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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16047643 No.16047643 [Reply] [Original]

Is Uncle Roger /ourguy/?

>> No.16047649

>RORORORO she dwain da wahduh~

No, he's an unfunny moron.

>> No.16047652

Preaching perfect traditionalism for cooking is completely pointless since the basic ingredients themselves have changed vastly over the centuries even though many of the cooking methods have remained the same

>> No.16047683

Hes a CCP shill. Made a video with Mike Chen and then immediately deleted it and blocked him after the chink shilling started. Unsubscribed and never went back. Fuck that cunt.

>> No.16047830

My uncle is Derick, you fucking mong.

>> No.16047843

What's wrong with the CCP?

>> No.16047844

>Food snob
>Racist stereotypes

Seems like it.

>> No.16047880

Sickly yellow fingers typed this post

>> No.16047953
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>Hes a CCP shill.

>> No.16048100 [DELETED] 

https://youtu.be/klEJcsarw0k and kys chinger

>> No.16048108

>swarthy chud saying YELLOW MAN BAAAAD
Go fly with Epstein, incel

>> No.16048114

I watched that fried rice video and the only thing she did wrong was drain the rice. Everything else was pretty fine. I don't get why Asians need to overreact to this shit.

>> No.16048123

for money, retard

>> No.16048125

>unironically citing a Falun Gong outlet

>> No.16048131

How do you reconcile being racist against Asians in one post with crying crocodile tears for an Asian (Mike Chen) one post ago?

>> No.16048135

If you don't like "chinks", why were you watching him in the first place, loser?

>> No.16048142

Your social credit scores have been increased by 1 and 50 cents has been deposited to your accounts.

>> No.16048145
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>> No.16048150

im trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.16048155

Looked like she was boiling the rice instead of steaming it so she'd have to drain it. Did she measure the water? I forgot. If she measured it then that makes it confusing.

>> No.16048157
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Good to see all the CCP shills have arrived.

>> No.16048162

Here at /ck/ we're proud to stand with Black Lives Matter

>> No.16048170
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>> No.16048206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16048213

What the fuck are you even trying to convey. Go back to whatever trannychan you crawled out of, faggot.

>> No.16048215

>having a politics folder

>> No.16048231
File: 146 KB, 815x720, 20210424_095721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China Uncensored is a youtube channel that explains how and why the CCP is so bad. Genocide, working camps, the list goes on and on.

>> No.16048237
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Just shills his own shitty memes. Your parents failed you as a child and now you're a failure as an adult. Cope

>> No.16048239

He's Malaysian and he talks about rice dishes. Little did I know that he has a social media team that posts to Weibo for him and drums up business from the dirty Chinese. Which is what I said and linked above. Any credibility he might have had he completely obliterated in one minute by deciding to side with chink CCP shills for future chances to make it big in bugland.

>> No.16048262
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This anon is right, most of what you know about china is likely only what they want you to know. On a side note, if you ever see those videos on yt about some pretty chinese girl doing traditional style cooking or farming, you can be 100% sure it is state funded propaganda. The CCP blocks its citizens from using yt, so the only reason any chinese youtube channel would exist is for propaganda.

>> No.16048272 [DELETED] 

shilling for chinks is pretty authentically chinky

>> No.16048317

Just watch them at hotel buffets. They aren't civilised people.

>> No.16048327

The start of that list makes them sound based, and you say there's more like that? Based CCP.

>> No.16048334

He removed a video cause the person he did it with criticized the CCP like a year before.

>> No.16048381
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>> No.16048389

China Uncesored is low quality propaganda bankrolled by the Falun Gong (i.e. a schizo cult).

>> No.16048395

>every racist voted for a kikelover

>> No.16048399

Nobody cares that you are asshurt, people still follow him en masse and all you can do is cry.

>a girl cooking or doing farming is propaganda
You're a literal degenerate subhuman.

>> No.16048409

Or they just go on a proxy, which is something that, you know, any Chinese that isn't a technologically illiterate boomer can do.
Seriously, why is every anti-China poster so ridiculously ignorant on China?

>> No.16048422

The guy who criticized the CCP belongs to a cult that is against modern medicine and that believes in a racially segregated after life.

>> No.16048423

Do you regularly defend mindless subhuman bugs this way

>> No.16048432

This. The fact that they think getting on a proxy is somehow a party privilege shows these retards don't know a single thing about China.

