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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 943x805, 1676934178452567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18968936 No.18968936 [Reply] [Original]

God, I love greasy kebabs so fucking much

>> No.18968940


HAH HA! SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18968942

Spicy tastes awful, garlic is the only choice

>> No.18968946

That guy doesn't have a thick enough mustache for me to believe his food is above a 4/10 at most

>> No.18968948

I flip-flop between garlic and herb depending on how I'm feeling.

>> No.18968951
File: 407 KB, 480x640, Shish-Kebab-Ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's better than doner kebab shit? Shish kebab, yet nobody memes about that.

>> No.18968952

There's really nothing to meme about, it's a perfect food.

>> No.18968956

Dry and bland

>> No.18968957

Its funny that nonwhites can't handle the heat but all the meem pictures portray whites who can't handle the heat.

>> No.18968963

It's not actually even spicy, it just isn't very good

>> No.18968964

If you cook it wrong
Ahh, you overseason everything, because you can't cook, so actual properly cooked food is "bland" to you

>> No.18968971

If shish kebab was good it wouldn't be so thoroughly eclipsed by doner. You've already lost.

>> No.18968976
File: 60 KB, 1174x999, 51cG6zysmjL._AC_SL1179_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I see one of these, I immediately turn 360 degrees and leave

>> No.18968980

Shish kebab is what you order at a real restaurant, doner is street food meme for hipsters

>> No.18968986

They're good but they have almost tripled in price over the last 8 years

>> No.18968987
File: 9 KB, 628x504, kebab chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /ck/?
How's your relationship with your local kebab/doner/halal guy?

>> No.18968990

The mere existence of tables doesn't transform a takeaway joint into a real restaurant

>> No.18968992

Literally every country in the world does this
Not really a """kebab""" id say

>> No.18968994

i've never been able to get above my friend, and even thats not consistent :(

>> No.18969006
File: 297 KB, 1600x1198, istanbul-turkey-june-chef-cutting-traditional-turkish-food-doner-kebab-restaurant-june-istanbul-turkey-chef-171166396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy BASED

>> No.18969072

Is there any use for this besides kebab trimming?

>> No.18969085

This man has the mustache thickness that you look for. His food is at least a 9/10

>> No.18969099 [DELETED] 

i can't stop laughing at this. it's 100% accurate

>> No.18969160

I was in Yurp for two weeks. Got boss a couple times, buddy some times, but nothing below buddy.

Döner is fucking amazing.

>> No.18969887

Captcha: VRRRT

>> No.18971601

is there any use for a kebab grill besides kebab grilling? unitaskers are only dumb if you're not doing that one task all day

>> No.18971780

Old here. I was raised to only know one kebab sauce and that is chilli. This garlic cum trend is a disgrace.

>> No.18971796

not aware of anywhere in commifornia where you can get this and want to try it
but have had many Mexican street tacos with meat cooked the same and are some of the best tacos money can buy

>> No.18971800

have you left your house? or are your larping as a californian?

>> No.18971804

they call me director

>> No.18971874

plenty of middle eastern dishes already shish their kebabs.

>> No.18971928

the place i used to go to always called the customer boss

>> No.18972031

I only order kebabs from uber eats. Never been to the place in person despite ordering at least 20 kebabs from the place in the past couple of years.

>> No.18972497

fat fuck

>> No.18973003

How do I into kebabs as an american? There are only taco places near me...

>> No.18973124

what is even in those anyway? like what is the meat made out of? it could be anything

>> No.18973126

Not really something you can easily make yourself unfortunately.

>> No.18973131

I dunno about the places you're going to but in every kebab place I've been to they tell you and give you options. It's usually chicken or veal or mixed. They don't do pork because muslims.

>> No.18973149

the kebab master's looks definitely influence the taste. always go for:
>thick moustache
>hairy forearms
>slightly overweight
>obvious accent
and if you see a cucumber as a topping option just run away.

>> No.18973173

Easily made at home

>> No.18973178
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, 1507102972382.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget

>> No.18973182

Don't know about you but I don't have a big roll of condensed meat at home.

>> No.18974540

just eat mexican kebab then

>> No.18974951

He calls everyone Nigger and i'm not joking.

>> No.18975491

based kebab Chud

>> No.18975684

What? Turning 360 degrees would just turn you around completely so you're facing him again, retard. If you turned 180 degrees then you could walk away. Jesus christ.

