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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 372 KB, 1600x900, long knife cocoa pod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17641031 No.17641031 [Reply] [Original]

And how do I get it?

>> No.17641037

a thread for racists, nice

>> No.17641043

This thread didn't really end up being that funny the last time you did it. Why not do something else with your Saturday

>> No.17641100

>Unaware of the child labor and forced labor involved in their choccy bar

>> No.17641104

Cashews are pretty terrible but coffee and sugar have to be the worst. Full on cartel

>> No.17641129

>Implying I care
>Implying Id stop eating chocolate if all the producers went ethical and started paying 1st world wages (by raising prices for consumers
Don't blame the consumer, I don't care about africans, I don't care about price of chocolate either same way drinkers and smokers pay a fortune to sustain their addiction.

>> No.17641143

Nestle has deep pockets and the lawyers "representing" the poor children know they can make a buck off it.

>> No.17641157

So buy more chocolate, but the top quality stuff instead because nestle is just shitty quality

>> No.17641159

go back to /pol u shill, the child labor makes my coffee just that much more special and who are you to guilt trip me against it

>> No.17641160

I'd say shark fin soup.
> be a shark
>things are going swimmingly
>hauled up in net
>fins are chopped off
>thrown back in water to drift aimlessly until other sharks devour me
Kill an entire apex predator species just so you can get a couple of ounces of flavorless cartilage per.

>> No.17641164

they look absolutely disgusting

>> No.17641169

>Kill an entire apex predator species just so you can get a couple of ounces of flavorless cartilage per.
This level of based is why the chinese are going to win

>> No.17641173

What's stupid about the lawsuit is that Nestle is no more guilty than literally any and every other chocolate producer.

If the envirowhacko groups want to go save the nogs, they should go there and set up schools or something. But they won't because they just want to scam cash from their supporters and hope for an even bigger payoff if some activist judge throws them a win.

>> No.17641175

Whaddayagonnado, right? Gotta use them to get cocoa pods. It's not like the industry could train monkeys in a cost-effective manner.

>> No.17641182

They are not the food product in the image, so no worries

>> No.17641185

some workers don’t even get gloves when de-shelling cashews

>> No.17641188

I only buy chocolate that I like(and it happens to be mainly cheap milk chocolate made by nestle and similar producers). Why would I buy some expensive ultra premium exclusive chocolate that tastes like dirt?

>> No.17641189

Anyone who actually cared would cease to consume chocolate, coffee, tea, palm oil, etc. but instead they made up another money funnel of "fair trade". How do you know it's fair trade? Trust me, bro. I got a sticker that says so.

>> No.17641190

You guys I just read eight threads on Reddit about United Fruit Company, you will never guess what they did.

>> No.17641193

Store brand Lidl hazelnut chocolate bars are the best. They used to be under a dollar per giant bar but inflation happened.

>> No.17641206

all workers are given gloves and told to wear them, when supervisor is noy watching/not there majority of workers remove them because they find it easier and faster to work without, when shit happens they then get fired because not following health and safety rules and complain how unethical the company for firing blacks

>> No.17641218

I posted this >>17638745
Absolutely god tier and also cheap.
When posh chocolatiers can produce something that comes close them I will consider buying their chocolate

>> No.17641219

not all of them

>> No.17641231

lol. It's just like when south american grains got trendy amongst rich lefties so USA bought up all the grain supply of impoverished peoples.

>> No.17641246

Kek this
>buy all supply
muh evil whitey
>stop buying
Muh evil whitey

>> No.17641248

>evil whitey
they’re talking about evil vegans

>> No.17641252

All whiteys are evil

>> No.17641264

>But it’s not as simple as boycotting the nut altogether, as the millions of cashew workers around the world rely on keeping their jobs.
As though it's my job to keep random women in India employed?

>> No.17641270

Sorry to hear that you're ugly

>> No.17641272

it’s not just women, they just focus on women to grab attention, because apparently no one cares about the male workers who get no gloves.

>> No.17641273

Shark fin soup

>> No.17641281

Still not my job to keep them employed

>> No.17641366



>> No.17641425

human flesh

>> No.17641439

>No Mayan copypasta
Huge dissapoint

>> No.17641444

So an actual answer: ortalan.
>gouge out the birds eyes
>put it in a cage filled with food so all it can do is eat and get fat
>once it is fat enough, drown it in absinthe and bake
>serve whole with the bone in
You have to put a napkin over your head while you eat this to hide your sin from God.

>> No.17641523

I thought that's what they did..?

>> No.17641538

the plant it comes from is in the same family as poison ivy

>> No.17641541
File: 760 KB, 1908x1146, 11829732-0-image-a-4_1554327151257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fruit is caustic and the farmers are too stupid/poor to wear gloves or cover their hands.

>> No.17641616

Literally dont care. I live in USA and Id be fine with bombing 3rd world children if it keeps my coffee 50 cents cheaper

animals are property so I don't see why this is a problem, but I wouldn't do it myself Id feel bad.

>> No.17641629

>animals are property
no, they’re our friends <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/f93f9e5a_AYAYA.png">

>> No.17641647

There was a hilarious story about leftist labor activist groups back in the 1980s bringing some girl up from El Salvador to testify in front of Congress about her working conditions in a garment factory. So, she sits there and tells Congress about how little she's paid and how long her working hours are, and is thanked for her testimony, and she goes out into the hallway with the labor activist commies, and they congratulate her and are all high-fiving each other because, thanks to her testimony, it looked like Congress was going to pass trade restrictions to prohibit the "exploitation of workers in Latin America". And the girl flips her lid because she didn't understand that that was the point behind the activists bringing her there -- she was PROUD of having that job and working hard, because if the U.S. shuts down that trade then she and all of her friends at work are going to be unemployed and have to become prostitutes to survive.

>> No.17641710

High earning thirty year old white male with a large family long pig.

>> No.17641712

>What is the least ethical food?
I have no idea the "ethicalness" of something is not even a reason I consider in buying something.

>> No.17642257

>these people actually exist

>> No.17642284

It's hilarious. No race-related anything was mentioned in OP and the image is relevant to the debate surrounding the ethics of food and luxury food- chocolate, specifically. Those two tards are on such a hair trigger that the mere sight of a niglet sent them into a frothing anti-racist rage.

