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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2252, 20230302_102741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19000677 No.19000677 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to enjoy pic related?

>> No.19000688

probably with cheese and crackers, or dip into some melted cheese and have it with some fries/chips and a beer.

>> No.19000701

Spread it on a slice of toasted pumpernickel.

>> No.19000709

This with slices of raw onions.

>> No.19000753

That package looks like it's the perfect size and shape for...



slicing and spreading on toast. Or cramming.

>> No.19000786

Throw it away and get something else.

>> No.19000816

Cram it

>> No.19000828

You insert it into your anus.

>> No.19000855


>> No.19000864

With an ungodly amount of mayo.

>> No.19000865

Or cumming.

>> No.19000872

I really doubt it is enjoyable
this is the type of food you buy to larp

>> No.19000889


Braunshweiger is the meat of the Gods.

>> No.19000890

Is it best cold?

>> No.19000914

let me get this straight...in germany and austria it's made with pork and/or beef but

>The USDA requires that the product contain a minimum of 30% liver.[3] A typical commercial formula is about 40% pork liver or scalded beef liver, 30% scalded pork jowl, 20% lean pork trimmings and 10% bacon ends and pieces.

so it's just a larp product the government requires be made wrong? This is why you should only trust eurobvlls to make things like this

>> No.19000920

In a sandwich made with rye bread and some good mustard.

>> No.19000926

Well, liverwurst is still delicious. This is just a different kind.

>> No.19000929

The US version isn't the same product and they aren't comparable, they just share a name. It's like English biscuits vs American ones.

>> No.19000930

So both contain pork and/or beef. Crazy. Thanks for that worthless post
I make a sandwich out of it with cheddar and mustard

>> No.19000931

on really dark bread lathered with mustard

>> No.19000934

What kind of mustard? Yellow? Dijon?

>> No.19000940

the kind that ends with tard

>> No.19000956

Sliced, pan-fried until brown, served on a sandwich with diced onions sauteed in Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.19000957

Incorrect. Braunschweiger is absolutely delicious.

>> No.19000962

>liverwurst contains liver
Oh the humanity!

>> No.19000976

>ctrl+F "pickles"
>0 results
you fags don't know what you're missing out on, put some pickle slices on that open face sandwich

>> No.19001013
File: 62 KB, 600x400, Braunschweiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Americans get a stroke when you call a chicken burger a burger.
Real Braunschweiger is still better.

>> No.19001018

I usually eat it sliced thick on seeded rye with mustard and mayo, and onions if I'm not being lazy.
I like to have a pickle on the side.

>> No.19001037

it's not a liver sausage where it comes from
imo it's a sign of lack of respect of self and others to misuse a place name for food so shamelessly

>> No.19001055

I lack respect for you're are mom. That's why I nicknamed her Slopbucket. Lol. Sneed.

>> No.19001071


>> No.19001075

Toast some rye bread or pumpernickle in a pan with some butter then spread a layer of baunschweiger onto it.

>> No.19001080

Speak English

>> No.19001093

Do poors really?

>> No.19001136


>> No.19001139

Man did some dipshit mod really delete the get?
Thats fucking bullshit right there
What can be done about these asswipe mods?
/ck/ has a vegan one
/out/ has a total asshole autist fucking up that board

>> No.19001142


>> No.19001150

fucking both of them?
god fucking damn it , I want to see what they were

>> No.19001165

>Do poors really?
Liver is used to make some of the most expensive foods out there

>> No.19001169

>put all the gross liver and factory floor trimmings into a tube
>trick people into buying it

>> No.19001175

>German immigrants in the US start adding liver to their braunschweiger
>the version with liver becomes more popular than the version without
>American consumers now expect a sausage marketed as braunschweiger to contain liver

I don't understand why the evolution of diaspora cultures is so confusing to Europeans.

>> No.19001193
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>> No.19001205
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>> No.19001208

maybe. that's a nice story.
or maybe a certain tribe wanted to market low quality meat to alienated "muh heritage" sharts.
I don't want to ruin anyone's fun if they think it tastes good

>> No.19001216

more liver for me, enjoy your overpriced struggle chicken lol

>> No.19001228

The ck janny is the biggest cunt. But they do it for free so what do you expect

>> No.19001229

That's right, I remember reading something about the great Jewish braunschweiger coverup of 1951.

