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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18035242 No.18035242 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so true? What other than extra oil do fast food restaurants use that aren't healthy?

>> No.18035253

Sugar and low quality ingredients

>> No.18035266

Eating it with a potato fried in oil and 64 ounces of corn syrup.

One large burger enjoyed with water or something as a meal is fine.

>> No.18035269

Part of it is also an issue of portions.

A sliver of a tomato, a couple pickles, and a lettuce leaf do not a serving size make.
Also, the real problem is that the burger comes with fries and a soda, which are unhealthy as fuck.

>> No.18035272

>do not a serving size make.
shut up you fucking retard

>> No.18035278

Illiterate faggot.

>> No.18035282

I know what it means, it's just a long winded pretentious way to say it


>> No.18035289

>do not make a serving size
>do not a serving size make
God you are fucking dumb as hell.
Shit thread.

>> No.18035291

go back dude, that saying is extremely commonplace there

>> No.18035293

>A sliver of a tomato, a couple pickles, and a lettuce leaf do not a serving size make.
Well this guy clearly fucks

>> No.18035297

Where is "there"?
Why are you so familiar with it?

>> No.18035518

processed sugars/carbs in white bread are not good for anyone. Thank god no one buys wonderbread anymore. Lot of fatty oil on that ground beef too. Would be much better if it were grilled chicken. There's def fatty sauce in this which makes in even worse. Overall, there's an insane amount of calories in a really bad medium (compare to healthy carbs+fiber in fruit/veggies and healthier oils in smaller amounts)

>> No.18035537

No one has mentioned the glut of preservatives, anti foaming agents, dyes, emulsifiers, etc. added to most things in fast food. Read the ingredients in chic fil a sauce for example, or look at the ingredients in a chicken nugget at McD.

>> No.18035555
File: 552 KB, 512x616, dallemini_2022-6-27_0-5-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that movie was honestly a bit too much. casualty of war yeah, but holy shit that was unexpected.
also i don't have to mention that there's a 5:1 ratio of sugar and fat to the vegetables and calcium.

>> No.18035556

thirding that you're a retarded faggot

>> No.18035570

carbs and cheese have no health benefits

>> No.18035577
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3 retards does not a good argument make.

>> No.18035598

It's the sodium, that's it.

There's like almost 1k sodium in a mcdouble.
You get your entire daily recommended intake of salt from a single fast food meal.

That an if you drink the sugar water.

That's pretty much all that's bad about fast food.

>> No.18035603 [DELETED] 

I don't owe you shit, live with being a dumb pseud nigger

>> No.18035605


>> No.18035609

>I don't owe you shit,
As to you.
Get over yourself, schizo.

>> No.18035748

>take good thing
>mash it into a paste
>fry it in seed oils
>add processed cheese product
>add wilted vegetables
>add bread
You've got one chin for every step in the process, I'm sure.

>> No.18035870

>do not a serving size make.
It's "do not make a serving size" you ESL retard, and even that's a weird construction.

>> No.18035872

Okay but doctor strange possessing his own corpse was sick as fuck

>> No.18035892

Based thespian pissing off the Amerifats

>> No.18035910

fast food buns have sugar and seed oils. fast food ketchup has high fructose corn syrup. fast food cheese is apparently only 60% "real" mcdonald's has soy in theirs. mustard, onion, and pickles seem fine. the meat is a whole other issue obviously since they're using the most extreme cattle raising techniques and technologies.

>> No.18036082

You're ESL. His phrasing is a standard conceit in English.

>> No.18036116

>noun: conceit; plural noun: conceits
>excessive pride in oneself.
>"he was puffed up with conceit"

>an ingenious or fanciful comparison or metaphor.
>"the idea of the wind's singing is a prime romantic conceit"

ESLs defending ESLs. Amazing.

>> No.18036127

you have to make it at home with fresh, clean ingredients

>> No.18036130

Eating fat and carbohydrates together is the problem.

>> No.18036132

I mean he could have been less faggy and used 'figure of speech' instead but that is proper english bro

>> No.18036149
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Always in your head, rent free

>> No.18036232

A homemade burger by itself isn't unhealthy, it becomes unhealthy when it's served with seed oil soaked potatos, candy water, nuggets, multiple burgers, etc.