>> No.17642294

Meanwhile, only one of those posts mentions race. How does your foot feel now that you've shot it?

>> No.17642298

Look I summoned him! Is diversity your strength?

>> No.17642322

is putin force-feeding me ukranian pierogies?

>> No.17642361
File: 428 KB, 710x827, Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 7.38.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the mercury

>> No.17642369

can non-whites even differentiate us from ((them))? imagine we look the same to them
>asking here cause banned on /tv/

>> No.17642379

There is noting wrong with being racist. Go back to Twitter faggot.

>> No.17642434

I'd expect that middle easterners can. It has to be a bit of a survival thing to them.
On topic: halal slaughter is awful to watch. Just put the animal out of its misery asap.

>> No.17642470

as it happens I stopped eating pork cause [vaguely ethical stuff]
mostly eat canned fish now if any meat at all

>> No.17642484

lol. This is why you make bacon-including dishes for social events. I'd love to raise hogs, maybe have a field of sunchokes or turnips for them to root around in. That would be ethical food.

>> No.17642505

I wouldn't trust you to host such a complicated event 2bh

>> No.17642520

In parts of China and Cambodia, there is a dish made with pork that's based on an ancient dish that used human meat (Human meat is good for the soul in traditional Chinese medicine). If you know the right people, you can still get the "authentic" version.

>> No.17642530

Spooky stories to tell over chinese takeout

>> No.17642541

>There is noting wrong with being racis
Yes there is. If you think you are genetically superior to all other racists, you're fucked in the head. But you probably don't think like that. You probably just prefer your culture to others. That's not racist.

>> No.17642550

>get banned for 3 days because I complimented "wetbacks" on making jarritos taste good
>this thread is fine though
Fuck you too fucking tranny mods, ban me all you want but YWNBAW

>> No.17642555

>flavorless cartilage
They bake it in the sun and douse it with ammonia. It tastes like ammonia. It's disgusting and actually toxic.

>> No.17642561

I think there's some sort of squash or melon typically used to imitate the texture when they can't get the real thing. It's probably better for you.

>> No.17642567

You literally described racism. It's a preference for your group over other groups.

>> No.17642568

Get your chocolate at Aldi. I don't think it's any more/less ethical, but it's good cheap German/Hungarian chocolate. Walmart sell Lindt bars for cheap too.

You're welcome.

>> No.17642577

It is easy to obtain in africa except you might get meat of some african hiv infected prostitute.

>> No.17642580

So you don't disembowel the bird before cooking? The meat is basted in stomach bile and bird shit?

>> No.17642583

yeah, a classic of edgy dishes. I don't think they gouge their eyes out anymore though, just put them somewhere dark
goose liver involves force-feeding animals, which is pretty bad I think

>> No.17642585

>animals are property
It's rude to torture conscious things. If you're gonna kill an animal, do it as fast and painless as possible.

>> No.17642603

Anon, why do you think so many Chinese prisoners get harvested for their organs and limbs? Do you think EVERY one of those organs is used for transplants? No. The new money in china wants to live/eat like the ancient emperors. Shocking food is popular, too. Mix an ancient recipe only meant for the emperor with shock-value food, and you have an explosion of cannibalism among the Chinese elite.

>> No.17642604

A formerly amish guy I know raised a few dozen chickens for meat. He had to bring them to a guy he paid to slaughter them. He pushed them all into a cage, lifted it with his skid steer partly on a truck bed, and then pushed the cage all the way in. After doing so, all of the chickens were freaking out and a dozen or so severed legs were left on the ground. He hadn't bothered to put down any floor inside the cage some of their legs had stuck out and were taken off by the tailgate. He says he didn't know, but knowing him, he just didn't care.

>> No.17642608

Ethnocentrism isn't racism. Racism is the belief in genetic superiority. It's racist to say indians are poor because they are genetically inferior. It's not racist to say indians are poor because of a fucked up caste system.

>> No.17642615

There's no "might"

>> No.17642630

Geese don't have the same throats as us. They don't have a gag reflex. They love getting food poured down their gullet, and (like every other animal, including humans) they enjoy the feeling of being full/"stuffed".

>> No.17642646

If the employer was serious about wanting them to wear gloves they would pay an hourly wage capable of living off. There would then be bonuses for quantity shelled.

Rather than paying only on quantity shelled which of course leads to employees not wearing ppe which slows them down.

>> No.17642692
File: 732 KB, 669x962, 2878D363-AA5D-41A9-B85D-7FEB7385E034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the least ethical food
>how do I get it
It’s almost impossible to get decent veal nowadays

>> No.17643538

racism is fine, using words commonly accepted to be racial slurs is lazy and not really shocking to anyone, you have to put more effort into your racist posts here

>> No.17643542

>If you think you are genetically superior to all other racists, you're fucked in the head.

I don't think my race is superior to all others, however I think there is one race that is clearly inferior to all others

>> No.17643568

its not that they are too stupid, it's that the gloves slow them down and they get paid per kilo.

So yeah it's more that they are too poor.

>> No.17643575

Veal isn't really that unethical. I have seen people raising veal calves on nice pasture. Bob veal is kind of fucked up because it's newborn, but then again if you're eating cheese it usually contains rennet from the stomachs of newborn calves.

Most butcher shops have veal. IDK what your definition of decent is.

>> No.17643581

Probably something endangered, or a common pet animal.
Bonus points if it's both, but nothing comes to mind.

>> No.17643707

If it's a common pet, it's unlikely to be endangered because well, it's then common. Pet-endangered overlap would be rare fish and exotic animals.
Veal serves the purpose of not wasting the lives of male dairy cattle, and it likely came about by farmers not having enough room to take care of a less-than-useful livestock in the standard way. It's not a happy moment, but it's definitely understandable when you consider that farmers of the past had to struggle to survive and do everything by hand.

>> No.17643722 [DELETED] 

I buy palm oil because I know the lives of millions of brown people are brutally destroyed to make it.

