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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 1125x1363, 1565244133708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17340111 No.17340111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the world coming to??

>> No.17340116

Should have posted the one with the pepe edit

>> No.17340117

that cake was made by an african immigrant you antisemite

>> No.17340119

Who cares? That isn't a gayke.

>> No.17340121
File: 268 KB, 638x584, 1611542604086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogs deserve to be treated with respect.

>> No.17340142

If you go to a supermarket and expect anything but the bare minimum from the people who work there, you're a retard

>> No.17340147
File: 9 KB, 240x193, 1497376217737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogposters, too

>> No.17340160

I feel bad for the cake :(

>> No.17340205

the store probably offered a service they didn't train the staff to perform

>> No.17340211

I'd get a pretty big laugh out of that

>> No.17340215

that’s what the parents get for being lazy cunts and not making the cake themselves.

>> No.17340219
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 4AB19E43-CD1C-45E5-8542-EA20B84A7B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s an artistic approach to the chosen subject of a frog. I think it’s genius, just like all modern art.

>> No.17340224

>make an obvious shitpost about a benign subject
>a bunch of redditors start unironically moralfagging
every time

>> No.17340231

this. my mom is a bitch but at least when I was a little kid she'd make some cool themed cakes

>> No.17340232

Not everything has to be flamebait to be a topic.

>> No.17340236

I think you need to vent. Tell us about your mother, anon.

>> No.17340240

Seems to have worked well enough as flamebait anyway.

>> No.17340242

:) 3

>> No.17340253

The smiley is the frogs face and the 3 is it’s butt. You’re supposed to draw the rest of the frog in as a birthday party game

>> No.17340261

>le funnay 2008 frog meme xD *now available at your local Facebook/Twitter posts!*

>> No.17340264
File: 405 KB, 982x578, frog cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17340350

My mom is crazy. Most of it manifests in her perfectionism, if something isn't done to her expect specifications she flies off the handle and becomes emotionally abusive if she doesn't just start outright crying or screaming. But that only happens when she's making someone else do something for her, namely my dad, because she isn't physically capable of doing a lot of the things she wants done like landscaping or work on the house. Even something as simple as my dad putting an object somewhere she can't find it will set her off. If she fucks up on her own accord, it usually ends in a "tee hee oh well" sort of reaction.
Of course she blames all of this on her upbringing saying that her own parents were like that and played favorites among the siblings. But she does exactly the same thing, one of my sisters is her favorite and we all know it.
What it all boils down to is she emotionally abuses my dad constantly and in front of me and my siblings, and it's usually only directed at him, not us, which is somehow worse because we can't fight back for him without making more problems. My dad is a great person widely beloved by the entire family and all my mom does is beat him down. He doesn't fight back much because it will only make things far, far worse - we've been there. They've been married 35 years and he probably feels there's no way out. My siblings and I discuss it all the time and we've all moved away because mom is so awful to be around, but we feel incredibly guilty for leaving my dad there with her. I think about it every day and once my dad dies (I'm sure he'll go first) I'm pretty much done with mom, she can find her own fucking nursing home to die in.
Thanks anon, this sure was fun.

>> No.17340361
File: 697 KB, 1997x1335, 1618017471183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17340397

Typical narc/codependent relationship. Ur dad needs to leave before she gives him cancer but he won't. Same goes for you

>> No.17340406

you dad got laid and now the toll gets paid
don't cry for him

>> No.17340416

I also agree but the faggot whiney jannies have an irrational fear of pepes and wojaks, it makes them seethe and shit their pants. Watch how the above posts will be deleted for literally no reason.

>> No.17340419

You should start telling off your mother, like literally make her cry. She needs to see people pushing back on this shit. Just about everyone is happy to keep going on like the things they do to hurt others don't count (but everything done to hurt them even slightly does) if they don't receive consequences for it.

