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17998906 No.17998906 [Reply] [Original]

What are you brewing today edition.

This stuff may be the most incredible coffee I've ever had.

Previous thread >>17960524

>> No.17998917

Dark roast Sumatran coffee, of course.

>> No.17998937

>What are you brewing today edition.
Rwandan espresso

>This stuff may be the most incredible coffee I've ever had.
What are you liking about it?

>> No.17999117

Medium roast arabica.

>> No.17999129

Please give me your favourite UK roasters or subscription service.

>> No.17999148

>Coffee Time
Where's the sexy bitch?

>> No.17999178

There unfortunately hasn't been one in a while.

>> No.17999198

But it's a coffee thread!

>> No.17999251
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My local roaster gave me a mystery blend and challenged me to figure out what tastes I can notice in it and now I'm too anxious to go back in case I get it wrong

>> No.17999336
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>> No.17999402
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$5/lb for whole bean coffee is the quality ceiling and you're wasting your money if you pay more, prove me wrong.

>> No.17999436

Pretty much only sumatra for over a year. Some brands are chocolatey, others just earthy, but they are all good. Oh, and cold stone sweet cream.

>> No.17999440

That's cheaper than folgers you dumb fuck

>> No.17999448

I get 2.5lb bags for $19.99

>> No.17999451

>Process Natural
cringe and bluepilled. for me it's washed ethiopians only.

>> No.17999453
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>> No.17999754

>pic from some gay anime
>most retarded take so far

Yeah, checks out.

>> No.17999857
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update on the knockoff aldi cold brewer:
it's good
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.18000089

I have heard people saying stuff like "this coffee tastes like blueberries" before, and took it as, you know, there being notes of blueberries in it. But this stuff tastes like straight up blueberries. Not too acidic, nice sweetness, and like I said, tastes like straight up blueberries.

>> No.18000180

Makes sense that somebody with no taste would also like anime.

>> No.18000225

would rather have this than no coffee. it's really not that bad. better than instant (by far), better than a lot of other shitty grounds like maxwell and foldgers.

>> No.18000291

I prefer it, yeah. Grew up with a dunkin donuts in my town so it's neat being able to have the familiar flavor as something I can stock up on for my house without needing to even make a trip to that donut shop.

>> No.18000517

im slowly working my through this 500g bag of seasonal blend i got.
i have ordered a bag of Ecuador, Terrazas del Pisque and a bag of Burundi, Kibingo, which will be roasted and delivered in a few days.

>> No.18000524

>tastes like straight up blueberries.
i have never had coffee taste like a distinct berry before but i have had a few that tasted like a mixed berry sort of tea i guess.
some people say that flavor notes or profiles dont exist and idk maybe some people only drink the darkest most burnt tasting coffee and thinks yeh this is the good shit and refuse the believe that coffee can taste actually good.

>> No.18000530

women are disgusting

>> No.18000535


>> No.18000548

>wasting your money
depends on what you measure with.
i enjoy researching the coffee i buy, i enjoy knowing i am buying very specific and high quality product, i enjoy the entire process of smelling the beans and noting what i smell/taste, i enjoy grinding and brewing and noting how the smell of the beans change from whole to ground to mid brew to finally in my cup, i then enjoy tasting it compared previous specialty beans. for me the $25 per 250g isn't just for the cup of coffee at the end, it is for the entire process and for me is 100% worth it as an experience, because if i buy the cheapest coffee in bulk yeh i'll be making coffee but i won't actually enjoy any of it. and if its not fun, why bother?

>> No.18000594

I like geisha and I can't buy it at that price.

>> No.18000603

a more pleasing taste profile is attained from licking muddy puddles after a rain than from this petrified shit.

>> No.18000688

Yeah wow, that's cool

>> No.18000700
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What's Ethopian taste like?

>prove me wrong
that's not how it works. YOU have to prove yourself right, you lazy bugger.
Also price doesn't correlate with quality as much as you think.

>> No.18000703

Mine is around $17/lb

>> No.18000744

every other natty coffee tastes like that though

>> No.18000830

>What's Ethopian taste like?
there is so much variance from each farm to each varietal to altitude even between roasters and different seasons, like you can exclusively buy the exact same green beans and roast it yourself the same way grind the same way and create the same drink for 3 years and if you give detailed notes on every single step of the process if you compile those notes you will find drastic differences between them, so asking what does Ethiopian taste like is pretty much impossible to not give some vague answer with multiple caveats.

BUT overall from my personal experience from trying multiple varieties from multiple farms i have found them to be more likely to be acidic and fruity with subtle floral notes (like if you stood outside a flower shop while taking a sip of coffee). the acidity can be hard to rein in but you should be able to even it out within the first few brews.
a few months ago i bought some ethiopian yirgacheffe from a specific farm and i loved the taste, a couple weeks ago i bought the exact same coffee (fresh roasted of course, and from the same roaster as the first one) and it tasted like cigarette ash(not really in a bad way i guess, idk it reminded me of hanging around the punks back in high school but still not something i look for in my morning cuppa)

>> No.18000833


>> No.18000920

You people are using wine language to describe coffee and to justify it's premium prices when you very likely couldn't tell the difference between Ethiopian small batch varietals and Folgers served to you in a blind taste test.

>> No.18000926

Had a bad day at work today anon?

>> No.18000948

>You people?

>> No.18000970

One out of five dirty Ethiopians is refreshingly clean; the other four have stanky B.O.

>> No.18000972

It's okay, anon. You can keep buying your containers of stale, pre-ground Folgers goodness.

>> No.18000982

>dunning-kruger the post

>> No.18001030
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>> No.18001088

>using wine language to describe coffee and to justify it's premium prices
coffee is cheaper than wine
I never paid $20 for a glass of coffee while I seen that with wine; guess I'm lucky I'm alcoholic intolerant.

>> No.18001342

That is overexaggerated
But not exactly wrong
I'd say they wont be able to tell apart the colombia, ethiopia, peru and brazil at all.
Even the growing method, washing methods (sundried water washed blah blah) and specices contribute more than this origin bs.

>> No.18001852

I can taste the difference between typical - not stunt - coffees from say Ethiopia vs Brazil, or Peru vs Kenya, but I'd doubt my ability to taste between Ethiopia vs Kenya vs Rwanda

>> No.18002088
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What pairs well with coffee?

>> No.18002138

vegemite toast

>> No.18002161

Anon, I have never seen a bag of ground coffee either of the Dunkin Donuts variety or of any other brand that could be described as anywhere close to a fossil. Do you perhaps have some history as an involuntary guest of psychiatric hospitals?

>> No.18002302

Fucking based.

>> No.18002335
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for me it's picrel

>> No.18002546

grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.18002910
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for me it's a 20oz BONE DRY cappuccino made with HEAVY CREAM steamed to 190 DEGREES

>> No.18002942


>> No.18003245

is 9:40 really the recommended ratio for cold brew? I'm trying to make 1.2L of cold brew and that seems like a ton of coffee.

>> No.18003584

For anons who make both cold brew and pour-over, obvious temperature differences aside, how does the clarity/balance of notes tend to differ? Sure, cold brew may be generalized as smoother, 'sweeter', and less acidic, but what of complexity? I don't have any specialty equipment and only own an electric grinder (so not even a basic coffee machine), so my only practical option is cold brewing in jars. Though, I have jerry-rigged pour-over with suspended paper filters several times before, and appreciated the richness in the flavors. I like both, but the cold brewing is more convenient and refreshing for me in the hot weather. Just been on my mind as I ground up some Dallmayr earlier.