>> No.17643730

It's like how some people buy krugerands exclusively

>> No.17643736
File: 75 KB, 650x650, 1,width=650,height=650,appearanceId=63,backgroundColor=ffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how all of these 'moral' policies go out the door the second they are inconvenient

>> No.17644150

>racism is thinking one race is more capable than another
No, then everyone is racist because it's mainstream knowledge that jews have higher IQs than other races (because of their genetics). True "racism" is about how you morally value people wrt their race. It's racist to say that black people matter less than whites or asians. However, it's not racist to say asians are more intelligent than black people on average.

>> No.17644762

Anything that advertises itself as vegan, the vilest things are those that stand against what it means to be human

>> No.17644804

That made me sad.

>> No.17644811

Based Chinese elite

>> No.17644818

i'd go and stop it ONLY if i am in an all white mercenary band in rhodesian kit

and if we can commit some pillaging along the way

>> No.17644850

>be poor
>make dumb short term decisions
>be poorer

>> No.17645221

No racism outside of /b/ is literally one of the global rules, newfag.

>> No.17645224 [DELETED] 


>> No.17645488

it's dying either way, what difference does it make?

>> No.17645568

Swordfish and veal.

Possibly clubbed baby seal and spotted owl too.

>> No.17645709

Anything with a kosher certification

>> No.17645716


>> No.17645718

Jewish communities exhibit higher IQ scores because of the culture they grow up in.
Just as black American's thrive in certain sports because of the culture they grow up in, or Italians thrive in trades because you get the point... the genetics follow that path. If you took a Jewish born kid and raise them like an italian farmer, they'd most likely thrive at being a farmer.

It just so happens that Jewish culture is hell bent on becoming desk successful and money driven.

>> No.17645730
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images.jpeg-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme answer is of course the Ortolan. An endangered songbird captured from the wild, fed enough grain to double in weight, drowned in liquor, and then roasted and eaten whole.

>> No.17645736

You forgot they got their eyes poked out.

>> No.17645741

I like quinoa because of it's ecdysteroid content and am not a leftist, so it all works out.

>> No.17645771

This is a convenient fiction for a Jew to believe. In truth, IQ scores are never a reflection of culture or upbringing or even education.

The right often refer to this kind of Boazian gobbledygook as 'magic soil theory': the idea that you can pluck a sub-Saharan Bantu Congoloid child, ferry him over to an apex civilization, and somehow this act alone will imbue him with magical potential beyond that of his mud hut dwelling co-ethnics back in his primitive homeland.

It's a fundamentally reductive and misanthropic attitude which denies much of the uniqueness of the human experience. The implication is that we would all be the same if not for the arbitrariness of our environments. We are not the same. The Bantu Congoloid ought to celebrate his difference from myself, just as I celebrate my difference from him.

Jews love to reduce and dismiss the authentic identity of gentiles because they think gentiles are rightfully their slaves, and if they can trick gentiles into forgoing their authentic identity, then the gentiles are one step closer to becoming the hollowed out golem the Jews see them as.

I see you there Shlomo.

>> No.17645945

There're plenty of seed companies that sell various colors of quinoa, so you can grow your own if ethics or sketchy food growing/processing practices are an issue for you.

>> No.17645972

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17646381

hello faggot.
which app did you use to get here?

>> No.17646383

the absolute irony of this post

>> No.17646387


>> No.17646401
File: 1.83 MB, 368x480, 1625407510775.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what Chinese people do

>> No.17646434
File: 62 KB, 1300x650, in-quentin-tarantinos-once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood-mike-moh_4mzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they were chopped off little Asian dicklets before I opened it

>> No.17646445
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>> No.17646456

and getting injured doesn't slow them down?

>I buy palm oil because I know the lives of millions of brown people are brutally destroyed to make it.
holy based

isn't this the guy who ate his own arm? he is half-retarded and gets his income from shock value content, hardly a great indication of the average chink

>> No.17646465

>The birds are caught with nets set during their autumn migratory flight to Africa. They are then kept in covered cages or boxes. The birds react to the dark by gorging themselves on grain, usually millet seed, until they double their bulk. The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac, which both drowns and marinates the birds.[13][14]
>The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, with or without the head, and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird. The purpose of the towel is debated. Some claim it is to retain the maximum aroma with the flavour as they consume the entire bird at once, others have stated "Tradition dictates that this is to shield – from God’s eyes – the shame of such a decadent and disgraceful act",[13] and others have suggested the towel simply hides the consumers spitting out bones.[15] This use of the towel was begun by a priest, a friend of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.[16]
Reading about these things is a nice reminder that there's no such thing as civilization.

>> No.17646466

So they kill based and cool sharks and don't even make good food out of it, that really sucks

>> No.17646475
File: 475 KB, 700x500, 1534058325694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board really does have some of the worst and dumbest jannies

the French aren't human

>> No.17646482

so are trannies with 121 average iq ubermensch?

>> No.17646503

The bell curve called and it wants a word with you.

>> No.17646920

Ubermensch or overman is a Nietzschean term. Maybe ask a Nietzschean scholar this question? Seems irrelevant to me.

Jews believe they are 'God's chosen people' and that gentiles only exist to serve them. Maybe ask a Jew if being a tranny with a 121 IQ qualifies someone as 'God's chosen person'?

>> No.17647589
File: 178 KB, 1200x785, 1649024987797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't care about brown people, it's probably ortolan.
Ortolans are fattened up by keeping them in the dark where they stress-eat to the brink of death, then drowned in cognac, and the entire fucking bird is eaten whole, beak and feet and all. The birds are endangered and it's the only culinary tradition I know of that is fucked up enough to involve "hiding from the eyes of God" by eating it with your head under a napkin.

>> No.17647615

That picture was clearly made by someone who's never seen a fois gras farm. Those quacky fuckers come running when the feed hose comes out and they will literally step over each other to be the first to get fed. It's not involuntary or horrifying for them; they're so reptile-brained that they just think "infinite food = infinite pleasure".

