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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17258171 No.17258171 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General — The Truck Stop Bathroom Stall French Press Edition

>I'm sure your $100+ investment in glass and paper will be worth it after the collapse.
>it's pretty much french press.
>doesn't cost enough right?
>I use glass. just like your chemex. but mine doesn't cost $100.
>it might be ghetto but if mine breaks I don't need to put in for a warranty and go without.
>maybe has more than one use and that's a no no?
>you think your glass is magic?



>> No.17258180
File: 1.54 MB, 2848x1602, 1020191351a_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for cold brew

>> No.17258189


whatever. a fitting start

>> No.17258191

>cold brew
more like crap poo lmao

>> No.17258204
File: 172 KB, 967x1920, simple as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17258322

the fuck is that?

>> No.17258371

coconut, semen and coffee grounds

>> No.17258378

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17258400

fuck this reminded me to dig out my fermentation equipment to make some ginger beer, last time it was better than anything I'd ever bought in a store, fresh, rich but not overly sweet, with that little spicy kick.

>> No.17258444
File: 135 KB, 2000x2000, 302224_aeropress_main_angle_2021_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AeroPress Gang

>> No.17258500

yummy plastic coffee

>> No.17258518


>> No.17258530


>> No.17258563


>> No.17258580

With objective fact?

>> No.17258590

>For most microwave stresses, 4x4 mm square pieces of plastic were placed into glass beakers in a 1200 W microwave oven set on “high” for two minutes, and then allowed to rest for 30minutes. The cycle was repeated 10 times. Some samples were placed in EA-free polypropylene (PP) tubes, and then microwaved on “high” setting for three minutes with a resting time 30minutes between stresses. The cycle was repeated 5 times. We did not detect consistent differences in leaching after the two protocols.

>For autoclave stresses, plastic products were enclosed in individually crimped packets of EA-free aluminum foil and placed in a Tuttnauer autoclave at 134°C for 8 minutes.

Yeah I'm thinking COPE

>> No.17258610

>This hazard assessment survey showed that many BPA-free PC- replacement products still leached chemicals having significant levels of EA, as did BPA-containing PC counterparts they were meant to replace. That is, BPA-free did not mean EA-free. However, this study also showed that some PC-replacement products did not leach chemicals having significant levels of EA. That is, EA-free PC-replacement products could be made in commercial quantities at prices that compete with PC-replacement products that were not BPA-free. Since plastic products often have advantages (price, weight, shatter-resistance, etc.) compared to other materials such as steel or glass, it is not necessary to forgo those advantages to avoid release into foodstuffs or the environment of chemicals having EA that may have potential adverse effects on our health or the health of future generations.

So they concluded those nonbpa copolys(that the current clear AP is made of) absolutely degrade and leach estrogen, but plastic is still convenient so its gucci.
Years of hot water and uv photodegredation is going fuck your system. Replace it once a year bitchtits.

>> No.17258623

I did it
I bought the meme grinder
forgive me, ctg

>> No.17258726

>So they concluded those nonbpa copolys(that the current clear AP is made of) absolutely degrade and leach estrogen
If you pressure cook it and expose it to UV light... Which nobody does.
Dumb schizo.

>> No.17258739
File: 395 KB, 1680x644, 5f481f8d3f7900ec2e9b1a4f_Evolution-of-AeroPress-materials-April-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have received confirmation from our supplier, Eastman Chemical, that the copolyester that we use (brand name is Tritan) in the AeroPress does not contain BPA or any of what they called BPA analogs specifically including BPS.(2014)

> Figure 1G shows a dose–response curve for a saline extract of a UVA-stressed green Tritan™ bottle with no detectable EA and a green acrylic wine goblet whose extract had EA. Colorless Tritan™ bottles or Tritan™ bottles of colors other than green often exhibited leaching of chemicals with EA

Looks like 5 of their 6 revisions are confirmed to leach xenobiotic chemicals with estrogenic activity often. Maybe Alan Adler got a degree in plastic engineering in 6 months and completely changed the playing field?

>> No.17258741
File: 86 KB, 576x503, burrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone spoonfeed me as to which one of these two burr models is used for the older Crono and filter grinders and which is filter coffee focused and comes standard when bought from now on? It's absurdly difficult for me to find the burr names from any website

>> No.17258759

>The UV component of terrestrial radiation from the midday sun comprises about 95% UVA and 5% UVB; UVC and most of UVB are removed from extraterrestrial radiation by stratospheric ozone. Approximately 5% of solar terrestrial radiation is UVR, and solar radiation is the major source of human exposure to UVR. Before the beginning of last century, the sun was essentially the only source of UVR, but with the advent of artificial sources the opportunity for additional exposure has increased.
Always figured you for a chud.

>> No.17258782

I keep my aeropress in the shade and apply sunscreen regularly

>> No.17258815

And in the face of evidence, you're confident its not making you retarded kek. Good luck. You'll need it.
The shinier cp burrs seem to be the new ones?
cp=carbon protection maybe? You might need to email eureka with your serial number to see exactly what the fuck you got. Your dealer could have been holding onto old stock with old burrs.

>> No.17258835
File: 380 KB, 498x319, comfy-christmas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop arguing guise I come here for comfy coffee threads, not vitriol and weaponized autism

>> No.17258854

Trips make it true

>> No.17259079

dubs don’t lie

>> No.17259147
File: 67 KB, 583x879, 71NsV9uAqQL._AC_SY879_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's nespresso

>> No.17259159
File: 208 KB, 1075x1428, 2Bview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my first choice but it's nice.

>> No.17259200

I'm an American and I own 3 electric kettles

>> No.17259208

I'm fairly certain i have the new filter burrs since that was listed as a feature on the website, I just don't know if its the mac50 or the mac50CP, ill send an email regardless though just in case

>> No.17259213

>we suggest you to write us at info@eureka.co.it pointing your serial number. Many thanks!
Let us know. We'll file it away in the nonexistent pastebin.

>> No.17259239

do you have the gc upgrade?

>> No.17259269

Will do, just took a picture of the bottom of the grinder and nearly spilt my beans all over the floor kek

>> No.17259276

this is the thread.

>> No.17259277

don't leave your beans in the hopper nigwad

>> No.17259281

why not?

>> No.17259283

doesn't the hopper have a lid?

>> No.17259287

It doesnt "lock" in place, moreso sits comfortably

>> No.17259290

>And in the face of evidence, you're confident its not making you retarded kek. Good luck. You'll need it.
Where's the evidence that the latest aeropress revision leaches estrogen under typical use? The articles you posted don't imply that so I think you might be the retard here.
Stick to posting about headphone cables, it's more up your schizo alley.

>> No.17259296

the beans will go stale, anon
you wanna keep them in an airtight bag

>> No.17259303

fugg i thought beans had to air out and release CO2 after being roasted no?