>> No.17340439

If I were you I'd get therapy to help develop coping skills for when she flies off the handle. Over time you can try and coax her down off that ledge when she gets emotional because you will have the skills to compartmentalize your own emotions in order to help her in the situation at hand.

Getting an outside mom perspective helps, maybe you can hang out with cousins or friends and ask them how their mom deals with problems. Then use that as proof saying "hey this aint normal mom" or support her like "oh i hear about other people going thru the same, doing the same thing as you in this moment."

Don't alienate your mom while she's still alive. I got friends who still love and take care of their moms even though they are schizo/psycho. It can be done.

>> No.17340457
File: 2.80 MB, 640x448, 1617491189578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody got paid for that.

>> No.17340460


If the last time you had or saw a birthday cake from a supermarket was 25-30 years ago when you were a kid and now you're getting one for your own child, I think you can at least be forgiven for not considering how fucking far standards have fallen

>> No.17340473

lol yeah

>> No.17340492

If I had to pay extra for the design effort I would just laugh and tell them no and still get the cake.

Why not? It's funny. Not funny enough to pay extra for but funny enough to bring home and laugh about with others. This person got their prized viral FB soccer mom post out of it which is more than what a generic frog cake would have given them.

>> No.17340538

>Of course she blames all of this on her upbringing saying that her own parents were like that and played favorites among the siblings. But she does exactly the same thing
Of course she does. Chances are you will be like your mother or father and this will become more evident as you get older. It cannot be helped and I am sure your mother sometimes feels trapped in a well-trodden path that she cannot get out of. If we could easily escape our early habitats and experiences we all would, it isn't that easy. She learned these things from a very young age before a sense of right and wrong or even the ability to question motives was formed. It is embedded in her and you should be a bit more sympathetic; she recognizes her faults by blaming it on her upbringing so she is obviously unhappy with her own reactive behavior.

Your father is not a victim either. He chose and still chooses to be with her and I would bet that his parents had a somewhat similar hierarchy where the mom commanded the father and he just shrugged and said "happy wife, happy life" while treating his wife like a child and bowing to her whims. He grew up seeing his parents act like this and it became a part of his personality and outlook. Do he naturally gravitated towards women who acted like his mother and treated him the way his mother treated his father and the rest is history.

I see this all the time. When you see how couples interact and meet their respective parents you can more often than not see exactly where it came from and how it reflects an intergenerational pattern. I see it in myself and my wife too and it is disturbing when you first realize it but it is quite rational. If you want to be the mature self-aware person you should have deep conversations with your mother not just point fingers at her. Explore her past with her and be patient but identify boundaries and transgressions as they appear instead of holding onto it silently.

>> No.17340548

shut the fuck up you faggoty pseud, lord almighty you are a homosexual

>> No.17340551

Recognizing that people are products of their upbringing isn't being a pseud it is having a minimum self-awareness and ability to recognize basic patterns.

>> No.17340556

I can tell exactly the type of person you are by the projection you expose in a hateful comment. I'm not that anon, btw.

Listen, if you kissed a boy you might actually like it. Nothing wrong with that. Just act on it and try it out sometime, bro.

>> No.17340561

hey scamp, before you were born good folk used to be allowed to call faggots out

>> No.17340563
File: 122 KB, 474x1024, 1641178163885m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omfg u ppl are all the same. Mindless robots

>> No.17340568

20% of men are in the closet

>> No.17340572

the therapist guy is leading a pride parade through this thread

>> No.17340573

>news story about a crappy cake
sounds like the world is doing great if we don't have anything serious to talk about

>> No.17340588

>the woman can't possibly be responsible for her disgusting actions because 'uhh, the world'
>the man is responsible for receiving abuse
you are a giant faggot and will suffer for it

>> No.17340591

>you are a giant faggot and will suffer for it
Narcissists never suffer. That's what they have empaths for

>> No.17340593

Yeah dude, and those people "calling faggots out" all felt bad about being a little gay themselves inside and were too afraid to act on it. So they bottle it up and say "haha ur a fag because of this gay fantasy i thought of"