>> No.16048435

>>a girl cooking or doing farming is propaganda
>You're a literal degenerate subhuman.
what is it like to have 0 critical thinking skills

>> No.16048438
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They were talking about rice and never mentioned politics once. Can you think for yourself or do you need to wait for someone to it for you?

>> No.16048450

Thats basically every religion,all of them are insane,nothing special,all youre really saying is that hes religious (assuming he even is falun gong).

>> No.16048458

Cope harder, degenerate mutt. Just because you are used to seeing man-hating feminazis with hairy armpits celebrating menstruation and trannies doesn't mean a girl doing simple home tasks is "propaganda".

>> No.16048464

Not mentioning his beliefs in that video doesn't make his beliefs nonexistent, retarded virgin.

>> No.16048471

are you south american

>> No.16048474

This. Amerisharts hate everything that's wholesome because they worship trannies, drug-peddling rappers and obesity. Plus anything that doesn't portray the Chinese and miserable makes them angry.

>> No.16048489

well that answers that i suppose

>> No.16048495

I'm a Spaniard. Why?

>> No.16048499

In other words, it's propaganda.

>> No.16048511

Please follow some British table manners videos on how to eat in public you fucking bugs

>> No.16048526

>it's propaganda because it makes me asshurt
Not how it works, degenerate.

>> No.16048544

do you also think that Romantic paintings are sex paintings, ESL?

>> No.16048581
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>Chinese girls doing farming? Outrageous. I like me some nice Alabama girls, REAL feminist women, with multiple chins and an oxycontin addiction. Miss me with that trad girl shit, race mixing and getting wasted at nightclubs ftw

>> No.16048587 [DELETED] 

You're either a chink or some loser who failed in his life and thinks the grass is greener on the other side. Either way your rage is enjoyable, continue on.

>> No.16048591


>> No.16048599

get 30 minutes of cardio in sunlight

>> No.16048600
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Parroting phrases you see others use doesn't make you look less upset.

>> No.16048607

He's a way for left leaning white people to get away with laughing at racism so he's extremely popular. It's not racist if you laugh at a chinaman ironically putting on yellow face.
But yeah he's cashing in on whites wanting to be racist but their white guilt won't let them

>> No.16048639

>amerishart leftist telling a fascist eurobull to do exercise

>> No.16048670

>anyone who thinks im retarded must be american
observe the short circuit

>> No.16048688

>>Racist stereotypes
He's literally Asian.

>> No.16048696

and eat dat watermelon was made by blacks, hitler

>> No.16048710

no he's a retard

>> No.16049087

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.16049097

They are literal communists? Are you retarded?

>> No.16049135

>China is gommunist because the name says so!!1 like LIKTERULLY!!!
Unironically stop posting, you stupid subhuman.

>> No.16049223

Yasss, we did it, reddit!!

>> No.16049247

You're right - they're actually despotic legalists with a red coat of paint.

>> No.16049261

>have older chinese neighbor
>we talk a lot, mostly about gardening
>he always says "aiya"
>want to say it too but never had the confidence
>in one of uncle rogers videos he says it's okay to say it and it's not racist
>said it to my neighbor
>furrows his brow
>"Why you aiya?"
>"Am I not allowed to?"
>"You not chinese. Aiya for chinese. I not saying "damn" all the time. Damn for american, Aiya for chinese."
>feel really bad but try to laugh it off as if it's not a big deal

Fuck uncle roger. I was made to feel like a fool.

>> No.16049284

fuck you ching chong neighbor...you should have told him in america you can say whatever you want and that if he wants to live like a commie insect to go right the fuck back to his shithole

>> No.16049292

they are hardcore authoritarian state capitalists, they just call themselves communist.

>> No.16049295 [DELETED] 

next time repeat whatever dumbass ching chong bullshit he says right back to his face while making your eyes squinty

>> No.16049296

What are you talking about, amerishart subhuman? Your President is a leftist and you worship trannies and niggers. You're the epitome of communism.

>> No.16049301

LOL ok ching chong it really sucks here in amerishart land please don't come here

>> No.16049319

I'm a Spaniard and I wouldn't step foot in your shit mountain of a country even if I were paid, subhuman.

>> No.16049325

Biden is a communist now? he's a fucking milquetoast centrist at best

>> No.16049326

>I'm a Spaniard
LOL no one fucking wants you here or gives a shit about what you think

>> No.16049332

>ever being /ourguy/

>> No.16049379
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>> No.16049395

I don't get it. Out of all the boards, /ck/ seems to have the most of those insects.

