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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18616584 No.18616584 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL STOP cooking with GAS

>> No.18616607

no I won't

>> No.18616713

i don't like telling my friend what flavor of soda to buy, let alone someone telling my grandma she can't have her prized gas top stove

>> No.18616722

we need to save the environment by burning gas to make electricity instead

>> No.18616724

ive lived here 4 years and ive never gotten my gas oven plumbing done
i just use my small oven and george foreman

>> No.18616736

Real cheap in cheap America. Not going away but definitely should be socially shamed paying the toll.
I have gas power with a decent electric range. I rather have a gas stove, but watchfulness is not my kitchen skill and the play stove i got is still a stove. I encourage this non-ideal situation.

>> No.18616768
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Fuck that.

>> No.18616774
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wtf happened?
NatGas buses and other fleet vehicles where hailed as THE solution not but like five years ago.

>> No.18616780

Over my dead body

>> No.18616819

real estate developers .....hahaha the kikes are tired of having to run gas lines to the condos they build.....1 less union to work with fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.18616825

Well if real estate developers want something, clearly its in my best interest. Not like they just want to cut costs and sell a home with less features.

>> No.18616829

gonna run my oven on a heat pump, cook thanksgiving at 200F

>> No.18616834

I notice that "clean natural gas" is being removed from public transit. The next psyop is underway.

>> No.18616835

Huh, it's so weird that the three professions with the absolute most to gain from such a regulation would support it.

>> No.18617017
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I moved in to an all electric neighbor hood. I paid $3500 to have propane installed, and another $3500 for pic related.

so fuck your getting rid of gas.

>> No.18617041

Do it yourself. Hook up a 20lb propane tank and keep it inside for extra fuck you government points.

>> No.18617046

>I paid
>I paid
Lmao look at this wrenchlet bragging about pulling out his wallet.

>> No.18617052


>> No.18617060

poor detected

>> No.18617197

>I paid 7k because I'm brainwashed by the fossil fuels industry

Hahaha based!!!! I mean really based and redpilled bro!!!!!!!VDMYA0

>> No.18617208

>have gas range
>no externally venting range hood
A-am I gonna die?

>> No.18617210

The slippery slope of the left

>> No.18617253
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Then I’m buying a camping stove to cook on.

>> No.18617320
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They're coming for those too

>> No.18617442

The key is you shouldn't be allowed to cook at all- everyone should subsist on pre-made, environmentally conscious, vegan, nutrient-complete meals provided by the state.

>> No.18617460

Are these Van Life girls? They’ve probably polluted the air more than a campground on 4th of July weekend has if so.

>> No.18617558

They were kinda on to something with that woman shouldn't be taught to read or write thing tbdesu

>> No.18617642

Unironically amputate both their thumbs, perform a laryngectomy, and lobotomize them the rest of the way at birth until we perfect artificial wombs and sex bots.

>> No.18617656

I'm gonna go out back and burn a tire in their honor

>> No.18617979

No thanks

>> No.18617992

>Real estate developers.
And just for that I'm going to say "no".

>> No.18618045

>Breathing in gas fumes while cooking
>Giving your home an atmosphere like Beijing
The argument is health based. Still cooking with has though, not replacing something that works.

>> No.18618048

>I paid $7k for someone to cough in my face
>Sounds pretty dumb
>lol poorfag

>> No.18618071

dumb ESL

>> No.18618096

Cooking with gas is the only joy I have left.

>> No.18618107

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.18618143

Is this supposed to be some sick own?

Combined cycle gas turbine power plants are a fuckton more efficient at getting electricity out of the same BTUs than your gas stove is especially given that upwards of 35% of the heat energy is wasted going up the side of the pot/pan. That same wasted heat is used to power a steam turbine in parallel to the primary gas turbine so you're getting far more from the same fuel input.

>> No.18618172

Not him, but transmission losses called... Oh, and isn't a bigass chunk of our total energy still coal fired, or has that changed recently?

>> No.18618267

Transmission losses are between 0.75% and 1.5%, and distribution system losses are around 4-5.5%; not as bad as you're envisioning

depends on where you live. If you live in the Midwest or South, it's probably above 45%, but everywhere else (and especially in places that are under the umbrella ofa n ISO/RTO) combined cycle gas plants are the dominant generation source. cheaper to build, cheaper to operate, and (admittedly only recently) cheaper to fuel. Bituminous coal prices have been wilding recently and especially with a possible railroad strike impending, things could get a lot worse.