>> No.18975727

what the fuck is they're problem

>> No.18975730

You walk backwards

>> No.18975782

you NEED to go back

>> No.18975841

>tfw A
>but he got married and had a kid and left the family business
>told me stories about how he would vacation in Turkey and would go to the wilderness to shoot his AK for shits and giggles and why the authorities didn’t like that
I miss that guy

>> No.18975854

i watch this every time

>> No.18975880
File: 2.71 MB, 384x480, 1663523953424.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ice cream bants

>> No.18975893


>> No.18975945

Sounds like you found yourself an SS tier 'bab pusher.

>> No.18975953

What's real doner like? Around here you can only get some sort of gyros meat covered in a sauce resembling condensed milk and vinegar.

>> No.18975955
File: 7 KB, 205x246, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pisses me off that we don't have this in Ontario. Everywhere is a fucking shawarma shop, but I want a proper Turkish style döner like what they serve in Germany. Where can I find this in Ontario, /ck/?

>> No.18976002
File: 2.87 MB, 3024x4032, istanbul doner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I want a proper Turkish style döner like what they serve in Germany
thats not the proper turkish doner tho. actual turkish doner is usually just served in a plate or in wraps, more similar to shawarma than to the bun in german doners

>> No.18976018

You're too young to understand the 360 meme, zoomer

>> No.18976019

Zoomed detected.
Anon, when you were being potty trained we had this thing called a cross box, you are supposed to spin and moonwalk away from it.

>> No.18976026

dumb faggots spoonfeeding the braindead zoomers

>> No.18976037

The "zoomer's" reply is part of the meme, dumdum.

>> No.18976073

That pic is incredibly based.

>> No.18976090

Old Dooner would rather you 4 AM drunks didn't show up.

>> No.18976096

I remember being A with some place back when I was a fat(ter) fuck.

>> No.18976131

>no kebab place near me

it hurts

>> No.18976151
File: 32 KB, 470x312, 1425173375763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mit extra scharf bitte

>> No.18976677

Last time I had kebab I felt like my gut was infested by angry snakes for a week

>> No.18976682

soyboy moment

>> No.18976709

>coke 21 turkish money
goddamn man last time I was in turkey it was 12
enflasyonu sikiyim

>> No.18976743

whats that in real(euro) money?

>> No.18976749

Current TR prices are like Italy I'd wager, only the median wage is 600 EUR

>> No.18976758

Maybe you should stop voting for a water-melon seller sultan wannabe nigger then...?

>> No.18976766

I literally never voted for him nor any party that is not directly against him
but you're right... we'll vote him out before June hopefully, he polls around 40% - which is our understanding of low kek

>> No.18976773


>> No.18976776


>> No.18976785

you can actually leave a location in any direction unless you are at the edge of the universe if such a thing exists, plus he didnt even say relative to what he turned

>> No.18977040
File: 856 KB, 1078x1919, 1650415560137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok well, where the hell can I find German style döners in Ontario? I've no idea why they don't catch on here instead of a 50th shawarma place. And Halifax donair is fucking gross, sweet white sauce? Barf.

>> No.18977077

>puts "zoomers" in quotes
>adds a ' for no reason
An apostrophe is not needed for every instance of a word ending with S.

>> No.18977084


>> No.18977123

>where the hell can I find German style döners in Ontario
probably try your nearest airport for a ticket to Berlin? I doubt any germans or any german turkoids tend to move to fucking Ontario

>> No.18977305

You could make your own quite easily. You barely even need a recipe to make them. Chances are almost assuredly the quality of the meat will be better if you DIY.

>> No.18977323
File: 1.04 MB, 3834x2875, Kapsalon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With sambal friend?

>> No.18977340

Would you be more comfortable with zoomers'?
I felt that referring to them in the singular would be acceptable.
It's a genitive apostrophe.

>> No.18977350

It’s a mystery. That’s what makes it so good.

>> No.18977351

Never turn your back on a kebab slicer

>> No.18977359
File: 29 KB, 340x419, pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18977366

kill yourself

>> No.18977382


>> No.18977392

you alright, little guy?

>> No.18977416


>> No.18977425

garlic niggers deserve their inevitable reckoning.