>> No.18004022

A coworker gave me some fancy ass local company's sack of beans for helping him out with something.
Can I make it brokeass nigga style with a pot of water or pouring hot water over the beans? I usually just get coldbrew concentrate or this one specific brand's instant mix so I have no gear and no clue.

>> No.18004032

cold brew generally isn't very complex at all regardless of which beans you use

>> No.18004071

a ciggy and a seat on your porch

>> No.18004162

You'll still want to grind your beans even with brewing methods such as cowboy coffee.

>> No.18004227

I see. A bit disappointing to hear, but I had considered this may be the case. Would you mind expounding on why this may be? Thinking of it myself, I'd hypothesize that some of it may be due to:
>Less extraction of flavor-containing oils
>Lower acidity (like how low/medium roast beans may have higher acidity but more diverse flavors)
>Higher caffeine concentration, meaning the associated bitterness obscures the subtle flavor notes even if the drink as a whole is perceived as sweet/smooth.
What are your thoughts? Perhaps I should start using my inventory of dark roast beans for coldbrew instead of my medium if this is the case. Open question to other anons, too.

>> No.18004372

Are any of the big company beans good for espresso? I’m sick of paying out the ass for local roaster beans. Im thinking the 2.2 lb bag of lava a super crema could be goood. Anyone have experience with those?

>> No.18004400

Specialty coffee has gotten really boring honestly, especially in Australia. The coffee is great and all, but it has become an expensive hobby for yuppies and emotionally manipulative fellas looking for an easy way to satisfy their superiority complex.

Saying that,
>Aldi single origin (surprisingly good for a daily cup, and a couple of different varieties to keep you from getting bored) through a drip perculator.
>batch brew if I’m out and the cafe’s decent
>long black with an ice cube if it’s not
Nowadays I dig airplane coffee

>> No.18004411

This is another reason why coffee is fucking based. People will piss and shit themselves if you say that you spent $50 on coffee for the month. But they will spend $30 on wine and $30 on other alcohol and consume it in a single day or over a weekend. And coffee is even good for you unlike the ethanol jew

>> No.18004546

Everything's become expensive yuppie shit.
Motherfuckers around here are creaming after polenta. Goddamn polenta! That's just cooked cornmeal! Why the fuck are you idiots paying $20 for a log of fucking cornmeal?

>> No.18005071

I feel ya, gives businesses an in to raise the prices of things that used to be cheaper. I’ve wanted a lamb shank for years but I can’t even get a leg in when every option is cheaper

>> No.18005274

>Ethiopia vs Kenya vs Rwanda
Nah, you could. Probably almost every time. Kenya vs Rwanda would be the most difficult though. Sometimes they cup very similarly. If you were allowed to look the the beans you'd get it right every time.

>> No.18005326

Is it normal for Guatemalan beans to taste earthy and woody? Should I change grind size or brewing time?

>> No.18005430

I really should try cupping a few varieties one of these days

>> No.18005475

fancy polenta do be bussin tho fr fr.

>> No.18005587
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Sumatra or gtfo

>> No.18006246

You "muh single origin" fucks are actually retarded. No, it is not common because applying tasting notes to an entire fucking region is generalizing to an insane degree. Without knowing the drying process or the roasting profile, it's useless to say shit like "oh, this coffee is clearly Brazilian", specially when referring to an entire fucking country rather than an specific region. Please stop advertising this sort of behaviour.

>> No.18006566
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I love coffee but my stomach doesn't.

>> No.18006774
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>> No.18006782


>> No.18006882


>> No.18007357

for me it's mcdonald's iced coffee (500g sugar)

>> No.18007392
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my cold brew will be ready in half an hour
good things come to those who wait

>> No.18007429

>it's useless to say shit like "oh, this coffee is clearly cold brew", specially when referring to an entire fucking brew method rather than an specific brew. Please stop advertising this sort of behaviour.

>> No.18007489

cold brew is for NERDS

>> No.18007502
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> Bombe Village

>> No.18007533
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i put the beans in the water and when i came back it was coffee
science cannot explain that

>> No.18007828 [DELETED] 
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anyone know of any drip machines that don't have those stupid spring loaded systems in the brewing chamber? i can't stand those fucking things. set your carafe into the coffee machine wrong and the spring won't engage so you wind up with a countertop covered in ruined coffee because coffee couldn't drain into the carafe; it's the worst idea in the world and i'm fucking done with it happening

>> No.18007874
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>didn't roast it yourself

roast your own

>> No.18007893


>> No.18008010

I hope that garage roasting skilletanon is still smoking out his house every saturday.

>> No.18009341

i only buy coffee from the poorest and most corrupt nations.
i call it blood coffee(like blood diamonds) if at least 5 kids dont die to get me my beans it kinda ruins my mood for the week.

>> No.18009822

so this is why kenyan coffee is winning this year

>> No.18009958

I moved to Sunday mornings a long time ago to remind people that the wrath of God may smite the sinners at any moment. Huge clouds of black Spanish roast coffeesmoke billow forth from the Garage of Doom as chaff rains down upon the neighborhood like volcanic ash, burying cars and children alike.

>> No.18010326

Just bought a bag of sun dried brazil medium dark roast, somehow much more bitter than i expected and no fruity flavours at all, im so disappointed
Umm i just wanna ask
Where can i find is coffee good for you thread?

>> No.18010515

Any of you autists hear about the guy in South America experimenting with microorganisms in the fermentation process?
I think he's based in Columbia, but he seems to have hacked coffee, by infusing these organisms into the coffee, and implanting the flavor profile he desires. I just had a Brazilian on filter that tasted like Turkish delight and cream. Fucking bizarre.

>> No.18010529

Yeah. Supposedly there's this Brazilian woman who only eats raw meat and fresh fruit. She has the most pleasantly fragrant ass in the world so this Colombian guy got a stool sample from her and used it to breed this magical coffee-fermenting bacteria. I'd like to try this coffee some day. He's also doing some degree of honey-process alongside the microbial fermentation. Pretty interesting stuff.

>> No.18010640

Shitposting aside, it's pretty interesting. It potentially takes origin off the table when it comes to flavour profiles, and theoretically reduces the necessity of "Artisan" or "Specialty" roasters. If any dipshit can can throw these green beans into a popcorn maker and roast them to a medium-light/medium roast and get desirable results, it could really shake up the industry.

>> No.18010891
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i fucking hate my local beans so much. liberica is the worst shit to ever grace my coffee cup.

>> No.18010903

if you have the patience, iced pour over done well is leaps and bounds better than cold brew.

>> No.18010950
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Local croissant bakery
Coffee ~ $2.50 that's ok
Croissant ~ $3 fair
Ham & cheese croissant ~ $12 what the? It's just one slice of ham and a bit of melted cheese

>> No.18011001

Once you try you’ll know why it’s $12

>> No.18011485

coffee was free?

>> No.18011530

I think bad coffee can be good too

>> No.18011641

being wrong is fun though sometimes
>besides if you're wrong they'll just shovel their lower quality beans to you
>and you won't be able to tell the difference
had this same bizarre experience with the first ethiopian coffee I tried. tasted and smelled just like blueberries, blew my mind as to what kind of flavors you could get from coffee

>> No.18011853

I received a Starbucks gift card.
What should I order? I don't like anything too sweet.

>> No.18011975

McCafe K-Cups

>> No.18012272

This is the truth. Iced pour over with a natural coffee is the best cold coffee drink during this season.

