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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 973x648, bub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15816005 No.15816005 [Reply] [Original]

>random cum balls enter your mouth as you're trying to drink the tea
explain the appeal of this shit

>> No.15816011

It's a drink for women.

>> No.15816018

I forget what show it is, but there's a quote that I think is really accurate about bubble tea and it's "They're like sweet little tumors in your mouth". i still like it though

>> No.15816026

Normal people enjoy getting a variety of textures in their food, and wanting what you put in your mouth to always be uniformly textured is unironically a symptom of autism

>> No.15816046

>so gay tapioca balks remind him of cum
OP, I...

>> No.15816087

As someone who was exposed to it by women, it's definitely a novelty but can be delicious if well done. With fresh boba and an actual good tea, it's pretty good.

>> No.15816120

based drink, pickyfaggots need not apply

>> No.15816132

I like the chewiness

>> No.15816142

I have been drinking one of this every week for months

>> No.15816143
File: 471 KB, 212x216, b5db3f9d3eb484f2d685095a4e1f9997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cum balls ?


>> No.15816146

It's better than gummy bears, and gummy bears are the best.

>> No.15816242


>> No.15816253
File: 755 KB, 1000x1000, CHENDUL_BOBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried the ones with green cendol that tastes even worse

>> No.15816271

It's a shitty meme for effeminate """men"""

>> No.15818008

It's a trend, I like balls in my mouth so hey can't complain

>> No.15818023

it has a similar texture to berries with tea flavor.

>> No.15818119

This shit is disgusting. Not sure why people like drinking and chewing on something at the same time. I have a theory that a bugman in Taiwan was scraping the gunk off his stove and didn't want to see it go to waste, so he made a quick buck by mixing it with tea and selling it to Chinese girls. Now we never hear the end of muh authentic bubble tea.

>> No.15818174

Semen isn’t usually the first thing on my mind op

>> No.15818228

>op takes a sip of boba tea
op this says a lot more about you than the beverage

>> No.15818334
File: 98 KB, 595x680, 7F66A23E-FF0B-4073-AE99-9F17098430EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally explained it. I LOVE sucking on the little balls.

>> No.15818345
File: 8 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no appeal. extremely surface level lifestyle drivel. as baudrillard once said "it simulates food and it sucks"

>> No.15818396

>getting filtered by food
Stick to your well done ketchup steaks, whitey

>> No.15818563

kek imagine actually defending boba
state of chongs

>> No.15818589

It tastes good as fuck if the pearls are good quality. Judging by the lids and cups of the pic you posted, you're unfamiliar with good bubble tea. You probably live in the states and get the bullshit made with too much sugar, artificial flavor packets, and stale or fake pearls.

>> No.15818629

Sneed cunt.

>> No.15818669

I just like the tea flavors they come in, I'm not gonna be that guy ordering something then requesting to take things out. There was one place in particular in Vegas that cooked them perfectly so they almost melted in your mouth instead of chewing them like pieces of tire like other places serve.

>> No.15818699

Member when McDongals had bubble tea?
I wish I had tried it back then

>> No.15818706

>muh texture
Literally nobody cares

>> No.15818726


>> No.15818749

You dont want texture in liquids

>> No.15818773

Depends on the chewiness and how strong the tea is it can be good.

>> No.15818776
File: 1.17 MB, 320x240, 1616485505081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>""""Good"""" (((((bubble))))) """"tea""""

>> No.15818816

>have autistic gf
>tell her that bubble tea is shit and that it will probably trigger her
>she still wants to try it
>take her to a bubble tea place and get one
>watch the first """pearl""" go up the straw
>eyes go wide, retches and drops the cup
>cackle at her while she has one of her spazzy bad stim fits

mite b cool, I just don't see why it has to be a drink.

>> No.15818875

I like it, good flavours, interesting textures
And it will fill you up so it makes for a snack instead of just a drink
How come you know what cum feels like in your mouth?

>> No.15818890


>> No.15818973

Lmao extremely based.
It's supposed to be a drink and after a long sip you chew the semi sweet boba for fun before going to get another sip. It's like a toy or a fun culinary experience, it's just not fit for autistic people on this board.

>> No.15818976

didn't happen because your imaginary gf cant drink
you will always be alone

>> No.15819086
File: 49 KB, 277x296, physical version of autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like she's not the only autist

>> No.15819120

xhi chi shi xie jie zhie ji zi zhe chi

>> No.15819236

I agree but

just order with none and half sugar

>> No.15819248

Looks a bit like Viet che, which sucks.

