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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 700x480, Child-Washing-Dishes-700x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16089399 No.16089399 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr acktchually dishwashers use less water than if you washed them by hand!
why does this matter unless you live in a literal desert where you can use solar power to spin those spinny things for two hours for cheaper than you can fill your sink up with water?

>> No.16089402

idk but i handwash my dishes

>> No.16089404
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>what is a water bill

>> No.16089418

What are you talking about?
The 'spinny things' are run by the water pressure, they're not motorized

>> No.16089428

Because dish washers are a meme and cannot clean worth shit

>> No.16089431

very low because I'm not a camel spider

>> No.16089490

>charged by location not by amount used
fuck you i will take a bath and launder my bedding everyday

>> No.16089791
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Why would I need a dishwasher to clean 1 pan, 1 plate and 1 fork?

>> No.16089814

Because they use up potable water, which is being used up everywhere at a faster rate than the water cycle can replenish it. Arid regions just feel it more keenly sooner.

>> No.16089815

I use one plate that I never have to wash because I use the useless flyers that come in the mail to keep it clean. When the flyer gets dirty, I just toss it and put a new one on.

Though honestly, haven't even really been using my plate lately because burger king gives you two free paper plates with every breakfast I buy there and those last me a long time before I decide they are dirty enough to throw away.

>> No.16089818

clean your dish washer

>> No.16089823

Until they stop putting fluoride in it can you really call tap water potable?

>> No.16089828

I live in a remote area in a house that runs off water collected from the roof so it matters to me
But I wash dishes in the sink anyway lol. I've always doubted this claim about dishwashers, it depends on how you use them. Also my sink is smaller than the sinks found in most homes, I guess because of this reason, so I'm using a fairly small amount of water every time I do the dishes

>> No.16089842

Wow, I haven't heard this one in a while. I thought "wasting water" was memoryholed with "hole in the ozone layer" and "diminishing rainforest"

>> No.16089848

what are you talking about schizo?

>> No.16089861

Those fad causes are dead, you're supposed to stop talking about them now. Your handlers want you to move on to trannies, covid in India and Brazil, institutional racism, and #stopAsianHate

>> No.16089862

That the establishment climate change narrative has changed so rapidly that things once considered very important have been completely forgotten. Have you not read 1984 to know what a memory hole is?

>> No.16089870

Do turd worlders unironically pay per liter and just not a yearly fee and then you use whatever you want?

>> No.16089879

The water pressure is motorized.
There's a pump in the bottom of the dishwasher, so basically the dishes are electrocuted clean.

>> No.16089880

I pay for liter usage in Australia.

>> No.16089882

Mate, where I live, every now and then we have water restrictions where you are forbidden by law to not use water for stupid shit like cleaning your car or water your lawn in the daytime.

>> No.16089883

It's exactly the same, actually. The different terms refer to the same things. The only thing that has disappeared is peak oil, mostly because we've been finding other sources of energy.

>> No.16089893

Water meters are a thing.
The amount of water going into the house is measured; water & sewerage fees are typically billed a flat fee for the location plus a usage tier fee for how many times the meter spins.
All together it probably comes out under 3 cents a gallon in the civilized world.

>> No.16089896

You forgot about them because you’re retarded. Those issues still exist. Rainforests are still being cut down for palm oil and people in New Zealand have to wear sunscreen almost all the time or they get burned to a crisp

>> No.16089907

Yeah, I know, but many places you just pay for how many m2 your house is regardless of how much or little you use

>> No.16089910

dumbass rainforests are cut down for chinese rosewood furniture not palm oil where did you get your botany degree

>> No.16089919

also why are people still living in New Zealand?

>> No.16089925

I'm in Pennsylvania and they charge by the usage. They also calculate sewage by just doubling the usage so they over charge. American water is a bunch of nazis

>> No.16089927

They're cut down for a lot of things. Living near SEA, the palm oil one is still talked about a bit.

>> No.16089931

I hear it’s a beautiful country.

>> No.16089932

Non existant because I'm a wellchad

>> No.16089941

Just their laziness trying to justify it.

>> No.16089953

gotta be b8ing

>> No.16089971

they're clearing land to make room for palm oil plantations extracting the oil from the rainforest

>> No.16089978

Usually see something like 1.6 people's worth of normal water usage included in the base rate, and then the next 3000 gallons cost another $25 around here.
So I guess use more water.

>> No.16089993

sounds about (((right)))

>> No.16089999
File: 131 KB, 1316x852, Screenshot 2021-05-11 153520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a beautiful country with a non-retarded government that actually managed to stop the spread of covid-19 and now has lifted most restrictions.

>> No.16090013

Because nobody was interested in going there so there were no carriers.

>> No.16090026
File: 22 KB, 611x322, Screenshot 2021-05-11 155012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has decent population, actually.

>> No.16090049
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after experimenting with only using the dishwasher and never washing by hand for a month, I can safely say this is one of those retarded myths my parents forced on me. At most using the dishwasher even 4x per week where I live will wind up being an extra ¢14 at the end of the month, and thats if you do them all during on-peak periods

I will swan dive off a fucking bridge before I wash another dish by hand again.

>> No.16090127
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>> No.16090193

I love this place.

>> No.16090203

Because americans are retards and wont close the faucet while dishwashing by hand.

>> No.16090303

>t. poorfag who never owned a dishwasher
when I wash the dishes by hand they always feel not completely clean, no matter how accurately I wash them. Conversely, in they dishwasher they always come out sparkling clean and degreased.

