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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 443 KB, 1071x1280, 1657661219148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18098431 No.18098431 [Reply] [Original]

So wait

The only foods are actually flour, meat, cheese, milk, veggies...thats it...humanity has been coping for its whole existence pretending theres all these dishes and ways of preparing shit but so what, its literally all the same shit.

I cant believe I only realized this today. Everyone goes through this at some point right? Like what the fuck...there are really only a handful of foods, we've been scammed into thinking mixing the same handful of shit in different portions and orders is different meals lmao

>> No.18098684

wait until you realize cheese is just hard milk.

>> No.18099645


>> No.18099663

And every dish is either a soup, salad, or sandwich no exceptions

>> No.18099666

>if I reduce everything past its logical conclusion for the sake of proving a shitty retarded point
>everything is the same!!!
>we should all eat fucking soylent green and forsake taste lul!!!
redditspacing summerfags need to kill themselves and get the fuck off my board.

>> No.18099676

eggs (not meat)
mushrooms (not veggies)

>> No.18099680

>my board
Fuck off Satan

>> No.18099702

>spices don't exist
>herbs don't exist
>salt doesn't exist
try again

Also each of those you listed are a fuck huge category. Fuck huge categories are huge, you can't just say, "that's it?" when referring to hundreds of completely different flavor profiles.

>redditspacing summerfags need to kill themselves
redditspacing isn't a thing ya fooking newfag. go kill yourself.
>my board
goddamn newfags don't even try that hard to hide anymore

>> No.18099706


>> No.18099777
File: 93 KB, 409x409, 1572020282471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditspacing isn't a thing ya fooking newfag
>being this new
its like a refreshing wind of summer air, blowing right off my delicious mcchicken into my face as if I'm in a commercial.
sincerely, attempt suicide. I say attempt, because both you, I, and your parents know you couldn't pull it off even if you tried.
a steak dinner.
stockfish over rice.

>> No.18099781

How the fuck is a lamb shank a sandwich?

>> No.18099786

Lasagne falls under sandwich, all others are hot salads except for sushi

>> No.18099790

Hey newfag. I'll let you in on a secret. The 4chan archive exists (no I won't provide a link, find it yourself) and you can find many posts in that format that pre-date reddit.

But what am I thinking... You don't actually care. you're just here to shit post.

>> No.18099808
File: 66 KB, 500x421, moot spacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can help you out there

>> No.18099858
File: 45 KB, 612x321, image_2022-07-13_155505040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard alert.
feel free to dig around in your shitty stash to find a moot post that predates this, but the point is faggots who post like that are invariably from reddit. And, protip, try not to post posts that are from before the year you were born? Like, seriously nigger, are you that retarded?

>> No.18099960

Sandwich requires bread, lasagne is a pie.

>> No.18099968
File: 402 KB, 900x506, moving the goalposts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fag.

>> No.18099971

You are a fag, bad thread

>> No.18100003


>> No.18100157


I could fucking put every gradation of salt in water and call each one its own type of drink but that means exactly as much AA your hundreds of taste profuckingfiles