Plus there's the whole issue if looking to the future. Eventually the grid is going to be powered, in a plurality, by $0 marginal cost resources. I'd rather plant my flag on induction now so that I'm situated for times when my state moves beyond outlawing new gas hookups and starts telling people to get rid of their existing gas hookups. That date will probably be 2030 for everyone north of the mason-dixon line.

t. work in the electric power industry

>> No.18618277
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source for coal prices wildin (I'm pretty sure this is bituminous and not metallurgic)

>> No.18618301

>Transmission losses [are] not as bad as you're envisioning.
Damn, you're right, assuming you're telling the truth. I could swear I've seen figures that were, like, five times those somewhere, but maybe that's just my hippocampus trolling me.
That year just keeps cropping up somehow. Good thing I'll be long gone by then... one way or another.
Sweet, merciful Buddha, what the FUCK? Eightfold in ~2 years?
Also, FWIW, nuclear is dae wae IMO. What say you?

>> No.18618320

Gas cooking
>transport gas
Electric cooking
>transport gas to powerplant
>lose efficiency by converting it to electricity
>transport electricity, take another loss
>electric stove, yet another loss
>now you can cook
How about you fuck off with everything electric, i sooner make a campfire and cook on that than buy a retarded electric stove

>> No.18618358

>assuming you're telling the truth
this is not representative of any one particular part of the country because there are other factors like average age of transmission assets and average distance from generation to load (because you lose more power over longer distances), but across the entire US grid we lose somewhere around 5% from plant to plug. EIA is also the gold standard for this kind of data.

2030 is when a lot of states are targeting like 75% zero emissions for their grid. 100% zero emissions is farther out, around 2040-2050.

Yeah, it's pretty funky. Bituminous coal supply is relatively inelastic and it takes a while to spin up new mines. So when natgas prices mooned everyone was like "oh fuck let's ramp up coal more" except that extra demand couldn't be met by existing supply at current equilibrium price. So now coal AND natgas are expensive though gas in the US is relatively isolated from global prices since we make so much, but we can't be isolated from coal prices because China is importing literally every lump it can to abate their own electricity crisis domestically.

great, but expensive. Bizarre economies of scale and regulatory red tape from retarded greenies made it impossible to build new ones for decades so we forgot a lot. all for keeping existing ones open as long as possible, not really on board with building new ones outside of SMRs, if those end up working.

>burn gas for stove
>lose 50% of heat to rest of kitchen

>> No.18618368

This seems like one of those things where america does something completely different from literally the rest of the world and somehow think they're right about it.

>> No.18618380

are you implying that real estate developers don't have our best interests in mind? In can't believe this blatant antisemitism is allowed on this site.

>> No.18618410

*powers his electric fag car with energy produced by fossil fuels*
you're doing it kid, you're saving the planet

>> No.18618414
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so fucking mad that you typed the captcha into the post and didn't bother to remove it
why are green cucks so pathetic

>> No.18618417

So when we have 70+% power generation from zero carbon resources, where will you move the goalposts to?

>> No.18618425

>she really thinks this'll happen
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.18618426

I literally just bought a new propane stove yesterday

>> No.18618463

I truly, from the bottom of my heart believe the 19th amendment was the worst thing to ever happen to this country

>> No.18618481

gonna be honest after learning about how constant campfire smoke damages the lungs i think we should ban them too

tired of my fresh air getting disturbed by pollution pigs at the campsite

>> No.18618497

*bong rip*

>> No.18618536

Can't wait for nuclear fusion.

>> No.18618543

The lithium explosions in bus-sized electric batteries are going to be exquisite.

>> No.18618545

didnt read, 99% of my country still using gas to cook

>> No.18618549

Fire is illegal now.

>> No.18618553

Wasn't calling you a liar or anything bro. What do you mean about nuclear economy of scale being weird? If it's easy to explain, I mean. I'm not familiar with SMRs, I'll have to look that up later.
Same here, assuming the usual suspects don't somehow fuck it all up for us forever.

>> No.18618555

that "wasted" heat actually heats my home, now what?

>> No.18618556
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>cooking with gas

>> No.18618562

Just too convenient using natural gas for heating, cooking, and hot water.
Not to mention they still work even after a storm knocks out the power for a few hours or days.
Not even going to consider it until they unfuck nuclear red tape.

>> No.18618565

>stove battery dies halfway through cooking
how dare you

>> No.18618566

If that ever happens, literally ever, I'll let you know.

>> No.18618571

>"power cut"
>you will eat the cockroach mars bar
>miss a payment on your smart oven subscription
>you will order goyslop
Inhumane to deny a human beings divine right to cook his food on a fire.

