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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 173 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16939113 No.16939113 [Reply] [Original]


How much of a fancy bitch are you?

>> No.16939139
File: 64 KB, 841x765, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like everything I guess

>> No.16939146
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>> No.16939148
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>> No.16939158
File: 155 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God yes, disenfrachise me harder daddy.

>> No.16939160
File: 156 KB, 732x600, food-choice[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this test was bullshit. Like what the fuck is with putting liquid gold on ice cream? That's not actually upper class food; it's common shit with gold poured on it.

>> No.16939167

But that is rich people food.

>> No.16939168
File: 170 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really like much seafood except for crab and tuna.

>> No.16939175
File: 197 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really, really hungry

>> No.16939201

No it isn't, it's fucking "I live paycheque to paycheque because I blow all my money on frivolous bullshit" people food. Idiots who buy FunkoPops and post on Instagram about eating a "$599 golden hotdog" will never be rich in their life.

>> No.16939212
File: 173 KB, 730x734, food class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I got Middle class because I prefer my food cooked. Fuck sashimi, fuck oysters, fuck mussels, fuck tartare.

>> No.16939217

This is the worst dataming quiz ever. Mac and cheese comes up like 5 times.

>> No.16939220
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>> No.16939221

Sounds like you're projecting, to me.

>> No.16939222
File: 212 KB, 773x739, yugy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely what you eat is more important than what you'd "like" to eat in a way

Like, who the fuck is going to say no to fish and chips? But like gold leaf ice cream? At least fried foods don't taste completely dead and don't involve me shitting money.

I swear to christ gold leaf is just a trap for the nouveau riche and the tasteless

>> No.16939224

The mussels in the image were cooked, ya twit.

>> No.16939229

Whoops. I guess I blew that one.

t. never had mussels before

>> No.16939242
File: 156 KB, 732x600, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, i feel like this quiz doesn't work for me because i'm not a burger. I mean, not a single one of these dishes had rice or rice and beans.

>> No.16939253

>none of those dishes had [lowest tier of staple food]
You kinda proved the test's point.

>> No.16939255
File: 193 KB, 732x600, 7757y53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the midwit meme is real

>> No.16939257

the site offers a german version of the quiz, some food names are changed to fit the country better (fish and chips became curry sausage with fries, ham and cheese toastie became toast hawaii, sloppy joe became kebab) but the images stayed the same
either way the end result for me was lower middle/ lower class 100%. this test might as well be renamed to "do you like weird seafood"

>> No.16939277
File: 137 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16939280

Weird. In the French and Spanish versions, most are still the same, though the ham and cheese sandwich becomes croque-monsieur.

>> No.16939283

Mussels are okay but I only really eat them in soups/stews.

>> No.16939284

do you like food?
or do you like food with gold and truffles?

>> No.16939293

I never understood why they keep the shell with it. Fucking pop that thing out.

>> No.16939298

You cook them with the shell on and closed and the safe ones will open up.

>> No.16939309

It's also dumb because the question only asks if you would like to eat it. I mean, I would I guess, but I'd never pay for it.

>> No.16939310

Okay, THEN after it opens, pop that thing out.

>> No.16939312

Yeah, it's kinda weird. Scallops are almost always removed from their shell (unless you're serving them on-the-half-shell), but mussels are almost never removed from their shell. Like you'll have moules frites they'll give you this big bowl of mussels in shell and you have to go looking for the meat.

>> No.16939320

It's why I never order whole Crabs/Lobsters dishes in restaurants. I'm not paying you to work for my own food. Get it out of there and give it to me.

>> No.16939340

I kind of enjoy pulling the meat out of crab legs. Very satisfying when it comes out in one big chunk.

>> No.16939345
File: 169 KB, 732x600, FDUB6jIXEAgmfqG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the simpler things in life like meatloaf

>> No.16939347

Yeah, I do it at home no problem. It's when I go out to a restaurant when I'm not in the mood to prep my own shit. It's why I went out in the first place.

>> No.16939351

top kek

>> No.16939384
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>> No.16939387
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>> No.16939390

Well, la-di-da, Mister Gucci loafers.

>> No.16939391
File: 324 KB, 1152x923, Screenshot_20211105-022732~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the 50 fucking kinds of mac and cheese?