>> No.15819262

This is just one of those things that just appears suddenly, is all the rage and everyone is supposed to know what it is.
It's cold tea with milk and candies? berries?
What the hell even is that drink?

>> No.15819269

Honey flavored tapioca.

>> No.15819286

what the fuck is a tapioca?

>> No.15819288

It's Dalmatian propaganda

>> No.15819294

one of these tea places opened up on campus and the line was literally only females

so it probably does taste a bit like cum

>> No.15819295

Look it up shithead.

>> No.15819298

for me its oolong, no milk, no sugar, no pearls. thanks chang

>> No.15819327

Tapioca is a brazilian dish made by cooking cassava flour. We don't drink it, we make it as a "pancake" with a lot of fillings (meat, cheese, eggs, honey, nutella, etc.) because it's really "neutral". But the best is just with some butter, it's fucking amazing.

>> No.15819348

I don't care enough asshole. I googled the term and all I saw was a bunch of flour and that still doesn't open up the concept of your fucking bubble drink.
So it's a tea with round balls of flavored mass imitating on being someting pleasant to eat and you guys scoop it up by the gallons?
Grow the fuck up. What fucking reason has anyone to drink anything other than water, milk, beer, wine etc?
Stupid and vapid reasons to go for these social media crazes and act like you are better than everyone else when you don't even know what the thing you're drinking is even supposed to be.

>> No.15819353

>wall of crybaby garbage
lmao not reading any of that

>> No.15819379

That's because you know you can't say anything.

>> No.15819390

>questions and swearing

>> No.15819394
File: 52 KB, 497x603, 179471401734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seen this jelly tea shop everywhere around the campus
>Chink-Flu Pandemic happened
>Half of the store went out of business

>> No.15819408
File: 293 KB, 894x894, 1614644077596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writes wall of crybaby garbage
>expects strangers to read it and take him seriously

>> No.15819418

I like it, fuck you.

>> No.15819576

>Dating someone this mentally disabled
I hope she is 15, otherwise you're getting ripped off

>> No.15819688

I didn't know you were supposed to chew them, am I retarded? I tried this multiple times and swallowed them like pills

>> No.15819721

>people enjoy sweet drinks and sweet things made of flour
That makes me so mad I'm gonna post about it!

>> No.15819760
File: 448 KB, 1936x1288, 7737_1257990965290_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you'll never drink another Orbitz again

>> No.15819770

lol i remember that shit in the 90s, i never really tried it more than like 3 times. always seemed gimmicky and newfangled am as a kid with my pocket money im more of a go with the tried and true snacks kinda guy. I havent seen one in 20 years. was pretty average/shitty.

>> No.15819804

I'm not surprised it didn't last. The liquid was like the syrup from one of those mandarin orange or peaches fruit cups. And then those jelly balls going down your throat. It wasn't anything good like Sobe.

>> No.15820350
File: 890 KB, 1032x669, unknown-29-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan China whatever same boat

>> No.15820599

>you don't want texture with your texture

>> No.15820979

and woman-souled males (asians)

>> No.15820989

It's a bit endearing, an autistic couple being autistic, how nice.

>> No.15821002
File: 259 KB, 553x540, npc blue screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ok m8s?

>> No.15821023
File: 418 KB, 1572x557, caviar-array-for-blogs-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I dont call it fish eggs everytime I order it for the uninitiated

>> No.15821039

Why the fuck would you date someone like that

>> No.15821043

It's Taiwanese you dense retard

>> No.15821316

the cum is the best part

>> No.15821556


>> No.15821614

>black balls reminds him of cum
lmao faggot

>> No.15821650

everything should have pulp

>> No.15821676

authentic bubble tea is a great dessert (this shit waay to caloric to be a beverage), you'll be able to find places that got these with these if the shop has almost exclusively fotb asians, and a menu primarily in chinese; if the place has groups of Filipino/viet students, youre going to have powdered milk/flavor bubble tea (which is tolerable but a waste of money imo)

>> No.15821766

Don't know about the other people you gave a (You) to but I'm a tranny.

