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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, 87B1B407-C2C3-4712-B114-237B82D16D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16856384 No.16856384 [Reply] [Original]

how do people drink this shit?

>> No.16856394

I think most liquids are consumed the same way. If you've got water down it's basically exactly the same process but with coffee

>> No.16856395

They're all faking it, because they're disgusting sex-havers. Same applies for beer, wine, whiskey, cigarettes, olives, etc. etc. All something sex-havers pretend to like to make us worthless ugly incel pieces of vile shit feel uncultured for thinking mountain dew, Monster Energy drinks, and vidya+anime+online racism is the peak of sophistication

>> No.16856408

Usually with cream or sugar.

>> No.16856416


>> No.16856494

I prefer my coffee with a little sugar just to cut down on the bitterness desu not really to make it sweet desu. If I want a sweet coffee, I’ll add cream or milk desu and maybe a little bit more sugar desu and it’s a good after lunch pick me up desu. Kinda like a cappuccino desu or latte desu.

>> No.16856497

I like it it tastes nice.

>> No.16856502

Please see >>16856497

same for you. You just like the drugs in it

>> No.16856506

One cup at a time

>> No.16856777

Black with one Splenda, maybe a splash of almond milk if I'm feeling particularly frisky

>> No.16856788

Sugar and milk make coffee taste worse.

>> No.16856797
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personally with this

>> No.16856810

Ngl, I do prefer tea in most cases, but coffee is good too and tea isn’t strong enough to wake me up in the morning.

>> No.16857944


>> No.16858720

I feel uncontrollable anger

>> No.16858724

wtf all my T B H was changed???

>> No.16858726
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>AAhhhhh, that's the good stuff! A cup of heckin' strong black stuff to set me up for the day! Sugar and milk? No thanks bro, I take it as it comes, pure roasted goodness!

>> No.16858729

Hello newfag

>> No.16858731

Seriously. Wtf happened? Is my network hacked and someone is changing my packets?

>> No.16858734

Breh , i mean i get you but what is wrong with olives? Did i miss something. Since when do peoe hate olives

>> No.16858737

whats a T B H? honestly you probably just made a typo or two. get some rest

>> No.16858767

i like my coffee like i like my slaves: free

>> No.16858789

based and redpilled

>> No.16859047

If available, with a teaspoon of molasses. Otherwise, I drink it straight

>> No.16859052

based and redpilled

>> No.16859054

I'm having a fine laugh at the spergout by soyboy children who are too young to have a palate being mad at coffee

>> No.16859055

Based brew butt blaster

>> No.16859069
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I got myself an shit tier espresso machine with an amazon gift card and it was still completely worth it, I like mine 50/50 doubleshot-milk/froth with a tablespoon of light brown sugar

>> No.16859083

I only drink black coffee. Coffee with cream or sugar gives me the shits.

>> No.16859294
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How do I enjoy water without the toxic brain chemicals the government uses

>> No.16859308

buy canisters of hydrogen and oxygen and make your own water

>> No.16859311

For best water, move to the mountains and dig a well.

>> No.16859486
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>i'm having a fine heckin' laugherino at the spergouterino by soyboy children who are too heckin' youngerino to have a palaterino being mad at coffeearino!

>> No.16859565

You're supposed to slowly sip it in a cafe while chatting with your friends for two hours. There's an entire culture around coffee drinking that westerners generally don't get because of their busy lives.

>> No.16859569

It tastes good and is hot

>> No.16859573

That's what beer/wine is for in non-soy countries

>> No.16859585

>how do people ___
There are many different types of people each with their own tastes and interests OP, you’re either an idiot or a dick

>> No.16859587

Because you normally drink alcohol at 8AM.

>> No.16859590
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A sip at a time

>> No.16859592

Because you normally have a 2 hour social event at 8am

>> No.16859637

Sure. 8 to 10. It's a Med thing.

>> No.16859661

Coffee is a form of poison, as is any non-water beverage you can consume for sustenance. Consider consuming H20.

>> No.16859664

You're supposed to be at work by 8 in any developed country with a strong economy. What third world socialist shithole do you inhabit?

>> No.16859688

Try again when you're 30

>> No.16859692

First shift, second shift. You realize not everyone works 9-5, right?

>> No.16859735

If you work second shift, you'd still be asleep at 8 AM.