>> No.16049405

nah that's /pol/, but probably because chinese cooking is discussed here they have to have a presence here too

>> No.16049409

we have millions of mexicans streaming in here...far as i'm concerned their only redeeming qualities come from their native indian heritage...unfortunately they were polluted by a race of smelly squat brown skinned subhumans from spain

>> No.16049410


>> No.16049449

you conservatives are all over the place with your opinions kek, whatever suits your narrative at whatever point in time, i guess

>> No.16049451

>taking a falung gol cultist shill who never set foot into china seriously

ameritards everybody

>> No.16049456

epic me me, One (1) Foodstamp has been sent to you by the CIA

>> No.16049463

you realize most of the bad press falun gong get is CCP propaganda, right? Why would you shill for the CCP? are you getting paid at least?

>> No.16049474

You can look up your cult's leader interviews, shill.

>> No.16049477

we know that social credit scores are real in ching chong land that the CCP hires shills to come on english speaking sites to spread their propaganda. are you saying the CIA hires americans to call out CCP shills?

>> No.16049487

i dont like religion or cults nor do i like falun gong, but you're just spouting retarded CCP propaganda my dude

>> No.16049491

>my dude
Kek, a redditor. Colour me surprised. Again, your cult leader's interviews have ntohing to do with the CCP, schizo.

>> No.16049495

>we know
starting your sentence like this doesn't make your unsubstantiated garbage valid, obese subhuman.

>> No.16049503

No, he’s a westernized globohomo supporting diaspora chinese. He’s no different than a middle-class white liberal

>> No.16049512

>unsubstantiated garbage
LOL ok ching chong

>> No.16049559

I work at a Thai restaurant and we boil the rice and strain it, Uncle Roger is a retard and also not funny

>> No.16049623

He's American, his parents are Asian

>> No.16049676

You'd think it would be a more harmful stereotype to say all Asians steam their rice. There's dishes that need less sticky and more fluffy rice.

>> No.16049687
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He is still a sucky sucky one time

>> No.16049737

>chink A
>Make a sool you a rinsu da raisu to make happy famiry deluxe comboeal for dinnel
>chink B
>NOOOOO YOU A CAN NO WASHO RAISU! IT IS FOLBID! *makes X motion with arms folded in front of chest* WONG DONG CHING CHONG
Nuke China idgaf

>> No.16050416

This is peak ESL.

>> No.16051716

Reminder that there's tons of actual CCP shills on 4channel trying to "fit in"

>> No.16051998

Plin plon ching chon

>> No.16052003

>chink propaganda
a pretty chinese girl doing traditional style cooking or farming
>amerimutt propaganda
niggers, trannies, fags, jews, war, macdonalds, coca-cola
hard choices :DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.16052054

Based diago

>> No.16052075


>> No.16052219 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 368x640, china2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow hands slick with rat grease typed this

>> No.16052227

Why hasn't this thread been prunned its filled with bugmen and ledditor soyjack posters

>> No.16052239 [DELETED] 

I would ask what china1 is, but I'm a bit worried it's going to be even more off putting.

>> No.16052247 [DELETED] 

There's people who defend this country.

>> No.16053264

because janny is probably one of those faggots

>> No.16053283

it's based an epic when Uncle Adolf throws a few jews in a camp but as soon as Xi-chan throws a few muzzies in, everyone freaks out.

>> No.16053284
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>janny janny please come help us and delete this thread we're getting btfo too hard nonononono this isn't how it's supposed to happen america is the greatest everyone was supposed to like us more than the chinks

>> No.16053312
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I understand the han chinese brain is very small and underdeveloped from decades of industrial pollution, as indicated by the mass, institutionally aided cheating that goes on in Chinese standardized testing, but it really shouldn't be such a leap of logic that westerners, even ones who presumably support extremist actions of fascist despots, would anticipate that a cultural and economic enemy of the West should be held to the same ethical standards as the rest of the world. If any other nation were to engage in such flagrant human rights violations as China, they would be sanctioned and potentially invaded.

>> No.16053326

china is based every time I say this they send their most popular female social media star to pay me and suck my dick and then execute five muslims (I hate muslims and love fucking asian girls and getting money)

>> No.16053342

The Chinese have one of the highest average IQ in the world. Even if you are a butthurt libcuck who doesn't believe their statistics or makes unfounded claims about standardized cheating, you can look at Chinese diaspora's overrepresentation in Western universities' research teams, Math contests and all that jazz.
Btw, your kind wants to have the West flooded with immigrants, simps over islamists and defends LGBT degeneracy. You hate the West, dishonest scum.

