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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 928 KB, 827x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16016431 No.16016431 [Reply] [Original]

Soon all beef recipes will be wiped off the internet, do you have yours saved?

>> No.16016462

no cos i have ppl liek u saving them for me

>> No.16016469

Yeah it's called a fucking book

>> No.16016472

Isn't epicurious like, basically buzzfeed?

>> No.16016475

Didn't you already make this thread earlier?

>> No.16016578

never heard of 'epicurious', but sure. the recipe apocalypse is nigh.

>> No.16016580

yeah in my head

>> No.16016589

How many times is this going to be discussed here?

>> No.16016591

This is a good thing. Beef prices as they are now are needlessly subsidized, from both the feed and cattle sides.
Get rid of those subsidies, watch the price of beef skyrocket and watch global warming immediately end.
Flyover farmers and retards in the brazilian rain forest (which have insanely low yields because as it turns out, rain forests are not fucking crop land.) don't need to be making government-subsidized soy feed for chinese cattle.
No one needs beef in their diet daily, weekly, or even monthly. It should be a special occasion.

>> No.16016594

Same company as bon appetit

>> No.16016596
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>This is a good thing. Beef prices as they are now are needlessly subsidized, from both the feed and cattle sides.
>Get rid of those subsidies, watch the price of beef skyrocket and watch global warming immediately end.
>Flyover farmers and retards in the brazilian rain forest (which have insanely low yields because as it turns out, rain forests are not fucking crop land.) don't need to be making government-subsidized soy feed for chinese cattle.
>No one needs beef in their diet daily, weekly, or even monthly. It should be a special occasion.

>> No.16016597

Epicurious has been in decline for years, ever since the various cooking Youtubers starting becoming really popular.

This is a stunt intended to capture a small residual audience of a commie faggots.

>> No.16016601

>and watch global warming immediately end
weak bait

>> No.16016606

Do you personally know any people who watch food youtubers or any youtubers in general? I don't.

>> No.16016614

So basically its buzzfeed. Why do we care that a silicon valley website founded by a trust fund child is trying to virtue signal?

>> No.16016619

Obviously a bit of hyperbole, but not everyone should be able to afford beef.
Beef Board, Egg Board, Dairy Board, they're a fucking racket and exist only to suck money from American taxpayer's wallets. All to support a completely economically unsustainable system.

>> No.16016631


>> No.16016647

>(((global warming)))
Don't you have green energy tech to shilling to homeowners, Chiam? Don't for forget your wife's son's Bar Mitzvah

>> No.16016731

>but not everyone should be able to afford beef.
>we care about the planet, but not about you

>> No.16016749
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>No one needs beef in their diet daily, weekly, or even monthly. It should be a special occasion.

>> No.16016774

Here is a beef recipe for you. Take a nice steak. Some salt and pepper. Then cook over charcoals. Simple as.

>> No.16016780

Who are you to decide what someone else's needs are? If an individual decides that they need to eat beef 3 meals a day 7 days a week, that is there prerogative and you have absolutely no right to question it. If there is a large demand for a certain food item, the market will meet that demand. Worry about yourself and leave other people alone, its none of your business

>> No.16016818

Except that, you know, we all live in a society with those other people, based on an economy in which those people take part, on a planet with those same people. Their choices affect everyone. If people are making choices with negative impacts on others, it is absolutely something to be questioned.

>> No.16016915

>we live in a society
I suppose you believe you are the arbiter of what a "negative effect" is? Well I believe soy farming has a "negative effect", so clearly we should ban all soy production. How about you fuck off, leave other people alone, and stop spending so much time on digital media getting propagandized and fearmongered to

>> No.16016931

Who are you to decide that my tax money goes to pay for dumbass corn subsidies to fuel a faux, unsustainable meat economy?

