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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, Wooden-Spoon-Spatula-Bamboo-Kitchen-Tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17932159 No.17932159 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't scratch your stuff like metal
>doesn't melt like plastic
>probably an ecologic choice
is there any reason not to use wooden kitchenware?

>> No.17932163

Mildew/mold growth in the wood.

>> No.17932164

The spatulas don't have a thin enough edge.

>> No.17932169

Where the fuck are you finding plastic spatulas? The toy department? They are silicone, not plastic, and are extremely heat resistant.

>> No.17932180

Silicone is literally a type of plastic, retard

>> No.17932182

They're everywhere dude, don't pretend you don't see them

>> No.17932189

if your wooden stuff starts growing mold, you've probably got a problem with your house
yeah I suppose. I wouldn't make pancakes with a thick wood spatula

>> No.17932289

thats laminated wood. a good percentage you got there is water resistant plastic glue
its wood, take a knife and cut the edge thin

>> No.17932331

How fucking hot of a temperature are you cooking at that you're melting silicone?

>> No.17932340

>its wood, take a knife and cut the edge thin
yeah, because spatula-thin wood exposed to high concentrations of moisture and heat combined with pressure never warp, split or otherwise change shape and if they do they always revert back to being perfectly flat.

>> No.17932345

Anyone here carve their own utensils? My brother in law gave my mum a couple of wooden spatulas that he made himself from cherry and they are very pretty and useful and I don't worry about microplastics/glue because they're untreated. Also the best one has a razor thin edge. Sometimes I want the flexibility of plastic for tasks such as unsticking an omelette from a pan.

>> No.17932348

>thats laminated wood. a good percentage you got there is water resistant plastic glue
ok, bad picture. the ones I use are untreated
>its wood, take a knife and cut the edge thin
wood will never hold together at ~1mm thickness the same as plastic

>> No.17932350

>because they're untreated
so he gave you something that's going to rot and fall apart, cool

>> No.17932357

>if your wooden stuff starts growing mold, you've probably got a problem with your house
Yes it's called living in the tropics, makes sense that a major portion of the earth's surface should be free from residential development so hipster meme utensil purism can prevail and a perfectly good utensil material developed in part to overcome the significant drawbacks of archaic meme utensils can be abandoned for that purpose.

>> No.17932364

Your dick is untreated and is gonna rot and fall apart.

>> No.17932369

dry wood doesn't rot, dumbass
>it's called living in the tropics
I don't live in the tropics

>> No.17932373
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im talking about a 45° bevel, not thinning the whole spatula
yea i carved some spoons before, most proud im of my shoehorn thou, its just the perfect form.
Fruit woods are great for that since they dont split or break without a fight

>> No.17932384
File: 99 KB, 600x800, 1652955629624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put down some fresh fried chicken breasts on the cheap cutting board
>the oil melted into the "silicone" board
>it warped in the fucking dishwasher
this reminds me of the time i bought really thin plates from walmart and one of them exploded in the dishwasher

>> No.17932395

I live in the tropics, use exclusively wood and you are probably just too braindead to take care of your shit. Are you too inept for wooden cutting boards also?

>> No.17932398

my wood spatula has a bevel like so but flipping eggs and pancakes just feels better with a uniform 1mm thick plastic spatula

>> No.17932401

Cutting boards actually do tend to be regular plastic and not silicone. You can get silicone ones but most of them aren't and sounds like yours wasn't.

>> No.17932411

Maybe you're developing a destructive mutant power that you're not yet able to control.

>> No.17932442

yeah that's about right. i bought some nice wood boards, which i only use with guests cause i hate oiling them... and a bunch of actual-silicone boards which i haven't had much problems with minus lots of scratch marks from cutting.

>> No.17932445

I don't see them. You could probably find one that isn't silicone if you searched enough but you'd specifically have to go out of your way to do that. And that would be retarded, like you.

>> No.17932447
File: 2.81 MB, 640x512, 1652364088060.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>detructive power to bend or melt exclusively plastic products
im gonna look at a modern car and watch it turn to silly puddy before my very eyes

>> No.17932451

I sharpen mine but I'm also into wood working and make myself a new wooden spatula every few months

>> No.17932608

Why are women such cunts?

>> No.17932636

they call it nylon
still, it's plastic and melts as soon as it touches a hot skillet

>> No.17932650

They're good at fighting

>> No.17932660

kill yourself

>> No.17932671 [DELETED] 


Thats a man

>> No.17932832

If it's nylon, then yeah they do call it that. They're different things and nylon has a much lower melting point than silicone, which is why your faggot ass is running into problems.

>> No.17933009

Are they dishwasher safe?