>> No.19001245

I like it on toasted sourdough

>> No.19001251


>liver is low quality

>> No.19001255

throwing it at your enemies

>> No.19001261

This is some weird projection. Most people here in the Midwest don't see food as some holy expression of their culture, it's just food. I know plenty of people who aren't even of German descent but grew up eating this stuff.

>> No.19001276

perfect distillation of an uninformed ESL /pol/nigger post, well done

>> No.19001288

Euros have literally nothing to be proud of anymore except their ancient food recipes so they lash out over anything related to it

>> No.19001304

It's quite ironic how eurangutans use "muh heritage" as an insult for Americans when they're more guilty of it than anyone

>> No.19001602

As a lifelong Braunschweiger I did not even know you had Braunschweiger in the US

Best is on ryebread with butter

>> No.19001673

you're a tube of meat?

>> No.19001672

What kind of liver is in this stuff?

I've been wanting to eat more organ meats, this looks like a good way.

>> No.19001702
File: 338 KB, 960x669, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, permanently delitized, foreverially braunschweiger.

>> No.19001727

On the toast once it's been spread with braunschweiger, yes.

>> No.19001747


>> No.19001766

Check the warosu archive of this thread, look for the >>19001142 post then click the >>19000000

It will link you to >>/ck/thread/S18999504#p19000000

However, >>19999999 hasn't happened yet. You're thinking >>18999999

>> No.19001782

permanently based and loving it

>> No.19001856
File: 249 KB, 1030x667, csm_rathausturm-sonnenuntergang-braunschweig-stadtmarketing-GmbH-markus-hoerster_8375dbefec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah kek I'm from the german city the sausage is named after

>> No.19002601


>> No.19002651

>non-german "german" sausage


>> No.19002655

shove it up your ass faggot

>> No.19002776

what in the heck?

>> No.19002943

>Roll out pastry dough
>Smear with braunschweiger
>Add mustard, pickles, swiss cheese
>Maybe add some fresh dill or strained sauerkraut if you're feeling it
>Rolls up pastry dough
>Either butter or egg wash, with salt and fresh ground black pepper
>In oven until all poofy and cooked
>Slice and eat

>> No.19002996

This is my secret weapon in my world famous banh mi sandwich.

>> No.19003115

Is it anything like liverwurst?

>> No.19003137

Damn after all these years just realized it's deli-tized and not a misspelling of delight-ized

>> No.19003144

I was just going to say on toasted rye but this is a real shit fest even by /ck terms

>> No.19003147
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Ya I like it on some little rye toasts with some spicy brown mustard.

>> No.19003154
File: 29 KB, 500x500, Gardettos-SR-Garlic_Rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Gardettos do well too

>> No.19003233

shove it up your ass

>> No.19003539

>secret weapon
Every Viet's mom makes it that way at home. Either liverwurst/braunschweiger or mashed deenz and "butter" (ie margarine).

>> No.19003604

I am german and wouldnt be caught dead with that slop. If you cant get anything german outside of Aldi then just dont get it, everyone can make a nice bavarian pork roast with potato dumplings

>> No.19004183

Burgers are beef only. End of story, I win buh bye

>> No.19004376

I did a soyface when I saw a banh mi place offering deenz banh mi

>> No.19004379

Not in other countries. If fatty fatty fupas can redefine braunschweiger to mean liver sausage, then why can't others redefine burger to mean fried chicken patty?

>> No.19004389

Idk wtf that is, but sardines are commonly mashed with margarine and spread on the bread before adding the meat in banh mi made at home.
I think the most common banh mi made at home is probably either peppered white pork sausage or meatballs, both of which will either get deenzmargarine or liverwurst on the bread. While I see meatball banh mi sold at take away places, never saw pork sausage ones.

>> No.19004394

see this organic cultural evolution
versus ESLs just not knowing what "burger" means (ironic)

>> No.19004421

You euros seem to have an ass fixation and should seek therapy.

>> No.19004428

How do you know that the explanation given is the reason and that a similar chain of events didn't happen with chicken burgers?
Also, Americans make and eat turkey burgers, which kind of goes back to >>19004183's argument that burgers are only beef.

