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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16855751 No.16855751 [Reply] [Original]

are you allowed to eat the corn at the corn barn?

>> No.16855767

dent corn tastes bad raw.

>> No.16855772

looks cooked to me

>> No.16855777

it's not.

>> No.16855782

checked but have you been to the corn barn or how can you be so sure?

>> No.16855815

can I build a corn castle?

>> No.16855823

>keep the corn inside the barn
no you can't eat it

>> No.16855834

You can if you shit it out before you leave.

>> No.16855836

good point.

>> No.16855839

Looks like heaven on earth.

>> No.16855842

Would it be weird if I was under the corn, with a snorkeller for air, ambushing cute girls feet?

>> No.16855845

I want to start a Corn Can.
It would be a big pool of creamed corn.
I would let you eat it.

>> No.16855847

thanks man

>> No.16855991

>The first rule of Corn Barn

>> No.16856033

Do Americans really..?

>> No.16856046

That's against the RULES, faggot.

>> No.16856053

Well then fuck the corn barn

>> No.16856064
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>> No.16856226

The corn would crush you

>> No.16856232


>> No.16856239

it’s that time of year again. load the station wagon up and take the family down to the corn barn

>> No.16856273

Son I can tell you've never done a corn dive before

>> No.16856277

I've heard tell of folks dying in the corn barn. Follow the rules, they're for your own safety.

>> No.16856282
File: 2.97 MB, 728x712, drowning in grain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16856297

They're just having fun. They come out the other side totally fine!

>> No.16856302

>mom picks me up from school
>get happy meal from mickey d’s
>eating in car seat
>van pulls into parking lot
>”welcome to the corn barn”

>> No.16856317

Golly, wouldn't it be satisfying to eat your way to the surface? Those pigeons know how to have a good time!

>> No.16856363

how deep does the corn go?

>> No.16856376

how do you get the guts out of the bread?

>> No.16856427

Nobody dares to find out since every expedition has been lost.

>> No.16856448

was anybody else scared of the corn creature? my brother used to tell me stories about it before we’d visit the corn barn

>> No.16856454

And they say the midwest is without culture.

>> No.16856458

i was, but we called it the maize monster

>> No.16856621

They don't. All the detritus and non-grain things are ground so fine and spread so thin that you just don't notice.

>> No.16856695

>those fucking pigeons flying in after seeing their brethren die

>> No.16856712

>not packing up your family to head to the local corn maze
>not gulping down apple cider and donuts while watching the kids slide through the plastic drainage pipes
>not riding the pedal tractors even though they’re way too small
>not climbing through the hay castle
>not crawling through the hay bale maze in the barns haymoy
>not taking the spooky hay ride through the woods
>not making smores over the communal fire pits

>> No.16856718
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>> No.16856730

>t. Well adjusted white male with healthy family relationships and father-involved childhood
get out

>> No.16856736

I want to kill myself

>> No.16856740

It only gets worse

>> No.16857018

>corn barn
please explain? what is?

>> No.16857038

It's a Midwestern American traditional building, most of our corn-related and fertility-related rituals take place there.

>> No.16857043

and what are they all doing? why are they sitting in food?

>> No.16857046

It's not food until it's cooked

>> No.16857048

they aren't.
they stomp the corn for its juice, that is then used to make corn whiskey.

>> No.16857053

It's important to introduce the children to The Corn early to prepare them for their future careers and lives in agriculture.

>> No.16857070

cooked or not...
I do not sit in food.

>> No.16857242

__ _________ ______?

>> No.16857264
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you wanna do what to the bunny?

>> No.16857271

>are you allowed to eat the corn at the corn barn?
I imagine once the season is over that's all going to be used as animal feed

>> No.16857280

I think I saw one grab another and try to drag in into the hole, but failed and they both survived

>> No.16857435

S-senpai no the cream cheese doesn't go there uwa~!

>> No.16857694 [DELETED] 

>hey CEO schlomo, what should we do with all this corn?
>Hmm? employee noseberg? why cant we sell it?
>It has too much glyphosate to pass inspection
>hmmm, I think I have an idea.

>> No.16857948

do Americans really?

>> No.16857971

You didn't show your feeling when

>> No.16857994

i did that shit one time when I was a kid and I'm fucking pissed that I'm too old now to do it again

>> No.16858138

Man, I remember visiting a maize maze and playing in the corn corner once when I was a child. It was at a farm on the edge of town, next to the concrete factory. I think they even buried some concrete drainage pipes in some dirt hills for us kids to crawl through, like a bunch of hamsters (which, incidentally, are called corn wolves where I live).

>> No.16858172


>> No.16858179

i’m kind of sad i never got to experience this as a kid

>> No.16858236

that type of corn is used for animal feed, city slicker

>> No.16858247

allowed in the sense that you're allowed to have hepatitis if you want

>> No.16858314

I wonder how many pigeons I have consumed over the years.

>> No.16858332

___ ____ ____

>> No.16859939

theres a net that prevents them from going in, they come out fine from the other side

>> No.16861222

what the heck are they doing in there?

>> No.16861349
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>> No.16861425

Have kids, idiot

>> No.16863484

Corn is the most versatile grain. I haven't seen any rice barns. Have you? Any potato barns?

>> No.16863505

>he hasn't been to the legendary Potato Patio

>> No.16863511
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>keep your head above the corn
Corn rules are written in blood

>> No.16863513

these idiots never read the dressmaker

>> No.16863528

>there could be a void beneath any kernel of corn
I know what I'll be having a nightmare about tonight.

>> No.16863641

whats up with the void? why is it there?

>> No.16863659
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>> No.16863660

can i cum in the corn?