>> No.18618597

>MISO, the largest ISO footprint in the entire US, and Australia, the largest coal producers in the world, will never hit 30% of load serves by wind generati- AAACKKKK

feel free to keep going, I'm happy to make you look as retarded as you want

ten years away for the last 30 years
I wish ITER all the luck in the world

Yeah I figured you weren't being that hostile, just giving you all the sources I use in my dayjob

>What do you mean about nuclear economy of scale being weird?
Usually when you build bigger, you see more per-unit cost savings. Example: let's say you're a normal business making 30k "widgets" (placeholder for some arbitrary thing that's manufactured or a service provided) per year, for a cost of 1 million bucks per year. Your costs break down into fixed costs (rent, capital purchases, inventory, taxes) and variable costs (labor, raw materials, operational costs like utilities). Let's say you buy some cool new piece of factory equipment that lets you make 80k widgets per year for the same utility costs while reducing the number of workers you need to have on payroll. Because you're scaling up, your production cost per unit goes down and increases your profit margins


>> No.18618608

>feel free to keep going, I'm happy to make you look as retarded as you want
It doesn't look like you even read the links you posted.

>> No.18618609


The same is true for construction, typically. The bigger you make a building, the better deal you can get for materials contracts, long-term labor contracts, etc.

But making a nuclear power plant doesn't follow that rule. Construction costs have, at least in recent history (see Vogtle in South Carolina and some nuclear plant in the UK) *increased* on a per-unit basis and we've seen incredible overruns. Part of this is due to what I talked about earlier with Greens being incredibly zealous about introducing hugely burdensome regulatory environments in the wake of events like Three Mile Island (during which no one died), which stifled innovation in the nuclear industry for years. So now we're still building plants the way we did 40 years ago, except few companies actually have recent experience, so it's like learning to ride a bike all over again.

SMRs are small modular (nuclear) reactors. They attempt to solve this problem by taking away a lot of the bespoke nature of tractor construction and making it more compact and "assembly-line-able" then shipping them onsite. That's one of the biggest problems is that you can't prefab any of the current reactor design.

ok, looking forward to hearing from you in 8 years

Neat, so 25% of the year your gas stove helps marginally offset heating costs for your home and the other 75% it introduces additional cooling costs.

Sounds like a really great situation, why didn't I think of that?! Damn man you got me.

>> No.18618627

So it's nothing.

>> No.18618628

>why didn't I think of that
Because you are clinically retarded, thats why

>> No.18618632

>comment posted 7 minutes after mine by someone who has zero experience in the energy industry accuses me of not reading dozens of pages of reports


>> No.18618744
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>So when we have

>> No.18618832

Sure. We can just burn gas down at the power plant instead to run your electric stoves. Dopes.

>> No.18618835

confirmed thread skimmer
*rapes and kills you*

>> No.18618839

No. The sick own is I get one vote at the ballot box just like you. So suck it, fag.

>> No.18618849

they don't want their clientele gassing themselves

>> No.18618886


>> No.18619368

Sure, I've literally never used a gas stove. Chances are that I never will.

>> No.18620607

Why do you fags post these fake articles?
Who's the source?
Name one of these chefs or doctors.

>> No.18620643

Well since the CIA bombed nord stream it's not like I have a choice now do I

>> No.18620645

I can't fathom not having a gas range at my house, it would make cooking an absolute fucking chore. Surely there has to be some way to make electric cooking cause an ignition event. Even if you have to use a kindling or something to do so, right?
I tried making pasta on an electric stove at my gf's apartment and it took like 30 minutes for the water to boil, I was pissed.

>> No.18620671

I'll try to make a serious reply by trying to explain why so many people here are angry at most bans.
While climate change is a serious issue, most individuals don't have much wiggle room to save co2.
If climate change would be priority number one then having a stable and co2 neutral energy grid (backed up with hydrogen or something similar) would be way easier and not interfere with people's personal life. Also change regulations that planes and ships ought to run on (green) hydrogen or batteries.
The big problem is, that the government thinks it's better to ban private internal combustion cars and gas cooking. Those changes have marginal savings at best compared to the above mentioned policies.
Now I have to drive a car costing the same as 3 cars which requires 3 stops lasting 2 hours each to visit my family out of state and I am only ever allowed to eat reheated microwave food.
Might as well install china's 1 child policy, would be preferable to me than banning BBQs and hot hatches.

>> No.18620714

>climate alarmist mommy blog written by a literal who citing unnamed "experts" to push his popsci-influenced political agendas masked as food and cooking related
Not giving you page views.