>> No.16016943

cringe, I only use based.cooking

>> No.16016946

Agreed. Physical media > Internet media

>> No.16016957

>we should ban all soy
YOU AGREE! Soy and corn subsidies are the only reason poorfags like you can afford beef today.
Get rid of soy, get rid of feed corn.
End direct beef subsidies as well. We’re all good bro, same side!

>> No.16016963

Repeating buzzwords doesn't make you smart anon

>> No.16016976 [DELETED] 

Economically Unsustainable , I don’t give a shit about the planet, I just hate those nigger gibs farmers who are a leech on taxpayers’ wallets.
End those free gibs and you’ll see how unsustainable the meat economy really is.

>> No.16016978

So you're just an elitist? I firmly believe that ALL Americans deserve equal access to high quality, nutritious meat. Moral concerns are far more important than environmental concerns, and it is immoral to assert that somebody doesn't deserve to eat well just because they don't have as much money as you

>> No.16017170

>So you're just an elitist? I firmly believe that ALL Americans deserve equal access to high quality, nutritious meat.

Sure, If they can pay for it.

>> No.16017346
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>> No.16017362
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Luke and Smithpilled

>> No.16017736

this isn't real, but it sure could be

>> No.16017787
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>This is a good thing

>> No.16017832

>watch global warming immediately end
This is a thread about repressing cattle farmers, not glassing the Chinese mainland, retard.

>> No.16017865

soy and corn are also needlessly subsidized.

>> No.16017964
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>> No.16018599

Same company owns reddit.
Like it or not, they're influential. This will go a long way, regardless of obvious opposition.

>> No.16018659

A real man full of testosterone

>> No.16019268
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>she doesn't use luke smith's cooking site
have fun getting cucked

>> No.16019283

I don't need a recipe, I make up my own all the time and other people think they taste good.

>> No.16019294

Can’t wait until you insecure fags can’t afford unsubsidized beef. It will be hilarious. Maybe learn to code so you might have a chance to afford tasting a real burger in 15 years

>> No.16019301

Spoken like true fecesminist redditors

>> No.16019310

>but muh soy farmers, I need muh soy farmers to make roundup ready soy for my artificial hormone-fed beef
You will be too poor to buy beef soon. All you will be able to do is sneed

>> No.16019321

Oh God oh no one less website out of hundreds when I search beef recipes

>> No.16019334

Literally who? They are probably some dying website creating controversy in a desperate attempt for clicks. Never visited them, will certainly not now.

>> No.16019342
File: 162 KB, 1242x810, BN-EI841_schwab_GR_20140902125020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Normal
In these uncertain, trying times of the new normal, as citizens of the global village must come together, but apart, and build back better with some extended length temporary global rules to kick start the 4th Industrial revolution with the USA at its helm:

You WILL stay home for over a year
You WILL social distance
You WILL wear the mask
You WILL wear the mask while eating
You WILL wear the mask while sleeping
You WILL wear 4 masks
You WILL stay 6ft apart from others except for during your corporation approved BLM rallies
You WILL flatten the curve
You WILL submit your DNA for Covid-19 testing
You WILL subscribe to the quarantine subreddit
You WILL record and report anti-maskers
You WILL embrace HR6666
You WILL obey the curfew
You WILL take the vaccine
You WILL support permanent social distancing
You WILL get the swab
You WILL eat the cricket burger
You WILL drink the cockroach milk
You WILL eat the maggot chips
You WILL eat the bugs
You WILL eat the babies
You WILL consume estrogen
You WILL avoid eating meat
You WILL take violence-inhibiting hormone injections
You WILL eat the onions
You WILL donate to GMO research
You WILL donate your food
You WILL drink recycled urine
You WILL believe in Ball Earth
You WILL believe in the moon landing
You WILL believe in climate change
You WILL stop believing in chemtrails
You WILL work and live in a sealed pod with your Vaxpass™
You WILL avoid travelling without your Vaxpass™
You WILL ride the bus
You WILL live in the FEMA camps
You WILL get in the wage cage
You WILL work in the cube
You WILL follow the arrows in the supermarket
You WILL rent your clothes
You WILL trust only government and government approved officials
You WILL trust only fact checker approved content
You WILL accept the new normal

>> No.16019343

Who will "wipe them off" you fucking schizo?

