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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1440x937, stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16012812 No.16012812 [Reply] [Original]

Beef stew time. Tri-tip is great for it.

>> No.16012815

what is the purple thing?

>> No.16012816


>> No.16012818

red cabbage

>> No.16012836

>red cabbage
>is purple

>> No.16012843

Anthocyanins, small son.

>> No.16012854


>> No.16012855

cook along thread?

>> No.16013014

Still simmerin', guys...

>> No.16013135

Not for me, thanks.

>> No.16013163
File: 74 KB, 513x513, 1619505144323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying yourself moon energy

>> No.16013620

It's red cabbage

>> No.16013626

You don't use more onion than that?

>> No.16013636

Onions are full of estrogen.

>> No.16013657

Show more pics OP! I did something similar yesterday and I'm looking for more ideas.

>> No.16013737

It's still simmering

>> No.16013758


>> No.16013773
File: 1.90 MB, 350x251, 1610432589735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll cut you bruv I swear on me mum

>> No.16013833
File: 173 KB, 750x1055, Testosterone-Boosting-Foods-For-Men-Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they aren't

>> No.16013841

Do you brown the potatoes before adding them to the stew?

>> No.16013842

How is it still simmering 7 hours later

>> No.16015390

They're rutabagas.

>> No.16015503

Please tell me you trimmed some of that fat off the beef. I'm all for a nice hunk of rendered fat on a steak, but 1 inch thick chunks of beef fat that have been simmered are revolting.

>> No.16015598

Nah. Would defeat the purpose of using that cut.

>> No.16015609

Mmm, rubbery unrendered fat, how delicious.

>> No.16015614


Of Thee I Sing

>> No.16015617

it's slower than the rest

>> No.16015726

Only rubbery if you don't simmer long enough - gets very soft otherwise. Sorry but you sound like a cooklet.

>> No.16016620

trim some of that fat and freeze it for later
needs more onions
throw cabbage in the trash
carrots and potatoes need to be cut thicker

>> No.16016624

Beef recipes are no longer allowed. Reported.

>> No.16016712

I'm assuming you add beefstock right? I usually brown all the veggies before adding to the slow cooker too for 10 mins in a little oil. The last recipe I used said to add 2 TBS of Woreschetire sauce and it made it way too acidic. I also throw in a couple bay leaves too. Any tips?

>> No.16016870

Beefstock not required if you brown everything properly. Just add water. Limit acid, especially tomato when adding things or you can overdo it pretty easily.

>> No.16016876


>> No.16016908

>Focus on: Nigger toes
>Not Recommended: Milk

>> No.16017055

>trim fat for reasons
>more onions for reasons
>remove nutritious cabbage for reasons
>rutabagas are now potatoes
Are you even sentient?

>> No.16017380

Probably some bogus claim about cow estrogen.

>> No.16017544

OP die?

>> No.16017863

Nah... it's still simmerin', bud.

>> No.16018085

should have posted some prep photos First cook along? Smh

>> No.16018115

Purpled cabege. Basically normal cabege but with added purpled.

>> No.16018123
File: 73 KB, 1024x682, 1619497685925m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is the prep photo, anon...

>> No.16018164

It's a lot more nutritious than green afaik.

>> No.16018178

>brits don't know what red cabbage is

>> No.16018232

Doesn't come battered and fried.

>> No.16018275
File: 106 KB, 1080x1440, 123245689_3584225014931260_8677871132896434098_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nig, did you braise that flesh before you even started? wtf does simmering even mean?

>> No.16018288

Browned everything before the simmering began. Idk why ud assume it all just got added together as is.

>> No.16018510

Where the hell is the stew? Its simmering for 24 hours?

>> No.16018515

Still got a bit more simmering to do, anon. These things take time.

>> No.16018539

I think we're being rused

>> No.16018601
File: 54 KB, 680x510, 1618806560311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.16018764

Starting to smell pretty good anons... I'm excited.

>> No.16018775

you don't HAVE to brown meat before braising. it just adds a deeper flavour but braising unseared meat still produces nice flavours

>> No.16018851

>you dont HAVE to make it taste good
Spoken like a true cooklet.

>> No.16018896

deeper =/= better, sometimes you don't want the meat to overpower the whole dish.

it's easy to cook well with big, obvious flavour, it's much harder to achieve subtle balanced dishes

>> No.16018955

I work with tri-tip almost every day and have no idea what the fuck that is in your image.