>> No.18012511

Nothing. Starbucks is only good if you want a dessert but wants to pretend you're having a coffee so you won't feel as guilty.
I'd recommend just buying some mugs.

>> No.18012520

Flat white is the only thing there that tastes like coffee

>> No.18012521

Natural coffee? I hope I don't sound stupid, but I thought all coffee was natural.

>> No.18012553

He probably means dry-process (aka, natural-process) coffees. I can appreciate that opinion. They can have a funky kick that some people would find nice cold-brewed or iced.

>> No.18012572

I have plenty of mugs. I'd rather just throw out the card then buy two mugs and resell them for a couple of bucks profit.
They have to have something decent.
Thanks, I'll see how they do it.
Would they still serve it in normal cups? Like would I order a small? Wouldn't that just be a latte?

>> No.18012592

Is there any article of a finca name or something? Can't find shit

>> No.18012803

The Japanese like to do this, don't they? I've heard of it, but haven't tried it (I thought it might come out watered-down too). I'd really like to try doing pour-overs in general, but I don't have the gear, and it feels like a questionable expense to buy a pour-over vessel, proper grinder, and slew of filters when I don't drink coffee very often as someone more heavily invested in tea. I suppose I find it to be intimidating to get started with, if I'm to be honest. Still, I'm quite interested in the prospect of light roast beans done through pour-over methods.

>> No.18012814

A Hario V60, Hario grinder and a bag of 200 V60 filters shouldn't run you more than about $80.

>> No.18012930

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll look into them. An aside, do you have any thoughts on flat bed pour-over pieces like the Kalita (and perhaps somewhat the Origami)? What about filter costs for those?

>> No.18012947

Manual grinders are great for immersion and pour over brewing. You'll run into problems if you ever want to make espresso and will probably want to invest in an electric grinder for that. Flat bed vs cone is more of a matter of preference. I don't personally know about their filter costs, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be too different.

>> No.18012950
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>If any dipshit can can throw these green beans into a popcorn maker and roast them to a medium-light/medium roast and get desirable results, it could really shake up the industry.

but that's how it is already. roasting good coffee is already easy. the only thing it would change would be that producers could emulate other types of coffee flavors with their own beans

>> No.18013166

terrible advice, don't buy a hario grinder (ceramic piece of shit so bad you'll go back to preground) get a kingrinder instead

>> No.18013190

>and perhaps somewhat the Origami)? What about filter costs for those?
Origami is great. You can use v60 style cone filters or flat kalita filters with the origami. Here's the new version from a us seller.

>> No.18013196

good coffee gets boring after awhile

>> No.18013576

>more bitter than i expected and no fruity flavours at all
>literally brazil medium dark roast
i am shocked

>> No.18014003

is equal parts concentrate and creamer normal? had some this morning and it was delicious. it didn't ruin the coffee but all of the recipes i've come across always diluted with water or milk or both with a "dash" of creamer, am i going to die?

>> No.18014096

you've made a cold brew cortado

>> No.18014154


>> No.18014322


>> No.18015056
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Sneaky afternoon espresso

>> No.18015199

I work in an office mostly, and when Im there I like to throw together a press with fresh beans. I've tried offering some of the pot to my coworkers, but they're usually not interested, and go for the Nestle pods instead. Kind of sad, wish I could share with folks.
Sob story aside, I got a pretty light roast coffee, smells like mangos and lemon curd. My grandma would like something like that, so I bought some and stored it in my freezer until I can see her again.

>> No.18015343

That's disappointing, why'd they refuse it anyway? It's a fresh cup of joe, who wouldn't want that?

>> No.18015431

It is strange how coffee can get boring. Coffee is tasty and comforting, maybe you get used to that or something and you start craving battery acid

>> No.18015439

i think it depends on why you drink coffee.

>> No.18015457

Right, I get it. I'll never understand people who drink it for an energy boost only. I drink it for the taste and for the pastime of drinking a hot beverage.

>> No.18015498

i have said this before in past threads but for me i only drink coffee to know how to improve (or how well i did) my brew. for me researching the beans,smelling,grinding,smelling,brewing,smelling,tasting,reflecting,thinking. is why i do it.
and i always try to get beans i havent got before/in a while.
right now im just about to finish up my bag of seasonal roast (brazil,ethiopia,columbia,guatemala), im pretty bored of it right now but i have made some good cups with it. the loss of interest in this blend has allowed me to experiment with milk drinks and stuff like that, so even when you have a bean that doesnt interest you there is always something new to learn or practice with that can keep the hobby interesting until something fresh comes along.
coffee does also have a couple health benefits that have helped me recently, so i think if i didnt enjoy the hobby anymore i would still drink it in some capacity just for those effects (and no it doesnt give me an energy boost or keep me awake)

>> No.18015503


>> No.18015524

Got it. I respect that approach.
Coffee does nothing to keep me awake either, for that I go for disgustingly oversteeped cheap black tea. It's like drugs it's impossible to go to sleep after that.

>> No.18015674

You cupping before you brew?

>> No.18015680
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The GOAT in my briki.

Trying it out with ground cardamom and milk which a cute Kuwaiti girl taught me how to do

>> No.18015689

no. seems like a waste. maybe i will try it next bag.

>> No.18015690
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>> No.18015712
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Afternoon coffee boost at 3pm

>> No.18015753

If you're already in the habit of researching, you will only find further benefit from cupping, and writing down your results

>> No.18015774

that coffee would pair quite well with some huwhite chocolate

>> No.18015877

where do you all obtain your ground chicory?

>> No.18016125

They're not THAT bad man. I mean yes the consistency is awful and they just feel cheap, but for somebody just getting into coffee and looking for an affordable entry grinder it will do the job just fine.

>> No.18016367

>not THAT bad man.
>consistency is awful
>they just feel cheap
Just save the 45 pounds / 55 euro / $60 and put it towards getting yourself a 1Zpresso or an Aergrind by Knock. The Hario can barely do "The job" as is. I barely trusted mine when it came to french press, never mind filter, or god forbid espresso.
The Aergrind and 1Zpresso won't be able to toe to toe with something like a Niche, or a Comandante, but will give more than desirable results across a wider range of brew methods. The last thing you want is to go out, buy a Kalita, papers, and kettle and find that your Hario can't give a consistent grind at the level or coarseness you need to brew for Kalita, maning you need to shell out for another grinder, or buy a V60/Origami and V60 filters as a compromise.
t. Former Hario owner

>> No.18016390

And I'm not trying to be a prick, I get where you're coming from, and understand your sentiment. I just hate how """Specialty""" coffee shops sell these, knowing they're fucking dogshit

>> No.18016395

Kingrinder does the job for my french press and that's all I expect from it.

>> No.18016422

>Kingrinder does the job for my french press and that's all I expect from it.
That's it, you don't expect it to do any more. But unfortunately you have shills in specialty coffee houses, knowing they can make a killing on them selling coffee plebs nothing but snake oil.

>> No.18016455


>> No.18016475
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for me it's MEDIUM roast

>> No.18016502

What is this, a picture for giga-ants?

>> No.18016537

bring your own ham

>> No.18016546


>> No.18016670

this nigga doesn't even cup LOL

>> No.18017039
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>> No.18017100

>Flat white is the only thing there that tastes like coffee
I went with this and it was a good recommendation. Cup was too big though.

