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17799813 No.17799813 [Reply] [Original]

how much beer is really too much for an ordinary person? I mean, where's the line between someone with "normal consumption" and a "drinker"? I used to drink 3-4 cans (16oz ones) every friday. I asked someone if that was a lot, and they told me I had a problem and needed to stop. wtf? I thought it was supposed to be babby mode. I see some people here down a 6 or 12-pack several times a week.

>> No.17799827

i've been told if you are drinking to get drunk it's too much. though that's the only reason I drink

>> No.17799835

If you buy a 6pack on a friday night, and don't feel compelled to drink it all that night, or buy another the next night, I think you're doing ok. But if you get to beer 3 or 4, and cant stop yourself charging the next 2 because you're not drunk enough, you have a problem. The alcy's here are gonna give you all sorts of cope responses, so look forward to that.

>> No.17799971

I drink a beer every evening sometimes I don’t even finish it. I’m probably an extreme alcoholic according to the literature but fuck if I care

>> No.17799980

I wish i could drink nothing but beer.

>> No.17799989
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I don't drink a lot of beer, but I go through an average of about 6 units of alcohol. Usually via hard liquor.
I like beer, but the only reason I avoid drinking it is because I piss like a racehorse when I have that much.

I'm definitely above average and firmly consider myself an alcoholic.

>> No.17799991
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Yea I drink about 4-6 beers per night. On days when I have do a presentation/seminar i.e. "deliver" I don't drink at all but otherwise it's just become routine

It has never really interfered with any of my work/duties but my drinking had progressively picked up over the last 6 years. I think context matters, however. I only drink Coors, I'm not really a high gravity beer or liquor drinker

>> No.17800014

If I'm reading this right, you're drinking 4 beers a week. Even if all of those beers are in a single day, it doesn't meet the standard definition of a heavy drinker, which is 5 drinks a day OR 15 drinks a week.

>> No.17800025

>I used to drink 3-4 cans (16oz ones) every friday. I asked someone if that was a lot, and they told me I had a problem and needed to stop.
Honestly, that's a pretty safe amount. The person you're talking to is probably an idiot.

A couple beers a night and a binge on the weekend is completely normal.
You need to keep track of yourself if you start going beyond that though.

>> No.17800030

weirdly, I read that a can a day is more or less "fine". at least it doesn't pose that much threat to health. I guess Germans drink beer daily and yet they seem to be doing fine

>> No.17800035

>If I'm reading this right, you're drinking 4 beers a week.
He said 16oz, which is closer to 6 units.
Doing those in a single day gets into "watch yourself" territory if you're doing it frequently.

>> No.17800041

>standard definition of a heavy drinker, which is 5 drinks a day OR 15 drinks a week.
ok thanks, that's the answer I was looking for.

>> No.17800064

Good point, for beer that's based on a 5% 12oz bottle. Four 16 oz cans would be 5 drinks at 5% alcohol.
Still, it's the bare minimum of what could be called a concern.

>> No.17800078

>how much beer is really too much
One serving is already one too many. Drink water instead.

>> No.17800079


>> No.17800098

This, I drink 6 Miller lites every night

>> No.17800117

I don't understand the appeal of drinking a bunch of beer. I'll have a beer or two depending on the strength of it, then have some more concentrated alcohol like liquor or a gin cocktail. A bunch of beer is just bloating.

>> No.17800130

>5 drinks a day OR 15 drinks a week
I hate that this is the definition of a heavy drinker because I almost never drink 5 drinks in a day but I do drink more than 15 drinks a week and I don't feel like it's all that much. I have friends that'll drink more in a day than I do in a week and I consider that heavy drinking.

>> No.17800132

i will go weeks without drinking with 2 or 3 beers in my fridge sitting there but then sometimes i get a wild hair and want to go from bar to bar drinking a shot and a beer at each one until i'm stumbly or just sit at home and drink 8-12 drinks. hangovers are getting worse though now that i'm over 30 so that takes away some of the appeal

>> No.17800136

I rarely drink enough to get hangovers but it seems like every single time I do get a hangover, the only ready to eat food I have in the house is something like canned sardines that just makes the nausea worse

>> No.17800166
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I used to drink 10-14 beers in a session 2-3x a week, I had killer hangovers and got alcoholic gastritis desu.