>> No.17933022

>Wah wah not my fault
Listen retard, when you cook with wood, you wash it right after the meal. If you're an unhygienic lazy faggot it's not the wood's fault. Also it's not hipster to use wooden utensils when wood has been the standard for an extremely long time. You shame your family

>> No.17933024

no, but they take like 2 seconds to wash by hand
you can put them in the dish washer, but they will degrade over several washes, but they're not expensive so you could just do that and buy replacements every year

>> No.17933030

>take like 2 seconds
You know how many seconds it takes to wash by hand with a dishwasher? Zero seconds.

>> No.17933078

Eh, metal is the best. Lasts longer, easier to get under an egg to flip it. Biggest issue is heat diffusion, in which case wood is solid.

>> No.17933089
File: 413 KB, 1000x1333, 20220604_080027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many years ago I bought this, but it has scraped along pans thousands of times and taken plenty of punishment from steel wool.

I like using wood for mixing and stirring, but pic related is my constant go-to for eggs.

>> No.17933215
File: 117 KB, 736x919, 80ad148e0d8181568445b6d23c61cb69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you and others are so invested in characterizing fucking spatula material selection as an indicator of character proves that this conversation is ALL about sad little hipsters desperately trying to assert their superiority, which is the essence of hipsterism.
If you honestly believed you were right you'd just be secure in that knowledge and literally wouldnt waste a moment caring about other people's opinions and choices over FUCKING SPATULA MATERIAL, let alone calling them names in a pathetic attempt to shame and silence them for having different selection criteria and defending your hipster choice.
But thanks for the laugh from your utterly absurd premise that something being old and traditional and archaic means it can't be the choice of hipsters, when that kind of shit is the hipster's stock in trade.

>> No.17933630

What the fuck is it?

>> No.17933827

It's actually a synthetic rubber, not a plastic, you fucking cocksucker.

>> No.17933858
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>> No.17933903

I've been using wooden stuff for years. Been through the dishwasher probably 100 times. No issues. Just well-made, I guess.

>> No.17933907

Okay. I have had maybe one or two things crack and split, but that's all.

>> No.17934102
File: 346 KB, 1200x1487, 1654308981054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is acacia a good wood for spoons/cutting boards?

>> No.17934115

Just keep sanding them down to shape. I use my nippon knife rock, works a treat.

Also you guys should try bamboo.

>> No.17934127

that's a man, man

>> No.17934204

Silicone. Wouldn't use anything else in a pan for scraping under eggs.

>> No.17934324

Valid. Little flex too. Apart from that, wood is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.17934352

Why the fuck is it easier to find plastic utensils that look like wood than real wood utensils?

>> No.17934481

>unsticking an omelette from a pan
What kind of pan are you using? Eggs are the sole reason I keep a nonstick pan in the kitchen. Yeah yeah, it'll give you cancer; show me a single case of this ever happening.

>> No.17934541
File: 57 KB, 898x628, 1653247047039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there any reason not to use wooden kitchenware
my mom used to beat me with a wooden spoon until i took it and sawed it in half then she beat beat me with a rubber spatula which hurt way worse

>> No.17934546

for sure, look at those shoulders

>> No.17934571
File: 193 KB, 932x1024, 1611267871811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking HATE that they put holes in almost all that shit. I have a feeling it's planed obsolescence and they are there to make them crack and break sooner,. otherwise a solid bamboo one will last like10 years+.

>> No.17934756

>cleans my utensils regularly

>> No.17934790

I use wood spoons and steel tongs/spatulas. I only cook on cast iron and stainless steel so scratching isn't an issue.

>> No.17935122

You have zero chill

>> No.17935138

The slotted spoon I get. The slotted spatula was the real mystery

>> No.17935177

makes it easier to stir with I guess. sometimes you want a flat bottom to cover the bottom better. probably not even close to the extra effort when washing it but it sells when wamen and retards are loose

>> No.17936054

For draining away some oil

>> No.17936065

>Writes all this
>Feels superior to someone talking about cooking tools on a cooking board
Yep, he's a once a week shower kinda guy

>> No.17936136

Guess what happsns when you cook with it retard.

>> No.17936142

>cooking tools
If only there’s was a word for them.
ESL spastic.

>> No.17936156

People oil their cutting boards?

>> No.17936272

If you make candy that stuff can easily melt silicone kitchenware
t. My whisk melted into my caramel

>> No.17936322

you fucking bigot you
are you some kind of antisemite?

>> No.17936401

Guess what happens after you cook with it, retard.

>> No.17936504

I've put mine in the dishwasher for years, and as long as they're not untreated, they will be fine

>> No.17936520
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, cardboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using cardboard kitchenware
come on guys

>> No.17936537

>Nintendo presents...!

>> No.17936782
File: 725 KB, 1280x1404, 1468600052754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.17936787

>Why yes just throw your chicken in the pan, the heat will kill all the germs, also never ever wash your pots and pans, only wipe them with a paper towel