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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 465 KB, 1400x1400, pistachio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16061812 No.16061812 [Reply] [Original]

I believe we can all finally agree upon one thing. While it is universally known that the faggots of 4chan will fight about anything, it comes to light we all agree upon one singular thing. A topic that is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE, for anonymous homos to disagree about. That thing is the greatest, tastiest and most superioriest nut known to man.

The Pistachio. Everyone loves it. You, anon, love the pistachio above all other nuts.

>> No.16061821

i love pistachio. by the way i heard someone in some thread say that Wonderful brand was inferior. But those are usually the only ones I can find at some stores. what makes them bad?

>> No.16061825

i dont like pistachios and i think it must be like the genetic failure to enjoy cilantro considering how everyone around me loves them

>> No.16061833

i feel like the difference in opinion between pisatchio and avodiacodo is entirely social and has nothing to do with the foods themselves

>> No.16061879

My favorite nut, a friend of mine is allergic to them though.
I can usually find at least two or three nuts with worms in them per bag but that isn't limited to wonderful pistachios.

>> No.16061884


>> No.16061891

Fun fact: the pistachio is in the same family as poison ivy.

>> No.16061895

Nah pistachio is a trash nut

>> No.16061900


>> No.16061905

>the greatest, tastiest and most superioriest nut known to man.
>The Pistachio
Pistachio are not a nut, they're a legume. You udder fucking idiot.

>> No.16061948
File: 44 KB, 604x915, 5348296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pecans, peanuts and cashews are s tier

hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts are a-b tier depending on how i feel.

Pistachios are c tier, they're just not that amazing. On a good day maybe b tier.

>> No.16061949

Naval orangeworms. They eat and pupate inside a single nut so they won't spoil the rest of the bag, plus they'll be dead anyway, but if it worries you that much you can always buy prehulled pistachios instead.

>> No.16061958

yes. plus it makes a great ice cream flavor.

>> No.16061961

>Pistachio are not a nut, they're a legume
You do not know what a legume is.

>> No.16061975

its not a true nut or a true legume you pedantic fuck, you had no reason to come here with that shit go get your validation somewhere else

>> No.16061995

avodiacodo pie is but most people just eat them. avodiacodos are single servings like bananas there is no reason to eat this in a group

>> No.16062003

Pistachio gelato. Enough said.

>> No.16062023
File: 28 KB, 500x491, b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16062038
File: 34 KB, 630x1200, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself, you fucking fuck.

>> No.16062048

what the fuck is avodiacodo?

>> No.16062059

>not peanuts or cashews

>> No.16062094

>pecans, peanuts
>better than pistachios
Try eating more than five pecans at a time and tell me what they taste like then.

>> No.16062112

I'm not a nut conisseur but pistachios are weak and so are cashews

>> No.16062116

wrong. almond OR pecan

>> No.16062118

Same with cashews. Neat, huh?

>> No.16062122
File: 122 KB, 900x600, ED4A6FA2-A28C-4BE6-B1B3-C570DA935195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you’ve never tried salted roasted almonds. They’re next level my friend.

>> No.16062155

who the fuck hasn't had almonds? are there places in the world where they aren't the second most common nut besides peanuts?

>> No.16062160


faggot nigger, you're wrong

>> No.16062180

Fuck you there's nothing special about pisstachios except the fact that they're green and need to be deshelled

I like them more than cashews which is basically a nut for little kids

>> No.16062192

>a nut for little kids

>> No.16062197

Cashews are boring flavourwise

>> No.16062203

nah, it tastes good to them because they lack the genetic trait to actually taste it. You're fine, I'm the abomination.

>> No.16062230


>> No.16062242


>> No.16062342

yeah its a reddit

>> No.16062364

Nope. You're wrong. Google it.

Nope. You're wrong. Google it.

Nope. You're wrong. Google it.

>> No.16062377

And tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants are in the same family as deadly nightshade and tobacco.

>> No.16062444

Almonds are good but comeon don’t disrespect pistachios like that

>> No.16062445

Seconding this for the best nut.
Pistachios are ok

>> No.16062473

>That thing is the greatest, tastiest and most superioriest nut known to man

They're fuckin delicious, but I wouldn't go as far and call them 'the most superior'. This title clearly goes to Macadamia.

>> No.16062496

im allergic to these so i do not love it. in fact... i hate it

>> No.16062508


>> No.16062558

walnuts are underrated and pecans are shit

>> No.16062639
File: 31 KB, 499x665, cursed-robber-doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macadamia NUTs top tier, put em in the bag