>> No.15821827


>> No.15821844

I ^_^ love ~~~ CUMMIES..>>! OwO

>> No.15821845

It's the new Starbux. Basic drinks that high school students can make an afternoon out of. They're really good, however. I've probably drunk one a week for a couple of years now. You just gotta find somewhere that has a lot of customization and actually good boba and tea with decent prices.

>> No.15821885

it's not new it was popular in the 2000s

>> No.15821887

Why are you obsessed with cum?

>> No.15822029

Sorry you're so insecure, OP

>> No.15822132

autists deserve love <3

>> No.15822235

Taiwan is in China stupid gweilo

>> No.15822253

>Falling for imperialist propaganda like a good little cuck

>> No.15822350

lol no

>> No.15822385

China wishes Taiwan was part of China

>> No.15822447

makes sense why I always thought it was gross.

>> No.15822458

the tea tastes nice plus there's always an interesting crowd at bubble tea places. at least where I live

>> No.15822472

>interesting crowd
aka faggots and college whores

>> No.15822481

mmmmm milk pulp

>> No.15822504

no it isn't and why are you speaking to me in cantonese, speak real chinese

>> No.15822508

I've had it a few times. Not a big fan but its a fun novelty

>> No.15822515

No, AKA Chinese exchange students. Apply yourself.

>> No.15822528

I've had it on dates a fucktonne of times

>> No.15822628

I'm autistic and my issue is that the pearls have zero taste. I sucked one up and chewed it up and was just really fucking disappointed it tasted like nothing.

>> No.15822733

I've tried it. They put way too many in the drink and it ends up becoming a nausea-inducing experience (overly sweet tea with a lot of globs of tapioca).

>> No.15822807
File: 40 KB, 680x453, Bubble-Queen-Vancouver-Mango-Taro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>election tourist posts vaguely racist thread again
>this time it's even more obvious that he's just buying the cucked versions of good food because he lives in a flyover state
Protip: unless your bubble tea is literally overflowing with mochi or fresh fruit, a plastic lid is an instant sign that you're getting an afterthought product. They don't have a lid machine = instant walkout.

>> No.15822818

lol okay rat man

>> No.15822824

Go to a place that has good pearls. They should taste like warm tapioca pudding, and the texture should be like how you thought boobs would feel like when you were a virgin
Shouldn't be that sweet
Jesus christ I feel bad for Americans. Do you guys really only get fast food quality BBT down there?

>> No.15822826

>vaguely racist thread
>if you don't like something from another culture, you're racist
Grow up, kid.

>> No.15822832

Chink here, can confirm

>> No.15822837

>can't read between the lines
Woops, sounds like you pointed your finger at the wrong guy

>> No.15823120

Wow. You sound like a fun person. Imagine being so insecure you can't enjoy boba because "BRO, BALLS".

>> No.15823147


>> No.15823526

That looks like that one drink from Homestar Runner called Suudsu

>> No.15823547

Why is your cum tapioca jelly thick??? See a doctor bro

>> No.15823549

Ive been drinking bubble tea since before it was as popular (14 years/22 alive) and it's basically just candy in a drink. all this about muh women is bullshit, effeminate is a cope, its just tea/milkshake with chewy candy inside. some anons just arent man enough to handle candy in a drink i guess

>> No.15823583

>They don't have a lid machine = instant walkout.
never thought about it but this is extremely true, i've never had a good boba in a cup with a regular soda lid

>> No.15823615

i mean im male but taking estrogen for peak femboy aesthetics so i guess, i really love boba <3

>> No.15823637

cum is delicious desu, i always put my legs behind my head and spurt into my mouth, cant wait until i can blow someone else and swallow their cum :3

>t. loves boba

>> No.15823661
File: 658 KB, 595x680, 1616566402675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i want to deepthroat astolfo and swallow his load so bad desu :3

>> No.15823687

No exceptions. It's a good rule of thumb.

>> No.15824075

Discord? I’m a hrt femboy too!
Just checked this board for the /tea/ general but I found this instead

>> No.15824123

Do you have permission to be here, Chang?

>> No.15824447

water? its milk and the sugar isn't all that high

>> No.15824631 [DELETED] 

u first :3 a lot of channers know me on discord and I get self conscious but id love to chat

>> No.15824663
File: 42 KB, 720x406, 1605217882171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your stupid ass cold have had a point if you posted a root beer float, but thinking is too much to expect from a brain dead wojak poster

>> No.15824665

My favourite part about bubble tea is after I drink the whole thing, without drinking any of the "pearls" (because they're gross), I will suck a few into my mouth, then with as much force as I can, shoot them out the straw. You can do one at a time or a whole bunch, it makes a great sound and if you get your technique down you can shoot them like 50 feet or more. I like to shoot them at street signs out my car window as I'm driving.