>> No.19004434

What kind of maroon are you?
1. esl bullshit
2. burger in quotes
3. ironic in parens
Piss off cunt

>> No.19004436
File: 87 KB, 259x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes with quark and linseed oil and butter. Very honest meal.

>> No.19004445

Piss off eurofag, we nailed you many years ago and dont need you now or maybe your worse, some asian cunt, either way piss off.

>> No.19004479


>> No.19004481

rim shot from 30 feet into trash bin

>> No.19004577

>German immigrants in the US start adding liver to their braunschweiger
No they didn't. Everybody knows liver has to be eaten fresh. That's why Germans, Italians, French, Belgians even Dutch and Brits have Leberwurst/-paté (fresh, served as a treat when the pig is butchered) and Braunschweiger/cotechino/cooking sausage (can be stored) varieties.

You know nothing about cooking. Not even the most basic elements. Why are you here, Dmitri?

>> No.19004583

See >>19004577. Stay in you fast food, Jap knives and coffee snob threads.

>> No.19004684
File: 134 KB, 750x899, 339BC7A7-C9E2-44C7-BA60-32B7C8DA8EC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go: :)

>> No.19004688

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.19004841

>In Austria, Braunschweiger is known as a type of parboiled sausage (Brühwurst)

>> No.19004890

What is it with spammers and soijacks anyway? Makes me think it's actually just a small group doing 99% of the spamming on the site.

>> No.19004913

You stop calling chicken sandwiches burgers and maybe we can talk

>> No.19005429

horse shit, a burger has to be ground red meat, but bison and elk are both perfectly acceptable burger materials.

>> No.19005452

what about horse or camel or lamb?

>> No.19005456

You stop calling turkey sandwiches burgers and maybe we can talk

>> No.19005466

I think what makes a chicken sandwich obviously not a burger is the fact that it's very rarely ground chicken that's used, instead it's either a grilled breast or fried chicken. If someone actually used a ground chicken patty then maybe that would be a chicken burger, sounds nasty though

>> No.19005570

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.19005598

>fried chicken
Do you think that the chicken burgers at most places are schnitzels or something? They're usually just breaded patties of chicken mince IE the only difference between minced beef patty in a bun vs minced chicken patty in a bun other than the source-animal is that one is breaded and the other not.

>> No.19005807

room temperature works if you plan on mashing it up otherwise cold is the only way

>> No.19005814

>They're usually just breaded patties of chicken mince
idk chik fil A is whole chicken, not ground. I guess McChickens and stuff like that are ground and breaded though. Something about it being breaded makes it not a burger.
I'm mainly just trying to describe why a turkey burger is still a burger, whereas chicken sandwiches are not.

>> No.19006308

On a slice of rye or pumpernickel with a grainy mustard. Garnish with some diced red onion. That's a mighty fine canape to me.

>> No.19006339

On rye with your fav mustard. Maybe some sweet onion sliced thin or some pickles.

>> No.19007242

In Germany it's either pork or veal as basically every other sausage too.

>> No.19007263

On rye or pumpernickel with a bit of mustard. KISS, Keep it simple stupid.

>> No.19007264

Here we go...

>> No.19007425

The only one I can think of that's minced is the McChicken. The rest use whole breast meat

>> No.19007431

Shove it up your ass

>> No.19007436

The fuck kind of suggestion is that?

>> No.19007452

Eat it off the freckled ass of a cute German whore.

>> No.19007478

Blasted on cheap beer and directly after eating a load of shit from your Arab BVIIs ass!

>> No.19008146

You do realise there are places other than chain restaurants which serve chicken burgers, right? Literally every chippy has one and it's a minced and breaded patty, like a McChicken.
Besides that, McChicken might be the most consumed form of "chicken sandwich" (IE a burger) on Earth. Chick fil A, which barely exists outside of the US and therefore is of no consequence here, might very well be a proper fillet, but the reality is it's likely the exception and not the rule.

>turkey burger is still a burger, whereas chicken sandwiches are not
Then why do you call it a "sausage egg and cheese" when it's a pork burger? Sausages are sausage-shaped, bro, not patties of mince. That's a burger.

>> No.19008155

Why did that need to be deleted?
This board is overmoderated

>> No.19008164

One of two possibilities: the Anon who posted it posted some other thing which earned a ban. /ck/ (possibly other boards, too?) tends to delete every post on every active thread made by a banned user.
Possibility 2 is that Anon deleted it herself.

