the time, you just eat them separately. What's the point

>> No.14823362

>when you want the appealing mouthfeel of dragonfruit, but settle for kiwis because they taste better

>> No.14823369

Eating the two separately is where you failed though.

>> No.14823382

Mac and Cheese.

>> No.14823394
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Sushi burguers

>> No.14823439
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Stuffed crust pizza

>> No.14823446

supposedly the purple(idk color blind) dragon fruit taste a lot better then the white one but i have never found a purple one so i wouldn't know

>> No.14823449


>> No.14823458

not a burger, more of a jerked chicken sandwich

>> No.14823463

It's justa sanwich with sweet sour pork whoa

Overpriced for easily impressed weeaboos

>> No.14823464

i strongly disagree with you on this one

>> No.14823472

These are like avocados. They taste incredible when you get a perfectly ripe one, but you'll go through hundreds of bland bullshit to find that perfect one.

>> No.14823473

Sponge cake is often used here for themed cakes because it's easy to cut to shape and build a fancy cake. Then cover that sun of a gun in icing or have jam and cream in the middle.

>> No.14823531
File: 208 KB, 974x974, rice burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't popular in Japan, and before you know it, it was gone.

>> No.14823552

...okay? Everyone knows what sponge cake is anon. You're not being helpful.

>> No.14823563
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>meme sticks

>> No.14823599

he helped me, i learnt you can sculpt with sponge cake today

>> No.14823604

You're fooling no one.

>> No.14823615
File: 198 KB, 1100x825, 56d86751dd0895250c8b474d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rainbow bagels

Literally tastes like a normal bagel.

>> No.14823622
File: 32 KB, 450x450, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black bread

>> No.14823641

crunchy bread sticks? they're not great but not bad

>> No.14823689


>> No.14823701

They're not supposed to taste different, they're supposed to look different.
You dumass.

>> No.14823720
File: 261 KB, 1080x1350, 0b429d54f0cf906b302e5889c535f8a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be 30$+ plus tip.

>> No.14823757

you can buy a 50 pack of 24k gold leaf for like $7 at any arts & supply store

>> No.14823781

I know that there's practically no gold in there, but it still feels weird that this is true.

>> No.14823786


>> No.14823787
File: 26 KB, 700x350, 56748893456849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World's biggest meme.

>> No.14823791


>> No.14823830
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>> No.14823851

be nice :<

>> No.14823983
File: 101 KB, 310x208, pos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authentic Italian pizza, it's just burnt flat bread with some sauce randomly smeared on it and if you're lucky you get the one slice out of the whole pizza that has a blop of poorly melted mozzarella cheese

>> No.14823992

i strongly think you're a fatass

>> No.14823998

Found the tasteless americuntt

>> No.14824004
File: 104 KB, 973x648, hawaiian pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any american pizza, it's just undercooked sugar bread with any sloppa toppings randomly put on it and if you're lucky you won't get heart disease.

>> No.14824064

>regurgitating reddit memes because you have no opinions of your own

>> No.14824072

what about Stuffed crust pizza do you dislike?

>> No.14824082

American pizza is reddit tier

>> No.14824129

How long did it take you to come up with that reply? Be honest.

>> No.14824151

You shut your fucking whore mouth.

>> No.14824158

anything you find at a state fair

>> No.14824181

more effort to the process for no added benefit except to "look good" so you can post it to shitstagram. literal definition of memefood

>> No.14824199
File: 148 KB, 768x918, RawsewageFruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rotten smelling thing...

>> No.14824226

those desiccated bull penises are supposed to be dog treats anon

>> No.14824238
File: 50 KB, 1200x729, Sashimi+Sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14824245

Worst tasting carbs there is. Only eaten by Asian xenophobes, and western retards who think a bowl of glucose is healthy.