>> No.18620763

Isn't it funny, when "the experts" talk about climate change they always pin the blame on individual responsibility.
It's never about promoting clean energy sources.
It's never about promoting local industries so we don't have to buy crap from China and haul it across the ocean on a diesel-powered ship.
It's never about ending planned obsolescence.

Really makes one think...

>> No.18620790

Ot is tempting to dive into conspiracy theories, but more plausible are the following scenarios
1) politicians are idiots
2) "climate activists" are jealous teens. All they have and/or want is a human right, and everything they don't have is to be banned

>> No.18620793

The biggest tell I think has been the frankly strange hatred for nuclear energy. It's one of the most efficient and cleanest sources of energy out there. We've known how to safely dispose of spent fuel for over 5 decades now.

>> No.18620808
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I agree that gas has had its day, at least for home use. Not having to worry about leaks etc. is great. But fuck forcing people to change their stoves.
That being said, good induction > good gas > cheap gas > cheap induction. Other stove types aren't even worth mentioning.

>> No.18620835

I've had gas my whole life, never worried about leaks. You do realize they add a scent to the gas so you know if there's a leak, right?

>good induction > good gas
lmaoing @ your life

>> No.18621972
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Nothin personnel, pan

>> No.18622034

maybe some stoves just have broken potentiometers or whatever, or people use shitty cookware, but i've never had any difficulty with coil or induction stoves, only those glasstops from the 00s.

i am annoyed any time i need to use a gas stove. it's a shitty inefficient interface that takes a long time to heat stuff.

>> No.18622046

Cooking with gas inside your house is retard tier
Enjoy your asthmatic children

>> No.18622058

Your girlfriend has a broken stove

>> No.18622374

Just having a nearby window is enough

>> No.18622377

the only people who hate on gas stoves are the ones who don't own one

>> No.18622432

>Please pump explosive gas into my houseeee!!!!


>> No.18622440


>> No.18622443

did you also know that you can drown in water and get shocked from electricity? fucking death traps man!

>> No.18622458

I doubt your home (apartment) has good ventilation

>> No.18622664


>> No.18622696

>its more efficent to completely redo your house, remove gas lines, and use an electric stove powered by a gas powerplant

i hate people like you so much.
>just replace everything you own with new things, this is WAY better for the environment and is extremely efficent. trust me :D

>> No.18622702

>hurr science = eval the voice in my head told me gas is le safe and based
Bet you're a antivaxtard too

>> No.18622720

It's amazing how science funded by businesses always come to the conclusion that people need to throw away everything they know and buy the current thing

>> No.18622746

That's wasn't his argument. He said thar replacing the majority of the piping and plumbing in his household would be inconvenient and probably expensive. All this so you can buy an (arguably) worse product (can't use copper pots on induction, can't sauté on induction, some Asian cooking methods for wok require gas and you CAN cook on gas even during blackout)
Also if you live in the north, there is no "waste heat" because you use the heat to warm up your house
>but what about higher ac usage in summer
Never even owned an ac unit outside of my car

But please explain, why stop here, why not ban slow roasting, why not ban deep frying, why not ban everything EXCEPT microwaved food.

>> No.18622781

>be me
>live in midsize American city
>utility company won't convert to below-ground power lines due to cost
>power goes out for over a week anytime there's a bad winter storm
I'll keep my gas stove thank you very much.

>> No.18622882

Nobody has a an enclosed fume hood over their stove and that would be the only adequate ventilation

>> No.18622899

As if OPEC, Big Oil etc. would ever let their death come to life.

>> No.18622907

I had electric coils in college and it’s the worst fucking stove possible. One side burning red hot and one side cold. Takes forever to heat up and doesn’t distribute evenly

>> No.18622929


Modern electric stoves aren't bad, especially induction.


Eh I kinda get it for rentals/condos. Retards start too many fires which affects other innocent people.

Don't be so dramatic. Most US homes have central HVAC systems that circulate the air regardless.

In old shitty homes without a proper range hood or central HVAC, yeah.. gas is a bad idea.

>> No.18622933

A gas stove was one of the few requirements I had for my realtor when I was house hunting. They're actually getting rarer and rarer nowadays. My realtor said only 1/5 of the houses in his system use gas.

>> No.18622944

>Most US homes have central HVAC systems that circulate the air regardless.
Cool making sure the hydrocarbon emissions that dont get sucked by a weak fan 3 ft above the source go all throughout your house!

>> No.18622950

You don't even home a home foreigner lmao. Inb4 troon rage

>> No.18622951

As soon as they find a way to have the stove top produce an open flame through electricity.