>> No.18977436

Everytime I go, it's being ran by some brown zoomers, so I get no bonding time with an old guy

>> No.18977438

>having a bad day
>want ice cream so badly
>need serotonin/dopamine boost to not go insane and punch random people
>go to stall
>order ice cream
>guy plays with (You)r food you've paid for
>get angry
>he continues
>smash him in the face
>continue smashing his face while people are recording
>merchant goes surprised pikachu while bleeding
>ice cream complete
>enjoy mmm

>> No.18977442
File: 98 KB, 1400x933, Toum-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't like toum then fucking kill yrself

>> No.18977446
File: 2.91 MB, 415x720, 1674592709888596.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18977484

based, fuck those salesmen

>> No.18977520

you will NEVER be a human

>> No.18977621
File: 45 KB, 750x1086, 052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I love Shawarma so much it's unreal

>> No.18977638

I think garlic sauce is more Lebanese in style but I'm a nitwit when it comes to arab culture. I know it tastes fucking good on chicken shawarma tho

>> No.18977698

its called a doner, dumb arab

>> No.18977735

meh, I never really got the kebab hype, and I'm from London

>> No.18977810

A vietnamese place near me has a kebab as a menu option and its pretty good, though sadly you dont get to customize it like you can with a real turkish run place. But they also use some weird white sauce thats really tasty and I have no idea what it is
The mystery is killing me, the guy just has a whole unmarked bottle of it

>> No.18977875

like all the people replying have never seen someone act like they don't get the 360 degree meme in order to bait all those replies

>> No.18977883

kinda love that this guy just ruins the bit

>> No.18977905

>they fell for the double bait

>> No.18977923

When I lived in France, I had a kebab every day for 3 weeks. The last day of the third week, the meat was undercooked or bad in some way, and I got such bad food poisoning I had to be hospitalized. I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks from constant shitting and puking.

>> No.18977990

After few more time you won't even get good poisoning from the same food anymore

>> No.18978008

islam comes from....
the Turk will struggle to answer this

>> No.18978021

well, consider it a free weight loss program

>> No.18978166
File: 415 KB, 1079x931, tempFileForShare_20220825-181457_411848920469036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a recipe there, big shooter?

>> No.18978320

Doner Silicon Valley
17 S 4th St, San Jose, CA 95112

If you live in Southern California then you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.18978567

I once went into the local donair shop and yellled "my bonair" before running off lol
yep, I was a bad ass.

>> No.18978652

My old kebab man beated his wife while making kebab. He's dead now, he deserved it, but it was the best kebab. I miss my kebab.

>> No.18978670

fuck off yank

>> No.18978680

it's basically just layers of thinly sliced meat with salt, pepper, coriander, smoked paprika & cumin on each layer.

>> No.18978699

I can tell you make your own quite easily all the time because you can recite a vague idea of what it probably is.

>> No.18979160
File: 25 KB, 243x296, 13120f10b45e2b0f579b55470a01da2306da39d6c4aaab898730238abfcf5565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I prepare turkish bread when making kebab at home?
I don't mean making the entire thing, just heating and such. Should I put it in the oven or on a pan and heat it a bit before putting other stuff inside?
Help a retard.

>> No.18979177

Here in sweden in pizzeria places they put doner kebab on pizza and some of those places also have vegan doner kebab :^)

>> No.18979191

I've seen what passes for pizza in Sweden and I honestly feel bad for you

>> No.18979206

How in the actual fuck. That's physically impossible.

>> No.18979227
File: 139 KB, 960x600, pm9UQpPT-v9ruWrkl8BwnpFGwNk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kebab pizza is the best pizza in the world. My brother went to italy and ate "authentic pizza" and he said that kebab pizza is much better.

>> No.18979235
File: 140 KB, 1512x1080, keb00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use pea protein :^) Pic related

>> No.18979374

>I never really got the kebab hype, and I'm from London
Why would you? London's kebabs are fucking dogshit and ran only by pakis
Only turks maybe some arabs and nafris make good doners and shawarma

>> No.18979388

would demolish

>> No.18979392

spicy, garlic and herb all suck
this is some degenerate Berliner Döner

i recently moved to berlin and i am SHOCKED HOW FUCKING GARBAGE THE DÖNER IS


Döner-sauce in Stuttgart, Heilbronn and Mannheim:

3 parts turkish yoghurt
1 parts mayo
salt, pepper, garlic powder, dill

>> No.18979405

>this disarms the turk

>> No.18979409

>no salad
5/10 wouldn't bang

>> No.18979433
File: 174 KB, 1013x760, Pizzasallad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They give you pizzasallad and friggitello

>> No.18979584

There was a place in Tübingen called Kalendar right on the Neckar that had the best fucking döner, they made the bread fresh to order. The fucking owner recently turned vegetarian and stopped selling meat. Fucking prick.

>> No.18979746

>not on top of the pizza
>no sliced cucumber
4/10 it's like you're making it worse on purpose

>> No.18979824
File: 108 KB, 720x960, 99425886_2900600316702203_6769868842278584320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That type of pizza is called "kebabpizza special"

>> No.18979867

Ottomans invented it, not Mohammed.