>> No.16019349

Now mommybloggers get to write novels about how their beef recipes are traditional from times past.

>> No.16019353

You need normal fags are peak consoomer. If any of this were true, all this shit can be avoided if you grow your own crops and raise your own animals. A homestead.
But that’s too hard, instead you’ll blame the Jews about shit that’s not actually going to happen.

>> No.16019360

>2 generations later

Ewww, mommy grandma is making cow meat again.

It's from the old country darling, you can try it.

>> No.16019361

growing your own crops is plausible. raising your own beef cattle isn't.

t. grew up next door next to a small scale cattle farmer.

>> No.16019369

Why wouldn’t it be possible? I’ve seen plenty of homesteaders easing small herds of cattle, <10

>> No.16019376
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If everyone tried that I wonder what the globe would look like.

>> No.16019397

they require a lot of land. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1167344.pdf

keep in mind this is grazable land too, not just shitty wooded land. and cows require maintenance.

>> No.16019425

why would they use a dark cutter for their stock photography?

>> No.16019426

So what? there are many other types of meat such as chicken, goat and pork
Beef is overrated

>> No.16019432


A) Nothing beats a steak
B) Otherwise I agree

>> No.16019451

What new can you really do with beef?

>> No.16019470

Can't burn bodies, can't bury them either.
Which means their solution is leaving bodies to decompose in the open (make everywhere India) or soylent processing. Fags

>> No.16019474
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>A) Nothing beats a steak

>> No.16019477
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Enjoy your meal soyjack

>> No.16019480

embarrassingly stupid post

>> No.16019483

The vast majority of soy goes to feed pigs and poultry. Try again.

>> No.16019487
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>You VILL eat ze bugs

>> No.16019488

My bad, replace that with roundup ready corn. Same worthless farmers taking the same government gibs to make cattle feed.

>> No.16019492

>shitty food website makes a stupid decision
wow, who would have thought. those websites are fucking useless bloat garbage anyways, it's next to impossible to have a good experience with them.
Also >using recipes.

>> No.16019497

>because as it turns out, rain forests are not fucking crop land
extremely well-made bait

>> No.16019498

>defends nigger farmers taking massive gibs of $20 billion dollars a year to support a commodity market that would never survive in the real, free market.
ye, such a stupid post anon

>> No.16019500

It was a stupid shitty website that started the whole disabling anonymous comments. I know food is different, but this is how a message starts. They test the waters on sites like that to prepare for a rollout to more mainstream and popular sites. Before you know it, everyone is promoting "no more beef" and then people buy into the propaganda and do it.

>> No.16019512

I think you just discovered how social trends disseminate in media, omg someone call... also the media!

Don't worry, no one is taking away beef.

>> No.16019527

I think you overestimate the impact those fuckers have on the population. Beef isn't going to disappear anytime soon. I'm still going to find some quality cuts at my local market despite the efforts of sjw retards.

>> No.16019530

>Agricultural use of some rainforest land proves to be a failure because of the nutrient-deficient, acidic soils of these forests. Nevertheless, many commercial agricultural projects are still carried out on rain forest lands, although many of these revert to cattle pasture after soils are depleted.
turns out smelly brown people are actually as retarded as white supremacists say.
When looking at a rain forest you're looking at a current state, a snapshot. It looks lush and teeming with life. But what you don't see is the hundreds of years of growth it took to get there, only the right plants are able to thrive in such conditions and make it through the filter
Dumb brazilians see this snapshot and see it teeming with life and immediately assume it would be perfect fertile ground to grow crops on.
Clear cut and burning hundreds of acres only to find out their monsanto soy won't fucking grow for some reason.

