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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 443 KB, 3264x2448, serving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15908985 No.15908985 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons. Today marks the 365th day of my rice and beans adventure and I have to admit, it worked pretty well. All up I only spent 200 dollars for a years supply by buying them in bulk (technically a little more because i ran out of sauces quicker than I expected). Why doesn't everyone do this? I easily saved over 5 grand and am ecstatic!

>> No.15908992

Post body

>> No.15908996


>> No.15908997

You forgot to link your thread.

>> No.15909002

>Why doesn't everyone do this?
Nobody wants to eat rice and beans for a year. I do not think that's good for your body.

>> No.15909003

I'm 182cm and weigh 72kg which is close to the ideal bmi.

>> No.15909029

Are you just trolling or is there documentation proving your beany experiment?

>> No.15909041

Well I didn't take a photo every day if thats what you're asking. The receipt for the beans might be around somewhere though.

>> No.15909270

Did you put any seasonings or salsa on it at least? I would go crazy if I had to eat beans and rice plain everyday.

>> No.15909375

That just seems unhealthy. Whats the point OP? No nutrients, too little protein.

>> No.15909605
File: 30 KB, 539x552, 1480091087038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello Anon, this is your doctor, your test results are back. You have scurvy, beri-beri, rickets and liver failure from your little...ah...'diet'.
>Anyway, you're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills every year for the next...ahh...well the final few years of your life....

>> No.15909614

>thousands of dollars in medical bills
do they really ?

>> No.15909618

Rice and beans is perfectly fine to live on, that's basically what mexicans do. I would want to take a multivitamin if I were refusing to eat ANY fruits or vegetables as a challenge, but shit is fortified in this country anyway so it probably already has everything you need

>> No.15909627

rice is unsuitable food
buy flour and bake bread instead
flour is far more nutritious.

>> No.15909656

they do. they really do.

>> No.15909661

I need variety.

>> No.15909671

If he put a couple fried eggs in the mix it would have much more nutritional value.

>> No.15909703

Just don't pay them, duh

>> No.15909714

Wait what? You ate rice and beans only for an entire year? How the fuck are you even alive?

No iodine? D3? B12? Omegas? Too little protein?

This is like a poverty starvation diet did you at least eat some eggs? I would pay 10 grand to NOT eat like this fuck savings of you need to malnourished your body..

>> No.15910340

>No iodine?
He might've salted his rice water.
Just go outside.
It takes more than 1 year to get a serious deficiency of that.

>> No.15910369


Are you seriously saying that you ONLY ate rice and beans for a year? Because I know for a fact you fucking didn't.

I'm assuming you just cut a lot of shit and substituted a lot of meals with rice and beans but phrased it in a way to grab attention. Admit this and we can have a conversation. Otherwise nobody's gonna believe this, obviously.

>> No.15910382

rice and flour is a meme
beans and lentils is all you need

>> No.15912125


>> No.15912200

Human body is pretty good at going without things and synthesizing other things.

>> No.15912386

Do you do any physical activity? I tried vegan for a few months and was prone to injury during that time.

>> No.15912641

based op throw in some sardines, eggs and multivitamins and you're set

>> No.15913012

This is actually what happens. The hospitals get that money back by charging more to the insurance companies who in turn charge more to their people. American healthcare has been socialized for a long time now, just in the worst possible manner.

>> No.15913584

> prone to injury
What the fuck does that even mean? How do you measure that?

>> No.15913613

I was training for long distance running and had foot pain while on the diet, but none when I was off it.
Did he get hurt at all during that year long veganshit

>> No.15913630

OP is a liar and ditched the thread

>> No.15913634

>1 post by this ID
it's a slide thread that's guarantees replies but it pushes off the real threads worth talking about like is coffee good for you?

>> No.15913666

If anything, that’s an extreme under-exaggeration if we’re talking about life-threatening or chronic conditions

>> No.15913743

Salt, pepper and sauces of course. The sauces managed to keep me from losing my mind.

Saving for a house. There's plenty of protein in beans (1 can per day = 68% of recommended DI).

There were a couple of "cheat" meals per month due to social obligations but yeah pretty much. I tried eggs a few times but i didn't like the consistency.

Same as the year before. Streches, pushups and situps. I didn't notice any gains or losses. Some days I felt "flatter" than other days but overall everything was fine.

>> No.15913746

> I didn't notice any gains or losses.
So in a year of exercising regularly you didn't get any gains? Great saving strategy there

>> No.15913751

Those gallstones are going to be fearsome

>> No.15913756

Do you cook your beans in a pressure cooker?

>> No.15913767

Nah, that costs money. I don't use water as well though - those bills are fuckers. I boil the rice in bean can water.

>> No.15913769

Do you just buy the water in jugs at the store?

>> No.15913971

I'm talking about tap water. I'm not gonna be cucked by water bills, thank you very much. Water from bean cans is the same old H2O but also has added nutritional value so that's what I boil rice in. It's called having intelligence.

>> No.15913996

>bean cans
>not buying dry beans in bulk

>> No.15914004

Bean juice is fucking disgusting. You're better off buying distilled water.

>> No.15914006


would you happen to work for a movie studio and have a son named Mordecai?

>> No.15914416

> distilled water
And just give away all my salts and minerals that it's gonna wash out of my body? Distilled water can suck my dick. See I may not be rich but I'm not stupid either

>> No.15914614


Why even bake bread? Flour is so nutritious that one can merely eat it straight from the bag.

>> No.15914667

> eating processed food with a ton of nutrition lost
How about simply eat GRAINS from which it's made? Fucking retards