>> No.16018991
File: 84 KB, 987x656, 1619499550781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sliced tri-tip.

>> No.16019194

Sounds like cooklet cope. Weak flavors for weak skillsets. You're literally wasting flavor.

>> No.16019402

fucking Yanks need to be locked up

>> No.16019428
File: 60 KB, 1024x913, 1619498490552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanks? I think you mean citizens of Flavortown. Maybe one day you'll become a resident... but not with any weak stew skills like that.

>> No.16019443

why is it crucial to brown the meat but not the vegetables?

>> No.16019455

I always brown both. The cabbage I like to do in a separate saute pan to get some real nice color, then add later when I reincorporate the browned meat. Makes it a lot easier to manage everything.

>> No.16019464

>Idk why ud assume it all just got added together as is

because you didna but post a single picture you damn mongo

>> No.16019475
File: 91 KB, 966x941, 1619494869208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I literally posted a single picture, anon. If you'll refer to the single picture up top where the thread begins with all the ingredients laid out... that is it.

>> No.16019499
File: 55 KB, 720x790, 1614751144134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16019521

Depends on the timezone honestly.

>> No.16019808

Can really smell the flavors coming together now - simmering nicely... patience is key.

>> No.16019871

OP forgot the gas on

>> No.16020203

why am i still watching this thread fucking OP

>> No.16021882

fucks sake

>> No.16021894


>> No.16022004

That's way too much butter you absolute lunatic

>> No.16022121

What did you expect? Most people here can't even boil rice right.

>> No.16022869

there's zero butter in that picture
how gaping is your asshole, faggot?

>> No.16023822

where is this stew?

>> No.16023867

give me five minutes. Pissing in it.

>> No.16024115

waste of some good looking ingredients

it's too bad about those potatoes though

>> No.16024800

kill yourself tranny

>> No.16025779

what about whole pasta

>> No.16025791

welcome newfag. I see you are having difficulties replying to other posters.

>> No.16025809

>tourist thinks people just give out (You)s to anyone

>> No.16026112


>> No.16026561 [DELETED] 

>ill eat you and you'll live through me
what a deal shrooms win

>> No.16026612

Mods should ban this faggot OP

>> No.16026968

Why? Over a bit of simmering? These things take time, anon. Flavors are still coming together. Just needs to simmer a bit more.

>> No.16027886

Reply to this when its done please, i get a notification.

>> No.16028177

Will do, anon. Not quite there yet, though.

>> No.16028216

OP here, sorry I ate it all before I could take a picture, it was just too delicious to wait. But I can assure you it came out great, probably the best beef stew I ever had in my life.

>> No.16028219

Either excellent bait or absolute worst cook along ever.
Either way, 7.5/10.

>> No.16028265


>> No.16028307

The "purple thing" is my wife, you son of a bitch!

>> No.16028317

OP here. One of my wife's bull's pubic hairs made it into the stew and I had to thrown the whole thing away. Sorry guys ;_;

>> No.16028885
File: 472 KB, 1440x1080, Radish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this imposter. Actual OP here... was busy slicing up some radish to toss in later once the stew finishes. Adds some nice color and texture.

>> No.16029685

>bowl of butter for stew
rutabagas... they are... rutabagas

>> No.16029772

Tri tip is excellent and too good for stew. Chuck roast for stew and cut it into chunks yourself.

>> No.16030008
File: 58 KB, 800x631, 1619498364790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tri-tip often goes on sale for chuck prices here, is sold in larger quantities, and yields a better end result.

>> No.16030281

It looks like magenta cabbage but could also be mushrooms of some kind
I'm more curious why he's putting pineapple in his stew

>> No.16030302


Stir frying those ingredients would be more delicious tho

>> No.16030324

I sauteed everything prior to combining it together into the stew.

>> No.16030332

Still simmering it?

>> No.16030384


Tasty. Post results.

>> No.16030870
File: 474 KB, 1126x875, 1619486798380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got a bit more simmering to go. Can't rush perfection if you know what I mean. Radishes are all sliced and ready to go, though.

>> No.16030889


What the fuck is wrong with mint?

>> No.16030901

>cook along thread
>posts one (1) single picture in the span of 4 hours

>> No.16031004

But I posted a radish update right here anon: >>16028885 Guess u missed it. Anyway not much more to update til this simmering finishes up.