>> No.16090320

LOL what the actual fuck

>> No.16090321

my parents overload the dishwasher every single time i'm at their house and the dishes always come out a bit grimy.
it's fucking disgusting. they can't understand that you could just run the dishwasher half full, and everything comes out spotless.

they put bowls on top of smaller bowls. how the fuck is the water going to spray up into the bowl and clean it? it makes me want to scream.

>> No.16090325

>CHUDs: planet is overpopulated! we need a Final Solution to preserve our lands and resources!
>also CHUDs: huh? what do you mean water isn't free?

>> No.16090342
File: 206 KB, 900x526, cute kitchen gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave me out of the screenshot

>> No.16090349

this thread has a disturbing lack of uoh-posters
also, dishwashers aren't food & cooking

>> No.16090442

Congratulations, you made it into my Top Ten Most Disgusting Images (that Aren't Porn) category.

>> No.16090468
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You happy?

>> No.16090475
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>> No.16090479

oh no

>> No.16090487


>> No.16090548

water bill?

>> No.16090558

you realize water pressure is what causes those to spin right

>> No.16090573

I wish I could read this whole thread
Anyone have an archive link?

>> No.16090625

have fun

>> No.16090630

I don't own a dishwasher and wash by hand. Not hard to do and I don't leave the water running the whole time.

>> No.16090651
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As you can see, my golden plate remains spotless, no washing required and it's environmentally friendly not that I care. I mean, I don't not care either.

>> No.16090658
File: 174 KB, 1125x724, anderson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bud
Heres a picture of a rat as a token of my gratitude

>> No.16090664

Dishwashers are like clothes washers.
The only people who don’t use them are either in complete poverty, undeveloped countries, or part of some religion that bans electricity.

>> No.16090722
File: 8 KB, 250x238, ooi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16091023


>> No.16091028

>be island nation
>Lockdown your borders and disallow anyone from entering your country without a submitting to a 2 week quarantine first
>Set up police checkpoints that hassle your citizens if they get caught outside without a good reason
>Population roughly the size of Oregon
It makes it pretty easy to control your numbers all things considered. The US literally was not allowed to close its borders (not even to aliens from high risk nations) because "racism drumpf remember to hug a Chinese person ok sweaty".

>> No.16091043

Those things on a ducks face.

>> No.16091179

water bill is literally $15 every 3 months and I live alone.

>> No.16091238


>> No.16091262

I prefer to handwash dishes because I'm not a lazy piece of shit woman.

>> No.16091271

those are dog masks

>> No.16091293

To maximize water use, I run my dishwasher while I wash dishes by hand.

>> No.16091296

I do live in a literal desert tho and the sewer cost is higher than water cost

>> No.16091305

I’d wash her dishes if you know what I mean.

>> No.16091414

what did he mean by this?

>> No.16091425

any home-owner anons ever do a complete dishwasher install in an older home that never had one before?

its the only thing holding me back. seems like quite the process

>> No.16091526

I have a washer, but not a dryer. I think some amish communities allow washers. They're selective about what technology they use, and it varies from community to community.

>> No.16091633

Oh, it's not an anon spilling spaghetti. Lame.

>> No.16091720

Nigga you trying to fry a frozen sausage?

>> No.16091895

you might find this hard to believe, but the heat from the pan will transform it from a frozen sausage to a normal sausage

>> No.16091907

But it will dry out in the middle before defrosting and you will end up with a burnt core.

>> No.16091910

that would be true, if I was you. I possess prodigious abilities in the realm of frying.

>> No.16091982

creekchads and wellchads unite

>> No.16092085
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>> No.16092111
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>I possess prodigious abilities in the realm of frying

>> No.16092226

god i fucking hate doing the dishes by hand.
i can hardly imagine what kind of fucking imbecile wrote this post.

>> No.16092576

I'm not an expert but it sounds like a type of bird

>> No.16092770

Lol no

>> No.16093750

Be a happy family of 3 in Chile in 2019:
My wife works in a public hospital; I teach at a local University, besides managing a small family's business. Our daughter just turned 2. We cook every night for the following day and manage our house's chores without issues.

¡Yay, it's 2020! Now wife needs to do (at least) three 24 hours shifts per week. I need to re-prepared my classes to make sense in an online format while taking care of a 3YO girl who misses her mom a lot.

>>16089399 ¿I don't know anon why anyone would want to save even half an hour a day while cutting some water costs?

>> No.16093948

commiefornia is trully a hellhole and a dry ass one.

>> No.16093996

My wife grew up like this; she just shoves as much as she can in the dishwasher without scraping anything off.
"Not enough to run it yet!"
Yes, there is. Just start the thing and put them away when it finishes.

But because she overloads it and points the bowls away from the middle, half the stuff doesn't get clean unless it's set on the all-night cycle.

>> No.16094029

You take out enough cabinets to make a hole, tap into the hot water line for the sink, and add an adapter for the sink drain. The drain adapter is usually built into a garbage disposal, if you have one installed. Sometimes need to add a vent to the drain line; goes in an accessory hole in the sink, like a faucet or sprayer hose or soap dispenser... so may need to change the sink faucet.

Maximum 1 weekend, if you're modestly handy. Probably just a long saturday afternoon.

>> No.16094112


>> No.16095049

Really?? Why even turn the faucets off then? it'll be like a flowing river to wash your hands on or shower. Heck if you're all green peace you could start bottling it up and shipping it to drought areas lmao