>> No.16019534

>hundreds of years of growth
a parcel of tropical rainforest grows back in like 5 years

>> No.16019538

Ah, my bad, the roundup ready soy should grow fine in that case.

>> No.16019542

Source or hoax

>> No.16019543

People like you said "no one is coming for your guns" and now we have red flag laws.

It won't disappear, but if this gets enough positive feedback they'll keep on it.

>> No.16019550

bring it to /k/ not everyone is american and gives 2 shits about your gun collection

>> No.16019554

Just making a point. :-)

>> No.16019571

it does grow fine...what fucking eco retard websites are you reading?

>> No.16019587

Who the fuck cares if they "keep on it"?
You mean keep whining on social media and other retarded websites, get a tiny amount of public recognition because of the novelty, and cry about another thing when it dies out to repeat the endless cycle?
They don't reflect reality at all. Keep in mind that 80% of the content on Twitter was created by 10% of the users.

>> No.16019608

Oh no! Not heckin' redditino!

>> No.16019618

He's right, though. It'll change some minds and it'll put the idea of limited beef consumption into other minds so that they're familiar with it. Big media companies can slowly change a populace's views over time, y'know.

>> No.16019664

Those small scale cattle ranches you saw are probably going to die before they pay off the mortgage.
It's an extremely expensive starting cost, cows require a lot of maintenance, vet bills are insane, and they shit a lot. I'm talking several pounds of shit every day and you can't simply throw it in the trash can or let it saturate/poison the ground water on your little three acre ranch.
Goats and pigs are the real poorfags backyard protein.

>> No.16019744
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>> No.16019829

Corps push for common workers to be "responsible" when Corps are responsible for 80% of the pollution. They can fuck off. We of course can do our part but this is ridiculous.

>> No.16019864

An irrelevant site grows even more irrelevant as they cut off alot of traffic of people looking for beef recipes

>> No.16019880

actually it's mostly their burps but even the methane issue can be resolved with modified diet or gut flora

>> No.16019910

Cows eat grass they don't need your bugman feed

>> No.16019938

Stop Nestle from burning down all of the rainforests to plant palm oil plantations.

>> No.16019954

>stop nestle
>but keep worthless nigger gibs farmers though

>> No.16020082

seaweed in their diet can help but sure, what you said

>> No.16020282

Not that guy, but why the fuck are you supporting clearing the Amazon for soy farms of all things? You can be against needless environmental destruction while still not buying into globohomo propaganda like the OP.

>> No.16020297

>Farting cows cause the global warming
Western "science", everyone

>> No.16020401

The market doesn't agree with you, kike

>> No.16020408
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Drama queens

>> No.16020410

>the market
there is no market, it's a subsidized faux market that would never survive on its own accord without the generous government handouts

>> No.16020414

it says "new" recipes, indicating that they'll leave up all the old recipes. how many new recipes for beef dishes are there to write, really? this sounds like "look at me not doing something that i wasn't going to be doing anyways, aren't i wonderful?"

>> No.16020426

that's because they're either hobby farmers who are already rich or they're selling the cattle by subscription to foodies

>> No.16020431

So cattle is expensive to raise and own, yet the market price doesn't reflect this because the government subsidizes it to insane amounts.
But this is somehow a good thing?

>> No.16020439

This. Fuck corporations and don't believe them. Everyone is pandering about being green but my hospital is now using $1800 disposable scopes for urology procedures because it's cheaper long term than re sterilization of reusable scopes. I'm in anesthesia and basically everything I use is disposable - wires, laryngoscope blades/handles, glide scope blades/handles, fiber bronchoscope. Corps produce so much garbage when it benefits them but tell you to do better.

>> No.16020443

As an enlightened, intelligent species there's a reason we don't eat our dead anymore. Cannibalism is for beasts.