>> No.17800171

Why stick with beer at that point? I thought alcoholics favored vodka

>> No.17800179

this is how I treat drinking alone. even drinking with buddies. I usually never have more than six drinks per weekend

>> No.17800192

I'll have a 6 pack (the whole thing) of 12 oz %7 abv beer every Saturday.
Is that really that bad?

>> No.17800194
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>in college I used to drink 36 beers every weekend

>> No.17800200

In one night, that's pretty bad. That's hard for your liver to take all at once.

Do you really need all that to feel what you want to feel? If you drink one day a week, your tolerance should already be low

>> No.17800215

>That's hard for your liver to take all at once.
Once a week is fine.
Your liver heals pretty quickly, and it's meant to. Doing it regularly is what causes problems since you're not giving it a chance to heal.

>> No.17800229

Doing a bunch at once causes scarring and your liver can't undo scarring

>> No.17800230

*Backs out of thread slowly*

>> No.17800234

that seems pretty reasonable for someone in their 20s or 30s. that's not a lot. if you drank 3-4 cans every day then it'd be worrisome.

>> No.17800240

Just take some protease enzymes

>> No.17800249

Why do you feel the need to seek approval from someone else for your behaviour? Can't you decide for yourself? If you feel it isn't a problem then who cares what people or even doctors think?
Unless you feel it is a problem and are just seeking assurance to be able to continue this behaviour that you know is harmful to you.
A grown ass man should be able to decide for himself something this simple.

>> No.17800254

>then it'd be worrisone
I wish someone worried about me and my habits. Fucking keking hell

>> No.17800277

>how much beer is really too much for an ordinary person?
do not drink beer everyday.
when you do drink don't drink so much you can't remember shit.
if you have a "fuck it all" day and get to start drinking before noon and dinner is gonna be grilled things then just decide to start a little later than noon.

>> No.17800296

It's a problem if it is causing adverse consequences in your life, but four pints in a night is not "a lot". It's not enough to cause physical dependency or organ damage. If you feel like you have a problem go sit in on a local AA meeting some night and ask one of the oldtimers afterwards how much they used to put back in a day. There was a point in my life I needed more than that to steady my hands to light my morning cigarette.

>> No.17800315

Drinking 6 to 8 beers every Friday and Saturday night isn't normal?

>> No.17800340

Based Coors Banquet drinker?
I drink 3 tall boys of the stuff every Friday and Saturday night

>> No.17800345

Most people who are active drinkers easily have 6 drinks when they go out on a Saturday night

>> No.17800366

Why would anyone decide their life choices based on the behaviour of "most people"? Most people are dumb, fat, and sick. Is that the kind of people anyone should emulate?

>> No.17800369

I'm not referring to fat fucks, but the slim good looking people I hang out with

>> No.17800373

Are these people in their 20s?

>> No.17800376

20s to mid 30s generally

>> No.17800379

>Most people are dumb, fat, and sick
most people are chinese so you can't have "fat" in that line.

>> No.17800380

I have a friend who's 45 and drinks every day (only heavily on Friday to Sunday though) and he looks great for his age

>> No.17800386

>when they go out on a Saturday night
>if you're doing it frequently.
>if you're doing it frequently.
>if you're doing it frequently.
Once every 7 days is not "frequently".

>> No.17800389

Towards the end of the week I tend to have 3 tall boys of Coors Banquet, I drink them over the course of about 4 hours and barely feel buzzed at the end

>> No.17800413

I tend to drink while I watch a movie and the length of the film decides how shitfaced I get. Movies that are 3 hours+ wreck me

>> No.17800420

It's easy to look good in your 20s. I drank, did drugs, ate like shit in my 20s and we're still fit. But I felt like crap most of the time. I fixed my diet in my 30s and haven't drank in years and I feel so much better.
If it makes more sense to you, change what I said to most people are dumb and sick. I would not base my behaviour on anything most people do.

>> No.17800429

I'm 27, I feel as good as I did in a long time
I do want to cut down my drinking to just 2 nights a week though.