>> No.18017151

I just made an espresso with some different beans than I'd been using on my flair, and it squirted all over the place and pressed really quick. Any idea what happened? My only thought is that I didn't put quite enough water in?

>> No.18017198

Did you grind and tamper your coffee correctly?

>> No.18017301

I thought so. Just pulled another shot and it came out nice

>> No.18017529

Coffeebros can I get some recommendations on the following?

1) an automatic drip coffee machine that will grind beans and is settable to a specific time to make the coffee

2) decent filters for the coffee machine I am looking for in 1)

I have been using Chemex for a while and it makes a great cup of coffee but at this point I'm trying to minimize the time between me first waking up in the morning and coffee hitting my mouth

>> No.18017540
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>that first good shit after a cup of coffee

>> No.18017549

Based. I really recommend fiber supplements too. I actually start to prairedog once I smell coffee.

t. 45 year old

>> No.18017693
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I appreciate the pour-over equipment advice that I've been given since yesterday from anons here. Though, I've been looking for alternatives to the Hario grinder since I've seen a general consensus (both here and elsewhere) that it isn't especially efficient.

I looked for the KinGrinder, but I'm unsure which model I'm supposed to be considering, and don't see much online about it. I saw the Timemore Chestnut C2 mentioned on SlowPour's website, and seen a few videos of people praising it as a good mid-tier option despite the price. Some other pricier options from Knock too, but are maybe 2x the cost of others I've looked at just for the grinder alone. The anons in this general have passionate, differing opinions, so it's a bit confusing to take all this in at once. I hope I'm not coming across as asking for spoonfeeding, because I am putting some time into researching on my own, too. It's just not as simple compared to tea's:
>Leaves in cup A
>Hot water in cup A
>Cover cup A
>Pour off cup A into cup B
>Drink from cup B
I'm also confused about the different versions of the Origami, since the new one is made of some SAN resin, whereas the original is made of clay. I'd predict the clay to hold heat more efficiently, and I'd think that would be better for improving extraction, so I don't know what to make of that choice in the new version even after watching a few videos about it. This world of pulverized bean juice extraction is bewildering.

>> No.18017896

Timemore C2 is not mid-tier. Save a bit more and get a Kinu M47 Pheonix or a decent 1zpresso/kingrinder. As for brewers, you might as well get a Hario Switch. The Origami's main draw is it's styling; functionally you could do so much more, better, with a Switch.

I didn't read your other post but this is the correct advice. Do with it what you will.

>> No.18017900

>I'd predict the clay to hold heat more efficiently, and I'd think that would be better for improving extraction, so I don't know what to make of that choice in the new version even after watching a few videos about it. This world of pulverized bean juice extraction is bewildering.
If you think about it like a gaiwan, you're losing thermal energy if you're just pouring boiling water into cold porcelain. Optimally you'd make sure the origami is preheated to mitigate this, just like presoaking a gaiwan. The new resin one mitigates that "issue" by having way less thermal mass to overcome so you don't need to preheat as thoroughly. The resin one also has a slightly narrower bottom for a tweaked flow rate.
> I hope I'm not coming across as asking for spoonfeeding
I'll spoonfeed you whatever pal. You /tea/boys have helped me quite a bit over the years. Do a little deep dive on hand grinders tonight and lets see if I can't point you where you need to go. Slowpour is just a reseller so I'm assuming they got a good price on those c2s. Don't limit yourself to their stock for grinders, I just thought you might want an easy to snag bundle. I had to import my origami from japan a while back so its nice to have a us site stocking that shit now. They tossed in a few stickers and a postcard when I ordered the origami cups so I don't mind giving them a little shilling.

>> No.18018199
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>I appreciate the pour-over equipment advice that I've been given since yesterday from anons here
>I've been looking for alternatives to the Hario grinder
>I saw the Timemore Chestnut C2 mentioned on SlowPour's website, and seen a few videos of people praising it as a good mid-tier
Same. Nothing exceptional, but good in multiple areas.
>but are maybe 2x the cost of others I've looked at just for the grinder alone
"""Good""" hand grinders are a speciality piece of kit for a small market, they're going to be expensive, and with the """good""" ones, you get what you pay for. Grind consistency.
>The anons in this general have passionate, differing opinions
That's because this thread is overflowing with autists. You come into this thread and hear;
>*Brew methood* is a pile of shit!
And you're like;
>No it's not!
And you have that same back and forth, with some random fucking coffee autist, on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, eight hours a day, every fucking day.
> hope I'm not coming across as asking for spoonfeeding
You came to the right place, I failed to contact the coffee autists here before getting my first grinder, and as a result got shilled a Hario.
>I'd predict the clay to hold heat more efficiently
Yes and no. In order to hold heat, it needs to absorb heat. Different materials will leach heat from your brew at different rates. Barista Hustle have a chart that explains this.
The origami is great because you have a wider range of filters you can use.
You're a good kid, just make sure you use a scales, and write down your methodologies when brewing. If you get a stepped grinder, count your click from 0 and note it down. yagmi.

>> No.18018263

Don't forget water quality and hardness matters. Get a filter (I do cleansui) and use the coffee for water excel (https://coffeeadastra.com/2019/08/23/a-tool-and-videos-for-crafting-custom-brew-water/)) along with your local municipality water data to get the proper hardness

>> No.18019058

I don't know, some people feel bad to try your things even when you offer, and maybe they just like the familiarity of Nescafe?

>> No.18019419

If you're referring to those Nestle pods that spin around a lot to create faux crema, then I guess your co-workers enjoy drinking foam.

>> No.18019453
File: 243 KB, 1008x756, Coffee Brand Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for Keurig now and I get to taste every major brand for free at work...but honestly despite my love of coffee I have become one of those coffee snobs. I get hundreds of free K-cups, but I still prefer a french press and small coffee roasters for my morning cup

>> No.18019461

There's nothing snobbish about wanting fresh coffee.

>> No.18019464

Maybe. We make a good product but I can only drink so much Dunkin, Starbucks and Green Mountain before I want something new.

>> No.18019476
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>We make a good product
Debatable, using a coffee pod machine locks you into buying that company's products forever. Using a french press and a grinder allows you to experience fresh coffee and much more cheaply to boot. But there are some people out there that just want a quick coffee that's better than Folgers.

>> No.18019480
File: 36 KB, 418x608, Worst Coffee I ever had.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the worst coffee that we ever made at Keurig was Disney's Jeoffry coffee, specifically the K-cups that are used at Disney Resorts. By far the worst company to take a contract from. We had coffee that we received from them that failed out most basic quality standards and the mouse said we don't give a fuck, as long as it is edible package it and ship it.

>> No.18019489

Agreed, you do lose flavor after 6 months of the coffee being placed in a pod and since the self life of most K-cups is 2 years if you want pure flavor you might miss out. I got a Keurig machine for free when I started working them and rarely use it. But for someone going on the go it makes sense.

>> No.18019505

I can see the appeal, but it's basically the printer and ink cartridge model and people only put up with that because printers are essential in the workplace. Even an automatic drip machine with some whole coffee beans you ground the night before sounds like a better experience.

>> No.18019507
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Spill the deets, anon

>> No.18019520

It is, but most people are lazy this is why Keurig was able to buy Dr. Pepper for 19 billion a few years ago. And while K-cups typically sell for .25 to .50 per K cup we typically profit .11 cents per cup. And 124 million cups are consumed every week. It is the printer method but it works. The margins are crazy.

>> No.18019523

Send away what do you want to know?