>> No.17259306

they do that on their own with no intervention required on your part
the bag's got that little oneway valve for a reason

>> No.17259311

do you somehow think that doesn't happen in a sealed bag?

>> No.17259317

I prefer to bring boiling water in a thermos, hand grind my beans, take out my French press and brew it right in front of those hippie baristas faces.

>> No.17259319

i dont want to create mustard gas

>> No.17259329

>mom I said the meme again hehehe

>> No.17259333
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>> No.17259340

>French press
>he doesn't carry around an electric hot plate and a moka pot with him everywhere he goes
fucking casual

>> No.17259358

modern AP is made from PP, which they mention does not leach EA. Aeropress is fine.

"all of the AeroPress Original and AeroPress Go parts, except the silicone seal, are now made of polypropylene."

In fact, the study mentioned earlier used PP tubes to hold the other plastics for testing.

>> No.17259362
File: 26 KB, 680x680, imageService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally went down and got the free costco membership for wage slaving. Got the Columbia one I've seen people mention here before. Its not roasted to shit, but holy hell this stuff is acidic. I made it in my moka pot twice and came out sour as shit. Thought maybe I grinded a hair to big. Then when i had it in the auto drip using the Hoffman hack and a paper filter it was still acidic; less sour though. Its ground pretty fine, so I'm guessing the coffee itself is just naturally acidic as shit? Wyeth I add milk it helps but kills any flavor. Any advice? Its not the worst coffee I've had, but I got 3 pounds to go through. I've seen it being sold as a child brew, so should i just brew it that way? If I'm remembering correctly brewing it cold shouldn't make it as acidic and sour. What size grind should I use? Would milk or somthing like heavy cream work better?
Same, fren. People really just need to ignore the trolls.
I don't have to a lot of time to add a lot to it this month, but if I make a pastebin unstand itll be a work in progress for a few months.

>> No.17259372

Cucka pots make horrid coffee

>> No.17259374

>child brew
Cold brew I mean.

>> No.17259378

My favorite roaster is being a jew and reduced the weight of his best beans, from 250g to 200g, while still keeping the price 14€-15€

Why is specialty coffee so expensive?

>> No.17259408

Global supply chain collapse due to wu flu

>> No.17259412

First 2 models explicitly contained bpa, but they claimed a lab report stated no chemicals with EA were leached yet never posted said report and quickly shifted away from BPA polycarbonate. The next 4 models(09-15) are explicitly eastman tritan, which is known to leach EAs. I don't have confirmation on what exact polypropylene the 2015+ models are, but AP certainly does. The fact that they stopped mentioning anything about the fake lab test doesn't bode well.
>under typical use
You're not going to stop photodegredation unless you're making coffee in a darkroom for developing photos The chemical composition of that tube is steadily changing. Use the fucking aeropress, I don't care. Replacing it from time to time is going to be better for your health.
>High baseline toxicity was detected in all
“bioplastics” made of polylactic acid (PLA). The toxicities of low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), and
polypropylene (PP) varied. Our study demonstrates that consumer plastics contain compounds that are toxic in vitro but
remain largely unidentified. Since the risk of unknown compounds cannot be assessed, this poses a challenge to manufacturers,
public health authorities, and researchers alike. However, we also demonstrate that products not inducing toxicity are already on
the market.

>> No.17259432

>They found that the toxicity of a particular plastic varied dramatically from product to product because of each product’s manufacturing process. In this study, researchers found that some polypropylene products affected androgen hormones and caused a toxic or stress response in cells.
Sure, so you look at a study thats 5 years more recent and find that out gem. Used a healthline summary to try to dumb it down for you.

>> No.17259441

>retards who drink hot water out of plastic everyday exhibit the exact amount of mental illness and overall retardation that you'd expect from them
it's uncanny

>> No.17259457

Do I listen to the
>Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology @ Goethe University
>Department of Neuroscience @UT Austin
>German Federal Institute of Hydrology
>Department of Biology @ Norwegian University of Science and Technology
or the
>AeroPress Gang
Tough call.

>> No.17259471
File: 66 KB, 740x555, brainworms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's da aewopwess gang

>> No.17259474

great, so that gets us back to square 1. We have no specific data on the aeropress. We have data that suggests that (at least some) PP does not leach EA.

>> No.17259541

>Since the risk of unknown compounds cannot be assessed, this poses a challenge to manufacturers,
public health authorities, and researchers alike.
We know some pp leaches androgenic and we know its hard to detect and assess. We also know 5/7 are made using known estrogenic and androgenic leaching chemicals(BPA and Tritan) and they lied about the first 2. Do yourself a favor and just buy a new press for 2022. $30. Do it every January. Same with anyone using a plastic v60 or the like.
You went from
>nuh uh they say PP is fine
>nuh uh pp might not be fine but I still trust em. They make a good frisbee.

> in the face of evidence, you're confident its not making you retarded kek. Good luck. You'll need it.

>> No.17259753

t. thinks french press makes good coffee

>> No.17259807


>> No.17259842

both moka pots and french press make trash coffee

t. v60 chad

>> No.17259852


>> No.17259873

the french pozz is better than the cucka pot but the best method is the classic drip coffee
t. dripchad

>> No.17259907

>1/16thcup each
that's also known as
>1 tbsp
i do not like your recipe though because it seems a bit

>> No.17260082

Your memespeak is cringy as hell, dude. We get it, you think that associating random things like coffee brewing methods with le faggots (xDDD) and le cucks (xDDD) is the epitome of humor but guess what, to well-adjusted and mature people it is not...
Take your shitty terminology back to /pol/. Oh, and btw, bro, calling yourself a chad is a tad bit pathetic.

>> No.17260093

I'm afraid of upgrading from my keurig single cup 1.0.

>> No.17260096

it does

>> No.17260116

I'm gonna make an espresso shot lads

>> No.17260128

This nigga afraid of plastic

>> No.17260249
File: 44 KB, 481x479, espresso-milano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good expresso machine that i can buy for my office?

>> No.17260285

Do you own the business and it's a tax writeoff or are you doing something nice for your coworkers?

>> No.17260331

there's only 5 of us in the office and we're all snobs in our own way about coffee (my receptionist brings coffee in a thermos ever day and goes on about making it every morning, the others we usually go to cafe once or twice per day to get shots or lattes)
I figure it would help productivity and morale and no one would would be caught dead drinking pod coffee plus it would impress clients if we could serve them a proper coffee when they're in the office

>> No.17260376

>impress clients
How much you tryna spend lol

>> No.17260394

I've been making webms lately
Let me know if there's any webms you want, and I'll see what I can do when I get bored later
I can also add captions

>> No.17260600

In that case I'd suggest a Breville Dual Boiler - you can get away with the onboard grinder or you can spend a little more on a standalone but it's easy enough to use/teach for people that aren't super familiar with coffee machines but also has enough scope to get a better result if you're a hobbyist. It's output can be pretty fast if that's important in your environment. It's not quite comparable with pretty Italian machines but it's not that far behind and being mid-high end consumer grade it's got easy mode warranty support and doesn't need the care and attention Italian machines do.