>> No.17800442

I'm 40. Been drinking pretty much daily since 22. for the last 10 or so years drinking 350 - 500 ml of spirits daily. And things are going great.
A few years ago things were starting to look bad. I had fatty liver, doctor ran a liver panel and a whole bunch of shit was outside the normal ranges.
Without changing my drinking habits, I ate better food (meat, grains, vegetables), lost 60lbs and dropped my BMI down to the normal range, started to be more active, drank a minimum of 100 oz of water each day, and eat a minimum of 30 g fiber each day.
Took the liver tests again and everything is straight down the middle, totally optimal.
It seems to me if you've got the other inputs to your body in a good spot you can more or less do whatever the fuck you want with alcohol.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.17800449

I drink one can of beer every night, seven days a week. I'm the king of moderation. I'm simply the best.

>> No.17800452

I don't know about other people, but for me there was a sharp decline in my health and looks around my mid 30s during a period of maybe a couple of years I really had to fix my shit in order to feel and look better again.

>> No.17800460

oh yeah, same here.

>> No.17800465

It's impossible to eat 30 grams of fiber. That's oven 2 pounds of beans.

>> No.17800466

2 pounds of beans is like 100g of fiber. 30g is very little. Like 2 bowls of oatmeal if even that.

>> No.17800468

I've heard drinking everyday even if it's a single beer a day it's alcoholism. I gave up on caring. Personally I buy 3 1/2 30 racks a week or there abouts for my habbit.

>> No.17800474

What the fuck does "3 1/2 30 racks" mean?

>> No.17800478

I found a trick that makes it really easy. I'm not doing keto but i use this as a fiber supplement and it's a passable substitute for bread, very dry tho. 11g of fiber per slice. https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/franz/keto-white-bread

I literally just ate a slice moments ago with a slice of melted cheese on it. Going to pour my 6th vodka for the evening now as well. Then it will be off to bed...

>> No.17800479

about three drinks once a week?
youre fine.
like ridicuously fine especially assuming its like some 5% max american lager style beer.

but i wouldnt worry about "ordinary" people. do a bit of math, pay a bit more attention - what kind of beer, alc %, how big are you, what are the conditions youre drinking under? are you eating?

if you feel bad and its interrupting your life - fix the probelm. its always that simple.

you wanna get lit? get the fuck lit. but own your shit.

>> No.17800480

30 rack times 3.5

>> No.17800489

shut the fuck up, bitch boy.
nothing wrong with trying to learn or asking for help.

>> No.17800493

Just keep drinking. I'm in my 60s and have been drinking daily since I was 12 and I still look like a runway model.

>> No.17800494

a beer session is like 1 or 2 drinks to feel a little jolly and it ends there as its too much to drink more
then with wine i wind up drinking the same volume i do as beer
beer is nice but its filling

>> No.17800498
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Who here /double dosed/ or /boosted/ here?

>> No.17800499

Btw my secret is a keto diet.

>> No.17800504

That's efficient as heck

>> No.17800507

That just means you're a kept man which is worse than a kept woman. Your hands aren't leathery calloused and shit? How's it feel knowing a twink from my generation could kick your ass?

>> No.17800513


>> No.17800514

Found the twink that couple kick >>17800493

>> No.17800517

I'm also 7 ft tall ex basketball player who dabbled in bare knuckle boxing. You got something to say to me bitch?

>> No.17800527

I will say whatever the fuck I want when I want. I know you're lieing for some reason about your stature, but if I thought Mike Tyson was a bitch I'd tell him to his face. You're not Mike Tyson, and youre not 7ft tall, you're my bitch

>> No.17800531
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I recently added up my weekly alcohol intake. I ballparked it at 15 standard drinks a day therefore, in aus, 15 x 30mls of 80 proof a day
I estimated i am consuming around 4 kg of pure alcohol per week. I anticipate this may be a problem

>> No.17800533

Whatever bitch keep seething I'm too busy fucking your mother. In the ass.

>> No.17800537

Not to mention bare knuckle fighting is one of my favorite pass times. Even the time I got my ass kicked when my opponent failed to mention he has actually been training in mma for over a decade. I still say I won. He gave up cause I was bleeding too much, not me

>> No.17800541

LOL good luck with that druggy bitch

>> No.17800545

She just brought out 4 beers and begged me to stick the bottles up her behind the dirty twat.

