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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 1539385998633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16146743 No.16146743 [Reply] [Original]

>purposely make a drink called the ‘orange fool’ right after trump was elected
>people call him out

he knew exactly what he was fucking doing

>> No.16146774

Yeah no shit. Out of all the fruits with their variety and color could've picked red, blue, yellow, green could've called in a strawberry fool, a raspberry fool, an apple fool. Could've named it a berry fool or just a fruit fool. But he obviously picked orange to be cheeky and then play the victim when called out on it.

>> No.16146790

Is that Robin Williams?

>> No.16146798

dunno its just guy in a fag hat

>> No.16146812

>automatically assume calling something an orange fool relates to your """president"""
maybe the association is there because trump was an orange dumbass.

>> No.16146824

True, but surely he would realize how some people would make that connection before uploading? He is a content creator after all. If thats the case then he is tone deaf at best.

>> No.16146834

It's like how white liberals associate gorillas with black people in situations where there is no actual association, it's just that white liberals inherently think black people = gorillas.
Same thing here.

>> No.16146855 [DELETED] 

Black people ARE gorillas.

>> No.16146863

That’s the reaction that I’m describing. Wether or not it’s the correct one in irrelevant, there’s a larger context to the video, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. But that’s not even the problem, it’s his reaction video where he refuses to take responsibility for it.

>> No.16146869

The video had nothing to do with politics though. Its literally just the name of a dessert he makes in the video.

>> No.16146913

Hold on a second, are we seriously going to pretend that a youtuber whose entire channel is based off of American history and its relationship with food does not want people to draw connections between something called “orange fool” and an American president, particularly when it was released right after his election?

>> No.16146920
File: 36 KB, 800x450, lmaoing at your life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a sad, little ghoul.

>> No.16146925

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.16146939

Source guys trust me

>> No.16146943


>> No.16147030

>Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
tell me more

>> No.16147033

based time traveller

>> No.16147073

>white liberals
everyone does, i hope you aint a silverback yourself

>> No.16147086

It's the guy who did those tranny adverts.

>> No.16147087

Kill yourself, election tourist

>> No.16147097

yeah repubnants certainly dont think gorillas look like bl*ck people

>> No.16147144

>Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
I'm sure you have proof of that which you will post any moment. Surely.

I'll concede it's possible. Someone obsessed with tradition could very well be conservative, but a lot of historical reenactment is done by academics and autists who tend to sway towards liberal.

>> No.16147148
File: 50 KB, 560x667, DF967607-E8D5-4ED5-9BBA-E14827B6FEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

responsibility for what? making a video that upset you? fuck off.

>> No.16147153

Yeah for some reason people hold you accountable for the things you say sometimes. Don’t ask me to explain that to you. It’s also not my fault your precious Donald trump was involved.

>> No.16147155

This is frustrating

>> No.16147167

Can you describe, in precise words, what crime or slight he should be held accountable for? Who exactly, was harmed by naming a video about a dessert, "orange fool"? I'm just trying to understand at what point the slightest hint of political satire became unacceptable.

>> No.16147176
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>I'm in awe at the size of this lad

>> No.16147178
File: 11 KB, 225x225, gangsta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone cares.
>implying you aren't here day and night seething that you can't make people care.

>> No.16147185

>>purposely make a drink called the ‘orange fool’ right after trump was elected
>Uploaded July 2017
Yeah, the MOMENT he was elected

>> No.16147199

>I’m mad or offended
Am I?

>> No.16147201

>Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
lol no

>> No.16147214

>People who dare utter the word that must not be spoken(Orang*) must be held accountable
Anti TDS is real.

>> No.16147256

>held accountable only means legal consequences due to direct violation of a law
>refusing to accept that the title of a video YOU uploaded (orange fool) precipitated a flame war, for which you bear apparently no responsibility

>> No.16147273

His daughter is cute and funny and ripe for breeding.

>> No.16147276

Can someone post his busted daughters?

>> No.16147286
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>> No.16147317

except none of that happened with trump. since he's been deplatformed, he's completely faded from public discussion. even cnn/msnbc aren't running as many stories about him.

>> No.16147350

I think it has more to do with pending lawsuits and losing the election than it does with being deplatformed. Let’s not forget there are a multitude of platforms he could reach people from should he choose (OANN, Fox, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Bongino, subsequently picked up by left leaning rags)

>> No.16147357

Oh no! A flame war! The horror... the horror.

>> No.16147368

He's not news anymore, he's not the president and we don't have to care about the dumb shit he do anymore.

