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File: 217 KB, 600x904, Mother_Sauces_v2_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16660411 No.16660411 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, you know how to do the 5 mother sauces r-right?

>> No.16660449

Nope. I've never actually heard of any of them other than hollandaise. All looks very French though and I've never really done much French cooking except Coq Au Vin.

>> No.16660458

You missed bbq sauce and sweet/sour you dingus

>> No.16660614

have you seriously never made a white sauce?

>> No.16660621

Yeah I do and most of them are dated cooking techniques.

>> No.16660632

Not that I know of. I do not cook basically any French food, or really much european food at all.

>> No.16660669

>he's never heard of tomato sauce
What's it like living under that rock? Plenty of grubs to eat?

>> No.16660682

It's okay. Low rent. Lots of folks get to watch me masturbate which is a plus.

>> No.16660698
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i make plenty of white sauce

>> No.16660711

Hollandaise tastes really bad

>> No.16660720

Fuck veloute, there's so many better sauces for poultry and fish. I had a hardass head chef who insisted on serving veloute on half the menu, and nobody liked it ever. Uninspired and bland.

>> No.16660726
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I'm a southern boy so any poultry or fish sauce is getting a healthy slap of pic rel if it's too bland

>> No.16660742

Besides tomato sauce none of the mother sauces are practically ever useful anymore.
Hollandaise is almost never discussed outside of the context of eggs benedict.

>> No.16660745

If you're from Louisiana you probably know that a light colored roux is pretty much bullshit unless it's for a cream sauce. Dark brown rouxs are the only ones worth making. The problem with veloute is that it's a very mild clear stock mixed with a very mild blonde roux. If you're going to make a clear gravy type sauce just use corn starch or something, and please add some strong aromatics or citrus.

>> No.16660747

Hollandaise is pretty good on asparagus and for artichokes. Also bearnaise is a daughter of hollandaise and is one of the best steak/pork sauces ever

>> No.16660756

>If you're from Louisiana you probably know that a light colored roux is pretty much bullshit unless it's for a cream sauce
Absolutely. Anytime roux was made in the house it was for gumbo and gumbo with a blonde roux would be the nastiest most bland shit in the world.

>> No.16660780

Once my minnesota yankee aunt tried to make a Gumbo and she just straight up didn't cook the flour at all and just put it in as a slurry. I tell you what, it was the nastiest cooked dish I ever tasted

>> No.16660813

>cooking flour
Is this a retarded southerner thing? Why would you burn flour before adding it to something?

>> No.16660816
File: 70 KB, 200x195, Screenshot 2021-09-07 at 00-14-14 ratatouille vomit at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite sympathies to you, anon. The worst dish I ever got served by a relative was a zucchini enchilada, and I have hated the scent of cooked corn tortillas ever since, which is a huge shame because I do enjoy their taste.
Oddly enough I'd say the one southern dish I never really got to have was ambrosia (mother wasn't a church goer and so we only had church dinners around Easter and at funerals, ambrosia was usually a Christmas thing). I should make it this Christmas.

>> No.16660829

Why is basically every cooking basic French, but there's no real French food that anyone likes except maybe crepes? It's like they invented cooking, but none of it is that good... cajun doesn't count

>> No.16660834

Your roux won't work to thicken and flavor gumbo unless the flour has been browned by a very large degree. This is why you stir it constantly so it doesn't actually burn but gets as brown as you can manage. After that most of gumbo is just putting shit in a giant pot (my childhood neighbor would always have a scorched spot on his yard where he'd put down a charcoal pit and have a huge dutch oven type pot over it) and cooking. Making the roux is the "hard" part because of the amount of time and patience it takes to get the perfect brown.

>> No.16660846

I had a head chef like that once. Insisted on using truffle oil in half of the menu. Total hardass. Small guy, full head of hair and a half sleeve on each arm. One night after work on a long weekend it was just me and him in the kitchen and I had had a few drinks that night. One thing led to another and i had my cock buried in his ass raw dogging him while he begged me to stop. It was really awkward after and i just got out of there, leaving him in a pool of swest and cum

Never went back to that place

>> No.16660847

My grandma always said the roux wasn't ready til it had the color of a hersheys chocolate bar

>> No.16660849

I frequently make bechemel as a base for a cheese sauce, and tomato for pasta/meat sauces, couldn't care less about the others.