>> No.17800549

when did mads do dancing?

>> No.17800553

Wait until the court orders she's extremely successful with em. You raped her buddy

>> No.17800555

this is true
typing this from closet btw

>> No.17800556

>tfw friend is an alco
Is there any way to suggest they slow down?

>> No.17800558

He's was a dancer before he acted

>> No.17800567

no he ainstnt

>> No.17800666
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I drink like 15 beers during a weekend but that's like 1-2 times a month. For context I'm Finnish so it's pretty normal for blue collar dudes to drink every other weekend here.

>> No.17800677

>used to do four 40 ozs weeknights weeknights, then twelve pack of 16 oz with one 40 oz on Fri and Sat
>Now only do the Fri and Sat routine on those days
Nah...you're fine

>> No.17800691

>I drink like 15 beers during a weekend >For context I'm Finnish
so 90 euros spent on beer every weekend?

>> No.17800695

I love drinking Coors Banquet so much, I'd drink a 6 pack every night if it weren't for the negative health effects

>> No.17800697

16oz is comparable to a half litre can here in Europe. 4 cans on a friday is not much. 12 cans is a good party, 6 cans is a regular friday/saturday. 4 cans is just a little much for a week day

>> No.17800704

I've drank 45 beers every week for the past 7 years. No more, no less. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays are my get in one days and I don't have a sip any other day.

>> No.17800705

Do you feel healthy?
I drink about 24 beers over a similar stretch and feel pretty good, but most people ITT are saying that makes me an alcoholic?

>> No.17800765

who drinks this soda pop shit

>> No.17800796

>That's oven 2 pounds of beans.
Yeah, what of it?

>> No.17800820
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There's no such thing as a "normal amount" of alcohol. It all depends on the culture you grow up in.

I'm Irish and I have relatives in America who are shocked when they hear about how much we drink. But these are the same guys who smoke weed 7 days a week and get all defensive when you are surprised by that. I definitely drink too much but I don't really care because I like drinking. I gave up for a month back in January, but I didn't get any enjoyment out of it.

I watched my teetotaler grandma lived to be 86 and she spent those last years in constant pain and she couldn't even go to the bathroom by herself and had to wear adult diapers. I don't want that shit for me. I'm happy to check out at 75 with a gut full of whiskey. World is gonna go to shit anyway in the next few decades.

>> No.17800867
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Its just so good bros

>> No.17801239

>couple beers a night and a binge on the weekend is completely normal.
The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.

>> No.17802053

The way I look at drinking, the only person who counts my drinks are the people at the bottle depot. I feel healthy, despite some foggy Monday mornings every now and again. I experience zero hangovers if I have a big feed before I start drinking

>> No.17802066

There's a lot wrong with coming to 4chan for learning or helping determine a drinking problem.

>> No.17802433

Thats like a six-pack's worth of beer.

t. generally drink around 20 every friday and saturday

>> No.17802483

Your kidneys must be very thankful for the 10l of fluid they have to filter. Do you just chug them back and forth while standing at the urinal?

>> No.17802509

If it's making you a fat fuck then you're drinking too much. I stopped drinking alcohol and dropped over 30 pounds.

>> No.17802578

I'm not a complete hedonist but I'd rather have a fulfilling life and die at 80 or even 75 than have some autistic Tom Brady diet just to live a few more years

>> No.17802585

Same. As long as I don't chug a bunch of beers at the end of my night, I rarely get hangovers.
Hydrating helps of course.
Alcohol has made me about 10 pounds heavier than I want to be, but my BMI is still healthy

>> No.17802633

Forgot to mention they were 12 oz cans

>> No.17802668

you're probably drinking too much if:

- it affects your work (week night drinking 2+ times a week)
- it affects your relationships/commitments (you bail on obligations or feel like shit when you do them)
- you can't afford it and are spending money on booze over your basic needs
- you drink until you black out, throw up, or are annoying/bothersome/dangerous to others

these are guidelines but if you check any of these boxes consider your drinking habits.

I'd say, 10ish drinks per week is about the limit. if you're in college or early 20s you could probably go higher because of social situations. once you're in your 30s it's less acceptable.