>> No.14824268
File: 105 KB, 605x807, meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like a decent meatloaf but 95% of them are horrible, it's like they take the ground beef out of the pack and cook it as is

>> No.14824280
File: 152 KB, 1200x800, singapore-food-05058009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any soup with full size ingredients like a whole egg or shrimp with the tails still on or a giant chunk of meat with the bone still in it, How the fuck are you supposed to eat that with a spoon or chop sticks

>> No.14824295
File: 287 KB, 1200x1600, DSCN2702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk this rice made into dirty rice with sausage, onions, peppers and whatnot is pretty good. But i do agree that a bowl of plain white rice is pointless

>> No.14824299

green shits

>> No.14824315
File: 9 KB, 225x225, mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate tea, this shit is nasty and gives you throat cancer

>> No.14824330


>> No.14824339


>> No.14824354


>> No.14824385

I actually had my first purple/colored fleshed one which I was talking about. Didn't taste any more tragically

>> No.14824390

On what? Both are delicious and it's obvious you've only had a shit version of whichever.

>> No.14824421

It's good for weight loss because you don't want to eat it

>> No.14824424

I kind of agree with you on Japanese sponge cake. Watching the preperation video is more enjoyable than eating it.

>> No.14824432

thanks for saving me the trouble of finding one just to disappointed

>> No.14824439
File: 1.57 MB, 654x368, 1597965021391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did a very typical normal-looking spongecake become a meme food?

what next?
cured breakfast pork belly is now a non-reddit food?

>> No.14824448

>only had a shit version of whichever.
but that is the majority of them, the exception; not the rule

>> No.14824451

I'm not a huge cake fan but that looks pretty good.

>> No.14824457

can't say that i've ever had sponge cake, is it like angel food cake?

>> No.14824470

I've had special ordered Rainbow bagesl, 6 month wait list. They did NOT taste anything like a normal bagel. They were sweet and you got party cake cream cheese with it or some shit.

Definitely not something you eat with eggs.

>> No.14824485

I don't even know how one would tell the difference buying from a market bundle, looked the same as any other I had bought prior. If you're the colorblind anon I'd take a little solace in that as well. Also it is purple (maybe deep violet) FYI. I do oddly like the texture with the seeds so I'll probably be cucked into buying it again at some point but god is it ever not worth it.

>> No.14824517
File: 83 KB, 570x570, dragonfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the white ones growing in my yards but in the last 5 years it has only given me two dragon fruits, i assumed homegrown would have been better like tomatoes are but no just as meh as store bought

>> No.14824531

except they are literally cheap as shit

>> No.14824535


>> No.14824547

at least it's a very appealing ornamental to have growing, I'd like to have one some day

>> No.14824605


>> No.14824630

true, although it's been bringing raccoons around.

>> No.14824644

I'm a filthy hapa jap and I love rice, could eat it for months. Sometimes, I take a bowl of rice, throw a raw egg in, and some soy sauce and just mix it and eat, no cooking. It's a great breakfast.

>> No.14824676

hm ok, so some uncooked rice, raw egg, bit of soi sauce. sounds good.
do japs really?

>> No.14824682


>> No.14824692

Somehow tastes like watered down kiwi. I suppose it could be passable if chilled, but don't really care about trying that out

>> No.14824703

>he waited 6 months for bread with food colouring in it
god, at least i'll never be this sad

>> No.14824708
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>> No.14824709

explain to me how memes as toppings filters people but liking good simple ingredients isn't

>> No.14824713

i've never had a stuffed crust pizza

>> No.14824735

By allah please shut up and never speak again

>> No.14824747
File: 90 KB, 900x876, ramen_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen is overrated

>> No.14824750

I agree, it's better if they just brush the crust with garlic butter.

>> No.14824758

star fruit is good but there is not enough meat to it so it's just a pain in the ass to eat

>> No.14824761

Anything matcha flavored - shit tastes like vaseline and we all know it.

>> No.14824763

What? Just slice it and eat it.

>> No.14824772

no, you're the exception. everyone else is able to get a hold of delicious food, why can't you?