>> No.17260682


>> No.17260703
File: 157 KB, 600x513, caffeinePep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Chemex but it takes forever to make a cup of coffee with it. any decent coffee makers where it heats up the water a lot and I can still utilize the Chemex filters themselves?

>> No.17260706
File: 287 KB, 1280x958, 6C3039BA-6720-4F25-897C-AB3C495CBE0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got my Baratzza Sette 30
>Espresso quality skyrockets
You guys weren’t joking with the grinder memes, my Gaggia managed to pull a 30 second espresso with no issues

>> No.17260741
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, China Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you try use a china cap and a butane tortch for heat maybe?

>> No.17260827

Is that one on the left a female?

>> No.17260833

she wasn't initially but she (he) drank aeropress coffee for 3 years and walla

>> No.17260845

Do you think that she (he) would "throw it back" for an incel like me?

>> No.17261038
File: 2.20 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220112_053957720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never too late for a lil fagogato.

>> No.17261073

you guys gotta try putting ice cream in coffee. I put some vanilla blue bell in my coffee and it tastes like a cappuccino and the temp difference is cool its cold then warm when you drink it.

>> No.17261091

I prefer coconut cream and sweetened condensed milk in my cold brewed, hot bloomed brew

>> No.17261108

Costcofag make sure to get some Kirkland super premium vanilla ice cream. Same manufacturer as the sam's club branded super premium I just posted. S tier vanilla and cheap. Guarantee it'll elevate your shitty moka supremo.

>> No.17261254
File: 965 KB, 1200x1200, chemex-ottomatic-detail_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean there's this abomination

>> No.17261368

These take chemex filters too.

>> No.17261745
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, lamarzocco_gs3_mp_side-min.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's picrel. Tectonic shift is my favorite bean blend lately.

>> No.17261904

Making some myself, hard and hooch style.

>> No.17262104

Oh nom nom

>> No.17262119

eureka mignon next

>> No.17262173

Maybe one of you has an input, have any of you used a single grouphead machine in a commercial setting? After experiencing workflow and difficulty of scaling up productivity on a 2-head in a very busy cafe setting, I'm now considering 2x single head for a future business project. I'm certain that two operators with milk and shit located between them is a lot better when tickets pile up than one or two operators trying to swing it on a single larger machine.

>> No.17262199

I think a talented barista working in any busy cafe should have at minimum two group heads to work with. Frankly I'd be embarrassed to provide my barista with one group head - especially if it's a very busy cafe setting.

2x single head is a different story entirely, and if all you're serving is coffee then I can see why you'd go for that sort of setup

What's better, losing a good barista and saving a few thousand, or retaining your staff and making a larger investment out of your machine?

>> No.17262220

Having used a larger machine personally at high volume, I didn't often gain time using two heads. Milk drinks made up 95%+ of the orders. When non-milk drinks came through, it was usually part of a larger order which took significant time to process anyways and I wouldn't want to leave a double espresso sitting around getting cold -- so I left it towards the end of the order anyways. I wanted to use one head, one steam wand, next order. And I have a feeling that turning around or stepping a couple feet in one direction to flip a switch and pick up cups is a small enough inconvenience compared to the amount I actually used the second head. And that getting a second person on drinks would be much better for scaling up.

>> No.17262237

If you haven't got one already, a second person is always the biggest step-up in performance in my experience. Even if all they do is stand on the steam end and finish drinks. Do you have a puqpress or anything like that?

>> No.17262254

Nah, but second person on drinks scaled poorly when other supplies are placed for the one person to work, counterspace is on one side or behind, walkway was cramped esp. with trays getting picked up, etc. I'm thinking a bottle cooler and shelf between two machines, sink and other stuff behind, would ultimately be better even (especially?) if space is limited.

>> No.17262260

for sure, you'd need to revise the whole situation to make the move to a 2-person operation where either operator can work without once getting in the way of the other. I can't comment on your idea because I don't know what your floor plan is like but I'm sure you can make it work

>> No.17262264


on a 3 group machine, a skilled barista can be pulling 2 shots at a time and dosing for a third while the 3rd head is recovering
other barista is steaming milk, running cups, finishing drinks, and calling out orders (this is called expediting) so that the main barista can concentrate on making the shots of espresso

>> No.17262276

The most I've been able to get out of a second person on a 2-head is prepping milk carafes, rinsing and running. Sometimes there'd be something like a chai or cafe au lait on a separate ticket which #2 could easily work in start to finish and run or hand off, but not often. Even when two experienced baristas were on the same shift which wasn't often. I'm thinking about how to get more scalability off of #2.

>> No.17262287

Time your guy next time he's tamping for a big order - keep in mind that if you use a puqpress or alternative it only takes 2 seconds to get from the grinder to a perfect tamped puck

It sounds like your bottleneck is happening before it gets to the second guy, so try to shift some more responsibilities towards him. Things like taking the orders, relaying the order info etc.

>> No.17262407
File: 1.47 MB, 2848x1602, 1231201700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a lot of that same equipment for my annual hard egg nog production (read: mixing). It then ages two years before enjoying. SOO yummy.

>> No.17262412

do I have to fucking edit every single picture my phone takes in fucking MS paint for this goddamn Azerbaijani prog polka forum to not fucking flip them sideways? goddamnit it fuck

>> No.17262443

same dude as the other response, jealous of the big batch brewing. Recipe you use?

>> No.17262492

screenshot the image
then crop to a better aspect ratio that doesn't look as phone-y (optional step)

>> No.17262793
File: 59 KB, 640x800, squirrel with coffee and mittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate the direction /ctg/ is headed. This place was fun and had great inspiration for coffee, just as little as 3 months ago. What happened? The /ctg/ comments are sarcastic at best and cancer at worst. Any efforts at actual discussion immediately just turn into shitposting and memeing, generally pulled off by only 2-3 dedicated schizoid trolls. Genuine questions for help are met with shill comments “Just buy this thing like I have because it’s all I could afford, then you’ll have better coffee like mine” etc. Are there mods that come into this thread? I find it hard to believe this thread is only run by 3-5 people that constantly shit up the place and for no good reason other than “le epic lulz”. Is there any way to request that off topic retarded comments and trolls could be banned or just deleted?

>> No.17262798

Iconic thread holy shit

Already off to the races I see

>> No.17262803

I love ginger beer but I'm worried about it exploding, you got any tips?

