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File: 65 KB, 852x480, Cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17740957 No.17740957 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that the best cheese in the world is Cheddar cheese

>> No.17740961
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>> No.17740993

For me its gouda

>> No.17741007

I didnt need reminding fren

>> No.17741023
File: 252 KB, 2182x1424, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheddar is better. You wouldn't eat gouda on its own. Cheddar can be used for every cheese dish

>> No.17741035

Why is there a united kingdlish flag on that cheese when the best cheddar in the world is made right here in the USA?

>> No.17741041

>made with real corn

>> No.17741042
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>amerisharts actually believe this

>> No.17741047

Smoked. Smoked cheddar cheese.

>> No.17741048
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>> No.17741049


>> No.17741073

World Championship for Cheese where most of the competition is made up of US cheese. Do the other countries not care enough to enter?

>> No.17741099

They know they can't compete with AMVRICVN CHVESE

>> No.17741103
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Actually a British cheesemaker won gold at the last one in 2021

>> No.17741114
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>> No.17741117

rigged just like the 2020 election

>> No.17741210

Barbers is fuckin peng

>> No.17741215
File: 78 KB, 1100x1100, 160-Stilton-Hand-Cut-Cheese-Low-Res_600x600@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the best British cheese

>> No.17741220
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Not even the best blue cheese.

>> No.17741238

Nah you're wrong. He beat you.

>> No.17741248
File: 69 KB, 1000x667, Blue-Cheese-Cheddar-at-Cheddar-Gorge-Cheese-Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody asked you.

>> No.17741270

Ditto tastelet.

>> No.17741405
File: 562 KB, 600x360, Hooks Cheddar Flight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, American Cheddar

>> No.17741411

Kek look at the fucking colour of that shite.

>> No.17741425

Its extremely traditional to color cheddar!

>> No.17741427

Opinion discarded.

>> No.17741435

t. boiling yuropoor
Post your teeth faggot

>> No.17741437
File: 551 KB, 915x1430, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI Cheddar cheese was invented in Cheddar Gorge in England where theyd use local caves to store the cheese

>> No.17741443

Sorry but you’re confusing cheddar with PROCESSED-CHEESE-PRODUCT. What you eat is NOT real cheese, it’s plastic.

>> No.17741445

no need to be cheeky about it m8

>> No.17741448
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Yeah nothing wrong with colouring cheddar. I get a red cheddar every now and then for a change

>> No.17741451

America makes tons of excellent cheddar, no one confuses the two, when you order a burger at Culvers they specifically ask which one you want

>> No.17741471

This brand produces exclusively for export. Coloured Cheddar is extremely uncommon in the UK, but we do have Red Leicester which is similar.

>> No.17741501

Its a modern trend to shun colouring, hipsters decided that color=bad

>> No.17741520

Nice try muttoid. Utterly failed at pretending to be English and knowing what you're talking about.

>> No.17741526
File: 511 KB, 1200x1200, mozza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw, what a cute thread
you are all adorable!

>> No.17741532
File: 894 KB, 2560x1920, taleggio-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the best Italian cheese.

>> No.17741542

literally no one decided that coloring was a bad thing to do until like 2004

>> No.17741562

haven't tried it. if it's like brie then no it is not the best italian cheese

>> No.17741583

Scamorza, Parmesan, and Provolone are top tier also.

>> No.17741617

I just wanna say as neither a bong or a clap that I am sure that both of your cheddars are delicious and I would like to sample them all.

For me lately I keep getting wedges of maasdam, makes such a good sandwich cheese. Some fresh soft bread, rocket, tomato, bread and butter pickles and some maasdam. I say a big fuck yeah to that.

>> No.17741697

I love cheddar but I could eat a whole mozzarella ball in one sitting

>> No.17741702

Bought some in Tesco today. Price has gone up from £2.25 to £2.65.

>> No.17741721


>> No.17741727

What brand?

>> No.17741732

tesco brand

>> No.17741754

I'm more into Pilgrims Choice over supermarket own brand

>> No.17741764

For me its Cooper sharp or cheddar horseradish

>> No.17741769

>you wouldn't eat Gouda on its own
Fucking wrong. How dare you.

>> No.17741773

Tallegio is nothing like brie. It is very funky and sharp and has that foot smell. It is extremely delicious, it's my favorite type of cheese as well.

>> No.17742222

Even if only comparing amongst american cheeses Wisconsin's is a dissapointment

>> No.17742273

Biden's America

>> No.17742339
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x1280, DBC1BD7A-DF65-4C46-958E-6DF833FE1789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite is wykes extra

>> No.17742371
File: 784 KB, 2800x1220, 31b8ddbd2c704b9192ad880524813e06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Barely above american "cheese", it's a gross waxy abomination no matter its "maturity". Real cheese looks like this.

