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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18082552 No.18082552 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here legitimately tried to eliminate sugar from their daily diet. I've heard unbelievable benefits about the carnivore diet. I tried it for 2 days and I wanted to die. My biggest issue was the insatiable craving for sweet things. That's when I noticed every fucking thing in my god damn grocery store had a fuck ton of sugar in it. Every god damn sauce, which I thought might be the saving grace to get a hunk of meat down my gullet. Am I doomed to be a fucking lard lord forever?

TL;DR it is almost impossible to shop for anything without a bucket of sugar in it.

>> No.18082568

Yeah I'm dying of chronic pancreatiic disease so I cut out sugar a long time ago and it's really that significant.

I suggest everyone cut out the goyslop sugar loaded enriched wheat flour garbage they keep pushing people to make them fat and unhappy. They want you bloated fat no energy on pills and depressed and dead before you can enjoy retirement.

It's literally goyslop for the slave class you need to return to eating whole vegetables grains and meat not processed supermarket shit.

>> No.18082573
File: 134 KB, 974x998, Ou553d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to discord, tranny

>> No.18082577

Sugar isn't the problem. You having a complete garbage diet is. Cutting sugar out of your diet forces some variety, which means you are getting more nutrients.

>> No.18082579

>it is almost impossible to shop for anything without a bucket of sugar in it.
Stop buying bread and breaded items. That's pretty much it.

>> No.18082584

Seriously though why hate on goyslop? It's a perfect term. It's slop they push onto the lowest working class for cheap energy that destroys your body.

>> No.18082589
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I'm sure your who discord is really laughing for this one again

>> No.18082594

Goyslop makes you look like soyjak btw

>> No.18082607

You're the only one pushing it. I browse /pol/ too, but I absolutely despise you niggers trying to change the culture of every board. Fuck off.

>> No.18082613

My wife cut out most sugar. Not 100%, but no candy or sweets. She said it was like going through withdrawal from an addiction. Said it sucked for a few days then your over it

>> No.18082616

>Has anyone here legitimately tried to eliminate sugar from their daily diet.
yes, other than I stopped gaining weight I did not feel any different.

>> No.18082621

>god damn

>> No.18082624
File: 109 KB, 2037x1528, back to pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>then your over it
she's lying, you can never get over a sugar addiction.

>> No.18082627

How can you eliminate sugar if there is sugar in LITERALLY everything? Potatoes have sugar, carrots have sugar, fruit has sugar, lettuce has sugar.

Sugar is a natural component of everything except water and salt.

>> No.18082635

You fucking hit the nail right on the head, you know that? I was craving plain old white bread, buns, shit like that like you wouldn't believe. Had a loaf on the counter while I was making a perfectly nutritious lovely plate of eggs and I nearly motorboated that loaf. It gave me that look not even kidding.

I'm sorry to hear that anon, that's fucking terrible. i can't imagine it was easy for you, craving aside, but just shopping in general. I live within a decent location of a lot of stores but fuck me if I can find anything worth buying that isn't loaded with absolute garbage. Good for you anon. I hope your situation get's better, or if nothing else, doesn't get any worse. Godspeed.

Die in a ditch you fucking waste of space troglodyte. Sorry, I've been drinking. What the fuck is goyslop.

Except the variety is sparce if you don't want everything tasting bland and awful. Hospital food tastes better than the, admittedly, way more beneficial things I was trying to put in my body. I actually realized everything is unpalatable and I just didn't eat because it was boring or didn't taste good and was slowly starving. I mean it was two fucking days but that's pretty much it.

Yeah you're wife's a bigger man than me. I have health reasons to do it so I just need to stop being a pussy about it and commit. Fuck it isn't fun though.

I am a fat dispensing machine. I need to stop before I choke on my own disgusting fat. I'm really trying to make a commitment here. It was a very eye opening two days. Stupid bitch as I was being, I could actually see the benefits immediately, believe it or not.

Now you kind of understand my struggle. Hence the carnivore diet being such a bitch to get into. I'm committed though. I just didn't do enough research and was basically starving myself and was out of energy. I was mostly talking about refined sugar and shit like that anyway.

>> No.18082651

Any kind of extreme diet will lead to failure and rebound.

You need to learn how to control yourself and how to enjoy everything in moderation. That is the only way to successfully lose weight and be happy in life.

>> No.18082662

My brother and his wife did a few "no sugar January"s at her insistence and all it did was make them miserable grumpy fucks for a month.