>> No.15824804

Quit being such an insecure faggot

>> No.15824807

Why is asian stuff (but not asians themselves lol) so appealing to white gays and women?

>> No.15824812

It’s very feminine and non-threatening and “artistic” when marketed for Westerners and not people who beat dogs so they taste better

>> No.15824813


>> No.15824823
File: 11 KB, 474x293, cho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a white straight guy and everyone knows there's only one asian that is even remotely interesting.

>> No.15824826

Most based asian ever engineered

>> No.15824834

Money laundering store run by shady g00ks. They usually sell passports or someshit like that.

Some guy commented this on another website and i thought "Well asians are very shady so that makes sence"

>> No.15824836
File: 58 KB, 1080x988, cho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't it the truth?

>> No.15824843

He also had an imaginary gf named Jelly who called him Spanky that he wrote fics about and would stab the carpet when friends brought girls over. His count should’ve been higher

>> No.15824858

i know, I like the story
i can only find one. It's pretty good all things considered.

>> No.15824916

>it was popular in the 2000s
among Asian people maybe. It's just like Sriracha or Matcha, which it pink popularity in 2014 and 2017 respectively.

wiggers are animals so they get fed slop.
actual good boba places make sweetened and jelly-like pearls, not the dry starchy crap you get at most places.

>> No.15825140 [DELETED] 


fembro are you still there? add me on discord song#2106

>> No.15825168

I like Tapioca it's tasty
That said this shit is like 6 bucks for a small

>> No.15825190

There’s a website that has literally everything hes ever written since like high school, I think there’s like two short story things that mention Jelly.
Have you read the fic about the alcoholic dad? Really detailed and weird emotional shit, makes me feel like there was some fucked up things going on at home that the Koreans were too honor-bound to talk about. It was all “oh he good boy, so so quiet, he no talk no one know why”

>> No.15825199

Ya you chew them they’re like little palette cleansers in-between sips

>> No.15825240

whats yalls drink order

>mango green tea, half sweet with boba

extra cold that shit is delicious

>> No.15825260

Explain why Taiwan will never dare enter events like the Olympics as its own country.

>> No.15825283

Because People's Republic of China would finally decide to invade Republic of China for "making them look bad" (even though 99% of the world outside of China considers Taiwan a country so it's a moot point)

>> No.15825315

I have too many options to choose from. Literally have 40 bubble tea places in my vicinity, and that's just counting the places that do delivery. Some days, I'll get a fancy chocolate bar type of drink from the place I used to go to as a kid. If I'm eating Taiwanese food at my favourite cafe, it's gotta be the fresh taro with pearls or pudding--they're the only shop locally that treats the taro properly so it doesn't make your mouth fuzzy. If I order delivery, I usually get one milk tea and one fruit tea or fresh fruit slush. When I was young, I used to only get powdered taro and nothing else, but the options are just insane where I am. One of my favorite drinks that I found recently is this purple yam slush with some type of special half moon shaped mochi. It's incredible. And of course the brown sugar pearl milk revolution is upon us, with many specialty shops for that specific type of drink having popped up in the last 2-3 years. I fucking love bubble tea, man.

>> No.15825343
File: 197 KB, 1802x3100, IMG_6122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just described the perfect order, no argument. best drink i ever had was mid summer in taiwan when the mangos were fresh, so they just toss in fruit chunks instead of using syrup. drank one every day until the typhoons hit and knocked out the mango supply

>> No.15825392

Why hasn't milk tea made with condensed milk caught on in the west? It's basically the base drink of bubble tea without the premium pricetag

>> No.15825463

Whites don't know about condensed milk for some reason. They only know about evaporated milk, and they only use that in cooking.

>> No.15825573

I wish the brown sugar thing will die off soon.

>> No.15825591

>tryhards hate it bubble tea

I guess I will go try it. I have found that almost every food item that tryhards hate tend to be delicious.

>> No.15825595

Seems like a sovereign nation would have no problem joining publicly celebrated events like that. Seems like nobody is backing the claim that they're their own country. Seems like Taiwan isn't actually independent of China at all.
>moot point
That's some hard cope.