>> No.17262814

There's still genuine discussion, it's all about who you choose engage with

>> No.17262826

The beans may just suck, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it. Maybe give turkish a shot, just use the grocery store's grinder.

This is a pretty good suggestion but if the coffee is super sour and under extracted it's not going to really do a whole lot, just sour affogato

>> No.17262908
File: 3.12 MB, 1092x2611, allshewrote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had great inspiration for coffee
>3 months ago

oh yes, we were all truly inspired back then

>> No.17263029

>the steam wand switch
into the trash it goes

>> No.17263043


>> No.17263052
File: 663 KB, 1187x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my setup

>> No.17263164
File: 137 KB, 1011x1238, 1640843347902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hecking LOVE me a nice hot cuppa BLACK coffee, bro! Java ftw! You need to try this espresso made out of FRESHLY ground Papuanewguinean beans with FRUITY and SEMENY notes, my wife's boyfriend Jamal bought them for me! He will even get me an amazeballs FRENCH PRESS for my birthday!!!!!

>> No.17263165

Just crop it slightly on your phone before uploading and it won't flip. If you modify it in any way and save it then it won't flip but if you post the raw image then it flips.

>> No.17263168

>Smell my daily muddy V60 brewing
>Instantly start farting and have to shit really badly
>Now have to crank out a turbo shit before it gets cold
>This happens every day now because I made it a routine

>> No.17263169
File: 543 KB, 2399x1525, 1231201720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot the image
>do more work
i really do hate this place for making me consider doing all this just to shitpost about covfefe
for the nog or for coffee?
for nog from my planning spreadsheet, scaled up from Alton Brown's aged eggnog recipe
3.16 scale factor
750 milliliters liquor scale
25 servings total
1899 grams eggs == 38 large eggs, separate whites and freeze
1437 grams castor sugar
3.16 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1519 milliliters half-and-half
1497 milliliters whole milk
1519 milliliters heavy cream
750 milliliters Jamaican rum
750 milliliters cognac
750 milliliters bourbon
0.79 teaspoon kosher salt
4.24 gallons rough total

for coffee, it's usually something like 2.5 cups of grounds to 1.2gal water or similar, let steep for minimum 48 hours, scoop floaters and then siphon majority of liquid, agitate remainder and pour through coarse strainer followed by filter paper. grounds go to compost pile as always.

i don't phone post. i automatically sync my phone to my server every night. i wonder if i could write a script that then crops the bottom row of pixels from every image...

>> No.17263170

I love the smell of mental illness in the morning.

>> No.17263177

Nice imagination you have there kid.

>> No.17263196

You don't know enough about coffee to make this actually funny. Like if you had said that $130 Fellow french press then it would have been funny.

>> No.17263222


>> No.17263232

those are very exact measurements, anon
what are you autistic?

>> No.17263237

it's just math, dude. i multiplied everything by weird numbers to scale it all to 750mL bottles of liquor, and everything else got weird from there. but i'll be damned if i either waste or overspend on nice liquors.

>> No.17263244

you coulda just said yes

>> No.17263257

using spreadsheets isn't autism
do you know what thread you're in?

>> No.17263285

i've used that grinder for years
if you can, 3d print a lid for it, it makes it easier to use and kills the popcorning

>> No.17263293

mine has a lid

>> No.17263295

use your phone's native orientation to take pictures
or disable exif rotation in the settings (if you can)

>> No.17263310

>use your phone's native orientation to take pictures
my phone has "fullvision" resolution settings, but nothing about "native orientation"
>or disable exif rotation in the settings (if you can)
yeah i don't think i have those options either

>> No.17263332

>25 servings total
>4.24 gallons rough total
who the fuck is drinking 22oz of eggnog in one sitting?

>> No.17263345
File: 47 KB, 1026x472, nawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton Brown's guests, idk
i tend to pour more like 6oz glasses

>> No.17263485

burb it when you need to, buy a decent pair of fermentation bottles it's pretty hard to fuck up honestly, ABSOLUTELY MAKE SURE THE BOTTLES ARE DESIGNED FOR FERMENTATION AND ARE NOT MERELY DECORATIVE
looks good meng

>> No.17263508

I have a carboy with an airlock, will that work?

>> No.17263609

yes. buy a 6 pack of swing top kombucha or soda bottles, drink, clean, and use them as bottles for forever. don't waste your time and money on decora swing top bottles you might be served water out of at tupelo honey for sunday brunch with the inlaws.

>> No.17263618

Got it, thank you so much

>> No.17263619
File: 73 KB, 430x355, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /fap/ taking over /ctg/ because you guise can't keep a thread bumped for moar than 4 hours?

>> No.17263631

i derailed us with my absolutely premium coldbrew setup

>> No.17263656

Imported french sparking lemonade bottles. Guyer frees or some shit should be molded into the glass.

>> No.17264073

Nah man we're all beverage brothers

>> No.17264110
File: 42 KB, 461x483, Iassumethisishowyoudothat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /pol/tards know about anything besides "muh partisan politics"

>> No.17264141

Oh man, I remember that series of images. They always made me chuckle.

>> No.17264143
File: 214 KB, 1200x918, ezgif-3-9033c83a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really believe it until I tried it. Aeropress for body, pour overs for delicate flavors. My recipe is this:
>15:1 ratio, fine ground but not espresso
>first pour should be half of brew weight
>stir for 10 seconds back and forth only, let bloom and brew for 45 seconds but it can go longer without detriment
>add rest of water
At this point, if you put a spoon in and feel any resistance, you know you fucked up somewhere. Good frame of reference.
>swirl/tap such that the coffee bed will lie flat
>if previous brew time was 45 seconds, wait 40 seconds and press for 20 seconds
>if previous brew time was 1:15 or higher, don't wait and just press for 20 seconds after swirling the brew
Perfect coffee every single time. Not stirring or not blooming the coffee long enough before the second pour will result in a sour cup, but other than that, it's a pretty foolproof recipe with an added step to recoup an overextraction on the second pour. This has worked well for me for a variety of coffee, and adds a lot of body to fruity roasts without even a hint of bitterness. My favorite cup so far was pic related. I was disappointed with my Aeropress until I figured out my own recipe, and now I almost exclusively use it.

>> No.17264165
File: 217 KB, 864x648, cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have most of her work saved
but that one has certain significance to me because i requested it to be drawn

>> No.17264175

Care to share what else you have? I have the coffee one, water in chocolate, whole egg in microwave, glass cutting board, ice to check oil, and "we are /ck/."