>> No.16053364

both of those are forms of propaganda made by america's enemies

>> No.16053448

Another fine example of the very tiny Han Chinese brain, almost as small as the Han Chinese penis.

Based on the very nature of how IQ distribution works, of course, you will always have populations on the other end of the bell curve. When you have a population of 1 billion, this demographic will naturally be bigger. When you are crossing the world to get to America, typically you are going to be wealthier and more intelligent, further skewing your sample group compared to the native-born American population. For this same reason, you'll find America fill to the brim with Indian doctors, engineers, mathematicians, and IT professionals, and yet the average Indian IQ is about 80. The difference here is that India does not have the geopolitical motivations, nor the ability to mass defraud standardized testing as a means of inserting its people into Western academia and forming spheres of influence within. Even with all of that, the whitest American states all have an average IQ in-line with that of China.

>> No.16053454

>Based on the very nature of how IQ distribution works, of course, you will always have populations on the other end of the bell curve. When you have a population of 1 billion, this demographic will naturally be bigger.
AVERAGE IQ, you fucking idiot. Even if you took Europeans as a whole, you'd still be wrong. Stopped reading your garbage there.

>> No.16053467
File: 1.73 MB, 1196x667, RateMyTakeaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin Roger vs the chad Danny
>American CCP Shill vs good Northern English lad
>sell-out vs low budget soul
>racist caricature vs genuine person
>egotistical food snob vs humble food lover
>popularity came from Twitter rice meme vs popularity rising from just being a happy guy enjoying life
>knows nothing of suffering so gets his clicks from acting like a right dickhead vs widowed father of 3 who wishes to spread happiness to fill the void in his life

>> No.16053474

Prove your claims about forming spheres of influence or fraud in testing. Until then, not taking you seriously. Even in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Han Chinese mog the rest of the world in IQ so your shitty cope about it all being an evil CCP plot won't work lol.

>> No.16053487

You're an illiterate moron whose brain is poisoned by smog.

>> No.16053505

>Han Chinese mog the rest of the world in IQ

Except they don't and have nothing to show for it besides a parasitic aping of western advancement and innovation

>> No.16053509

Not to mention that Taiwanese and Chinese diaspora in America that never set foot in Asia still outperform ameritards as well. So yeah, this guy is massively coping.

Not an argument, paranoid piece of shit.

>> No.16053533
File: 27 KB, 720x534, IMG_20210504_144049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Facts don't care about your feelings. All Asian countries dominate IQ statistics and even their diaspora in shartland do.

>> No.16053537

East Asian*

>> No.16053543

Why do Americans care so much about the chinks?
Also, why do they care so much about Israel and the jews?
I don't get it.

>> No.16053545

>Not an argument, paranoid piece of shit.

You reading the first sentence of my post, completely misunderstanding it, then disregarding it isn't an argument you braindead ape. I'm aware of the concept of average IQ. A larger total population means a larger cohort of individuals on the right side of that average, thus a larger presence within American academia. Chinese Americans are a skewed sample cohort that do not represent the average chinese for all the factors I listed and more.

>> No.16053559

No he's fucking annoying. Not even really that asian as well, just a bong colonial. The accent is a forced meme. He's absolutely right about people fucking up egg fried rice in the most hideous ways though.

>> No.16053568

You willfully ignored how even in their home countries, Han Chinese are smarter as shown by Singapore and Taiwan's average IQ. You have also conveniently ignored how the children and grandchildren of Chinese immigrants still do better than local amerisharts. You've also not proved that somehow Chinese immigrants are the smartest in their home country which is contradicted by the fact that the ones who immigrate are usually the poorest and not university graduates. You've also ignored how Taiwanese immigrants contradict your meanie spy theory considering Taiwan is allied with the US. You have no argument, retard. Even after adjusting for every confunding factor, you're still wrong.

>> No.16053585

How dare you bring up actual statistics? Amerishart feefees > facts

>> No.16053599

is this just one samefagging ching chong shill or are there actually teams of these insectoids?

>> No.16053616

What happened, retard? You can't counter >>16053568?

>> No.16053619
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>this fucking thread
It seems that our superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.16053632

No, I didn't ignore anything. You once again fail to read my post. Is it the bug brain or chinky eyes giving you difficulty here?