>> No.15825741

I've never seen milk tea without that stick-on lid they all have
also it's not called boba

>> No.15825744

Asians are very popular with white guys and IME women.

>> No.15825871

I get why you say Taiwan is not a sovereign nation, but how is it still apart of China? It's not like China's government has any official authority and function within Taiwan.

>> No.15826040

>he says on an anime website

>> No.15826130

>China is a violent country that will invade if Taiwan disrespects them at the olympics
>Olympics are the pinnacle of what determines a country

You're not really making much of a point. Is Crimea part of Russia now too?

>> No.15826539

White people invented along with everything you like

>> No.15826829

Crimea is Russian. It was only given to the Ukrainian SSR as a gesture of socialist goodwill for management. Crimea has never been Ukrainian

>> No.15826845

How old are you? You type like a boomer, serious question

>> No.15826849

>Because People's Republic of China would finally decide to invade Republic of China for "making them look bad"
delusional racist paranoia

>> No.15826866

add me if you want to talk or chill :> , i'm up for most games Maetron#6317

>> No.15827237

Yeah I drink curdled milk just because I like the added texture.

>> No.15827280

If you're somewhere white enough all the tea shops sell it like in the OP picture, and it's always bad.

> it's not called boba
It's called synecdoche idiot, obviously boba is just the tapioca balls but folks say that to mean the whole drink. You could pretend to not understand someone if they said "boba" but you would look like the dumbass, not them

>> No.15827453

I was in South Korea 2 years ago, the burnt brown sugar boba is huge over there, it was super good, havent found a place in the U.S that does it well

>> No.15827571


Die in hell fags

>> No.15827595

Why? I think it's fantastic if done right. Not every place does it right, and certainly no place in 99.9% of the states.

>> No.15827610
File: 58 KB, 396x512, Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 Winnie the Pooh Xi Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just told you what the problem is. PRC is bullying ROC into not participating. It has nothing to do with Taiwan's status as a country, faggot.

>> No.15827679

>never had a slushie

>> No.15827680


>> No.15827681

it's that exactly what cottage cheese is

>> No.15827688

I got this non-homogenized milk and no amount of shaking would break up the solids in it.
It actually was pretty nice to have in cereal.

>> No.15827702

>my masculinity is defined by what i drink

>> No.15827720

Is that some kind of chinabux where that's actually more like 4.90 USD?

>> No.15827726

lol that makes me realize why tastelets like the baconator so much.

>> No.15827819

Seriously just slap a Japanese flag on anything and 4channers will defend it

>> No.15827847

It's settled. OP doesn't like it, so it's bad.

>> No.15827875

>japanese thing
Maymay is one of the worst I've seen in recent history. In every single example, there are WAY more differences than just the country of origin. Soft drinks=syrup, carbonated water, and some sort of artificial mix of flavors. Bubble tea=some kind of milk, sugar/syrup/fruit/ice cream, tea, and pearls/pudding/mochi/kanten/mango bits/coconut jelly/grass jelly
One is literally made to order with fresh ingredients and the other is made in a factory with a rigid formula. They can both be good and they can both be bad (Americans really get shitty BBT for the most part), but they could not be more dissimilar as far as the blanket category "sugary drinks" goes.

>> No.15828060

>die in hell
You actually go to hell AFTER you die

>> No.15828074

Anon if your cum is shaped like balls, you should get that looked at.

>> No.15828198

Spotted the chink, ... Or the redditor ...

>> No.15828223

Taiwan, so its about 1.70 USD. this might even be above average cost, lots of places have medium size tea for 1 dollar

>> No.15828231

It looks so refreshing, desu. In Canada, a good BBT costs at least 5 bucks with pearls. Maybe less if it's in a combo or there's a sale.

>> No.15828466

its not japanese retard

>> No.15828494

congratulations on your amazing bait, 10/10

>> No.15828648

>Republic of China
>nothing to do with China
lmao... do you even read what you type?

>> No.15828809

Chuds have to find anything to blame/shame women, chinese, or blacks on.

>> No.15829335
File: 661 KB, 1832x1382, 1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829362

> It's a drink for women.
fellas, is it gay to drink tapioca in tea?
If you are so insecure you can't drink tea, you need to get professional help, anon.