>> No.14824783

Now that your pic reminds me:

Burgers with more than two patties, or otherwise an excessive amount of ground beef.
If I wanted a huge piece of weakly-seasoned meatloaf with a dinner roll on the side and a lettuce/tomato garnish, I would have ordered that, not a burger.

>> No.14824793

Makes me wonder if people try to break in to steal the gold from the kitchen

>> No.14824795

I'm fine with 3 if they are thin enough like a smash burger or a standard Carl's Jr patty.

>> No.14824808
File: 87 KB, 580x580, plaid shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disliking something because its trendy is the definition of a meme, you are mimicking other peoples behavior instead of developing your own opinion.
Hating ham/pineapple pizza and being infatuated with authentic Italian pizza are recent trends, it reminds me of the early 2000's when somebody decided to wear plaid shorts then all the sudden everybody was wearing plaid shorts, not because they like them but because they though it would help them fit in. Peak NPC behavior

>> No.14824814

you're missing out, you'll never want normal crust again.

>> No.14824820

the ones i had the skin was like biting through leather

>> No.14824826

this, so much this

>> No.14824833

I like the concept but the crust is never as good as regular, it's too doughy and not crispy

>> No.14824839
File: 803 KB, 1418x1600, 1454905121747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enough meat
>in fruit

>> No.14824842

Must have been really under-ripe or something, The skin's a bit waxy but nothing you can't easily eat.

>> No.14824846

id rather a bowl of steaming white rice than even the best bread ngl

>> No.14824877
File: 82 KB, 1080x1080, donald-trump-pizza-hut-fwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14824886

>meme president

>> No.14824910

>Peak NPC behavior
This is 4chan after all.

>> No.14824919

fuck you they're the best

>> No.14825552

t. amerilard

>> No.14825659

based sleeping dogsfriends

>> No.14825664
File: 458 KB, 680x650, 1530118486019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaiian pizza is Canadian

>> No.14825667

>cured meats
how about curaga'd meats?

>> No.14825673

TKG is amazing
though i hope you're using duck eggs, hapanon, the flavour is just incredible that way

>> No.14825725

>not wanting empty carbs makes you an american now
Just eat more vegetables pingpong.

>> No.14825869


>> No.14825893


yes but for this reason it's the perfect mindless snack food. i can buy one pre-sliced here in SEA for like, 30 cents

>> No.14825943

Confirmed tastelet.

>> No.14825957

how much is a pineapple?

>> No.14825958

Haha, you know they're right.

>> No.14826021

> shrimp with tails on
Oh you fucking baby

>> No.14826026
File: 16 KB, 460x258, soup-chopsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soups with chopsticks, ramen is retarded

>> No.14826032

Agreed on this. It doesn't taste good and the buns don't have the right texture to go with the meat.

>> No.14826060

whats the point of eating the tail, it's like chewing plastic. Its the equvlaint of leaving the hide on a steak, who wouldn't like to chew a piece of leather?

>> No.14826071

That's not American "bread"
I don't even know how you people can stomach that sugary shit when you just want a savory sandwich

>> No.14826078

Overrated for sure but that is every anime food, because they act, also in 3d cooking shows, like every traditional dish is a godsend.
Still good shit though.

>> No.14826083

You actually get a wooden spoon for the broth or can drink it directly out of the bowl

>> No.14826099

This, literally a tasteless fashion food

>> No.14826206

sopa de macaco. bat soup is just tastier.

>> No.14826276

I've always thought that avocado toast was a meme
Don't be retarded

>> No.14826282

This, like wtf.
maybe i just havent eaten very good buns but these are lacking in texture and flavor both
so disappointing, wtf chinks explain yourselves
id bet theyd cream themselves if they ate a baguette theyre so bread deprived

>> No.14826289

I'm an amerifat and theres something really comforting about a plain bowl of white rice like this
rice is great

>> No.14826327

>or can drink it directly out of the bowl
classic bugmen

>> No.14826335



>> No.14826378
File: 230 KB, 1200x800, 1595254977959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826411

that actually looks pretty good, what is it?