East asian IQs are of marginal difference from White Americans. The slim 1-2 point margin has manifested in no major technological or scientific achievement comparable to the western world.

>You've also ignored how Taiwanese immigrants contradict your meanie spy theory
No, once again, I haven't. Immigrants of asian nations are a cohort that naturally skews towards the wealthy and educated, as I explained in my example of Indian immigration. By comparison, immigrants from Latin America skew towards the lower IQ and higher crime, as they are typically migrants of economic opportunity fleeing poverty. They're not middle class to wealthy asians seeking an ivy league American degree for their kids. American universities love taking in these gaudy, designer-clothing stuffed bugs because they pay out the nose for the rep of an American education.

Nice samefag chen

>> No.16053639

What did he say that was racist?

>> No.16053651

>Is it the bug brain or chinky eyes giving you difficulty here?
i'm pretty sure these ching chong shills just have a list of points they are given to repeat they aren't here to argue or debate

>> No.16053690

Most Chinese immigrants to the US are below the average income line: fact that you ignored.
Han Chinese from Taiwan and Singapore still outperform sharts: another ignored fact.
Han Chinese from Taiwan and Singapore still have a higher average IQ in their HOME COUNTRIES, rendering your whole muh selected immigrant cope worthless: another fact that's been ignored by you.
The children and grandchildren of Chinese immigrants, who obviously can't inherit their parents' degrees, still outperform amerimutts: another fact you can't tackle, who would have thought?
And last but not least, all academic research teams are integrated by graduates no matter their ethnicity and guess what, Asians are still overrepresented in research teams.
All you can cope with is
>w-well, they're only a LITTLE BIT smarter...
You're a pathetic piece of shit. Claiming you haven't ignored those points when you couldn't address any of them just makes you look like more of a stupid subhuman than you are.

>> No.16053696

>The slim 1-2 point margin has manifested in no major technological or scientific achievement comparable to the western world.
Ignorance is bliss. A simple google search can prove you wrong.

>> No.16053744

>Most Chinese immigrants to the US are below the average income line
Uh, correction
>Chinese immigrants were slightly more likely to live in families with annual incomes below the official poverty threshold (17 percent) compared to immigrants overall (15 percent) or the U.S. born (13 percent).

>> No.16053747

>same joke every video
Don't understand why people watch this shit.

>> No.16053749

you really just can only keep repeating that bullshit?
>Most Chinese immigrants to the US are below the average income line
it's not a fact
>Han Chinese from Taiwan and Singapore still outperform sharts
false when you account for demographics
>Han Chinese from Taiwan and Singapore still have a higher average IQ in their HOME COUNTRIES
Taiwan and Singapore are the home of han chinese?
>The children and grandchildren of Chinese immigrants, who obviously can't inherit their parents' degrees
the immigrants are skewed...why wouldn't their children be?
>all academic research teams are integrated by graduates no matter their ethnicity
not sure what this means

>> No.16053760

>Taiwan and Singapore are the home of han chinese?
Taiwan is 96% Han
Singapore more than half

>> No.16053761

He's not worth arguing with. He just keeps repeating the same talking points and his engrish gets more intense the angrier he gets.

>> No.16053780

>it's not a fact
They are more likely to be below the median income line and still outperform you.
>false when you account for demographics
Even after adjusting for income level and tertiary education status, they still outperform you.
>Taiwan and Singapore are the home of han chinese?
They are majority Han Chinese and guess what, in those places the average IQ is still higher.
>the immigrants are skewed...why wouldn't their children be?
Indeed, Chinese genetics make them smarter.
>all academic research teams are integrated by graduates no matter their ethnicity
It means that even if you compare Asians with a university degree to Whites with a university, they former are still overrepresented in research teams, retard.

>> No.16053788

look at these seething amerimutts' pathetic hugboxing

>> No.16053791

Keep crying, samefagging subhuman. It won't make up for your lack of arguments but it will get you banned sooner.

>> No.16053797

Kek, beat me to it.

>> No.16053800

There's a difference between being racist and being against a tyrannical shit system destined to implode in the coming decade. You'd know if they let you out of your cell but that's only for the rich and significantly important.

>> No.16053809

Wow how brave of you
China is surpassing the US this decade lol

>> No.16053813

Millions of people out there don't think so.