>> No.17264195
File: 39 KB, 461x483, howdoIramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's futaba & buri versions of the ice in oil one
maybe one or two others you didn't mention that are related to /ck/ posts
and then there's a few from a request thread that if i look hard enough i can try and find what the context of each one is

>> No.17264220

Just get a nespresso, this is what it's made for.
A real espresso machine:
>help productivity and morale
it will be counterproductive, they'll either spend all their time trying to figure out how to get it to make a good tasting shot of espresso or more likely they'll never use it and think you're out of touch. Learning to make a good espresso shot takes time and patience and a lot of wasted beans, it's not something to do on a coffee break in an office.
>serve clients espresso made by hand
that's pretty crazy unless youre a coffee shop or a restaurant or something. i work in insurance and if a rep from a new carrier or something took 5 minutes to make me a cup of espresso while i waited in his office i'd be turned off of whatever he was trying to sell me.
>no one would be caught dead drinking pod coffee
if you buy it they will

>> No.17264226
File: 80 KB, 740x540, hodoyouevenfigurethatout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably needed to be there for this one...

>> No.17264231

Heh, I used to sell those at a kitchen store in New Hampshire. They had all the high end consoomer crap. Sold one moron a clearance superautomatic with terrible reviews for $3500 then denied his refund. I wonder if I met anyone who goes on here

>> No.17264247

Cole, you're such a funny guy. Wish we could meet again. No hard feelings about the refund, I just wanna see you again!

>> No.17264816
File: 128 KB, 1000x734, pretentiOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one too

>> No.17265660
File: 991 KB, 1934x1885, 20211219_203750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey coffee pals, my office mates and I are wanting to each pitch in for a coffee/espresso machine. We're looking for an efficient and fast machine since we're always very busy while in office. What is recommended in the $100-200 range?

>> No.17265848


>> No.17265881

Hah! I remember that, actually. I enjoyed them as they were made but didn't think to save them, and they really aren't in circulation.

>> No.17265920

I won't meme on you solely because thats good oil.

>> No.17265925

Breville Bambino or a pod machine

>> No.17265964
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>> No.17265974

unironically nespresso/kcup maker, that's not enough for an espresso set up and even if you had a good setup, teaching each retard how to make espresso would take too much of your time

>> No.17265976

You're a boss, thanks.

>> No.17265982
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>> No.17265987


>> No.17266584
File: 70 KB, 640x640, TIGERM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$100-200 range
Get one of these per coffee-drinker. Make sure it's dishwasher-safe.

>> No.17267012

that’s enough coffee to last 3 weeks

>> No.17267195
File: 1.85 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20220113_081005_Bokeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this thing makes such weak cups of coffee. Idc about price anymore, what kinda push button machine do I need to get for black and not tan coffee?

>> No.17267208

I started working so I started making coffee. got some nice beans and a grinder
i was hand pouring boiling water over a filter, but then i started putting it in a reusable kurieg
i dunno how I should be making it or even if it matters. I like it strong tasting, but not caffeinated enough to make me bzzzt

>> No.17267213

>make a nice cozy v60 to get ready to get to bed
>am now caffinated and can't sleep

>> No.17267361
File: 389 KB, 920x1534, 24998A4E-8569-4F57-9318-EB91A831EE1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can’t figure out if this thing is a novelty or not but I really fucking enjoy using it

>> No.17267374

Got some really good Costa Rican beans, they make a winey, dark chocolate espresso that I can't get enough of. Might make some for my 2nd cup of the day, drinking Cafe Du Monde w some sweet cream now though.

>> No.17267377

the actual keurig brand replacement insert that holds their own branded reusable pod is the only decent way of brewing a cuppa in one of those abominations. the insert i'm talking about entirely replaced the pod holder to accept their lock-top mesh-bottom grounds container. everything else is trash that leaks pure water through and makes weak coffee. pack it pretty full of somewhat fine grounds, and let it take its time brewing the cup. it'll put more strain on the little shitbox aquarium pump those come with, but it'll make a passing cup for you.

>> No.17267383

and the beauty of those is that you can cut your regular beans with decaf grounds if a full strength cup is too much kick. sacrifices some flavor, obv, but might be worth to protect your heart.

>> No.17267770

What is that? Looks fuckin cool

>> No.17267788

I have seen these, how does it brew? Do you see yourself sticking with it long term?

>> No.17267790

I read that the heart thing only applies if you're consuming more than four cups a day

>> No.17267821

When you set up the next coffee thread let's try and emulate the tea fags a bit and make it less of a cesspool

>> No.17267826
File: 323 KB, 1097x784, 6F27400C-5A73-4368-9286-6D84106DE398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syphon or vacuum brewer
brewing method seems a little convoluted but actually is fairly simple to use
very clean cup, and since you can control extraction time it’s possible to get a lot of flavor out of light beans
I’ll probably stick with it, it’s a nice afternoon cup although my true love is espresso

>> No.17267836

Christ that's a nice machine. Love the dosing containers.

>> No.17267875

god no the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.17268087

You know intelligentsia sells medium roast blends right? You should rip that sign down.

>> No.17268183

Try this. French press and other immersion methods make great coffee and are more forgiving to fuckups, plus a french press has other uses like cold brew or foaming milk.

>> No.17268198

What's wrong with blends?

>> No.17268199

Keurig is fine for most people. You're not going to get an exceptional cup of coffee out of it but the average person takes theirs with milk and sugar so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.17268202

nah, some of us are able to enjoy different hobbies believe or not

>> No.17268204

worst kind of schizo-post

>> No.17268246

I broke my french press that I used to foam milk with today bros, slipped right out of my hand as I was cleaning it, as a result, I am in the market for a new one. Is there any difference between a £15 press and a £40 one?

>> No.17268304

And blends usually means not quite thought out compared to, I want to say optimal but I understand people have different preferences, typical high quality SOs third wave roasters. By saying your coffee is a "blend" is an implicit admission of low knowledge, low quality green coffee usually, and likely a very mediocre bag destined to sit on supermarket shelves.

>> No.17268337
File: 42 KB, 518x570, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pleases me that theres a dedicated hoffememe thread running concurrently with this one
keeps the shitposting away

>> No.17268341
File: 173 KB, 488x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowly become a coffee snob over the period of 5 years
>upgrade from nasty Keurig vomit to grinding own beans, getting choosey, local roasts, french press, aeropress, moka, pourover, breville espresso machine
>out of beans one day and need a cup in a pinch
>see I have some of pic related in my cabinet from a cookie recipe I made like a year ago
>mix it with some hot water expecting to hate it
>wtf it's actually pretty good
>inoffensive, almost chocolate-like flavor, zero acidity, minimal bitterness

Does it compare to some of the best coffee I've ever tasted? Obviously not, but if I was drinking this instead of disgusting Keurig dogwater and shitty diner drips all these years, I probably never would have had a practical need to become a coffee snob in the first place. It feels like my life is a lie.