>> No.14826416

A meem food

>> No.14826432


>> No.14826459

Only if you boil the water a thing you shouldn't do if you are making it properly, but that could be said with coffee and tea too

>> No.14826525

how about that fact it just taste like lawn clippings, There are thousands of better things to make tea out of but Mate is foreign and authentic so hipsters went crazy over it making it a meme tea

>> No.14826595

Mate has a distinct taste

>> No.14826601

You probably bought shitty Yerba

>> No.14826632

>cancer boiling

>> No.14826700

Anything that is too hot is going to give you throat or stomach cancer in the long run. Water, normal teas, mate, coffee, even stews and food.

>> No.14826711
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 8ea1707---castella-cakes---le-castella-cake-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme bread
What, is it trending?

>> No.14826761
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1592754261777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too much faggotry even for an obvious bait thread. shame on you terrafaggot.

>> No.14826768

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.14826774 [DELETED] 

no. eat shit and die nigger.

>> No.14826778

>cope and seethe

>> No.14826782
File: 115 KB, 843x903, 1571079518447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826783

what, a golden wrapper on ice cream?

>> No.14826790

It's novel, you don't understand.

>> No.14826791

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.14826806
File: 126 KB, 998x1000, 1600732247506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon do you just pick a random line to paste from your bait.txt? ive seen twatter screenshots with more effort in em. ill just assume you are canadian.

>> No.14826817

Calm down, autist.

>> No.14826835

I ate it a couple weeks ago. Loved it. It didn't even smell that bad to me but my colleagues hated it.

>> No.14826859

future incel mass shooter vibes. get laid ASAP

>> No.14826890

Just go to the falklands for good tea lmao

>> No.14826972

Thats why you let it cool down first, what kind of retard drinks steaming hot drinks anyway.

>> No.14826978

look at all the seething pedo weebs lmao

>> No.14827031

You faggots need to have yellow dragonfruit

>> No.14827037

Oh shit now I remember this

>> No.14827038
File: 12 KB, 225x225, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one overpriced salt lick please

>> No.14827113

you are simply not skilled enough with a knife to properly prepare avocado
you have to be in the motherland to taste the true flavor of the dragonfruit
these things are horrible and any chef who uses them ought to be ashamed
looks stupid. I wouldnt eat it
corn dogs are shit
durian is fucking amazing when you're not a pleb
I'm literally drinking matte now. I'm in argentina and everyone drinks matte every day and throat cancer isn't even common here so I don't think that's true
that's fucking cool
I can change your mind about ramen, and you wouldn't even be the first person i've turned on
raw oysters are nasty without a proper cocktail sauce and crackers, but chargrilled and fried oysters are dank. ever had a fried oyster po-boy?

>> No.14827152

yeah castella is bad
inferior to dim sum
wrong, these are good
jasmine rice is much better
yeah, not worth eating more than once
fried oysters are definitely better but also not anywhere close to being the best seafood

>> No.14827161

fucking this. I don't know why and when thisy avocado hype started, but when I was younger that shit wasn't around here where I live. Now everybody eats it. And I don't know why, it just tastes pretty much like nothing. Just a bit oily. Guacamole also is overrated, and the taste of it doesn't come from the avocado.
Another stupid and useless memefood.

>> No.14827171

you just haven't unlocked the secrets of the noble avocado. It's all about how you cut it and what you pair it with

>> No.14827174

It would be good if firstworldies stopped eating them. They require tons of water compared to other crops thus destroying the environment and leaving more people without access to clean water.

>> No.14827185

Which is hilarious anyway because the main consumer of avocados are Starbuck leftists.

>> No.14827205

oh no, i would hate for africans with 10 kids to be unable to continue reproducing due to climate change and then contributing exponentially to climate change

>> No.14827217

yeah that's what I was implying with stupid memefood. Such destruction of our environment for such a shit tier fruit.

>> No.14827218

It's mostly in Chile.

>> No.14827229

Also I bet Commiefornia has the same issue. The crop just takes shitloads of water, it's ridiculous.

