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File: 71 KB, 850x567, 1-chinese-resturant_biz_emperor_waiter_serves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19731735 No.19731735 [Reply] [Original]

When I was kid, I remember that waitresses and waiters used to be a lot more chatty. It was obviously just to be polite, but it was nice to hear a story or two, exchange some pleasantries, and have an actual conversation.
These days, it feels like they have 3-4 scripted lines they refuse to deviate from, and you're just a fat pig to get money from.
>hello what would you like to drink/eat
>here is your food would you like any other dish if so please let me get a menu
>would you like the bill
>and how much would you like to tip
And whenever I try to engage them on something else, I get a basic "sounds good, do you need anything else?" That doesn't even address what I said. Hell, one time I told the waiter how much I enjoyed the dish and he said "sounds like you enjoyed it" and walked away. Jesus, I felt like a retard.
Fuck, man. Where has all the good service gone?

>> No.19731738

probably too many retards on both sides of the fence. I don’t even say sir/maam anymore even after being in the military because I don’t want to have to deal with troons

>> No.19731743 [DELETED] 

Yea. Society in general has taken a nose dive in all aspects. This is largely due to the influx or low iq minorities, blacks just being blacks, our politicians basically looting the country before they move to Israel in the collapse, and greater distrust in your fellow me.
Notice how everyone drives like a narcissistic asshole since covid?
It's all related

>> No.19731745

You're dealing with Zoomers and Millennials. Gone is the age of etiquette, politeness and small talk. Most young people only care about themselves and their pay check, waiting for their day off to get absolutely hammered (especially if they're only working at a restaurant just to live in a big city)

>> No.19731785

you want that kind of shit? drive to a small town where everyone knows each other

>> No.19731803

Depends on the restaurant I suppose? The waiter may have had too many tables to tend to (understaffed?), or you just went to a shit restaurant.
in general, less personable waitstaff get filtered out eventually, they don't get as much tips, they don't bring return customers/get regulars etc. The only time shitty servers keep their job is when the owner doesnt give a damn about hospitality in which case the restaurant will probably fail anyway.

>> No.19731806

Servers hate talking to you and insult you to the other staff behind your back. You pay humans a tip to pretend to care and talk to you. You are a lonely simp.

>> No.19731813

Last time i went out to eat at an allegedly good restaurant the gen z waitress seemed pissed that i dared interrupt her idle gossip session with my presence, barely even acknowledged me through the whole meal. And they overcooked my food. I'm pretty much over eating out, every time i end up wishing i had made the food myself.

>> No.19731820

Eating out is a total waste of money and time nowadays bro. Unless you're going out for a special occasion, it's best to make your own food. I've worked in many places and sanitary is always an after thought, which only worsens the experience.

>> No.19731822

Exactly. I gave up the ghost long ago and stopped tipping because the illusion of politeness really isn't worth the $10 they expect you to fork over to justify the owner's cheapness.

>> No.19731825

imagine being the kind of weird loser going to restaurants to fill your social void
you're the worst kind of loser, the one preying on people that are instructed to be nice to you
i bet you think the people at your local grocery store are your friends, because you know their names

>> No.19731840

Imagine being a zoom-zoom and thinking that basic social interactions are weird and for simps
Uncle Ted was right

>> No.19731876

It's true

>> No.19731943

restaurants were built to make new money feel like old money. now there's only no money and all money. guess which one gets get service

>> No.19731952

Society has thoroughly collapsed

>> No.19732062

if you feel like you're encountering shitty service everywhere you go then it's absolutely because you're an asshole

>> No.19732179

Combination of social media and change in demographics. People always wanted to interact with other people and socialize, we are social creatures. Social media has moved much of that to the online world but before that people were more naturally social with each other. On top of that social cohesion is at an all time low with the rapid demographic replacements going on in the western world. We are no longer high trust societies, it is much more rare that you will share any commonalities with your neighbors or people you meet out in public so people are much less likely to open up with a stranger than they would have been 20-30 years ago. Expect things to only get worse as technology continues to insert itself into every facet of our lives.

>> No.19732198

i'm not autistic or poor; i eat at a lot of restaurants cheap and expensive. i love that over the last decade or so service has trended away from overly friendly and chatty towards professional and courteous. i don't want a fucking friend, i don't want to make chit-chat, or at least have the waiter instigate chit-chat. when i was younger (i'm over 40 now) and working in the service industry, we were always trained to pretend like the customer was our best goddamned friend--smile obsequiously! learn their name! i always hated that shit. i just want good attentive service. read the room--if your table chats with you you can chat back. if not, just do the job well and courteously. service is so much better now than it was 10-20 years ago.

