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File: 59 KB, 600x600, bier-nuts-x-tiny-rebel-beer-care-package-v4-604010_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15647613 No.15647613 [Reply] [Original]

>beer? Sure, take your pick bro!

>> No.15647631

I don't hang out with soyfags so this has never been an issue.

>> No.15647637

>le colorfuly quirky design on the bottles
Absolute cancer.

>> No.15647648

>order Coors Light at a bar downtown
>they bring me some shit like this and try to convince me it’s better with colorful language
Fuck this nasty beer

>> No.15647669

flavored beer bad
light beer piss water good

>> No.15647672


>> No.15647676

faggot beer bad
American beer bad
Simple as

>> No.15647689

I’ve never tasted that soy beer, but it probably is better than a coors light. Light beers are just diet soy

>> No.15647693
File: 34 KB, 474x315, download - 2021-02-24T113136.338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with trying craft beers, because sometimes you find a good one. But if anyone gets uppity about it I just go straight to the logical conclusion of the conversation, pic related.
Just tell them if they don't like it they don't understand beer. This short-circuits the soiboys

>> No.15647699

give me a busch light faggot

>> No.15647702
File: 7 KB, 168x299, YAASSS_english bitters!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our beer threads on /ck/ have become a safespace for faggot beer "experts" that WILL DEFEND ops pic.

>> No.15647714
File: 74 KB, 250x400, teaser_oettinger_pils_hvGh23cC_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your amer*can microbrew faggotry ALL tastes like total homo shit and even the cheapest German Pils is leagues better.

Pic related is a real beer? And the greatest thing is that people don't talk about it like they just flunked out of a wine tasting school.

Beer experts all need to be killed

>> No.15647717

Light beer is for the guy that drinks everyday. If you're a professional alcoholic and drinking craft beers everyday, you're gonna have a huge gut. I can't stomach epic beer flavors. Some Negro Modelo is good as a treat, but having heavy beer everyday sucks

>> No.15647721

your american beer is piss. Your microbreweries are even worse. Not even joking.

>> No.15647739

>If you're a professional alcoholic
You wouldn’t be drinking beer

>> No.15647745

Wrong. Most alcoholics don't drink liquor because that's just a recipe to black out instantly
>t. knower

>> No.15647825


>> No.15647854
File: 6 KB, 429x525, 1613057277513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's not salted caramel ice cream flavoured IPA then it must be piss water

>> No.15647861

it's entirely not possible to tell if those are good or not before tasting them, just because they have a funny name doesn't mean they are bad. flavored lagers and ales are bad though usually, you should only add non regular beer ingredients to sour beers and stouts. and craft pilsner/lager is 100% better than any macro shit in america which completely lacks flavor.

>> No.15647873
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, 1561497348742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all beer bad

>> No.15647879

Based and throughly agreed

>> No.15647958

Reinheitsgebot or GTFO

>> No.15648224
File: 517 KB, 756x744, 1604220777917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most microbreweries are shit don't get me wrong, I would drink a Weihenstephaner Vitus every day if I could, but its unfair to say that all microbreweries are shit because there are a few decent ones per state in the USA. Some good ones in my experience are Bell's, Brewdog, Urban Artifact, Kent Falls, Flying Dog, Riengiest, and Lagunitas.
>TLDR: Not fair to say they all suck because some are good and don't use faggot boxart to get autists to pick them up off the shelf

>> No.15648232

>Pale ales and IPA's with additives, one lager
No sour no sale, fuck hopheads.

>> No.15648312

I would try that key lime lager.
Lime in lager is a fantastic pairing when done right.

>flavored lagers and ales are bad though usually
That's 100% of beers. Stouts are ales. Sours are also almost always ales. You don't have any idea what the words you're using mean.

>> No.15648320

>understand beer
my nigga, it’s a drink. not that complicated.

>> No.15648335

There's a lot of gross shit in the craft beer scene, but I can easily find a pilsner that would beat most german and czech pils at any decent liquor store in the states. Really any type of beer you can think of you can probably find a great version of in the states. It's great

>> No.15648337

Which one has the highest ABV? That's how I pick through all the million IPAs at the store. Quite a few hit about 9%, not too bad for $11 a 6 pack.

>> No.15648361
File: 14 KB, 250x250, D5BF6BBA-EDD0-4616-B95A-1FF3BEFD5286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really not tired of this back and forth bullshit yet?

>> No.15648390

The beer in the picture is 18 percent alcohol and tastes very "yucky" compared to the craft beers in OP's picture

>> No.15648407

if it’s like other DFH i’ve tried, I usually only have it after I’m already two in to get more inebriated.

>> No.15648420
File: 313 KB, 750x527, 84E45D3C-5354-40F0-B956-A4EF3E1D1D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I left the South I’ve been unable to find this key lime wheat beer that literally tasted like you were drinking a piece of pie. Best summer drink I’ve ever had, I don’t even remember the brewery now.