>> No.14827286

I'm not personally, but I'm very aware that they are better

>> No.14827300

literally everything takes shitloads of water

any idea how much water a sushi restaurant uses washing rice?

>> No.14827362

I've been to Cancun and they were like 0.01$ each. Probably now more cheaper since their country is collapsing.

>> No.14827367

god that's some awful looking castella

>> No.14827387

For a guy who talks so much you sure don't have anything interesting to say.

>> No.14827391

senpai ive eaten avocado for decades

>> No.14827503

Just use your hand. Take the bone, chew off the meat and toss the inedibles. Even a caveman could figure it our

>> No.14828508

Bedtime King Kai

>> No.14828570

fuck off white boy

>> No.14828602

Carrot cake is best. Spiced apple is good too

>> No.14828610

>pink minced beef

>> No.14828619

Yep. Although meatloaf sammiches are pretty based

>> No.14828627

The Tatami Galaxy (2010), directed by Masaaki Yuasa

>> No.14828670

>not taking little sips of steaming hot coco on a snowy evening while you sit next to the fire place to warm up from a hard days work

>> No.14828672


>> No.14828676

thanks for the tip, i never even heard of yellow dragon fruit

>> No.14828697

>eating soup with your hands
kinda my point, it's fucking retarded to stick your hand into a bowl of soup, either make it soup appropriate size or pull it out and serve it on the side

>> No.14828698


not a rice eater but what i've heard, you crack a raw egg on steaming hot rice and mix it in and the heat cooks the egg.

>> No.14829569

that sounds nasty, scrambled egg in stir fry is ok

>> No.14829748
File: 1.90 MB, 500x249, 1548049407410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh water fish, way to oily and fishy tasting. I don't understand why people pretend to like something that smell and tastes like its dead and rotting

>> No.14829764
File: 197 KB, 933x1024, 1549459693483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whole wheat bread, stop with the bullshit it's not any healthier

>> No.14829796

they all taste good
as long as they got noodles
the king of all foods

>> No.14829858

that's like being the king of Somalia, it doesn't carry much weight

>> No.14829877

You've never tasted Northern pike then.

>> No.14829889

they're good in salads, they boost flavor.
but you have to realize that it's fat.

>> No.14829897

I've gotten one from little caesars and it was dripping in grease or oil but the cheese inside the crust never melted

>> No.14829899

They are frozen pizzas

>> No.14829901


>> No.14829906

What's the swirly thing?

>> No.14829910

mass reply fags should be banned

>> No.14829915

fish cake

>> No.14829961

How Naruto got so much Prahna

>> No.14830004

fried catfish was the only freshwater fish i enjoyed, but to be fair it was only from one restaurant on the swap

>> No.14830008

>little caesars
they're barely considered pizza in the first place so i can understand ot liking their stuffed crust

>> No.14830068

facts. Naples pizza is the worst style of pizza out there. Just because it was the first doesn't mean it was the best. low moisture mozz is the superior pizza cheese.

>> No.14830083

An Oven Brownie! How quaint.

>> No.14830087

as a Canadian I am sorry for our sins on food kind

>> No.14830117
File: 143 KB, 960x960, 1549084964822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to be sorry about my Cananidain brother...well in this instance at least. Hawaiian pizza is fine

>> No.14830182
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>> No.14830189
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>> No.14830295

Not a meme food, just most people can't make it properly because most people can't cook well.

>> No.14830303

Ice cream cakes r good

>> No.14830371

fair enough

>> No.14830595
File: 70 KB, 1024x512, 1551837835688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken wings, breasts taste just as good and you get more then one bite of meat per wing

>> No.14830639
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>Stop with the bullshit, it's not any healthier.

>> No.14830693
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People who eat gold leaf should be put up against a wall and shot.

>> No.14830749

>and if you're lucky you get the one slice out of the whole pizza that has a blop of poorly melted mozzarella cheese

italians don't share pizzas
you don't get a slice or two out of a giant 20" pizza

you get one pizza for yourself and that's it

>> No.14830923
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>> No.14830930

unironically KYS

>> No.14831031

>dr goldberg told me I die if I eat good food! I should only eat his cousin's mr Kraft's food!