>> No.16031023

There's literally no pineapple in that picture

>> No.16031404

Unironically lowers testosterone.

>> No.16031546

the humble rutabaga... master of disguise

>> No.16032867

My wife's son you piece of shit!

>> No.16033151

Wtf is this reference...

>> No.16033298

are you fucking kiddin me

>> No.16033323

why would you waste a trip tip for stew? use chuck like a normal person.

>> No.16033333

Was already covered here >>16030008. Why not read when you have eyes?

>> No.16033338

nice quints, but still not gonna read the previous responses!

>> No.16033342

i admire you honesty and devotion to your craft

>> No.16033381

kek you'll never know

>> No.16033561

I swear to god I can't find beef chuck in [ckspoiler]quebec[/ckspoiler] supermarkets, or at least IGA. Idfk what they'd call it beside "épaule" or "basse côte" but they never sell anything with that label, or anything that looks like chuck for that matter. All they sell is that overpriced pre-diced stew beef with no fat or connective tissue. I fucking hate it here.

>> No.16033696

lel so true

>> No.16033821
File: 137 KB, 1024x1016, 1619498374229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna rush things just to make u happy anon. Low and slow is the only way to develop that deep, rich flavor I'm after. There are no shortcuts. I'd love to just dig in right now, but I know that jumping the gun is only gonna lead to disappointment.

>> No.16033845

There is no stew, is there?

>> No.16033857

>american food has fats on it that turn you into a tranny
dios mio, la dieta estadounidense.........

>> No.16033873

tri-tip is delicious but in my opinion is best eaten on its own, roasted.

for me the best meat for stew is chuck or short ribs. you don't have to choose tender cuts of meat for stewing or braising and in fact choosing tender cuts for that would be a waste of money because even the toughest cuts will soften and break down when simmered long enough.

>> No.16033881

>he doesn't let his stew simmer for 3 1/2 days

>> No.16033893

See >>16033333. Stew stretches the meat further than a roast would and is arguably more nutritious.

>> No.16033947

didn't see those posts. but OP is saying he's using the tri-tip just because it was on sale about the same price as chuck. i'd still use chuck for the stew because tri-tip is too high quality to not enjoy it on its own. you're not tasting the tri-tip as much in a stew as you would on its own. and a stew is for meat that's particularly tough and has lots of connective tissue, which is why you simmer it for hours until it has finally softened. tri-tip isn't that tough and has almost no connective tissue. still a waste of tri-tip if you're not tasting it as much as you would if it had just been roasted whole or even cut into little steaks.

>> No.16034092

OP is massive fucking faggot for not posting any pictures of the stew and this dogshit thread should be deleted. absolute retard jannies

>> No.16034114
File: 217 KB, 1024x1017, 1619494935285m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I can make it simmer any faster anon. If the stew is not done there are no pics to show yet. Maybe this is just a technique you're unfamiliar with... I understand that most people rush the simmer but they're only robbing themselves. Some ramen broth simmers for days to get that perfect texture and flavor... this is no different.

>> No.16034211

OP here, thanks for following the cook along. I ate the stew, it was delicious.

>> No.16034333

I like to put in a few Scotch Bonnet peppers to give my stew an extra kick.

>> No.16034383


I don't think OP is coming back to post results....

>> No.16034405
File: 90 KB, 699x463, 1619579296535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP = >>16030870 = me. Will post a shot of the first bowl I eat soon as it gets done simmering. Just a matter of hours now...

>> No.16034441

Love mushrooms but they dont belong in stew, aside from bourguignon

>> No.16034478

I like to put them in chili.

>> No.16034966

Sounds good. Might try that out.

>> No.16034974
File: 17 KB, 184x184, vinnyTheShank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not the OP you fucking liar. Look.

>> No.16035214

Fucc I have felt the moon energy when walking at night on mushrooms before

>> No.16035292

Hey I am american and I know what cabbage is

>> No.16035969

I think most Americans know what cabbage is anon...

>> No.16036364
File: 504 KB, 1440x1080, DeliciousStew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man... that sure was delicious - definitely worth the wait. Thanks for following along everybody. Hope you join me for my next stew journey!