>> No.18036245

Isn't one portion of fruit/veg 80g? There's prob less than a portion's worth of veg on a burger, which is tiny compared to all the beef and bread.

>> No.18036278

everything is just a social class signifier

>> No.18036282

they're all fried in oil and generally made with substandard ingredients

>> No.18036283

Your grammar is fine but you're still a massive faggot for typing like that on 4chan of all places

>> No.18036389

Shouldn't you have put a comma between "fine" and "but"?

>> No.18036469

Imagine by hyperbaton being triggered

>> No.18036579

I'll put my comma between your fine but.

>> No.18036616

Its not every day you get to see a sub 80iq individual

>> No.18036629

Yeah some genuinely impressive idiocy on display. For the stupid anon: idiocy means I think you is dum dum

>> No.18036640

this is bait, right?

>> No.18036989

The mayo, the soda and the fries are the main problem.

>X does not a Y make
Just go back to rebbit

>> No.18036994

>Newfaggot from Reddit comes to 4chan just to complain about reddit

>> No.18036996

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18037034

It's healthier and tastier when you cook your own. Eliminates all the extra shit they put in it at the restaurants. I find home cooked burgers to be more filling too.

>> No.18037036

>itt: illiterate faggots
/ck/ never stops being one of the boards with lowest IQs

>> No.18037048

>redbitspacer tells anon to go back to rebdit
lm my ao

>> No.18037055

food is not "healthy" or "unhealthy" food provides nutrition and/or energy.

eating habits are unhealthy.

>> No.18037063

>the burger comes with fries and a soda,
not unless I ask for it. I always get water.

>Thank god no one buys wonderbread anymore
they still do and there is nothing wrong with it.

read the ingredients in and orange. It's nothing but chemicals.

sodium is not bad for you. stop spreading lies.

>it becomes unhealthy when it's served with seed oil
also lies

no one is insulted by being called reddit. turn 14

>> No.18037137

>no one is insulted by being called reddit. turn 14
No one is insulted by being called underage.
Did you even reference the right post? You should be yelling at >>18036989.

>> No.18037157

a list of ingredients in orange oil (used as flavoring).

95 volatile components were detected in orange essence oil, of which 55 were aroma active. In terms of FID peak area the most abundant compounds were: limonene, 94.5%; myrcene, 1%; valencene, 0.8%; linalool, 0.7%, and octanal, decanal, and ethyl butyrate, 0.3% each. One hundred percent of the aroma activity was generated by slightly more than 4% of the total volatiles. The most intense aromas were produced by octanal, wine lactone, linalool, decanal, beta-ionone, citronellal, and beta-sinensal. Potent aroma components reported for the first time in orange essence oil include: E-2-octenal, 1-octen-3-ol, Z-4-decenal, E,E-2,4-nonadienal, guaiacol, gamma-octalactone, and m-cresol.

>> No.18037220

anon hath brought down the rage of many illiterate philistines, good show

>> No.18037239

Those aren't all ingredients, most are components.
The ingredients to whole milk might be three things but the components similar to you have listed would be large.

>> No.18037303

Based goyslop enjoyer

>> No.18037496

>not "many an illiterate philistine"
Step it up.

>> No.18037548

Magic preservatives. But fast food is not that bad and its completely fine to eat it every once in a while or even semi regularly. If all your meals are fastfood then it starts to become an issue

>> No.18037554

This kind of points out the fault with labeling foods good or bad. Pretty much anything can fit into a healthy diet. There's nothing inherently unhealthy about a cheeseburger every so often. Everyday with fries and a soda though? In addition to two other meals in a day and snacks? Probably gonna be hard to keep off weight eating like that.

>> No.18038564

all I wanted to do is try the pizza from 616-Earth and the pizza balls from 838-Earth

...and coom in Scarlet Witch hundreds of times to give her kids she so desperately wanted

>> No.18038721

are you actually this retarded, or just pretending?

>> No.18038734

Smooth brain take.

One example.
There's dimethylpolysiloxane in frying oil. An industrial silicone lubricant.

>> No.18038769

silicone is as safe as can be
get out of here shill

>> No.18038907

Lmfao he enjoys eating industrial lube. Ngmi.

>> No.18039609

a burger has a lot more meat and grease than someone would normally eat
in a stew you get a few spoonfulls of meat hear and there but a bowl is less than a burger
and a steak is ate on rare enough occasions that you dont need to worry about it

>> No.18041463
File: 1.17 MB, 1120x720, 1625280532459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ingredients: Onions.