>> No.16147378

He’s not in the news anymore because everyone, even right-leaning media, are trying to distance themselves from a person who literally called for an insurrection on the US capitol

>> No.16147430

CNN still talks about Trump CONSTANTLY, are you on crack? I actually watch CNN.

>> No.16147463

>I actually watch CNN.
That's the problem, anon

>> No.16147471

you call this bait?

>> No.16147491

It's for the lulz and the only news program you get on a base package, imagine that.

>> No.16147521

I don’t care about the content of his message per se, but if you say something (in this case a title of your video) and it elicits an unfavorable reaction from somebody, or a “frustrating” one, then it is a direct cause and effect, making it his fault.

>> No.16147532

So retards arguing about muh red team/blue team on the internet. Imagine if he'd never made that tasty little orange treat, they would still have spent their day doing the same thing.

>> No.16147557

Right, so why make a video afterwards bitching about it?

>> No.16147598
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The other hambeast that helps him in the log cabin videos seems like a cool dude

>> No.16147633
File: 111 KB, 685x600, zMNCzAh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards flinging shit at eachother
>you make an tasy drinky drink from ye evangellion 1788.
>They start throwing shit at you and arguing over whos side your on.
>make a video telling them politely to abscond elsewhere.

>> No.16147674

Nothing wrong with that scenario but he should still have realized this could have been avoided “know your demographic” and all that

>> No.16147676

wtf, really? Damn I love this guy now

>> No.16147736

>It's for the lulz
that's how it always starts, anon. then you slowly start watching it more and more.

>> No.16147749

he wasn't in the wrong, even if it was intentional
trumpers can't handle some bantz

>> No.16147755

His entire channel was made so he could shill the faggot overpriced lamps and fake historical tchotchkes that the company he inherited from his rich daddy makes. He’s a wealthy salesman who larps as a salt of the earth kind of guy and YouTards eat it up.

>> No.16147772

Definitely agree but as someone with a degree and level of scholarship I appreciate that he uses primary sources, then mentions whatever adaptations to recipe he makes.

>> No.16147774

He did not realize his viewer base maybe enjoyed that mindset

>> No.16147775

Well, he's not academic. He's doing this because he's following in his father's footsteps. He's the "son" of "Townsend and Son."

>> No.16147782

he looks like harvey price

>> No.16147804

That part is nice but it’s a carefully constructed part of his shill persona. He really, really wants to sell you a fucking gay lamp that you can’t even use without being called a rapist. They’re the kind of lamps that rapists would use at night while they were on the prowl in the 18th century. After all, you can’t rape what you can’t see and night back then meant deep penetrating darkness, perfect for a lamp rapist.

>> No.16147811

What a dumb take. Having people talk trash about you while you cant defend yourself totally makes up for being blacklisted from every social media and news outlet right? You might have a point if cnn were allowing him a platform on the show

>> No.16147820
File: 259 KB, 659x826, FADD0E5F-486A-47A0-B9F0-672519279D2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s hilarious I didn’t even know he sold lamps. You just can’t make a decent cheap rape dungeon anymore.

>> No.16147821

Based, he should've ignored the hate and moved on tho

>> No.16147846

He sells literally everything you see in those videos.
I like his videos a lot, but they are adverts.

>> No.16147847

>called out cope response

>> No.16147868

Go live at the bottom of the Atlantic.

>> No.16147869

This faggot deserves to be bullied.

I shit up his comment sections regularly.

>> No.16147916

> During the winter holiday seasons from 2014-2019, neighborhood businesses “fostered” 200 LED-lit monkeys from the PNA to display in their windows.
>However, in 2020, it came to the PNA’s attention that, in choosing monkeys, we did not take into account the extended history of monkeys being used as a racist symbol, with Black people being derogatorily referred to as monkeys symbolically and in language. Because the PNA does not want to cause any hurt or harm to our Black community members or visitors, nor reinforce this symbolism, the Board of Directors unanimously voted on July 21, 2020 to permanently retire the monkey project.


>> No.16147967

Dont care.
Still like the videos.

>> No.16148037
File: 119 KB, 572x1609, D6A7C004-8288-4E75-ADC8-548EC0CEAEE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> academics and autists who tend to sway towards liberal.

Liberals HATE and are ashamed of American history and the “problematic” past. 99% of them don’t know anything outside of Harry Potter and Marvel movies.