>> No.16020451

economies of scale, retard. there's a reason why there's one price for the regular beef and another, much high price for the organic grassfed stuff at your supermarket

>> No.16020455

>can't eat beef, gotta save the environment
>we also need to let as many immigrants into the country as possible and subsidize their ability to consoom

>> No.16020459

China is on its way to build more coal plants within a few years than the number of coal plants ALL of Europe has combined

>> No.16020469

Show me the economies of scale that require $20 billion a year in subsidies.

>> No.16020707
File: 79 KB, 500x574, 1606072826955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a website called Epicurius
>take your name from greek philosopher Epicurus, who believed that pleasure and happiness are the ultimate goals in life

>> No.16020866

they don't require it, that's just the powerful agribusiness lobby and the fact that both parties collectively oversaw the death of the family farm amid the corporate centralization of agriculture but would prefer if americans forgot that fact. which mostly worked, right now on /pol/ there is an anon somewhere who still thinks that the countryside is full of sturdy conservative yeoman ready to take arms instead of a bunch of welfare leeching migrants working for pennies on the dollar at perdue's best attempts to replicate a bosch painting on earth

>> No.16021893



>> No.16021957

Who the fuck uses recipes? Just season that mf up and put it the oven

>> No.16021966
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>Didn't pay attention to the easiest part of High School science

>> No.16021988

>We’re all good bro, same side!

Why do all of you “people” talk in the exact same way?

>> No.16021995

>learn to code

lmao idiot, all those jobs are going to be outsourced to the Chinese and Indians through teleworking

I can’t wait lmaoooo

>> No.16022008


why do shitlibs argue like this?

>> No.16022018

Someone was finally given computer access for the day. Wecome back reddit spacing

>> No.16022022

I know. Recycling is a scam. Why fix 10% of plastic waste through recycling when you can just ban single use plastics in the first place.

If the Axis Powers won this wouldn’t even be a debate.

>> No.16022031

Imagine expecting liberals to understand any references from history or mythology that didn’t occur in Harry Potter or a Disney film.

>> No.16022036
File: 449 KB, 1818x1478, 24658E34-BFC2-4AA4-8A0A-29EB3AB2E850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh reddït

Literally obsessed.

Enjoy my paragraph breaks.

>> No.16023466

>first they censored Trump
>then they censored vaccine danger warnings
>now they censor beef

>> No.16023477

First they came for the pate de foi gras
And I said nothing because I can't afford that shit anyway
Then they came for the veal
And I said nothing because I can't afford that shit anyway
Now they come for my hamburgers
And all the soibois are reeing at me to switch to tofu and sprouts

>> No.16023478

This is what you have when 50% of the country are sociopaths who act like children and their political leaders are too scared to set boundaries and limits.

>> No.16023486

>dumbass corn subsidies to fuel
They're fueling ethanol in gasoline. Higher cost, worse gas mileage, higher emissions, what's not to love? But Iowa farmers think it's great. Cattle feed is a fraction of the size of that economic boondoggle.

>> No.16023491

No, it’s not a fraction of the size

>> No.16023492

It truly is time to start killing them.

>> No.16023514

dangerously based, my friend

>> No.16023841

>powered by chainlink

>> No.16023845

damn, so small its not even a fraction.

>> No.16023847

Retard doesn’t know how fractions and whole numbers work

>> No.16023855

So none of the corn subsidies go to ethanol?

>> No.16023910

I agree, fuck Republicans.

>> No.16023930

time to take take your pills and head to bed, grandpa, big mahjong tournament against the Silver Sneakers tomorrow

>> No.16024025

Where do you live so I can come and kill you and then sell your meat on the dark web?

>> No.16024356

>needing a recipe
Mutton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beef

>> No.16024369

Fuck Republicans, but the alternative is a political faction of cowards who kneel for rioting thugs, sooo I’m looking forward to Chinese rule at this juncture

>> No.16024424


>> No.16024501

>if all my friends jump off a cliff then i have to aswell

>> No.16024510

Thats a pretty good shop not gonna like
That art style is pretty ominous for some reason

>> No.16024526

I think overall I eat beef 3-4x a month in some form or another. Is that normal?

