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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18727204 No.18727204 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18727210

I'm gay btw if it matters

>> No.18727235

Mods should ban threads with a screencap of a news article/tweet and some inane text.

>> No.18727257

Enough people will poison it on supermarket shelves to crash the stock prices and destroy brand confidence. Sorry Moshe.

>> No.18727266
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inb4 luddites

>> No.18727294

>Israeli startup Believer Meats has begun construction on the world’s biggest cultivated meat factory — and once it’s up and running, the US-based facility will be able to produce at least 22 million pounds of meat annually.
I just have a simple rule. If it's jewish I just don't do it. Didn't get vaxxed (too jewish), don't eat foods with palm oil or HFCS (too jewish), don't support the Ukraine (too jewish). Really simple as

>> No.18727301


>> No.18727886

didnt China just finish building a Pig Skyscraper that processes 1 million pigs a day?

>> No.18727898

That's fucking cool if true

>> No.18727902

How is killing 1 million pigs a day cool

>> No.18727908

Being gay is out of vogue.
Trans is the new hot meme.

>> No.18727922

Because pigs are delicious you faggot, now go eat your bugs.

>> No.18727925
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It's going to be the future and people are going to have to get used to it, especially as CLimate Change and instability become more of the norm this century, making meat production costs infeasible at levels that are curent. When synthmeat can perfectly replicate the taste and texture of something like quality ground beef and steak, but at a lower cost, people are just going to buy that.

>No I won't, I HaVe PrInCpLeS!1!

Yeah, the principle of the dollar as the basis for your decision making. The majority of persons in an economic system can be assumed to be rational actors, so when price of an alternative product meets similar utility without significant loss to the alternative, people will flock to the new alternative. You will do the same thing when RealSteak™ costs 10.59 a pound and SynthSteak is 3.29/lb and has literally minimal or no difference.

And frankly, I welcome it. Most abattoirs and meat processors are disgusting shitholes.

>> No.18727953

I turned vegetarian (egg and milk is okay) after my dog died and the only way i can eat meat without feeling guilty is lab grown stuff.

>> No.18727977

>(egg and milk is okay)
Don't you think that is hypocritical considering there is more suffering and death in those industries than the meat industry?

>> No.18727995

>there is more suffering and death in those industries than the meat industry?
Anon meat is by definition dead animal flesh. There is no way dairy and eggs have more death associated with it than meat industry.
The life of the animal is where i draw the line. For animals to lay eggs and give milk, they must be kept healthy and relatively happy

>> No.18728007

>For animals to lay eggs and give milk, they must be kept healthy and relatively happy
oh you sweet sweet child

>> No.18728010


>> No.18728013

It's true though
My grandma's neighbours' cow got lost while grazing and was found months later. She was malnourished and she didn't give milk for many months, even after getting healthy

>> No.18728020
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If this is being presented to us in a science article of all things and not in a fucking agricultural article, then run far away from whatever "food" they're promising to introduce to the public. No matter how meme-filled and agenda-based their advertisements are, featuring whatever famous actor or rapper pinned on it to help pander it.

>> No.18728058

Because its like something out of an 80s dystopia Sci fi

>> No.18728099

When lab meat becomes popular enough, it will be used as a political platform for making the raising of livestock immoral and unjustifiable, which sounds noble on the surface, but the end-result is complete reliance on high-tech industry for food production, as anyone can raise some pigs and chickens for food, but only big corporations can produce this crap. Everything that makes self-reliance possible is being slowly taken away.

>> No.18728120

>anyone can raise some pigs and chickens for food, but only big corporations can produce this crap. Everything that makes self-reliance possible is being slowly taken away.
I actually never thought about it. You are right anon

>> No.18728130

>It's true though
>My grandma's neighbours' cow got lost while grazing and was found months later. She was malnourished and she didn't give milk for many months, even after getting healthy
I'm sure that cow was on a strict regiment of industrial hormones.

>> No.18728134

This was back in the 60s, i don't think hormones for cows existed back then.