>> No.17647677

>this is what fr*nchoids tell themselves to cope with being satanic monsters
yeah factory farming isn't real nope, why would it be? it's more profitable for mom and pop farms where the animals are free

oh wait those are rare instances filling niches not the general reality

>> No.17647730
File: 40 KB, 500x484, B046D731-9B7B-4901-A7EA-B06F72ED6B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try Veal so badly

>> No.17647955

There's ethical foie gras nowadays. Turns out, geese stuff themselves every fall. Some guy set the geese out in a pasture with tons of food and spice bushes. The geese eat whatever they want and even season themselves, no force used.

>> No.17647973
File: 13 KB, 297x297, contempt cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure someone already said this, but almonds are supposedly bad because they take a rediculous amount of water to grow. Wayyyyyy more than all humans taking showers, watering their lawns, and washing their cars combined.

>> No.17647994

Go watch some undoctored footage of birds being fed. They're animals.

They're literally too stupid to restrain themselves when presented with an abundance of food. It's like how pet dogs and cats will gorge themselves to the point of vomiting if you don't portion out their food.

>> No.17648010

I think it's wonderful that California suffers massive droughts and wildfires thanks to the greed of their cash crop industry. Not only that, but their self-imposed "green" energy quotas force them to import out-of-state power from fucking Canada to meet their demands.
Truly a state propped up on stilts.

>> No.17648023
File: 23 KB, 366x415, Wonderful-Pistachios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad californians can't take showers so that I can get my pistachios. Thanks for taking one for the team guys!

>> No.17648048

I had it before, it's okay bu the fact thats its unethical as fuck makes it taste better

>> No.17648058

lost my hunger very quicky

>> No.17648067

The least ethical food is human flesh. There is no greater suffering that can be inflicted than murdering and devouring another person.

>> No.17648088
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 67EE8271-2D8F-48AE-B4D1-6486710CB1A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tender veal would hit the spot about now

>> No.17648098

I dunno, a lot of people want to die nowadays and I'm sure they'd get something out of knowing someone enjoyed their corpse. It's not an absolutely unethical premise.

>> No.17648105

Thomas Sowell points out that race doesn't matter about IQ levels, he pointed out black American soldiers that stayed in Germany after WW2 had children with white Germans and their kids grew up to be normal successful kids.

Also IQ is an awful measurement of 'intelligence' someone can easily learn how to beat IQ tests, when I was 17 my school put me on a program to prepare me for "Adult dyslexia" because I didn't read books and had a hard time reading books, my IQ was like 70 something.
In truth, it was because I didn't give a fuck and my attention span was that of a goldfish. I just went into a trade and educated myself to read and write, and my IQ is a healthy 108 now and I read all the time. IQ is just pattern recognition, and if you aren't educated in the fields that will make you 'understand' IQ IE Western anglo- education systems, you won't be very good at it. That's why IQ scores in China are a different as well because they have a completely different pattern recognition society, they'd fail a English IQ test hard.

>> No.17648121

Fuck that looks good

>> No.17648203

Sowell's a smart guy, and there are always IQ bell curve outliers for any race, just as there are people with dyslexia or whatever whose disabilities render the test an unsuitable metric for their personal aptitudes. These are some far reaching what-if's though, akin to trannies attempting to justify all their degenerate bullshit off of the existence of people with more than two chromosomes. Exceptions, by nature, bolster the case for a rule, given that they are exceptional and not common. Trannies are degenerate freaks despite the existence of people with XXY chromosomes. Blacks are stupid despite Thomas Sowell. IQ is a useful metric despite your dyslexia.

I'm not some IQ reductionist. It has its uses and limitations. The point of my post was to argue why the magic soil theory of Franz Boas' anthropology is reductionist and misanthropic, and why it is quite tactically convenient for Jews to profess belief in it.

If Jews really did believe in magic soil theory, then they would invite all the brown people in the world to come and live in Israel, where together they would share in the mutual benefits of diversity, Our Greatest Strength, and Israel would surely then become a global superpower. Jews don't do this. They invite the world's brown people into gentile nations, while keeping Israel an exclusively Jewish racial supremacist state. Boasian anthropology for thee, but not for me.

>> No.17648246

>Jews don't do this. They invite the world's brown people into gentile nations,

No they don't, this is just a conspiracy theory you've fallen for. The reason why immigration is so wide spread is because it worked within the realm of British and American culture, so other nations were open to the idea of allowing for immigration on the terms they only receive smart people, it's called a brain drain.
One of the main reasons why America became so successful was because of this model, and the idea of 'natural' or 'christian' rights, where if you just followed the laws of the land and the rights of others, it wasn't about diversity being a strength, it was about overcoming diversity and prospering together.

This model was then attempted to be spread via "neoliberalism". Unfortunately capitalism as a system stuck it's greedy little fingers into the pot and stirred it up and took advantage, by causing rifts within societies just to not only brain drain but to simply labor harvest nations so their generational citizens can continue to thrive.

>> No.17648362

The evidence for Jews being at the forefront of the de-Europeanization of European nations through mass migration is so overwhelming, it takes an outlandish level of willful ignorance, mental gymnastics, and outright lies to deny it. I would argue to deny the evidence is to fall for the conspiracy theory.

You seem like a dialectical materialist type. I would argue there is no inherent need to deny the existence of ethnic interests and of evolutionary psychology from within the framework of dialectical materialism. You only do it because you're fundamentally obedient to a power structure which affords you your petit-bourge faux-rebelliousness because it justifiably sees your ideas as utterly non-threatening.

>> No.17648373
File: 33 KB, 356x267, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17648383

>unno, a lot of people want to die nowadays and I'm sure they'd get something out of knowing someone enjoyed their corpse. It's not an absolutely unethical premise.
>eating tranny meat
That's too weird even for me.

>> No.17648407

>You seem like a dialectical materialist

Do you even know what that means? Or are you just trying to sound smart without saying:


Because I don't think you know what it means, from the way you're sounding. Dialectical materialism isn't a 'framework', it's a evolutionary process of understanding human history and how it has formulated the process of humans manipulating the material world around us. That we are all in constant motion moving forward through productive means.
That's a very, very basic tldr.