>> No.18622955


It takes an already tiny amount of CO in a room and just spreads it around to a super tiny negligible amount throughout the whole house.

I don't want to hear this from non-HVAC havers that live in 1200+ppm CO2 room.

Have you tracked what your CO2 levels look like in a room after being in it for a while with all the windows closed?

>> No.18622973

I have 2 actually
Its not a negligible amount and im more worried about the no2

>> No.18622989

nigga just open a window?

>> No.18623002

That would be tight just short circuiting stove that cooks with arc flashes

>> No.18623004

how on earth do doctors and chefs benefit from abandoning gas lol

>> No.18623021

Actually it makes sense for doctors and (most) chefs to abandon gas. Induction is safer since you are not working on an open flame and you have less smoke/dust pollution in your kitchen.
Real estate developers on the other hand are cheap fucks who will make you suffer just so that they can sell at a better margin. Fuck real estate developers

>> No.18623069

In schizo logic, don't "doctors" benefit from sicker ppl, because they can foist bullshit "treatments" on them? Same way dissidents are labeled as schizophrenics and forced to submit to depot injections of brainwashing serum, aka Abilify

>> No.18623071

Making most of your competition have to try to cook with an electric range is a big advantage to chefs and restaurants that still get to cook with flames.

>> No.18623124

Very shrewd, but what about doctors anon

>> No.18623152

Just get electric heaters and induction plates that plug into your outlets and use those instead of the local gas jew.
No need to redo anything.
Everything will produce waste heat anyway, it will just also do more useful work while producing that heat.

>> No.18623537

We need to save the environment by burning politicians, lawyers, corporate bigwigs, doctors, software developers, scientists and everyone who's ever worked in mass media related field.

>> No.18623553

your house doesn't have electricity or are you just having a case of clinical contrarianism?

>> No.18623583

Every campfire on the planet combined right now is less than a drop in the bucket compared to the c02 emissions from industrial sources.

>> No.18623590

I just moved into a new apartment that has a gas stove. It like that it heats fast but it gets so hot that I have a hard time simmering anything

How do you simmer on a gas stove? The lowest setting is still hot af

>> No.18623604

>desperately trying to get SOME sort of measure through to try and stem the damage
>finally able to get many large commercial vehicles converted to LNG, ok great good 1st step of about 10000 things that need to change
conservatives should all be gassed

>> No.18623606

Maybe you should learn how to make pasta and salt the water you dumb whiny fuck.

>> No.18623610

By neolib market drones in denial about the fact that all fossil fuels need to be stopped

Cooking with gas is giving you cancer and brain damage

>> No.18623619

fucking dumb, campfires could easily be made to be NET CARBON NEGATIVE if people weren’t stupid as shit
campfires and cooking fires are also not even a integer fraction of total co2 emissions, industry is to blame not individuals

anyways reject anthropocene, return to tandoor

>> No.18623621

Don’t worry they’re killing themselves with their own ignorance

>> No.18623631

>Transmission losses are between 0.75% and 1.5%, and distribution system losses are around 4-5.5%; not as bad as you're envisioning

That’s an outright fucking lie, more than 60% of all energy production is lost as waste heat, “I’m in the industry” no you’re just a pathetic lying internet dumbass

>> No.18623638

I live in Cali and they passed some law or something that all new residential buildings constructed will not have gas. I live in a building where we don't anyway.

>> No.18623659

dont tell me /ck/ actually believes in the co2 hoax

>> No.18623670

cooking food, the act of heating it in the pan, produces a ton of VOCs no matter the heat source.
meanwhile Burning gas produces clean co2 and water vapor only

>> No.18623686

I wouldn't move into a house with gas appliances.
I don't trust that shit enough to not blow up due to drunken mistakes

>> No.18623702

men are hard to control, but women arent. so the trick is to give women 'rights' so they can control their men, and thus men are controlled. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.18623716

And soot, numbnuts.
And if the flame is yellow instead of an almost invisible shade of blue it's creating CO.

>> No.18623733


>> No.18623754

>experts say

>> No.18623802

And nitrogen oxides and they offgas methane even when theyre not in use

>> No.18623803

The energy plant itself is not efficient, rint runs at best at 60% efficiency, you dishonest know it all

>> No.18624150

>if the flame is yellow instead of an almost invisible shade of blue
if your flame is yellow either your burner is defect or shit crusted.
If you burn gas and the flame is not blue, you are wasting >70% of the potential energy

>> No.18624183
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My mom is pretty far left politically but her strongest contention is that electric stoves fucking suck.