>> No.17802708

In Druk, the movie where he becomes an alcoholic

>> No.17802719

goin to buy some beer buds

>> No.17802723
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I can do about 9-10 12oz cans of beer before I hit my wall, if I have something keeping me awake I can keep going, otherwise(or after the next several beers) I will usually pass out wherever I'm at. I do this 3 times a week at random, doctor told me it was bad for me but then retired so what does he know, at least it's not as bad as when I was still in school.

>> No.17802741

You think Tom Brady is not living a fulfilling life? You think drinking a bunch of beer is what leads to a fulfilling life?
Haha "based" indeed.

>> No.17802750

Hmm I have about 20 drinks per week and meet none of that criteria (I'm 27)
But I don't feel dependent on alcohol at all and don't even order alcohol when I go out to restaurants.

>> No.17802756

He's the greatest quarterback of all time, that's different. I don't have a skill like that where sacrificing alcohol would be worth it.

>> No.17802774

You don't need to be the greatest anything to have a fulfilling life.
>I don't have a skill like that where sacrificing alcohol would be worth it.
If Tom Brady spent all his time drinking he wouldn't have his skills either.

>> No.17802794

I tend to disregard anyone’s comments on my drinking because it always seems to come from a woman who’s literally half my size. I’m a pretty big guy so it takes more of anything to affect me the same way it would for the average person, including alcohol. That being said I only ever drank to blacking out once before and I avoid drinking to the point of vomiting (because I hate cleaning up).

>> No.17802855

how do you break those up? I was doing about that when I was 27. it was too much for me, I eventually figured out how much money I could save and I felt a ton better when I cut that in half.

33 now, I probably drink 6-8 drinks on either friday or saturday. hardly anything during the week anymore. just not worth the calories.

>> No.17803092

College student rn

Went out WTFS last week and probably drank an average of 9 mixed drinks each night

Going out WTF this week and also 9 mixed drinks this week.

Two weekends ago was a big very large party weekend and I started drinking friday - saturday 10am to 4am. I'd reckon I probably drank a case to myself throughout that day (felt very bloated and shitty)

Gone very hard since i'm a senior and its finals. Overall I plan on doing nearly zero drinking over the summer. I want to get any feelings i have for it out of me before I return for one more semester.

>> No.17803114

I used to drink two forties and a tall boy three or four times a week, just alone in my room shitposting on 4chan, breaking up the monotony of neet life with some drunkenness

What I didn't account for is that's a shit ton of extra calories plus expands the stomach with all that volume, got pretty fat that year

>> No.17803130

>Went out What The Fuck S(hit?)
>Going out What The Fuck
What does this mean

>> No.17803138

I think she means Wednesday Tuesday Friday Sunday

>> No.17803146

Oh, that makes a little more sense.

>> No.17803253

idk as a borderline alcoholic I'd say it's the opposite. I no longer drink to get drunk I just drink to unwind. It's a regular Thursday night and I just got home from work? Gonna grab a few beers!

>> No.17803329

I drink nearly nothing but beer every day. I wake up, and the first thing I do is open a beer, light a stoge, and enjoy both while pissing then showering. Every day for about a decade. I don't even get drunk from beer anymore unless it's 8-12%. If I don't suffer from any problems other than blowing 20-30 American shekels every 2 or 3 days on beer, then your 4 cans every friday is perfectly fine.

>> No.17803464

>I'd say, 10ish drinks per week is about the limit.
I get it, but I don't understand it.
Realistically, I go through about 35-40 units of alcohol a week.
But there's never been a point that I've really "had a problem".
That was a different story in my early 20's.
But ever since I hit my thirties, I'll chug an entire bottle of wine, take a couple shots, then wake up early the next morning for a jog before heading into work.

It's kind of maddening just because I'm sure my liver hates being treated like this.
But I'm definitely high functioning for an alcoholic.

>> No.17803798
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VIPs in parliament can have 1-2 in a sessions.
people usually get WAY messier past that.

>> No.17803800

I drink four to six pints of ale every single day.

>> No.17803823

my dad used to do that. then he died. 54.

>> No.17803830

How did he die?

