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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16943514 No.16943514 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that they were better in the yellow wrapper days?

>> No.16943515

If Dave were alive he'd be ashamed of the current state of his legacy.

>> No.16943519

Wendy's used to crazy high quality back in the day, it's kinda good now but not amazing as it was

>> No.16943533

Oh I remember, I lived in ohio when Dave was still alive and he would make surprise visits to various Wendy's in the area and so these stores were ALWAYS top fucking notch, spick and span, food done perfectly and quickly, etc.

It's just not the same anymore

>> No.16943539

Dave and the Colonel Sanders need to come back from the grave and genocide their new company management.

>> No.16943643

My granpap, and dave knew eachother from the war, and would go to dinner when in town.

>> No.16943668

They were definitely better when they had salad and taco bars.

>> No.16943689

We didn't know it was a golden age at the time but treasure those memories.

>> No.16943734

Yeah that's because most of the employees were white back then.
Go to a Wendy's or Hardee's (or any restaurant) that is staffed by average weight white women in their 40s-50s and the quality is still top notch.
I think Karens are so rude and demanding at fast food places because they do such a good job working at fast food places, and expect others to do the same.

>> No.16943822

I'm black and this is unironically true. If you go to a fast food place where most of the workers are Shaniqua's, your order will be guaranteed to be wrong or it'll be a 20 minute wait.

>> No.16943844

I have a kfc staffed all by blacks, consistent worst service, also missing food or mixing up orders also fucking takes an hour just to get it. Fucking frustrating

>> No.16943849

Even black men have standards for their work. Black women are the absolute worst, and they all think they're perfect godesses.

>> No.16943869

The KFC near my house is all blacks and the quality is bretty gud. The problem is the wait because too many people come to that one, because the one downtown is so terrible.
Depends. There's a black male manager at my Wendy's, and whenever he's working, it's always wrong orders or a hour wait.

>> No.16943890

Huh, I never thought about it before, but the Waffle House near me is unusually good and, yeah the staff are all middle aged white women except for the big black dude always on the grill.

>> No.16943899

Who's Karen?

>> No.16943903

A middle aged white woman

>> No.16943941

Occasionally I go to the Wendy's at the Staten Island Ferry terminal (the Manhattan side) and it's not as good as I remember Wendy's being. I don't know if it's because of a decline in Wendy's overall, or if that particular location is just shit.

>> No.16944174

The old fries were far better. Everything else is pretty much the same.

>> No.16944586
File: 41 KB, 653x490, 1609298960704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Wendy's
>the cashier is black
>the one next to her is Mexican
>see all of the cooks behind them are varying shades of poop-skin
>turn 360 degrees and go to Five Guys instead
>feel relief when I see Koreans and pimply white teenagers
>still kind of want spicy nuggets though
America only has so many years left. All of our cuisine will die with us I'm afraid.

>> No.16944603

jbc tastes the exact same cheers to them for that

>> No.16944657

Back then fries were cooked in beef tallow, which made them taste infinitely better until vegan fucks ruined it for everyone. Pretty much all fast food was better 20 years ago.

>> No.16945458

said like a true genetic dead end

>> No.16945521

Friendly reminder that the people calling you an incel are all in the process of scooping their genitals out of their body

>> No.16945615

Why would anyone want to have kids today? Maybe if you're a Eurocuck I could understand but I'm a 5th generation American and would feel nothing but guilt raising kids here. Wife doesn't want any either so the only one's upset here are the retarded nazi larpers who think they are going to outbreed the demographic shift that's already happened.

>> No.16945660

they had a salad bar and a texmex bar where you could just make what whatever you wanted

>> No.16945691

ok but are we just gonna ignore that Wendy's changed their fucking barbecue sauce? It's shit now.

>> No.16945693

All the fast food around me is staffed by blacks now man and it sucks. I understand it’s a high traffic area, but they should just ask for higher pay instead of being rude and slow. Makes me sad to be an american and want to go back to being a staunch racist.

>> No.16945698

Because i did that work for $7.75 an hour 4 years ago, 5 days a week, after 8 hours of schooling which included a weight training and team sports period. Not to mention with a smile on my face and care for the product and customer.

>> No.16945718

Teenage me in the 90's looked at the world and thought, this is it, the peak, we are fucked in my lifetime. Rising world population, ecological catastrophe, rising sea levels, morally bankrupt philosophy of growth at any cost, peaking fossil fuel production, increasing inequality and health problems etc. I give humanity 50 years, it'll start to all fall apart about the age I'm getting old and vulnerable.

Who would ever want children?

Thing is. When you are a teenager you have this burning idealism and you assume that somehow you are responsible for and have to fix world spanning problems which are outside of your control. That everything has to be perfect or else why bother? As you get older you realise that all the shit happening around the world will never impact you and you can't fix it. All you can do is focus on the small sphere of influence around yourself and be morally consistent within that.

Don't ever say never. You'll constantly grow and change as an individual that is certain and you will feel differently as time goes on. Life is the longest thing you'll do and you'll likely switch from thinking people who have children lack the intellect to really think about things to do to realising that even people who delay having children and have intellect will eventually find the world of hedonism and meeting basic needs stale.

>> No.16945964

Nostalgia is the sweetest sauce.

But no the food is exactly the same.

>> No.16946020

Yes. How many cups would you guys fill up from the ketchup pumps? I'd make like 15

>> No.16947185

Did they go to Wendy's?

>> No.16947200

It sucks in Europe too, fuck your pity party, incel

>> No.16947203
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16947329

t. American pretending he knows anything about Europe

>> No.16947368

Sometimes, but usually they'd go to a local dive bar and Dave would sometimes get drunk

>> No.16947617

I've been to Europe, you faggots know nothing of America

>> No.16947635

you bow to niggers, I know that for a (sad) fact

>> No.16947759

>I've been to Europe

>> No.16948109

>>turn 360 degrees and go to Five Guys instead
So you walked straight through the counter and the kitchen and the back wall all to go to a Five Guys?

>> No.16948138

This. In my neighborhood there is a white wendys and a black wendys and the white one always takes half as much time to get through the drive thru.

>> No.16948463

You're god damn right anon did.
Anything to get out of a Mcdonalds.

>> No.16948474

Wendys went to shit around the same time the baconator was released. I remember getting one and hating it, causing my parents to hit me for wasting food. Yellow Wendy's was kino af.

>> No.16948478

I had forgotten about the salad bar. It was awesome.

>> No.16948484

T. Refugee in yurop who thinks lidl's american week is actually american food.

>> No.16948492

Dave had to get drunk before the ritual, or he wouldn't be able to complete it.

>> No.16948494

Children are nothing more than a way to enslave men. If you have one, you are an idiot. If I got a woman pregnant and she refused an abortion, I would take matters into my own hands.

>> No.16948507

actually true
e*ropeans only knowledge of america is what they watch on tv (as they have no choice in media to consume)

>> No.16949233

hmm I thought I was crazy thinking this, didn't go a bunch as a kid because they were a little more expensive than most fast food in my area but the couple times I did, it blew me away how much better it was than I was used to. I feel like same thing happened to Sonic burgers too.

>> No.16949539


>> No.16949528

You’re projecting though. Just because you feel powerless to enact material change doesn’t mean I do.

>> No.16949534

Oh, sorry, I read your post better. I agree, you make a good point at the end.