>> No.17742395

It was never up for debate in the UK, you just don't do it.

>> No.17742404

I looked up the winners because this seemed like a cope and yes it is, Norway has won more

>> No.17742407

imo cheddar is the best in terms of versatility but cranberry wensleydale is the nicest by itself

>> No.17742417
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>> No.17742423

Agreed. Though I don't agree with many on this board that sharp/extra mature is the best, I enjoy a medium cheddar the most.

The world's going to hell mate.

>> No.17743233
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1859435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisconsin makes the large majority of America's best cheese. It also makes the large majority of generic cheese so this confuses some people as super markets devote more space to such cheese, but no matter what price point you are looking for Wisconsin is the dominant player

>> No.17743244

The UK literally invented the idea of dying cheese yellow, it was english farmer immigrants who brought the trend to the US

>> No.17743246

Big Cope.

>> No.17743262

American coloured plastic

>> No.17743283

its delicious

>> No.17743296

>You wouldn't eat gouda on its own

>> No.17743297

Cheddar isn't even the best British cheese.

>> No.17743327
File: 315 KB, 1564x908, laz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best cheddar in the world is made right here in the USA?
This is indisputable
contest after contest shows small batch american cheddar is vastly superior to any made in england.
They wont even allow their cheeses to compete anymore

>> No.17743340
File: 484 KB, 590x390, a2c953348d7a6283724310636111d044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has mentioned swiss yet what the fuck is wrong with you mongoloids

>> No.17743345
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, MAYFIELD_SWISS_EMMENTAL_STYLE_CHEESE_200G_BY_ALSOP___WALKER_Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England makes the best Swiss cheese.

>> No.17743351
File: 349 KB, 1200x1600, surchoix+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick with American

This company has a division in the US and their original in Switzerland and the US just does it better

>> No.17743355

Swiss cheese is too mild

>> No.17743356

>pasteurized milk

>> No.17743360

what specifically do you think is bad about this?

>> No.17743361

They make aged varieties too.
Sure it's not as strong as a cheddar or parmesan but certainly not mild.

>> No.17744259

I love Cheddar

>> No.17744267
File: 95 KB, 600x600, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you anons think about
Kerrygold cheddar?

>> No.17744357

>Boohoo I have to pay an entire 40p more for cheese! Oh woe is me
Whiny cunt

>> No.17744375

Gouda hell do you figure that?

>> No.17744446

gruyère mogs cheddar so savagely it's not even funny.

>> No.17744460

Parmigiano Reggiano is the king, Cheddar second

>> No.17744516

eating straight parmesean
the fuck you doing

>> No.17744519

Completely different cheese with completely different uses.

>> No.17744532

As long as it isn't from around the rind this is pretty good.

>> No.17744560

This thread is about naming the best cheese, I could have have made the same claim with a cheese that's actually completely different like a sheep's milk ricotta and it would still be in the spirit of the discussion
>Completely different cheese with completely different uses.
>two relatively hard cheeses
>both enjoyable on their own
>both commonly used as a component of savory dishes for melting or gratiné
But you are right, they are literally incomparable. Especially since the flavors are so different and gruyère is much nicer.

>> No.17744568

Gruyere is shit tier on a cheeseboard.

>> No.17744574

>he doesn't cut himself a nice chunk of parmesan to eat on its own every time he has to grate some

>> No.17744576

Hope everyone share your thoughts, that's just more gruyère for me.

>> No.17744585

gruyerè smells like the seat of my chair after I've been sitting on it all day during the summer.

>> No.17744595
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 1243523287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous of your chair

>> No.17744608

The fuck YOU doing, parmigiano is eaten in small bites or flakes

>> No.17744928

Try a good Gouda, supermarket Gouda is generally crap. Almost any cheese made in the Netherlands can call itself Gouda and most of it is bland stuff, but the real good stuff is great.

The best cheese in the Netherlands is "boerenkaas" (farmer's cheese) which is unpasteurized.

>> No.17744996

For me, its Cathedral City Mature
Or when I want to push the boat out, M&S Cornish Cruncher

>> No.17745511

And it's all shit

>> No.17746421

Its gotta be extra mature atleast for me. I used have Cathedral City but gone onto Pilgrims Choice as i prefer it as its sharper

>> No.17746458

Never much liked this or Beemster
Boerenkaas has spoiled me

>> No.17746728
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>best cheese thread
>dutch cheese
>english cheese
>american cheese

>> No.17746988
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>> No.17746993
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>> No.17747009

that is a dangerous butt plug

>> No.17747041

I have the spreadable version of this in my fridge.

