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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 296 KB, 1200x900, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18011267 No.18011267 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18011270

The long-term being "the entirety of human history"?

>> No.18011287

oh jeez yet another diet fad from obese amer*kans?

>> No.18011289
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>> No.18011291

Upvoted my fellow redpilled schizo. Bread is definitely LE BAD.

>> No.18011292

Bread isn't really the problem. It's having a diet that's overall high in processed food.

>> No.18011297

Europoors can literally not stop seething about America

>> No.18011304

Yes, unironically. Egyptian mummies have been found to have atherosclerosis.

>> No.18011312

>not a processed food
Yes, I also prefer to get a nice ripe loaf of bread fresh off the vine from my garden.

>> No.18011313
File: 552 KB, 1600x1200, americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol jealous of a 3rd world country full of inbred obese "people"?

>> No.18011347

>posts a boule instead of a plasticked loaf of Wonderbread
>actually, zoomers probably aren't hep to either style

Anyway, if your "daily bread" looks like you pic related, you're probably some combination of rich/not-American/"healthier"

We still live a very long time considering how much we burden our organisms with things like sugary soft drinks, a food item with MUCH larger shelfspace than bread has in any American store

>> No.18011362
File: 316 KB, 1000x1028, 1384940482292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that Ken and his family are space aliens, anon.
There's some uncanny valley shit going on.

>> No.18011370

Bead is fine. We ate it for thousands of years with no issue. Stop destroying your metabolism with seed oils and refined sugar and you, too, will be able to enjoy bread once again.

>> No.18011375

but yummy in the meantime

>> No.18011382
File: 42 KB, 413x427, amistupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... is bread poison?

>> No.18011475

Haha I love the indoctrination of my fellow redditors! Thanks /r/keto!

>> No.18011577

those kids are fat

>> No.18011586

Kill yourself.

>> No.18011603

>We ate it for thousands of years with no issue. Stop
Malnutrition went up the moment we started eating bread and grain as our main food.

>> No.18011638

Of all the garbage in modern food including plastics, pesticides, and various carcinogens, you're going to complain about BREAD instead?

>> No.18011649

Are you implying that bread causes malnutrition?

>> No.18011661

If it displaces the consumption of healthier foods, then yes.

>> No.18011676

That goes without saying. Bread would have been used as a filler food when times were rough. Something to keep the stomach full, similar to rice. That doesn't make it inherently unhealthy.

>> No.18011711

it was cheap and fueled generations
nowadays it's a luxury to have fresh bread

>> No.18011743

It is inherently less nutritious than other food, though, especially meat, and it DID actually displace consumption of more nutritious foods, even in bountiful times. It continues to do so today.

>> No.18011758

>It is inherently less nutritious than other food, though, especially meat
Ok but your body doesn't need 2000 calories worth of meat every day. Modern people in developed countries don't suffer from malnutrition because they eat a sandwich for lunch every day. Bread serves as energy. It's not just empty calories.

>> No.18011762

Nutrition and health are a lot more complex than just calories.

>> No.18011768

Im a lower middle class fat American and my bread looks like that because I like to bake my own bread.

>> No.18011775

Quit seething about bread, then. Bread isn't the problem, tubby.

>> No.18011776

I've never met a thin person who was scared of bread. I myself have a BMI of 18 and eat bread every day. A normal healthy human body does fine with bread.

>> No.18011777

Internet Bread Defence Force operating here

>> No.18011866

People often don't worry about their health until something goes wrong with it.

>> No.18011877

I'm very conscious of my health. I cook all my own food out of whole ingredients. The bread that I eat comes from a bakery and doesn't contain seed oils or preservatives.

>> No.18011916

Or you could just make it and pull it out of your oven. Buying the stuff with all the preservatives isn't the only option.

>> No.18011923

Still a processed food, though, even if you process it at home.

>> No.18012014

Grinding a grain and mixing it with some yeast and water isn't what I'd consider "processed". People were making bread at least 14,000 years ago before agriculture started. When people say "processed food" they typically mean foods created only recently that weren't available before modern technology that use a lot of refined ingredients which provide very little nutrition other than calories.

>> No.18012023

*enables the population to explode*

>> No.18012040

Lmao yeah people nowadays are dropping dead from malnutrition compared to 500 years ago.

>> No.18012097

Malnutrition is a serious problem. Diabetes, obesity, and many other serious and deadly health conditions are a result of malnutrition. Malnutrition is not starvation, it is poor nutrition.

>> No.18012164

Bread was nutritious until they started messing about with flour.

>> No.18012192
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So based, so braveeee!

>> No.18012366

So is literally everything. Know what they call it when you clean up a dead animal to butcher? Processing. Better get to starving faggot.

>> No.18012462

I'm 99% sure you're an obese American.

>> No.18012479

Mummies were the noble class. Peasants lived on wheat and nobility could eat meat and butter.

>> No.18012491

No, the pharaohs ate lots of bread, too.

>> No.18013035

There are mummies from all social classes and the atherosclerosis and poor bone health affected all social classes

>> No.18013043

>am I fat and unhealthy because I eat nothing but processed garbage all day like the slob I am
>No, it's the bread that's the problem!
keto cultists are lazy bitches

>> No.18013215

There is nothing wrong with simple bread that’s made with whole wheat flour, yeast, water and salt. The “bread” you find at the grocery store however is cut with shit like seed oils, HFCS, sugar, emulsifiers, and god knows what else. That’s the kind that’s fucking our health up.

>> No.18013224

German bread doesn't have sugar in it like Ameritard "bread" does.

>> No.18013423

bread IS processed garbage
>there's nothing wrong with expensive bread
>but the widely avaliable and consumed bread, that's the bad one!

>> No.18013531

>There is nothing wrong with simple bread that’s made with whole wheat flour, yeast, water and salt.
There is these days because modern wheat has been cultivated and genetically modified into oblivion to be as non-nutritive as possible for the sake of shelf life. It's like when people say fruit is a super healthy food even though it's been cultivated into gigantic sugar bombs with next to no vitamins. Modern society has fundamentally fucked with these foods at such a basic level you can't escape it.

>> No.18013543

Why would there be mummies of working class people?

>> No.18013981 [DELETED] 

They werent mummified in the same extravagant ways as the elites

>> No.18013999

>An analysis of more than 150 skeletons from a 3,300-year-old cemetery at the ancient Egyptian city of Amarna reveals fractures, wear and tear from heavy lifting, and rampant malnutrition amongst the city's commoners.
>The children had stunted growth, and many of the bones were porous due to nutritional deficiency, probably because the commoners lived on a diet of mostly bread and beer, Stevens told LiveScience.
>Other research has found that even Egypt's wealthy suffered widespread malnutrition and disease, often living only to age 30.

>> No.18014016

Important to preserve the corpse for the next world or something. Only some commoners could afford the expensive mummification but it wasn't exclusive to royalty

>> No.18014679

fucking faggot i could make 3 loaves of bread using flour yeast and water for the same cost of 1 uber-processed white bread loaf from the goycery store. it might up a lot of time but it is worth it.

>> No.18014696

Wasn't the meme that they would mummify their servants too so they'd serve them in the afterlife?

>> No.18014713

everybody was mummified back then, it was the standard burial procedure in ancient egypt. literally hundreds of thousands of mummies, fucking everywhere. there were so many mummies that they ground them down for medicine, making paint, extracting their oil. by the industrial revolution, they were finding so many that they began using them as fuel for trains and shit. I'm not bullshitting, google it.

>> No.18015888

They even mummified their pets, there was a whole industry where people would breed cats, jackals and other animals purely to mummify and then sell to people.