When I call idiots out about Jewish conspiracies, I always just refer them to looking at how much Jews have been shit on throughout history and made out to be the bad guys especially in Europe, by the persecution of Roman Catholics who were the actual shit heads of Europe stirring the pot. Why do you think there are so many denominations of Christianity trying to literally and culturally disassociate themselves from Roman Catholicism? In the 1300's when the first black plague hit Europe they all blamed Jews for poisoning the wells which sparked a massive genocide across Europe.
Did the Jews fabricate a pandemic in the 1300s with their bio labs anon?

>> No.17648414

>and getting injured doesn't slow them down?

not as much as wearing gloves yeah

Ortolan has got to be some kind of reptillian initation ritual. I don't even care about the ethics of it there's just no way eating a bird whole is actually a pleasant experience when you have a human's digestive tract.

>> No.17648431

move to a black neighborhood and learn the hard way.

>> No.17648437

Gotta love when you tell the Marxist his ideas are utterly non-threatening and he responds by spilling his semantic spaghetti over the terms 'framework' vs 'process'. Have sex.

>> No.17648467

A framework means you're planning an end goal. A process is how you'll get to the end game goal, dialectical materialism is an ongoing process that has no planned out framework to work towards. It just happens as it comes and changes.

It's a philosophy that generally goes right over peoples heads because they don't understand it's tied to the productive nature of humans constant desire to 'move forward' and accumulate more and more.

>> No.17648474

Ok nerd

>> No.17648985
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Jelly. Classic case.

>> No.17649002

He ate his arm?

>> No.17649113

Yeah, it's always the same guy in these videos you'll notice. Here he made it onto the "news"

>> No.17649128

a local place has some veal francese that is absolutely delicious. The veal is more of a delivery system for the lemon butter

>> No.17649135

English blood sausage made from the blood of irish

>> No.17649180

>be born a goose, not stupid chicken
>live on nice farm, not tiny cage
>end of life categorized by the biggest pleasure available to you
>become magical dish for patricians
Somehow this is bad? Might be better than the avg human life across history

>> No.17649334

>Jewish communities exhibit higher IQ scores because of the culture they grow up in.
I'm pretty sure this is just a myth. Look up twin studies. Intelligence is mostly genetic.

>> No.17649444

>wh*te person cares more about sharks than literal human slaves making coffee/chocolate

>> No.17649507

Cannibalism. You know how to do it.

>> No.17649673

I was wondering if the unethical food thread would ever get around to a Dolcett thread

>> No.17649834 [DELETED] 

On a site for racists. What’s your point, nigger wop beaner chink mick slope coon honky cracker faggot tranny queer?

>> No.17649835

God damn it Matt, I don't care how much you "hate capitalism", your barista job is not slavery.

>> No.17649854

>veal is evil
Never understood this. It’s literally male calves from dairy cattle, ie useless byproduct.
People aren’t eating it now so it just goes to pet meat and ‘beef stock’. The calves still end up dead as soon as they’re weaned.

>> No.17649953

I'm surprised no one said avocados. It's basically drug cartel controller, no?

>> No.17649956

I think that's one of the cash crops that's killing Californians, so it's a good thing in the end.

>> No.17649960
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Eh, it's all about moral indignation. You see a couple pictures of these concentration camps they're reared in and suddenly it's "not the heckin calferinoes!!!".

>> No.17649975

Fifty more years and half the human race is going to be living in pods like that while the calves that feed the 1% are gonna have acres of space to themselves.

>> No.17649978

Westerners seem to be constantly bombarded with these kinds of psychological compliance tests.

Oh? You're not offended by people eating veal? Foie gras? Beef? Shark fin? Whales? Meat in general? Coffee? Sugar? Chocolate? Avocados? We'd better update your firmware with the latest McMoral Outrage.

Westerners stop being brainwashed sanctimonious faggots challenge (impossible)

>> No.17650143

Angel Sharks are on the brink of extinction and still eaten, they are also a pretty key part of their food chain so extintion could trigger a trophic cascade and endanger other species.
I don't really care about human suffering so unethical farming or whatever doesn't really bother me unless people are slashing and burning cool ecosystems to replace them with bean plantations or whatever. Fuck humans, the gayest animal

>> No.17650146
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forgot my cool picture of qt shark

>> No.17650233

Oh no how terrible It's like some sort of cattle farm!

>> No.17650253 [DELETED] 

Kys nigger

>> No.17650381
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i bet it's a cool read
seek the wisdom of the murderkube i guess

>> No.17650580

>Why do (((lawyers))) target (((multinational corporations))) with huge bankrolls?

>> No.17650688

>animalerinos in pods is le bad
>humans in pods is le good
What to weed smoking vegan faggots mean by this?

>> No.17650795

shark fin soup is unironically pretty tasty

>> No.17650836

these arent endangered

>> No.17650897

Chimpanzee feet - I'm not joking. Saw it on a Nat Geo type program, where the presenter was somewhere in Africa, looking for a cryptid of some sort.

>> No.17651372

Tastes the same with no shark fin, though.

>> No.17652266

unironically, yes
the world could do well with culling the human population, and even bringing back slavery/serfdom

>> No.17652683

Americans will run a Christian bakery out of business for not wanting to make a cake with two homosexuals fucking each other in the ass on it and then go and eat a butterfinger bar or get some coffee-mate for their nescafe coffee from a corporation that uses african slaves

>> No.17652698

Whenever I pass by this thread on the catalogue, i feel like taking a bite of dark rich unethical chocolate.

>> No.17652712

Yeah the fact that humans are so emotional about other species makes them pretty gay. Humans are the only animals on this planet that get so bent over backwards about niche species of shark or niche species of beetle that they would daydream about exterminating the only species (humans) that gives a shit.

>> No.17652743
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I don't daydream about exterminating humans but letting species become extinct is pretty shortsighted, their existence could one day become important to our own advancement.

>> No.17654099

i've had turtle soup once, it was gifted to our family and i didn't want the poor turtle's death to be in vain so i ate it.
it was nice
thank you for your sacrifice mr turtle
not worth killing all of them in my opinion though.

>> No.17654105

The blood makes us human...
Makes us more than human...
Makes us human no more...

Fear the crab blood.