>> No.17803933

The number of beers isn't as consequential as the pace I think. Your body will let you know. imo you shouldn't be having any hangovers that ruin the next day past like noon. You definitely shouldn't be drinking to the point of throwing up. But you can easily have 6 beers throughout a day and be none the worse for wear, maybe a little dehydrated but that's manageable. Basically, if your days after are writeoffs then you are drinking too much.

>> No.17803944

how is 4 cans of beer even enjoyable? are we in college still

>> No.17804002

>9 mixed drinks each night
how much is each drink

>> No.17804043
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I drink a six pack every night, my drinking has been increasing steadily for a few years now. I think I'll naturally get it under control by the time I'm 30 (currently 22) but maybe that's retarded.

>> No.17804095

I tried some cider and it said 2.1 units per can
and the uk gubmint recommends to stay under 14 per week
I drank two cans and only felt kinda hot and sweaty....drinking sucks bros

>> No.17804115
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I don't like the taste. I've never been to much into alcohol but i usually do rum and coke just do get drunk. A few days ago i was walking on the beach at night and alone i drink 2 cans, probably 350ml each after i had 2 double chickens from burger king. The taste sucks not gonna lie.

>> No.17804163

idk anon, what brand did you drink? there are different kinds of beers. if you dislike average lagers, try IPAs or other beers.
that said, some people just don't like beer. but that's like hating corn, some people surely hate it but that's a bit too picky for something that many others enjoy.

>> No.17804170

Skoll, Brahma. Whatever people here usually gets. But on that particular day i just bough 2 different cans. They were more expensive than the popular beers but the taste was the same. Funny, because i remember the first beer i had i was 20 and it was a bud. I dont remember it being so bad.

>> No.17804661

Bud is good. But if you buy mass market beer, yeah most of it will taste same. That's why I said "average lagers", they all taste similar. Try different stuff, IPAs actually aren't bad as an entry into something more interesting. Czech beers are great too.

>> No.17805339

I drink about a pint a day
Sometimes I'll have one for breakfast

>> No.17805431

That's a fairly small amount of beer for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.17805721

No I'm an alchy and I agree. People like those you mention seem to exist. Obviously they don't drink too much and can pat themselves on the back or have other people do it for them.

>> No.17805897

Snake bite.

>> No.17806007

But fuck it right?

>> No.17806017
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>Been getting drunk on everything I can afford for years
>Sometimes don't even drink coffee,just mix vodka with pineapple juice in the mornings
>Don't drink for 4 days straight,focusing on gym and diet
>drink a glass of wine on 5th day
>Already feeling buzzed and struggling to go for a second one
What is this sorcery?Being Romanian has it's perks I guess.I am also like 100kg so a glass or two should have no effect on me.

>> No.17806019


As a slavic "person" i think american definition of a heavy drinker is quite lightweight, i don't really drink alcohol myself though

>> No.17806026

Maybe in Burgerland. Here 15 beers per week or 5 beers in a day is below average. Alcoholics spend whole day in pub and drink 10+ beers every day.

>> No.17806037

>Ask person who drinks less than you if you have a problem
>Yes of course anon!
>Ask person who drinks more than you if you have a problem
>No anon, that's fucking nothing.
Every time.

>> No.17806041
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 56a9b30d-be07-443e-b15c-efbaef11db8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i clear a full 6 pack of these shits 24 hours a day. $7 down the shitter everyday, but fuck it right?

>> No.17806073

whatchu know about that?

>> No.17806098

I am kinda scared that one day I'd need that amount. 6 cans, that's almost like 20oz of bourbon by alcohol volume.

>> No.17806117

Drinking beer to get drunk is like scarfing down sugary breakfast cereal to get your vitamins
Buy some liquor

>> No.17806246
File: 17 KB, 414x282, 1647033929952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 22, shit's about to get real ugly for me but i don't care

>> No.17806250


>> No.17806367


Also, in what situations do you drink the beers?

Like with friends or all alone?

3/4 cans every friday doesnt sound like youre an alcoholic.

To be fair I only think someone is an alcoholic if he/she drinks >3 beers every day

>> No.17806398


>> No.17806437

Lmao faggot zoomer fell for a meme.
Like pottery

>> No.17806489

Pissing is unironically one of the best parts of drinking. It's so satisfying downing 3 pints and then shooting off like a firehose into the urinal.