>> No.15829546

>>cackle at her while she has one of her spazzy bad stim fits
I understood about half of these words

>> No.15829580

Is it okay for a 30 years old guy to go and buy bubble tea? I know I shouldn't care about what other people think but I do
I have actually never seen anyone other than teenage girls to drink that

>> No.15829665

It was a meme a couple of months ago. It's irrelevant now and no one cares. Did you just find out about it or something?

>> No.15830239

Is this bait? Because you just sound like a retard and you're not actually riling anyone up

>> No.15830273

You must live in a place with bad bubble tea, so I'd avoid it. I live in a city with fantastic bubble tea selection and the customers just look like regular foot traffic. Everyone loves BBT when it's good.

>> No.15830289

not some gook so I don't drink this shit

>> No.15830477

Pathetic chud

>> No.15830578

once again fbpb

>> No.15830627

because asian stuff is good but not the asians themselves

>> No.15830747

once again t. never had good BBT

>> No.15831166

it tastes good

>> No.15831208

A faggot (literal faggot) in my university told me that the "bubble" in bubble tea refers to the froth bubbles formed from pouring the tea and doesn't refer to the tapioca balls. Can anyone confirm this or was this particular guy being extra faggoty?

>> No.15831214

He’s fucking with you or the AIDS is in his brain

>> No.15831215

think about it yourself: have you ever purchased bubble tea that did not have tapioca balls?

>> No.15831573

Drinks != Food. Moron.

>> No.15831606

That boba shit is gross, but recently I had this black tea drink with some weird fluffed cream cheese mixture + salt in it.
It was actually fucking great. It added just enough salt to mix with the sweet tea, and it was unique.

>> No.15831610

I can confirm that the "bubble" comes from the way the drinks are made, as the balls are called pearls. However, some people call the pearls "boba", meaning boob in hokkien or some shit, because of their texture and shape. I'm dead serious.
based, but also chud

>> No.15831615

Salty cheese mousse is fantastic. I'm glad it made it across the pond. So many drinks go well with it, especially black tea like you said

>> No.15831719

Which is skim milk and gummy bears btw
I would try it

>> No.15831736

I have a really nice boba tea place near where I live in Florida. The taiwanese lady who owns it is very nice to me.

>> No.15831741

Nice, pic of the drinks? I wanna see if she's secretly giving you the gwai lo stuff or if it's legit. Florida seems like a place where all non-American food would be heavily Americanized or have its quality destroyed

>> No.15831745

They also use real taro and not the dyed putple shit

>> No.15831754

Looks like it's mostly a fruit smoothie place with pearls available, which is cool. There's a place like that at the mall beside my house. Do they know how to treat the taro? In other words, does the taro have a fuzzy/otherwise weird texture in your mouth, or not? I've only found a few places that get it right, probably because it's not a very popular drink and the kids working there don't know how to soak the taro.

>> No.15831768

No weird texture from my recollection, my friends love it though. I've been to two other boba places nearer to me and their pearls are either too tough or too slimey. This one's pearls are perfect, they also recently added flower petal tea which I'm excited to try next time

>> No.15831802
File: 62 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rooting for you, anon. Good pearls are fucking key; I especially like when they're fresh and warm. Nothing is better than that. All these chuds here hate bubble tea because they have only tried cheap, shitty pearls. The flower petal tea sounds great and I hope you enjoy it. Here's a pic of this place near my house that serves really rich, interesting drinks. On the right is a fresh taro and purple yam milk tea with little crescent mochis in it. One of the most interesting BBTs I've ever had. I think the one on the left is oreo matcha, and it's also good

>> No.15831864

The only people who call it boba are BBCs and white people who mistakenly want to fit in with BBCs.
I've only seen milk tea sold in places with lots of Chinese students or tourists, but, tbf, that's most of the country.

>> No.15831865

the aids nigger was wrong
boba means a few things in chinese
1. big wave
2. big boobs
3. tapioca balls

>> No.15831891

See >>15831610
Also, you say the nigger was wrong but you literally agree with him in your post.
Agreed. Seems to be an American landlocked thing. If someone calls the drink "boba", you can be sure they're getting bullshit. My city in Canada is 70% Chinese so we literally have 20 types of bubble tea here that the various shops specialize in and it's based as fuck.
>classic old school
>salty cream mousse
>ice cream/chocolate bar drinks
>fresh fruit
>brown sugar pearl milk
>yuppie style "refined" BBT like >>15831802
To name the my favorites. Fuck, I fucking want some now

>> No.15831896

That looks delicious! I hope you enjoy yours as well.

