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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16998726 No.16998726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16998737


>> No.16998760


>> No.16998804

I'd chew them both up. Dissolving them into water would make them feel like less food.

>> No.16998809

Making soup out of ingredients does thr exact opposite but aight

>> No.16998825

No, chewing enhances satiation. The more chewing you do, the more food your body thinks it has.

>> No.16998832

This is a boomer meme. Chewing more than necessary is literally burning more calories and was intended to make you slow down. If you scarf an apple vs slicing it up and carefully chewing every bite there is no difference.

If you eat and actually wait 20 minutes you'll be just as full.

>> No.16998845

>have both bread and cheese
>making "soup"
nope. I'm just gonna eat the bread and cheese.

>> No.16998857

Not that guy but isn't chewing important in starting the digestive process by mixing food with salivary enzymes

>> No.16998868

Yes so wouldn't that imply that chewing less would slow down your digestion? Ie eating the bread and cheese as is would cause you to feel less full than a soup initially.

>> No.16998872

Not sure, probably would just give you indigestion and braps

>> No.16998882

Wow and the cheese from his "empty pantry" is a perfect triangle of bright orange, perfectly placed for visual marketing.
Fuck off.

>> No.16998885
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He looks like William H. Macy lol

>> No.16998892

What did the brainlet mean by this

>> No.16998895

Are you retarded?

>> No.16998898

historically, bread was considered a base for soups first, and soft bread for spreads seconds, hence why it took so long to invent sandwiches.

>> No.16998964


>> No.16998972
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>hence why

>> No.16998981

anyone reproduce any of these

>> No.16999005

I sprayed cheese wiz into my sister's speedos last night and had pussi nachos.

>> No.16999356

I'm frustrated

>> No.16999387
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x562, butter churner gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enzymes in your saliva do start the digestion of the food, but I wouldn't call them important.
You can digest food that is being piped directly into your stomach through a feeding tube just fine after all.

>> No.16999771

At least this guy has the balls to film and show his failed recipes along with the good ones.

>> No.16999779
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i bet butter maids had insane triceps

>> No.16999793
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So is he pro trump or not? It feels like he's playing both sides and that's just wrong to me.

>> No.16999795

Baked potato with cheese. Easy

>> No.16999811

and I feel like americans need to stfu

>> No.16999840


>> No.16999846

I've tried making this two times.
The first time it was midnight munchies, I had no proper bread so I used panko breadcrumbs. What a fucking disaster.
The second time went much better. I could see myself making it once in a while if I don't know what to eat.

Also, O R A N G E F O O L

>> No.16999887

Wait early soup just had mushy ass bread in it?

>> No.16999896

Bread was also used to thicken gravy back in the days.

>> No.16999919

This whole fiasco solidified my decision that if I ever become god-emperor of this world I will gas every single American man, woman and child and erase every trace of American culture.

>> No.16999921

Man have those trads actually eat like their ancestors and they'll be begging for the GMO soy pegging in a week

>> No.16999926
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>> No.16999929

You'll still be left with globohomo because you created Rothchilds, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Frankfurt School, UN, Open Society Foundation

>> No.16999950

I'm trying to cut back on sugar and processed shit, so I'm having fun trying out all kinds of medieval recipes and 16th-19th century dishes from my country. And I can tell you there are days where I'd kill for a burger, pizza, french fries, kebab durum etc. from the local grill bar.
But I can feel a huge difference in my energy levels.

>> No.16999955

I don't care, "globohomo" is an American concept and all of you dumb motherfuckers having "globohomo" living rent free in your head will be the first to get executed. Death to America.

>> No.16999959

>"globohomo" is an American concept
>Meanwhile every trend involving it comes from Europe
Enjoy the same exact shit under the Rothchilds fat fuck

>> No.16999973

Again you dumb subhuman, I don't give a fuck about what you call "globohomo", I want the cancerous American mind wiped out. Look how mentally ill you are, gaslighting yourself into thinking I'm talking about le rothchilds and le frankfurt school (I doubt you even know what that is). No wonder you mentally ill faggots thought 'Orange Fool' was a jab at Trump. Death to America.