>> No.16024528
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>> No.16024535
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I don't use recipes, I make them

>> No.16024536

It was real in some stone-age societies. Why give momma and poppa to the worms when you can take them into you ?

>> No.16024554

Good thing I don't browse that shithole. I use Allrecipes so I can read the comments to see if Karen posted about hubby loving the meal and how she changed literally everything in the recipe and how amazing it is.

>> No.16024556

That seems fine. Eating red meat weekly is not really a problem. More than that is for your health.

>> No.16024561

Depends on if you live in a shithole or not.

>> No.16024711

>posting this retarded faggot's comics unironically

>> No.16024720

cry about it, fast food nigger

>> No.16024726


>> No.16024727

>destroying rainforest for for farms is bad
Agreed. When are we removing avocados from recipes?

>> No.16024756

allrecipes has lead me wrong in so many ways. using allrecipes I got undercooked chicken even after adding another 50%ish more cooking time, an egg and butter mixture exploding in the microwave, a hamburger steak mixture that was sopping wet sloppa and oversaturated to hell with various liquid ingredients, and italian sausage cooked in such a shitty way I hesitate to eat italian sausage again because of it.

>> No.16024778


It is a shithole but there are a lot of options when shopping for beef.

>> No.16026007

I never heard of epicurious before this beef shit and I will never hear about them again after.

>> No.16026018

I don’t think avocados are grown in rainforest areas.

>> No.16026049

Some avocados are grown in the rainforest. Get any cow that literally didn't come from the rainforest and boom, it's not from the rainforest.

>> No.16026090

Avocados are not a driving force of rainforest deforestation though, I don’t think it’s a good comparison.

>> No.16026100

omg they started killing off useless cows cos it wasn't as pricey as the fancier ones then now no one has the lower priced cows available and that drove up the meat prices

they don't want people to start stealing meats but i think it's probably going to cause grocers to not to be able to carry meats anymore and people are going to have to go to select grocery stores or a butcher to drive up to a farm to get it directly.

>> No.16026101

Company influential .... Until not

Remember when GE and jack welch were influential ?
Now they are trash

Conde nast and jews who own it will be trash soon too Israel along with them

>Good riddance

>> No.16027034

Influential in what, they got cancelled by one pajeet

>> No.16027038

Right... so you mixed very reasonable and beneficial practices like social distancing, wearing masks, minimizing meat consumption and then threw in a bunch of conspiracy theory BS that no one has ever forced you to do in order to make it seem like you're being oppressed. You're not being oppressed. You're a privileged cis-gender straight white male.

>> No.16027042

I love the hysteria fat people are in over having their precious meat taken away from them.

>> No.16027051
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>Hey /ck/ do you own cookbooks?

>> No.16027083

Reddit is popular, but not as influential as you think it is, and most people have probably never heard of epicurious.

>> No.16027093

Oh no I can't cook without this one leftist recipe website what am I going to do with all this beef now?

>> No.16027098

Like india, except with proper plumbing and hand washing.

India has something like 100x more dairy cattle than the united states.

>> No.16027250
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>> No.16027268

The main driving force behind deforestation is the fact that we have to trust a nation of sub 70 IQ mongrels to not burn down the forests when they can make a few bucks selling meat to a nation of sub 90 IQ mongrels.

>> No.16027285
File: 36 KB, 212x218, George disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile filename
>Ironic reddit post format

>> No.16027288

Have a fungus

>> No.16027306

ITT: Privileged white males making up reasons why they're oppressed.
A blog changing their content isn't addressing you. Put the Siracha mayo and craft beer down and take a deep breath

>> No.16027310
File: 143 KB, 828x1792, E5C918B1-8D3F-4124-9BB6-B5FD9882154B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw yes >>to all of the above