>> No.18019526

>but most people are lazy
Truly humanity's own worst enemy. It's either pods for the middle class or super automatic bean-to-cup machines for the upper middle class.

>> No.18019602

>K-Plus wins filter again
Man, I'm glad I went with that one. I gotta tell you guys after nine months of using it it's a fucking nice grinder. Very good cup, very pleasant to use.

>> No.18019617

for >>18017900

>> No.18019759
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>incredible capability of making traditional style espresso
>also does modern espresso very well
>also turns out it makes amazing filter coffee
>also turns out winton won the wbrc with it
I've been shilling kinus here since late 2019. Feels good. I always had a sneaking suspicion I was right all along.

>> No.18019786

Kinu, Commandante, and 1Zpresso are really the only choices people should be considering.

>> No.18019815

Fuck Kinu for not having official international resellers. I went Comandante c40 and it's just fine. Wouldn't want 1Zpresso because too overpriced, Reddit and Chinky.

>> No.18020167
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Good lovely beans.

>> No.18020276

The Kinu looks absolutely disgusting though. Ugly ass grinder.

>> No.18020359

you do salt your coffee dont you?

>> No.18020380
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I've not had Dunkin' in decades. I'm tempted to order a bag (I'm EU now.)

>> No.18020382
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>> No.18020390

faggot mugs

>> No.18020404

I don't because I adjust bitterness out of my coffee with grind but if I'm forced to drink bad instant for an extended period then I'll carry a little saline.

>> No.18020405

I'll post my faggot mug in a second, I'm brewing the kettle

>> No.18020421

I pee in my coffee for both saltiness and added acidity. It's like drinking a delicious, light-roast Kenyan.

>> No.18020438

guise, will the plastic Hario V60 give me manboobs? schizoid twitter users and even Fagusea say so

>> No.18020440

oh wait I forgot, gimme a second

>> No.18020442
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>> No.18020445

no. i eat salty food while drinking my coffee.

>> No.18020455 [DELETED] 
File: 704 KB, 1538x1434, Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 6.07.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the loveramics bond mugs

>> No.18020550

what's the benefit?

>> No.18020559
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We're posting mugs? I don't make pourover yet, but I have this fun Lucky Star mug I may like to use for that if it isn't too small. I got it probably over a decade ago (mug is marked 2010). I always liked how the cheery colors popped without being excessive. There's the yawning cat from the show on the other side as well.

>> No.18020575
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Im intrigued anon. What do you identify as?snssh

>> No.18020695

Soon to be was/were

>> No.18020789
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I WON'T drink the coffee! I won't do it!

>> No.18020833

Everything that comes to mind

>> No.18020887

Was I memed into getting this piece of shit Hario hand grinder or was I just lazy and got the one from the guys who make the glorified funnel which was the meme?

>> No.18020900

The grinder is horrible. Cheap rough Kyocera ceramic burrs with a wobbly axle. You can replace the lower bearings to make it a bit better at grinding fine but why waste any more money?

>> No.18020910

Both. I'm sorry for your loss, your hard earned NEETbucks would have been better spent on some /biz/ shitcoin.
But now you know what a shit grinder is like, don't let it happen again. Beware Hoffmeme fanatics, reddit, and you local """Specialty""" coffee shop shilling you grinders.

>> No.18020921

Link got cut off. Woops.

>> No.18020946
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I don’t salt my coffee; I salt the mug

>> No.18020954
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1. In most K-cups we take most almost all the oxygen out and fill it with Nitrogen. In our standards quality testing the mean oxygen in a K-cup is below 5% this keeps it fresher longer, but it also means that the K-cups you buy at the grocery store were most likely made 6 months to a year ago. While the coffee is still good and non spoiled it means that it loses a little bit of taste. It is similar to buying ground coffee. You can actually see which day the coffee was put into the cup if you look up the Julian Date etched on the cup or on the carton. K cups are food safe up to 4 years after they are made but we "expire them" after 2 years for both flavor and consumer preferences. Certain brands (primarily Starbucks) do an 18 month expiration... And every since we bought Dr. Pepper our Green Mountain Coffee brand (the small coffee roaster that bought Keurig and then bought Dr Pepper.) has been slowly devolving into shit.

>> No.18020955
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>using filtered water for coffee

anon, you WANT the mineral content of tap water when brewing coffee. filtered water is for tea

>> No.18020975
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>he doesn't use distilled + third wave water
Might as well drink folgers

>> No.18020978

The pipes in my city are filthy, and the water, while safe to drink, is disgusting.

>> No.18020990

For my grinder upgrade, I'm running out of countertop space and interested in the small profile of the Fellow Ode, or would I be falling for another meme?

>> No.18021033

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
Ode is just a 64mm burr carrier with a weak motor. Fine if you're not planning on espresso.

>> No.18021050

Not trying to push you into a corner, but many of these countertop grinders have similar performance to a comandante, you'll just be paying for the motor.

>> No.18021081

it feels wrong to pay appliance money on a utensil desu

>> No.18021202

Should I be grinding finer for espresso as my beans age? I’m finding that the same grind setting that was perfect maybe two days ago pulls a faster shot. I’m keeping every other variable the same so this is the only thing I can think of. I’m using a Flair Pro 2 and J-Max.

>> No.18021215

I tend to end up grinding a little finer at the end of a bag than the beginning but if it's only a day or two there's probably something else at play - the low-hanging fruit of consistency is puck prep and eliminating channelling.

>> No.18021242

I feel like my prep is pretty consistent but I’ll see if there’s any issues stemming from that. I’m fairly new to espresso so there’s a good chance I could be fucking up somewhere without realizing it. It wasn’t a significant difference either but it introduced a little more acidity than I would have liked.

>> No.18021289

The point of a single dosing grinder, hand or otherwise, is to be able to dial in every cup, not every bag. The numbers are a nice reference, but the only variable that actually matters is taste. Push a little finer and see how you like it.

>> No.18021423
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>not using a 4 stage reverse osmosis filter with remineralization stage

>> No.18021539

This morning, I had a strong cup of coffee with a bit of creamer to balance the taste. Wired as hell right now. How can I calm my nerves, joebros?

>> No.18021625

Consume sufficient water and mineral supplements if you have any. Otherwise, maintain hydration and eat food with said minerals. Meditate with your breath and heart rate in mind in attempt to lower it. Beyond this, you can also supplement L-theanine in the future to great effect. Beyond such these like these, you're just waiting for it to go through your system. Might as well exercise.

>> No.18022509

>Anything cheaper than the Wug has a "weak motor"

>> No.18022659

Used coffee grinder?

>> No.18022891

It's definitely worth keeping an eye on. If you never have to go coarser and you consistently go a bit finer across the life of a bag then yeah it's probably the coffee aging

>> No.18022894

Delicious Winco Columbia light roast

>> No.18022909

based helpful chad

>> No.18023180

Yeah I used it almost every day

>> No.18023680

can anyone explain how a famous roaster's coffee is still cheaper at my supermarket vs online with a coupon? and with recent roast dates? is it just the store buying wholesale and selling at cost?

>> No.18023803

250w single phase ac motor on the df64. 140w brushless dc motor on the ode. You'll burn through the fellow in no time with light roast.

>> No.18024078
File: 131 KB, 1200x900, image-122-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my first taste of natural process Burundi....
i have been converted. this taste is ascendent.

>> No.18024085

>Dude I saw one video on youtube of one with a broken motor so that means every model has a weak motor
Have you returned/resold the Wug yet?

>> No.18024090

imagine not using a manual grinder.