>> No.17654128

pig trotters stuffed with nigger toes and the sweatbread of an Amazonian princess who was fed psychedelic mushrooms 24 hours before her death

>where do I get it

>> No.17654275
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>literally dont care

that's because you're a headcase on 4chin loudly showcasing your mental illness

>> No.17654319


I think the alcohol softens the bones and smooths over some of the bad flavors you'd expect from the digestive tract parts and shit contained in them

>> No.17654323

the droughts and wildfires happen because California is semi-arid steppe. It's been happening so long that many california native plants depend on being burned to propogate

>> No.17654324
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When I get rich one day I’m going to feed ortolans to my dog when he’s been a good boy. They strike me as something a dog would love

>> No.17654478

Even with that definition, everyone is racist and should be. Why should I value retards as much as geniuses?

>> No.17654488

>hahah, I meant to destroy massive amounts of arable land in the pursuit of a higher GDP. it's totally natural...

>> No.17654540

>Why should I value retards as much as geniuses?
Because you're a retard and you need to look out for your own kind.

>> No.17654616

the only framework and processes you should be concerned with are having an orgasm, anon. relax. everything is going to be ok

>> No.17654634

when google makes their AI with an iq of 2000 and it says "suck my robodick, petty human" are you going to bend over to it just because it's smarter than you?
don't forget, there's still many (probably over a million) black people who are better at math and chess than you are. the only solution to all this race bullshit is a true meritocracy where only personal ability matters (neither the far left nor the far right wants this, apparently.)

>> No.17654638

>*masturbates furiously*

>> No.17654682

Can someone explain why countries don't just provide benefits to get sterilized? They get their 10 dollars a year they'd have gotten selling cashews doing nothing and stop breeding while automation replaces them. It's a win in the long run. You only have to support one generation.

>> No.17654690

destroyed or not, california would still be dry and prone to wildfires. Because it's semi-arid

>> No.17654691

the sharks are called great whites, if they were called mediocre blacks then maybe it would be a different story altogether

>> No.17654708

you need a population to protect your lands

>> No.17654713

what are these malnourished poor peasants going ot protect

>> No.17654741
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>you need a population to protect your lands
No, but you still need drone operators. For now at least.

>> No.17654775

>automation replaces them
That's not happening.

>> No.17654786

Academic philosophy will be the second to last profession to be fully automated. The very last profession to be automated will be cashew unshelling.

>> No.17654798

in actuality, nothing. But you can still boast the numbers. In a primitive sense, its intimidating to have lots of people to protect something.

No country is going to artificially reduce its own numbers when their hostile neighbors can steamroll through the land and wipe the people out easily

>> No.17654855

Idk, child soldier filet mignon with ortolans as an appetiser. Also the plate is decorated with blood diamonds or something. And it's served on a table but the table is a Ukranian sex slave who may or may not have had 18 birthdays. Also the dessert has slave chocolate sauce

4/10 edgy shitthread but made me reply

>> No.17654862

Sharks are cool and I would enjoy watching them on youtube or live. Third worlders aren't cool nor aesthetically pleasing. I would prefer sharks exist for my visual enjoyment than third worlders.

>> No.17654873

Probably cashews. Workers in 3rd world countries usually don't have any hand protection when they break open the nut and deal with the toxic oils that erode their skin.... I'm getting hungry for cashews now.

>> No.17654878

good I fucking hate Indians

>> No.17654908

Old boss was telling me about how he and his friend were sent around Europe on a cooking study mission. They were hired by a hotel in Australia to head up food. Went to a goose farm and the farmer pulled goose out of walls nailed to planks.

The other one I can think of is a recipe for duck that has been essentially strangled and then not bleed and allowed to marinate in its blood or something like that. It would be the ducks that were stuck at the bottom of the wagon which were being brought to market.

>> No.17654922
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>> No.17654991

>based and cool sharks
a shark will gladly bite off your cock dude they are not based and cool

>> No.17655017

India literally does this. You get a free moped last I heard.

>> No.17655019

no it won't

>> No.17655029

all the difference between a chaotic-neutral and a chaotic-evil.

>> No.17655761
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>If you think you are genetically superior to all other racists, you're fucked in the head.
I do think that.

>> No.17655766

This place is as bad as pol

>> No.17655793


-palm oil
-foie gras
-caged battery hen eggs
-shark fin soup
-dog meat (beaten to death to increase the flavour of course)

It's a good ix of things which are cruel to the animal, cruel to the people who have to farm them, or plain bad for the environment and local ecosystems

>> No.17656009

This place has higher-quality discussion than pol

>> No.17656236

>t. Slave

>> No.17656304

let's not delude ourselves

>> No.17656333

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17657323
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both of you suck
talk about food

>> No.17657515

why that stupid bitch crying yo

>> No.17657526

Win a toxic, fully plastinated rock with 0 (zero) competent human beings on it

>> No.17657532

There are a hell of a lot more humans than sharks

>> No.17657565

Probably human flesh

>> No.17657642

i know it takes a shit ton of water to grow but whats wrong with almonds??

>> No.17657667

Yes. Sharks are based. Niggers don't accomplish anything other than destroying society.

>> No.17657672

I've had foie gras, it really wasn't that spectacular. For the price to quanity, you're not missing out on anything.

>> No.17657688

Buy the chocolate hands in Belgium, but make sure they're NOT rainforest alliance certified

>Belgians were some of the worst slavers in the history of Africa
>Would chop off the hands of slaves for any transgression, including theft, not mining enough, talking back
>They'd dry them out and ship them back home, where they'd be purchased by wealthy people as novelty trinkets to wear as accessories
>Belgians even made little chocolate hands because lol

Couple that with

>Rainforest alliance "tries" to make sure cacao is ethically sourced
>If it isn't certified, likelihood of it being slave chocolate increases

There's your answer, op

>> No.17657714

Almost got it

gouging out its eyes makes it unable to tell what time of day it is and somehow makes it want to gorge constantly
It's drowned in cognac or brandy
Once dead, it's plucked and the tiny feathers that can't be taken out are burned off with a blowtorch
The ortolan is then placed in the mouth with the head sticking out, so that you behead it when you bite down

>> No.17657717

It's fucking retarded how people made a meme of of Leopold's little pet project in the Congo. Barely thirty years of terror compared to most other colonial efforts and redditors are all "OH NO, THEY WAS CHOPPIN HANDS OFF N SHIEET!!!" as if this wasn't an extremely common punishment in African and Arabic countries at the time and something that still happens in this day and age amongst those mongrels.
Go back.