>> No.17747044

I haven't been able to find the bars anymore, just the slices in pic rel and the curds. I only buy the blocks when I see em'.

>> No.17747133

isn't everything going up?

>> No.17747142

>he pronounces it "gow-da"

>> No.17747722
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For me it's cheese soap, the only cheese I'll buy.

>> No.17747818

I could chow on mozza balls all day

cheddar all tastes the same to me
and reminds me of all the snack foods that have cheddar powder
not even a good flavor desu

>> No.17747845

You're an idiot.

>> No.17747849

wow rude

>> No.17747862


>> No.17747865

>You wouldn't eat gouda on its own
did your parents drop you when you were a baby?

>> No.17747922

It's ok

>> No.17748211
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You never had one these bad boys

>> No.17748243

Bongs got it right with cheddar, I'll give em that.

>> No.17748254

>he likes smelling feet as he eats

>> No.17748324

All we do with it is melt it onto bread though

>> No.17748521

It's obvious from this post that you aren't English.

>> No.17748552

Gonna take away my English loiscence? I know what goes on under the grill

>> No.17748568
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Jarlsberg_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing, I could buy like 1lb of good cheddar for $15 *or* I could buy 3lbs of Jarlsberg for the same price.

>> No.17748571
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today I will remind them of Halloumi

>> No.17748750

Do people really eat it raw?

>> No.17748776

For me it's Cabot's plain greek yogurt

>> No.17749111


>> No.17749268

>and reminds me of all the snack foods that have cheddar powder
That's a good thing.

>> No.17749343
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>> No.17749385

"american cheese" processed cheese product isn't "american cheddar," which is just cheddar made in america

>> No.17749406

American ‘cheddar’ is literally just mislabelled red leicester. Which is just cheddar with annatto.

>> No.17749601
File: 1.30 MB, 3334x2836, _20220330_115245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best cheddar I've ever had.

>> No.17749611

Processed shit.

>> No.17749627

Just compare the appearance of the English Cheddar in the top left with the rest. You can see why American imitations are laughed out of the room.

>> No.17749639

Processed means they aren't lazy faggots. Get with the program.

>> No.17750228

smoked cheddar has a different colour to regular cheddar

>> No.17750282

parmesan is my exclusive snacking cheese, can eat half a pound in one sitting

>> No.17750294
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>> No.17750307
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, You.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much cheese.

>> No.17750313

yeah my bad, I should snack on the healthy snacks such as cheerios, oreos, chips, or candy
remember fat bad, carbs and sugar good

>> No.17750328
File: 975 KB, 1200x1200, Smoked_Cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me about cheese anymore.

>> No.17750329

I feel guilty after a 1/3 block of cheddar, but the whole block isn't even a pound.

>> No.17750339

>You wouldn't eat gouda on its own

>> No.17750351

>feel guilty for eating cheese
go back to eating your triscuits faggot

>> No.17750415

Actually I do webbers mustard dabbed on hard salami rolled up. Slices of cheddar, pepperoni, and garlic butter ritz. Maybe some jalapeno stuffed green olives.

>> No.17750470

Are you sure that's not butter?

>> No.17750765

that sounds pretty good
never thought about dipping salami and cheese in mustard as a snack, gonna have to give that a try now

>> No.17750780

I spread the mustard real thin (its horseradish mustard) and roll up the round slice of salami. It sticks together and stays rolled up. A few of those, maybe with a little Swiss or pepper jack in the roll. Then the pepperoni, cheddar, garlic butter crackers all separate, sometimes stacked.

>> No.17751061

Edam cheese and brie are the tastiest.

Chedder is npc tier might as well be eating plastic american "cheese" or velveeta out of a spray can

>> No.17751264

This bait is weaker than exported edam.

>> No.17751318

Brie smells like cum and windex. kys

>> No.17751367
File: 89 KB, 800x800, GUEST_8f9063d8-7732-492a-b9c1-53ad5cb77a2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel....

>> No.17751375

I get a different brand, but port wine cheese spread is great on crackers.

>> No.17751422
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>mmmmm jedder cheese tast just liek my cheetos

>> No.17751469
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Strong cope from cummy cheese lover

>> No.17753291

>eating literal mold
i will never understand this

>> No.17753487
File: 425 KB, 768x1152, Fabio_Lanzoni_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it's not.

>> No.17753576

And pecorino

>> No.17755135

Just had some evalon on saturday. Was pretty good.

>> No.17755141

Fuck I'm doing?
Living! Parmesan is fan-fucking-tastic
No, even the rind is good.

>> No.17755151

Much prefer real cheese.