>> No.16660858

Had a good laugh, anon. Thank you. Now kill yourself you sodomite faggot piece of shit

>> No.16660864

If we're on the subject of mother daughter sauces, once you add cheese to a bechamel it becomes a mornay.

>> No.16660865

I was told the color of the mahogany in our coffee table/"game chest" (had our board games like monopoly and trivial pursuit + playing cards and poker sets inside, eventually it got way too fucking crowded because my mom got into the new wave of board games like dominion and catan)

>> No.16660866

just when I thought tastelets couldnt get any more pathetic they go ahead and post something shockingly retarded like this

>> No.16660871

I actually just think eggs benedict is bad and that's the only time I've ever had it

>> No.16660873

this is even more shockingly retarded than your first post

>> No.16660883

are you american? you typically make a bechamel when doing sausage gravy

>> No.16660884
File: 291 KB, 1000x1500, Classic-Ambrosia-Salad-12a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambrosia salat sounds like a comfy American dish I want to try if I ever visit the USA.

>> No.16660889


>bechamel cheese sauce

anon youre a good man and a good cook and i would 100% eat your food

>> No.16660894

if you've only had it from an american diner or something that makes the hollaindaise from the powdered stuff, i can see that. i dont like it a ton but i made it at home once, and it was very enjoyable. definitely will try in france

>> No.16660934
File: 1.45 MB, 2358x2097, Mushroom_ketchup_(homemade)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the mushroom ketchup?

>> No.16660937

It's a common experience for Americans sorry

>> No.16660942

I should just make a bunch of salads one day for a nice fun meal with friends (from the more traditional like caesar to the more loose like waldorf and ambrosia)

>> No.16660951

Anon, why did you put your diarrhea shit in a plastic container?

>> No.16660956

Yes, I'm not a cooklet.

Technically you just need to know how to add liquid to a roux without it being lumpy.

The rest is just brainlet shit made to be needlessly complicated.

hurr durr I added white stock to roux so now it has a special new name.

>> No.16660957

Watch your language around your mother sauce.

>> No.16660976

hollandaise is not a mother sauce only cooklets describe it as one. It is an emulsion not a sauce

>> No.16660979

I think that would technically be a step-mother sauce

>> No.16660990

You think escoffier was a cooklet? He had more skill in his left pinky then you ever will in your whole miserable mediocre life

>> No.16661033

>The French editions of Le guide culinaire did not include Hollandaise as a grande sauce,[7] but separately described mayonnaise—a cold emulsion of egg yolks with oil and vinegar—as a mother sauce for cold sauces; this was not included in the English edition.

No I think you're a cooklet.

>> No.16661042

>copy pasting the Wikipedia page and not even bothering to take out the citation number

>> No.16661049

Don't need to I wanted you to know you're dumber thank wikipedia.

>> No.16661052


>> No.16661083

Yeah, although I think in my life I've only ever used a French tomato sauce once and I usually only ever bother with espagnole to make demi-glace. I make Hollandaise on special occasions, and I make bechamel and veloute derivatives all the time.

>> No.16661120

Not even the same anon

>> No.16661123

neither am I

>> No.16661166

'white sauce' isn't a sauce.. did you mean bechamel, amerimutt?

>> No.16661170

>Your roux won't work to thicken
Dark roux thickens less than blanc roux.

>> No.16661173

>sauce tomat
cringe It's 'sauce tomate'.

>> No.16661181

Wouldn’t know because I use filé powder and okra too

>> No.16661206

Are these root races for el jefe’s?

>> No.16661560

Your mother sounds based, go play some Dominion with her, fool.

