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File: 55 KB, 512x307, hippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16146550 No.16146550 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw they were so close to breeding hippos in the Florida and Louisiana bayous for cheap meat back in the 40's but it all fell apart at the last minute

Feels bad, bros.

>> No.16146554

Aren't hippos dangerously aggressive?

>> No.16146618

imagine their braps

>> No.16146658


>> No.16146680

Does it taste good ? What's the story ?

>> No.16146689

How would you contain them? Hippos get lose and they kill people. Cows get lose and they just chill out.

>> No.16146742

cows kill more people than sharks

>> No.16146754

They probably would have helped Florida’s ecosystem in the same way they did in Colombia. We have so many invasive species here the I would rather have ones that eat the choking, invasive water plants like grass carp then more pythons. Though the snakes are prob good eating too

>> No.16146766

Hippos kill 500 people a year in Africa, and that's with severe underreporting. There's also like 100k of em or something.

>> No.16146780

People don't live in water.

>> No.16146793

Anon, it's Florida.

>> No.16147069

This, if anything we just have slightly less Publix subs threads I don't really see the problem with the risks involved

>> No.16147103


>> No.16147710
File: 528 KB, 960x540, hippo attack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said this in the other thread: I work orthopedic surgery and very regularly have patients who work on a pigfarm and got a NASTY injury from a pigbite. I don't suppose we can really blame the porkers for biting people considering why they're being farmed in the first place.
If they replaced the pigs with hippos I reckon my business would go down quite significantly because they don't send me patients who are already dead.

Hippos are fast, strong, very resilient to damage even from firearms, and they seem to be aware of all of this and constantly act like total pieces of shit because of it.

>> No.16147737

Crazy man. What’s the wildest case you’ve ever seen? Be honest.

>> No.16147765

Tbh if the the deep south had giant aquatic animals going around slaughtering dumbasses, maybe there wouldn't be so many dumbasses in the deep south

>> No.16147813

They're dangerously territorial.
Besides, selective breeding is what you do to address that.

>> No.16147887

This. Most people have no idea how dangerous hippos are. They watched Animal Planet and think they are just harmless, awkward critters. Couldn't be further from the truth.
An angry hippo is a force of nature, plain and simple. It is incredible how fast they can move, and they destroy everything in their path. They weigh way over a ton, their skin is thicker than a truck tire, and their jaws are strong enough to crush a small vehicle.
The only thing more dangerous and destructive than a hippo is an elephant, but elephants aren't territorial, aggressive and unpredictable, except during mating season. Hippos are always dangerous.

t. did a stint at a wildlife preserve

>> No.16147900

We already have em people wrassle em for fun. People are people

>> No.16147910

I feel like crocs aren't anywhere near as dangerous as hippos are

>> No.16147913

You mean gators? Nah lol they’re pretty chill. Hippos would be required to actively seek out and kill the meth addled bumpkins in the Deep South

>> No.16147924

Related to pigbites?
I've seen more than one man lose a leg to infection after a pig chomped him.
Animal bites are incredibly nasty for that sort of thing.
We had a fellow last year who last a hand because his cat bit him.

Most of our pigbite patients are workers from Poland. I think maybe the language barrier means they are not properly warned of what a pig can do to them on the farm.

>> No.16147939

I know this from Animal Planet

>> No.16147954

Crocs don't live in the US but you're right by the numbers the hippo is the most dangerous animal in africa

>> No.16147958

>Animal bites are incredibly nasty for that sort of thing.
Yeah. Aside from the usual hazards (rabies and tetanus), there's a shitload of harmful bacteria in animals' oral cavities. If left untreated, gangrene is almost guaranteed. Same goes for human bites, btw.

>> No.16147973

I meant in general, but I’m a veterinary technician so I definitely have seen some bad animal bites myself. It’s interesting that you noticed that trend with the polish workers. But what’s the general worst thing? I always want to know whenever I meet someone who works in a profession like that

>> No.16147991

Depends. American alligators, unless they are very hungry, will generally avoid humans. Nile crocodiles will attack you even on the riverbank if they feel they can catch you. If you are in water, you are fucked unless you can scare them off somehow. Saltwater crocodile? It doesn't give a shit if you're an animal or a human, or if you're armed. If you have a pulse, you're game. Saltwater crocs are polar bears of the southern hemisphere.

>> No.16148010
File: 26 KB, 627x629, 1610383501511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