>> No.16999974

i didn't watch the video (lol) but it doesn't seem that weird to me
if you cut the bread into small cubes and roast it very slowly or put it somewhere warm and dry, it will be hard enough to make bread crumbs
what you get is a thin gruel and with grated cheese the results would resemble potato cheese soup, i'd imagine
speculatively, of course. haven't actually tried it

>> No.16999987

I've already made the dish twice: >>16999846
Stale, but not hard, bread are the best way to go.

>> No.17000000

Old time pudding is also made with bread.

>> No.17000004

Significant digits

>> No.17000006

>Y-you don't know what that is
You seem very low educated, your entire life views and experiences taken from Reddit and clickbait youtube videos because you are so sheltered, inexperienced and uneducated you don't know shit and were misled.
If you want to decrease your mental obsession you can start by getting off a website created in America and over 60% of the userbase is American. You're one of those dumb fucks who talk about how much you hate shit but then literally learn English, with the insecurity to not say where you are from lmfao

>> No.17000007
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>> No.17000011

I really enjoy this guy's videos and couldn't give less of a shit about American politics.

The cheese soup he made ended up looking delicious. I wonder if it actually tastes delicious, though - that much cheese is sure to assault the nose.

>> No.17000015
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 124DEFB0-6D5F-4137-8046-A96587A58DA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u mad kys my dude. europe is the problem, has been for a thousand years

>> No.17000020

It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "world experience" is 4chan.org would mount this type of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't like them that much, but I know them. The mere fact that you think that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you are a mentally ill retard - you are so fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even have a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know yet everyone who disagrees with you is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". It's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas you American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.

>> No.17000021

You need to really like cheese to enjoy it. It kind of reminds me of mac'n'cheese with out any mac.

>> No.17000026

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.17000028

kill all germans

>> No.17000030

Von mir aus, as long as we take all the AMERINIGGERS with us.

>> No.17000031

>PhD in Philosophy
>Edgy enough to unironically say "I will gas you American"
I can larp on 4channel.org too

>> No.17000032

a white family man from rural indiana with a boner for history gee anon I wonder how he votes

>> No.17000033

>He is deeply homophobic
Because he is a deeply closeted individual.

>> No.17000035


>> No.17000038

How is that a contradiction in any way lol? I know people who have cited Evola and Schuon in their thesis, phil students are edgy as fuck.

>> No.17000040
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>> No.17000044

nobody grows up
theyre chuuni spergs for life

>> No.17000045

I invented sandwiches when I was a child. This was not my only invention. I invented many other things that I was unaware of and several things that had not been invented. I am a fucking genius. Becaue I do not wish for fame or fortune, and I despise the world we live in now I will not share these things. I will bury them in a time capsule.

>> No.17000046
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>> No.17000066

This but unironically

>> No.17000067
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I just wanted to talk about old timey food and cheesy soup.

>> No.17000092

>Cheshire cheese sales peaked in 1960 at 40,000 tonnes
>today production is 6,000
they done my boy dirty

>> No.17000094

is that a premium triple graded rare chef apu nft?

>> No.17000095

>being interested in history makes you homophobic
Always wondered why lefties were so clueless when it comes to history. I guess you think it'd be immoral to study it then?

>> No.17000278

yeah, that's right

>> No.17000297
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Yes, it is.

>> No.17000304

Isn't bread and cheese a ploughman's lunch?

>> No.17000307

what's wrong with it? pledging loyalty to a politician is the thing that's wrong

>> No.17000308

bread was meant to be hard and dry for centuries, fresh bread you can buy every day was seasonal at best before the industrial era.

>> No.17000310

Damn cartoons, movies and TV lied to me.

>> No.17000379


>> No.17000393

There are only 16 other posts that are as significant as this one in the history of this board

>> No.17000400

I'm glad that unfunny fucker is dead.