>> No.17340594

My sisters and I have had discussions with her on many occasions, telling her what she does is wrong and is hard on everyone, taking every approach from kind understanding to angry scolding. She knows it and will usually break down in tears apologizing. The thing is she KNOWS, but nothing changes. My sisters have been harder on her than me in that regard.
I should mention that she also has some sort of paranoia thing going on that's gotten worse over the years, when she was about to retire she was asking me (the "computer nerd") if there was a way to see if her coworkers were going through her files on the work network. She doesn't get along with her siblings and think they're constantly trying to stab her in the back. She's on all kinds of SSRIs too.
I do love her, she's my mom and of course I'm not talking about all of her good qualities. Her siblings are all fucked in the head too and she's taken it upon herself to care for my dying grandmother and has been doing so for years with no help from her family. I had a close friend kill himself not long ago and she did all the things for me a mother should do in that situation. It's just incredibly stressful to be around her because you never know when things will go from good to bad.
I'm not trying to make an excuse for inaction but am just telling it how it is. Maybe I can blame my dad for not leaving but after 35 years and raising 3 children together it is obviously hard to throw it all away.
>his parents had a somewhat similar hierarchy where the mom commanded the father
Absolutely not. My dad's parents were wonderful people and his whole side of the family had very healthy relationships and those that are alive still do. The prototypical nuclear family and no matter how much I dig I can't find any darkness in them. When his parents died my mom took it very hard because, in her own words, it was like losing what she wished her childhood was like.

>> No.17340600

adults aren't the "products" of their upbringing, they are complex beings influenced by a lot of different things and they hold a responsibility to make the right decisions in spite of it all

>> No.17340603

This is true. But now those same folks who called faggots out can freely watch gay pornography in the convenience and anonymity of their own home. They can even use apps to explore their repressed homosexuality instead of tapping on feet in bathroom stalls or wearing a disguise to a gay bar. They don't have to fall back on more risky attempts to satisfy their unbridled curiosity nor do they have to attack openly gay people anymore as a way to throw others off their own trail.

It's a brave new world. You might not be ready to admit the presence of those forbidden thoughts and conflicting feelings let alone act on them but the world is ready when you are. Maybe watching big dick anal porn "for the girls" and occasionally sampling tranny porn will continue to keep you going for a few more years or maybe it won't be enough and you'll become increasingly vocally anti-LGBTQ2. That's up to you and how much you want to get out of this one life and how much you want to be your own man. But I believe in you buddy and I know you'll come to terms with yourself one way or another, I just hope you know that we're rooting for you.

>> No.17340606

>My dad's parents were wonderful
No they weren't

>> No.17340611

>calling people narcissists
Woman detected

>> No.17340616

Life's all about the carrot and the stick. You won't get much by just making her recognize what she is doing is """wrong""", you have to make it so it's an undesirable choice for her. Become unpleasant when she crosses that line, make her not want to do it again.

I will say that at a certain point pushing back starts to become cruel, and she's getting older and less likely to change, but you can't just let her off entirely. It's about finding a moderate approach.

>> No.17340617


>> No.17340618

couple of faggot lovers in here fellas, careful not to turn your back on these two shit packers

>> No.17340623

What is your deal?

>> No.17340624

>Maybe watching big dick anal porn "for the girls" and occasionally sampling tranny porn will continue to keep you going for a few more years
do you actually think this is common behavior? I certainly don't do this

>> No.17340631

The only way to fix Narcissists is to run them over with a bus

>> No.17340633

Do you seriously think a gay dude would want to fuck you? Really, seriously think about that. Because the chances are they wouldn't, don't flatter yourself.

>> No.17340639

Your early formulative years have a long lasting and even permanent effect on who you are as a person. Before you even develop more complex self-awareness and critical thinking capabilities you have subconsciously accumulated and accommodated experiences, thoughts and values. Therefore who you are predates your ability to choose and question.