>> No.18980948

youll give some shitalian a heart attack with this

>> No.18981460
File: 305 KB, 840x1250, 1656366445380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in random shop last week about 3 cities over
>get kebab, fries and drink
>girl at counter gives me diced tzatziki potatoes on the house
Didn't tip but paid cash.

>> No.18981500

makes you smell for dayz. they need to go back.

>> No.18981521

That's not a pizza, that's a crop circle

>> No.18981531

i replied so that someone will make a post like this

>> No.18981541

i went to France for a month and when i got back my local kebab man met me on the street and was genuinely worried where i went, sweet man

>> No.18981549

haha look at the non middle easterner who tried to make shish kebab and laugh

>> No.18981560
File: 958 KB, 2312x1734, 1677371555072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nova scotia style donair, I would kill for one right now

>> No.18981569

based, my paki shop man always asks how i am after i go away for like 3 months

>> No.18981583

that looks disgusting

>> No.18981596

also once, i got some bad news from my doctor and when he asked me how i was doing today i just sighed and said "not good, not good at all" and the man just instantly come from behind the counter and gives me a hug, absolute dad/grandpa energy, and im not even, like a cute girl, im a ginger manlet, so this man is just genuinely invested in my well being, just because i go to his shop a couple of times a month and say yes to chilli

>> No.18981607

>im a ginger manlet,
are you me?

>> No.18981633

im pretty sure im me, but sometimes, man i dont even know anymore

>> No.18981647

It's 2lbs of meat, bread and sugar and grease, and it's delicious

>> No.18981656
File: 1.20 MB, 864x864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love kapsalon

>> No.18981774

>zero veggies
>S U G A R
>mystery ass thick as fuck white sauce that looks more like melted cheese
yeah, its amerishartizised food alright

>> No.18982312

>Get some lamb chops
>partially freeze them
>cut into thin slices
>marinate with soÿ sauce for a few hours
>fry in oil or butter
>throw in salt, pepper
>mix a lot
>throw in some cut up onions
>cook some more
>take out
>add garlic powder to pan
>mix a lot
>pour that over the meat
>add some paprika and small amount of ground cumin
>add your lettuce and diced tomatoes

>> No.18982326

no need for the "ÿ", newfag, you can say based on /ck/

>> No.18982327

>turkish bread
There's like 15 fucking unique and different turkish bread types anon what do you mean

>> No.18982337


>> No.18982422

it's pretty thick

>> No.18982596

it's pretty close

>> No.18982649

yeah,get that icecream kiddo!!

>> No.18982662
File: 328 KB, 500x600, Mary Poppins is over this bullshit you're dishing out here..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fucking owner recently turned vegetarian and stopped selling meat.

>> No.18982732

>be german
>west germany
>godlike döners
>would literally suck a dick for one
>east germany
>literal poison that should be illegal to sell
>absolutely vile food probably frozen and microwaved with prepacked bread and tube sauce
>made me racist while being in east germany
I love the west but by allah everything east of west germany needs to die.

>> No.18982746

Traditionally it's mutton. Even now in more authentic/poshier kebabs you can order mutton or at least a mutton/beef mix. However, in Europe, in most places, it's almost always a mix of Turkey and beef. Mutton is too expensive and the taste too strong for most Europeans.

>> No.18982756

Turkey has 150%+ yearly inflation.

>> No.18982759

You don't give a girl like that a tip.
You give her the whole thing, baby.

>> No.18982836

We might conceivably be entering the third era of this bait. Anon understands the meme and is setting you up (layer 1). Other anons pretend to fall for it (layer 2)! Additional anons call layer 2 anons retards for having fallen for the bait, but actually they are the REAL retards because they fail to understand that "falling for the bait" is actually the new way of setting the bait (layer 3)


>> No.18982913

>God, I love *Muslim thing*

>> No.18982957

I don't know how
I don't know why
I don't want to have to know why
But for some reason
> yummy K E B A B

>> No.18982967

he means pita

>> No.18983066

Aren't doner guys Turkish? I thought they spoke a language similar to French

>> No.18983116
File: 2.82 MB, 640x360, 1632835261008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where dreams are made

>> No.18983280

Going to istanbul in 3 months lads, can't wait to eat non stop donner and kebab and all the good stuff (getting lasik there kek).