>> No.15831899

Thanks anon, I definitely will! I wish you could come try some

>> No.15831934

Yes? Literally yesterday. Taro with aloe vera.

>> No.15831945

He's some chud who hasn't had real bubble tea. Don't bother replying.

>> No.15831965

how the fuck did we prove the aids homo right by saying it means the tapioca pearls?

>> No.15831978

Maybe you didn't read the original post or something. Go back and read what the conversation was about.

>> No.15831984

>A faggot (literal faggot) in my university told me that the "bubble" in bubble tea refers to the froth bubbles formed from pouring the tea and doesn't refer to the tapioca balls. Can anyone confirm this or was this particular guy being extra faggoty?
>refers to the froth bubbles formed from pouring the tea and doesn't refer to the tapioca balls.
>froth bubbles

>> No.15831992

Yeah, that's bubble, not boba. Dipshit.

>> No.15831997

I should clarify that boba is what retarded flyover niggers call bubble tea, and in that context, it does refer to the pearls, but "bubble" in bubble tea is referring to the way the drinks are made.

>> No.15832000

I should also clarify that I clarified because I have reason to believe you're stupid

>> No.15832004

you can't talk shit if you've never had one with a mix of tiny balls and normal balls

>> No.15832013

I'm shocked that you know of such a place when you refer to pearls as "balls"

>> No.15832034
File: 97 KB, 800x532, faEwS3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Taiwan, "bubble" is the foam in the tea, "boba" is the large size tapioca balls (left in pic), and "pearl" is the small size tapioca balls (right in pic).

Outside Taiwan, bubble often refers to the tapioca instead. so really everyone is right

>> No.15832046

u sound like a massive fag

>> No.15832049

Close, but outside Taiwan, *wrong* people call pearls "bubbles". Literally a misnomer.

>> No.15832050
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>> No.15832079

Kek, tjendol is a bit vile to say the least.

>> No.15832080

you will never have a girlfriend

who isnt on hrt

>> No.15832088

I'm simply using the term that OP understands, read his post again

>> No.15832106
File: 47 KB, 696x960, 162049536_10218773301258803_8963920811663436747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15832136


>> No.15832140

Every sip is either 100% balls or 0 balls

>> No.15832158

You're a pleb.

>> No.15832198

I got some hot bubble tea yesterday and the fucking straw melted. The woman behind the counter had given me two to compensate and it still wasn't enough. I had to peel away the cover and drink it like a berk. I appreciate the effort not to single handedly destroy the earth with single use straws but sugarcane was a mistake.

>> No.15832202

It's probably an ABC thing which filtered its way over here to the BBC community. Everyone from China or Taiwan I know calls it naicha desu.

>> No.15832323

hes literally right. retards.

>> No.15832331

fucking retard cant even google.

>> No.15832334


>> No.15832338

You might be autistic

>> No.15832457

>random cum balls enter your mouth as you're trying to drink the tea
I guess it should be called bubble cum then

>> No.15833117
File: 128 KB, 714x1000, Tapioca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... Would you?

>> No.15833195

We've already discussed this. If it doesn't have a sealed-on lid, I'm not drinking.

>> No.15833201

Do you not know what unhomogenised milk is. Imagine outing yourself on a cooking board like this.

>> No.15833299

I can't be the only that thinks this drink is trying to brainwash people into giving blowjobs.

>> No.15833301

You are take your meds

>> No.15833309


>> No.15833313

Take your meds and sit in a dark room.

>> No.15833461

What are the balls in the drink? Are you meant to chew them?

>> No.15833468

If they're good quality, they're delicious and pleasantly chewy, so yes.

If they're from a flyover state in America, they're probably nasty and that's why OP sperged out about them.

>> No.15833957

Literally proving him right.

>> No.15834548

Taste like a slug snuck into my drink. No bueno.

>> No.15834560

He's probably fucking fat

>> No.15834586

This comment is pretty fucking funny

>> No.15835122

>Why did you cum on my cup kero

>> No.15835343

Freaking delicious

>> No.15835364

Best flavor?


>> No.15835433

>tfw when no autistic gf

>> No.15835870

nigga you fucking supid

>> No.15836483

Why would you choose these of all flavours
I've never seen anyone drink anything but taro, matcha, brown rice or oolong in my life.

