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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16827353 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone else find both fucking disgusting?

is steak the most overrated "food" ever?

>> No.16827371

Agreed. Texture is fucking disgusting, and looks extremely unappetizing. I’m convinced it’s just a way for tastelets that can’t appreciate REAL meat to try to brag about how Manly they are

>> No.16827377

No, you're just a fence sitting faggot.

>> No.16827380
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>cooking food in condoms

>> No.16827381

"overrated" lol faggot

>> No.16827383

Whenever I eat steak my digestion improves, it's really good for me.

>> No.16827390
File: 203 KB, 750x541, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow some fuckin hair on your chest.

>> No.16827397

only plebs can't appreciate well-done steak. they say well-done is inherently overcooked and can't even differentiate between cooking a steak to an internal temperature of 160F and 170F, they'd say it's the same. did you know well-done steaks are actually more flavorful? when protein is cooked to well-done it contracts and squeezes out excess water. this means the flavor of the steak is concentrated. people who like less than well-done are basically saying "wow this watery steak is great". most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier, but people act like this is better for some reason. when meat is well-done the muscle fibers shred apart more easily, this is better for us since we actually chew our food. something like a lion or wolf just tears off chunks of meat and swallow them whole, people don't do this, so less than well-done is actually chewier. steaks are overrated anyway, it's like a bare minimum of effort to actually prepare them. i'd rather have a good braised piece of fatty meat, that's way better, especially once the fat has started to melt and become buttery. notice how a lot of people just cut the fat off the steak and don't eat it because it's chewy? that's wasteful and you're missing out on something that could be really good. i dunno why steak has gotten to be such a premium product with so many strange rituals surrounding it. i guess people just fell for the marketing of it being a premium product and eating an undercooked chewy steak making them cultured and superior. i'd even rather just have a good burger over a steak. welcome to good burger home of the good burger, can i take your order? who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it true? i do i do i do-o. benis.

>> No.16827410

Hahaha holy fuck, get over yourself.

>> No.16827412

I do appreciate a well done steak. Any steak cooked above 135F is poorly done.

>> No.16827428
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, F785C49F-5AF2-4685-95F6-DB2CE82B36D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating undercooked, bloody, hormone pumped “”””meat”””” is good because… well it just is okay??

>> No.16827433


>> No.16827436

No it's good. But it is overrated, it's basically caveman food, which is based in its own way but pretty boring desu which is why you get soyboys sous videing them.

>> No.16827440

It's good because cooking the meat too much breaks down water-soluble nutrients and other sensitive nutrients within it, literally reducing the nutritional content. Consuming over-cooked meat is objectively inferior in a nutritional sense.

>> No.16827449

overcooked is plain cancer

>> No.16827461

Sous vide is for cooklets

>> No.16827486

>100% perfect and optimal results reproducible every time
>heh, cooklets!

>> No.16827556

Risk averse like a woman, pathetic

>> No.16827596

>overrrated: anything which other people like more than I like
You aren’t as special as your single mom said you are, OP.

>> No.16827679

I used to think so. Now I like a steak cooked medium.

>A lot of salt
Not caked on, but both sides should be patted dry and covered in salt. Every millimeter. No other seasoning is needed. Not even pepper. On their own, our tastebuds don't perceive the nuances of a good steak. Salt the steak better and be amazed. If you're semi-healthy like me, you're scared of salt. But in this usage, it's ok.

>Hot pan and just enough oil to coat bottom of pan and no more
You want the outside of steak to "hard sear." The layers of flavor come from the different levels of doneness. "Tough" is usually a bad word but the outside of a steak can have a nice firmness that is a good juxtaposition to the more tender juicy inside.

>Again, salt
Every layer gets better. The "tougher" parts will taste like a delicious beefy chewing gum before breaking down nicely. The juicy inside parts will taste decadent and wash over your tongue. Even the outside crispy edges will add a sharp beefy/salty accent.

Steak is not overrated. It's just a cut of meat, salt, and a pan. But it becomes more than the sum of its parts.

>> No.16827766

Also the guy in OP added a pitiful amount of salt. Not nearly enough for tastebuds to pick up nuances of the meat. And for some reason it was flaky sea salt or finishing salt or whatever. Just regular grocery store salt is fine here. Save the good stuff for desserts or etc.

Each bite of steak is a thick layer of meat. But you can only salt the outside of a steak, not the inside. Therefore, each bite of steak should have enough salt on the *outside* to season the *inside* portion that salt is not directly touching. Because it all combines into one bite in your mouth. Does that make sense?