>> No.16939398

We truly do live in a society

>> No.16939402
File: 69 KB, 600x576, midc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanted was healthy foods lol

>> No.16939465
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>> No.16939538
File: 146 KB, 732x600, Imagine eating gold lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv meatloaf
Luv roasted chicken n greenbeans
Luv pork belly
Luv beefstew
Luv pulled pork
Everythibg else on there sucked peepee penis breath

>> No.16939546
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>> No.16939558

simple as

>> No.16939562
File: 728 KB, 1532x1500, Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 9.23.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of applebee's-type food, has to be trashier or more sophisticated.

>> No.16939648
File: 201 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat most stuff. Didn't ask me if I'd pay for it.

>> No.16939664

This is the stupidest fucking test I've ever seen

>> No.16939670


>> No.16939673
File: 243 KB, 801x569, foodfucktastfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat, agreed with everything save for seafood and gold ice cream.

>> No.16939675
File: 161 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a plebeian palette

>> No.16939682

i've never had most of these foods, they're not common in my country at all lel

>> No.16939683
File: 177 KB, 754x702, allwhiteneighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean desu I'll eat anything but I thought this was about being picky and what Id prefer?

>> No.16939698
File: 175 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of that stuff id love to try

>> No.16939699
File: 193 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the subaltern gourmand

>> No.16939714

>oh no, google knows i like to buy oversized dildos and can now send my spam folder more emails for buying oversized dildos

>> No.16939719
File: 132 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, sweet comfort zone. Though most of that seems to be me just not liking cheese and seafood.

>> No.16939736
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I love all food expect beets

>> No.16939742
File: 145 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm allergic to shellfish and crustaceans

>> No.16939782
File: 161 KB, 732x600, B2D4BA64-778F-4345-A610-A0A3B0FDDAFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower class and upper class is the kino combination

>> No.16939797
File: 253 KB, 1080x1119, Screenshot_20211104-202622-693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single vegan item except some nasty looking chips
Nice meme

>> No.16939807
File: 81 KB, 750x624, 530A8788-5F7C-480C-87BB-763E4CA8661A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like food

>> No.16939835

The duality of man

>> No.16939930
File: 151 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't pay for alot of the things they showed, but I would it it for free.

>> No.16939939
File: 192 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect you. I think I got lower on things because I was neutral to raw oysters and mussels, and also was confused if defrosted pizza was just a raw pizza or not.

>> No.16939945

I've never heard anyone say "defrosted pizza" before but I just assumed they meant a frozen pizza that you pop in the oven vs delivery or homemade.

>> No.16939951
File: 162 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to not be poor

>> No.16939959

projecting desire to eat gold plated ice cream?

>> No.16939964

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.16939966

Some of the most useless data ever in my opinion. Guaranteed it's going to be used in some hack pop psychology journal.

>> No.16939967
File: 158 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is gold plated ice cream a common staple in upper class homes?

>> No.16939969

The equivalent in most of the foreign language versions is "frozen pizza".
Sasuga ESL datminers.

>> No.16939976

This quiz better rate wanting gold leafed ice cream as a lower class preference.

>> No.16939979

no i'm telling you that so you feel bad for being poorer than me

>> No.16939988
File: 318 KB, 1080x1365, Screenshot_20211105-142658_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love food me. Pretty shittily designed test though. It kept giving me french desserts, 2 styles of oyster, and caviar which I specifically dont like so that fucks with the wealthier areas.

If it had more things like artisinal meats, wine, cheese etc. I would've had maxxed out upper middle class.

>> No.16939994

You can clearly tell it was made by a retard who thinks "high price = high class".

>> No.16939998
File: 221 KB, 1246x1032, idrlabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did I do bros

>> No.16940007

Apparently the upper middle class lives on raw seafood and french desserts and wealthy people add truffle and lobster to everything

>> No.16940013
File: 738 KB, 1056x942, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted from my Macbook Pro

>> No.16940019

I noticed that as well. Adding lobster chunks or shaved truffles to your pasta and cheese isn't going to make it any higher class. It's still fucking mac and cheese.

>> No.16940028

thats because nobody likes you, especially the animals you are too good for.

>> No.16940042

Lobster mac and cheese is fucking good. I make it with leftovers once or twice a year.

>> No.16940046

>Does it have lobster in it?
>must be for rich people only

>> No.16940050

are we sure this isn't a trap?