>> No.16053816

"Sickly yellow fingers" is something a racist would say. Btw, if you're gonna be a schizophrenic that thinks I'm a Chiense shill or whatever deranged bullshit you're implying, I wouldn't be jailed, try to be coherent to the extent your mental illness allows you to. Your comment about how the meanie Chinese regime will collapse any day now is too pathetic to address lol

>> No.16053818

The only thing stopping China from going full Nazi is a Western Curbstomp

>> No.16053827

by 2030 china will implode is that what you think?
and your america with its year long nigger riots with cops kneeling to the rioters is the model of stability right?

>> No.16053831

This. We just need some meme magic and start more threads on reddit, it will make both the CCP and the Three Gorges Dam collapse. #stopyoghurtgenocide

>> No.16053842

The West loves Nazis

>> No.16053846

the west's religion is anti-naziism

>> No.16053859

kinda racist, totally predictable, not funny

>> No.16053861
File: 108 KB, 952x1024, chinesefoodcharicature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16053860

This is your brain on virginity. The West relies on Neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe like the Azov Battalion to protect resources and assets while keeping Russia distracted

>> No.16053873


serpentza ftw

>> No.16053877

>believes in a racially segregated after life

Yes, it is called Heaven for a reason anon

>> No.16053882

Tell that to your average liberal idiot simping over them.

>> No.16053883

China proves that fascism is such an effective form of government that it can take a nation of underevolved hominids and make them the most powerful nation on Earth.

Learn something from this.

>> No.16053885

dear lord that looks insane

>> No.16053901


fagot detected

>> No.16053907

there is no need for such childish insults. i'm sorry my friend but you are simply wrong.
politicians on all sides of the aisle in the west posture by accusing each other of being nazis. a bunch of skinheads who are being used as useful idiots in one regional conflict doesn't negate the rest of the west's stance on nazis. and by the way, the azov batallion might get some support from western intelligence services as a way to distract russia and keep the region destabilized. but the us government still oficially condemns them.
and if you're actually from eastern europe (i am), you'd know that calling retarded low iq skinheads "nazis" is incredibly dishonest. "hooligans" is a better descriptor of them. edgy racists is another. they might hate gypsies and churkas and think swastikas are cool, that doesn't make you an actual nazi, does it?

>> No.16053908

>your kind wants to have the West flooded with immigrants, simps over islamists and defends LGBT degeneracy

/ck/ getting spicy on a Tuesday

>> No.16053930

You're retarded so you're going to be treated like one. Like I said, that is your brain on virginity. Who gives a flying fuck what theatre the actors put on when reality is reality? You can't even name any specific instances of anything which proves your juvenile pretensions

>> No.16053936
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would

>> No.16053961

whats the context here? whats wrong with straining boiled rice? are you supposed to eat a watery rice soup?

>> No.16053992

meh, you're not a serious person in this case and all you can do is froth at the mouth and hurl insults. your example of "reality" is one group that you have been propagandized to seethe about and ignore every other aspect of actual reality.

what "instances" would you like me to point out? what would you consider proof that the west is anti-nazi? your assertion that the west is pro-nazi is so retardedly laughable to anyone with half a brain and ability to observe actual reality that i almost feel bad for you. here's the deal, ask me for something that you would consider proof that the west is not pro-nazi and i will provide it.

and i'd like to ask you to reiterate this. do you actually think the west is pro-nazi? do you think the united states, great britain, germany, france, etc. are pro-nazi? is this what you seriously belive?

>> No.16053993

>yeah, man, these guys that display nazi symbology, have a nazi rethoric, openly praise nazi figures and commit violence while employing such rethoric aren't really nazis

>> No.16054006

you don't understand what groups like this here in eastern europe are like. i've met people like this, they're just degenerate racists who think nazi gear is cool and saying sieg heil and 14/88 is cool and edgy and they have no ideology besides hating minorities and their regional enemies. that's why i can't consider them anything more than soccer hooligans and street thugs. but for the sake of argument i'll concede they're nazis, i'm just saying that one group being used as useful idiots is not proof that the west is pro-nazi.

>> No.16054023

You're sperging out in walls of texts over names and rhetoric while I correctly analyze material reality.
Follow the leader

>> No.16054033

i was trying to have an honest conversation with you, but i guess i was wrong in assuming you were willing to reciprocate.
sorry for writing longer posts than you i guess.

>> No.16054105

Your honest conversation is just turning into a little whiney bitch over every jab and then denying plain reality in favor of rhetoric. You're obviously too emotionally immature to discuss anything you passive aggressive pussy.

>> No.16054155

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