>> No.16661568

traditionally mayonnaise is the fifth, not tomato sauce

>> No.16661589

>traditionally mayonnaise is the fifth, not tomato sauce
Mayonnaise replace Hollandaise, not tomato sauce.
And indeed it's the original english translator of Escoffier's book that decided to replace Mayonnaise by Hollandaise (wtf).

>> No.16661594

There's lot of foods that everyone likes, the only downside is you almost need a culinary degree and half a day to produce it...
A big chunk of their food takes quite a long time to make, or consists of a load of small parts which take time to produce.
Most peepz are just too lazy to bother with old-school french cooking.

>> No.16661597

All of them except hollandaise. desu it's just not worth the effort.

>> No.16661598

make steak au poivre dude

>> No.16661606

>Why is basically every cooking basic French, but there's no real French food that anyone likes except maybe crepes?
It's only true if you only eat fast food.

>> No.16661633

Browning the flour decreases its ability to thicken, because the starch starts to break down. It is done for flavor alone.

>> No.16661661

Dumb mutt dark rouxes thicken less

>> No.16661677

Does bechamel look purple, you spastic fuck?

>> No.16661714

do you eat long dough with white sauce? Or only with red sauce?

>> No.16661718

>Making the roux is the "hard" part because of the amount of time and patience it takes to get the perfect brown.
I make dark roux more than any other, and wondered the last time I made it, could I just toss this into a hot oven? and get the same results with stirring just once or twice.
am I, are we wasting our time in the kitchen stirring roux on the stove top

>> No.16661725

Making up a bunch of neologisms won't make you get paid more than $12 an hour in a major city, wage slave.

>> No.16661730

This just applies to French haute cuisine. Typical housewife dishes aren't much more complicated or time consuming than other European cuisines. They are much more creative with ingredients though imo.

>> No.16661749
File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, cajun roux.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell, it's almost entirely unique to Louisiana.

>> No.16661796

I left my white sauce in your mother.

>> No.16661819

I use cream for cheese sauces

>> No.16661861


>> No.16662019

time to call my old chef and tell him hes an idiot, he said that while tomato sauce was a 'base sauce' it was not one of the french five

>> No.16662038

Of course I do, I'm American after all.
>BBQ Sauce

>> No.16662312

Have you never made macaroni and cheese?

>> No.16662327

>Anon, you know how to do the 5 mother sauces r-right?

Why would anyone give one fuck about those 5 mother fucking sauces?

>> No.16662347
File: 177 KB, 1080x458, blocks your path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16662366

yeah veloute is a good one to use now and then

>> No.16662367

Based coomer

>> No.16662373

It's pretty good, as long as you don't use Cool Whip crap to make it, and as long as you eat it within two or three days. After that it just kind of turns to slop.

>> No.16662374
File: 619 KB, 900x900, cooling_gel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother sauce thread
>No mention of Cooling Gel
ck just isn't what it used to be.

>> No.16662392

You do realise veloute is a mother sauce, that can be used as base for countless of sauces? Light roux + light stock is a great base for many things. If you don't like it, the problem is you, not veloute.

>> No.16662435

Chill the fuck out I never make roux besides for gumbo and I dump enough okra and file in that it doesn't matter

>> No.16662493

It’s the grandmammy sauce

>> No.16662508

wheres the buffalo?

>> No.16662516

I've made bechamel and tomato sauce.

>> No.16663673

Of course. I'm not a complete cooklet.

>> No.16663955

OK retard.

>> No.16663982

Anything hollandaise can do, mayonnaise does better, and it should be replaced. But it won't because muh tradition or whatever French chefs decide to go full sperg over like they always do.

>> No.16663989
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>> No.16664091

isn't that what a roux is? cooked flour?

>> No.16664101

How do i make file powder for gumbo? Nobody sells this shit.

>> No.16665089

publix makes a passable ambrosia.

>> No.16665107

bechamel sounds gross

>> No.16665330

not really something you'll see on a menu, this is old school home cooking

>> No.16665674

learned the oven roux trick from Emeril, never looking back because it won’t burn, you can prep the rest of the meal and still have time for a beer or two before it ready, total hands off effort that works every time