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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16771915 No.16771915 [Reply] [Original]

>enhances your burger

>> No.16771942

i prefer smooth-cut thin pickles that are more on the salty side.

>> No.16771953

i get extra pickels on my le big mac

>> No.16771975

I have never eaten a pickle willingly.

>> No.16772014
File: 1.09 MB, 2592x1944, burger22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pickles on the side usually.

>> No.16772017

please cook your meat

>> No.16772023

please buy better meat, so you dont have to cook it.

>> No.16772028

this is no place to discuss your rape fantasies.

>> No.16772047

Sorry, you guys are just the only support network I have.

>> No.16772187

Have you tried other pickles than just pickled cucumber? Maybe you will like those.

>> No.16772210

Aussies use beetroot, be grateful for your gherkins

>> No.16772218

I think bread and butter pickles taste better on burgers than dill pickles do

>> No.16772237

Based on burgers. Remember to add a fired egg too.

>> No.16772241

I have had this salad that's sliced cucumbers soaked in vinegar with dill and capers, that's good.

>> No.16772247

Why would you willingly bite into cold mush? At least cook until medium wtf

>> No.16772250

Aussie burgers are great, it's the one thing they got right in that benighted country.

>> No.16772258
File: 64 KB, 680x1020, fairybread40a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not rating fairy bread

>> No.16772260

Beetroot is god status. Total game changer for burgers.

>> No.16772263
File: 34 KB, 1050x732, you are a homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks you are a path
nothing personnel, kiddo

>> No.16772269

My friend always gets a side plate of extra pickles with his burger when we go to the gastropub. It embarrasses me.

>> No.16772274

Pickles are nasty stop shoving them in every burger they stain the food. Once they come in contact their influence can never be undone that shit is ruined

>> No.16772344

Are you retarded? If something cooked bleu is still cold in the middle, you did something wrong. Bleu is supposed to be as close to 39C as possible, without going over.

>> No.16772350
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>> No.16772353

The only place for pickles is a sandwich with cold meat.

>> No.16772370
File: 483 KB, 141x141, 1465423403679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guys has it right

>> No.16772377

Fucking retard.

>> No.16772381

It’s blue you mong. It’s not a French cooking term.

>> No.16772460

people who remove the pickles from their burgers are man children

>> No.16772467

I'm a woman.

>> No.16772471

women are the toddlers of society

>> No.16772480

butter bread jimmies. how is this seen as anything more than a childish culinary abortion?

>> No.16772488

>bleu is not a French cooking term.
Ok, retards.

>> No.16772496

bleu =/= blue

>> No.16772498


>> No.16772501

doesnt belong on a burger though

>> No.16772525

What are you rambling about.

The scales go like this

French | British | USA
Bleu | Rare | Blue
Saignant | Medium rare | Rare
Au point | Medium | Medium rare
Cuit | Medium well | Medium
| | Medium well
Bien cuit | Well done | Well done

>> No.16772538

god I want to fuck society's toddlers so bad bros... wait, no officer it was a joke, youre taking it out of context AHHHHHHHHH

>> No.16772644

Enjoy your buttworms

>> No.16772726

pickle rick is not funny and pickles are disgusting

>> No.16772728

>pickle rick is not funny
>pickles are disgusting

>> No.16772757

not hot enough to eat

>> No.16772926

Pickle Rick is very funny, almost infinitely so. To be fair, you do have to be smart enough to understand it. He's Rick, and he turned himself into a pickle. It works on so many levels I don't think even I have envisaged the full extent. You, meanwhile, appear incapable of scratching the surface. Here, I'll get you started: ever heard of the theory of Forms? Have you even heard of Plato? What about a little thing called quantum mechanics? Get reading.