>> No.18983657
File: 146 KB, 922x3209, NYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you are, in some US cities they're mostly Yemeni/North African, some places they're Pakistani. Not many Turks in NYC for example, and the ones that are there tend not to work in food establishments for whatever reason. It's kind of like how a lot of Vietnamese/Japanese/Thai/etc places are run by Chinese people

>> No.18983677

>your local kebab/doner/halal guy
None. I live in a white area.

>> No.18983723
File: 1 KB, 178x167, 1507003784639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kebab guy calls you bossman

>> No.18983859

2013 memes, neat. That's not at all stale and tastless

>> No.18983902

>However, in Europe, in most places, it's almost always a mix of Turkey
what? ive quite literally never seen turkey kebab in my life. Its always chicken or beef

>> No.18984492

redditors could NEVER

>> No.18984525

All the replies to the bait are meta-bait

>> No.18985551

>mystery meat paste made in yurop: GOOD
>mystery neat paste in by McDonalds: BAD!

>> No.18985565

>>mystery meat paste made in yurop: GOOD
its made from young girls so you know its good tight lean meat

>> No.18985847
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, 1548209888320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I want a proper Turkish style döner like what they serve in Germany
fucking leaf

>> No.18985872

Alton brown did an episode of good eats on making it at home. Highly recommend watching it

>> No.18986480

No. I was only making conversation.

>> No.18986982

I still have no idea what the difference between a doner and shawarma really is?
Like, Ive been traveling around europe for a while, go to one country, the exact same thing that they serve me as a doner, is called a "shawarma" in the next.. And then you have you have gyro, which is also pretty much exactly the same, but we are supposed to larp like its another thing?
Bongs have the right idea I think, just calling it "kebab". Im not complaining, I love all of them, but the naming is weird

>> No.18987049

Turkish from the Turk language family from central Asia.
They did borrow a lot of words from France though when they did the language reform in early 1900s. So now french derived words make up about 10% of their language. But it's hard to call it similar to french when the grammar and most of its words are completely different

>> No.18987199

>sauce in döner

Fucking western degenerates.

>> No.18987202
File: 1.30 MB, 192x192, 1546216546115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious kebab place near me closed down
>delicious indian place opened up to replace it
im so fucking conflicted

>> No.18987262

>>360 degrees

>> No.18987322

merelypretending.jpg etc etc etc

>> No.18987333


>> No.18987336

excellent addition to a good post

>> No.18987425

I've always wanted to try the European kebab type goyslop. You know, the kebab boxes, the kebab pizzas, etc

>> No.18987678
File: 3.25 MB, 5184x3456, kebab_desktop_wallpaper_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question, why is pic related also called a kebab? In english anyway, here we'd probably call it a čevap, although those usually aren't on a stick.

>> No.18987724
File: 421 KB, 500x500, 1658073542701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had Doner in the UK and in Germany at what is considered the 'best doner in Berlin'. I cannot say I understand the hype.

I grew up in the US with a huge greek diner culture, and a well-made gyro on a warm pita with a thick smear of tzatziki sauce is just unbeatable for me.

>> No.18987732

that guy doesn't look very daijal

>> No.18987743
File: 42 KB, 680x684, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a habibi

>> No.18987749
File: 276 KB, 540x407, cef jhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shef john from foooodwishesdotcom did a video on gyro and it basically just a lamb and beef meatloaf, so it doesn't really look the same, but holy fuck i was so god damn stupefied by it i need to make it again its really good it tastes right

>> No.18987766

I recently got an oven with a rotisserie feature and even the most basic chicken skewer I threw together blows every kebab shop I've ever eaten at out of the water. Gonna try it with lamb this week, it's fast and simple to prepare too.

>> No.18987781


>> No.18987855
File: 33 KB, 400x386, 56453423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18987882

>Do you feel in charge?

>> No.18987966
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kebab just means "chopped meat" so it has like a dozen different variants, from mince meat patties, to shish-kebab bbq, to even some stews with meat chunks

>> No.18988003
File: 259 KB, 1280x853, İskender_Kebap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its the GOAT

>> No.18988643

You krauts are so fucking funny, you always think that your various states / cities are so different when its literally all the exact same garbage culture. I have been all over Germany and never once thought "wow this is drastically different from any other part of Germany"

>> No.18989371


>> No.18989638

Tfw buddy

>> No.18989786
File: 1.62 MB, 1511x684, doughkner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place i used to live near would sell this bad boy for cheap. every slice of beef has a thin layer of fat on it that's real nice and slow-cooked to perfection. i love good turkish food.

>> No.18990209

god, I love those little pickled chilies they add, is there a way to buy a jar just of themsomewhere?