>> No.17000407
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My mother still uses a slice of bread with mustard on it in some of her stews etc.
It's good.

>food related get on the cooking board

>> No.17000459

You sound like a real jerk!

>> No.17000463

This is the wisdom we need to bring a new era, a better era, to this board.

>> No.17000499

I'm frustrated.

>> No.17000511

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17000866

Good get I hav ebeen here since 1995 and have never gotten a get like this

>> No.17000875

me and bf love following his recipes though
love playing unassuming queers. coworkers face was epic when he asked about my gf

>> No.17000915

I got hexes on /b/ once and got a shitload of Yous but it was a pretty mediocre post 2bh

>> No.17000934

Democracy is over. Pick your figurehead and fight for his instalment or suffer under the wrong man's rule.

>> No.17000939

This sounds inteesting. Would you maybe create a thread on this kinda diet?

>> No.17001025
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>> No.17001120
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>> No.17002116

I'm so glad someone saved the copypasta I made.

>> No.17002151

I made it myself you bitter homophobic asshat.

The words are my own - and nobody has disproven my central point - the odds of a family dude from rural india who larps 300 years ago supporting the right of gay people to not be socially excluded in businesses are NEAR NIL

>> No.17002169

Faggotry is not food related.

>> No.17002174
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>grown man LARPing

>> No.17002220

He's got a daughter, so he can't be that gay.

>> No.17002233

i'm gay and you're a retard, private businesses should have the right to exclude anyone they want, faggot

>> No.17002247

private businesses that are open to the public may not socially exclude people for their sexual orientation

if they were really private they would not rely on public utilities and a public customer-base

a bakery is not a private club - anyone may enter

the concept of laws banning targeting people for unpopular traits dates back over a century

if you want the cash from the general public - you cant pick and choose your customers unless they misbehave, being gay is not misbehaving

>> No.17002472

This is a good troll. You feign indignation about a celebrity by stereotyping them as belonging to a group that stereotypes others.

>> No.17002480

He just wants to grill.
I don't think he likes (or cares even) about Trump, he's just smart enough to realize that one side is absolutely not content with letting him grill in peace.
He's also clearly scared as fuck. Not about prepping my ass, dude totally believes in the possibility of a complete logistic collapse.

>> No.17002487

>private businesses that are open to the public may not socially exclude people for their sexual orientation
Not him but yes I can, I just can't tell you why. I don't do that mind, idgaf about your orientation unless I'm trying to fuck
>if they were really private they would not rely on public utilities and a public customer-base
Until the public allows for utilities to be supplied by private companies, this is not an argument
>a bakery is not a private club - anyone may enter
Not anyone. Owners still have enough human rights to not allow who they please excepting the protected class citizens. Even so, as I stated earlier, they can without reason ban anyone. Entering thereforth is trespassing
>the concept of laws banning targeting people for unpopular traits dates back over a century
Slavery was legal for well over a century, I guess it was a good thing in your opinion?
>if you want the cash from the general public - you cant pick and choose your customers unless they misbehave, being gay is not misbehaving
Like I said, I can. And this one I actually do. I'm a mechanic with vast specialties. Body work, Autoglass, differentials, transmissions, name it. If you walked into my shop tomorrow asking for me to fix your shitbox that you crashed last night, I don't know you, or care about you. Fuck no. That's whether gay, bi, nigger, or tranny idgaf fuck off I hate body work and rust repair. When my buddy since high-school walks it, I've got a different tone.

Now back to
>the concept of laws banning targeting people for unpopular traits dates back over a century
Yeah, how about stop targeting me with your laws and maybe we can be friends

>> No.17002488

Soup takes up more volume, making you feel more full.

>> No.17002510
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>phil students are edgy as fuck
They also enjoy the smell of their own farts

>> No.17002513

>Yeah, how about stop targeting me with your laws and maybe we can be friends

which one

>> No.17002518

This copypasta shit is dumb but Townsend was just making a historical drink and he knew that the orange fool thing would bring in more outrage hits so he could make even more money. Even an absolute drunk brainlet like me can figure that out. The explanation video also brought in a ton of hits as well as these meme threads. Internet shitters do more viral advertising for him than any hawking of his 18th century goods store could ever do. He makes collab videos with Tasting History (an obvious gay man) whenever possible.