>> No.18624204

Texas fag with natural gas here - lol. Lmao even. When the pipes freeze and the plants shut down you get no gas.

>> No.18624209

Sounds like a typical retarded leftist take

>> No.18624238

Watching all of the brainlets get filtered by this post is amazing, thx anon.

>> No.18624284

I use electric anyway. Burner goes red

>> No.18624502

always do opposite of what jews want you to do

>> No.18624528

>humans have proven that we can't have nice things
this is an actual schizophrenic with a god complex right here lmao

>> No.18624538

Wanting to ban other people from having things they themselves have. I agree. Typical Pharisaical leftism.

>> No.18624539

I tested a gas stove with this $30 hotplate I got (coil) and it took 3 minutes 17 seconds to heat up a medium saucepan of water with the gas, and 1 minute 33 seconds on the coil.
Gas sucks.

>> No.18624541
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>takes over a minute to boil water
ngmi. im in tea heaven rn

>> No.18624552
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>proceeds waste 95% of the heat to the sides of the kettle

>> No.18624556

idgaf lol lmao even

>> No.18624562
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>> No.18624568

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.18624570 [DELETED] 

you're not fooling anyone brendan

>> No.18624576

you're not fooling anyone martin

>> No.18624582

>doesnt realize you have to type the captcha in the captcha box in the first place to post
You are genuinely retarded

>> No.18624588

This doesn't change anything. Only the captcha box resets, not the captcha in the post box that the dumbass put in.

>> No.18624595

Did you get your venom sho- i mean boosters. whatever

>> No.18624600

Not an argument

>> No.18624601

Lmao, even.

>> No.18624619

Why do conservatives love twisting words like this and love to hear themselves talk like absolute psychopaths

>> No.18624636

Why do you quote rights as if women don't hwve rights now? You far right fascist psycho, basically a shadow of tim pool or alex jones

>> No.18624640

Good thing you took your horse dewormer instead!

>> No.18624642

Leftists shill for electric energy/green energy. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.18624647

>so when we have
>accuses others of moving goalposts
I hate wanting a greener planet but being associated with you retards so fucking much.

Quick newsflash you dumb nigger. By the time an electric vehicle has all its minerals like lithium for the battery mined, shipped, processed, manufactured and everything else done and created, the carbon footprint is already identical to a normal fossil fuel utilizing vehicle. Also, want to know where most of the pollution on the planet comes from? Asia. Unless the Chinks, Dotheads and Phlips get their head in the game it doesn't matter how green we go, because they'll just put in so much literal garbage in the oceans and air that it'll pretty much completely mitigate what we do. Making the world a more green planet isn't a Western issue, it's a global one you fucking retard.

>> No.18624857


>> No.18624888

Don't forget that all those heavy metals end up in a fucking landfill somewhere when the Bernie bro is done virtue signaling.

>> No.18624936
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>Eventually the grid is going to be powered, in a plurality, by $0 marginal cost resources

>> No.18624973

I know this is some idiot cooking board, but he never mentioned "heavy metals".
Thx, come visit on /sci/.

>> No.18625064

NY fag with natural gas here - lol. Lmao even. Your company put their pants on their head when they laid down their pipes, because ours don't freeze.

>> No.18625078

lithium isn't a heavy metal though

>> No.18625087

natural gas doesn't freeze, well not at antarctica temperatures, maybe mars though

>> No.18625146

Oh it's this thread again

Reminder: residential natural gas usage for cooking constitutes a laughably small percentage of gas usage and retards insisting it needs to be banned for the environment's sake don't understand literally anything and should shut the fuck up.

>> No.18625174

Where did I mention lithium?

>> No.18625531

That faggot could very well be a lefty.

>> No.18625575

>can't sauté on induction
Lmao what

>> No.18625594

>Unless the Chinks, Dotheads and Phlips get their head in the game it doesn't matter how green we go, because they'll just put in so much literal garbage in the oceans and air that it'll pretty much completely mitigate what we do.
I firmly believe nuclear saturation bombing of China, the Indian Subcontinent, the Philippines and Indonesia would be carbon neutral

>> No.18625621

Shitty induction burners aren't good at maintaining low temperatures without slingshotting all over the god damned place because of the way they cycle on/off to heat at different outputs, it's mostly fixed in newer models and especially in the higher end ones, but it is a real thing that at least used to be a concern.

>> No.18625633

And they can fry electronics.

>> No.18625680

Big deal I can deep fry a phone on gas too

>> No.18625775

The problem with the induction coil is that the pan doesn't get heated up when you are lifting up the pan, like when you sauté food.