>> No.17268351

I'm not buying your shit Bustelo

>> No.17268361

I'm honored you think I am a marketer, but no, I am just another lost soul ensnared in this toxic shithole for life because everywhere else somehow became worse

>> No.17268365

You should try hot bloom cold brew with it.

>> No.17268371

>because everywhere else somehow became worse
fuck that hits close, as for the coffee, I'm hesitant to even try given my past experience with any kind of preground coffee, the best I've ever had was this wonderful Ethiopian Sidamo but even that was completely BTFO by my first homemade freshly ground cup of joe

>> No.17268382


This is instant coffee, not pre-ground. Most bulk pre-ground coffee I've tasted merely tastes of dirt, though I've never tried bustelo's

>> No.17268413


I only use instant coffee for baking and that's the brand I always buy

>> No.17268515

You can hot bloom cold brew anything if you put your mind to it.

>> No.17268517
File: 2.97 MB, 426x240, 1642101562063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17268544

You age your nogg for 2 years? I’ve never made advocaat before but I’ve seen recipes that call for making it maybe a few months in advance
How long do you need to age it for best flavor? How long can you age it before the flavor starts to fall off?

>> No.17268549

my bad, I can't read apparently

>> No.17268571

hadn't heard of this, but it looks very similar. you do have to keep your abv pretty high or else it's not fridge stable and you have to take car to can it or similarly sanitize the containers. not sure how the egg proteins would stand up to that though.
i am not sure how long i need to age it. the longest i've gone so far is 11 months, but i made a double batch last year to prepare for the long 2 year hibernation. i took tasting notes, though i'm not sommelier, so i can compare this coming winter. if i don't notice a difference, i'll go back to year by year production to save fridge space.

>> No.17268587

Just a slightly educated bullshit guess, but I’d imagine that after maybe 6-8 months the heat of the alcohol would have declined a fair amount and there wouldn’t be much point in aging it longer

>> No.17268617

>heat of the alcohol
not sure what you mean. my understanding is that enzymes in the dairy and ambient air in the headspace chew up the oxygen (quick), followed by a very long anaerobic period where ""aging"" occurs. this is the step that tempers the flavoring and adds mellow character to all sorts of drinks and other foodstuffs.
i assume the diminishing returns timeline is somewhere between 1 and 5 years, but that's based on wild speculation and an only barely passing biochem and organic chem background

>> No.17268625

oh you mean like the "bite" of the alcohol? yeah that should mellow with time. this year's 12 month batch tasted almost devoid of any ethanol bite, but you could still get buzzed from a couple pours.
this coming winter i will have the opportunity to do a side by side taste test of 12 and 24 month batches.

>> No.17269106

I usually drink turkish coffee, but I have a moka pot and a french press. I mentioned my curiosity about the aeropress when chatting with my mother in law, and the woman actually gifted me an aeropress for this christmas, what a king. Father in law is an alcoholic moron though.
Aeropress makes great coffee, I drink about three cups a day; but seeing this video fucked me up:
It's about six minutes long, but tl;dw:
They want to turn us all into femboys. Gotta go back to drinking turkish coffee:
>cheap as fuck
>you only need a pot, fire, and fine coffee
>no plastics
I don't want to become a femboy.

>> No.17269262

Been trying to tell them. Snag a steel or copper press from here and report back.

>> No.17269279

Throw getting an esspresso machine that isn't ass out the door at that price range. Your better off getting a fancy auto pour over.
Here's Hoffman going over a bunch of pour overs.
This is a pour over that has lots of adjustment settings
My parents got this. Its basically a better version of pod shit, in that it can brew different coffee and strengths.

>> No.17269290

oh fuck i thought he meant 100-200 each

>> No.17269302

I'll give it a try. Hopefully the carton isn't huge cause freezer space is limited
I think the beans are just meh. Again, not the worst, but not the best. I put a pinch of salt in it one morning and made it way better. Also added a smidge of apricot nectar. Made it mimic expensive coffee.

>> No.17269303

Thanks for the link, friend, but I'm no Rockefeller, I got the moka pot, the french press, and the aeropress as gifts, 150 aussie dollars is absurd for me. Maybe one day, e.g. next birthday.
The work on these metal presses is really admirable though, great job.

>> No.17269370
File: 388 KB, 896x1494, DF501E0B-EA8D-4247-9286-598328C5210C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the moar satisfying things about it is that the coffee bed after drawing down is a 3D representation of a bell curve

>> No.17269399

>The work on these metal presses is really admirable though
Pretty sure its an aussie guy having shit hammered out in vietnam. Keep it in mind. If you like psuedopresses but don't like xenobiotic chemicals in your coffee there are options.

Feels like an anerobic pink bourbon pourover kind of day.


>> No.17269510
File: 103 KB, 591x584, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this motherfucker is just naming all the fruits off the top of his head at this point

>> No.17269560

This is how third wave coffee works breh. You just spout off flowery sales blurbs and the consoooooooomers come running. If they had the audacity to mention the roast level I'd throw this sample in the trash and blacklist em.

>> No.17269725

fucking kek at that 4chan impression, a shame he doesn't realise that plastic endocrine disrupters are merely the tip of the iceberg. Modern men are cucked and muzzled in so many ways

>> No.17270083

That's beautiful anon. How do you deal with overheating? Like cooking the coffee too much over that burner

>> No.17270088

Extremely based, I love turkish coffee but mostly take mine filter brewed because I don't have the time or the skill to make it consistent.

>> No.17270126
File: 1.22 MB, 2649x1816, 20211225_153710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend balled out on me for Christmas. Never would have spent so much on myself so it was truly an amazing gift.

Such a huge upgrade from my trusty ol french press

>> No.17270227

That's a sexy kettle

>> No.17270782

Seems like only yesterday

>> No.17270787

based stagg chad, also if you turn it on and flick the c/f switch you can play snake on it

>> No.17270795

wait what the fuck happened with your pour-over lmao you should not have that much coffee stuck to the walls man

>> No.17270829

He's learnin

>> No.17270839

Thanks man

I'll have to try that

I know that now. That picture was my first time attempting pour over, I didn't really know what I was doing. It's been fun improving my technique and tasting that improvement every day

>> No.17270891
File: 26 KB, 540x527, 1577024462079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a non-manual espresso machine that's okay under $500 or do I absolutely need to spend more?
I already have a nice grinder and a v60 for when I want to work to get a cup, so a lever machine would be redundant.

>> No.17270929

Beautiful setup man. She's a keeper

>> No.17270933

what grinder? and yeah you can easily get a used gcp or silvia for around that

>> No.17270944

Aergrind. It apparently uses the same espresso burrs as most of the popular options at around $150-200 so I think it should be fine.