>> No.14831111

these taste like nothing if you live far away from where they are grown, i used to live in hawaii and you could get em for $2/lb and they were amazing

>> No.14831865

Ay Tone , is that spumoni?

>> No.14831874

Maybe if you are under 14 years old.

>> No.14831880

Why this triggered so many.

>> No.14831901

It's not a rotten smell , it smells like gasoline mixed with turpentine

>> No.14831912

checked but i actually grown them myself >>14824517 (not my pic but mine looks identical) i stopped caring about them tough and i'm putting all my effort into my lemons, pineapples and bananas

>> No.14831917

Oy vey

>> No.14831937

Well that was my point first to that other anon, mate isn't mean to be taken boiling so it shouldn't give you cancer if you drink it the right way as with coffee and tea, what's even more if you boil the water you will burn the yerba and end up with a washed down shit mate, Its what I think he drank and thats why he said it taste "bad" , I bet be drank it from some of his hipster wannabe american friend and it was fucked up
T. Argie

>> No.14831959

Brush your tongue more often.
Good local avocados taste nutty and usually have a hint of umami. Add a little salt, pepper, and olive oil, a little acidity and herbs if you want. They’re also extremely nutritious, and very useful in different applications such as baking.

>> No.14832000

Use your hands.
Also, whenever you encounter shrimp with tail/shell still on, just eat it, it’s great texturally, it’s where all the flavor is, and is nutritious.

>> No.14832025

>needing spoon to drink broth
Modern generations of humans have become uncompromisingly useless.

>> No.14832027


>> No.14832036

Modern bi-partisan politics is rotting your brain.

>> No.14832044
File: 73 KB, 506x253, AABA6ED7-9A7D-49D0-9E5D-2A1596117AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>willfully ignorant

>> No.14832153
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>Use your hands.
am i the only one that see how ridiculous that is?
And NO shrimp tails are not "great texturally" that's like eating a burger with the peel still on it

>> No.14832163

it's such a minuscule level that it has no meaningful difference besides tasting shittier

>> No.14832199

>help I was too stupid to eat my meal all at once and instead picked at one side of my plate for an hour followed by picking at the other side of my plate for an hour

>> No.14832230
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>> No.14832246

Agreed. The bread isn't even crunchy.

>> No.14832306
File: 79 KB, 600x600, steamed-pork-belly-buns-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its a based and delicious dish

imagine melt-in-your-mouth, salty, fatty braised pork belly, sandwiched in a soft fluffy rice bun. Gelatinous and oily and so sinful. Its very nice

>> No.14832466

YouTube video
>adds edible gold

>> No.14832469

fuck off tastelet

>> No.14832498

use chopsticks to pick out solid contents, drink broth directly from bowl

are you an actual spastic?

>> No.14832611
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He has the palate of a child

>> No.14832632

rather have pulled pork on a kaiser roll

>> No.14832690

Fuck off if you think drinking soup from a bowl is exclusively Asian

>> No.14832696
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>> No.14832741

Please my lunch pumpernickel is darker than that and it has no dye.

>> No.14832755
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Take it back.

>> No.14832773

half of the worlds population survives on that daily

>> No.14832792

have sex

>> No.14832845
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 1527054180311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked.

>> No.14832852

Still a meme

>> No.14832868

t. faggot that never tasted good rice. i pity you.

>> No.14832871

They aren't that great

>> No.14832872

I did. Still a meme

>> No.14832885
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>> No.14832899

yeeaaaah dasswutumtogginbowt.

>> No.14832908

It's making you seethe? Rice is not that great half the population could shit their pants and walk around like that but still wouldn't make it a good thing. Rice is a meme

>> No.14832922

I often wonder if there is a link between the rise in the number of rice haters and the increase in children with autism.

>> No.14832928

thats enough (You)'s for free, you put zero effort into your shitposting.