>> No.16940081
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I'm fancy I guess

>> No.16940084

Unless you're living in the Maritimes lobster is like 70 bucks

>> No.16940092

That truffle Mac and cheese photo was also bad

>> No.16940095

5-8$ a lb. Still not worth all the work. But nice for variety.

>> No.16940107
File: 176 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did this test have three kinds of mac and cheese in it? if i don't like it why would i suddenly want it when it's topped with lobster

>> No.16940297
File: 171 KB, 733x736, Food Disgust Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16940322
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>> No.16940564

This test has way too many chicken options.

>> No.16940573
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I'm not a fancy bitch, just a fat bitch.

>> No.16940620

Surprising result because I turned down most of the obvious upper class bait.

>> No.16940624
File: 403 KB, 1079x1311, Screenshot_20211105-042904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16941117

You're not hypothetically paying for these foods, you're just eating them

>> No.16941121

>hate fish and seafood
>automatically relegated to lower class

Whoever made this test is a retard.

>> No.16941132
File: 154 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This result is just because I'm allergic to seafood and prefer not to waste my money. Seems this is a test about pretentiousness, assuming the rich likes seafood and gold ice cream while people like Warren Buffet don't like McDonalds and Coke, which of course is completely wrong.

>> No.16941138
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it's to be expected
vegans have no class

>> No.16941145
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>> No.16941154
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>> No.16941155
File: 158 KB, 732x600, food-disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will not eat the bugs and you will wash your hands

>> No.16941175

if you hate ALL seafood your taste is automatically low class. allergic people get a pass.

>> No.16941180
File: 147 KB, 732x600, food-disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16941190
File: 269 KB, 802x697, foodclass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very unsurprising.

Though some of the options for "high class" like soft ice with edible gold, truffle mac&cheese and foie gras burger are just decadent rather than exquisite. By which I mean to say that throwing a bunch of expensive ingredients together doesn't automatically make it taste good.

>> No.16941194
File: 236 KB, 1080x1209, results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/bros WAGMI

>> No.16941201

pretty close to my results, nearly all the same.

>> No.16941215
File: 154 KB, 732x600, food-disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all disgust me.

>> No.16941229
File: 205 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less so than other things, I guess? I'm not big on superfluous nonsense in my cheap shit (like gold on soft serve) but I'll still enjoy it if it's offered.

>> No.16941255
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>> No.16941262
File: 344 KB, 750x1334, B441E181-7C4B-4F6E-B6E1-B62740128AA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like what I like, which is mostly meat, beans and dairy

>> No.16941276
File: 145 KB, 698x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypochondriacs are cringe

>> No.16941279

>common shit with gold poured on it.
= peak noveau riche territory

>> No.16941301
File: 267 KB, 898x893, 624C8615-40D1-481D-BEAF-4C412541AD9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the rich food is just stuff I’ve never had (I’ll try it, I guess, like caviar), stuff that actively pisses me off like gold ice cream (it’s a useless way to pretend your product has value instead of using a good cream to make the custard, and rich, fresh vanilla in the mix), or stuff that has a weird reaction to me (I don’t like oysters or muscles; cooked or raw). The best looking food was also beef stew and meatloaf, even though a good steak would be better than that (and I think steak is better than beef tar tar, and beef tar tar is overrated and kind of dumb).

>> No.16941312
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Jokes on them I earn five figures and own two houses.

>> No.16941323

My man.

Eating gold covered ice cream doesn't mean you're rich: it means you're stupid.

>> No.16941337

The website probably thinks it’s a high-class food, and it’s a thing done in the “upper class” restaurants.

>> No.16941342
File: 864 KB, 1705x1685, food choice test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat Taco Bell like 5 times a week.

>> No.16941344
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Sorry bro, thems the breaks.

>> No.16941352
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>> No.16941356

That was the only one I put dislike on and I got dinged on upper class, so you're right.

>> No.16941360
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I'm a simple man that likes simple things

>> No.16941377

It’s like a meme of what upperclassman food is. From my experience, loweclass food is fried salmon and potatoes, middle class is grilled salmon with potatoes, vegetables, and bacon, and upperclass is roasted salmon with sauce and asparagus. There’s other examples, like clam chowder being low class but Manhattan clam chowder middle, but mostly it’s minor changes and execution differences.

>> No.16941378
File: 161 KB, 726x740, DUSGUSTAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is only smells.

