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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 397 KB, 2560x1707, welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17080576 No.17080576 [Reply] [Original]

For me its steak: well done. (I like my food to fight back a little)

>> No.17080580

Yeah me too; I prefer when the fibres of the steak get stuck in my teeth and I have to pick them out

>> No.17080637

For me its chicken: rare (i like my shits to fight on the way out my back)

>> No.17080650

Eat pork then, dummy. Leave steak for people who don't care as much about texture.

>> No.17080727

Here's the thing: Each cut of meat needs to be treated differently according to it's animal, location, fat content, and cooking method.

Brisket is a beef cut that is taken well past the well done mark. I personally love ribeyes that have been smoked to well done as well.

Would I grill a lean steak past medium? Fuck no, that is how you get dry leather. If I HAD to have it well done, I'd sous vide it to well done. In fact, I'd probably sous vide it past well done to help tenderize it.

>> No.17080790

I always reverse-sear thick ribeye steaks so I can achieve perfect medium rare, but one night while I had the steaks in the oven, I drank too much absinthe and chartreuse and ended yakking and passing out. Don’t remember how long I was out, but I awoke to my oven timer going off. It couldn’t have been that long, but the steaks were definitely well done at this point. In my drunken haze, I decided to sear them anyway, and while the texture was a bit tough, I remember the steaks having the most delicious beefy flavor I’ve ever experienced. Tried multiple times since to do it again, but I just haven’t been able to recreate that magic. Oh well guess I’ll keep drinking…

>> No.17081245

you know how people say you should cook ground beef until it's brown, not grey? it's the same thing with steak in this case. if you undercook it you get the raw meat flavor hemoglobins blah blah whatever, you get that bit, and the fat is still there, but if you overcook it you get it real meaty and browned. people who hate on well done are people who have just got to the grey part, and not let it go past that to proper food again.

>> No.17081257

Noted. Thanks anon, I’ll try to push it a bit further next time.

>> No.17081307

Just came home from a company dinner where the two women coworkers seated next to me ordered their $45 30-day dry aged wagyu steaks well done. Died a little inside but not worth saying anything. Annoying part is that my own mid-rare steak came out medium or even medium-well because I'm pretty sure the chef did them all in a group.

>> No.17082355

I see a good amount of juices in the steak in OP's pic.

>> No.17082518


Based. Hating well done is nothing but a normie meme, like hating pineapple on pizza.

>> No.17084080

You don't value your teeth, clearly. Your dentist must hate you.

>> No.17084095

In the part of the steak that is medium well, yes.

>> No.17084183

It's like flossing. Smoke a menthol for fresh breath

>> No.17084194

Imagine such shit genes shit like shiny teeth matter.

>> No.17084535

have sex

>> No.17085189
File: 62 KB, 694x694, 1636694853898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a little too raw for me. cook it a little longer

>> No.17085203

I also like my food to fight back, so I keep it as close to still living as possible.

>> No.17085245

If you were in a Mongolian hoard during the time of Kahn, you were expected to slaughter all animals by tying their legs together, opening up their abdomen, and squeezing their heart until it stopped. If you refused to slaughter that way you were killed.

>> No.17085512

Properly cooked pork isn't tough at all

>> No.17086362

This hurts my brain.

>> No.17086373

super well done, burnt to a crisp, like it to fight so hard it gives me cancer
simple as