>> No.16859931

Slowly at first, this faggot burned his mouth and he angry lol

>> No.16860590

What are you, taking a desu census?

>> No.16862236

Imagine not having flexible office hours

>> No.16862311
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it tastes good

>> No.16862333
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Straight from the fucking bottle. Perfect for long nights working and I don't care about spending all tomorrow destroying my toilet.

>> No.16862353

>how do people drink this shit?
Ideally with bacon, eggs and toast.

>> No.16862357

I won't make it to tomorrow if I drink this

>> No.16862564

That has gotta have like 150g of sugar in it
One cup every few days, extremely piping hot, no sugar, no cream. Only way to enjoy coffee.

>> No.16862573

Why such a tiny spoon? I'd take ages to drink that

>> No.16862582


>> No.16862587

By adding milk and sugar. Anybody who says otherwise is a tastelet with a burnt out palette.

>> No.16862605

14g per 12oz so only 56g in the whole bottle actually

>> No.16862606

very carefully

>> No.16862609

you've never had good coffee before

>> No.16862614

Huh. That's surprisingly low. I mean, its still 175% of someone's daily sugar in a whole bottle. But its lower than I thought.

>> No.16862619

>t. max bitter IPA drinker
Never had a black coffee that doesntm't taste like coffee flavored pool chemicals.

>> No.16862622

If you get good quality coffee then it's not really that bitter or acidic. I still like it with a lot of milk most of the time because it's just my preference, and I don't use sugar often, but black coffee can be good. Had a cup with some freshly ground good quality beans and just drinking it plain with breakfast was pretty nice. I wouldn't do that with cheaper preground coffee though, that needs at least some milk and sometimes sugar to taste okay.

>> No.16862644

based and redpilled

>> No.16862649

I can't, it's disgusting and I'll only drink it if I'm desperate, the only way I can possibly tolerate it is with condensed milk
I drink two cups of espresso daily though and that's nice

>> No.16862662

Any recommendations? I love coffee flavor but can't stand the overwhelming bitterness.

>> No.16863215

by getting good coffee and not drinking shit like folgers and instant.

>> No.16863219

not him but at most stores (in the US),any local medium roast that isn't cheap garbage.

>> No.16863221
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>he doesn't bripe

>> No.16863256

with sugar

>> No.16863288
File: 595 KB, 366x218, Based&Redpilled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16863301

By not being a fat faggot who is addicted to sugar.

>> No.16863303

kys faggot

>> No.16863312

with your mouth

>> No.16863354

Christ, stop trying so hard

>> No.16863400

Shut up, Aqua. Fucking retard.

>> No.16863408


>> No.16864584
File: 43 KB, 228x392, 2lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss your sister?

>> No.16864982

with their mouths

>> No.16865075
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you show me?

>> No.16866159

sigma moment

>> No.16866190

I...I admit it. I'm a normalfag, and I can't take it any more. It's true. We've been rusing you the whole time. I only hope you can forgive me.

>> No.16866199
File: 1012 KB, 500x281, rc_an (85).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss your self.

>> No.16866209


>> No.16866219

that gif is impossible, i just tried it

>> No.16866628

If you grind the beans yourself it tastes a lot better and less acrid.

>> No.16866820

Why would you destroy your toilet? You need that.

>> No.16868529

this is super based but coffee is actually awesome

>> No.16869927

Based and red pilled

>> No.16869969



>> No.16870166

The way to drink your childish ´Momster'
put it to the lips, open mouth slightly, inhale said fluid.
f'' lsr

>> No.16870192

I like black coffee in the morning before heading out to work. thats the only time I would consider drinking it though. don't even really like coffee and almost never drink it at any other time of day/week when I drink tea

>> No.16870348

I’m 32 and it’s still shit

>> No.16870357

Shut up click bait faggot, and fuck you for me replying....

Straight up, no sugar, no cream, no non dairy bs, no sacchrine...black, hot, and strong. And inb4 one of you faggots makes a gay joke.

>> No.16870365

The underground picky eater acceptance movement is moving on olives next, now that they've made it OK to not like raisins.
It's OK, more for us.

>> No.16870562

pro tip you fuckwit yankee doodle dickheads
put the boiling water in BEFORE the espresso and it won't taste like fucking mud

>> No.16870682

Buy a cezve and some mehmet efendi and learn how to make Turkish