>> No.16036370

something that you would never add to a beef stew

>> No.16036391

>Mmm, rubbery unrendered fat, how delicious.
There are two types of muscular fat, and that isn't gristly on tri-tip and pictured, it will be actually be rendered a bit into the stock, and will be be a soft and lusciously fatty on the palate, bite by bite. I might have trimmed a bit more than OP, just to reduce some of the fat in the stock less easily skimmed later. Refrigeration takes care of it. I would probably dollop sour cream on top of my portion anyway.

>> No.16036411

>OP here, thanks for following the cook along. I ate the stew, it was delicious.
what part of the world are you from/ethnicity. It is unusual for an american to use rutabaga or cabbage in stew...kind of russian/german or even british I think.

>> No.16036435

100% White American. That comment was not OP btw.

>> No.16036493

Fuck you.

>> No.16037571

its full of sugar

>> No.16037583
File: 216 KB, 450x389, 1579017804263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread

>> No.16037831

I'm genuinely upset. How could you rob me of the joy of seeing this fucking stew

>> No.16038732


>> No.16038983

Lactose is not the same as added sugar you fucking nonce.

>> No.16039578


>> No.16040526

One of the best threads in awhile

>> No.16040947
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1619496139575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon.

>> No.16040951

Put me in the screencap

>> No.16041156

You motherlover

>> No.16041474
File: 47 KB, 460x303, 1619495092260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16041483

>post a nice selection of ingredients
>no results
dubs get fag

>> No.16041694

OP should be banned

>> No.16042050
File: 891 KB, 1280x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an original joke

>> No.16043536

why has this dogshit thread not died yet?

>> No.16043595
File: 349 KB, 300x169, 1619489343732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs denied. Better luck next time pal.

>> No.16043787
File: 44 KB, 552x414, 1617243457513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be bait

>> No.16043838

gør amerikanere virkelig det?

>> No.16043969

Good to see some classic English cuisine on /ck/, OP.

>> No.16044001

What English dish is this?

>> No.16044040

Beef stew. One of the staples of English cuisine. Honestly, given how pies are basically stews in a pastry, most of English cuisine boils down to roasts or stews.

>> No.16044055

But dont a lot of countries make beef stew?

>> No.16044084


>> No.16044121

Then why is this specific to England?

>> No.16044173

Even if other countries have beef stews, that doesn't mean it suddenly disappears from English cuisine, anon.

>> No.16044471

But what makes you say classic English cuisine when you look at the ingredient pic?

>> No.16044808

Because I've seen it countless times at my house, my parents' house, my grandparents' house, and my great-grandparents' house.

>> No.16045257

Ah, ok. Neat. Wasnt sure if this combination was traditional English or something.

>> No.16045315

Nah. I don't know how it is in other countries, but here you have the basic building blocks of a beef stew (beef, carrots, celery, onions, flour, stock) and then you add whatever the hell else you happen to have (often potatoes or parsnips for carbs, often mushrooms and herbs + spices for flavour). Garlic is used in literally every single stew nowadays, but I'm forced to admit that it's a relatively recent introduction. Even when my dad was a kid it was considered foreign and almost exotic.

I assume it's the same everywhere else which has stews like these (i.e. europe), honestly.

>> No.16045319

Oh and instead of (or with) stock ofc it's common to use beer or cider.

>> No.16045623

I just cant bring myself to omit the garlic despite it usually being one of the more annoying ingredients to prep. I've tried ales and ciders before, but I like just deglazing with red wine a few times as I sautee the veggies. Dont keep anything but wine around for cooking as far as alcohol goes these days anyway. I think most Americans tend to avoid adding anything more than a basic mirepoix for beef stew and chicken soup type stuff. The cabbage I like because it basically melts (not literally, just softens into obscurity), and thickens the broth while adding a lot of nice flavor.

>> No.16046412

Knowing ck it's likely not.

>> No.16046869

Looks like cabbage

>> No.16047026
File: 56 KB, 1024x1009, 1619498409568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent guess, anon.

>> No.16047137

Homogenized milk means milk passed through a small plastic hole that leaks microplastics into it like hell. Even non-homogenized milk has the highest quantity of plastics leaked into it from the plastic bottle or the plastic-lined carton

>> No.16047206
File: 51 KB, 1024x593, 1619495932044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a bogus claim then. Got it.

>> No.16047234
File: 2.19 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20210416_125214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Daube with mashed potatoes.