But yeah for most normal people induction is great, i had to stretch some of my arguments in >>18622746 to make the point that not everyone wants induction and the government should not ban gas because the co2 savings are marginal if you take the cost for rebuilding your house into account.

Ban cruiseships completely and heavy oil for cargo ships. It will be easier than fucking with the personal lives of people

>> No.18625861

pol pot 2.0 baby

>> No.18625882

The only people wanting electric stove are the people whose cooking consists boiling a pot of water.

>> No.18625884

>redoing your entire house to put in an induction stove
what kind of house are you currently living in lmao

>> No.18626030
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Back to your containment board, tourist.

>> No.18626103

At least ivermectin is safe and effective

>> No.18626110

Not him but how is range choice not at least as germane to the board as garbage fast food spam thread #58642808622632, jewtuber thread #363388447890064225325, or Do Americans Really thread #79847324563442487547?

>> No.18626165


>> No.18626174

gas cancer is based and induction bzzbzz is boring soy cringe. sneed
i win the internet.

>> No.18626179

Supply limits. They want to suppress demand so that supply is exclusively through state programs and the industry never has capital to expand without congress. That's why the best we get is Elon Musk.

>> No.18626487

It's just a leftist seething that there exists a site on the internet that doesn't have authoritarian leftist mods to cull the people he disagrees with, he spams the tourist shit in a lot of threads.

>> No.18626498

imagine being a woman

>we need to address .000000001% of the problem, not 99.999999% of it.

campfires and gas cooking is not even a measurable fraction of a percent of co2 emissions comparatively to real emissions.

>> No.18626537

Imagine not caring about the planet so much you pollute the inside of your own home to own the libs

>> No.18626540

that makes it take longer, salted water boiling faster is an especially retarded old wives tale

>> No.18626585

Makes sense.
This is your "brain" on estrogen.

>> No.18626606

It's really not that dangerous, you'd basically have to leave every burner on unlit for an unreasonable amount of time then intentionally light it, explosions you see in china and shit places are because they must not add odorant, petroleum gas is odorless naturally, or some other retarded reason. Gas sinks and spreads out to nonflammability pretty quickly, the only time it's dangerous is if you have like a sealed room filled with it or a flow rate you wouldn't have in a residential installation

>> No.18626710


>> No.18626717

This is your "brain" on vocs and nox from inhaling combustion emission directly from the source

>> No.18627015

>it doesn't know about complete combustion
Again, fembrain is a helluva drug.

>> No.18627042

if only the germans had perfected the jew powered turbine generator

>> No.18627045 [DELETED] 

>complete combustion
Lmao youve been brainwashed by big gas
Keep giving your kids chronic lifelong lung disease for the sake of owning dems and trannies tho

>> No.18627056

>complete combustion
Lmao youve been brainwashed by big gas
Keep giving your kids chronic lifelong lung disease for the sake of owning dems and trannies tho

>> No.18627261
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Not him and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you because I've never even heard of "complete combustion" (IMO it sounds like a buzzword and retarded) but everyone is brainwashing every side.

>> No.18627291

Manlet buys a six burner hob. Will never be able to fit 6 pots on it at the same time

>> No.18627300

Im not on a side
I dont want to take away anyone's right to poison their family with gas fumes
I have a beautiful 90k btu gas stove in my OUTDOOR kitchen
I just dont think the minor conveniences of gas stoves are worth polluting the air inside my house
Also, just going by what ive encountered on /ck/ , a lot of people seem to have broken electric stoves or ones not connected to the proper circuit, which makes me even more worried about the ones running gas because a shitty electeic stove wont boil water very fast while a shitty gas stove will poison your family and explode

>> No.18627689

This is what happens when corporations are allowed to spread propaganda without any limits. They've succeeded in pushing the blame onto regular people

>> No.18627721

Gas kitchens are antisemitic

>> No.18627974

Gas for ovens is the inferior technology at this point, a slightly better broiler doesn't compete with all the advantages of a steam oven. For a high end broiler, buy a salamander.

>> No.18628014

Campfires aren't gas stoves. Everyone in that screenshot, you, and all the replies getting butthurt replying to you are all fucking retards.

>> No.18628033

Do you guys feel like the media has been pushing a lot of climate change propaganda recently ? And I do mean more than usual.

>> No.18628213

We'll run out of fissile materials long before we run out of coal. Also this is /ck/ buddy.