>> No.17270945

It's simple, anon, you'll get the hang of it. My recommendation is you get a copper cezve, cause when you take it off the heat it immediately stops heating. Steps for making a cup of good turkish coffee are as follows:
1) measure the water in the cup, and pour that water into the cezve
2) set it on the stove to boil
3) when it boils take it off the heat, and pour a little bit of water in the cup
4) dump a heaping teaspoon of the extremely finely ground coffee (i.e. the one for turkish coffee) for every 100ml of water into the cezve; you can adjust this later to taste, seriously, just eyeball it, fuck scales
5) pour the water form the cup back into the cezve
6) place it back on the stove top
7) watch the foam rising, but don't let it turn into bubbly foam, it's supposed to be thick, so as soon as you see a single bubble, preferably before that, take it off the stove
8) pour into cup and enjoy

Autists will say you have to do it in sand, measure the coffee, and other such things, but as long as you have fresh coffee and good water it will make a fine cup of coffee. Indeed better heat control through sand will allow you to make a perfect froth, but perfect is the enemy of good.

By the way, I personally prefer the "abortion" variant, as we call it here in the Balkans, which is at least three heaping tea spoons to 200ml of water, sometimes four if you're feeling really adventurous.

>> No.17270957

How do you get coffee ground so fine? I don't have a grinder at home that can do turkish. Do most people in your country own a grinder or do they just buy preground? Do you have a specific brand you like?

>> No.17271033

I have one of those old traditional hand grinders just for turkish coffee. Most people buy preground. I don't really have a specific brand I like, but I'd say Grand is probably the best of the bunch; however most of them are really similar, just don't buy the cheapest.
The great thing is that a ten minute walk from my home there's a coffee shop which literally just grinds coffee fine for turkish coffee, and their house blend is very nice and costs basically the same as store bought preground coffee.

>> No.17271073

If you're comfortable with a screwdriver then yeah. OPV and pid a gaggia or rancilio. 38mm burr size on the aergrind is going to be slow cutting though. Its going to be annoying but doable if you're drinking light roast stuff.

>> No.17271083

>OPV and pid a gaggia or rancilio
Got it. Thanks for the thorough answer.

>> No.17271105

Aw, she's sweet. Go give her a hug right now.

>> No.17271671


>> No.17271847
File: 425 KB, 1170x1463, 5C9BBFE6-49B8-4593-94F9-5BA7D236028D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s enough distance between the lower boiling flask and the upper brew chamber that the temperature drops pretty quickly
also the brewing vessel is kind of a big heat sink and when it’s full of hot water, the temperature begins to fall fast
while brewing is going, there’s still water bubbling below and steam keeps pressure until the heat is cut

I was curious about the temperatures that were being achieved so I did a few tests with only water and a thermometer
the absolute hottest reading I could get when the water comes into the upper part was 207
this number quickly dropped to between 199-203 when all the water rises up
the temperature hovers around 200 while the brewing is taking place; a larger amount of water had more variation/drop in temperature and the temperature is more likely to drift lower the longer you let the coffee extract

then once the coffee draws down, it sort of reaches a thermal equilibrium since the flask has stayed heated this whole time
so the brewed coffee is right around 195 and it stays about that hot for several minutes

this was a mindfuck for me at first because I’m not used to coffee that is served that hot not being bitter, burnt, & overextracted
unlike pourover there’s less places for heat to disperse and disappear while brewing, and unlike a percolator the brewing process never gets too hot to destroy flavor

>> No.17271909
File: 146 KB, 400x457, 1609464212549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know online stores where you can buy clay coffee pots? That are meant to be put over fire.
Preferably in europe, but anything will do.

>> No.17272201

very nice, enjoy that shit bro

>> No.17272210

I'll give that a go considering that I have a copper cezve that I only use for heating milk lmao, Do you recommend high heat or something closer to low-mid?

>> No.17272524

Is she hot?

>> No.17272552

Asking the real questions here

>> No.17272568

lmao still can't stop laughing at the pic from OP. What a fucking legendary thread. Wish I would have saved a screenshot.
Dude got so mad that no one would appreciate his special method of making "coffee" by just pouring hot water over grinds through a big ass metal strainer, no steeping involved or anything.

>> No.17272617

you can still view the thread
it pretty much starts with this post >>17251048 and then the replies escalated

nothing really worth screenshotting and no delicious copypasta to take away from the exchange

>> No.17272683
File: 656 KB, 406x720, 1642174739719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey my pic is op!
cool good general now.

>> No.17272789
File: 197 KB, 955x974, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaning mesh is a colossal pain in the ass I've got a chinois
I can see why generals don't last long.
it's because no one reads the op.
or the previous thread.
pick and choose and giggle in your psychosis of superiority.
this autist is outie.
ONLY $65/lb!!!!!

>> No.17272802
File: 7 KB, 325x325, Houroku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17272820

this woman will die alone with a barren womb

>> No.17273213
File: 32 KB, 482x327, justin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you just ragequit, refer to yourself as an autist, and post an inane soyjak image ALL IN ONE POST!?

>> No.17273245

All of /ctg/ is just two shitposters at war with one another. Nespresso vs ghetto coffee strainer technique

>> No.17273314

Hario switch vs 4:6 with a v60?

>> No.17273425

Yes, and she just let me eat her booty hole over my lunch break.

She is truly a keeper

>> No.17273598

Did it smell nice? Is she asian?

>> No.17273800

We love you, you’re very special. We’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know you how feel.

>> No.17273974

>don't offer me coffee, because i have a coffee maker
>but buy me lunch
what, you don't have a kitchen?

>> No.17273982

More knawledge eurekabros.


>> No.17274459
File: 38 KB, 474x355, TIGERM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also who is "WE"? Is she bringing her dad along to chaperone?

>> No.17274695

That was a misinterpretation. In fact, he was steeping in one jar, and then passing it through a strainer into another jar. Which should work, if the grind is coarse enough to be caught by the strainer.

>> No.17274728

Retard tier cupping essentially.

>> No.17275487

That's a pretty neat idea. Fuck those espresso guys spending thousands of dollars on a coffee machine. With the "ghetto coffee strainer technique" you don't even need electricity. Nice.

>> No.17275670

I've been constantly trying new roasters that sell online for single origin offerings and it seems like of late everyone is burning the fuck out of their beans. Any recommendations for extremely light roasted coffee that makes good flavorful ristrettos that don't end up tasting like hot asphalt?

>> No.17275767

Tim Wendelboe
David Kim

I mean, there are absolute loads of them. Where do you live?