>> No.18041481

It's unhealthy when you get it at a shithole. However:
>fresh bread without tons of sugar
>good quality veggies and beef
>made at home
still pretty damn good for you
10/10 just for bootyblasting tons of retards just by moving a single word

>> No.18042422

you're coming off really stupid right now

>> No.18042729

>you're coming off really stupid right now
Nah. Stupid is calling something "long winded" even though it has the exact same number of words.

>> No.18042797

mayhaps we do a bit of trolly perchance?

>> No.18043005

premise is wrong
>bread unhealthy
>steak is different cut than beef
>real cheese vs. synthetic "cheese" slice
>romaine vs. pale green almost white lettuce
and that's before we get to
>le seed oils
>le preservatives in the bunz
>le corn syrup
>le mystery meat with pink goo filler and S 0 Y

big diff when you add it all up. Thread is fake and gay

>> No.18043772

shut up newby

>> No.18043782

You are so right
But you have been baited by OP

>> No.18043795

what are you on about

>> No.18043909

there is nothing wrong with fat
fat is good
sugar, processed seed oils and industrial chemicals/preservatives crammed into highly processed food are what make it poison.

seed oils were developed as industrial lubricant and only later did they get the idea to feed them to humans. canola oil is made with benzene, a known carcinogen.

>> No.18043919

fuck off retard

>> No.18043932

Illiterate faggot

>> No.18043961
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>> No.18044053

>do not a serving size make.
kill yourself

>> No.18044059

Illiterate faggot

>> No.18044152

amazing that 4chan can be triggered by a common phrase

>> No.18046084
File: 60 KB, 728x500, a0uisvbfzeoixt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cannoli Johnny, wagie stampede! YA YO YAAAAA YOOOOOOOOOOOO!

>> No.18046193

the cope and seethe. Love ya, bud
It's true, I took the B8. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.18046214

shut iot newby

>> No.18046218

Your brain has been fried by fast food.

>> No.18046234

lol. Sweet copium

>> No.18046270

>File: 1627029082539.png
This timestamp is from 2021 in Unix time, and yet google says the movie this is from was released in 2022. Why are all the faggot redditors using botnetX's "I don't want people to see my filename" option? Ashamed? Don't like being ridiculed by fucking autists?

>> No.18046277
File: 934 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220304-074048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he gets it

>> No.18046284

kek this is literally this thread >>18044597 but concised into a meme

>> No.18046289

>mustard, onion, and pickles seem fine
even if youre right, why do they taste so bland? i love onions on my burger, but their onions literally have no flavor

>> No.18046294

this is /ck/, soy isn't censored you fucking retard. I use soy sauce mixed with mirin, rice vinegar and brown sugar in almost everything.
Go back to /pol/. Fucker.

>> No.18046300

my thread was made first

>> No.18046314

>Don't like being ridiculed by fucking autists?
That's a pretty good reason to use it.
Literally what it's designed for.

>> No.18046321

And yet we still identify patterns and incongruencies. Autism website.

>> No.18046341

>And yet we still identify patterns and incongruencies.
I've seen the "patterns" and "incongruencies" people on this website "identify".
I've used this site for 15 years now and will have newfags call me a Redditor samefag all because I used a double space in my post while uploading the first result from Google images that 15 other anons used.

The people here have the tools, but so few know how to actually use them properly.

>> No.18046354

Calling someone a redditor because of post spacing is a surefire way to tell if someone is an electionfag/t_dfag. It was never a meme before then and it's a forced meme now.

>> No.18046356

Trying too hard, faggot. It's amazing how upset you get when called out.

>> No.18046364

>and it's a forced meme now.
I don't think I can even call it forced. I think it's just the natural by product of redditors trying too hard to fit in and not realizing that most shit online is older than Reddit.

>> No.18046368

because people on other boards are schizo af

cry about it

>> No.18046369

Sorry anon, eventually you're going to have to accept that more than 10 people use this site, and not many of them post as often as you.

>> No.18046376

>i need to hide my filenames with fake unix timestamps that out me as a botnetX newfag
You're at least 50% oldfag in the sense that you cover the faggot part.

>> No.18046394

Only newfags get worked up about shit like this.

>> No.18046465
