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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17544620 No.17544620 [Reply] [Original]

what a fucking joke of a "chef"

>> No.17544627

what even is that food?
a whole chicken with clovers on it?

>> No.17544629
File: 36 KB, 312x280, 1644024750719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Michelin stars do YOU have?

>> No.17544646

It's always funny to see anons denigrate Übermensch that have achieved heights beyond their comprehension. He has more greatness in his left nut than this entire board.

>> No.17544660

very weak and piss-soaked trolling anon. pls stay on topic and post about food or cooking

>> No.17545357

>michelin starred chef makes this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q0zGE-Iboc
just because he has michelin stars doesn't mean he isn't a retard

>> No.17545383
File: 573 KB, 1440x2397, Screenshot_20220312-090741_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jamaicans seething in the comments is divine. Multiple comments about washing chicken. Lol.

>> No.17545401

it's their choice, really

>> No.17545414

how does a left nut have greatness

>> No.17545421

You can splash bacteria around your sink for no reason if you like, but you don't have to, it's your choice

>> No.17545432

>call it rice and peas
>in actual recipes they use beans

>> No.17545434
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>OP outs himself as a seething third worlder
don't you have some chicken to pointlessly wash?

>> No.17545435

Watercress I think

>> No.17545438

Why is a thinly veiled ad used as a skill test for chefs? He shows up, cooks a low effort meal and collects his cheque and you guys can't stop seething about it

>> No.17545476
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, 1644615346551.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your three michelin stars bro, now eat your food off a fucking ceiling tile

>> No.17545500

Marco got 3 stars off of 3-4 course meals you idiotic know nothing.

>> No.17545503

grant got 3 stars off of throwing random ingredients on ceiling tiles and charging customers $285 to eat off them

>> No.17545529

hello, OP here I made this thread to make fun of Marco's series of videos where he shills knorr products. I am sure he is quite the competent cook though probably not as good as the meth head who works at my local Waffle House

>> No.17545535

The thing is though, many black people wash chicken with fucking BLEACH.

>> No.17546337

mpw is a fucking hack

>> No.17546345

True, but he's not bad for a limey.

>> No.17546348

Is that Claude bessey?

>> No.17546395

Would Alinea be famous if the chef didn't have an interesting tug-at-your-heartstrings sort of story

>> No.17546407

>2cups of water for every 1 cup of rice

>> No.17546888

I fucking love this guy
I love his explanations which are clearly steeped in tradition, what he was told growing up and what he was told apprenticing in kitchens and later the ones he thought up himself
I fucking hate 'food science' bullshit and I wish I could be initiated into the french restaurant tradition
Also he's completely right about stockpots, I don't use knorr but I use my local brand and they're great aside from having to adjust the seasoning which is a problem cause I can only taste my seasoning and don't really intuitively know how much I need to season

>> No.17546899

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17546905

Also seeing people try to characterise him as some kind of out of touch man who isn't aware of the realities of home cooking while at the same time skewering him for shilling for knorr makes me so fucking angry
Fucking cunts, he had a tough life growing up and he knows what it's like
No I'm allowed to rant all I want

>> No.17546908

Its called being a has been. Nothing wrong with retiring but these people go and degenerate what they did in youth. All this means is "help, my job didn't provide a 401k"h8xxj

>> No.17546923

you're fat and stupid

>> No.17546930

My bmi is 21 and I'm not stupid

>> No.17546941

This a really sad way to look at life. Are you okay, friend?

>> No.17546973

Nothing wrong with despising public figures who are desperate for ongoing attention when they have nothing left to offer. Especially when they were never interesting to begin with.

>> No.17546988

I know for a fact you wouldn't go back into a kitchen as a head chef if you were in his shoes.

Did you know that ignorance makes your opinion inferior to those without?

>> No.17547015

Do you think he'd ever bother cooking the kinds of meals he cooked at his restaurant for guests or his family?

>> No.17547035

Maybe simplified versions.

>> No.17547062
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its your choice to like me

>> No.17547158

It's just a regional dialect thing, like how some places call it soda and some places says pop.

>> No.17547172

that's bullshit, but i believe it

>> No.17547278

>has been
>makes more money on shitty endorsements than you will your entire working life

>> No.17547285
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>Can I get this in a doggy bag to go bro?

>> No.17548670

you made that up

>> No.17548688

All of you leave this poor man alone. He's done nothing to you.

>> No.17549266

there is literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.17549277

Dumb argument. Capitalism is a broken reward system. We've known this for decades.

>> No.17549834

>not understanding the proportuon needed to cook rice

>> No.17549839

All the meat you buy in a grocery store in America has been washed with bleach

>> No.17549857
File: 2.95 MB, 640x800, 1645498740041.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh michelin stars
>this retard has 3

>> No.17549866

No he doesn't, you FAS baby.

>> No.17549977

i would bust my ass working just so one day i can be hired as a cook in alinea, then when its my turn to be part of the seven dudes plating this up i just go with my hard cock swinging around and cum on it with all my grace and glory. my lifes work

>> No.17550180

Hi Marco

>> No.17550187
File: 61 KB, 356x358, 42p4z2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make stock out of chefs!? FUCK

>> No.17550197

if grant saw you do that he'd probably add that experience to his menu and charge customers extra

>> No.17550211

Black person here. What the fuck? No.

>> No.17550496
File: 5 KB, 141x141, 1507558630445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell nah, where the fuck you hear that from?

>> No.17550524

It looks so goddamn nasty and that chicken is undercooked. This man didn't cook what ever he said he was going to cook

>> No.17551720

it's a real thing with american blacks

>> No.17551734

That's soap, not bleach, and the point of the video is he's doing it wrong.

>> No.17551753

>That's soap, not bleach
like niggers know the difference
>the point of the video is he's doing it wrong
pretty sure its foreal, either way there's literal montages of this shit

>> No.17551767

Now you've posted a video of a guy who doesn't normally wash chicken at all, only does it because the viewers told him to, and again gets ridiculed because he thought they meant to use soap.

>> No.17551797

yes and tons of blacks continue to wash their chicken with soap or bleach. They don't have any understanding of food safety which is why they burn the fuck out of their steaks too, they'll be sure to level it out with dat seazoning doe

>> No.17551813

Honestly, why do so many people care about what a car company thinks about food?

>> No.17551826

It's a tire company. They care because it's the most respected rating in the world.

>> No.17551832

like all bad things in the world, blame the french

>> No.17553430

I trust the michelin man with my life

>> No.17553488

That does look disgusting lol

>> No.17553572

A long time ago they made a travel guide. That's how it started, but at this point it doesn't matter. It has a reputation. I'd rather have an accolade with some tradition behind it than have 1000 different awards made by modern food bloggers.

>> No.17555226

This is true. But niggers are retarded though, so they're kinda excused

>> No.17555233


>> No.17557203

fuck you marco i'm glad your sons turned out to be pieces of shit

>> No.17557219

in Jamaica they use the term washing but what they actually mean is brining

>> No.17557223

>talks shit about gordons scrambled eggs
>he takes half an hour and are still best eaten with a straw
yeah, nah

>> No.17557236


Wrong, but maybe not completely in the purest sense of a brine.