>> No.18991160
File: 36 KB, 624x360, goat-meat_8001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, its the GOAT
this reminds me, is there actually a goat doner? i know the OG turkish doner is supposed to be made from lamb, but I feel like goat meat would be actually great for it, the slight gaminess would work amazing with spices and the slow roasting they do

>> No.18991322

Redpill me on doner kebab. We only have gyros and shawarma here.

>> No.18991324

see >>18986982

>> No.18991334

So it's just a different name for shawarma? Good to know I'm not missing anything.

>> No.18991344

more or less
actual "doner" in germany, is usually mostly in this really nice turkish bread type of bun, but you can also order it in a wrap in msot places
honestly, the important thing is the actual kebab between all those diffent types of food, the rest varies so much even from one stall to another, that it doesnt really matter if you call it doner/shawarma/gyro/whatever

>> No.18991537
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When am in Greece I miss kebabs and shawarma and when am in the UK I miss (good) gyros

>> No.18991545

Nah those things are fun and they do a good job. No reason not to use one unless you're working an open kitchen and want to make a show of it.

>> No.18991547

Shawarma is Arabic derivative from turkish chevirme, meaning rotation. Gyros is rotation in greek. Doner is turn in Turkish. That's all fucking same thing: meat prepared on vertical skewer maybe with different presentation and additives.
PS how come latinos ended up with al pastor is a miracle.

>> No.18991566

is bossman above or below boss? mine calls me bossman.

>> No.18991584

Enjoy eating duh boogs

>> No.18991641

Where is

>> No.18991907
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>PS how come latinos ended up with al pastor is a miracle.
why, afaik they had plenty of arab/north african immigrants back in the day.
Salma Hayek and Shakira for example are botj lebanese or something, so in a way, those are the best type of spics

>> No.18991913

I have talked about the name, "shepherd style".

>> No.18991927

i guess because the muzzies that brought it there used the original lamb meat they did back in their countries for kebab

>> No.18991931
File: 508 KB, 1574x2100, 64486AF9-B444-4644-A369-3677E67C6B04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve always been called a buddy by nearly everyone foreign who has ever sold me food from their country, Turks included. Picrel is a self-portrait. Do I “resemble” a buddy? If you saw me walk by you on the street, would you think in your head “that guy looks like a buddy” or more like “that guy looks like a faggot”?

>> No.18991939

faggot, definitely

>> No.18992673

yep, a fag

>> No.18992713
File: 201 KB, 240x134, SpiffyFemaleHippopotamus-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like fucking jizz. Who wants sweet sauce on a fucking kebab.

>> No.18992764

>reddit face
Yep, you're never getting called boss.

>> No.18992841

some kebap secrets, some have been told before ITT
-most kebap shops in europe are owned by kurds, got attacked by one when I said I was from Turkey, #notallkurds but becareful to not praise turkey that much
-kebab is often eaten at a plate, doner is an exception and iirc the only sandwich version of kebab
-turks don't put sauces onto their doner, most meat doner is without sauce but can have vegetables like tomatoes and onion. The sauce part was probably invented by diaspora to hide shitty/rotten meat by drowning it in sauce. Meat is already expensive in turkey so there is no need to hide the taste even the low quality ones.

>> No.18992881

I get called "chief", where does that fit in?

>> No.18994023


>> No.18994226

this dude's bbq rubs are 10/10. not a fan of his sauces but his hot bbq on ribs is top notch. perfect reddish color and enough cayenne to make it interesting

>> No.18994346

do you know when chicken shawarma became a thing? people are saying that chicken shawarma was introduced to lebanon in the 1970s, which is pretty weird because the turks dicked us for 400 years so they should have introduced us to their greatest accomplishment.

>> No.18995302

>tfw never been called "boss"
Am I doing something wrong, bros???

>> No.18995984

I always get it with pork

>> No.18996214

> fast food dish created in 2003 in the Dutch city of Rotterdam
what? this has existed in sweden for decades. Did the dutch steal food again?

>> No.18996223

Too much spicy friend

>> No.18996317
File: 1.32 MB, 1482x409, 635456354654654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no clue. In Berlin they dont even eat sausage, real sausage still has the skin.

>> No.18996619

*invent food again

>> No.18997620


>> No.18997631

i disagree

>> No.18997655

Get called boss and habibi. Damn Im killing it bros

>> No.18997692

Döner mit allem, extra Fleisch, Yoghurt sauce und richtig schön scharf machen!

