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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17471829 No.17471829 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most disgusting bone-apple-teeth viola meal you could imagine, that would actually warrant a death squad?
My idea would be a pizza with mustard base and frankfurter rings on top.

>> No.17471832

American """""cheese"""""" on anything

>> No.17471840

in b4 1950s jello salads

>> No.17471847

Chocolate chips instead of dried fruit in things like panettone or hot cross buns.

Yesterday I read the comments on a HTB recipe and the woman was talking about replacing the fruit with chocolate chips and it made me IRRATIONALLY angry.

>> No.17471855

Im midwest and all the old grandmas made "salads" that were basically deserts. Full of marshmellows and junk

>> No.17471856

I knew a guy that put catsup on practically everything he ate. Steak, chicken, Mexican food, pizza, salad, mac and cheese, etc. . ..
I'm disgusted just remembering him.

>> No.17471863

korean food

>> No.17471868

I don't really care about ketchup, but one of my cousins would put ketchup on rice. I actually tried it, and it was awful to me

>> No.17471876

I knew a girl that did that with ranch. Cute girl but that was a turn off. Plus she was a self centered bitch

>> No.17471886

>Plus she was a self centered bitch
implying that's not a normal womanly trait.

>> No.17471936
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Get a load of this faggot.
I would honestly send to the gulag anyone eating straight up weird shit like horse, alligators, eels, etc

>> No.17471954

gator isn't bad
just normal reptile meat

>> No.17471965

All those meats are normal. Ive eaten like 2 out of the 3 you listed.

>> No.17471966
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>t. Gena

>> No.17471976

You've never had a godzilla roll from Generic Sushi Restaraunto™?

>> No.17471987

Fuck you eel is one of the best tasting fish

>> No.17471996
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talk to me about this
t. yuro

>> No.17472009
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Horse and eel are fairly common, alligator is a bit odd but mostly because it would be hard to farm.

>> No.17472016

I grilled tofu in Korean bbq sauce last week, covered it in Sriracha and dipped it in peanut butter. Shit was cash

>> No.17472035

Ambrosia is one you can look up. I remember a church here did a chiclen noodle lunch for a fundraiser. The cooking was done by a bunch of old ladies. It came with your choice of salad which were different combinations of jellos and marshmellow things

>> No.17472119


>> No.17472164
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>a pizza with mustard base and frankfurter rings on top.
Do americans really?

>> No.17472177

I'll eat all my leftovers cold, right out the fridge. It started with pizza and spiralled downwards as I realized I really don't care that much about anything any more. Hot dogs? Lightly fried fish fillets? Mac&Cheese? Beef stew? Whatever. I'll eat it all cold. It's fine. I'm okay.

>> No.17472187

literally the first kind of real solid food given to infants. if you order this past age 12 you're a fucking faggot tho

>> No.17472215


>> No.17472223

Heat detracts from the taste, leftovers ftw.

>> No.17472248

none of those things are weird you dunce

>> No.17472252

I have been already loading up within the first few seconds and it has only gotten worse since.
I tried to understand the extremely obese burgertubers with their disgustoid recipes, then the lonely housewife with her (7 glugs) "bit" of vodka in a cocktail, fine by me, btw. Hell, even biting cheese or spooning mayo as a snack...

But this, this might just be the reason Id side with Putin.

Im gonna give you ONE more benefit of the doubt, Im hoping the general populace does not consume this way (Im gonna disregard poptarts and cereal with beer for the moment).
You dont have to answer to noone, but goddamn, if I had a healthcare this shitty, Id probably wouldnt be turning shit up to this level of personal health disregard, know what I mean?

>> No.17472260

Tell me how this is any different from putting sausage on 'za

>> No.17472262

that's not even American unless mit kase and tiefkuhlung are now English words.

>> No.17472272

They might be, Americans don't speak English after all.

>> No.17472274

>Mike Mitchells
>german description
Which chain sells this hell on earth?

>> No.17472276

>kraft singles is American cheese

>> No.17472302

We sure as fuck don't speak Czech.

>> No.17472304

ranch works well with a lot of dishes, i put ranch powder in mash potatoes, mac & cheese, i dip my pizza crust in ranch dip and buffalo chicken. Oddly enough i don't like ranch on salad

>> No.17472307

it's chewy land fish

>> No.17472310

Chicken goulash
Pork knuckle in panko breading
Picked cucumber boiled
Pizza with pineapple

>> No.17472316

Mike Mitchell's is a German food company that sells exotic-branded american style food with a stereotypically American name. I've never seen anyone in the US use mustard as a pizza base.

>> No.17472324

i live 5 miles from a alligator farm

>> No.17472325

I put a raw egg in an old roommates milk carton because I didn't like his mannerisms. I feel terrible about that as an adult.

>> No.17472434

I used to completely drain my ramen, then whisk in the whole season packet with a fork, and eat it straight out of the pot standing in my kitchen, two blocks at a time.

>> No.17472578

Gator tail is fucking delicious and you sir are a faggot.

>> No.17472650

In NZ Dominos used to make a hotdog pizza. I think it had cut up hotdgos, mustard, kethcup, cheese, and I'm pretty sure there were fries on it.

>> No.17472655

I hate when I think I'm getting a chocolate chip cookie and it's raisin, but if I bite into a hotcross bun and it's chocolate chips instead of sultanas I'll hot cross fuck this place up.

>> No.17472741

Can we just agree that all the posters ITT and their countries could just be nuked in preparing fot the next level of globohomo?

>> No.17472749

do we really need more food gore threads

>> No.17472858

anything with blue cheese

>> No.17472965

i had a cubano pizza that had mustard, ham, pickel and pulled pork once it was nice

>> No.17472977

>likes american cheese
>dislikes 'exotic' meat
I had a guinea pig to rehome last year. Was tempted to skin and roast 'im.
had a nice slow cooked rabbit stew too, plus organ meat in tomato base is 10/10

>> No.17472986
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What kind of retard hates eels? They're unsustainable because people like eating them so much in the first place

>> No.17472988

>pizza with mustard base and frankfurter rings on top.
make it dijon and that basically how I was sausages anyways

>> No.17472999

this, certain fatty products taste better cold.

>> No.17473002

t. fucked up cooking gator

>> No.17473009
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>that basically how I was sausages anyways

>> No.17473419

chocolate pandoro >>>>
dont @ me

>> No.17473428
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>chocolate pandoro

>> No.17473499

i'm a FL swamp rat and the only way i ever had it where it wasn't chewy was in a stew