>> No.17002521

I bet you like to eat poop

>> No.17002539

Elton John has kids mate.

>> No.17002742

I honestly don't understand what you mean.

I'm saying, stop hurting me and I might like you.
You're saying which one

That's obviously not right but it's the best I got.

>> No.17002958

Don't assume that someone who larps a period of history has the same mindset as the people of that era. People back then were wearing whatever was in style and living the same way as their neighbors. Someone wearing the same clothes and living that way today is an eccentric.

>> No.17004337

based get
>food board
>food get

>> No.17004361

If he has more than two bits of intelligence he couldn't vote Drumpf who is an unrepentant morron with no sense of history past what he saw on the back of the cereal boxes and Meme gibson flicks

>> No.17004364

No it's bread and cheese, the ploughman's lunch ™ is a concept invented by cheesemongers

>> No.17004365

Does she make carbonade?

>> No.17004367
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>> No.17004370

Trump won't run in 2024 he's literally disappeared from the surface of the Earth

>> No.17004375

I think they're calling out out on the notion that there's a law that's 'targeting' you. They want to know what laws are hurting you.

I'd just assume you want to marry your sister and be done with it.

>> No.17004385

John voted Trump, just like the Founding Fathers would.

>> No.17004414


nobody cares

>> No.17004417


>> No.17004447
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I got to meet John a while back when he was having a little fan meetup thing up north.
Not a whole lot of folks (mostly because who wants to come to Indiana in the middle of fucking fall/winter?) but still maby a dozen or so of us.
Just chatting about his show and his shops and history stuff in general, really chill and laid back. He absolutely hates 'modern day' politics and anything to do with it, instead just obsessing himself with the 17-1800s. He's got this almost creepy encyclopedic knowledge of the most obscure shit back then, which I guess comes from the work he does.
He really loves his fans and the stuff he does, though, and his smile and comfy aura was contagious. I think he was happier to meet us than most of us were meeting him.
Really great guy overall, if a little.. eccentric at times.

>> No.17004489
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You guys arguing about jews in here without me??

>> No.17004516

I saw James Townsend at a grocery store in Massachusettes yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen pounds of oranges without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each orange individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and talking about politics.

>> No.17004574

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.17004582
File: 109 KB, 1566x880, 130617-robin-thicke-video-romano-tease_k8ckjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here I wanna be in the screenshot #metoo

>> No.17004590

He is a redditor and has an absolutely fake personality. Never understood the love for him. Some of his videos are good though.

>> No.17004613
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>He is a redditor and has an absolutely fake personality.

Holy shit r u serious? He uses REDDIT? Fuuuuck dude.

His personality is fake too? I can't believe it.

I hate him now. Thanks for cluing me in.

>> No.17004623
File: 108 KB, 640x480, Breadpudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and boddingpilled

>> No.17004667

nice reddit spacing you massive faggot

>> No.17004668

I don't think doctorate graduates are spending working hours on an anime website's cooking board talking about gassing an entire country's population

>> No.17004673

wow that burn

>> No.17004682


>> No.17004685
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>I don't think
that's all u had to say retard. opinion discarded.

>> No.17004687

You're just mad you got groomed to act like a 14 year old for the rest of your life by 4chan! LOL

>> No.17004721

>blames jews
>obviously the white man's work

>> No.17004726
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>choosing to ignore reality
It really is that simple.

>> No.17004737

Stupid right wing primates that's a copypasta

10/10 bait

>> No.17004791
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>choosing to ignore reality

The irony of this sentence.

>> No.17004801
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>t. actual retard

>> No.17004831


>> No.17004881

Responding to memes is the new meme.
*Turns 360 degrees and walks away

>> No.17004980
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>> No.17005116

I'm frustrated whenever I see the foolishness in these threads