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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15619279 No.15619279 [Reply] [Original]

What some good places for the first date (I was thinking Mickeydees and maybe hitting up Dairy Queen afterwards) :)

>> No.15619332
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a local restaurant unless she specifically mentioned mcdicks, ishygddt

>> No.15619345

Depends, how old is she?

>> No.15619349

Probably 12. This is why anon wants to go to a place where they have a ballpit and slide.

>> No.15619375

never take a date to a restaurant, coffee yes.

>> No.15619382

don't listen to this virgin retard, restaurants are fine, and in fact much better than coffee. it's the movies you want to avoid.

>> No.15619396

somewhere where you get to sit in one of those nice comfy booth tables, based on personal experiences, me and my date were able to talk for hours

>> No.15619999

Coffee is a terrible date. It lasts 15 minutes at most and there's no feeling of privacy so all you can do is small talk. I don't know how to explain why restaurants have a greater feeling of privacy than coffee shops but they just do and I'm sure you agree

>> No.15620334

MOS Burger, Japan.

>> No.15620603

going out drinking

>> No.15620612
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I don't know, I've never been on a date.

>> No.15621554

Checked but wrong, seems like you just suck at conversation if a coffee date only lasts 15 min. Maybe your coffee spots are cramped, in which case you should just get the coffee then take a walk around the town. You ARE taking women to the quaint coffee shops on your local main street, right?

>> No.15621567

We went to Panera on our first on a whim, married now.

>> No.15621592

Sushi is correct choice, if you have a decent place.

It gives of a bit of fancy/modern/exotic/healthy charme, isn't too heavy to make you sleepy, you're not going to spill sauce on yourself, and eating bitesized food looks more attractive usually.

also, if available, you can get a bit tipsy with sake or beer to loosen up

just can be pricy, which can be good for showing off or bad if you can't really afford it. Don't go out for sushi if you can only get the cheapest smallest option.

>> No.15621620

Hey big spender. You must have the ladies swooning.

>> No.15621830
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How to you get a girlfriend in this pandemic?
Asking for a friend

>> No.15621846

She can slide onto my ballpit

>> No.15621875

barely know her? coffee to get to know each other. know somewhat? restaurant to talk about lots of stuff. know each other pretty good? each other's place and cook food together. why not a restarant for barely known women? because that thing might turn out to be a cuntoid and devour your wallet. wallets can't be devoured as easily in fucking cafes.

>> No.15621890


>> No.15621897

OP, ideally you do something kind of interactive or educational, that could lead to talking later. Attend a class, lecture, book signing with reading, open kitchen restaurant experience, wine tasting, tour of a winery, festival, kayaking course. Save the coffee for later.
Dining isn't off limits, but it should something kind of fun that can fill in some moments of waiting with great conversation to get to know each other. You're showing your date a side of your personality. If your personality is a devout love of McDonalds, I guess you could do that, but it could just mean you're doing the Dollar Menu the rest of your life. Are you material to create a baby with? I guess if you want to eat hand to mouth the rest of your life and the baby is an accident.

>> No.15621903

Checking your quads, respect for that, but the point of a coffee date is that if it's going well you can keep it going and get lunch or go for a walk or check out some shops, and if it's not going well you can cut things off and you haven't wasted too much time or money. For what it's worth, I don't date much, but I've never had a coffee date that's ended with coffee, we always kept hanging out after.

>> No.15622936

I admit I'm autistic and shouldn't really be giving dating advice

>> No.15622945

>not getting on the piss