>> No.18082663

The only sugar I consume is the occasional can of Monster, and I'm fairly low carb in general. Gonna start smashing a huge bowl of rice before future gym visits though, free fatty acids just don't give you the same power that stored glucose does.

>TL;DR it is almost impossible to shop for anything without a bucket of sugar in it.
That's because you expect a ton of variety in your diet like some child that craves novelty. Just eat meat, fat, dairy, eggs, and cruciferous vegetables and a lot of your health issues will clear up. And practice fasting.

>> No.18082667

>le pol

I assure you things were this way loooong before you arrived around 2016 and your misinformation campaign will never work.

>> No.18082670

There are a wide variety of non-caloric sweeteners on the market to sate your 'tooth.

(inb4 cancer, poison, gynecomastia, etc. As if sugar isn't worse.)

>> No.18082676

Never ever. Chemicals invented inside a laboratory by billion dollar corporations so they can trick people with "no sugar" labels. I want you to make no mistake that stuff is worse than HFCS it's literally goyslop.

>> No.18082677

They literally were not. You came here a month or two ago and started spamming your dipshit terminology. We have the archives to prove it too. You are fooling literally nobody.

>> No.18082679

>Any kind of extreme diet will lead to failure and rebound
Does 400-500g of carbohydrate per day sound extreme? Because it should, except for some reason that's considered perfectly normal.

>> No.18082681

The archives show way back to 2018 dumbass hahaa

>> No.18082683

>why hate on goyslop?
Because it's virtue signaling, you ignorant faggit

>> No.18082688

That's not what virtue signal means you stupid faggot.

>> No.18082690

If your blood comes from northern Europe and someone else's comes from Kenya, why in the fuck would anyone expect their bodies to react the same to food? Some people might be able to get away with eating more sugar, some people might be able to get away with eating more meat. Experiment with diets, find out what makes your body tick. Don't expect a one-size-fits-all approach rubberstamped by a (((Doctor))) to magically make your ills go away.

>> No.18082699

One race: the human race.

>> No.18082700

The first instance of goyslop I find is post >>14776204, made Sept 5 2020. You and your ilk have been spamming it for 2 years and you've been repeatedly called out for it. You're an electionfag and always will be. Now fuck off.

>> No.18082701

Your denial causes pain in those you believe you're helping.

>> No.18082706
File: 644 KB, 3629x522, 20220708_165501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong again retard

>> No.18082707

>you've been repeatedly called out for it

>> No.18082719

Cope and seethe, newfags. You will never belong.

>> No.18082721

You are utterly powerless to stop other people from posting.

>> No.18082723

>pride in belonging on 4chan

>> No.18082724

Why do you think you're smart enough to gaslight people? We are laughing at you precious.

>> No.18082726

And you're utterly powerless to be anything other than a complete faggot.

>> No.18082729

I'm fine with being a faggot, but you're clearly not happy that I can continue posting.

>> No.18082733

The left can't troll.

>> No.18082741

Just go back to saying sheeple. Why keep changing the term?

>> No.18082745

Why don't you just word filter goy and slop so that you don't get so triggered every day?

>> No.18082746

I don't care either way. I'm a completely different poster.
I just don't like change.

>> No.18082750

You're right, but things are better than they used to be. Half the US is diabetic, and there are more prepared foods targeting that demographic than ever.
Perhaps you'll be motivated to spend more time in the produce and meat sections and less time up and down the aisles of packaged food. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.18082773

t. tranny

>> No.18082784

I honestly find it hilarious troons live rent free in the heads of /pol/tards. You claim to hate them, yet bring them up at every opportunity. Curious.

>> No.18082977
File: 53 KB, 750x722, 1571952456436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every god damn sauce, which I thought might be the saving grace to get a hunk of meat down my gullet

Wait, hold on. Is this implying that OP can't tolerate MEAT without slathering it with sugary sauce so he can "force it down"? Meat is fucking delicious wtf, our ancestors would spend all day hunting just so they could gorge on it. It's meant to taste good on its own with just salt pepper and a nice sear. Add good spices and it's fucking great.
desu I guess it's not that different than people who can't tolerate drinking simple clean water but still. How are people this far gone?

>> No.18083050

Carnivore is based. I've been doing it for a while now.

>> No.18083150

Protein gets matabolized into glucose. You can't escape sugar

>> No.18083204

Yeah but it's way slower than with carbohydrates.
Protein has a negligible effect on blood glucose level given normal insulin levels