>> No.17276325

I’ve been turning a lot of mediocre coffee into cold brew these days

>> No.17276416


>> No.17276427
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>> No.17276992

hello am a newfag and am looking for advice. I currently just own a basic french press and a cheap grinder. Do I need a better grinder? I am somewhat poor

>> No.17277164

hello newfag. well, firstly your gonna need to get yourself a grinder. make sure to buy any grinder you can find that does not require electricity. electric grinders are too complicated and convenient for what you are trying to do. also, too expensive
the next thing you will need to do is buy a flair 98. and ensure you get all the add on accessories they make for it (pressure gage, crema switch, cheater bar, roaster compensator). oh and make sure to buy one used because it will be cheaper. do not question why so many people sell their flairs in like-new condition, only used once or twice. I know nothing about you, newfag, but I can objectively state that the flair is the best and only option that you should consider. do not be tempted to buy anything else because you cannot afford it and there's no better solution for you

>> No.17277234

buy green coffee and roast it yourself.
it's cheaper and better quality.
your setup is fine.

>> No.17277255
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Is this cup ok?
What flavor differences can I expect?

>> No.17277261

bought a 10$ french press. surely even chineseium piece of crap will work, it is such a simple device. already broke it, the bottom was super thin

>> No.17277265

broke it on first use

>> No.17277325

thats what you get for jewing out.

>> No.17277337

absolutely, but still I would have expected more than one cup. I'll go for a bodum or something instead though I'm not even sure if I'll use it

>> No.17277436

should have bought a flair
do you realize that the flair is the only professionally manufactured coffee-brewing machine designed for home use that makes the greatest espresso you will find and is guaranteed to never break even after repeated use?

>> No.17277507

Is coffee good for women?

>> No.17277579

no, women cant into coffee without Starbucks unfortunately

>> No.17277600

go commit cappuccino you fucking shill

>> No.17277606

but all day on /ck/ i've been seeing the posts "coffee feminizes", "coffee makes the body have more estrogen", and so i thought, "so is it good for women"?

>> No.17277706


>> No.17277711

that's clearly bs, the only way coffee would do that is if you kill your sleep by drinking 14 cups a day and spiking cortisol through the roof which I think raises E

>> No.17277971
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>Is coffee good for women?

>> No.17278064

If your grinder is shit, getting a better one is probably the single best thing you can do to improve the quality of your brews. If you're cheap/poor then a hand grinder will be the best choice to get something decent for your money, if you post your budget here then you should get plenty of responses calling you a poor retard, shilling kingrinder, and potentially even a couple with actual recommendations.

>> No.17278123

What do you mean "need"?
How is the coffee you make now?
What is your current grinder?

>> No.17278132

Plasticlogged sperg.

>> No.17278159

Yeah it makes their poop extra powerful

>> No.17278379

funny you should mention cappuccino. the flair is the first and only professional espresso machine geared towards the home user that is capable of making cafe-quality cappuccinos. the operation of the flair is simpler to use than any other cappuccino machines and it is easy and fun to get consistent results.

the only plastic parts used in the assembly of the flair are BPA-free as well as approved for food and medical use by the EPA, the FDA, and the DHS. when properly used, no espresso or grounds make any contact with plastic components. the same cannot be said about aeropress

>> No.17278413

affoget the fuck outta here

>> No.17278450
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>> No.17278526
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>trusting anything coming out of the NIH in 2019+3

>> No.17278586

ew wtf is that?

>> No.17278639

I didn’t know they made such a tiny chemex that thing is cute

>> No.17278669


ive seen those before but seems like too much work compared to pourover and like how do you even clean it i'd be afraid of breaking something

>> No.17278731
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thoughts on The Hoff?

>> No.17278739

ooops should have ctrl+F'd first
seems like you know him

coffee n00b on here, seen a few videos of ths dude on yt so wanted to know your opinion. whether he's a meme or a decent source of info. he seems decent/serious to me though also wanted to know how famous he is among coffee enthusiasts.

>> No.17278753

I watched 1/6th of a hoffman video on the Breville SGP and it pretty much showed me everything I needed to know about it.

>> No.17278868

sorry for l8 response i just woke up, the coffee i make now is alright I just wanted to know how to make it better. Wheres a good place to buy beans? Also if I were to upgrade my grinder, it was probably around 15$ (it was a gift), my limit of what I can spend is probably around 50$ (I can a little above if I need to). Ty for responses!!

>> No.17278883

at the very least, you should look into getting a burr grinder with genuine steel burrs

>> No.17278918

Man the Kingrinder k1 is actually really good. I can only compare it to my broken bialetti, but it does everything I want so far.
completely close and open 7 clicks - Turkish very fine grind
20 clicks - fucking perfect for my brikka
Hell yeah this will do nicely.

>> No.17278952
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>> No.17278967

Starbucks only exists to make shit syrup drinks with the addition of a little coffee

>> No.17278981


>> No.17278989

It's such an expensive machine but will last you until the end of time pretty much. Be sure to buy high quality filters for it.

>> No.17279003

trouble is you need both a Cup-One & a KBGV Select for personal use and sharing capabilities

>> No.17279025

That's the problem I had with moka pots. I ended up owning 3 different sizes, but at least they're cheap and don't take up too much room

>> No.17279061
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new thread:

I'm gonna spam this fucker with pictures of viennese coffee houses to put it out of its misery

>> No.17279071

I usually just make a huge pot in the morning, themos it, and then drink through the day. I use a chemex but I've heard very good things about the techivorm machines.

Not a fan of the mocca pot, I have friends who swear by it but the coffee produced just hasn't really been that good. Whatever works for you though I know it's super popular in Italy

>> No.17279072
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>> No.17279074
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>> No.17279079
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>> No.17279084
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>> No.17279091
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>> No.17279143


>> No.17279172

Females open their legs more easily when they're comfy, happy and safe.
It's like how hens won't lay eggs if they're very scared or stressed.

>> No.17279185

Bless this man. He's so brilliant and eloquent.
I could listen to him read the phone book.
I sort of worry about him sometimes. I want to knit him sweaters and make sure he's eating enough.

>> No.17279403

He makes no effort to hide the fact that he's a huge coffee snob and makes a way bigger deal about a lot of things than any normal person would, so as long as you keep that in mind when watching his videos he provides a lot of really good info for people who are interesting in understanding coffee, grinders, brew methods, etc. Definitely made me aware of a bunch of aspects of choosing and brewing coffee that I never even would have thought about back when I was first getting into the hobby so I appreciate that.

>> No.17279412

If you're willing to roll the dice on AliExpress, you can usually find some of the cheaper timemore grinders for around that price point on there which I've heard are good options to start on.

>> No.17279418

This but make sure you get the one that comes with a thermal carafe instead of the glass+hotplate unless you hate yourself

>> No.17279424

And I was preparing to visit Vienna before the pandemic hit.
But with travel restrictions, and I presume the concert halls closing, that fell through. Was Viennese coffee actually any good in your various opinions?