>> No.16941410
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Too bad I am actually too poor to eat most of those fancy things more than every once in a while.

>> No.16941441
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>beef tar tar
In a world of text it blows my mind that people still type things as if they've only ever heard them. Tartare was on the test twice.

>> No.16941460
File: 131 KB, 732x600, food-disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was much better than OP's

>> No.16941462
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i should stay in my lane.

>> No.16941477
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After learning about how processed seed oils are made, and trying to avoid them, a lot of fried foods are much less appetizing to me. I don't need all the Canola oil and Omega 6 toxicity in my system, no thank you.

>> No.16941581

The ocean is the world's toiletbowl. Im not eating anything that's been marinating in it's own poopsoup.

>> No.16941613


>> No.16941731

Yeah fuck lobster I want crab

>> No.16941743

Bc theres shit you dont want to eat in a scallop

>> No.16941774
File: 144 KB, 708x767, allwhiteneighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foods tastelets like >>16941215 avoid are usually the best.

>> No.16942123
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>> No.16942888
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Basically everything on the list looked good besides beef tartare and alfredo.

>> No.16942909
File: 87 KB, 720x853, 20211105_160006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs and hairs are a huge grossness trigger.

>> No.16943217

it's new money food aka pseudo-peasant food, as opposed to old money aka actually rich people food

>> No.16943276
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>> No.16943318
File: 120 KB, 732x600, picky eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the power of picky eating in an extreme

>> No.16943330

I scored high on everything. The only things I don't want to try is raw fish and beef. Those are probably good but I'm a squeamish pussy and am afraid of getting worms.

>> No.16943331
File: 177 KB, 732x600, visible disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then the picky eating disgust version
maybe I just don't like food

>> No.16943372

Jesus dude, what happened to you?

>> No.16943375

I had ahi tuna tartare on wanton strips with scallions omat a fancy holiday party one time and I probably at about half a tray they were so fuckin good. No ragrets.

>> No.16943392

I'm mostly just worried about getting worms. It's rare to get it from raw fish but I've heard about people getting tapeworm from it.

>> No.16943403

You're more likely to get sick from raw vegetables or undercooked baked goods

>> No.16943411

Maybe I'm just irrationally scared of shitting out a 40 foot worm. That would be horrifying to me.

>> No.16943455

food sucks man

>> No.16943460

They have another test/dataminer that says I'm Spider-Man, which makes sense because I'm always spraying white goo.

>> No.16943494

Chances are that will never, ever happen to you. You'd have to eat absolute shit meat. Or raw wild fish from the sea. The thing is sashimi grade meat sold in resturaunts is actually not even actually raw, it goes through a lot of processing that doesn't involve head that kills any worm eggs.

You're just depressed. Food is awesome.

>> No.16943542
File: 160 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being completely honest. Apparently prefering food that tastes good makes me upper class.

>> No.16943566

What sort of stuff do you live on, or have you ever enjoyed a particular foodstuff?

>> No.16943570

Computer says no.

>> No.16943588

It's easy to lie to a computer.

>> No.16943678
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Too much usa centered test, I usualy like everything except junk food

>> No.16943716

yes. the price of the gold that goes in there is completely negligible. even the poor can afford it but if it was served at a restaurant they'd jack up the price to 50$ easy while only putting maybe a dollar of gold on it. 30 3cmx3xm sheets are on amazon for 7$.

>> No.16943758
File: 89 KB, 1102x1109, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House Gryffyndor.

>> No.16943802

bland meats and very specific snacks to tide me over

>> No.16943813
File: 172 KB, 732x600, food-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah dude

>> No.16943854
File: 206 KB, 715x563, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all bad dishes are equated with high class, rich people have bad taste apparently.

>> No.16943895
File: 55 KB, 734x454, results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds fucking rough man. Wish I could send you just something simple like real good bread and butter.

>> No.16943919

funny how picky eaters often turn out to tolerate lower class over processed foods. Were you or your parents raised protestants by any chance?

>> No.16944627
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>> No.16944642

More like you have shit taste and prefer frozen processed garbage over real food?

>> No.16944688
File: 429 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20211105-211432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came from the dirt. My life goal is to leave food drives and endless packs of uncooked ramen for lunch behind. If food doesn't taste actually good, I won't eat it.