>> No.17657720

Chopping hands off IS common

What isn't common is a bunch of fat Belgian women wearing little nigger hands around their necks as jewellery

YOU go back

>> No.17657722

By the way, it was ivory and rubber they were after. Chocolate was a byproduct.

>> No.17657723

Once they get activated, it's game over

>> No.17657726

Shit like monkey paws and shrunken heads have always been common articles of intrigue amongst the wealthy. My grandfather had an elephant's foot wastebasket.

>> No.17657729

And my grandma had a small coin box she called a nigger minstrel that would throw a coin into its mouth when placed in its palm

What's your point?

>> No.17657746

The horrors and terrors of the very brief Belgian state in the Congo are vastly overstated and exaggerated for meme value.

>> No.17657754

Fine, but as far as cruel mockery goes, making necklaces out of human hands is pretty up there

I'm a bong and even I can see that

>Strapped Indians to cannons and fired them (Blowing from a gun)
>Flooded half of china with opium and bayonetted them in their stupor
>Burned the white house and ate the dinner that was still warm on the table whilst threatening the housekeepers

All of it is funny, but it's still at least a bit fucked up lad

>> No.17657765

I'm just saying, three decades of largely isolated debauchery in Africa doesn't make for a storied legacy of abominable acts like most other established nations. It's like "hey, we were nasty, too!" on the part of Belgians.

>> No.17657771

I've no doubt that other nations did just as fucked up stuff for significantly longer. Just a hell of a way to make an entrance is all I'm saying

>> No.17657786

All of you are retarded and gay because your countrymen trip over themselves to apologize for and ruin the hard work of their ancestors.
Least ethical food is one you or your neighbors didn't grow yourself.

>> No.17657792

Oh, joy, it's one of you "ya can't profit off the labour of others!" types. Shove it up your ass. I bet you don't make your own shoes.

>> No.17657796

Who says I'm apologising, sad cunt?

>> No.17657812

I have made my own shoes. It was fun. I chose an iron age design which resembles Irish dance shoes. They are particularly comfy with thick socks. Please note that I said that your neighbors could also have grown the food, meaning that you are engaging in trade with them. Localism is superior to factory farming- as long as you don't mind that the cities will be less crowded.

>> No.17657814

There are 7 billion mediocre people on this planet, so I value the health of the oceans far more than some cringe ideas about muh human rights

>> No.17657822

Great thread guys, 10/10

>> No.17657826

>he made his own shoes

Make some leather coverings for your little trotters, did you?

>> No.17657842
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>Irish dance shoes

>> No.17657881


>> No.17657898
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>> No.17657975

I spotted an owl yesterday, fag. Where is your god now?

>> No.17657993

>he is half-retarded and gets his income from shock value content, hardly a great indication of the average chink
The joke here is too easy.

>> No.17658028

That's a snazzy fucking guy, my dude.

>> No.17658044
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That's simply not true.

>> No.17658050

Yeah, seems like every board full of nazi chud assholes now. You and I should just go back to Twitter at this point. How about it, xister?

>> No.17658065


>> No.17658273

Its just plain evil but i would try it once, its jsut so fascinating to me for some reason
The whole ritual of it and the thing about the towel and the priest
Im not even religious, i just think its cool

>> No.17658947

>unethical=non white
You are the racist retard

>> No.17658957

Just go eat a person retard

>> No.17658961

>a thread for racists
Absolute retard detected
Negroid hands typed this post

>> No.17658987

>thinks ethic = ethnic
Lol retard

>> No.17658993
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>> No.17659009

Commixes gonna commie, anon. They are all useless sacks of shit. ALL OF THEM

>> No.17659167


>> No.17659231

FML I haven't seen Maddox in about 18 years, real nostalgia there

>> No.17659233
File: 63 KB, 600x377, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to cover your head from the gaze of GOD it's so unethical

>> No.17659234

Someone's new

>> No.17659236
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>> No.17659240

Don't look up what happened with him in the meantime. It will ruin your good mood.

>> No.17659708

>They ... douse it with ammonia. It tastes like ammonia. It's disgusting and actually toxic.
No they don't, and no it doesn't, and no it isn't. Shark fin soup is basically a mild broth with a piece of fin-shaped peeled cartilage floating on top. I've had to eat it several times at Chinese wedding banquets. The cartilage itself is absolutely flavorless; it tastes like whatever the broth is (chicken, IIRC, the times I've had it).

>> No.17659719

>He had to bring them to a guy he paid to slaughter them.
Doubtful, the Amish are self-reliant as can be, and chickens are trivial to kill and pluck and gut.

The only easier animal is the rabbit; if you learn how to do it right, you basically just break the neck, clip through the skin around the wrists and ankles, slit the stomach, shake to throw the offal out, and then slide the skin off to save for mittens.

>> No.17659731

>I buy palm oil because I know the lives of millions of brown people are brutally destroyed to make it.
They're not, though. It's more about environmental destruction, in particular wiping out habitat for species like orangutans.

>> No.17659734

That's not required. You just keep them in a cage with a curtain thrown over it.

>> No.17659738

>has only had ghetto shark fin
it has to dry for months in the sun, they were probably trying to accelerate the process

>> No.17659753

>IQ scores are never a reflection of culture or upbringing or even education.
Nonsense. You can easily ruin a child's future by not pushing education. Contrariwise it is NOT possible to turn some jungle monkey into a particle physicist by force-feeding him education.

A pretty good example is here:

The one who lucked out and got raised by a wealthy family ended up doing well (probably had reasonable innate intelligence). The one who got the shit end of the stick ended up a truck driver because he never had the educational guidance to end up becoming successful.

>> No.17659760

Do you think you're genetically superior to ants? you're fucked in the head, dude!!!!! Ant lives matter! Ant power!