>> No.18997696
File: 23 KB, 583x583, 7597E94E-E773-48D0-9476-2245D6BFA82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never had doner kebabs in my life ama

>> No.18997707

>Tourist eats tourist shit and complains
Get to some real fucking local joints then you sandnigger. Also, we talk about different döner styles and yes they HEAVILY differ from state to state. For reference, Berlin döner is hipster meme cheap shit not worth your money

>> No.18997708

have you ever had a doner kebab

>> No.18997741
File: 167 KB, 500x430, 23CFABD1-6570-42D4-8543-1D42152B3428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im afraid not

>> No.18997742

Mein Neger.

>> No.18997792


had two gyros for dinner. They were delicious. None of that shitty ass milk and garlic sauce. If it does not have superior tzatziki sauce, it's a pile of shit.

>> No.18997833

true, tzatziki is definitely superior to garlic sauce.

>> No.18998688

thoughts on doner kebabs?

>> No.18998718

they do that in literally every kebab place around the world, it's not a swedish thing.

>> No.18998818
File: 21 KB, 250x171, HSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just a worse halal snack pack?

>> No.18998872

Shut the fuck up with your autism.

>> No.18998921


>> No.18998950

where does
>being greeted in Turkish despite not being a Turk

>> No.18998972

Looks good, I want to try them

>> No.18999207

>"for you I put extra :)"
WHAT THE FUCK I thought I was his special customer. I thought he liked the way I say "put everything on it" and am not scared of onions like other people infront.
He doesn't just say that to everyone, does he?

>> No.18999212

I love HSP so much

>> No.18999233

i've had relations from a to f
t. worked at a kebab shop

>> No.18999433

We're habibi.
But we've been friends since elementary school.

>> No.18999438

Good mates. I went to school with his son who is set to takeover running it. They come over as my garage is converted into a mancave. We watch footy, play vidya and pool while having beers. Sometimes if weve had a few theyll open up and whip up drunk kebabs and chips.

>> No.18999723

this. it's chicken or beef in your average kebab place, chicken and mutton in more "authentic" places

>> No.18999730

gyro is just Greek for kebab. idk if there are any actual differences, maybe the salads could be different
shawarma is usually not served in a bun / wrap, while kebab generally is

>> No.18999739

thats because you are an uncultured swine

>> No.19000392

sometimes you run the risk of them having some random spicy orange sauce which is usually better than tzatziki

>> No.19000512

>real local joints like chinese place
>and pizza

>> No.19000519

no, he probably just says it to the regulars

>> No.19000533

I FUCKING LOVE KEBABS AND DONER!!!!!!!!!!!! I prefer a plate version that way i can do whatever combination i want, also i get falafel on the side with extra hot sauce!

>> No.19000568

My Mum was the Assistant Manager and ran the shop on a Monday and Tuesday so he could get 2 days off. My Mum would then take Wednesday and Thursday off and they'd both be in there all weekend, him making based food and her serving customers and making pizzas and burgers.

He called me beta as a teen, which is Urdu for son, but I thought he was calling me weak and started working out. He told me he was proud of my effort one day when I was helping him make pakoras and told me I was becoming a good man and I asked him why he called me a beta then and he looked confused as fuck and when he told me what it meant I was so fucking embarrassed.

My Mum is a retired old lady who lives in the countryside now, but Maqsood is still working in that shop and gives me free stuff if I order around Christmas.

>> No.19000573

you fucking beta

>> No.19000596

those are tacos "al pastor" m8, good shit

>> No.19000600

Haha... uh... haha, yeah. Y-you too.

>> No.19001303
File: 380 KB, 1502x1705, Samurai_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random spicy orange sauce
thats samurai
all the turks use it in kebabs now, apparently its from belgium

>> No.19001438

i have this with my fries every friday it's great

>> No.19001677

I get called Abi or Boss. I love Doner.

>> No.19001909

Good choice

>> No.19002191

Average based Turk owning the libs

>> No.19002894

Cool, a real fucking vampire amongst us.

>> No.19002923

Usually it's (you), but after I grew a beard, he started calling me brother.

>> No.19002974

Picrel looks like a Scott Adams character so yea

>> No.19003255

>The last byzantine

>> No.19003273

Nah, now i'm just hungry
i would eat that

>> No.19004004

mama mia!

>> No.19005326

mmm salad

>> No.19005399

>New kabab place opens
>Cheapest is $16 dollars
Fuck no, kebabs at the fucking airport are cheaper.

>> No.19005801

do amerisharts REALY?!?

>> No.19005859

Lurk more newfag

>> No.19005862

You have never made it.