>> No.16944722
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Watch out PLEB coming through. Bet you didn't know that you couldn't live without crops.

>> No.16944752

I wasn't quite sure if this was them fucking with me and just naming a purely gross food, so I said neutral.

Because I would probably eat a defrosted frozen pizza and not LIKE it but I'd deal. Same with oysters and mussels. I eat them, they're whatever. I will eat anything and probably appreciate it at least a little.

>> No.16945218
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>> No.16945227
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Solidly middle class.

>> No.16945245

I cook every single day and rarely do i eat frozen meals or even frozen foods in my meals, so it can't be that.

>> No.16945265
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>> No.16945541
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Yes, i was raised on kirkland signature products, how did you know?

>> No.16945713
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I don't like shellfish

>> No.16945719
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>> No.16945743

I got middle class too, but I grew up working class. Mainly because I dislike mussels and oysters, imagine willingly eating a mollusk, yuck ! maybe scallops but i wouldn't go out of my way to have them.

>> No.16945744

what happened with fishes anon

>> No.16945745
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Pretty balanced desu

>> No.16945772
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I like pretty much everything aside from that edible gold leaf ice cream and caviar

>> No.16945777

Why wasn't this mentioned earlier? Tf is this test anyway. It's also bs because prepared by whomstve? Mac and cheese from the box, revolting. The shit my gma makes from scratch? I'll eat it as a meal.

>> No.16945778
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Fuck no

>> No.16945788
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Blue cheese doesn't disgust me because of what it is, it just tastes bad. Stupid question. I do still eat it if I've forgotten to ask for it to be omitted

>> No.16945794
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Seems I'm a class mutt, just can't get in to the idea of tartare anything

>> No.16945800
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>> No.16945860
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>How much of a fancy bitch are you?
Im no fancy bitch. I hate oysters and shellfish. And i dont want any lobster. That alone gets me out of the upper-class.
>steak tartare
Riiiiiiigh, realy "posh".
But apparently, if you enjoy a well-cooked chicken or pork - you are middle/lower class.
And then there is beef.

>> No.16945891
File: 75 KB, 592x644, food is disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At times i think these tests are total joke.
In any case, i wonder what fried and spiced locusts taste like.

>> No.16945896

You score that if you say you dont like raw fish, you are picky about seafood, you dont like shellfish, and being served fish with its head intact grosses you out.

>> No.16945911
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Honestly, a lot of these choices are kinda retarded. Like the upper class actually eats gold-plated icecream all the time. Shit like that is little more than a novelty and sure, you'd probably have to have some decent money to even consider it but it doesn't become less of a gimmicky novelty just because you can afford it. And mac&cheese is just mac&cheese regardless of how much you cover it in truffles and caviar.

Taking cheap trash food and covering it in something expensive to pretend they're classy is some real American nouveau riche bullshit.

>> No.16945919
File: 167 KB, 732x600, accurate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 carat gold icecream as one of the choices
Nigger this is an awful test, who the fuck is going to eat that unless they are a fucking retard getting strung along by an overpriced restaurant picking on gullible retards who think that it's 'upper class' lmao

>> No.16945920

This is "test" is easy to summarize:
>Poor people like food that's filling.
>Average people like food that's tasty.
>Rich people like food that's expensive.

>> No.16945967
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I'm from above average wealthy family. I've been to a restaurant (Not counting pizzerias etc obviously) less than 20 times.

>> No.16945988

the ironic part is that royalty don't really do seafood, else miss engagements for food poisoining

>> No.16945990

>Eating gold covered ice cream doesn't mean you're rich: it means you're stupid.

>> No.16946009
File: 100 KB, 570x566, BILL-CLINTON-AL-GORE-SHORTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump was a paranoid about people messing with his food. He could do a takeout order from a McDonalds without vetting it first, ie they didn't know he was coming, and therefore, would trust his food was perfectly made per their training, and most of all, not at all tampered with.
He isn't the only one who felt that way, though, Clinton's jogging destination was always straight to McDonalds. I lived in DC at the time, and it was on the news constantly. There are tons of pics of him sweaty eating big macs. President Obama was a burger fan as well, and moved his way through each of the best burgers in metro DC, and really adored fast food too. I was at Ray's Hellburger the day his entourage had hellburgers. My favorite burger there had gremolata and bone marrow on top, a dripping, juicy and amazing combination. He got a more basic burger for sure.