At best they circlejerk about ahistorical garbage like the discredited “1619 Project” because everything they engage in is an extension of their self loathing.

>> No.16148405

take your meds

>> No.16148659

I kind of hate orange flavored beer. I think it’s perhaps the most profound flavor that ruins the taste of the hops. If it still tasted more like beer with orange, it would be great.

>> No.16148828











>> No.16148902


>> No.16149114

Um ACKCHYUALLY it’s called a trilby!

>> No.16149158

You're five years late

>> No.16149311

Tbh the group most responsible for taking down the 1619 project/offering a detailed criticism of it were unironic trotskyists
Your bog standard American conservative doesn't give a shit about citations or proof and has a hell of a time constructing an argument based around anything other than appeals to emotion.
There's a reason why there's so many Catholics on the supreme court and it's largely because the American Protestant conservative tradition rejects detailed argumentation in favor of multi level marketing schemes and identity politics.

>> No.16149324

purposely makes a troll thread several times a week. to harass a youtuber who made the mistake of posting a recipe that morons would mistake as on purpose.

>> No.16149348

Why would a far right cultural conservative like an effeminate new york realtor who openly bragged about his mob connections/routinely cheated on his wives?

>> No.16149365

trumptards will never stop seething

>> No.16149388

I just want to know which movie from the 90s was racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic all at once.

Sounds awesome

>> No.16149414

Ace Ventura

>> No.16149423
File: 12 KB, 320x260, froge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally planned to visit george washington's house way before trump got elected and was already planning on making this because it was washington's favorite drink and very exemplary of 18th century tastes. they plan all this shit out on his channel like a year+ in advance.

but i know you're just baiting anyway. have a (You).

>> No.16149437

> Tbh the group most responsible for taking down the 1619 project/offering a detailed criticism of it were unironic trotskyists

I too read stupidpol.

Because the alternative is getting on your knees for rioters, accepting open borders, and cheering for LGBTP pedophiles which a cultural conservative wouldn’t support either.

>inb4 I’m a drumpftard

Im just explaining how being stuck with two choices forces peoples hands. At this point I’m ready for China to take over, it’s just unironically all so tiresome.

>> No.16149467

It's what their ratings are based on really

>> No.16149701

Is vonnegut going to be posthumously canceled for welcome to the monkey house?

>> No.16149779

he probably forgot it was election year he sells old ass cook books for fucks sake

>> No.16149799

without a paddle

>> No.16149804

Meds. Now.

>> No.16149808

aren't the moderators frustrated with these threads yet?

>> No.16150056
File: 530 KB, 801x831, 1621637962865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this occur often here?

>> No.16150062
File: 82 KB, 1854x237, ∕pol∕ delenda est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.16150083
File: 52 KB, 363x390, 1269400496831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they care

>> No.16150090

>make a drink called the ‘orange fool’
Imagine being a retard that doesn't know a historical drink.

>> No.16150112

>anime posting
>reee normies

What is this 2014?

Suck my dick lmao, screencapping you for /r/4chan btw

>> No.16150114
File: 57 KB, 960x960, 1723378980897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is such a shit argument.
Without the prevalence of social media, white sociopaths (like the ones on /pol/) would go about as they please.
Fuck That Noise. Fuck You.

>> No.16150125

>i'm not emotionally invested in politics
>but i am emotionally invested in /pol/, please read my essay about them

>> No.16150185
File: 65 KB, 227x219, didnt read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16150244

you can tell>>16150062 struck a nerve by all the buthurt responces lololol

only niggers post on pol

>> No.16150279

I don’t post on /pol/

>> No.16150442

Ok chud

>> No.16150461

Any thread involving this guy always devolves into political arguments.

>> No.16151297

>libruls all have TDS
>Noooo!! Your Orange desert is offensive! You can't do anything my ignorance conflates with daddy. Daddy strongest and bestest.

>> No.16151307

>right after trump was elected
months had passed you fartknocker

>> No.16151315

wasn't it president's day?

>> No.16151333

that's not a fucking trillby that's a tricorn hat you fucking blind retard

>> No.16151646

Why would liberals take issue with calling trump an orange fool?
This is such shitty cuckservative deflection if I ever seen it

>> No.16151662


That wasn't the 90s, that was like mid to late 2000's.

>> No.16151677

If it gives everyone the okay to make fun of people based on their skin color, who cares?

>> No.16151689

He makes all the fag enablers seethe

>> No.16151713

>right wing
>insults trump
Yeah, no. Right wingers are 100% lockstep with Trump and are utterly incapable of insulting him.