Salt is not just for "a little seasoning." It makes the rich meat flavor perceptible. Steak is like an electric guitar and salt is like the amplifier. An electric guitar is not useless without an amp but at the same time it pretty much is. If your steak is under-salted you might as well eat a McDonald's burger or something

>> No.16827787
File: 158 KB, 633x900, 0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest, i've always seen a general dislike of the texture of meat as the most valid reason for being a vegetarian.
>i just don't like it
seems a lot more honest and a lot less pretentious than
>omg save the heckin aninmalrinos
or environmental arguments that vegans make

to this day i've only ever met 1 vegetarian who just told me that they don't like the texture, and big surprise: i'd known the person for years any only pieced together the fact that they eat vegetarian by observation. they didn't seem to feel a need to brag about their diet every opportunity.

>> No.16827820

I like it every now and then, but it's not my favorite food or nothing.

>> No.16827847

>Cooking in plastic

>> No.16827909

This is the gayest thing I've seen.

>> No.16827983


Normally I'd call him a faggot for using Sous-Vide to cook steak, but when you're specifically trying to compare two temperatures of steak as precisely as possible, it does actually make sense. But why the fuck did he just bite out of them like that at the end? That's the worst fucking way to eat a nice, medium-rare steak.

>> No.16828007

That guy is a retard, in no way in hell is that a medium rare steak. Jackass is making a borderline blue rare and claiming it's medium. What a cunt.

>> No.16828014

Steak is super overrated. No idea why people treat it like some sort of gourmet food.

>> No.16828024

No go eat the bugs.

>> No.16828086


Sous-vide makes the steak look less done than it is. That's medium rare for sous-vide cooking.

>> No.16828180

It's the ultimate reddit food. Ugly fat bearded shitheads endlessly upvote each others epic $200 100% WAGYU BEEF STEAKS!!!! And talk about their favorite anthony bourdaine (burning in hell btw) wholesome chungus moments. It's as much a creative meal as a steamed fucking carrot.

>> No.16828189
File: 142 KB, 1440x810, 1605009133032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anthony bourdaine (burning in hell btw)

>> No.16828192

Ok vampire (m2f post op).

>> No.16828222

This. Perfect summation.

>> No.16828267
File: 241 KB, 1067x800, IMG-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is some of the best steak i've ever had inside of the average person's grocery budget regardless of how you like it cooked.

>> No.16828288

I used to think steak was overrated until I, unironically, started eating raw or at least blue.

>> No.16828598

>I’m convinced it’s just a way for tastelets that can’t appreciate REAL meat to try to brag about how Manly they are
Why are certain cultures and people so obsessed about performative masculinity? That is doing certain acts because they are perceived as being masculine, and refuse to do certain things that are perceived as feminine or childish? Is it because of closeted homosexuality? Lack of father figure as a child? Compensation for lack of real masculinity?

>> No.16828610
File: 94 KB, 527x607, AmericanChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously medium (UK).

Only Americans will call a medium steak for medium rare, or even rare.

Pic related. Basically Americans cook each doneness to a higher temperature.

>> No.16828643

OR, consider you've been cooking your steaks wrong. Do you think america with their autistic beef culture doesn't know how to cook a steak? Beef is like the one thing they do

>> No.16828646

i love well done
and medium rare
fight me

>> No.16828658

All of the above

>> No.16828659

Are you truly retarded? I was talking about naming conventions, not different ways to cook beef.

Doesn't matter if you call a steak cooked to 63C medium or medium well, it's still the same steak. But it can be confusing.

>> No.16828661

Fuck, an entire thread and I, the OP, forgot to mention that I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16828663

They are, the one thing they are.

>> No.16828686

Wow you are so cool and mature!

>> No.16828734

Never been a huge steak enjoyer but i can be good with a decent sauce on it.

>> No.16828739

anyone who isn't a complete idiot already knew this
a well done steak can taste half decent only if it has a LOT of intramuscular fat (marbling), otherwise it's dry shit, no matter how you cook it (I've heard a few well-done retards, even here on /ck/, saying stuff like "if it turns dry it's because you don't know how to properly cook it")

>> No.16828753

meat on video can look less or more red depending on many factors like lighting and color temperature

>> No.16828873

what do you think happens to meat in your gastric acids?

>> No.16828905

There honestly isnt anything better than this right here.

>> No.16828926

It certainly isn't heated to high enough temperatures to denature and fuck up it's nutritional value. It's broken down via chemical reactions

>> No.16828929

yes, but flyovers don't know any better because they're confused and offended by food that wasn't commonly eaten in 1950s nebraska

>> No.16828953

>Sous vide a steak

>> No.16828959

Well if they eat honey or eggs they're not vegan

>> No.16828970

Chemical decomposition, not heating. Dumbass. If stomach acid destroyed water soluble nutrients then we wouldn't be able to get any of them from any food and we'd die from malnutrition.