>> No.17806492

How's your cholesterol and triglycerides

>> No.17806557

My and my boys drink anywhere between 6 and 30 a day everyday on top of the weed.we usually start between 10 and 12 and go to 11 or so.yes we have a problem but fuck it.we all have our own things goin and we make money and enjoy life.

>> No.17806613

As soon as alcohol becomes part of your routine, you are in the danger zone.

Get shitfaced drunk once? Not that big a deal actually. Have a single beer every day once you get home? Bears looking at.

The logic is that once alcohol is part of your routine, it will affect your non-drunk behaviour. Your body will expect its daily beer and you will plan around your daily beer.

>> No.17806668
File: 89 KB, 640x594, C46EF4EC-BD10-4672-8227-EE0653CAA55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Have a single beer every day once you get home? Bears looking at.
Retard alert

>> No.17806689

The thing that has fucked with me is all the NE IPAs that are being pumped out. I love them but a 16oz can at 8.5% is like drinking 2.5 Budweisers. And for me they go down just as easy since I like them and you barely taste the alcohol. During covid summer 2020 I was dropping a big ice cube into my beer glass to dilute it and delay my cracking another beer by a bit of time, may try to get back into that habit this summer.

>> No.17806694

It's not the amount, it's the frequency. Can you even unwind anymore without your end of the day beer?

>> No.17806695

That was me for about 3 years and honestly wasn't worth it. Quit for 4 months last year, the first weeks were bad and there was a seizure and I had to medically detox. I'm not ever going back to that drunk all day every day life. Having a nice drink or two at night is something too look forward to and it's more rewarding anyway.

>> No.17806768

Then again, beer gives me a physical limit to how much I can drink. The times I've gotten drunk off liquor or wine usually lead to me passing out somewhere.

>> No.17806772

But that's a cat.

>> No.17806827

We don't. That's a myth. We drink it heavily on holidays though.

>> No.17806828

I dont think thats what he was getting at. Tom Brady could blow his brains out tomorrow for all we know.
Check out Mark Twains short essay The Moral Statician, it sums the idea up perfectly.

>> No.17806874

>alcoholics have been a thing since zoomers have been a thing
Alcoholics have been around for thousands of years anon, it isn't a generational thing it's a human thing through and through, maybe if you'd stop thinking about zoomers for five seconds you'd actually understand that.

>> No.17806890

>Tom Brady could blow his brains out tomorrow for all we know.
What a ridiculous statement. Why would Tom Brady want to kill himself? This is a man with clear goals and a history of achieving those goals in spectacular fashion. That takes dedication, hard work, and a love for what he does to keep doing it for years and years. Why would someone like that kill himself, and not some random 4chan poster who thinks alcohol can lead him to a fulfilling life?
I read the essay. It's mostly about him being for smoking and agaisnt saving money, am I getting it right? People like Tom Brady don't stay away from drinking because of money. I don't stay away from drinking because of money. I have things that I do that bring me joy and fulfillment that has nothing to do with drinking.

>> No.17806892

you sounds like a pussy desu

>> No.17807062
File: 565 KB, 565x564, 1623041653768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently drink 2 standard bottles of hard liquor a week, mainly focused around fri/sat, along with 20 or so beers (mainly just cheap american light lager to fine-tune my inebriation alongside the liquor). Only 22, but I know that I'll have to slow down this eventually.
But not tonight, cheers.

>> No.17808115

hipster numales

>> No.17808154

I am Breton (west of France) and this is absolutely based

>> No.17808574

Don't know what you're lmao'ing about.
Your average adult only goes through about 14 beers a week. Above that and you're already a standard deviation.

Regularly clearing six packs is, in the most literal sense, not normal.

>> No.17809368
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>30g is very little
That above or at most men's daily fiber recommendation. 17 g is already enough to unclog any problems you have going on down below

>> No.17809441

6 pack on Friday night, and maybe 7 beers on Saturday and Sunday night. I don't generally get too drunk, and I'm being more careful now that I'm older

>> No.17809529

and you to admit you are a faggot