>> No.14832929

>chop sticks
You can eat soup with chopsticks, but you can eat a shrimp with a spoon? Get the fuck out of here...

>> No.14832961

I agree, Perch is the best tasting fresh water fish.

>> No.14832983

it is exclusively low class

>> No.14832988

and if they had any other choice they'd take it

>> No.14832991

cringe and low iq

>> No.14833007
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>but you can eat a shrimp with a spoon?
was that a serious question?

>> No.14833012

i'll capitulate on Perch

>> No.14833018


>> No.14833023
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>> No.14833062
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>> No.14833077

>the pizza thats been around for the last 100+ years and hasn't changed is nothing more than trendy
please kill yourself and all of your offspring. please remove your genes from the human population.

>> No.14833171

i just don't like to eat the tails, which turns soup into finger food and that is just silly

>> No.14833210
File: 437 KB, 1538x776, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come off it, you know damn well neapolitan pizza has recently had a huge spike in popularity due to hipsters and their infatuation with anything authentic.

>> No.14833390

personally I just debone the entire piece of chicken then eat it with the waffle, but the best way to do it is chunked breast so you don't need to do that.

>> No.14833406

So more people saw the light? How is that bad.

>> No.14833453

Go drink pond water and man up you limp wristed homo

>> No.14833466
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>> No.14833478

I also don't get why there needs to be an entire cow on the burger. I like mustard grilles smash burgers best I guess. If I want to eat raw beef I'd rather have a good steak tartare.

>> No.14833483

and thats a good thing

>> No.14833485

Once had one from Dominos and the cheese tasted like weird yeast and disappointment. Worst pizza I've ever eaten

>> No.14833492

lol sometimes dusting off the classics are the right play at the right time.

>> No.14833499

It's always edible gold, caviar, foie gras and black truffle to make something the 'most expensive'.

>> No.14833504

Well it's Domino's. Regardless most stuff crust pizza are filled with absolute shit quality cheese.

A fluffy light and airiated crunchy crust beats stuffed border desu, alone or with a dipping sauce..

>> No.14833505

I actually prefer my pizza like this, but at least some toppings like cured ham once it's been baked.

>> No.14833508
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>> No.14833526

it can also be called flesh, what other term would even apply to it?

>> No.14833532

I like arugula cured ham(serrano) with thin slices of goat cheese, Jesus that was a tasty pizza

>> No.14833539

Chewstuffs, like a normal person.

>> No.14833613

no!! you dont understand!! people i dont like enjoy it which makes it bad!!!!

ham and pineapple suck ass on pizza because if a pizza needs toppings it sucks ass

you can like it all you want but its about as culinary as a microwaved hotpocket

>> No.14833956

yea hipsters memefaggots really did wonders for avocados and cauliflower

>> No.14833970
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exactly, i think its a cross between Instagram who just make it to get attention and fatass morons that think people actually eat those ridiculous burgers

>> No.14833980

>stuffed crust
are you sure it wasn't pizza hut?

>> No.14833997

you prefer your pizza to have no cheese? and a few blops of sauce randomly scattered around a burnt cracker

>> No.14834003


>> No.14834018
File: 76 KB, 360x489, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but yes. i'll order a super simple neapolitano marinara pizza before i get any chain pizza that has that stuffed crust, a mountain of toppings and is six inches thick.

>> No.14834021

>pure sugar

You know not being able to regulate your hydration with regard to big ol' sugar intake is associated with beetus, cleetus?

>> No.14834157
File: 2.33 MB, 1320x742, pizzadox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people always compare top of the line gourmet neapolitano pizza to the absolute cheapest chain hungry howies pizza? it's a bullshit comparison. Put a local pizzeria using fresh ingredients to make a American style pizza vs. a neapolitano pizza of the same price and you'll see that its about the same quality

>> No.14834962


>> No.14835438

speak for yourself, you're supposed to eat a sliver not the whole cake
hydration has nothing to do with it either way

>> No.14835590

aka food OP dislikes.