>> No.16863671

do a flip

>> No.16863675

Is there more of this?

>> No.16863703

No, she drowned in the potato silo Gotta watch for those voids

>> No.16863813

>keep your head above the corn
Good start to creepy pasta

>> No.16863827

Man, seeing their little heads disappear down into the corn gives me some serious fucking dread. Stupid ass birds, but still.

>> No.16863902

oo baby
Is there any more hentai for real potato lovers?

>> No.16864072


>> No.16864092
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…do Americans really?

>> No.16864094

>this is the most beautiful woman in Idaho

>> No.16864095

I did all those things and I'm a fucking zoomer
What's wrong with you people holy shit how fucking insulated from normal society are you that you think of going to a fucking children's farm is some unattainable long-lost ideal from the past

>> No.16864099

Your ass would get laughed out of the corn barn for being such a sperg.

>> No.16864102

Oh no, now he won't be able to sit in the food!

>> No.16864110

>helplessly sinking into the grain as the screw in the bottom keeps turning, knowing you will soon be ground into chunks by its rotation

>> No.16864116
File: 31 KB, 490x490, RS242909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the rules of the Korn barn?

>> No.16864130

>no throwing corn
>no diving
That’s literally the first two things any kid would want to do.
Fuck you, corn barn.

>> No.16864150

Iit's obvious you nwver lived among corn and absolved their culture.

>> No.16864193

Take your kids and do it with them. You have kids right, anon?

>> No.16864299

Do Americans really? they're literally playing with food while people are out there starving.

>> No.16864319

That's not human food you faggot. That's feed corn. It's livestock feed. Trust me you don't want to eat it because I have and even when it is fresh off the stalk at peak ripeness, it tastes like absolute shit and is basically inedible. Also, it's not our problem if others are starving. Maybe the noble Euros and Big Daddy China should get together and solve world hunger through the kindness of their hearts while we play in our feed corn. Nothing is stopping you faggots.

>> No.16864330

Based and correct on all counts.

>> No.16864332

you WILL feed the downtrodden

>> No.16864341

Eat your bugs

>> No.16864351

put freaks on a leash

>> No.16864359

>I will never ever swim and eat in a pool of cream corn with my fellow /ck/ bros....

>> No.16864363

This fellow Midwest anon knows whats up.

>> No.16864387
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>> No.16864456

This retard's still seething

>> No.16865376

is this in mass?

>> No.16865386

Do Americans really have mass in the corn barn?

>> No.16865394
File: 218 KB, 745x643, korn_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16865398

makes sense a thirdie like you doesn't understand the basic nuances of language, you're thinking en masse

>> No.16865401

Calm down and take the corn cob out of your ass, boy. It's a joke.

>> No.16865453

You're the one failing to differentiate between Massachusetts and mass (the religious ceremony). Must suck to have American education.

>> No.16865455

What's the joke

>> No.16865511

this is so damn satisfying

>> No.16865532


>> No.16865537

It's observational humour regarding people who get humorously upset about mundane things, idyllic families in this case. Have you never seen a soyjak before?

>> No.16865588

Anon was posting the soyjack in reply to >>16856712, making the point that the greentext is somehow some kind of tradwank lifestyle which would make you go "ugh...I want to go back".

>> No.16865605

Never complain about where you live. Some people have to live in the midwest USA.

>> No.16865613

I think in practice, there's a difference between posting a soyjak and quoting their entire post (implying that post was soy) versus posting a soyjak with a paraphrased reaction (implying people who react to posts like that are soy). It's a surprisingly complex meme with a lot of deep interpretation required.

>> No.16865615

oh you're one of those

>> No.16865629

Are you retarded? The joke was that "in mass" can mean "in a Catholic church service", the phrase "en masse" had nothing to do with it

>> No.16865645

farmer here, we all remove the cover from screw conveyors to prevent straw from clogging the silo.
those pigeons are minced meat

>> No.16865664

no the joke was asking him if he was in mass, not in mass

>> No.16865665

why would I ever go to a corn barn. what is the point. are those people retarded?

>> No.16865671

please, less explaining jokes and more making jokes, i come to /ck/ to laugh

>> No.16865675

lmao imagine not going to the corn barn

>> No.16865683

>i come to /ck/ to laugh
that's unkind anon some retard post genuine recipes here

>> No.16865689

I come to /ck/ to weep.

>> No.16865696

weep your meringues am i right nigga

>> No.16865766
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>they're literally playing with food while people are out there starving.

>> No.16865926

You don't really "get" 4chan, do you

>> No.16865960

>Any potato barns

Actually worked in one. 10 feet high, 40 feet wide, 300 feet long of potatoes. It smells so fucking bad.

>> No.16865972
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>No one posted it
I guess this is my burden to bear.

>> No.16865988

Smells like an Irish whore house

>> No.16866025

What’s “the point” of going to the British Museum or the Louvre?

>> No.16866049

Chambers excavated by corn spiders

>> No.16866061

to not lay in corn?

>> No.16866074

>not laying in corn wherever you go

>> No.16866085


>> No.16866090
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"Flow of granular media" is a topic with many open theoretical questions, as well as practical potential nightmares for structural engineers.

t. used to know a professor of engineering mechanics

>> No.16866100

It is clearly apparent from OP pic that most people are comfortably sitting in the corn, not laying in it.
However, laying in the corn does not appear to violate any of the Corn Barn Rules. As such, the freedom to either lay in the corn or not is entirely up to you.

>> No.16866139

Wait, theres meat in my cornmeal?

>> No.16866149

The sheer heat and pressure will kill you long before you reach the bottom.

>> No.16866230


>> No.16866413

somebody post it

>> No.16866434

>coomer can't follow the corn barn rules