>> No.16151734



literally less than pocket change to the government

>> No.16151927

>it's been years and trump tards can't let it go
You guys are like sjw purists. If someone ever criticized your gay old man crush you bring it up all the time and basically hate the person and everything they do for the end of time.

Trump was a big kiked zog plant.

>> No.16151960

I liked Trump. I disagreed with his environmental policies but I think he was a good president in terms of our foreign policy. He made people afraid of the United States, again, which is better than being badmouthed by China for being a weak country.

Now stop trying to gaslight people against Townsends, you fucking faggot. Out of all the smelly ass SJW content on YouTube that I can't stand, can you go diarrhea on something else and let people enjoy something that isn't as politically charged as your Hyperborean Fantasies?


>> No.16151992
File: 239 KB, 1280x850, 1333716829707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re the kind of lamps that rapists would use at night while they were on the prowl in the 18th century. After all, you can’t rape what you can’t see and night back then meant deep penetrating darkness, perfect for a lamp rapist.

>> No.16152190

That's all old movies to these animals.

>> No.16152202

>Man makes historical content on youtube
>Attempts make money by being a proper business man selling quality reproduction products instead of a VPN/mobile game sponsor shill
>Literally as honest as a job can get, the products are even made in America instead of being chinkshit
>Waaaaah how could he make money from his hardwork?

>> No.16152222

Why are Trumpies so sensitive?

>> No.16152223

Lol give me a day and i could have made something better with scrap

>> No.16152320

Okay? So do it? Where's your business selling this shit? Oh, you don't have one? Right, so shut the fuck up.
>Lol I could do X better!
So fucking do it, or shut up. People like you are truly scum.

>> No.16152558

Who cares. Post the butter churning cutie.

>> No.16152567

people like you are scum. imagine getting mad that someone could cobble together a lamp with scrap metal that is better quality than a luxury catalog item.

>> No.16152806
File: 48 KB, 900x300, PBF020-Skub[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a historic dish that presidents drank.
It has nothing to do with "Trump bad" and he was rightfully angry with people making it about Trump. He's a man that loves America and wouldn't slight the president even if he wanted to, he just wants to share history, culture and tradition. He didn't release it "Right after" Trump was elected, it was 5 months after, in July when the drink was in high demand because it's a cool fruity drink.

People will fight over anything and everything. What others do are not your fault if you in no way intend to incite anything. Compare this to InRangeTV's halloween video where they shot targets with Trump's face on it.

>> No.16152856

>conservatives are all dumdum yeehaw flyover LIDURUL NOTSEEZ who all secretly want to enact a DOUBLE HOLOCAUST
This is you btw. Historical re-enactment autists are usually left-wing. All roleplaying pursuits tend to be. Autistic people in general are usually left-wing because to an objective thinker who struggles to consider the human factor, it is easily the most fair system of government.

>> No.16152872

So you admit he's orange and a fool, correct?

>> No.16152895

Show, don't tell. We have more than enough bigmouths.

>> No.16153212

If he was clickbaiting it obviously worked

>> No.16153409

best bait i have seen in years

>> No.16153477

>thinking someone should scavenge metal and forge it to endorse their insult of a shitty product
nah, just nah. maybe if you had some karma to give me but not just for a (You).

>> No.16153744

wez slaves (still kangz) were dem locked up and starved by whitey, today I am wearin de traditional slave dress to accurately represent dem

>> No.16154308
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>> No.16154766

>top 10 moggings of all time

>> No.16154980

God, why are Trump fans all such whiny tags?

>> No.16155028

He was an orange fool, though. Cry more trumplet

>> No.16155030



>> No.16155287

Making sense doesn't work here
>inb4 libtard
I'm better than you, in better shape, and I fucked your wife

>> No.16155339


>> No.16155346

>Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
are you trying to make me hate him somehow, because it's not working

>> No.16155352

>even cnn/msnbc aren't running as many stories about him
because he's no longer president and the election is over.

>> No.16155359

No, I'm just saying it was the woman's idea to do the recipe because SHE is a libtard (he co-hosted the episode with a woman who works at Mt Vernon), and he couldn't speak up because he's far right and can't say shit without getting cancelled. You really think some colonial larper from Indiana is a lefty? Totally not a chance. He's probably one of those milquetoast conservatives who doesn't outright want gays killed but thinks its ok to discriminate against us in the name of religion.