>> No.15837006

I had an Asian girl introduce me to lychee and it's one of my favorite fruits

>> No.15837662


>> No.15837685

id gladly take one on hrt. i might take hrt also and she can pound my butthole

>> No.15838506

Sounds like you live next to poverty BBT shops, fag. I have literally hundreds of different drinks in my city to choose from.

>> No.15838541

thanks for proving you are a retard

>> No.15839332

Don't know if they have Yakult Green Tea in the states
but you should definitely give it a try if you see it

>> No.15840106

I don't doubt that people order fruit tea lol, I've just never seen it. It's always milk tea. I'm surprised to see anon assuming fruit tea is the default.
I lived in China you retard.

>> No.15840138

i tried making this once and the balls are just bland and tasteless, they're too hard to chew and add no enjoyment to the drink, which is basically just the same concept as nesquik, milk and flavored powder. really dumb trend.

>> No.15840180

No. Mario says fags go to hell while they are still alive.

>> No.15840189

Called the little balls in the tea "cocoa puffs" and the whole table cracked up

Good times

>> No.15840503

seems neat i guess, though my only exposure is seeing pictures and stuff about it online.

>> No.15840643

Well Mario is Italian so he's going to hell regardless

>> No.15840663

Visiting california again next week and HOLY FUCK I am going to slam one of these every day

>> No.15841447

>I lived in China
Yeah, I really believe you. No, seriously.

>> No.15841681
File: 198 KB, 1304x978, gosh I hope 4chan automatically scrubs exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you wouldn't believe me, it's not that hard to live there. Check out a rando pic of the view from my flat.

>> No.15841736
File: 57 KB, 396x512, Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 Winnie the Pooh is Xi Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mostly just trolling you, but how are you able to connect to 4chan? Is it not b& by default? Do VPNs pass the great wall of China? What if you come across a skeleton, or Tiananmen Square massacre 1989, or Winnie the Pooh, or anything like that? By the way, it looks like you live in a kinda shit area of China so maybe that's why you don't get any special flavors of BBT. After all, it was invented in Taiwan, and...

Taiwan number 1

>> No.15841804

4chan isn't banned by default, no. It was a real life saver when the vpns got periodically shut down (it happens around government holidays or the 30th anniversary of the tiananman square massacre), because all porn IS banned by default...except if it's posted on 4chan, apparently.
Nothing in the pasta does anything, the original meme pic talking about how you can make people disconnect by saying tiananman square massacre was probably a lie. Saying that stuff on something like wechat instead of a western owned site would get them banned, probably, but it'd also get you banned.

I lived in one of the most middle class areas of China, changning in Shanghai. That particular building just looks fucking derelict for some reason. I even saw people working in there sometimes, I don't understand.

You're right that it's a Taiwanese thing. I'm supposed to be in Taiwan rn but the new covid strain put a hell of a stop to that.

>> No.15841812

Also, to be clear, they had tonnes of fruit flavours & others. I just never saw anyone ordering any of them. I got winter melon once, and that was pretty nice.

>> No.15841879

>It was a real life saver when the vpns got periodically shut down
What do you mean?
> the original meme pic talking about how you can make people disconnect by saying tiananman square massacre was probably a lie
My friend send his Chinese friend a video game screenshot with skeletons in it and she got banned on wechat, so maybe you're right and it's only on Chinese platforms. He didn't get banned, though.
Winter melon is good as fuck. I live in a part of Canada that's 70% Chinese (mostly HK, Beijing, and Taiwan judging by what I can tell from their accents); we have a shit ton of BBT places in my city and they span a lot of different styles and they vary wildly in menu size. Some places only sell 20 very specific drinks, formulaic almost to the point of Starbucks (but taste way better, of course); some only sell brown sugar pearl milk drinks and have an even smaller menu; some literally have over a hundred options. I had always wondered if my city was particularly mosaic-like, or if it was common to have many different styles of bubble tea shops in China and Taiwan. We also have places that specialize in just fruit tea or chocolate bar drinks, the latter I'm sure is just a western appeal.

>> No.15841908

>what the fuck is a tapioca
literally dogshit

>> No.15841924

get a room
all is other fast food cu/ck/s don't wanna see all this crap
glad you made a connection. now go back to plebbot

>> No.15841979


>> No.15841983

redditors are literally the ones that say "ok guys, move this to the PMs, keep the thread on topic!"