Why do you think people are so conflicted and complex? It is because they are fighting with these ingrained notions, responses and beliefs that took root before they could choose or label or scrutinize things. We are absolutely products of our upbringing, which does not mean we are stuck in a rut but rather that we have to be aware and sometimes battle our inner desires and thoughts because they might be rooted in early learned behaviors not what is right or how we want to be in the present.

Denying that you are a product of your upbringing is angsty teen-tier thinking.

>> No.17340641

You realize that "narcissist" is basically just a buzzword that gets used to mean "person I find mean", right? Mental disorders aren't very well defined in general but narcissism is barely definable at all.

>> No.17340643

either calling you a faggot is an insult or it isn't, you seem to be straddling both sides... seems a little queer to me

>> No.17340645

>TFW Pepe is older than most people on this board

>> No.17340648

>Narcissists don't exist
I know you Narcissists think everybody is easily brainwashed. Do the world a favor and kill yourself. U are the cancer of the planet

>> No.17340652

>Denying that you are a product of your upbringing is angsty teen-tier thinking.
denying you are also a product of your adult experiences, your self-inflicted mental experiences, your current financial and social position, whatever happened in the past few days, etc. is 'female in a freshmen psychology course'-tier thinking

>> No.17340655

>permanent effect
Did you know bpds have higher success rates of being "normal" than npds?

>> No.17340659


>> No.17340663

I'm gonna come to your house and kiss the shit outta you (in minecraft)

Love you, til next time.

>> No.17340672

delete this one too, homo

>> No.17340678

>Absolutely not. My dad's parents were wonderful people and his whole side of the family had very healthy relationships and those that are alive still do. The prototypical nuclear family and no matter how much I dig I can't find any darkness in them. When his parents died my mom took it very hard because, in her own words, it was like losing what she wished her childhood was like.

You place your father and his family on a pedestal and bestow upon them unrealistic qualities. This fits into your evil (mother) versus good (father) dichotomy. Your father is a wonderful, modest great man whose only flaw is the desire to take care of his wife even when it is not in his own best interests and involves being the beast of burden and whipping boy to that terrible harpy.

At some level your father likes it and you should talk to him about it, delicately of course. If he did not learn this from his own parents' relationship than there is something inside him alone that compels him to tolerate and even enjoy this behavior on some level. Perhaps he gets off on being the thankless caregiver or being dominated. Or he accepts being the submissive husband because there is the odd time where he gets to play the protector and assert his manliness (eg sexually).

Have you ever asked him why he puts up with your mother? If so did it ever get deeper than "aw well you know your mom..." or something along those lines?

>> No.17340684

I'm not him and I'm not a raging homophobe but homosexuality is sincerely not healthy behavior. Odds are you aren't one of the few who is actually day due to inborn traits but rather one who is simply a hypersexual with repressed issues due to being molested or otherwise messed up in the head at a young age. Seek professional help, this isn't good for you.

>> No.17340695

I'm not denying this. But the early formulative experiences and patterns laid down are the foundations that our later experiences are laid down upon. You are not a constant blank slate being rewritten with each experience or day.

Have you had a dog especially a puppy vs older rescue dog? What they learn as a puppy extends throughout their lives and the same holds true for us. We just fancy ourselves as too complex, deep and internally regulated to be strongly affected by things beyond our control. This is why you push back against the idea that your childhood and parents had an intense effect on who you are today.

>> No.17340716

>This is why you push back against the idea that your childhood and parents had an intense effect on who you are today.
No, I don't. They did. But there is way more to it and even at the age of 23 while still living with them I take responsibility for dealing with the psychological situation I inherited from them. I don't have unlimited power to change my internal workings but I have some, and I have quite a lot more power to change how I handle tangible situations outside of my own mind.