>> No.19008470

Make a plate with dark rye or pumpernickel, a slab of braunschweiger, horseradish, limburger, pickled eggs. And beer.

>> No.19008475

Oh and sliced red onion

>> No.19008517

They really don't in the states dude. Maybe on kids menus, but the last time I recall seeing one outside of McDonald's was in the high school lunch line. US just has higher standards when it comes to chicken sandwiches I guess

>> No.19008539

Is this stuff like pâté?

>> No.19008573


>> No.19008645

>dark pump
do americans really?

>> No.19008656

And what of your """"""""sausage"""""""" egg and cheese which are actually porkburgers, then and not sausage at all?

>> No.19008779

Sausage without a casing is still sausage. Are you retarded?

>> No.19008941

So meatloaf is a sausage, then?

>> No.19008946

I think its jannies that like to delete off topic posts because they dont care about damaging the board culture

>> No.19009063

I don't think you actually know what makes sausage, sausage.

>> No.19009698

it's relatively large, but organized so as to appear convincingly small.

>> No.19009802

And what's that?

>> No.19009847

Sausage is all the bits of offal and scraps that are unappealing to cook and eat as is, ao they get ground up and seasoned cooked

>> No.19009859

See >>19009063

>> No.19009921

Meatloaf fits that definition so again, >>19008941

>> No.19010048
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>"inspired by germany"

>> No.19010052

Sure. I don't care what you wanna call anything

>> No.19010431

Meatloaf is made with ground chuck, though, not offal

>> No.19010433

>that barcode
Is that Aldi or something?

>> No.19010739
File: 58 KB, 700x593, 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand this reference

>> No.19010875

Sliced thick, fried and on a white bread sandwich with mayo.

>> No.19010917

The jews unironically did this. They will seriously be punished for their crimes.

>> No.19011298

It is Aldi indeed.

>> No.19012511
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 1611379346316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19012579

By not eating American garbage masquerading as foreign

>> No.19012588

Get a load of this foreign faggot >>19012579 with an axe to grind, dont you fucks have anything better to do?

>> No.19012696

Dont, chives leberwurst be the real good shit, put it on bread without butter but some pepper

>> No.19013711

>every meat loaf the whole world over is made exactly how my fat, midwestern momma makes it

>> No.19013730

Throw it away. It's not good for you.

>> No.19013739

I have as a sandwich sliced between pumpernickel sourdough with mayonnaise spicy mustard and sliced onion

>> No.19013800

How do you make it then?

>> No.19014798

Looks like gutterslop for welfarecucks.

>> No.19015482

If the chicken patty is made from pressed ground or chopped chicken then it's a burger. If it's whole tissue (like a thigh or breast) then its a sandwich. I don't see what's hard to understand here.

>> No.19015610

It's been covered.
Is a burger on a kaiser roll rather than a bun a burger?

>> No.19015641

If the meat is ground, and it's on a bun, it's a burger. This is not a difficult concept. Beef, pork, chicken, salmon, whatever. It's a fucking burger. If it's whole (not ground), it's not a burger.

>> No.19015647

That's nice dear, but the question asked was "Is a burger on a kaiser roll rather than a bun a burger?"
It's a simple yes/no type question. The answer doesn't need 35 words. Just one.

>> No.19015648
File: 51 KB, 550x254, 10428_wuerste_aufgeschnitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy real sausage instead. Looks terrible but tastes heavenly

>> No.19015658

Yes, it's still a burger if it's on a Kaiser roll. Why wouldn't it be? Same as if it's on brioche, dollar store white bread, or an English muffin.

>> No.19015728

>Why wouldn't it be?
Because there are people who say a patty melt isn't a burger.
What about a long patty on a long roll?

>> No.19015822

>sausage mcmuffin is a burger

>> No.19015850

>Because there are people who say a patty melt isn't a burger.
They would be wrong. A patty melt is a variation of a burger.
>What about a long patty on a long roll?
Good question. Can't say I ever saw one.

Sausage burger, sure. Why not? I would never call it that but technically it fits.

>> No.19015887

Beef Patty Monarch in Ireland has a long burger, but it's a bun, not a roll. I've seen long burgers on long rolls in small cafe-type places, tho.