>> No.16946010
File: 245 KB, 697x605, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does mean you're rich, but it doesn't mean you're upper class

>> No.16946041

>it does mean you're rich
That's a single sheet of edible gold. The entire thing costs $8.

>> No.16946078

Its hard not to be a fan of a burger.
>a big flat rount cutlete
>diced vegetables
>some cheese if you want it
>all that between two slices of nice breat/bun
What is there not to love? And you can always spice/konck it up a notch. Its versatile. And obviously, the better the quality of ingredients, the better the whole burger is.
It doesnt mean you are rich - it means you are pretentious and obnoxious.
Id rather have that soft ice icecream with a good spoonfull of cherry jam on top. Or just a cherry jam icecream.

>> No.16946089

>perfectly made
>not at all tampered with

>> No.16946153

This >>16946041.

Gold is expensive per pound, but edible gold leaf is extremely thin and weighs almost nothing. Adding one leaf of 24 karat gold only adds somewhere between $2 and $6 to the overall cost. It's just tasteless (literally) nonsense that looks expensive but is actually cheap and trashy.

Stuff you may have read about like $1200 gold-covered donuts are nothing more than marketing tricks to make nouveau riche idiots waste their money on literal trash just so they can show off for the Instagram crowd.

>> No.16946658
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>> No.16946689
File: 169 KB, 1242x1478, FCA3F78F-45F6-4071-8B31-FF2D224D7D98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this food from a hobo

>> No.16946735

Wow. You must be utterly insufferable.

>> No.16946742

Picky eaters belong in a concentration camp.

>> No.16947256
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based mega glutton
also the segmentations between different types of mac and cheese is obvious bull shit
>lobster mac (probably upper middle class)
>TRUFFLE MAC (probably upper class)
motherfucker they are ALL mac and cheese. There's no difference between them besides maybe the cost of the truffles, and in most cases they just use mushrooms and add truffle oil anyways.
>oysters vs. fried oysters vs. mussels
god only knows how those might be different from each other with respect to class

>> No.16947354
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Why yes, I am a man of the people, how could you tell?

>> No.16947356
File: 173 KB, 732x600, CCFCA08C-8D65-4A05-94AC-C4F29CEA9B62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like seafood

>> No.16947364
File: 174 KB, 540x354, foie gras burg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've enjoyed foie gras the few times I've tried it, and I like burgers, but I don't really get why you'd put foie gras ON a burger, like the best parts of foie gras are kind of that velvety texture, just getting slapped on a beef patty and getting macerated with all the bits of bun, meat, arugula is probably going to fuck that up, yeah? It seems like a bit of a waste and just a nouveau riche attempt to "make burger fancy naow" like the retarded gold ice cream.

>> No.16947391
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I don't like raw meat.

>> No.16947395
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Disgust chart is more interesting imo.
Shit like "would you eat an apple that had a caterpillar walk across it" though-
Nigga, what do you think happens to apples before you get them? do you think they're grown in sterile lab conditions?

>> No.16947529

I think this was put together by someone who doesn't cook
beef stew, for example, could be great or could be dinty moore but his bozo labels it by his perception of socio-economic class?

>> No.16947556

>They think upper class eat gold leaf with every single dish

>> No.16947628

Just fast forever my dude.

>> No.16947686
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I'm lower middle, actually, I just don't eat pork because I Slam, I guess those were the lowmid options
Fuck upper middle, all those oysters are probably the upper middle options

>> No.16947857
File: 218 KB, 720x678, Screenshot_20211106-173710-676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything tastee

>> No.16947872

if it didn't lead to a chain reaction that would kill me I certainly would

>> No.16948259
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>> No.16949924
File: 206 KB, 771x693, 2021-11-07-015159_771x693_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like noveau-riche garbage so I must be lower class
also how the FUCK do you eat lobster mac n cheese, does it come with the nut cracker thing?
why would you even combine the two?

>> No.16949933
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yeah this looks about right

>> No.16949943
File: 77 KB, 753x637, 2021-11-07-010202_753x637_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh... bros?

>> No.16949947

Uhhhhhhhh you know you can remove shellfish from the shell before adding it to a dish, right?