>> No.16155372

Gorillas dont have black skin under the hair, and blacks arent even black they are brown for the most part
Blacks do exist but you dont see them often

>> No.16155398

It's been a day, fuckwad, have you made your vastly superior lamp yet? No? Take a long walk off a short pier, cockfag.

>> No.16155401

>can't say the word orange anymore without being political

>> No.16155406
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>> No.16155417
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>> No.16155608

Yeah, it was just a coincidence! Only a few months after the election! Nothing to see here!

>> No.16155925

>make a drink called the ‘orange fool’ right after trump was elected
so trump is a fool? are you seriously trying to tell me someone had to make a veiled reference to this?

I thought it was patently obvious that trump was a psychopathic moron.

>> No.16155992

you can't say the word black without half the population going apeshit

>> No.16155997

Hate this dude

>> No.16156014

That's not bait anon.

>> No.16156025

tbf trump was/is a massive cunt

>> No.16156076

Forgive your parents. It’s the first step of being an adult.

>> No.16156084

OrAnGe iS tHe NeW bLaCk

now on FX

>> No.16156087

I voted for him the first time around because I thought it would be funny/would troll people but his actual followers are retards/conspiracy nuts and far more embarrassing than the SJWs they obsess over. I think Townsend's video was a coincidence, though. He has never made a political video.

>> No.16156088

It was made in reference to the show Friends being put on Netflix. Chandler’s dad was a tranvestite lounge singer who abandoned his family.

>> No.16156094

>"yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump"
>implying a guy who LARPs are a colonial era homesteader likes ANY president

this is without a doubt the least american post on this entire web sight

>> No.16156113

>He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men [...] aren't the only ones allowed to have power.
no wonder everything is going to shit

>> No.16156247

I wish you were right, anon. I really do.

>> No.16156277

it wasn't always like that

>> No.16156967
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>> No.16156976

It's a pretty common opinion

>> No.16156981
File: 191 KB, 1200x1245, PHONIC GAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a little bit better bait so I'll bite this.
Listen retard you can't just start calling everyone slightly to the right of your communist ass right wing. My congratulations on your b8 game game though, but almost no one in America has right wing values.
>I'm a huge normalfag
you played yourself.

>> No.16157011

Why do you call everything slightly left of your self-admitted extremely abnormal arse "communist"?

>> No.16157039

you niggers been crying about this for four years huh? fucking babies.

>> No.16157495

I don't, there are plenty of people who still hold capitalist values that are retarded too.
Marxists, however, make up the bulk of American politics, you can tell because all the neocons and liberals ever talk about is equality, equity, and social programs for each of their version of the welfare queens. Regardless of their rhetoric, they're communists because they follow the path set out by communists.

>> No.16157557

There’s no such thing as a true Marxist in the US, just some people that believe everyone should start with equal footing in capitalism, which will never happen.

>> No.16157601

>>losing the election

>> No.16157630

Ok chud

>> No.16158016

At the time he uploaded he probably didn't realise just how far gone the 2016 elections made everyone.
I don't think anyone saw it coming, at least not that soon.

>> No.16158022

>there's no true Scotsmen in Scotland
fuck off autist

>> No.16158033
File: 293 KB, 375x523, 1618805338930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly, I'd even argue we didn't. The only thing we cared about at the time was putting the dumb meme man who tells redditors it's down the hall and too the left in the presidents seat. it would have literally been over in weeks when people moved on. But of course the jews can't handle being the butt of a joke, and theres no more saltier, humorless jews than the yids at the top of the food chain.

>> No.16158073

You sound like a happy person who's fun to hang out with. Townsends is based as fuck and you should be ashamed for such a cringe take.

>> No.16158262

>Townsends is based as fuck
let me sum up your braindead post for you
>I'm a retarded bias fan who can't handle any sort of criticism so I'll just an anon on a moral level because he said mean things about the thing I like
You could have just said you are 14 and move on

>> No.16158408

in awe at the size of this lad

>> No.16158420

I did, yes. Thanks for asking, homo redditer.

>> No.16158428

Bro I wish he actually did at this point

>> No.16158440

Trump isn't right wing. American politics are fucked and there's no way to vote for true right wing ideology. Same thing here in Australia, but not quite as bad yet.

>> No.16158567

I'm sorry but what voice of Leftist authority decided this was Gospel in the liberal bible?

>> No.16158578

In the story of sodom and gonora they wanted to mass rape that guy's daughter and god didn't like that and sodomite is a word that means anal sex havers so god hates gays.