>> No.18024103

Imagine using anything other than a manual lever espresso "machine." What are you, wealthy? You don't care about pressure profiling, which I definitely can do consistently with my meme lever? Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.18024108

Your supermarket sells bags with roast dates?

>> No.18024119

>Just say you don't know anything and move on.
nice to see people have started to copy my signature line.

anyway i dont make espresso because im not a fag.

if you make espresso you clearly dont know anything about real coffee and should just kill yourself.

>> No.18024171

Look at him melt.

>> No.18024185

yeah most specialty coffee will have roast dates on the bottom

>> No.18024195

Not the supermarket ones... Are you just making things up bro?

>> No.18024204

you understand life isn't a hoffmann video right? not every specialty roaster excludes the roast date. of the 5 specialty roasters carried at this store, 5 have roast date marked on the bottom in addition to the best-by.

>> No.18024383
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Cuppacino time

>> No.18024399

what store?

>> No.18024405

a relatively small local franchise

>> No.18024433

Should i buy waterwashed light roast or sundried medium dark roast of the same coffee, if i want something bright and citrusy?

>> No.18024540

kill yourself you shitposting faggot.

>> No.18024542

>sundried medium dark roast
this one.

>> No.18024848

>a manual espresso machine
I had to clean my glasses to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Why would you do this to yourself? You know that espresso is an atomic age invention, right? There are no caveman roots to return to.

>> No.18024881


>> No.18024978


>> No.18024988
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I was wondering why all the coffee grinders out there either looked like postmodern abominations or flimsy pieces of crap, but then I remembered that the specialty coffee fad hasn't been around that long and that the quintessential commercial coffee grinder was this art deco abomination.

>> No.18025315

I don't know shit about physics, but when coffee sprays to the out of the 'presso machine onto a flat surface the puddle spins around itself, like the top part of it? It's the neatest thing. Either I'm tripping or it's some obscure thing having to do with pressure and shit

>> No.18025318

>to the
to the side*, sideways.

>> No.18025739
File: 774 KB, 750x993, B2BB85D4-67E9-4702-850E-9677491B103A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any clothing that passively boosts the quality of coffee? My coffee tie isn’t working.

>> No.18025775

the first step is never wearing a belt.

>> No.18025840

>He doesn't know
Oh no no no

>> No.18025925

not shitposting, sorry you got btfo and never left your house to buy coffee

>> No.18025930

just say washed or natural you retard

>> No.18025962

Just say you don't know anything and move on. There's all sorts of shit they're washing coffee with now.
>This Pineapple Washed process begins with the creation of the fermentation culture. First, a mother culture was created containing microorganisms like lactobacillus and saccharomyces cerevisiae. 80 liters of this culture is separated to be fed with pineapple fruit, and a sweetener like panela or molasses. The pineapple contributes flavor to the culture, while the sweetener energizes the fermentation and brings the culture’s sugar content to a level that matches the degrees Brix of the coffee that will be processed. This initial fermentation of mother culture and fruit takes 190 hours to reach the appropriate degrees Brix and pH value for coffee processing.

>> No.18025971

he said waterwashed in which case saying washed is perfectly acceptable, relax sweaty

>> No.18026002

Yes, he used the correct term was chastised for it. Do better. The guy who doesn't know shit about coffee spent 45 minutes writing the pastebin for a reason. Use it.

>> No.18026006
File: 70 KB, 900x675, cigarsandcoffee-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small cigar

>> No.18026079

Different ferments don't make it an entirely different process you dumb nigger. It's still washed. Just because you marinated it in pozzed bull semen before washing it doesn't mean that it's some super special entirely new processing method. It's still washed. Calling it "waterwashed" is just retarded. Washed in water as opposed to fucking what? Washed in oil? Retarded faggot. If you need to have your gay little ferment in a pile of lima beans or whatever then you just say washed coffee that was fermented in a pile of kimchi or whatever. The retarded spic grower that is fermenting coffee in a pile of rotting limes then using a normal washing method didn't invent a novel processing method.

>> No.18026109
File: 224 KB, 2048x1536, 286562719_920680742661915_7441183443126783354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturals that get floated are washed. Coffee is weird huh? Stick to folgers.

>> No.18026160

Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.18026214

Turns out all coffee is fermented too. Read a book or two.

>> No.18026247 [DELETED] 

Do you cram those in your ass?

>> No.18026252
File: 1.97 MB, 404x720, 1642865304487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indonesian and Colombian naturals for me today lads. A well insulated cafetiere is honestly pretty good at getting a solid brew out of the light as fuck roasts most small roasteries love, less finicky than V60 which is nice at 5 in the morning.

>> No.18026476

Rumor has it that velcro shoes/vans slip-ons synergize well with aeropress coffee.

>> No.18026844
File: 35 KB, 640x479, 1653755465710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making coffee and nobody can stop me

>> No.18026845

Actual fucking retard, kek. Are you going to go on a rant about how you can only get Terry's chocolate orange notes out of your "dog piss washed" juicy squirty Ethiopian? Why is your only response to getting BTFO to cite a common fact and pretend that it makes you smart?

>> No.18026855

damn this guy getting heated over coffee

>> No.18026865

You don't get it. You can ONLY get chocolate orange coffee from using a melodrip. You fucking idiots don't believe me because you've never read a book.

>> No.18026954

Look at him melt repeatedly.

>> No.18026971


>> No.18027084

I accidentally drank about 3 times as much caffeine as my body is used to.
Any tips/tricks to make me stop shaking and my eyes darting around?

>> No.18027090

Read the fucking pastebin. It took me 45 minutes to write and you fucks don't even appreciate it. I provided you ingrates with so many free ebooks and you don't even suck me off anymore. What the FUCK

>> No.18027091

another single origin light roast. this time from kenya. bros I don't love it or any of the light roasts I've had (4 so far). Bros my favorite still is a dark roast blend lmfao

>> No.18027100

Still melting.

>> No.18027107

Kenyans taste like literal piss

>> No.18027109

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Go return your Wug. It probably has a weak motor anyways.

>> No.18027135

Are you really this upset over a 140w motor on a grinder you'll never own? You've been seething for months since I told that one anon all the issues ive heard on the ode since release.

>> No.18027150

>Every grinder except the one I own has a weak motor
Turns out electric grinders are powered by electricity too. Read a book or two.

>> No.18027168

Ode does. Key does. Lagom mini does. Eg1 does as well. All have issues stalling on lighter, denser roasts. Haven't had a problem with cold starting ultralights at 400rpm on the wug yet. I'll take your answer as a yes.

>> No.18027177

>All these grinders that I have never owned or used have weak motors because the number is bad and I saw one video on youtube of one of them with a broken motor stalling
Just say you don't know how to make chocolate orange coffee and move on.

>> No.18027180

No, they taste like tomato juice when they're roasted too light. Medium roasts are where they turn deliciously sweet and citrusey. Some roasters are pretty shit, or have shit palates. I dunno why you guys still buy roasted coffee. These fucking idiots ruin coffee so often chasing a trend rather than letting the coffee tell them where it wants to be. Sometimes I wonder if all the coffee roasters are all 4x covid vaxxers and continually have covid now with no taste buds. I swear every roaster has a worse palate this year.

Sorry, but I think covid tongue is a relevant topic for coffee.

>> No.18027183

Reported for spreading covid misinformation. Reminder to leave roasting to the experts and DO NOT attempt to take it into your own hands. Trust the experts to do their jobs that they are trained in. DO NOT trust random chudcels on racist websites like 4channel.