>> No.19005868
File: 2.87 MB, 1944x1296, MV5BYThjOTNlNGMtNGUxMi00ZTkzLWFkMWMtOGM3ODE4MDRmZGM1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTYyNDMzMTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boss. But sometimes I'd sit and drink beer with him. He looks kinda like this.

>> No.19005886
File: 40 KB, 633x758, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for you sir free can of coke okay take care my friend

>> No.19005903

thats Steve Zissou, bro

>> No.19006546

In my town it goes like this
Wonderful service and tasty food.
>White people
It's rare anyway, and usually OK
>Black people
Mediocre/bad. Avoid if you can, but if nothing else is available you could risk it.
>Any type of asian
Never fucking enter.
I have a cool story where I was buying a kebab extremely drunk and wanted the most spicy sauce. But the arab guy was nice enough to convince my drunk ass not to do that, I got the medium spicy one and still it burned me to shit.
Thanks arab man.

>> No.19006577

>Black people
kek, are you an amerishart ot something? do blacks make kebabs in america? id unironically love to try it, sounds funny
yeah, plenty of whites are trying to make doners/kebabs here too nowadays, but somehow its just not as good, i dont get it, they copycat everything almost 1:1 and its still not the same for some reason

>> No.19006637

No Europe, just some migrants, they usually work for someone else and don't own their own shop, but they are fucking terrible, once I saw they had kebabs with cheese? I thought it would be nice, but no, they made it with american plastic fucking cheese, it was horrid.
>somehow its just not as good, i dont get it
They just don't have the spark.

>> No.19008430

He calls me young man

>> No.19008484

I am a solid "my friend" tier

>> No.19008527

>soy sauce in a doner

>> No.19008802
File: 69 KB, 760x807, daba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really disappointed to find out that most of the kebab stalls nowdays dont make their inhouse meat... Apparently since kebabs became so popular, now they are factories that just produce those huge kebab rotisseries and just sell them so the shittier places just use that...

>> No.19008830


>> No.19008837

yeah retard, been like that for a while

>> No.19009146

i remember a kebab being 3€
that meant at max the shop could pay 1.5€ for the ingredients, if they commit tax fraud (they all do lol)
Those factories are a main reason i stopped eating kebab. They import the cheapest shit from belarus that doesnt comply with any European veterinarian standards but still charge a lot, but just as much to undercut all the shops that put in effort and honor

>> No.19009149

the eternal lust for ever rising profits is a plague on our society, and we can blame the governments for raping the value of currency. i just want a cheap kebab not have my tax quietly shadowed to a war-torn country

>> No.19009153
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1673533797691424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a doner on Monday
>it's fantastic and the meat has a lovely crispness to it
>same place, same order, Saturday night
>it's absolute shit, soggy, dripping in grease

>lamb shish
>unmistakeably beef
>lamb kofte
>unmistakeably beef
how do they get away with it?

>> No.19009457

fuck off newfag

>> No.19009462

Least deceptive man from Turkey

>> No.19009805

is döner the same as kebab? if so, then i completely agree, what a great meat, so tasty

C, he often gives me free products and extra large portions by default since i've made them loads of profit, once they said i was their best customer

>> No.19009875
File: 88 KB, 976x850, 4243141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is döner the same as kebab?

>> No.19009909

My name is Achmed, yes theyre the same. Garlic spicy or mild?

>> No.19009926

you americans seem to mix up a lot of definitions/words to simplify them so you understand them. like calling parmigiano reggiano. parmesan (which can be sawdust or parmigiano reggiano or grana padano), so i wouldn't be surprised if you did it again.. not a strange question just your american way of butchering everything

>> No.19009940

deze thread heeft geen kanker te maken met kapsalon. kapsalon is een gecombineerd gerecht, het gaat hier alleen om het vlees, maar ja kapsalon is idd lekker ;)

>> No.19009947

so what is it called? let us compare the ingredients.. kapsalon includes fries, garlic sauce, chili sauce, doner/shawarma, lettuce and melted cheese, sometimes it also includes some other greens but not necessarily

>> No.19009966
File: 271 KB, 1365x2048, 12247777_1089910627700466_6357156619742123040_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's gyro meat. Slice that shit up Leonidas!

>> No.19010037

Its Nickola Shreli from the movie Cash Only. I joked that he looked like him and he got pissed off I compared him to an Albanian. Lol

>> No.19010173 [DELETED] 


>> No.19010177

why are you respond to me, retard? i know what a kebab is, this fucker doesnt >>19009805

>> No.19010220

shh they don't like it when you point out you can put pork on there and its even better

>> No.19011159

herb please :)

>> No.19011361

>how do YOU like being licked kitteh?