>> No.17659762

>people with more than two chromosomes
I sincerely hope that you have more than two. In fact, based on your post I would guess you have 47. Personally I make do with 46.

>> No.17659910

Expecting Amerilards, SoCal faggots or the general pozzery this board contains to actually stand by the beliefs they pretend to espouse is asking for a miracle. Most people here are just regurgiating current trend tm. If if it was hip and progressive to heil hitler half of them would be instagram talking about how they were the real national socialists all along. They will emulate whatever the establishment approves of, not actually challenge it or try to change the status quo because the truth is they don't actually give a shit.

>> No.17660170

Everything is dying everywhere at all times.

>> No.17660529
File: 2.15 MB, 512x412, 1622998528846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the least ethical food
Sugar. It's a slow killer, significantly lowers your life expectancy, is extremely addictive and it already turned over a third of Americans into fatass weaklings.
>And how do I get it?
Your fridge and cupboard are full of it already you fat fuck. A better question would be why you haven't gotten rid of it yet.

>> No.17660547

Baby formula. Nestle used to give out free samples to mothers in 3rd world countries. Those samples turned out to have been calculated to last just long enough for the mother to stop producing breast milk, but nowhere near enough to feed the baby until it could be weaned...

>> No.17660553

I see the newfags (aka people that came from reddit and fall in the zoomer age group) arrived. Yikes.

>> No.17660564

Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.17660578

>the people telling moralfags to fuck off are newfags
>the racist people are newfags

Okay newfag

>> No.17660580

Yes? Newfag?

>> No.17660585
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>> No.17660608

It's just easier to poke their eyes out than messing around with curtains.

>> No.17660647


>> No.17660662

China man boner soup

>> No.17660673

>>Defending offended people on 4chan
Are you retarded

>> No.17660693

>truck driving is somehow unsuccessful.
What do you do for a living that you can look down on truckers?

>> No.17660695

Please go back.

>> No.17660795

Maybe he's a subsistence farmer in a community of subsistence farmers and therefore doesn't need manufactured goods?

>> No.17660849

Profit declines with automization.

>> No.17661163

ah but of course it's the French.

>> No.17661422

Doesn't mean what you think it does. Otherwise true.

>> No.17661445 [DELETED] 

Anything made in Israel.

>> No.17661473
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Would that make shakshuka better or worse?

>> No.17661477 [DELETED] 


Learn more about the Jewish takeover of the west through their stranglehold on global media.

>> No.17661496

fuck off shill

>> No.17661590

No, you are wrong again. IQ is not a measure of professional success but a measure of intelligence. IQ can be affected by things like health and malnutrition during the mental development of a child, but it is not affected by culture, upbringing, or education. The man with the highest IQ on Earth today, and possibly in the highest IQ of all time, works as a night club bouncer.

Look up 'intersex' to understand what I'm talking about so you don't have to write retarded replies like this.

Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.17662047

maybe if your dong looks like a seal

>> No.17662054

I think you mean corn syrup. Sugar is fine.

>> No.17662069
File: 1.03 MB, 2394x1764, vealfrancese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veal francese
Mmmm, yes, this is a favorite of mine

>> No.17662397
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x643, 1623535117805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ortolan Bunting
>The birds are caught with nets set during their autumn migratory flight to Africa. They are then kept in covered cages or boxes. The birds react to the dark by gorging themselves on grain, usually millet seed, until they double their bulk. The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac, which both drowns and marinates the birds.[13][14]

>The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, with or without the head, and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird. The purpose of the towel is debated. Some claim it is to retain the maximum aroma with the flavour as they consume the entire bird at once, others have stated "Tradition dictates that this is to shield – from God’s eyes – the shame of such a decadent and disgraceful act",[13] and others have suggested the towel simply hides the consumers spitting out bones.[15] This use of the towel was begun by a priest, a friend of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.[16]

>> No.17662408
File: 1.67 MB, 1160x1160, 1634578343957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats something I thought about.
You'd get a mouth full of whatever is in the intestinal tract unless its all gutted first.
But pictures show them uncut. So I don't know what they're doing.

>> No.17662441

There's nothing wrong with factory farming.

>> No.17662535

Ask me how I know you're a sad fat little tranny that cuts itself.

>> No.17663297

Cannibalism its also bad for your morals too

>> No.17663298

Because you're very confused about what stereotype goes where.

>> No.17663307

Fake as fuck.
Moronic idiot.
>No sources
Bing Chilling Lao Gan Ma Falun Gong Tier Cope

>> No.17663311 [DELETED] 

This is the worst thread ever
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>> No.17663314 [DELETED] 

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>>17663298 | >>17663307 | >>17663311
This is the worst thread ever

>> No.17663319

I agree with this

>> No.17664007

I don't.

>> No.17664061

reddit-subhuman detected. please stand by for rabid cop deployment.

>> No.17664064


>> No.17664067

i'm racist forever

>> No.17665112

I wish vanquishing liberalism were as easy as simply being racist.

Unfortunately, liberalism has assimilated and regularly exploits racism to its advantage. It needs to sustain both racism and anti-racism as a perpetual racket to keep the plebs occupied by endless culture war. Also as we're seeing now, liberals are also perfectly satisfied with arming and financing neo-nazi paramilitary groups such as Azov Battalion as long as they're willing to fight liberalism's enemies.

More often than not a racist is just a dejected libtard unsatisfied by a non-white migrant's inability to properly assimilate to Western liberal civilization. These types are merely hypocrites.

The only way European people will have a home and be free again is if we execute our entire degenerate ruling class, their middle manager spooks, and their Jewish paymasters. Calling black people niggers like it's Xbox live in 2005 doesn't bring us anywhere closer to accomplishing this.

>> No.17665122

>implying election tourists arent the foreign species here

>> No.17665233

t. retard

>> No.17665303

good thing I only consume cashew nuts/fruits grown in my country and harvested by properly equipped workers

>> No.17666148

>Implying 4chan's quality didn't completely go to shit irreversibly with the dawn of smartphones.
MAGA tourists are only one wave of many, zoomzoom.

>> No.17666772
File: 1.88 MB, 220x346, iu6gf8n2z3981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post itt.