>> No.15648492

It's like the other 60 and 90 minute IPA's, but it's 18 percent alcohol

>> No.15648503

Whereabouts in the country do you live now?
Urban Artifacts, out of Cincinnati, OH, does a fantastic one seasonally that tastes the same. It's my favorite release from them.
My second favorite UA release is their spicy pickle sour... don't knock it till you try it, I bought it as a joke and it's fucking good.

>> No.15648850
File: 55 KB, 334x514, leffe-beer-picture-id459031581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that good available beer exists at an affordable price

>> No.15649106


>> No.15649187

on the one hand, you're right, on the other hand i had a beer the other day that legit tasted like chocolate and peanut butter, it was good as fuck. i wouldn't want to drink it every day- or even drink two of them in a row- but it was tasty. same with fr hazy lactose IPAs or fruited sours but it's nice to have a variety. i think having a violent hatred of microbrews is just as dumb as being super Rick and Morty amped about them. as it stands, i'll go to a different brewery every few weeks, try what they have on tap and enjoy it. why complicate it?

>> No.15649207

elysian space dust is the highest ABV content beer that's widely distributed i think. and it's not too bad, which is a bonus. i like hoppy stuff so i can drink it all night.

>> No.15649219

i really like Dogfish Head's key lime or lime and salt beer, i forget what it was exactly, maybe a lime and salt gose or something? anyway i had a few this summer when it was balls-hot out and thoroughly enjoyed it. i don't think i've ever had a DFH product i didn't lie.

that actually sounds good.

>> No.15649223

Shit taste my man

>> No.15649225

Only Americans drink pee flavoured beer. No idea why tho

>> No.15649236

You're talking about their SeaQuench, it's a lime and salt sour ale. It's pretty good, but I much prefer both Stone's Buenaveza and Great Lakes Brewing's Mexican Lager w/ Lime. The ale yeast gives DFH's SeaQuench a less refreshing spin than the other two lime-and-salt beers I mentioned, which are lagers and thus infinitely refreshing. We drank so much Buenaveza over the summer, probably two dozen 6-packs.

>> No.15649292

Weak willed poser alcoholic

>> No.15649374

>beer? Sure, take your pick bro!
Wait, so is a dude offering free beer? Because the tip-top cunt thing to do would be to refuse and bitch about what they're offering.

I bartended back when and met quite a few alcoholics who did the bar circuit in town. In my experience at least, there was never a solid set pattern, aside from pricing. There was only one we really had to limit and it was this 60 year old cowboy wino who only drank red wine.

Between the 3-4 places he'd pop by nightly, he'd have probably 1.5-2 bottles.

>> No.15649397

Why try things and actually have opinions if you can get more (You)s without the effort?

>> No.15649419

2 bottles of wine is not much

>> No.15649460


>> No.15649496

If you want low abv beer there are still way better options than light beer, they are barely better than drinking sparkling water

>> No.15649509

When I was a teen I replaced the bottles in a six pack of their regular IPA with this stuff and bought it with my fake ID. I drank four of them, went to sleep and had the worst hangover ever, puked all the next day.

>> No.15649543

lol retard

>> No.15649568

I guess Cali but id rather have something made for adults

>> No.15649621
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20210224_194507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it tastelets

>> No.15649674

IPAs are not just meme shit for craft beer fags. They are quite strong and actually have bold flavor.
Alcoholics such as myself enjoy beer but need something stronger than budweiser or whatever. And you might be like “just drink liquor then”. I do, and I have a couple IPAs alongside it. Because I like beer.

>> No.15649702

I like IPAs, they're complex and refreshing, and that's the kind of beer we excell at making around here.

>> No.15650070

>drank four of them
Holy God Almighty

>> No.15650761

If you live in Texas almost all German beer is deprecated, Live Oak does what they do better. The only country that isn't objectively BTFO by American beer is Belgium.

>> No.15650782

Yeah fag beers are pretty good, all things considered. I just never drink them because they're expensive as hell and give you worse hangovers than my usual go-to piss water like Bud or Natty.

>> No.15650818


I promise you you would be.

>> No.15650862

Fucken love oettinger

>> No.15650930

>not drinking busch, pbr, or bud
Coors is just as bad

>> No.15651603

you both sound like you live in wisconsin and think that their cheese is in any way competitive with French cheese.

You are wrong. Your american beer is vile and nasty pisswater, including ALL the fag microbrew bullshit.

These fags probably don't even have a passport, get all the export beer and think they can talk about German beer as if they knew anything about beer.

You come across like bugchasers gushing about being hiv+

>> No.15651611
File: 68 KB, 1063x948, 6152E57B-1629-446E-8C7D-312865C44978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks dweebazoid, alcohol is for LOSERS

>> No.15651629
File: 1.30 MB, 750x1334, AD392ECB-297E-410F-8E94-32B260E4E25F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i googled key lime wheat beer and got this, hope it helps

>> No.15651831
File: 49 KB, 600x600, sue lightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judges beer by it design
if it gets a brother drunk then it's alright with me

>> No.15651865

You sound like a big fat retard

>> No.15651911
File: 1.34 MB, 628x471, 1565127754231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this dude a big fat retard or what?