>> No.16829022

God damn his gestures are infuriating. Like I fucking get it. Pointing is enough YOU DON'T HAVE TO POINT POINT POINT GOD DAMN IT

>> No.16829032 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw, if that matters.

>> No.16829112

Zoomers have such latent ADHD from being raised on screens and social media that they only pay attention to things that move around significantly, like jangling keys in front of an infant. You can also see it when they try to film something that's perfectly still and they just zoom in and out constantly for no reason at all until you can barely tell what's being filmed.

>> No.16829124

I was raised Hindu, still believe in some of the teachings but not very religious. My cousins, siblings and I never ate beef growing up. Now we go to steakhouses together all the time. God I love steak. Korean bbq, tomahawks, you name it.

>> No.16829128
File: 172 KB, 570x564, 1622498510348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are so many "men" offended by this?

>> No.16829153

That image reeks of Purchased Masculinity. Men don't give a shit what others think, "men" buy guns and expensive whiskey in order to show other "men" how cool and manly they are.

>> No.16829164

meat elitists should be gassed, and so people who cook fucking plastic bags
ever heard of virtue signaling?

>> No.16829348

Why are there so many modern cultures that attack masculinity? They seem to take an arrogant pride in mocking men for enjoying things perceived as masculine, often by attacking their sexuality like "oh you must be closet homo!" or "you like [thing traditionally enjoyed by males], you must have tiny penis!". Is it feminisation or infantilization of modern culture? Lack of father figure as a child? Compensation for lack of real masculinity?

>> No.16829352

>Why are certain cultures and people so obsessed about performative masculinity
It's not that deep bro, just a fun thing to do

>> No.16829382

I used to enjoy it but then sometime in my mid 20s it started tasting spongey and tasteless, and I don't crave meat as often. I'd much rather have a marinated boneless chuck short rib that's packed with flavor if I'm going to eat a lot of it.

>> No.16829485

I think it attacks their fragile masculinity or something, I understand their point that whoever made that image is trying too hard to show off how masculine they are. But if you ignore the intention of the creator of the picture it does look kinda badass, I always liked that picture.

>> No.16829519

Don't worry anon. Steak is extinct.

>> No.16829542
File: 888 KB, 640x368, 1618267048358.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, this image attracting genuine seething is sure sign that /ck/ is full of newfags. This image was posted ironically for many years lmao. Leave.

>> No.16829562

> steak is for tastelets
Tastelet detected

>> No.16829575

i'm a grown man and never tasted a real steak before. I'm thinking of going with a filet mingon to see what i've been missing, then I can judge every lower rank steak from there on out.

>> No.16829581

I've never been able to enjoy a filet because it's too soft, feels like I'm eating a bloody banana.

>> No.16829586

you can try some of my steak, friend

*unzips steak*

>> No.16829604

go with a ribeye. filet is kind of lame 2bh.

>> No.16829614

You're very special, congratulations.

>> No.16829657

This the mos reddit swanson shit hahahaha

>> No.16829672

This guy FUCKS

>> No.16829831


>> No.16829833

>a kimber

>> No.16830557

Steak is such a generic thing, i don't understand people who obsess over it like it's some sort of good tier ambrosia or whatnot.
All these cooking techniques, rare medium rare well done, what the fuck man. Just cook it the way you like and eat it. As long as it's not burned it's fine.
Steak purists belong in the gas chamber.

>> No.16830845
File: 200 KB, 720x800, 1614502720581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16830855

What he attacked was faggotry, not masculinity. Seems it touched a nerve in you.

>> No.16830873

newfag doesn't understand the replies are ironic lurk more bud

>> No.16830901

I like steak but I always smother it in horseradish

>> No.16830917

Not at all overcompensating your insecurity.

>> No.16830933

Filet is for women who don't really like steak

Get a nice fat ribeye and cook it medium rare

>> No.16831149

>most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier

>Animals evolved chewy meat because carnivores don't chew it

>> No.16831168


>> No.16831204

Fully agreed. Mainly because it's so dreadfully boring. Sizzle it up in flavored and herbed oil only gets through to the crust, its a hunk of meat seared at the end of the day. I'm not a fucking caveman I don't want to eat a hunk of meat, I want my meat incorporated into a meal like a modern human does.

>> No.16831279

Steak is just too thick

>> No.16831280

you are probably eating shitty cheap cuts.

>> No.16831283

Then cut it thinner.

>> No.16831286

>I want my meat incorporated into a meal like a modern human does.
What a pathetically feminine sentiment.