>> No.18027196

I can't be the only guy who started roasting in 2020. During that whole T.P. hoarding thing there would be weeks with no coffee at grocery stores. Of course now I'm super critical of what I formerly thought of as specialty coffee roasters. Could just be my perception is biased because I'm using a higher rung of specialty coffees. However, really, really getting to know general coffee flavor profiles and how they change at different roast levels, I just think a lot of times these guys are wrong and roasting wrong. But don't worry. All of us are probably on a watch list for using 4chan. Big Coffee is coming for us.

>> No.18027201

I've heard some reports that there is a secret Terry's chocolate orange coffee that is only unlocked when Melodripping an Origami. Is that true? Have you ever roasted the illusive coffee with chocolate notes (which nobody believes I have made)? Did you know that coffee is fermented by the way?

>> No.18027205

>Noooooooooooooooo you can't waste money on a clara its overpriced junk
>Nooooooooooooooo you HAVE to buy an ode without reading any feedback :'(

>> No.18027216

Actually, you CAN get a chocolate orange flavor from citrusey Kenyas, but you have to take them up to full city to tone down the acidity and bump up the chocolate.

>> No.18027217

Can you go for 5 fucking minutes without being a disingenuous retard or deflecting with a strawman it's actually getting annoying. I am actually on the verge of just never arguing with you again.

>> No.18027226

Why do you know what literal piss tastes like, anon?

>> No.18027233

This is the exact argument you're making moron. Someone asked about the ode. I told him what I've read. You freak out and defend products you don't own. You started crying when I pulled a post from fellow's vp of engineering on hb forums showing their tolerance issues from different batches. Keep melting though. Keeps the thread bumped.

>> No.18027234

But anyway, Kenyan coffee got retardedly expensive this year. All the cool kids know Rwanda is the new Kenya. Not only is the coffee starting to rival Kenya, but they're literally Wakanda now.

>> No.18027240

>I told him what I've read.
i.e. you have zero experience and are pulling some shit out of your ass and pretending to be an authority on something you know nothing about. Fellow is a dogshit company that makes dogshit products that I would never recommend. I just like making fun of you for how you rabidly jump on any comments about literally any grinder to say that it has a bad motor with your evidence being a link to a youtube video or a forum post. I thought coffeetubers were bad anyways?

>> No.18027242

>Rogue Wave
>natural process

me gusta

>> No.18027256

okay so if I start home roasting what kind of roaster do I get?

>> No.18027260

The one that I have. All the others have weak heating elements. Turns out all coffee is roasted too. Try reading a book or two.

>> No.18027282
File: 13 KB, 1083x274, odetosoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally any grinder to say that it has a bad motor
Didn't say it was bad, said it was weak. Nothing wrong with a weak motor, as long as you're using it within spec. For comparison, the fucking SGP has a 165w brushless dc motor at $100 discount. The ode is absolutely fine for filter, just stop fucking trying to meme people into buying it as an espresso grinder. They're going to burn it out and come back here bitching.
>pretending to be an authority
>Usage: Ode is for brewed coffee (AeroPress®, pour-over, electric coffee makers, French press, cold brew, and more) only. It does not grind for espresso.
Why in the fuck would the vp of hardware and R&D be advising people on the prolonging the motor's lifespan?

>> No.18027286

>ust stop fucking trying to meme people into buying it as an espresso grinder. They're going to burn it out and come back here bitching.
Kind of like how you meme people into buying a retarded lever instead of an actual espresso machine then they come back here bitching about how much of a pain it is to use?

>> No.18027295

you're a weird dude but I hope shitposting in the coffee general is enough to keep you happy

>> No.18027297

You should see when he starts arguing with himself. Its great.
>Kind of like how you meme people into buying a retarded lever instead of an actual espresso machine then they come back here bitching about how much of a pain it is to use?
Can you go for 5 fucking minutes without being a disingenuous retard or deflecting with a strawman it's actually getting annoying. I am actually on the verge of just never arguing with you again.

>> No.18027298

All you need is a cast iron skillet and a garage.

>> No.18027304

>no argument
>just deflection
Going to call it there and give myself another point

>> No.18027316

Whatever helps you sleep at night pal. Get some rest. You've got a long day of sperging out over the same shit tomorrow. If you manage to pour a decent cup, come tell us all about it.

>> No.18027324

I always pour decent cups because I decant through my melodrip. This increases the extraction and enhances the chocolate orange flavor. Even though you refuse to believe that.

>> No.18027335
File: 3.13 MB, 1920x1080, pointking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop trying to meme people into buying this grinder that is explicitly not recommended for espresso
>stop trying to meme people who want espresso into buying this product designed with the sole intention for making espresso
>no argument
>just deflection
I'll be taking those points.

>> No.18027357


>> No.18027364

>>stop trying to meme people into buying this grinder that is explicitly not recommended for espresso
I never attempted to "meme" anyone into buying anything. As I've said several times now I was just making fun of you.
>>stop trying to meme people who want espresso into buying this product designed with the sole intention for making espresso
More like, "Stop trying to meme first time espresso makers into a frustrating and finicky meme device just because it's cheap (aside from the 58 which doesn't even have the benefit of being cheap)"
>no argument
>just making shit up and misrepresenting everything that I say as usual
Based retard

>> No.18027410

This is what set you off schizo. You've been crying about it for 27 hours now. Get some rest. You can rally against flair in the morning.
>For my grinder upgrade, I'm running out of countertop space and interested in the small profile of the Fellow Ode, or would I be falling for another meme?
>Ode is just a 64mm burr carrier with a weak motor. Fine if you're not planning on espresso.

>> No.18027413

>weak motor
Source? Surely you aren't just talking out of your ass? Please go ahead and give us one youtube video with 10 views showing an example of one with a dud motor to definitively prove that all examples of this item have a weak motor.

>> No.18027421

Commandante crew reporting in. Nothing like waking up in the morning and grinding some coffee in a piece of precision German engineering.

The feel
The sound
The smell

Chineseium fans will never get it

>> No.18027429

Once you experience the glory that is grinding coffee with a c40 you will take that statement back in a hurry

>> No.18027444
File: 50 KB, 1177x665, odetosoy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fine if you're not planning on espresso.

>> No.18027454

>Modify grinder from standard configuration
>"We are not liable for any retards fucking up their grinders by modifying them in ways we did not intend"
>This means that it has a weak motor not suitable for espresso
Not even a stretch, just straight up making shit up kek. And as I expected it's a single forum post. We should all totally trust this retard, he's the expert who shills retarded meme levers and chinkshit, and he has a single forum post from some nobody to back up his ridiculous sweeping claims. How about telling people not to buy Fellow products since they're a shit company that makes shit products instead of making shit up and pretending to be an authority on motor power? Is it that hard to just be normal instead of being a disingenuous retard?

>> No.18027479

You should trust the guy who designed it who says only use it for filter because they're not going to warranty early burnt out motors. Turns out grinding finer puts more stress on the motor. Probably related, but I'm not the expert.
>modifying them in ways we did not intend
>Calibrate grinder after adding burrs we sell directly
Is it this hard to just be normal instead of being a disingenuous retard?
>has a single forum post from some nobody to back up his ridiculous sweeping claims

>> No.18027486

>the guy who designed it who says only use it for filter
Where did he say that?

>> No.18027523
File: 680 KB, 1859x915, onthesitedipshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18027544

>Reported for spreading covid misinformation
Imagine announcing reports.