>> No.19732202

everyone look at this retard. he's retarded. there is no hope for him to ever rise above his retardedness. don't hate him, pity him. it is tragic.

>> No.19732207

Why are you pretending that you ever leave your basement? Grub hub isn't the same thing as a waiter.

>> No.19732210

But he's right about everything except the driving part, people have been getting worse at driving for a couple of decades now. But the other stuff is part of why the driving is worse as well. It's all interconnected.

>> No.19732261

Go to a bar that doesn't have many people in it. The bartender will want any excuse to fuck off from working and will even take cigarette breaks with you.

>> No.19732275

Its not coming back. We're too mistreated by you entitled cuckstomers and pedophile managers

>> No.19732426

After the 50th middle age woman yelling at you because she can't read a sign you stop caring about being polite

>> No.19732459
File: 118 KB, 500x500, menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just put a QR code on the table these days. Truly garbage service. Why should I need to scan a code?

>> No.19732462
File: 875 KB, 620x349, 1614722391031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers expect teenagers making minimum wage that feed them their zogslop to care about chatting them up
this isn't the world you grew up in anymore. everything obviously got fucked up at some point, and yet you still wonder why young people aren't as enthusiastic about their miserable existences and futures. we never had a good era to grow up in. we will never have that again, it's over. you spend 40+ hours a week talking to faggy retarded retired boomers that come into a fucking chain restaurant expecting some old timey small town vibe with their frozen goyfeed meal that costs $10. eat shit and die you ungrateful fucks

>> No.19732468

You died?

>> No.19732501


What happened was people realized they don't want some motherfucker interrupting your meal and conversation so they can scrimp tips.

>> No.19732544

COVID destroyed the F&B labor pool. Most people below the management level found other jobs and didn't want to come back once things normalized (i.e. no masks or other weird shit). I gave up on working at independent restaurants because the two I was working for couldn't find competent cooks even after they raised starting pay over $21 an hour and the FoH was even worse because they couldn't hire anyone experienced so they were stuck with a bunch of shitheads who were just looking for any job. Now I work at a giant hotel-casino because it's still staffed by most of the same people who have been working there before 2020. It might get better in 5-10 years but I think it's more likely that only upscale/fine dining restaurants will have table service and casual places will just have take out and counter service.

>> No.19732545

You get what you pay for. Offer up a wage that allows a person to buy a home, have a family and afford all the modern conveniences of life at the same time, plus stock options and a 401k and we'll talk. Otherwise, I don't get paid enough to do anything other than show up.

>> No.19732647

Wow, cool it with the antisemitic remarks anon.

>> No.19732659

I went to a restaurant and made a comment and it just started an entire conversation about the waiter being x years sober from drugs and alcohol, and his life.

>> No.19733090

and they always say it's for sanitation purposes
or in other words, they're too lazy to wipe down the menus and now you are forced to suffer as a result
fuck those places
when i go out to eat, i enjoy the excuse to avoid responding to messages and turn off my phone
and when i try explaining this, they look at me like i just told them im a martian who escaped area 51

>> No.19733097

bartenders dont talk to me even when the place is empty

>> No.19733235

It's the deterioration of general culture. Happens in every country, not just in the US alone.
I sound like an old man but just take a look at the current teenagers and how they behave and speak... Combine this regression with the increased harshness of cutthroat capitalism and zero hour contracts etc.
It's just a sign of the times.

>> No.19733424

I tell them I have Raynaud's syndrome and can't use a touch screen phone so need them to have a print out for me. Wouldn't want me to have to make an ADA complaint or note on Yelp that they're establishment refuses to serve disabled people.
I do actually have that issue, but it comes and goes. I can usually use touch screens just fine lmao

>> No.19733430

probably your fault

>> No.19733463

This is a distinctly American take. Food service in other countries is explicitly about the food. I hate it when chatty waiters want to talk to me. If I need more service I will flag you down.

>> No.19733492

Those people still exist but they can get better jobs now than server at some shitball restaurant.

>> No.19733637

>professional and courteous.
I don't need waitstaff to be chatty with me either but I can't remember the last time I actually had truly great, professional service. Even at some of the best restaurants in my city.