>> No.18728198
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its kind of nasty sounding, im not gonna lie. but i do eat fake meat, and that also i suppose sounds disgusting to some people

its good tho, because it reduces the amount of suffering that animals go through, all to pleasure the gluttonous pleasure of hypocritical meat eaters

>Don't you think that is hypocritical considering there is more suffering and death in those industries than the meat industry?

usually based. pointing out the hypocrisy of vegetarians is truly based

>There is no way dairy and eggs have more death associated with it than meat industry.
this is where you're wrong, kiddo. the amount of suffering that milk cows go through is insane. they form very strong bonds with their children, which are taken away and killed on their first day of life, all so you can eat butter and milk

>> No.18728213

But they definitely do now, so the cows in question don't need to be too healthy.

Also fun fact about chickens: they'll lay eggs until the nest is full and keep on if the eggs are removed. Health plays no real part.

>> No.18728241

And if you think about it, self-reliance is our only bargaining chip as individuals for our rights and privileges. The ability to say no to abusive institutions. No self-reliance means we will take any amount of abuse, because we feel we have no choice; yet society is eagerly throwing that bargaining chip away for some convenience and some fuzzy feelings.

>> No.18728353

because the price of pork might actually come down to fucking affordable levels
bacon's up to $20/lb now

>> No.18728374

Now factor in the cost of feeding all those pigs.

>> No.18728386

it already is factored in the price wtf are you on about

>> No.18728387

And thats why it wont go down.

>> No.18728389

that's why they farm cockroaches and other bugs. bugs eat anything and so it's the best way to convert trash into high protein feed for animals like pigs.

>> No.18728421

This is why I fought to keep my great-grandfather's farmland in the family, even if my father refuses to let me restore it to being homestead-capable. Eventually it's going to be good news I kept it around.

>> No.18728424

most people really don't care what's under their fried breading

this will succeed in the long term

>> No.18728425

of course it well
traditionalist autists are extremely vocal but they are a minority

>> No.18728440
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>> No.18728475
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when do i get to play videogames for tank meat?

>> No.18728487
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Beats eating bugs i guess

>> No.18728492

Well put!

>> No.18728512
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>> No.18728673
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I will continue to eat grass fed meat and dairy and there is nothing you can do about it, bugman.

>> No.18729435

just wait until they debut lab-grown vegetables

>> No.18729464

should be mycoprotein instead. that shits good.

>> No.18729474
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>tfw its just them making mincemeat out of amputated penises leftover from reassignment surgery

>> No.18729506

>this is where you're wrong, kiddo. the amount of suffering that milk cows go through is insane. they form very strong bonds with their children, which are taken away and killed on their first day of life, all so you can eat butter and milk
sorry but I don't believe anything vegans say anymore, so you're going to have to find a normal reputable person.

>> No.18729517
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incredibly, earth shatteringly based

>> No.18729530

Winston Churchill predicted that meat would be produced in factories instead of pastures.

>> No.18729556

I would be interested to see yeast protein or spun s oy protein make a come back.

>> No.18729586

As gay as the idea of a meat abomination is, it's probably the only way of producing a reasonable amount of beef on a deep space vessel without going turbo autism on some space pastures.

>> No.18729658

One can only hope.

>> No.18730110

>Bacon is $20 a pound
Where the fuck do you live? Here it's under $5 a pound.

>> No.18730142

>The price of x is too high
>There is no reason people shouldn't be able to afford x
>The government should do something

>Government starts producing x
>Government displaces x producers who have been producing x for hundreds of years out of the market
>Government becomes I'll equipped for x production
>Basically they fuck up because they don't know what they are doing
>X producers are no longer around
>Everything goes to shit

>> No.18730145

Yeah but that's cool, eating fake meat on a random Monday because they made the real stuff too expensive is Jewish

>> No.18730191

Next to the world’s biggest old folks home

>> No.18730239

>When synthmeat can perfectly replicate the taste and texture
It won't ever because there is fat, sinew, collagen, etc that lab meat cannot replicate. It won't ever be the same thing.

>> No.18731025

Based, nothing veganshitter anon said was true.
t. worked on a dairy farm, only a fucking retard would kill the calf instead of raising it so it can replace the older cow down the line

>> No.18731030

are we forgetting that veal is a thing?

>> No.18731034

>veal exists therefore all the calves are killed by everyone hurr durr

>> No.18731132

>large scale cultivated meat factory being built
based, finally
>/pol/chuds getting uppity

>> No.18731167

good and retarded