>> No.18027545

I'm asking you where "the guy who designed it" said "only use it for filter."

>> No.18027561

Wait so this entire thing was just you being retarded and telling someone who didn't even mention making espresso not to get a certain grinder because it's not for espresso? Why are you even obsessing over espresso in the first place? The person you responded to never said he was making espresso. And a weak motor has nothing to do with espresso anyways. Why did you even bring that up?

>> No.18027572

Right there. Right on the fucking site, in plain view. Do you think the marketing team decided to intentionally gimp half their prospective buyers for laughs?

>> No.18027583

So now the story has changed from "the guy who designed it" to "the marketing team," got it.

>> No.18027614

Guy asked if ode was a meme. Didn't specify what his usecase was. I told him it was fine, but not an espresso grinder. Then some other sperg started crying about it so I pointed out the difference between the df64(250w single phase ac motor, highly recommended for a cheap 64mm flat espresso grinder) and the ode(140w brushless software controlled dc motor, explicitly stated for filter use only).
>We can't guarantee motor life under these conditions. If a user wants to do this, it's at their own risk.
Yes idiot. That sentiment passed from R&D to marketing. They phrased it to the idiot customer as simple as possible.
>Usage: Ode is for brewed coffee only. It does not grind for espresso.
Its very explicit if you're the slightest bit literate.

>> No.18027616

Not the guy who you are responding to but why are you arguing? I thought it was common knowledge the Ode was not built for espresso, and it turn, common sense would dictate that putting the motor under that additional stress may not be good for it.

Just look at the picture in this post

Just look at the picture here

>> No.18027624

>Then some other sperg started crying about it so I pointed out the difference between the df64(250w single phase ac motor, highly recommended for a cheap 64mm flat espresso grinder) and the ode(140w brushless software controlled dc motor, explicitly stated for filter use only).
No, I made fun of you for your tendency to assert that every grinder has a weak motor. Then you went on some rant for hours about how it's not for espresso. I don't give a shit about the Ode and have no idea whether it's for espresso or not. Literally all I did was make fun of you for calling yet another grinder weak and you morphed it into some weird argument about its espresso capabilities because you don't like getting made fun of I guess.

>> No.18027646

You went on this same schizo rant weeks ago when I pointed out the burr carrier variance on different batches of the ode. Quoted the same vp of r&d from the same thread. I just think you like the attention.

>> No.18027654

Oh yeah I forgot, you're the schizo who literally admitted that you're a schizo who believes everyone who disagrees with him to be the same poster. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. All I know is in the past you posted a youtube video of a Niche with a broken motor and said "Niche has a weak motor this is proof" and now you're posting a single forum post of someone saying not to use the Ode in ways that it isn't designed to be used as proof that it also has a weak motor. Which is why I am now making fun of you for constantly claiming that every grinder has a weak motor.

>> No.18027663

You remember a video that was posted a single time but don't remember the context? Great joke. Some bozo(probably you) was spamming about the Key stalling based off a single post. I found a similar video of the Niche stalling and you lost your fucking mind and still think about it months later.
>I don't know what you're talking about
>Remember this video from 9 months ago?

>> No.18027670

>You remember a video that was posted a single time but don't remember the context?
No, I don't remember the argument that you supposedly had with someone other than me about this same topic "weeks ago" because it wasn't me you fucking dipshit. Reading comprehension is hard, maybe pick up a book or two and work on it.
>spamming about the Key stalling based off a single post
So like what you do for every other grinder that threatens yours? But it's okay when you do it. Nobody can insult the Key though. Because as we all know you paid a lot of money for it, you definitely wouldn't let anyone forget, which is why you posted the receipt for it multiple times in every thread completely unprompted. Yet you can't afford an actual espresso machine.

>> No.18027676

Look at him melt. The key was cancelled months ago and he's still seething. Has your schizorage really blanked out all the wug jokes?

>> No.18027683

Where did you even get this retarded "melt" term from? Did one of your favorite eceleb coffeetubers say it in a recent video?

>> No.18027694


>> No.18027705

Is "melting" what Lance "The Raping Blob" Hedrick called the act of him raping you? You need to get over it, seriously, it's been 12 years.

>> No.18027712
File: 85 KB, 800x800, H9431721de29c499590bfce693df5f6534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lashes out wildly in confusion. Lets watch.

>> No.18027721

I just like coffee and sometimes I change my mind from liking it as espresso to filter, and other times I don't.

>> No.18027724

13 year olds can't consent, Lance. You know what you did was wrong. Sure, you won the 3rd place USBrC trophy, but at what cost? Do you think it was worth it? That poor kid will never be able to look at a Terry's chocolate orange the same way again.

>> No.18027728


>> No.18027731

>No you see its actually everyone ELSE obsessed with coffeetubers
>I just post about them day and night for months on end and try to force memes on rwandan agricultural imageboards

>> No.18027741

>>No you see its actually everyone ELSE obsessed with coffeetubers
No, it's literally just you. You're doing that bit again where you pretend to speak for the entire thread. You're the only person who posts coffeetuber shit. But when when Sprometheus does something retarded like decanting through a melodrip then suddenly coffeetubers are le bad and everyone who disagrees with you is a Hoffmandrone.

>> No.18027753

You and spro were best buds when he shit all over the key. What happened? Blew you off at SCA boston? Didn't blow you off at SCA boston? Whats the deal?

>> No.18027768

You posted his Key video yourself, retard. I don't follow pedophiles like Lance and Spro so I don't get updated on the content they shit out. As far I know you are the only person who posts Sprometheus shit here. It might have been funny to see the coffeetuber that you touted betray you, but I don't follow him, so I wouldn't have even seen that video if you hadn't posted it.

>> No.18027783

>You posted his Key video yourself, retard.
Wrong again bozo.
>As far I know you are the only person who posts Sprometheus shit here.
LOL. Yeah you keep tabs on all 90 anonymous posters in the general. Real schizo shit. Get some sleep.

>> No.18027784

>ecelebs ruin literally every board

>> No.18027789

I wish that Hiroshimoot would just make /incel/ already so that this fag would be forced to take his pedo coffeetubers elsewhere

>> No.18027817

I just made some coffee, then I drank it. And I enjoyed it very much.

>> No.18027830

What did you think of it?

>> No.18028066
File: 65 KB, 685x961, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memery aside, it was nice. Red grapes definitely come through, and the fermented notes were pretty mild for a natural, so it would be a good one to try a friend on naturals if they've not encountered them before.

>> No.18028134

Melolilying a kingrindered washed hyperlight Rwandan through my prismo aeropress, what do I think of it?

>> No.18028236

Where the fuck is it?
I don't usually even visit /ckģ.

>> No.18028350

You thought it was overswirled

>> No.18028352


>> No.18028355

Get a load of this lilydripper

>> No.18028374

actually i use a custom made water distribution device that both under fills and overswirles automatically.

>> No.18028383

How many longitudinal striations can this contraption produce?

>> No.18028407

>longitudinal striations
this device creates 200 latitudinal striations per inch.

>> No.18028472

That's almost as many longitudinal striations as are created by swirling a V60 one (1) time

>> No.18028484

>same two retards

>> No.18028769

tastes like dirt

i like it

>> No.18028785


>> No.18028817
File: 261 KB, 1024x682, 1546907704311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got covid 2.5 years into this shit and have lost like 80% of my taste. My delicious coffee is now just hot liquid. This is truly suffering