>> No.17340726

I don't really think saying "im gonna kiss you" is hypersexual, but thank you for your feedback. I am going to hug my bro then. Also you sound like a repressed homophobe if you think giving a shit about what brain chemicals do in nature.

That other comment I had had one key misspelling, a classic blunder in an online text rebuttal, and I couldn't let that low hanging fruit be part of anon response. Too boring and lame.

>> No.17340740

being an actual homosexual is hypersexual. I don't care if you kiss your bro whatever the reason is, but having sex with men is not healthy behavior.

As far I can tell, it basically just comes down to these people having way too powerful libidos and a desire for more dirty sex and they know that women lack the stamina and tastes to help them along with it so they do it with men.

>> No.17340755

We aren't in any disagreement. I never said that who you are is unchanging and solely molded by your early years. Rather they have a disproportionate effect on our development and personalities: your first 5 years have almost surely had more of an impact than the last 5 in terms of core personality, outlook and reactions.

Even you admit that you've inherited 'psychological situations' from your parents and it is not trivial to escape them and that it is something you must 'deal with'. Most people are never aware of this and some actively deny it for various reasons which simply means they live with inner turmoil and conflict that remains unresolved.

I try to make the undesirable traits inherited by my parents extinct by not exposing my young children to them but it is not easy. But in the absence of a perfect upbringing we can give our children the tools and level of awareness to better themselves, which I suppose my parents did although not purposefully.

>> No.17340766

>As far I can tell, it basically just comes down to these people having way too powerful libidos and a desire for more dirty sex and they know that women lack the stamina and tastes to help them along with it so they do it with men.
Not a homo but I think it is a bit deeper than that. Many (most?) gays are physically and emotionally attracted to their own sex it isn't just about who can fuck with them the hardest and longest. Same goes for lesbians.

>> No.17340779

pretty good

>> No.17340788

I mean, if you spend a lot of time around someone, let alone fuck them, you develop a certain attachment to them. I don't get the sense that homosexual relationships are really 'love' by any meaningful standard, they're more alliances.

>> No.17340792

but one in which getting stabbed in the back is an expectation not treachery

>> No.17340797

Quit trying to psychoanalyze people you have never met. You're coming to the conclusion that because my dad puts up with my mom that there must be some terrible responsibility on his own family when that isn't the case at all. Nobody's perfect and I don't meant to imply my dad is, his family has had their problems which have all been laid out on the table but I have no reason to lie here about that family's character. People like that do exist anon, not everyone has some incredibly dark past that fucks them up forever or makes them into some sort of sex pervert.
You think I don't have these talks with my dad? The reason he deals with my mom is because of the effect leaving her would have on everyone else, namely us kids and their grandkids. And none of us are exactly going to encourage them to go through a nasty divorce. There are good times with her, it's just that the bad ones stand out more.
I don't mind discussing my family's issues but if you're going to keep blaming the victim by implying my mom's abusive tendencies are the fault of my father and his family I'm not going to humor you anymore.

>> No.17340800


>> No.17340802

This, it's very much possible for a boomer to just be a generic pussy. There doesn't have to be much more to it.

>> No.17340849

Your father isn't a victim and you are seeing their relationship as an outsider. Yes you are their child and yes you have grown up seeing their interactions but children do not have total perception of the intricacies and nuances that comprise their parents' spousal relationship.

I did not say your dad is a sex pervert or has a deep dark past rather there is some motive for him staying with your mother. It is one thing to stay with your wife in a loveless marriage for the young kids but to use this excuse as your children become adults and even parents themselves approaches absurdity.

Like you said, he has good times with her. So stop thinking you know the full story and drop the fantasies of saving your father from his wife's grasp. If it was as bad as you make it out then your father would have left or you and your siblings would have encouraged him to leave. There are many browbeaten husbands on this planet and while it may not be their ideal situation they choose to be there by their own accord.

Don't use your father's relationship with his wife as a way to rationalize your anger at your mother for favoring your sister and making you feel inadequate.