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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 512x512, frisco melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18557402 No.18557402 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me if this sounds reasonable
>2 Frisco Melts with extra sauce
>1 large fry
>1 chili mac
>1 large diet coke
>Cost $29 and change
Is that an unreasonable amount to charge for so little food?

>> No.18557416

that "snack" is unreasonable
god i feel bad for your toilet

>> No.18557451

Fast food prices are going up but also 2 burgers and 2 large sides is not a snack

>> No.18557662

I mean that's really debatable. Whats lunch to some people is just a snack to others.

>> No.18557670

All I'm saying is this guy is eating what some people would consider a meal for two. $30 is not that far-fetched

>> No.18557674

That's a fairly small snack for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of frisco melts in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.18557682

>1 large diet coke
who are you trying to fool?

>> No.18557688

Ok fatty

>> No.18557694

That's a meal big enough for 2 people at a sit down restaurant, and your complaining it was $30?

>> No.18557709

>Is that an unreasonable amount to charge for so little food?

>> No.18557715

>Two full meals but one large drink
So you're a hamplanet?

>> No.18557722
File: 3.63 MB, 256x192, trek_hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 Frisco Melts with extra sauce
1920 calories
>1 large fry
>1 chili mac
3770 calories
SNACK? my ass.

>> No.18557740

you bought 3 dinners for roughly $10 each

Your fault you called it a "snack" or that you ordered utter crap

>> No.18557799

I bought a 3 course meal with a drink.

>> No.18557872

they should charge your fat disgusting ass 20 times that for the disgust you cause people. just your self fatty you are disgusting sack of stinking shit

>> No.18557896
File: 136 KB, 382x430, 1652131282580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3770 calories
Jesus, and yet it's so little food.

>> No.18557925

>2 Frisco Melts with extra sauce
1920 calories, 132g fat and that's without the extra sauce
>1 large fry
650 calories, 34g fat
>1 chili mac
1200 calories, 61g fat
Total: 3770 calories, 227g fat.

Jesus OP, how fucking big are you if that's a snack. I'm guessing you're at least 350 lbs.

>> No.18558008

That looks gross

>> No.18558073

I was 350 lbs once, and while I would on occasion eat like this (as in, I would regularly devour a full 15" pizza to myself, with garlic bread), I wouldn't call it a snack.

>> No.18558125

That's 3,600 calories. That's enough for bulking up.

>> No.18558165

the sodium always gets me
how the fuck do you not feel awful?

>> No.18558290

explain how salt would make someone feel awful.

>> No.18558311
File: 7 KB, 227x222, waiting penguin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diet coke
If you can't handle the consequences of guzzling down sugary corn-syrup as it goes down with your food that's been drowned in canola/rapeseed oil then you shouldn't expect some watered down soda to make any real difference.
Unless you're a girl (female) with a large appetite that isn't fat as fuck I suggest you just kill yourself.

>> No.18558329

>so little food?
>little food

Jesus christ

>> No.18558340

Looks the same going in as it does going out!

>> No.18558455

eating two grams of salt makes me feel bloaty and dehydrated. How fat are you that seven doesn't faze you?

>> No.18558462

I'm not him but I have no idea how much salt I have ever eaten at any time and never noticed any distance after eating salty foods. I used to eat tons of pretzels.

>> No.18558485


shut the fuck up you dumb nigger. having a diet coke with any meal is objectively better than having regular coke with any meal. you're not fucking clever. i know when i hear someone repeat this tired fucking idiosm that they're soulless walking trash npc garbage. i'm digging your grave tonight. i'll see you tomorrow night.

>> No.18558668
File: 223 KB, 729x404, 1658653626407637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried just drinking water instead, fatty?

>> No.18558729
File: 179 KB, 1125x905, IM SO SCARED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm digging your grave tonight. i'll see you tomorrow night.
Oh noes!! :(

>> No.18558889

>2 full size meals
>2 large sides
>large drink
>"so little food"
OP, how fat are you?

>"3770 calories"
Dear god

>> No.18558945

The daily average for a man in japan is eight and they have some of the lowest obesity rates

>> No.18558960

I prefer Diet Pepsi, but I will drink Diet Coke or Diet Dr Pepper too. I just find diet sodas a more refreshing crisp taste without all the sugary stickiness of non diet sodas. Plus I want to try avoid getting diabetes.

>> No.18558987

Eh, snack might be exaggerating, appetizer is more accurate.

>> No.18558998
File: 105 KB, 636x778, 466EB79D-401B-4142-9DB9-6447AF4D533D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s just a snack

>> No.18559012

I'm seeing it at 4 g but that's beside the point; too much sodium is a problem for blood pressure.
I just feel shitty eating all that salt desu

>> No.18559018

you get used to feeling like shit when you're fat

>> No.18559031

Drink more water

>> No.18559119

by no reasonable metric is that a little food

>> No.18559132