>> No.16949954
File: 115 KB, 600x400, merlin_148333191_fe30b469-aa35-4be5-988d-bb7d6ce495ac-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt look shelled in the example pic
also every pic on google resembles this, shell and all

>> No.16950784
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Yeah, I’m thinking based

>> No.16951305
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>> No.16951429
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I just don't consume pig feed nor luxurious pig feed

>> No.16951603

Nuclear family or single mom?
If it's the latter, you might just be slightly feminine because that's the strongest role model you had growing up.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, you can take a boxing or other martial arts course to get in touch with your masculine side.

>> No.16951712

well that website clearly has no idea how to represent percentages properly

>> No.16951724

damn check out the hogg on Gore

>> No.16951727
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I didn't know I was so touchy about rotten vegetables. maybe it's because I hate bendy cucumbers specifically

>> No.16951804

i am a tiger shark
it all looks good to me

>> No.16951947

I'm male, but parent child dynamics are awful regardless of gender.

My mom would always say "I'm doing this for you" even though I never asked her to do the thing she was doing, and I was annoyed by what she was doing. This applied to a bunch of different stuff, but most often it was when she refused to let me eat junk food because my cholesterol was too high. The really sad part is that I was in my early 20s and commuting to college. I had no money, so I was fully reliant on my parents for everything. What really made my blood boil is that during one of the many times I begged my mom to let me have McDonald's, she said "but you've been doing so good." She said that like it would somehow support her argument, and she genuinely seemed to not understand that I didn't care what my cholesterol was, I just wanted McDonald's. Thankfully I lived on campus the following year, and I had unlimited access to the dining hall with my meal plan. I actually started losing weight after I started living on campus, and it turned out that my high cholesterol was due to the anti-depressant which I was taking, and my psychistrist took me off the medication right before I started living on campus. The medication was Abilify, and if you go to their website you'll see that it causes high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and weight gain. There was even a class action lawsuit against the company because some people actually got diabetes from Abilify. But even after I confronted my mom with thus information, she still said that it was good to cut back on junk food.

Also, whenever I got mad at my mom for anything, she would say stuff like "what is really going on? There's no way you're this mad about something so minor." Other times she would say stuff like "We weren't abusive to you, there's no reason for you to be so mad." It was just so infuriating.

I could name a ton of other examples but it would just make this post way too long

>> No.16952722

your >>16943318 silence >>16943919 speaks volumes

>> No.16952890

what's the difference between lower class and processed foods?

>> No.16952902

I don't understand, you're angry at your mom because she's not omnipotent?
How the fuck is anyone supposed to know an anti-depressant would cause weight gain?
I'm sure I'm already making you foam at the mouth but she meant well and you're just an arrogant little shit with several self-inflicted "anxiety disorders".
Did you try eating less in general?
You can't physically gain weight if you're eating your caloric maintenance for your weight.

>> No.16952926

Test was shit. If you don't like sea fruit like lobsters and oysters you can't be upper class, I guess.

>> No.16952928

why would you even read all that tardbabble

>> No.16952954
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Wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.16952996
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my second one

>> No.16953009
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I like everything, except I rated neutral on the sweeter things, and the soft ice with edible gold because it seems like an utterly vapid, worthless meal, but you'd at least expect the wafflecone to be on point. Love a good wafflecone.

No, it's Nouveau Riche or low-class schlub who won the lottery food. Nobody actually worth a fuck buys something like that. It's the sort of public posturing done by someone who's insecure in their wealth. It reminds me of some of the Asian blokes I've worked with who live off fucking cup ramen, but the clothes they wear to the casino when they go with their friends are spectacular.

Shit, it reminds me of my relatives, I'm slav. Whenever there's a family get together, out comes the jewelry. We're all middleclass as fuck, but you gotta have the thick gold chain, chunkier than your cousin's. It's preening, done by the insecure.

>> No.16953087
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>> No.16953267
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each time i do it, the percentage goes up.
turns out what i like to eat and what i do eat are completely different things.

>> No.16953346

actually, close to $1. gold can be really thin

>> No.16953360

your parents fucked you up, fine.
it's on you to fix it.
if you still live with your parents, then it's all on you now.

break free, get fucked up and crawl out of the gutter, or read about dilating.
it's the only way.

>> No.16953531
File: 269 KB, 1170x1922, 357D4483-E9C6-4F07-A754-6F09966868DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I did not know I had upper class taste. Btw I grew up in a lower middle class family and I make a wage equivalent to a lower middle class family

>> No.16953557
File: 179 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_20211107-181511_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of that shit is absurd for the sake of absurdity and not worth the cost.