>> No.18628281 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18628356

A shitty electric stove can electrocute you to death in a matter of seconds with zero warning you dumb sack of shit

>> No.18628361

yes a shitty one
not the glass top stoves that are common in homes that are braindead simple
induction is even better since it literally can't heat flesh on contact

>> No.18628365

Best models are dual fuel electric convection oven with gas hob plus one induction burner for boiling water.

No I don't give a fuck about indoor air quality concerns because I know how to turn on an exhaust fan and open a window.

>> No.18628371

So a shitty gas stove can kill you but only a shitty electric stove can kill you therefore gas stoves can kill you but electric ones can't?

>> No.18628376

Nigger a shitty anything can kill you, it literally does not matter. Use your fucking electric stove nobody is stopping you, just fuck off trying to ban shit just because you don't like it. Touch grass, preferably soaked in pesticides.

>> No.18628384

Mine wasn't made in the 30's hahaha

>> No.18628392

The normal operating state of a perfectly running gas stove results in the release of a gas that can kill if not properly ventilated.

>> No.18628405

stupid bitch

>> No.18628458

The normal operating state of your brain is retarded

>> No.18628468

Yeah the same is true of cars and plenty of other things and yet every single day millions of people manage to not kill themselves with them. Crazy innit

>> No.18628871

I would rather see 7 billion people die than give up even one burner on my gas stove. Let them be roasted one by one over the superior cooking device.

>> No.18629058

Funny you should mention that. I once fixed Treblinka II on paper over a few Asahis.

>> No.18629067

>i've never heard of it so it's a buzzword
The absolute state of nu4chan.

>> No.18629072
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Campstove. Not campfire.

>> No.18629086


>> No.18629130

This shit is the scariest religion in the world

>> No.18629197

i have to clean my out and i've been neglecting it like mass media neglects name dropping companies allowing leaks to occur and houses to explode with no public perception deemed as important.

>> No.18629307

if i go into your kitchen and i see an electric stove then i'm just going to assume the food is going to suck

>> No.18629781

I dont drive cars inside my house

>> No.18629799


>> No.18629824

It kind of is a buzzword since retards that use it claim the only by produxt of it is carbon dioxide and water
but as per the wikipedia article referenced above
>Nitrogen is not considered to be a combustible substance when oxygen is the oxidant. Still, small amounts of various nitrogen oxides (commonly designated NO
x species) form when the air is the oxidative.
Not so complete is it?

>> No.18629828

What fucking chef is asking for this?!

>> No.18629881

Part of this is the reason why I recently started fighting really hard to keep the family home in our name. I have no doubt in my mind that if my family ever sold our home, it would be demolished and replaced with a soulless McMansion that relies on electricity for everything. This house has a gas-powered stove, a gas-powered water heater, and a wood-burning stove/fireplace. It does have an electric oven, but I plan to replace it with a gas oven somehow.

>> No.18629893

If these stupid LIBERALS want to stop gas emissions, then they're gonna have to stop me from eating BEANS

>> No.18629931

Is it piped in or do you have those eyesore tanks outside?

>> No.18629936

It's piped in.

>> No.18629985

It's complete when the reactions have run their courses, and nothing else will take place without the addition of something else. And are you really gonna make me spoon-feed you toxicity thresholds and metabolic half-lives, too? Precisely how many years of public school are we going to have to make up for? I'd just like to know what the fuck I'm getting myself into here...

>> No.18630036

>its complete if you dont count the shit that doesnt burn

>> No.18630060

No more (You)s for (((You))).

>> No.18630065

What toxicity thresholds are we talking about here?
The ld50 for nitrogen dioxide is around 150ppm
I think osha would say 20ppm over an 8 hour shift is acceptable
I still prefer my children grow up in a home as close to 0 as possible

>> No.18630075

one retard elctrocuted > entire block leveled

>> No.18630454

Yea, I would say so. Combined cycle plants are only ~50% efficient.

>> No.18631453

Only if the retard is you

>> No.18631848

Sorry due to greenhouse effect gassing has been banned

>> No.18632263
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>vying for violent revolution

At least get your strawman right redditurd.

>> No.18632288

Methane, the primary component of natural gas, is considered to have 80x more impact as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Burning methane results in the products of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Therefore, cooking with gas saves the planet.
Why do greenies always want to destroy the planet so badly?

>> No.18632289

are you a gas stove because that was a sick burn

>> No.18632413

The people on top want you to accept declining standards of living because they no longer have the institutional capability to run a luxurious society like our fathers lived in. We're all coasting on inertia.

>> No.18632907

Momentum. You mean momentum. Also, this isn't a spontaneous collapse; it's a (((controlled))) demolition. Now eat ze bugs.