>> No.19015889

Sounds good enough, I'd try it. Don't know what I'd call it. Burger dog maybe.

>> No.19015899

>Burger dog maybe.
No, that's a different thing. It's a burger shaped like a sausage on a hot dog bun and, honestly, my preferred burger variant.
They used to (still do, maybe?) sell them at 7eleven in America.

>> No.19015913

7-Eleven is pretty rare around here. The first and only time I ever went in one was in Toledo. It was being staffed by one extremely large black woman with extremely large tits to match, very friendly. The only reason I went in there was to get a bucket of soda and the fountain was down for "maintenance" which I'm sure never showed up. There were locks on all the cooler doors and so if you wanted a beer you had to ask the lady to get it for you. Can't believe people live in places like that. Christ almighty.

>> No.19015923
File: 116 KB, 800x672, frikadellenbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your burger.

>> No.19015972

Isn't frikadeller made with a binder?

>> No.19016011

Looks dry and unappealing, yet it's still a burger.

>> No.19016021
File: 47 KB, 735x546, liverwurst sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best way to enjoy pic related?

Rye bread
Helmans mayonnaise (very light)
Kowalski smoked liver sausage (Braunschweiger)
White onion (lots, sliced thinly as possible)
Cabot horseradish white cheddar cheese (critical component!)
Baby dill pickles on the side (crisp, not mushy)

>> No.19016032

Make it Duke's, pal.

>> No.19016034
File: 673 KB, 1062x725, spicoli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19016038

>Cabot horseradish white cheddar cheese (critical component!)
You had me until this.
Besides the fact that I hate horseradish, I also don't care for cheese on cold sandwiches.
I wanna leave it out.
Just how critical is it?

>> No.19016043


Use whatever mayo you want, buddy, as long as it's not fakeass Miracle Whip shit.

>> No.19016045
File: 40 KB, 230x240, Waaaaambulance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so critical that I'll just called in a waaambulance for you

>> No.19016050
File: 63 KB, 540x739, what-the-fuck-am-i-reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate horseradish, I also don't care for cheese on cold sandwiches.

>> No.19016061

there is no best way. every way can hit in a special way.
personally i fry tiny pieces of it in my creamy mushroom sauce.

>> No.19016124

I hate Miracle Whip so fucking much.

>> No.19016176

So is hamburg steak.

>> No.19016692

I know. Babymomma thinks it's weird, too (but wtf does she know; she doesn't even eat cheese).
Idk what to tell ya. Just don't like cheese on cold sandwiches. Hot sandwiches, like a cheeseburger/patty melt, grilled bologna-and-cheese or a proper reuben are delicious, but for a cold sando, I just want the meat.
I'll eat cold cheese on its own, tho, or with crackers. That's the part she thinks is weird.

That's kind of you, but it's not necessary. I'll simply go without, thanks.

>> No.19016705

Dansk remoulade

>> No.19016744

There isn't just one way. I usually have mine on some biscuits in the morning with spicy mustard and smoked cheddar or munster.

>> No.19017547

put a hole in it and fuck it

>> No.19017725

I already do that with you're are mom. Lol. Sneed.

>> No.19018931

My cousin's wife is a Burgher.

>> No.19018932

phoneposting faggot

>> No.19018934


>> No.19020619


>> No.19020631

With a tall glass of cold buttermilk. Be sure to vigorously shake up the jug to aerate it before pouring.

>> No.19021329

Is this considered a German delicacy?

>> No.19021352

I thought chuds liked shit like liver and spleens because they’re “trad”….

>> No.19022961


>> No.19024247
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>> No.19025464

Is this good drunk food?

>> No.19025616

looks perfect

>> No.19025909


if organy smell or irony taste make you wince no. but if you can hold your stomach its easy to make and hearty and good

>> No.19025945

Shove it up your ass and buy real food.

>> No.19026468

White, wheat bread with thick cut slices with red raw onion and spicy mustard, some pickles on the side

>> No.19026469

I like to use it as a substitute for chicken livers in dirty rice.

>> No.19026476

>2 pieces of toasted brown or whole wheat bread
>spread both pieces with whole grain mustard
>slice of braunschweiger
>slice of red onion
>slice of Swiss cheese

Best fucking sandwich ever