>> No.16953764

its not asking if u would pay for it

its just asking if you would eat it or not

>> No.16954225
File: 150 KB, 1080x1022, Screenshot_20211108-001857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled Pork, Southern Cobb, Lobster Mac & Cheese, Chili Con Carne, Fish and Chips I'd say are my top 5 in no order.

Fettuccine Alfredo, Mussels, and Chicken Sandwich are the next best 3.

>> No.16954690
File: 318 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211107-021112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allergic to the majority of things they showed (peanut and shellfish related food)

>> No.16954729
File: 233 KB, 720x774, Screenshot_20211108-015854-561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will eat anything...

>> No.16954901
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poorfag like me loves poorfag food

>> No.16955095
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>Anonymous 11/05/21(Fri)01:28:26 No.16939

Les Go

>> No.16955347
File: 158 KB, 1080x1338, Screenshot_20211108-093721_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a really odd distribution

>> No.16956614


>> No.16957052

>I'll slum it, but not that far.

>> No.16957085


This. What the fuck is a foie gras burger too? Foie gras is delicious but a foie gras burger sounds like noveau riche garbage.

>> No.16957936

>be vegetarian
>you are in the upper class
lol ok

>> No.16958228
File: 266 KB, 1130x915, sdada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like fish/seafood/rawshit

>> No.16958250

*slips my tongue in your mouth*u look beautiful today

>> No.16958361

Yeah, gold leaf ice cream was the only thing I hard no'ed. I get why its in there, I get why its put as upper class but its just stupid

>> No.16960431

Love to all the human garbage disposals that will eat anything

Hate to all the childbrains who only eat a specific brand of tendies and a specific brand of honey mus.

>> No.16960479
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I don't like sea food and fancy cuisine taste like garbage

>> No.16960864

>it was when she refused to let me eat junk food because my cholesterol was too high
In that respect she was in the right you fat sack of shit. Her job was never to be your buddy, it was to try to make you a happy healthy adult with the tools you need to survive in the world. If a kid's getting fat, it should be treated like any form of self-harm, you wouldn't just let a kid keep cutting themselves for the dopamine rush would you?
Abilify DID fuck you over and give you man-tits, anti depressants are dogshit like that. Abilify in conjunction with big macs would have made you the fucking Goodyear blimp.

>> No.16960900
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>> No.16960907

no seriously what's with all these people itt who don't like any seafood at all? you can't possibly dislike everything in such a large category of foods

>> No.16961847

No it fucking isn't. Gold leaf is available to any tard who goes to Vegas, and actual rich people like Bezos aren't eating fucking gold ice cream

>> No.16962322

my dad can barely stomach the most plain fried whitefish possible. He says that anything "fishier" reminds him of fishing with old squid and shrimp back in the 70's. Some people are just sensitive to it, I guess

>> No.16962722
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At least it's accurate desu

>> No.16963663
File: 356 KB, 1138x1032, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quiz has multiple choices of mac and cheese with X in it

>> No.16964806
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>> No.16964936
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>> No.16964941

Allergy + it looks like creepy alien food

>> No.16965021
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i just like sea food and truffles

>> No.16965036
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>> No.16965042
File: 191 KB, 733x640, chrome_nDPkQDLwAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this test is stupidly phrased, it's not "the lower class choice" to eat frozen pizza, it's the lower class necessity. anyone who says they're super partial to frozen pizza is a fucking mong, not working class. this is simply the cheapest somewhat edible convenience food they know how to get on a weekday where they're completely busted from working at 7/11 for 14 hours or the non-unionized coal mine. miss me with that golden icecream though

>> No.16965088

>miss me with that golden icecream though
Same, the whole idea of edible gold is frustrating

>> No.16965109
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>> No.16966219

>max middle/lower-middle
>zero rest
I hate seafood.

>> No.16966390

I noticed the "fancy" meals in that quiz are actually tacky as fuck.

>> No.16966464

Like the deep fried oysters

>> No.16966499

No, fried oysters are fine I'm talking about the foie gras burger, who the fuck eats it in a burger? And gold ice cream? What gimmicky bullshit.

>> No.16966684

same results here
pulled pork is going to become haute cuisine someday