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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17930531 No.17930531 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /ck/ been crazy enough to go on an extreme diet due to weight loss or poverty?
Sticking to the Survivor regimen of rice, fish, and coconuts seems pretty based ngl desu senpai

>> No.17930550

>Has anyone on /ck/ been crazy enough to go on an extreme diet due to weight loss or poverty?
Yeah, I fasted 2 days of each week with only electrolytes and vitamins to-
>Sticking to the Survivor regimen of rice, fish, and coconuts seems pretty based ngl desu senpai

>> No.17930552


>> No.17930561

I mean, intermittent fasting is actually healthy--I'm partially shitposting with the Survivor diet.
you don't need to eat 3 meals a day, everyday. gaps in between are good for you.
wanna elaborate on that, chief?

>> No.17930573

Yeah, just figured you didn't mean fasting by the second sentence. It's a pretty passive thing to do if you don't do physical labor and can handle the pangs.

>> No.17930589

I lost 210 pounds over 14 months doing rolling 72 hour fasts. 2k cal refeeds with 50/50 fat protein split. Minimal carbs from 1/4 cup walnuts. Just don't eat and drink your snake juice

>> No.17930625

> be me, 19 y/o, freshman year in uni
> poor af
> discover broken rice in asia store
> mfw 2,5€/10kg
> discover frozen mystery fish in asia store
> mfw 1€/2,5kg
> stealing veggies from neighbours gardens (miners settlement in germany, every house has some)
> germany, country of cheap and tasty beer
> live off of rice, veggies, fish and beer for a year
> fish probably has all the meds i need
> cycle to uni everyday
> days off only beer, no food at all
> skip breakfast, have two beers instead

and that my friends is how i became fit and lean.
and an alcoholic.

>> No.17930630

get a bone density and marrow test

>> No.17930637

that was ~15 years ago. never had any troubles. besides actually becoming an alcoholic, but sober for six years now.

>> No.17931009

That's fucking impressive, king.
How would a typical meal look for you? I'm asking because I've lost 66 pounds over the last six months with CICO, but I'm reaching a calorie intake where I just feel like shit, but have had some success with fasts. So I want to go all in on that.

>> No.17931943
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I'm a dumb American, so kg and Euros are confusing to me. But that sounds cool. Besides the alcoholic part.

>> No.17931977

Lost 230lb doing 1200kcal a day for a couple years.
From 400 to 240 lost more than 1lb a day. 240 to 160 took me another 2 years.
Wouldn't recommend it. At the tail end of my diet I was having major problems with low blood pressure/pulse. Every time I stood up from sitting or laying down my vision would black out, sometimes I would faint. I could usually prevent fainting by tensing all my muscles and leaning against a wall for a few seconds.

I'm much healthier now at around 180.

>> No.17932022

Good on you. I'm happy for you

>> No.17932066

USD and Euros are roughly of equal value. (Roughly, stop being autistic about it)

1 kg is roughly 2 pounds

>> No.17932794
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You are too kind, thank you
I might have to seek Asian markets for inexpensive fish

>> No.17932912

>diet due to weight loss
so ice cream and cheese burger with pizza for desert
yes I have

>> No.17932919

going 24 or 36 hours between meals makes me feel so much better. unfortunately i am a recovering heroin addict and my brain craves the dopamine hit from sugar or hyperpalatable snacks and junk food.

>> No.17932976

what the fuck was your starting weight

>> No.17932999

>unfortunately a recovering heroin addict
fortunately you're off that stuff, good on you bro

>> No.17933865

I used to only eat organ meats when they were still cheap.
I got really sick from it and it ruined my life for a few months and I didn't know what was going on.
Now in my banan republic, hipsters have made them more expensive than good cuts of meat, which have also hyperinflated.

>> No.17933942

4 Eggs
280 cal
20g fat
24g pro

4 Sausage
640 cal
44g fat
56g pro
4g carb

5oz Salmon
150 cal
3g fat
31g pro

2 tbsp Olive Oil
240 cal
27g fat

2 String Mozz Cheese
160 cal
12g fat
14g pro

1 Two Good Greek Yogurt
80 cal
2g fat
12g pro
3g carb

1 Canned Herring
140 cal
10g fat
12g pro

1/4 cup Walnuts
180 cal
18g fat
4g pro
2g carb

1 tbsp Mustard Seeds
50 cal
3g fat
3g pro
2g carb

1/2 tbsp Coconut Oil
60 cal
6g fat

+Garlic Clove
+Cayanne Pepper
+White Pepper
+Italian Seasoning

+Green Tea

1990 cal
145g fat
156g pro
11g carb

370. Had bad back nerve pain that made it hard to move and was just eating like shit during covid in general (lots of frozen meals). Started doing a meme low carb diet to see if carb inflammation was a thing (it was). Took me a while but between the diet change, weight loss, and supplements (protease enzymes, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid) I went from constant pain to it being totally gone even when I do a lot of lower back exercise.

>> No.17934922

more proud of the recovered glutton than
the recovered junkie

>> No.17935038

ate basically nothing but potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, and onions and cheese for three months while i was NEETing
lost 20 pounds and now i have heart disease

>> No.17935080

Is it because of your diet?

>> No.17935130
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I lost 50 pounds because I couldn't eat solid food for a couple of weeks due to injury. I guess that counts. I gained 100 pounds because I was on a steady diet of narcotics and oral route steroids after another bad injury. Prednisone is a helluva drug.

>> No.17935297

when i was in university a subsisted on raw carrots, celery, radishes boiled eggs and the occasional shoplifted protein bar

>> No.17935357

20 pounds in 3 months isn't drastic enough for long-term issues, is it?
50 in a few weeks seems like it though

>> No.17936624

I lost maybe 20-25 pounds in two weeks, I continued to lose weight afterwards. I would say it took two months to lose 50 pounds. I went from 255 to 205, but I'm also really tall.